Coffee and love ch7

Story by Coffee_Wolf on SoFurry

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What was Zoe doing? She had Olivia's head struggling with hers for dominance over the phone, and it was Zoe's 'boyfriend kinda thing' that they were gunna talk to. You'd think that Olivia was more excited than Zoe was! But the power struggle ended when the dialling tone stopped and a voice came from the other end. "Hello?"Oh come on Zoe say something "Hi" Really? genius Zoe, genius!"Zoe is that you?" Luke spoke. Just the sound of his voice sent shivers through her, his voice was so smooth. But no time to dwell on that now, Zoe had to think of something to say. Olivia was frantically gesturing that fact and Zoe decided to take heed "Um, yeah." Genius. "Soooo, not that I don't love it when you call but... is there something up?" The kitsune blushed fiercely before she face pawed; why hadn't she planned something out?"I just, wanted to... ugh I sound like a moron... I just wanted to speak to ya, and to introduce you to someone you'll be seeing a lot of too, her name's Olivia." At that  moment she thrust the phone at her best friend to take the attention off herself. Olivia made a face at Zoe for dropping her in it like that and she was gunna make sure she paid for it. "Hi, you must be that white wolf Zoe's been droning on about, she won't stop shouting compliments about you. How she loves your voice, your fur, your personality..." Zoe's face brightened to the brightest shade of red, good thing he wasn't there. She had told Olivia that stuff in confidence that Luke would not find out this soon. She guessed it was Olivia's sick way of getting back at her. Silence was radiating from the other end of the line, but really Luke's head was ablaze with the feeling of 'wow me? and Laura thought I was out of my depth' "Well, let Zoe know I think the same about her will ya?" That took the wolf by surprise. Had he really just said that? But what was so wrong with that anyway, it was the truth."Sure thing, she'll call you back tomorrow, or in the middle of the night if I can't stop her." Olivia giggled and Luke could plainly hear Zoe, with a very embarrassed tone, whispering to Laura to shut up and then attacking her to pry the phone from her paws. She was successful, but hit the end call button in the process. Damn. "Olivia what the hell!?""That'll teach you to thrust me into an awkward situation like that."Once again, Olivia giggled while Zoe gave her daggers. Well, she'd have to solve this tomorrow, (or as Olivia correctly pointed out, maybe in the dead of night) All the Kitsune would have for comfort tonight was the memory of that glorious kiss and the thought of possibly not messing up her new found romance completely tomorrow.___________________________________Luke put down the phone. He was overjoyed. Frankly, he knew he was punching above his weight as soon as Laura pointed it out (why did she have to plant doubts like that?)

But hey, now Zoe had messed up on the phone, she couldn't make fun at his 'coolness' anymore now... could she? Yeah, she probably could. All the wolf could do was try to sleep, but knowing that he was going to be with Zoe again tomorrow, that task would almost certainly be impossible.