
Story by Squirrel on SoFurry

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A blue sky and a yellow sun painted the streets and avenues. Taller than anything, but getting closer to the ground, growing shorter as evening approached. With the light still floating over everything and everyone, though glowing dimmer by the minute.

On the third story of an apartment building, a mouse sighed. Looking out the window. And turned, looking to another mouse. Almost startled that she was there. She'd been sleeping a moment ago. She'd still been in bed.

She looked back at him. Shrugged. Said, "What were you gonna do, Field? Huh? Just ... slip away?"

"I have to go, Annika," he whispered simply, shrugging.

"Yeah," she whispered, shrugging. Crossing her arms. Not because she was angry, but more because ... of the chill. It was chilly, even for an April evening. And she was bare. Wearing only her fur. As was he. "You, uh ... you're gonna need clothes ... before you go out."

"I was gonna put some on," he said, blushing. "Just hadn't gotten around to it. I was ... lookin' out the window."

"At what?"

"Hmm?" His whiskers twitched.

"What were you lookin' at ... "

"Just ... the sidewalks. The street. The cars." He paused, shook his head, nose sniffing. "I've always thought cars looked like they had eyes, y'know ... the headlights are like eyes. You ever think that?"


"Oh." He shrugged. "Anyway, it's just ... somethin' silly I think about."


There was an awkward silence. Which Field broke by saying, "I guess I'll keep my stupid mouth shut."

"You gonna miss the city?" she asked him, half in shadow. The interior of the apartment was dim. The sun was sinking lower. And all the lights in here were turned off.

"No," he whispered.

"You gonna miss me?"

He nodded quietly. Blinking. Swallowing. "Yes."

"No, you won't," she replied stubbornly, immediately.

"I will," he insisted.

"How do I know? If you were, you wouldn't be leavin'."

Field shrugged.

"Well ... I hope you like it back in the countryside," she said, sounding a bit bitter. "I hope you ... have fun. Bettin' on trains, or whatever it is you do out there."

"There are no trains."

"Not even a wayward track?"

"Tractors, maybe."

"Well, you'll bet on them, then."

He shrugged, saying nothing.

"Stay," she whispered.

"I can't," he whispered back, sighing. Shrugging helplessly.

"You can."

"I can't," he reiterated, whiskers twitching, nose sniffing. Frustrated. "I've told you ... that I have to go back."

"Why?" She tilted her head.

"I need to go back home ... this city, it's ... " He looked out the window, blinked. Blinked. "It's killing me," he whispered. "I'm so much darker, so much more ... cynical," he whispered. "Than before. And I just have to go back. To rest. To regenerate. To ... " He sighed, looking to her. "And you know this isn't working."

"You're the only one who thinks that. I think it's working fine. It's ... "

" ... not," he interrupted.

"Working," she finished. "It is working."

"It's not."

She sighed, shook her head. Biting her lip. Her own whiskers twitching madly. Her slim, lithe form, her slim, furry hips ... all of her standing there. Swaying slightly. She padded a few steps this way and a few steps back. Thin tail trailing behind her.

He watched her the entire time, heart beating faster than was normal. Own thin tail still, almost lifeless.

She stopped, paused. "Well," she said, shrugging, looking hurt. "Whatever."

"Annika ... "

"Field, I don't wanna hear it. It's all been said." She let out a breath. Took one in. "Just ... will you be with me one more time?" Pause. "Before ... you go?"

"It'll only make it harder ... for me to go, for ... " He trailed, looking to her.

She smiled weakly, shrugged. "Maybe it'll make ya change your mind."

He sighed.

"And if not," she said, "Then at least we'll have ... at least ... I just want you once more," was all she said. "Will you give me that?"

He bit his lip, nodding. And nodded again.

"So, let's just ... waste some time. Even if our love is idle, let's ... waste some time." She looked to him. "Do you have time?"

He nodded.

She nodded, also, padding slowly, softly towards him ... and stood on the tips of her foot-paws, tilting her head ... as her lips brushed his. Not kissing, just brushing. For a few seconds. Before the kiss. And the kiss was slow and wet, and it lingered. And she broke it, panting very lightly, looking away, waiting ... for him to reciprocate. To tag her back with a kiss of his own. To build the momentum.

He leaned back toward her ... returning the kiss. A paw on her side, which then wrapped around her back, pulling her to him, belly-to-belly, as their eyes closed and the kiss continued. As their whiskers twitched and brushed. Twitch-twitched.

And he panted as he broke the kiss. Flustered. Ears flushed.

She put a paw on his chest, clutching at his fur. "What's," she breathed. "What's it like out there, so far away ... from everything, hmm? Maybe I can ... go with you." She kissed his neck gently, repeatedly.

He tilted his head, eyes half-open, lightly panting with her. "You couldn't ... leave your job, your family. Everything's here for you, in the city. You wouldn't ... like it."

"I'd be fine," she said, sucking on the fur on his neck.

He sighed, closing his eyes, opening them. Ears flushed. "You wouldn't like it."

"What's it," she asked, panting, "Like?" Her lips brushed his again.

He tried to speak with her lips brushing his, panting out the words, lightly. "There's ... there's shutters," he said, kissing, parting, brushing. Blushing. "There's shutters pounding in the ... breeze." Their whiskers twitched in tandem. "Clothesline strung like ... paper kites." He swallowed. "Blow my words right back at me ... "

"Sounds pretty," she breathed, shuffling with him. Intending for the couch. They bumped into the coffee table, almost teetered, but they stayed upright, and she shuffled him back, back, until she could push him to the couch cushions. Which she did, eliciting a squeak from him. "Keep going," she told him, wriggling on top of him, nose on his. Both of them panting now. Paws running through each other's fur. "Tell me," she breathed, kissing, arching as his paws scritched down her spine. "Tell me ... what it's like."

"The hall light," he panted, "Streams out through the screens, and ... and shadows capture me ... in webs," he breathed, sucking on her wet lips, panting hot breath. Starting to lose his focus. Still beneath her and hugging her more firmly. While she was grinding her hips softly to his, moving, twitching slightly. He was twitching, too, but stuck ... beneath her. And unable to control the motion. Letting her do it ... as he always did. So helpless, so submissive. So timid when it came to this. But, then, she'd always been stronger than him. In every way.

"What about," she panted, "The senses. What is ... what's it smell like, sound ... like." Her hips were grinding against his bulging sheath.

He was blushing fiercely beneath her, ears flooding with blood. Cheeks burning. Not understanding how come she never blushed ... when they yiffed. Never. And he blushed every time ...

"Tell me," she whispered. "Words, Field," she breathed, her hot breath on his cheeks. Making him flush and blush all the more as he panted beneath her. Feeling suddenly very weak and vulnerable.

"I dunno," he whimpered, feeling a paw rub the edges of his ears. Fingers running along the edges of his ears.

"But you do," she whispered delicately, right into his ear.

He shivered, closing his eyes. Trying to think. Letting the memories surface. Letting himself remember ... saying, "It's ... it smells earthy. Like damp and rich soil after it rains, y'know ... and ... and when it's dry, it's all of dust. Dry, grassy smell ... and at the creek, it's of mud and rock, and ... just earthy smells. Natural. Just ... circulation."

She nodded, her eyes closed. And then opening. Own hot ears swivelling, listening. Still bumping, grinding against him.

"I don't ... wanna talk," he panted, "Anymore ... "

"I know," she whispered, feeling his member peek from its sheath, the head rubbing through her fur as she bumped and rubbed against him. "I just wanna have your voice ... in my head."

He blushed, twitching, eyes darting away from her. Unfocused. And then darting back to her. She was looking back at him. Her eyes were able to hold the contact. Unlike his. He looked away again, closing his eyes.

She giggled at his shyness, at his inability to completely, comfortably give in. Giggled at him. And, for a moment, Field wondered ... if that giggle concealed a bit of resentment. Cruelty, even. But he shook his head and brushed the thought aside ... she often giggled when they got close. Didn't mean she was laughing at him ... but the thought wouldn't leave the back of his mind ...

Field squeaked.

Annika giggled once more, sitting up, straddling him, pawing him off briefly, before giving his member a sharp squeeze and letting it go, and then raising up a bit, looking down at him. He knew she was looking down at him. At his eyes. Even though his eyes were closed, she was still looking at his face.

"You okay, darlin'?" she asked.

He bobbed his head, barely.

"I'm gonna go for a ride now, so ... don't buck me off. Just let me take the reigns."

His ears were burning. He nodded slightly. Swallowing.

She giggled, and there was a pause. Before he felt her thin, silky tail coil around his throbbing, stiff member ... holding it and pointing it in the right direction. Holding it in place as she lowered herself onto it. The head splitting, slipping between her furry folds, to her opening ... and into her warm, wet muscle. Sliding through. And she lowered down, down ... until he was hilted to her.

He put his paws on her hips, clutching at her fur.

She arched, panting, nose pointed to the ceiling. Twitching and sniffing, whiskers drooping from the heat they were both sharing and giving off. And she blinked weakly and looked back down at him, leaning forward slightly, placing her paws on his belly and chest. Feeling him rise and fall with ragged breath. Putting a paw over his heart. Feeling it beat. His paws still on her hips.

He squeaked, feeling her feminine muscles surrounding his mouse-hood. Feeling the slick friction as she rose a bit, and fell down. Rose. Fell. As she started to move up and down, bouncing on him lightly. And she closed her eyes as she bounced, squeaking lightly, airily from the throat. And one of her paws, as she bounced, reached out and clasped one of his. Her other paw guiding his down to where he was sliding in and out of her, hoping he would get the hint and try and work on her clitoris.

He did, and she nodded, swallowing, and continued to bounce. Feeling hot and going faster, faster, bouncing, bouncing.

He squeaked helplessly beneath her, the squeaks coming more rapidly.

She panted, panted for breath. And squeaked with him, their squeaks accompanying each other like musical sounds.

It didn't take long for him to break. For him to shudder and squeak and pant and writhe. For him to sow his seed into her. He panted and squeaked beneath her, and not long after ... she came as well ... squeaking, squeaking, sweating ... and slumping over him. Staying in place for a minute, and then wriggling off as he shrank, and kissing him once. Twice. Again. Wet and eager kisses, which left them both panting all the more.

They panted and squeaked for a few minutes more, until they were both silent. Until they both had cooled. Though still laying together on the couch. Outside, the sun had successfully set.

Field swallowed, hesitating, before saying, "I gotta go ... it's gettin' late."

She nodded solemnly, slowly. Swallowing and taking a deep breath. "Okay." She let out her breath, shakily, and kissed his cheek.

He blinked repeatedly, so that his eyes wouldn't water. "I'm sorry," he whispered into her ear. "Maybe ... "

"Don't explain," she whispered. "Don't apologize. Just ... " She kissed his cheek. "Go." Pause. "Maybe we'll meet again," she suggested. "Maybe I can come visit you."

He nodded, swallowing, breathing shakily through the nose. Her scent was filling his breaths. "Yeah ... "

She watched him dress. He blushed the entire time, so self-conscious. Wishing she wouldn't stare at him so. Made him feel guilty for something.

When he was done, he padded to her, and kissed her lips. Softly. Lingering. And then pulling back, whiskers brushing hers as he did.

She swallowed, gave him a weak smile. "Bye, Field."

He bit his lip and nodded, not moving. And then slowly moving for the door, opening it, and stepping out.