Scion and the Alpha - pt.2

Story by Isiat Squire Carcer on SoFurry

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#12 of Fox & Shadi One-Shots

Part two of "Scion and the Alpha", and just like the first installment, Shadi is getting up to mischief with the great feral western dragon again... But this time, Isiat and Scion have teamed up with a rather special plan in mind...

Several weeks had passed since Shadi's first introduction to what a great... Companion, Scion could be in her times of need. In fact, since their little session, she had learned a lot about the dragon that she hadn't known before. For example, that Scion liked to drift on thermals and watch the birds below him, or that his perception of the colors of the world was vastly different to her own and Isiat's...

Isiat had offered to even show her once, through Scions mental link, the world through a Dragon's eyes. She had declined, politely. It was strange enough that she carried on entire conversations with the Dragon in her head. She didn't need to start seeing things as one on top of that.

The few days immediately after her mating with Scion were... A little awkward between Isiat and his dragon to say the least. The two shared thoughts, feelings, emotions, and it had taken some time, but understanding came quickly when one could simply share their exact way of seeing things with no room for ambiguity. Shadi hadn't cheated on him, not really... When he thought about it, Scion had hidden nothing from his bonded, and indeed, Isiat could recall in vivid detail Shadi pinned against the boulder, the dragon above her more than sating her need. Scion had been honest and upfront about it, once he was sure Isiat wasn't going to try and hunt him down with a Stinger launcher.

Shadi's heats were torturous for her though, and until she finally came with child, it would only get worse. If Scion could help her along with him, then he had no problem with that... The pair of them all but shared their entire lives after all. If one went, so too did the other. Just so long as the dragon told him in advance, Isiat didn't mind that they shared some more intimate time together. But he was adamant about keeping it on the down low. Not everyone would understand such a relationship.

The three of them had reached a middle ground of sorts, and each of them was happy with the arrangement. Isiat got to see some incredibly kinky and taboo things with his wife, Shadi got her heat sated, and Scion got the pleasure he normally missed out on for years at a time. Even so, It still didn't stop Isiat from being possessive over Shadi, and he claimed her no less than a dozen times over the next day just to reinstate his seed's claim on her.

He felt bad for Shadi though, and she could tell he did when he looked at her after each month... Despite all their trying, she still hadn't fallen pregnant. Whether it was stress from her role as alpha, or some other medical factor, neither of them knew. Isiat was always hopeful though. Next time, he always told her, next time it'll happen. Shadi herself tried to stay hopeful, but it had been a long time, and still nothing... After a long while, it was clear she did not like to talk about it, so they didn't... And every time her heat hit her, it was becoming physically more painful, and harder for Isiat to do what she needed to relieve the pain and the need.

Not for any lack of trying, of course. Isiat almost seemed to have an ego competition with the dragon going when it came to pleasing Shadi. While the dragon's tongue and maleness were much larger, Isiat's own skills in the bedroom rivaled the dragon, at least on a climax to climax ratio. Either that, or Isiat was just far more persistent than Scion. Either way, the next few weeks passed quickly, with Shadi taking advantage of Scion's willingness to help her urges when Isiat was off hunting, and she felt like getting naughty...

That dragon's sinful tongue had driven her to no less than six climaxes by the time Isiat returned, but when Isiat took her immediately afterwards, she had climaxed so powerfully that she had blacked out entirely, and only came to later with Isiat still firmly tied to her... He'd never fucked her quite like that before, but by gods was it good. This arrangement certainly benefited them all in unexpected ways.

After that time, one thing was for certain. Isiat had certainly stepped up his pace with her now that Scion was helping to sate her needs as well, though the dragon for the most part didn't approach Shadi without Isiat's consent. He hadn't attempted to ask her to mate with him again since either, simply pleasing her with his tongue when she needed some attention. Isiat minded less and less as the days passed, until he and Scion seemed to have come to some sort of silent agreement that Scion set her up, and Isiat knocked her down after her orgasms began to roll...

Shadi stretched herself out on the deck of the balcony surrounding the alpha's elaborate tree house, letting her legs hang lazily out over the edge of the wooden planks, dangling freely in the open air below. Isiat was inside, trying to find space in the ice chest to store his latest trophy buck, after spending the morning carving the large stag up and hauling it back to their home. Today was a good day. It was clear, and just the perfect temperature for the little feline to relax, lounging about naked as she so enjoyed doing.

The spring breeze tickled between her feet and made the leaves above her rustle quietly, while Shadi watched the clouds drift lazily by overheat. She knew her next heat would be on her soon, and it made her sigh quietly. Every month it came and went, and every month, it left her disappointed, like a constant wheel of end of month misery she couldn't escape. The fact that it made her hornier than a field of rabbits didn't help much either, even as much as she enjoyed the pleasure her mate brought her.

The breeze shifted slightly, and suddenly Shadi felt a chill against her exposed nethers, a slight shiver running along her spine. She reached down experimentally, letting a pair of her fingers slide along the outside of her hairless slit. They came back slick, and she took a moment to lick them clean, a soft purr escaping her. Well, if such things were unavoidable, she thought to herself, she may as well make the most of them...

She slowly slid her paws down along her curvy hips, tracing the plump outline she had. Her mate couldn't get enough of it, and every time he so much as hugged her, his paws were tracing along her sides or down her thighs or up and over her D cup breasts... At the thought of her breasts, she tilted her eyes down over her chest, and sure enough, her nipples were standing erect, the tight little nubs of flesh poking from the top of her breasts.

One of her paws came back up to gently rub at the soft mounds of flesh, and she hissed quietly in a mix of pleasure and sensitive pain as her digits tightened around her nipples. They were getting more sensitive the closer her heat came... Tomorrow or tonight, for sure it would begin to hit her.

Her fingers between her thighs gently stroked the length of her slit, before she used her index and ring digits to part her glistening folds, beads of her arousal dripping down her flesh and catching in the fur of her thighs. Her middle digit toyed with her sex slowly, rubbing across the sensitive skin and making her breath catch in her throat, a warm roll of pleasure washing over her body.

Sometimes, this was exactly what she needed when her heat was nearly upon her, just some quiet time to relax and gently paw herself off, rubbing slowly at her clit and spreading her stick sex fluids around her hot little slit. Her nether lips were already red and puffy looking, and she knew for sure that her heat would soon be on her in full force...

She countered her body's rising lust by plunging her middle finger into her sex, sinking it down to the first knuckle, slowly tilting and stroking just inside her moistened passage. The moan that escaped her lips was quiet and pleasured, and she reminded herself of Isiat taking her in the clan hall one night. Him, fucking her with an almost wild abandon, her, trying vainly to keep her pleasured noises as quiet as possible. It hadn't exactly worked, but nobody had been brave enough to bring up the strange noises with them afterwards.

Being the leader had its perks. She mused happily to herself... That time in the hall had been a damned hot fuck. She found herself sliding a second finger in alongside the first, letting her eyes flutter closed as she masturbated herself in long, wet and smooth strokes, matting the fur of her fingers. She didn't care about how messy things got, she was more focused on her own pleasure, and the memory of the ecstasy her mate's cock had brought her that night.

He had cornered her in the hall while everyone was eating, behind a pair of strung up pelts waiting to be tanned into leather. Just out of sight, but certainly not earshot. The way he had forced her dress up around her hips and bent her over an ale barrel had been so dominant, so possessive and lustful, and all she had done to earn it was lightly brushing her paw over his crotch at the dinner table.

Her fingers writhed about inside her hot, wet passageway, her thumb lightly rubbing that one magic spot at the top of her sex, making her arch her back steeply as her muscles clamped down around her fingers, rippling and sucking her paw inwards, her body milking her fingers like they were a cock, trying to pull everything inwards to her core.

Isiat had shoved his own paw in her snatch like this in the hall too, pistoning his digits in and out of her, determined to make a third fit in alongside the two already filling her tight little body. Shadi's meager size at 4'11" made sure she would almost always be tight down there, like a vice, her mate often told her as he rutted her like a feral beast. He hadn't even tried to cover up the wet, slick noises his fingers made as they speared into her body, and Shadi had known that just past the hides, everyone was listening to them.

Her mate hadn't cared. He was the Alpha dog around here, and if he wanted to fuck her out in the middle of the campsite with everyone watching, then he damned well would. Shadi felt a blush creeping to her pink little nose. He had done that as well, bending her over by the fire pit and claiming her with savage, primal thrusts while his paws had cupped her swaying breasts underneath her. He had rutted her doggy style in front of the entire pack to let them know just who was in charge...

She could feel her snatch growing hotter and wetter by the minute as she thought of all the times her male had flooded her womb with his essence, locked by that thick, canine knot, buried just behind her tight nether lips, snug and warm inside of her body. When he bottomed out in her, his tip fit snugly inside the opening to her womb, and she could always feel each hot pulse of Keynarian cum splashing against the back of her innermost sanctum.

She groaned loudly, a little louder than she had meant to, but at this point, what was the worst that would happen? She was hoping Isiat would hear her noisy self-pleasuring and come out to relieve her. Her paw delved in deeper still, before she slowly withdrew her fingers from her sex entirely, looking at the strands of her heat that clung between her digits like webbing. They glistened in the sunlight, and slowly trickled between the matted tufts of fur on her fingers. She gave her paw a flick, sending the stands of her sex juices out over the railing, before she sunk her paw back between her nether lips, and she dipped three digits deep into her honeypot.

Below the tree house, Scion had been curled up, resting peacefully and letting the sun warm his scales through. He had been dreaming quietly about hunting a deer from above the canopy of the forest, when suddenly, a speckle of sticky wetness had spattered itself across his muzzle.

Unexpected, the sudden interruption had roused the dragon quickly from his sleep. He blinked his eyes open, each one the size of dishes, and immediately went cross eyed, looking at the slick, clear splash on the tip of his nose. He could smell exactly what it was immediately, but he flicked his tongue out, cleaning it from the scales of his nostrils. It was a taste he knew all to well, and the dragon rumbled almost involuntarily in response.

His muzzle tilted up, and he spied Shadi's feet dangling from the edge of the balcony of the tree house above him. He could smell her heat far more clearly now, his tongue flickering out and tasting the air as he slowly roused himself. Her pleasured moans carried down to the dragons sensitive ears. Her cries reached a crescendo quickly, and he could see her toes curling tightly, the feline's legs shaking slightly over the edge. The scent of her heat in the air suddenly got much richer. She was close to beginning another cycle...

Above on the wooden planks of the balcony, Shadi shuddered into her orgasm, her digits pressed as deep as they could reach inside of her tight little snatch. Her tunnel clenched tightly around her delving fingers, a rush of hot, wet and sticky coating her paw as she climaxed, pressing her thighs together firmly. The fur quickly matted as she squirmed from side to side slowly, riding out her peak as long as she could, before she let her head fall back against the deck, her long, ass length hair spill around her.

Her breath came in slow, long pants, her chest rising and falling in time with her long tail, which thumped exhaustedly against the balcony. She rolled lazily onto her front, her breast's smooshing against the wood. She rubbed their sides tenderly, trying to soothe the sudden ache from her pillowy, furred mounds. This heat would be bad, and she knew it. At least this time though, she knew she certainly wouldn't go wanting at all...

And as if on cue, Shadi squeaked out loud, her feet hooking on the lowest bar of the railing, as she felt an all too familiar presence between her thighs, the wafts of Scion's breath hot against her sex as she spread her legs invitingly for the dragon. "Well, aren't you just in time..." She teased him, and shuffled back slowly until her hips rested at the edge of the balcony, exposing herself to her partner's bonded dragon.

His tongue snaked from his maw and slid wetly along her already dripping sex, drawing a rising moan from the feline's lips, increasing in volume as his tongue lapped up her slit. Her flavor clung to his long, forked oral muscle like honey, and he drew it back into his maw with a satisfied rumble. His mental presence brushed against her mind like her mate's paw would brush her cheek when he held her, the deep voice of the Dragon echoing in her mind. "So it would seem... Had I have known you were entering your time of needing... I would have offered to help earlier... How have you been, Miss Shadi?"

She could sense the dragon's amusement in the tone he took with her, but she simply wriggled her hips, teasing the massive dragon back as he begun lapping up her scent in earnest. His tongue rasped down Shadi's tight kitty slit like a warm silk cloth cleaning the moisture from her skin. She purred out in bliss, and rest her head down on her paws as the forked tip of the reptiles very skilled flickering back and forth over the tightly wound bundle of nerves at the tip of her sex.

Shadi gasped sharply at the sudden contact, still winding down from her last climax, immediately shot her into a second, and she let out a lewd groan as her kitty cum spilled out into Scion's waiting maw. He lapped at her greedily as she came, the perverse thrill of being with the creature so many times her own size exciting the little feline's already overactive nerves. "Nnngghh... Just fine, I'll have you know." She breathed out heavily, her nethers already feeling on fire despite her heat not quite being in full swing yet. That dragon's tongue was a wicked, wicked thing, and oh he was good with it...

"It is good to hear. Isiat has been keeping you occupied I noticed..." His voice rumbled, and an image flashed unbidden into Shadi's head of the dragon lapping at some pearly white strands clinging to her innermost walls. Blush rushed to her nose a heartbeat later as she realized Scion was licking Isiat's seed from her body! It must have been left from their late night romp, and she could feel the dragon's tongue slipping into her passage to extract her sweet nectar, like a butterfly to a rosebud.

Except that the butterfly was a dragon and the rosebud was her aching cunt. She bit her lip as a moan managed to sneak from between her teeth, that sinful tongue bathing over her inner walls, hunting down each little spot that made her nerves jump and twitch in involuntary pleasure. He knew full well how to work her body, just as Isiat did, and she didn't doubt for a second that the boy's now happily shared all that knowledge with each other too! Well... Maybe not all of it. Isiat still kept a few tricks up his sleeve to keep him ahead in their unspoken competition. He refused to be shown up by the dragon. Prideful, arrogant, and a beast in the bedroom. That was her Foxy.

She shuffled her hips slowly back and forth while her eyes drifted lazily closed, and her large tail stood flagged above her rounded rump cheeks as Scion continued his tongue's assault on her delicate body. Whenever the feral dragon lapped over one of those special spots inside of her, she bit her teeth and groaned to him in response. She could tell her noises of pleasure excited the dragon. They did the same thing for her mate, driving him on, wordlessly encouraging him. Unlike isiat however, Scion's ability to carry conversation while doing such... Lewd and naughty things was incredible.

"Ohhh... Just there..." She purred out as his tongue stuck a goldfield of pleasure inside her, the feline entirely content to simply let the sun warm her back while the dragon enthusiastically ate her out like a buffet. If she were all you could eat, the dragon certainly was living up to that expectation. His tongue slipped from her after each long stroke of her sacred passageway, dragging her flavor back out in a deliberately long and slow motion before it slipped back between his lips. He rumbled, and she could tell he was enjoying this almost more than she was. As if to confirm her thought, a loud slap sounded from beneath her, the sound of Scion's dragon hood slapping against the scales of his chest.

"My my... Someone is certainly exci- Mrrrh, ah!" Shadi felt the little gasp leaving her lungs at the forked tip of Scion's tongue brushed over the barrier to her womb, probing and stroking the muscle before she felt he legs and slit being spread wider as the dragon forced more of the dexterous muscle into her clenching tunnel.

"I wouldn't be able to hide it if I tried... It has been quite some time since then." Scion's mental voice growled in her mind, a lusty, sexy noise that sent little jolts of pleasure through her nerves as the vibrations from the actual noise traveled along his tongue. The dragon was slowly spreading that inner gate of hers apart, and he could feel the tightly contracted muscle gripping the split tips of his tongue as he pushed against it.

Shadi's response was almost instantaneous as his tongue finally slipped into her womb, the little feline arching up onto her paws and knees with a hiss of utter bliss. The sudden movement pulled his tongue from her body like a snake recoiling after the strike, a messy slurp matting her thighs as a trickle of her cum dripped from her soaked slit. Scion didn't hesitate, and before she had a chance to lower her hips, his snout was pressed to her rump, and his tongue eagerly parting her outer lips to push its way back into her sex.

"Nnggh! Wouldn't want you to either... Godddd..." The moan that left her lips was as luxurious as it was long, the little feline panting as Scion slid his tongue in and out of her in smooth, rapid strokes, the tip flickering over her sensitive, cum slick passageway as he did. She let her maw hang open, tongue lolling out just slightly like her husband when he was close to his peak... Males were at such a disadvantage, having to rest between peaks... Shadi let hers roll over her like the breaking of waves against the shore.

A sudden sharp tug on her hair snapped her back to reality, and she gasped at the mix of pleasure and pain, a throb in her loins letting her know she liked it a little more than a proper lady ought to have. She could smell Isiat's cock even before she opened her eyes, the rich, musky scent of male permeating the air before her muzzle.

Another quick tug yanked her head backwards, and she found herself looking up into Isiat's grinning muzzle, looking straight back down at her. "Started all the fun without me? You two ought to be ashamed..." He tutted, and Scion gave a low grunt that had Shadi's legs threatening to give out under her. The dragon's tongue was still merrily squirming around against her cervix, and he clearly had no intentions of removing it.

"And you especially... I swear, spring comes around and you're like a damned horny rabbit." Isiat playfully taunted the dragon. Shadi meanwhile, had her eyes fixated directly in front of her, the thick, throbbing meat of her mate barely an inch from her muzzle. A long streak of pre had leaked from his tip, running down the dappled maroon flesh to his knot.

She shifted forward on her hands slowly, leaving her hips just as they were, the dragon's attentions making her passageway contract around his tongue tightly, massaging and squeezing the oral flesh that penetrated her so deeply. The rich, thick musk of her mate filled her nostrils, and she moaned out huskily as the dragon began probing himself within her womb again.

God their little arrangement was fucking hot... She could only imagine how she looked, a massive dragon standing against the tree with his muzzle pressed between her thighs, and her mate standing before her with his cock poised at her muzzle. She gasped softly as Scion's tongue swirled within her innermost chamber, and in a heartbeat, found her mates flavor coating her tongue as he took advantage of her open muzzle.

Isiat pushed himself into the moaning, panting felines maw with a sigh of bliss, his paws gripping tight fistfuls of her hair just behind her ears. He pulled her lips forward to meet him, and a moment later, she was messily kissing the top of his knot, his tip pressed against the back of her throat. Her little textured tongue wasted no time, going straight to work by lapping in long strokes along his shaft, gathering up his precum and natural lubricants, before swallowing them down her gullet. A throaty purr rumbled from her in approval.

"Such a good kitty..." Shadi listened to his praise, her large ears perking up, and he rewarded her with a gentle scratch, and another spray of salty pre down the back of her throat when his cock twitched again. She was a hot, heat ridden mess right now and she knew it.

Scion's muzzle was coated in a thin layer of the feline's cum as if to prove the fact of the matter, but he didn't seem to mind in the slightest. If anything, it only seemed to drive the dragon onwards, and his forked tongue explored her womb with delicate flicks and swipes that drew muffled moans from around her mate's cock filling her muzzle. He tasted her delicately, searching with his maw until he found exactly what he was looking for... If the alpha pair was having trouble conceiving, perhaps he could help them with that. The dragon didn't doubt for a second Isiat would be all too eager to claim her right after they were done.

T forked tip slid along the edge of her womb, drawing a long, pleased sigh from the feline as his oral appendage rasped across her sensitive insides. Her passage clenched and relaxed almost rythmatically around the main portion of his tongue, and he made sure to squirm it around as much as he could as well. It didn't take long for him to find what he was looking for though, the faint dimple of one of her Fallopian tubes.

He slipped one of the thin, pointy tips of his tongue gently against the small opening, and Shadi immediately gasped in response, stopping her attentions on her mate for just a second, but long enough for him to notice and pull her muzzle back down around his knot. Scion flicked his tongue against it again, before he slipped the barb of his tongue inside, and began flicking the tip of his tongue back and forth, like a reptile tasting the air.

The sudden and overwhelming stimulation made Shadi all but collapse down onto her shoulders, gasping and crying out as a sudden and ferocious climax rocketed up to overwhelm her senses. She shuddered and moans, as a hot, sticky rush of her cum ran down Scion's tongue as he drew the muscle back, hungrily feasting upon the feline's slit. When his tongue slipped back inside of her, he felt it. Three sudden spikes of heat in her core... Exactly as the dragon had planned.

He cleaned off her hairless slit as she came back down, the little feline looking dazed and shocked as she turned her head to face Scion. "Oh my... Oh my god... What did you..." The tiny, plump lioness panted breathlessly, unable to manage more than that before she crawled forward from the rails a few paces, and immediately slumped to the deck, her her loins still aching. She hadn't gotten what her body was craving just yet... She managed to keep her hips raised, looking at Isiat almost pleadingly as her sex literally dripped with her cum and the dragon's saliva.

"Please... Isiat... Need you..." Her little plea was quiet, but desperate. She needed something to stop the ache, and only a male's seed could do that... Even if it didn't take, she couldn't have cared less at this point. It would make her heat bearable for a few hours at least...

Her mate growled his approval, and in what must have been record speed, had disposed of his pants and shirt, tossing them carelessly over the balcony's edge. She flagged her tail for him, and his paws immediately wrapped around it. When he entered her, it was in a single stroke that took him from tip to knot in a single second.

She arched her back, crying out like a lioness being bred as the male jack-hammered into her, his cock tip kissing up against her cervix, and his knot stretching her outer lips wide with each echoing, wet slap of their hips connecting. The vulpine rutted her fiercely, stuffing himself into the wet, tight sex that he had been craving since he'd caught Shadi's heat on the air, and heard her moans from outside.

Oh yes, he'd watched the two of them, his dragon making her arch and moan and cry out in climax over and over again, and he'd waited until she was good and ready for him. And if what Scion had told him through their link was true, even while the dragons tongue was buried deep inside his wife's slit, she would be ripe and fertile for the taking...

He could feel her heat clenching around him, gripping him, milking him, her body trying frantically to pull his length deeper. She moaned out in bliss beneath him, and he released her tail with one paw, bringing the flat of his palm down firmly on her plump ass with a resounding slap.

Shadi's eyes shot open as Isiat's paw connected unexpectedly, and like that, she was toppling over the edge again, moaning and gasping heatedly for air as her body spasmed around the male's impaling spire of vulpine cock. Hot feline cum coated the length of his shaft, messily matting his sheath and his heavy sac beneath, full of what her body was craving. Isiat was hitting all the right buttons today it seemed, and her body was like putty under him, just wanting to be molded for his pleasure.

Isiat groaned while his wife climaxed under him, her body milking him for all he was worth, and several long strings of pre-seed coated the length of her birth canal as he bred her. That dragon had better have been right about this, or else he wasn't getting laid again for a long, long ass time... With a few short thrusts as she came down from her high, he raised his paw, and spanked her cushy behind. God he loved it when she moaned for him.

Shadi tensed and tightened around Isiat's buried bone as his paw struck her again, and again, and again, the vulpine leaning down over her back and growling lustfully into Her ear. "Who's my good little bitch?" He teased her, grinding his knot forcefully against her still unyielding snatch. It was already the size of a tennis ball at least. If he let it get much larger, he would be fighting to get it lodged in her...

Shadi squeaked in pleasure when he slapped her ass again, a low growl telling her he wasn't going to ask again. "Nnghh! I am!" the little feline gasped out, and the vulpine above her gave a series of short, quick bucks that left his knot outside her, but pushed his spade like cock-tip against her cervix, threatening to breach her womb's last line of defense. She moaned at the rapid pace of the short thrusts, much like the ones he made when he was tied to her, her body riddled with more pleasure than her brain could process.

Isiat pulled back from her slowly, making her whine in protest at the empty feeling left inside her quivering passageway. She needed him! This wasn't fair at all! She tried pushing her hips back to force herself onto his girth, but a swift spank made her stop, her body teetering on the edge of climax again.

"Ahh-ahh-ahh... Good kitty's wait for the knot..." He smirked, and Shadi whined desperately, this time resisting her impulse to grind back onto him. She wriggled her hips slightly to try and stimulate herself with his cock head just inside of her, but it did little to help her get any higher. She needed that knot, and she needed it now, why couldn't he understand that?! A soft whimpering sound left her lips, and she looked back over her shoulders and raised ass at him pleadingly.

"Ask for it nicely now..." Isiat teased Shadi relentlessly, as his knot pulsed with the beat of his heart, slowly engorging towards it's full size, almost that of a grapefruit. Shadi's muzzle opened, and her tongue moved, but Isiat reached up, cupping a paw to his ear.

"What was that kitten? Louder so I can hear you..."

Shadi whined. "Pleaseeee... I need you Isiat... Fuck me, tie me, please! Just fix the ache!" She tried to keep her tone to something around desperate pleading, rather than demanding it like she wanted to. If she didn't enjoy these games of his as well, she'd have already pushed him down and raped him like an Amazonian savage woman. Her body was on fire, she needed him to fuck her already!

"Mrrhhmm... Wish granted." He trilled, clearly pleased with himself, before he gripped the base of her tail with both paws, and shoved himself forwards with a feral, lust filled snarl. His knot stretched her open until her nether lips formed a lewd 'O' shape around him, but still he ground onwards.

Shadi felt like she was about to be split in two by the male's girth. He'd deliberately waited for himself to swell, the bastard, but she didn't care anymore. She thrust her hips back at him, sinking another few millimeters of his knot into her. Just a little bit more, and... "Pop!" the wet noise seemed to ring out from between them, and the pressure against her slit disappeared, replaced by a sudden and undeniable fullness as the thick, meaty knot of her husband sank into her hot, welcoming passage.

She came like a dam breaking, a flush of almost boiling cum spilling out around Isiat's cock as it throbbed and twitched inside of her, his tip buried just beyond her cervix, ready to spill himself into her womb at any moment. She reveled in her climax, her body milking the male's knot inside of her in a vice-like grip, unwilling to let her prize escape now.

With a howl of dominance, Isiat too popped like a well primed bottle of Champagne at the races, the first wave of his seed rushing through his shaft and building at the tip, gathering and gathering on the edge. Then it happened, and he painted the feline's womb white like a snowy Christmas, flooding her ripened womb with his overly potent cum, millions of his swimmers already beginning to seek out her estrus induced ova.

Over and over and over he pulsed into her, until by the time he had came down from the shattering orgasm, not a spot of her womb hadn't been touched by his forceful ejaculations. She was well and truly full, and his thick knot ensured that it all stayed exactly where it was meant to be. Every. Last. Drop.

Shadi sucked in air by the lungful, her head resting atop her folded paws as she recovered slowly, the little felines long, thick tail thumping exhaustedly against the deck. A quiet, utterly contented purr vibrated from her chest, a little grin tugging at the corners of her muzzle. "You... Couldn't have possibly been that... pent up Foxy... You had me last night as well..." She reminded the male tied to her sex playfully.

A quiet chuckle left his muzzle, and he smirked. "Yes well... When you come into heat... I 'rise' to the occasion, what can I say?" He made the bad pun even worse by giving a short rock of his firmly stuck hips, making Shadi open her muzzle in silent ecstasy. "We may... We might be here for a while..."

Shadi laughed quietly. That was just fine and dandy by her. Right then, there was nowhere else she'd have rather been.

Beside the tied pair, Scion's head rose back above the level of the balcony, the dragon rumbling a deep, hearty chuckle in the pit of his throat. "Perhaps it would be best if you were to both retreat indoors for the duration though... We uhm... Seem to have drawn a crowd from the commotion."

Isiat frowned, before leaning over, wondering just what his Dragon had meant. Careful not to tug on his knot, He peered down over the edge of the railing. Several members of the pack had gathered in a large semi-circle around the base of the tree house, and the faces looking up at him seemed just as confused as he was.

Isiat barked, doing his best to sound fierce despite the realization that most of the pack, had in fact been watching the entire time. "The hell are you all looking at?! Don't you people have jobs to do?!"