Natalie's Turn

Story by Shakeidas on SoFurry

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#2 of The Cherryvale School For Girls of Indeterminate Age

Most of the other students at Cherryvale knew Natalie as that skunk girl who went out to raves, was obviously on drugs all the time, and had some rather wealthy parents. Pretty much the only parts they had right were her species and fondness for techno music and dancing. The personality that most others assumed to be a product of drugs was actually just her naturally mellow, unserious self. And her fortune in snagging one of the school's only two private rooms--complete with their own bathrooms!--had less to do with her parents' wealth and more to do with the issues that would arise if she had to share living spaces with other girls. If her past experience was any indication, most of them would probably be a bit weirded out by the fact that she wore boxers and experienced morning wood with startling regularity.

Of course she also enjoyed the more common benefits of having a private room; no roommate keeping her up at night, no waiting in line at the bathroom, free reign to decorate the room however she wished, and the freedom to wear clothes only when she really felt like it. She was especially fond of that last one. Her headphones were the only thing she wore in her room most of the time. On particularly cold nights, she might wrap a blanket around her naked self.

This wasn't one of those particularly cold nights. It found her once again wearing only her headphones as she lay on her bed, reading a rather naughty manga she didn't have to hide from any nosy roommates. Her bushy tail swished to and fro, while she slightly raised her rump into the air to make room for her member slipping out of its sheath below her. And seeing as how her rear faced toward the window, this would have given a very nice view of her pussy and balls to anyone who managed to find the proper vantage point to look. It also would have provided the school's resident tentacle plant with a very nice view if it had possessed any eyes.

Natalie's music did a superb job of drowning out the sound of the window slowly being pushed open by the plant's tentacles. Meanwhile, the naughty goings-on in the manga kept her eyes focused on the page rather than the space immediately around her, allowing the tentacles to get quite close without her noticing. They quickly positioned themselves to grab her limbs and tail when the time came. Another hovered directly over her head as she continued reading. She casually turned the page, completely unaware of the tentacles floating mere inches away from her body.

The one hovering over her head remained unnoticed even as it drifted down in front of her. The end of its bulb opened and sprayed a sweet-smelling mist into her face, finally bringing her attention away from her manga. Natalie jerked her head to the side for a moment as she swatted at whatever had just sprayed her. The tentacle casually dodged her hand and continued to calmly float there as Natalie's gaze focused on the strange thing in front of her. A rather puzzled look formed on her face as she and the tentacle stared at one another.

"The fu-" was about all she managed to get out before the tentacle suddenly darted into her mouth. It stopped just shy of hitting the back of her throat and quickly inflated its bulb, effectively gagging Natalie. She tried to reach up and pull it out of her mouth, but the tentacles assigned to her arms had other plans, quickly wrapping themselves around her elbows and holding her arms back. Two more tentacles coiled around her upper thighs, while another looped itself around her tail a few times and held it about as straight as it could. Yet another tentacle wrapped around her midsection and, together with the ones holding her arms, lifted her body off the bed and positioned her such that she was sitting upright on her knees. Her knees, of course, were spread just enough to provide easy access to her female parts.

Now, most people would be thrashing about and making muffled screams by this point, but not Natalie. All of her concerns about the current situation added up to a simple "Okay, what the fuck?" Rather than immediately freaking out when she didn't know what was going on, Natalie tended to reserve panic for when she knew for a fact that bodily harm was likely to be involved. And she wasn't too sure of what these tentacles were planning, though she had a few ideas...

A rather major clue came in the form of a tentacle playfully teasing at her clit. It gently engulfed the organ in the end of its bulb and gave it a quick suck, eliciting a surprised Meep! and giggle from the skunk girl. The tentacle slipped off and began to lightly rub the underside of her balls, the playful fondling quickly bringing her cock to full hardness.

Another tentacle began to play with her pussy lips while the one under her balls slid out and up along the length of her cock. The drugs she'd been sprayed with were already kicking in, as evidenced by the impressive stream of pre running down her member and smearing onto the tentacle's bulb. The tentacle slid up and down her length a few times, teasing her while getting itself and her cock quite slick from all that pre.

While the tentacle below her continued to play with her increasingly wet slit, the one rubbing against her cock raised itself up and prepared to go down on her. It hovered over the end of her member, leaking out a small stream of slippery fluid as the mouth of its bulb opened. Natalie moaned in pleasure as it slid over the head of her cock, the tentacle's soft insides rippling as it slowly engulfed the rest. It stopped right at the opening of her sheath and paused for a moment, the muscles inside it squeezing and releasing her member in waves as she wiggled and instinctively bucked her hips.

While that tentacle rested on her cock, two more appeared from either side of her and took an immediate interest in her breasts. They coiled around and gently squeezed her breasts, leaving themselves enough length to loop out and place their mouths over her nipples. Their petals spread out flat, completely covering her areola, while they leaked out more of that slick fluid to create a completely airtight seal. They then began to suck, slow but hard, while softly massaging her mounds. Their owner was quite pleased and moaned accordingly.

Meanwhile, the tentacle teasing her slit finally began to enter her. It pushed rather gently, twisting and turning itself, its bumpy surface tickling her lips as they gradually spread around it. And while that one worked its way into her pussy, the tentacle on her cock finally started moving again. It slid up her shaft, stopping with its petals just around the edge of her head, before plunging back down to her sheath. Natalie's cock twitched and spurted out a bit of precum as the tentacle slid up and down her length, a tiny prelude to the climax she could already feel building.

The tentacle on her member pumped faster and faster while the other continued corkscrewing up into her pussy. Her vaginal muscles started to tense up, pushing back against it as she approached the edge. She cried out when it hit, the tentacle in front quickly shooting down her length, stopping a little ways inside her sheath with her first spurt of seed. The one in her pussy was forced almost all the way out, then pushed its way back into her passage as she climaxed. Her cock twitched and pulsed as it was milked, the tentacle drinking up every drop of cum that poured out of her. She felt a slight bump inside her as the other tentacle came to a stop against the end of her passage.

They both held there, buried up to her cervix and down into her sheath, while her climax faded and her muscles relaxed again. The tentacle gagging her mouth slowly deflated and slipped out, letting her pant freely as she cooled off. The edges of her newly-liberated mouth curled into a satisfied grin.

"Y'know what? I think I like you guys," she said, smiling. She then leaned forward and gave the tentacle hovering in front of her an affectionate lick. The tentacle reared back a little, seemingly unsure of how to respond. To be fair, the plant had never encountered someone quite this cheerfully cooperative before.

"Aw, I won't bite! Promise." The tentacle cautiously leaned in again and was greeted with another lick, followed by Natalie's eager lips wrapping around the end of its bulb. She did her best job of sucking it like she would a lover's cock, which it more-or-less was. The tentacle slid a little further into her mouth and released a few drops of something sweet onto the back of her tongue. She happily swallowed it and continued suckling, hoping for more of the nectar. The tentacle obliged, leaking a few more drops as it began to slowly slide in and out over her tongue.

While she fellated the tentacle in her mouth, the others started to become active again. The ones around her breasts resumed their squeezing and sucking, while the one in her cunt began to twist and turn in place. The bulb engulfing her cock stayed put, though it resumed sucking and massaging her with the muscles lining its inside. And a new tentacle started to poke between her butt cheeks, prompting a quick flutter of her tail.

She felt it press against her tailhole as it pumped a thick lube from its tip, making her rear quite slick in rather short order. Like the one in her pussy did at first, this tentacle pushed very slowly and gently, letting her relax her muscles to allow it in. It also twisted as it worked its way in, its bumpy surface tickling her ass while her hole slowly loosened up and spread around it.

While that one gently probed into her rear, the tentacle in her pussy casually pulled out, leaving a warm tingling sensation where it had been rubbing against her cervix. It went back to teasing up and down her dripping pussy lips and giving her clit an occasional suck. Natalie moaned and squirmed against the tentacles under her. This creature definitely seemed to be fond of the teasing part.

The tentacle corkscrewing into her ass was starting to work faster as it loosened her up. The tip of the bulb emerged through her tailhole into her rectum, still pumping out that thick lube to make sure her insides were as slick as possible. The tentacle started to push a bit harder, spreading out her hole as it forced its way deeper inside. Natalie squirmed and pushed down against it, eager to have it fill her completely.

Her tailhole suddenly tightened as the bulb pressed against her prostate, sending waves of a mini-orgasm washing over her. She'd never been able, in her handful of experiments with anal play, to find her P-spot, but the tentacle in her ass had little trouble. Of course, it probably helped that the bulb was wide enough to stretch out her insides in every direction.

The tentacle paused for a moment to let her relax her body again before it continued. It soon slid all the way in, Natalie's slippery tailhole closing behind the bulb. She moaned and squeezed her ass around it, loving the unique feeling of having her rear stuffed. She squeezed a little harder to hold onto the tentacle when it started to pull back out, but of course her ass was too well-lubed to hold it in. It easily slipped out of her, leaving both her hungry holes empty. But at least the tentacles on her cock and breasts were still going.

And it wasn't too long before the tentacles below her decided to fill her back up. They pressed into her pussy and tailhole simultaneously, giving Natalie the exquisite feeling of having both her holes stretched and stuffed at once as they plunged into her. And not only were they quite filling, but her prostate was squeezed right between the thickest parts of each bulb, sending another mini-orgasm rumbling through her body.

Soon the tentacles were pumping in and out of her, slowly but forcefully, as the skunk girl moaned with every thrust. The many bumps covering the bulbs provided a lovely massage as they rubbed against her insides, and the bulbs themselves curved just right to squeeze her prostate hard. It did hurt a little, but the pleasure more than made up for it. The tiny climaxes slowly melted together as the tentacles sped up, pushing Natalie closer and closer to the edge.

She cried out again when she climaxed, the tentacle in her mouth considerately pulling out of the way. Her muscles clamped down hard around both of the tentacles inside her, which both made one final thrust against her prostate and held there, pushing and rubbing while she rode out her orgasm. Her cock spasmed and poured forth even more streams of cum, all of it dutifully gobbled up by the tentacle suckling her member.

Natalie arched her back and whined, biting her lip, as her climax continued. Having her prostate squeezed so hard seemed to lock her body into a never-ending orgasm, her nearly-dry cock still twitching and spurting a few drops of seed into the bulb engulfing it while both of her passages gripped the tentacles hard. Being stuck like this was starting to get awfully close to torture.

Fortunately, the tentacle in her cunt was starting to move. It still curved and rubbed against her prostate as it slipped further up into her, pressing against her oddly warm and tingling cervix. She felt the entrance to her womb start to open up around the tentacle's bulb as it slipped away from her P-spot.

"AAaaahh!" Natalie half-sighed, half-screamed, her whole body slumping forward as the tentacle sank into her womb and finally released her from her endless climax. Head hung low, chest heaving, she would have collapsed onto the bed if not for the tentacles around her arms and body holding her up. That. Was. AWESOME! she thought, though all her mouth could manage was a weak "Ffuuuck..."

Even before she could fully recover, the tentacles started up again. The one in her ass began to fuck her once again, though a bit faster than it did before. The tentacle on her cock started to slide up and down again instead of relying solely upon its muscled passage to pleasure her, while the ones attending to her breasts seemed determined to get some milk out of her no matter what it took. The tentacle buried in her womb more or less stayed put, though it did wiggle and strain a bit as a large bulge worked its way up toward the girl's crotch.

Natalie certainly felt that bulge when it reached her pussy; it was even thicker than the bulbs at the end of any of the tentacles. It slowly forced its way up into her tight passage, her lips gradually spreading around and swallowing it up. And then it reached her prostate.

Natalie gasped and jerked her whole body. The tentacle in her ass was pounding faster and faster, and now it was pushing that sore, sensitive spot right up against the mass traveling up her cunt. Each sudden thrust into her rear sent a lightning bolt of twisted pleasure and pain through her body, briefly shutting off her senses when the tentacle smashed into her prostate.

But soon the bulge in her pussy had moved past that point, the impacts in her rear becoming softer once again. She sighed in relief, the sensations once again bearable. Oh, and it felt like she was about to climax again, too. Aphrodisiacs and ass abuse were a rather potent combination.

She could feel it building up inside her as the bulge reached her womb. Her tailhole was being fucked faster and faster, her throbbing member was being enthusiastically milked, her breasts were being lovingly squeezed and suckled, and the thick object traveling up the tentacle in her womb was just starting to stretch open her cervix. She screamed as she reached another powerful, if not overwhelmingly so, climax.

Her cock twitched and shuddered and managed to force out a few last drops of cum, while her muscles spasmed and milked the tentacles inside her. The tentacle in her rear slowed down, but continued pumping her tightening tailhole as she came. The bulge in her pussy finally slipped through her cervix and up into her womb, soon emerging from the end of the tentacle buried inside. The tentacle itself then slowly pulled out of her.

The tentacles on her cock and in her ass gradually slowed to a stop, as did the ones sucking on her breasts. The others slowly lowered her onto her side as her final climax faded. Natalie just lay there, panting and staring into space while the tentacles outside her body slowly unwound themselves and drifted away. The tentacle engulfing her member continued to suck as it slipped off, drinking up the remaining fluids and leaving her length nice and clean. Her sore ass was left just slightly agape after that tentacle slid out. And finally, the last tentacle emerged from her dripping pussy and silently disappeared out the window.

Natalie was really quite exhausted after all that, and sleep was sounding pretty good right about now. Especially with the rather calm and soothing track that had just begun to play through her miraculously immovable headphones. So she closed her eyes and let sleep take over her sore, relaxed, and newly-impregnated body.