Arthur Gets Revenge
A dirty little story about Arthur from "Arthur", to ruin your childhood. You're welcome!
Hi, I'm Arthur Read. I turned eleven a few months ago. Let me tell you a story about my perfectly well-behaved little sister, DW. Or more accurately, how I taught her some manners.
She wasn't always a good girl. Actually, she was a spoiled little princess. About three years ago, I had a very valuable toy plane. Despite repeatedly telling her not to touch it, she ended up breaking it. I'm over it now, but I was so pissed that I hit her. In one second, I became the most universally loathed and despised kid in town, and DW actually got off scot free, and continued being the nasty little bitch she'd always been.
She always got a free pass on lots of things that I'd have gotten in trouble for if I was her age. Or a girl. Yeah, her offenses were mostly just little things, but I could tell she was getting pretty smug about getting away with them. I feared that if I let her go, she'd grow up to be a real bitch.
And at the same time, I was just discovering my body, and how it reacted to girls. I found my dad's secret magazines, and saw naked women for the first time; women my mom's age started to turn me on. I secretly read up on sex, saw lots of pictures, eventually learned about bondage and BDSM. I was masturbating a lot during that time, but I really needed to take it a step further.
Then I asked myself: how could I kill two birds with one stone?
One day, I convinced my parents to take little Kate to an out-of-town vacation, so I could prove my responsibility by babysitting DW. I prepared myself, hiding tape in any room we'd be in, and planning various scenarios, until the day my parents waved goodbye.
Not even a full minute after our parents pulled out of the driveway, did I lure DW to her bedroom under the pretense that I wanted her to prove she cleaned it like she said. I knew she didn't actually clean her room; she'd just use that opportunity to feign obedience, and then throw something at me. Not this time.
The instant we were inside, I grabbed her from behind and overpowered her. You should've seen the look of pure terror on her face, as she saw her helpless position in the mirror as I taped her mouth shut.
She struggled against me at first, but once her unfocused attempts to loosen my grip failed, she went limp and resigned herself. With a few gentle words to pacify her, I received no resistance as I gently removed her clothes, down to her panties. I then taped her hands to the upper-part of the bunk-bed - which, being the only one in her room, she didn't really need - and spread her legs and taped them to the lower part. It was only after I stepped back to admire my handiwork that she tried struggling again, but by then it was too late. She was completely at my mercy: unable to run, unable to call for help, and our parents too far away to save her.
I gently caressed her nipples and vagina through her underwear, and she initially struggled madly in a vain attempt to escape. She stopped when she accidentally hit her head against the top bunk, stunning her briefly. I quickly checked to make sure she was ok, before I continued my examination. Having learned her lesson about struggling too much, she slowly let herself get drawn into pleasure. Her expression of fear softened gradually, as she found herself enjoying this alien sensation.
Seeing her really get into it, I started focusing more of my attention on her virgin pussy, stroking it through her panties that were becoming wet as I touched. She started breathing heavily and let out lots of muffled grunts, which I deduced was encouragement for me to go faster. I started to go fast, but I stopped suddenly and removed my hand, causing her to grumble angrily at me.
"What's with that face?" I teased. "Do you want me to continue touching you there?" It was then she seemed to come to her senses, and realized exactly what I just did to her. Her face flushed with embarrassment and she tried to turn away, but I cupped her chin and pulled her face to mine. "It's ok. It's nothing to be ashamed of. It's important that a girl feels good during sex."
"Yeah, you heard about it on TV, haven't you? You must've wondered what it was like. I won't make you pregnant, but I'll make you feel really good. You'd like to me to push this new sensation to its limit, wouldn't you?"
"Wouldn't you?" I watched with glee as her independence broke down, and her rebellious spirit became submissive. She gave a reluctant nod, and I removed the tape from her mouth. "Tell me what you want me to do."
"I...want you to...rub it."
"Rub what?" I pressed.
"Rub my...thing."
"Your hair?"
"Rub my vagina!" she snapped, clearly embarrassed with how loud she said it.
"Call it your pussy."
"Rub m-my p-pussy," she amended, trying not to look at me.
"Do I hear a please?"
"Please rub my pussy!"
"I guess I could do that," I dramatically sighed, tracing the area around it with my finger. "But you know, you need to be punished for a lot of things. Mom and dad have been pretty soft on you, so I'll punish you for your crimes. Ask me to punish you, and I'll give you what you want."
"Yes! Please punish me!"
That was it for her. I could only openly play with her until 4PM the next day, but she was already mine forever. I gave her what she desperately needed, and vigorously stroked her pussy. She was so adorable when she received what even I could tell was her first orgasm. She fell limp and a few involuntary tears of joy fell. I gave her a long and hard kiss on the lips, and she obediently kissed back.
"How do you like the pleasure that comes from sex?" I asked.
"I love it," she moaned.
"I'm glad for you. Now it's time for your lesson."
"I'm going to give you all the punishments you deserve, just like we agreed. Then I'm going to teach you how to be a kind, courteous young lady. Whenever you do a good job, I'll reward you with more pleasure. Whenever you do a bad job, I'll punish you some more."
"Yes, yes!" she quickly agreed, already sold on the prospect of being pleasured again. She really is a simple girl.
"And until our parents come home, you'll call me Master."
"Yes, Master!"
I proceeded to humiliate her by parading her through the backyard in her panties; I blindfolded her to make her more paranoid about being seen, and more dependent on my guidance. Even though I was holding her hand, she clung to my arm like I was her date at a red carpet event. After fifteen minutes, I put her over my knee and pulled her panties down, and gently caressed her soft little ass, before I gave her several hard whacks, clamping my other hand over her mouth to prevent any attention drawn to us.
After about a minute, I started noticing that she was thrusting her ass to receive the repeated slaps. I paused briefly when I pulled my hand back, and noticed it was slightly wet from where I grazed her pussy. "You little brat," I said with a smirk. "Does getting spanked turn you on?"
"N-no," she denied.
"Don't lie to me. Your pussy's wet, which means you're getting aroused."
"I'm not!"
"It's a shame you lied to me just now. If you just admitted it, I would've teased you and just continued. Instead, I'm going to give you a new punishment. Shut your mouth so I can gag you." With a small whimper, she obeyed, and I placed two strips of tape over her mouth like an X. I pulled her panties back up and led her across the yard. "Do you ever help put the clothes on the line?"
"Mm-hmm," she said with a nod.
"You ever accidentally pinch yourself with one of the clothes pins? You remember how it hurt?"
"...Mm-hmm," she replied, and from the slightly murmur in her voice, I could tell she understood the general direction I was going with this.
I brought her over to the clothesline and sneered, "I bet it'd hurt if they clamped onto your nipples."
"MM-MMM, MM-MMM!" she squealed, furiously shaking her head and trying to pull away from me.
I replied by pinching her nose and cutting off her air. "Bad girl. If you don't settle down right now, I'm not going to let you breathe." This made her even more terrified, but she quickly stopped squirming and making noise. I released her nose and said, "Good girl. Now, put your hands behind your back and put your feet together." She did so, and offered no resistance as I bound her wrists with a bit of spare clothesline, as well as her ankles with the same length of rope. "Puff up your chest." With a sigh, she did so, knowing what I was about to do.
Even though she tried to brace herself, the instant I pinched her nipples with the clips, she hopped up and down and bucked to try and make them fall off. I couldn't blame her: she'd obviously never felt pain like this before, and her earlier arousal only made her nipples more sensitive.
"What's wrong?" I challenged. "I bet you wished mom and dad punished you more, so I wouldn't have to focus all this discipline on your tits." On my last word, I flicked the pin on her right nipple, causing her to shriek into her gag. "Imagine if I waited another year to teach you a lesson: I'd have to place these pins directly on your pussy lips. Aren't you glad I only put them on your tits?"
"Mm-hmm!" she cried, nodding.
"Good. Now, you're gonna stand here and think about what you're grateful for." She cried in protest as I tied her to the tree. "I wouldn't make too much noise. It'd be a shame if you were carried off by someone less pleasant than me." With that, she sobbed quietly into her gag as I walked away. Of course, I wasn't _really_going to leave her unsupervised. I walked away, only to creep back and sit in a chair, and watch the wiggling as I jerked off.
After I blew my load, I exhaled sharply, which seemed to get her attention, as she promptly stood upright and stopped making noise. I shut up, and a minute later, she continued writhing, albeit with a lot less purpose. I realized she understood it was me, and I was attracted to her peril, so she was putting on a little show for me. Despite everything I was doing to her, she trusted me wholeheartedly, that I wouldn't really hurt her. I was quite touched.
I left her for a few more minutes, before I walked over and removed the pins, causing her to breathe a sigh of relief. I caressed her nipples to ease the pain away. She was really getting into it, so I stopped, making her give a little grunt of disappointment. I removed all her bondage, including her gag and blindfold, causing her to squint in the light. "You know I care for you, don't you?"
"Yes, Master."
"It pains me to have to hurt you, but you were long overdue for a lesson. Sometimes we have to hurt the ones we love."
"I realize that now, Master. I'm happy you love me enough to punish me. I love you too, Master."
"How about a little sugar to prove it?" She then leapt into my arms and kissed me. To my surprise, I felt her try to put her tongue into my mouth. What a dirty little thing! But I obliged her, and our tongues danced around each other. I eventually pulled away from her and lifted her up, princess style. "Now, let's teach you how to be a proper little lady, ok?"
"Ok!" she chirped.
"You can start by giving me a blowjob."
"What's that?"
I pulled out my penis and said, "That's where you suck my penis. I like how it feels, and that's more than enough reason for you to do it."
"O-ok," she muttered. Taking a deep breath, she put her lips around the head. I grabbed her hair and forced her forward, shoving my penis deeper. "Hmph!?"
"If you wanna breathe right, start sucking!" I growled. Giving up, she started sucking as tears fell from her eyes. Between heavy pleasured breaths I gasped, "You better swallow everything that comes out, or you're gonna be sorry."
Even though her hands were free, she made no effort to push me off, and continued to suck me. I eventually blew into her throat, and she panicked, coughing out most of the contents. "I'm sorry," she sobbed. "Please punish me, master!"
"Don't worry, I will." I gagged her again and picked up two more clothespins. "I'm gonna place these on your nipples again, before I spank you." Though her eyes were filled with pain and fear, she puffed up her chest and allowed me easy access. She cried as the pins clamped onto her sensitive nipples, but despite some involuntary shakes of pain, she made no effort to buck them off. I then set her over my knee and removed my belt, whipping her ass harder than ever.
She wailed and screamed, but her protests simply crashed against her gag. That's when I felt myself getting hard again, and I realized just how turned on I was by her abuse, as well as her gagged moans. By the time I was done whipping her, my cock pressed hard against her chest, and I needed to be relieved again. I took her off my knee and removed her gag, but before I could issue an order she cried, "I'm sorry! Please let me suck your penis again!"
I smiled widely. There was no doubt that she truly was mine. "Yes, do it," I agreed. This time she shoved my penis as far into her mouth as possible, without my assistance. Now with more experience, she expertly milked me for all I had. Then, taking practiced breaths through her nose, she swallowed my load with no problems. "Good girl," I praised, petting her head as she licked me clean.
The rest of the night was really just a perverted version of My Fair Lady. She placed a vibrator in her pussy - since I wasn't going to be the one to put it in - and I gave her a few lessons on etiquette, while she wore only her panties. Whenever she performed well, I turned up the vibrator; when she messed up, I turned it off and gave her a whack on the ass with a metal ruler.
I made her crawl on the floor like our dog Pal, and made her bark while I smacked her ass. I showed her dad's porn and taught her how to have real sex, and that she now had to do that whenever I told her. I taught her that the most important thing for her was to be my pet: I had years of torture because of her, and now she was gonna pay me back. I then had Pal rape her ass on camera, and promised that if she ever told anyone about our lessons, all her friends would see her for the filthy slut she was.
The lessons were repetitive and the punishments strict, but she clearly enjoyed them as much as I did. By the time our parents came home, she was completely transformed. A week passed, and mom and dad praised me for my fine work, and they asked me the secret, which I happily told them.
Of course I lied, and told them that I simply reduced her sugar intake. I'm not stupid.
But she does good because she knows I want her to do it. When I tell her to suck me off, she does it in a heartbeat, because she knows she's supposed to. She's my slave, and it's a badge she wears with as much secrecy as joy.