Foxes and Plots: A Coons and Theft Tale.

Story by Tiberius Rings on SoFurry

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#1 of Foxes and Plots: A Coons and Theft Tale

Okay, here it is. A bit of a continuation of my Coons and Theft series, from Drew's angle! No I am not forgetting Rei but I was a bad 'lil author and forgot to explain more about Drew, and I wanted to flesh him out into what I pictured him in my mind. So, here it is, the first installment of a new short series in Coons and Theft. As always, all characters are copyright to me, Tiberius Rings. On another note, Ite is pronounced as E-Tech without the "k" sound. It is not pronounced like Mite without the M. Enjoy!

P.S. Thanks to Clipfox and Canine Apathy for helping me keep my spelling correct!

Time and experiences changes people, and usually for the better. People have a tendency to never leave their perfect little bubble of comfort and warmth to branch out and only when the comfort zone becomes the uncomfortable do people move on and change. This is usually produced by an outside factor away from the person's control, and in the case of Drew Sterling, this was true.

Drew, a.k.a. Silver Fox on the internet where he did most of his work, had been helping out a good friend of his named Rei Conner. Rei was a pro thief, and under the offering a huge sum of money and the challenge of combating a security system almost unheard of, he had taken on the job to assist the thieving raccoon on one of his missions. That choice had almost ended his life and made him question a lot of things about the choices made in life.

Rei had been knocked out by something; Drew didn't know what at the time. When he got the data he had been caught at the last minute uploading the files to a secure server, what most people (Rei included) did not know was he had not been captured by the once dead assassin Duncan Dashford, but by the military. Captain Harding, the wolf who had tormented Rei and ended up raping him, had also held him. While he had been the main target, Harding had also abused the fox. Drew had spent days in Harding's tender care, trying to get the information out of him on where he had sent the data, and his personal access codes. The problem was they changed randomly and without a computer he couldn't figure out the right combination for that hour; Harding did not believe him and had resulted in torturing the poor fox into submission. When Duncan had broken into the base and whisked him away, Drew had expected wonderful things, but Duncan had resulted to even crueler torture, things that were too hard to even think about today. Rei had come near the last minute of his life and saved him, somehow. He had been unconscious during the fateful battle and been unable to answer any questions to the details. His last memory was of Duncan nailing him to that wall and then, as if he blinked, staring up at a hospital ceiling.

He'd needed more physical therapy than Rei ever needed, bordering on a year and a half now since the accident and he was finally better, and in very little pain. He'd spent a lot of time in the gym and at the therapist, working on his ruined body until he had managed to not only gain his mobility back, but then some. The events that had happened, mostly his inability to fight back when Harding had captured him made him realize life was dangerously short and if he wanted to survive, especially while walking the thin line of the law, he would need to become more adaptable to every situation, just like his friend, Mr. Conner.

Thankfully, some wonderful things had happened during his rehabilitation and his underworld media attention; yes, even a criminal could become famous in their own ways. During his time in rehab, Drew had ended up meeting someone very special in his life. They had met in his rehab clinic, helping him with his physical therapy, and then it evolved from there, to a point where he was sure he was deeply in love, and like Rei, his life did not seem so alone anymore, and so he had ended up moving in with this individual even if it was a potential breach of medical ethics practice.

His name was Sagite, or Ite for short. The man was a red fox, and from Japan. He had come over to the US a few years ago after getting his undergraduate medical degree (and two others) from UCLA. He then moved to New York to try and break into the big city medical field, and was working as a physical therapist when Drew entered his life. Ite was so unlike any male fox he'd ever known.

The Fennec wasn't too big; he was built more like a swimmer, semi-broad shoulders with a gentle definition of muscles even after his training had been completed at gym with Ite's help. He had a nice definition now, he had actually defined pectorals and abdominals, cut to the size that he didn't need to suck in his stomach and bend over slightly to show off the firm muscular belly and make the definition appear. Drew had always had great legs, but they were refined now to be perfect. His legs had been long, but more iron now with defined calf muscles and thigh muscles. He didn't neglect his arms either; those had been cut to perfection, enjoying actually having respectable pectorals. Of course, his muscles could only grow so much without the use of drugs and looking foolish; so he had bulked up in the most proper level without looking silly and embarrassing; cut to perfection, he would look good modeling for some art school at the local community college.

Ite, however, was so different. He came from parents who were not the frail, fragile little things that made up a good majority of their species. Drew had a suspicion that there was some kind of big dog somewhere in Ite's family line, but he couldn't tell. Ite was just an inch shorter than Rei, standing at six foot one with nicely broadened shoulders. He looked clean, cut, and amazing for a red fox. He had bulked up during his college years and in Japan and knew he was not the norm of the vulpine culture. More than one person usually turned their heads to the red fox who strolled by, so different he attracted females and males alike of various species. Drew had never had a boyfriend who was so envied by the crowd around him. Ite had bright, vibrant red fur which also made him stand out; most red foxes were actually a tinge of orange. His underbelly was brightly white and smooth, making his powerful chest look quite handsome with his shirt off, which Drew found himself staring at more often than not. Ite had the various black markings his species had, which were black gloves and socks, black-tipped ears and the black marks on his muzzle that gave him that deliciously sly look.

Ite had been personally assigned to Drew during his therapy, and the two had grown very close together. Drew loved talking to Ite, and they had various conversations about where Ite came from, namely, Japan. Ite had his unique quirks, such as trying to maintain his Japanese culture by clinging to some words and phrases he asked, politely, that his friends use in the States. For example, Ite liked to be called a red kitsune, not a red fox. He liked the way kitsune sounded, and it was such a small request, how could Drew say no?

They had hit it off, and neither had talked about their hobbies. There had been a few dates, mostly Ite taking Drew out to do things he'd never done before. They had gone rock climbing inside one of those huge sporting good stores, and even archery. Archery had ended up being one of Ite's most favorite hobbies; the man had various bows and crossbows, some dating back to Japan's feudal era. His family had been collecting and making them for generations. Ite had showed Drew how to fire a bow for the first time in his life. Of course it had gone horribly off course, but it was still fun. They did other things; go out to see movies, dinner, swimming, go to Ite's favorite gym once Drew was strong enough to do things on his own. For the first time in a long, long time, Drew had been swept off his feet by someone so fascinating and different than anyone he'd ever met in New York.

Ite ended up being one of those wonderful men who gave back to the community. While he worked at the hospital in Manhattan he ran a karate dojo outside of the city in Brooklyn. He taught free of charge to families who couldn't afford it. Drew took lessons, but he was in no rush to advance through the various colored belts and trials. He was still sore and did not like pushing himself too much. He had more fun watching Ite train and practice. Drew had never been more physical in his life, and it was all thanks to his boyfriend.

They finally decided that they would move in together. After thinking it out, Ite had ended up moving into Drew's large apartment in Manhattan since it had more room for all of Ite's things. Ite wanted his workout equipment and a training room, and thankfully Drew had spare rooms. Drew got to keep all his precious computer technology setup and untouched servers. He was worried he would have to cart all that technology across the city and get it setup with all his satellites and illegal hookups.

Of course they shared a single bedroom; they had been sexually active for a month now. Ite was very much a man's man, and was always on top during their love making. They thought up various poses and different angles to hang in, but it usually resulted in the same conclusion; Drew clutching the sheets and moaning loudly as he erupted torrents of seed onto the expensive black sheets. Drew's life was perfect.

Finally, exactly 18 months to the day he'd been taken from his hidey-hole across town by the military, he felt ready to talk about what happened with Ite. They were in their large bedroom; expansive with not much in it as they liked. Their bed was on a solid black base with a wide mattress lined with white silk. The sheets and comforter were black edged in white. Their headboard and baseboard were black, and the room was very much open. It stuck out of the building, three walls surrounded by glass; the side walls and the wall behind the bed. There was little to decorate in a room like that, but being surrounded by glass was one of the most romantic and delightful in Drew's eyes. They were naked, as always when they were in the bedroom, the sheets low on Drew's hips, revealing that delightful curve of his spine and slender waist. It was also just above Ite's handsome waist, just above his sheath. With the soft silken bedding the view was not lost on Drew. Drew was curled up into the crook of Ite's arm, that strong arm around his shoulders and back with a hand firmly placed onto his rear end as they snuggled close, just listening to the hum of the air-conditioner as they laid there. They had not had sex yet, but they both knew it was coming.

"Hey, Ite?" Drew asked, his head laying right on his shoulder and looking up at his face, moving his long muzzle and licking under his chin softly.

"Yes, Andy?" Ite called Drew, Andy, since no one else did. That was part of the charm that Drew was in love with. Ite's voice was soft and deep, lazily casual. He was at least one-fourth asleep.

"What do you think happened to me to get so hurt a year and a half ago?" Drew was going to test the waters, see what his medical boyfriend could figure out on his own.

"Well," Ite said as his hand rubbed along that firm rear as he thought, his long tail brushing to the side and over Drew's feet. "If I had to guess, I would say torture. The stab wounds were methodical, and the strain on your ribs was extensive. Why are you bringing this up now?" Ite now sounded fully awake, and worried.

"Because, well, I feel like I can tell you about it now and you won't run away from me." Drew said gently, nuzzling into the bigger fox's shoulder.

Ite blinked and then shook his head, rolling over. He moved so he was laying on top of Drew with his hands on each side of his head, staring down into the Fennec's brown eyes. Ite smiled and just shook his head, moving his longer muzzle slowly downward as he gave Drew a soft kiss on his lips. "Andy, there is nothing you can tell me that would send me running from this bed and holding you. It's been a long time since we first met, and you don't do anything terribly bad." Ite laughed softly, giving his little fennec a softer kiss on his chin. "Everyone has secrets they keep deep down, but if you want to share, I'm all ears."

Drew sighed, his hands coming up and touching his boyfriend's shoulders, sliding up along them to his shoulder blades and holding onto his fur lightly as he figured how to explain his story.

He summarized Rei Conner for Ite, talking about a misfit boy who was taken off the streets and raised to be a pro thief. He shared with Ite what he knew about Duncan and his skills as an assassin. He then began to explain the mission Rei and he had been on when he'd been captured.

"It was that morning; I was holed up in a hotel in New Jersey. I didn't expect someone to smash in my door and grab me. I was busy sending the data out, and when the door flew open it wasn't the police or mobsters, it was the military!" Drew was telling his story softly as Ite looked down at him, blinking his eyes as he took in the information.

"They grabbed me and my things, and took me somewhere. I don't know where because they put a bag over my head. When it came off I was strapped to a chair in some plain white room with a Captain Harding, a local marine, and a wolf. He began asking me all kinds of weird questions, about Rei and a man named Duncan, about plots to destroy New York, and what I knew. I told him I sent the data to secure servers, and that I designed the password to randomize every hour. I didn't even know it without the unlocking algorithm program at home. He didn't believe me."

When Drew began to shiver, Ite just laid down more atop the fennec, pressing his warm body against his boyfriend, giving him soft kisses along his jaw line and up to his ear. His large black furred hands slid along the bare naked sides of the smaller vulpine. "Then what happened?"

"Then," Drew said with a soft sigh, shaking his head. "They tortured me. It was mostly beatings and electro-shock treatments. They dissected my whole history, found all my degrees and every class I'd been in. They tried lying to me, saying they had Rei and he had said I had the codes. I didn't. Harding administered every beating. He was the one who broke my large canine in the front of my mouth, and said that if I didn't tell him he would start taking body parts off. At that point I passed out from fear. "

Ite growled softly, holding more onto his boyfriend. Ite was not someone to hate off the bat, but he already had a history of wolves. An old wolf clan back home in Japan had been fighting against his family for generations, nearly leading to their clan's extinction and desecration of their family name and honor. He had learned to tolerate innocent wolves, but the ones who hurt the people he cared about he hated with a deep, burning passion.

Drew talked about Duncan and his own tactics, but by then he had been so worn out from Harding that Duncan got little out of him. In the end, Duncan, another wolf now dead, decided to use him as bait for Rei Conner, and pinned him to the wall with thick, long blades.

"So those are where the scars came from," Ite said casually, licking along Drew's muzzle softly, one of his hands slipping between their bodies to pet along his little boyfriend's firm stomach. For some reason he was becoming a tiny bit aroused, not from the story, but from the position. This had to have been the longest time they'd laid in bed and not done anything sexual.

Drew nodded his head and finished. Most of what was left was that he didn't remember because he was unconscious. When he came to, a nurse had been taking his blood pressure. Ite knew the rest of the story, which got so much better from then on.

"So, let me clarify," Ite said, smiling down to Drew as he licked his muzzle in slow, gentle circles. "You're an A+ Hacker who got involved in something with the military, and they let you go because this Rei Conner made it happen?"

"Yes," Drew said, squirming under his boyfriend, feeling Ite's paw slide downwards to brush along his sheath. He shivered, knowing exactly where this would be going. "Rei was hired by Harding to stop Duncan, and part of the deal was I got off scot free, it seems."

"And what about this Harding. He's not dead, right?" Ite said, moving his lips to gently nip along Drew's neck. The little fennec yelped in pleasure, his back arching and sandwiching against the big red fox, feeling his sheath still held by those two black fingers, Ite gently massaging it so coax him out of his sheath. Drew shivered as he began to slide out along his flat stomach and right into his boyfriend's capable hands.

"No... He's very much alive. Still in the city, I think. Why?" Drew shuddered, his eyes coming closed to have slits as he felt the hand moving down along his semi-exposed erection. Ite's fingers curled around the length of flesh and then began to generously move his hands up and down, sliding those black fingers along his crimson length, making Drew shudder in pleasure as Ite was rapidly coaxing his fennec erection to full arousal. The little tan fox was still not used to how easily his big, buff red kitsune could arouse and entice his body to full and powerful extremes.

"Well," Ite began as he lowered his head down against Drew's chest, gently beginning to lick at the newly formed pectoral muscles on his boyfriend's chest, slowly letting his tongue dance along the curve of that muscle and then upwards, nipping one of those nipples. Drew yelped at each nip. "How about some payback?"

"Payback? You mean like this?" Drew said with a grin and quickly sucked in his belly, slipping one of his tan hands right between them and took hold of Ite's budding arousal, nearly halfway out of his sheath. Unlike Ite, who was gradually taking his time and gently coaxing the smaller fox to full arousal, Drew was rapidly moving his hand over what flesh he could hold onto, trying to get Ite as hard as he could and as quickly as possible.

Ite spread his legs slightly more and lifted his back, but beyond that there was hardly any reaction from Ite. The dominant fox was in control of his physical responses, but he was indeed sliding out of his sheath at a shockingly rapid rate. Drew curled his fingers around that hardening red shaft, blushing as his fingers passed the seven inch mark, and Ite was still growing. Ite had to be one of the best hung foxes ever, topping off at nine inches, nine and a half with his knot, he was hardly small. The first time Drew had seen it he'd been shocked.

"No, my silly Fennec. That is hardly payback. But I was thinking he could pay for what he did." Ite grinned and began to grind into the furiously moving hand, pressing downwards even more as the hand was pressed against the smaller fox's belly, moaning gently into the Fennec's large ear, snickering as he began to grind and thrust. Drew knew better; if he kept this up Ite would keep going.

"Ah... Well, if you think that we won't do anything too bad to him, I'm on-board." Drew said as he felt his own pleasure beginning to rise and quickly pulled away and stopped what he was doing along Ite's firm member. He scooted back then and gently nudged Ite a bit backwards. The Fennec grinned then and shook his head. "Let's talk about after we can think without hormones, though."

Ite laughed and nodded. "Very well, my Fennec. But I want this Harding to pay for what happened to you." Ite would not mention anything else as he moved over, leaning down to kiss along Drew's belly, moving his lips to touch the head of the fennec's member. Ite laughed softly and scooted forward, his hands moving up and taking hold of Drew's ankles, lifting them upwards and hooking them over his shoulders, giving Ite a wonderful downward view of that perfectly round rear end that would soon be wrapped around him.

Drew moved one of his hands backwards, slipping his hand right under one of their pillows and moved around until his hand wrapped around a small plastic bottle. He pulled it out and then smirked, gently tossing it at Ite, watching as the bottle of lube bounced off of the bigger male's belly. "Don't do it without something slippery!" Drew was not that big and Ite was VERY big... There was always a bit of a friction issue with their love making. "Always jumping the gun there, sparky." Drew smiled then and winked, moving his feet to curl around Ite's neck at the ankles.

"Psh, you know you can handle it now. You're just being overly cautious." Ite grinned but picked up the bottle. He popped the cap and then poured a generous amount into his palm, moving to grip his erection, all nine inches of vulpine pride, and smeared the slippery water based gel over his length. He made sure to get even the base of his length, incase they decided to do something with his knot. He may have liked to joke but he didn't really want to cause Drew any kind of pain.

Ite grinned then and gripped those nice hips that belonged to Drew and scooted closer, growling playfully. "Now then, before I was so rudely interrupted..." Ite grinned and moved the head of his erection toward that puckered pink ring on Drew's rear end. He sucked in a breath through his nose and held onto his hips then, and with a quiet sigh, he began to press forward. The head of his erection met resistance briefly before finally prying open that tight ring, spreading the muscles open more and sliding more of his member deep into the fennec. Drew's back arched, groaning as his hands quickly grabbed the sheets next to his hips, hips rolling upwards as that length glided deep into his body, his back arching and shuddering as it pushed past tight but not vice-tight muscles.

Drew's muscles flexed around that length inside him, his eyes closed as he shuddered in pleasure, ears back. "Oh, Ite!" He managed to cry out. His hips rolled as that thick length was still pressing inches past his ring, pressing against muscles and nerves as Ite pressed in all those many inches, his legs clinging even more around those shoulders and neck, Drew's breathing becoming deeper and faster as a twinge of pain shot through his stomach the moment Ite was pressed as deeply into that smaller body, burying every inch he could into his boyfriend. Ite remained stoic and rigid, always giving Drew a chance to calm down and recover.

Drew's small respite was not long lived, as the handsome red fox gripped the hips and then began to slide backwards, the wet, sloppy sound of hips sliding backwards with a thick red member sliding out of Drew's body and then, with no time lost, began to gently push back in, both foxes moaning out quietly as Ite slid backwards out of that tight body, shuddering in pleasure as they began to set a rhythm, making that wet, hot sound between them begin to pick up in more loud ways. Ite moaned loudly, his head rolling back as Drew flexed, gripping that firm, hard muscle deep inside his body as Ite began to pick up speed, moving his legs more together as the red fox began to pick up speed with greater leverage.

"Unf, Ite!" Drew managed to squeak out as he began to grind back against that thrusting length, their pace beginning to pick up in speed and time as the red fox began to move quicker, faster, harder, lustier, Drew able to see muscles flex on his boyfriend's flat stomach and iron legs, watching his head roll back as his tongue lolled out of the corner of his muzzle as Ite really got into it. "S...So big." Drew said again, quickly moving his hand over to grip his own erection, stroking himself in synch with the thrusting that Ite was moving.

One of Drew's legs lowered from over the shoulder and down to wrap around Ite's hips and waist, holding firmer with his leg as he was able to flush himself greatly against the thrusting length inside him, Ite's hands moving to hold his thigh that belonged to the leg wrapped around that waist of his, the other holding Drew's other leg at the ankle, clinging to it furiously hard as he thrust his body more and more into Drew's flared hole, leaning his head downward then instead of being rolled back, shuddering as the red fox thrust into him very, very rapidly.

There was a tight sensation at that tight ring and it took Drew a moment to register what Ite was doing, but he gasped the moment it happened. He leaned his head back and moaned very loudly, groaning in deep, hot lust as Ite pushed his heavy, full knot right into his body, making his back arch in pleasure and made Drew hold even tighter against the big fox, rapidly raising his hips to meet the probing length that just pushed his buttons deep inside his core, making him moan very, very loudly, his ears folding back against his head. Ite's was flared forward, the big fox looking like he was about to climax.

The fennec fox moaned loudly, his head rolled back as he was feeling the slow thrusting, knot locked movements, and could no longer take the pleasure. He yelped and moaned, his hips rising and his back arching, making Ite moan as well when his hips rose. Drew cried out deeply in pleasure as his length throbbed and then as his hips began to buck up and down rapidly, shuddering in pleasure as Drew not only hit his peak, he slammed into it. His length throbbed and then shuddered, his body flexing as he felt the rush of semen pour up through his length then and erupt outwards, hot ropes of his finely made fennec cum fired upwards. The hot, wet eruptions of semen just poured out and splashed against Ite's body and stomach, one rope of fennec cum splashing against that red and white muzzle, coating one of those black muzzle marks in his spunk. When he could not get the distance any longer, the remaining rivets of semen simply poured down onto his flat belly, coating his hand and fingers in his hot cum, leaving the young fennec laying back, panting.

Ite barely registered the eruption of hot spurts of semen against his body, and focused mostly on his own climax. He moaned loudly as he felt the boy cum beneath him, thrusting harder into him, keeping himself so very tightly locked together as he just shuddered, feeling the pull on his knot, and then the sensation of it being expanded. He moaned so very loudly, his eyes closed and his hips thrust forward, pumping his length and then hot ropes of his potent seed right into his boyfriend, pushing more and more of his seed deeper and deeper into the younger fox, just filling that fennec up with what felt like buckets of seed. Finally, after losing count after how many spurts, he ended up falling forward onto Drew with a shudder.

The two foxes laid there, arms lazily curling around one another. Minutes past, and it was Ite who broke the silence. "Get in contact with your friend, Rei. I need you to call in a favor."

To be continued...