My Little Pony: A New Start Chapter 3

Story by furryguy74 on SoFurry

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#3 of My Little Pony: A New Start

First clop scene at the end. Thanks for reading. Will be updated later on this week.

The light brightly shined in through the two windows to the right side of the bed. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a beautiful sight. Rainbow Dash was sound asleep on top of my chest, she was relaxed, calm and peaceful. She said she was going to be up before me eh? She is pretty cute when shes not acting all tough. I brought my hand to her mane and started to stroke it. She took a deep breath after a couple of minutes and I could only chuckle lightly. Must be pretty relaxing. I heard Fluttershy and Twilight talking downstairs. "Good morning Twilight, have you seen Rainbow Dash this morning Twilight?" "No I haven't, perhaps she is already outside. Lets go look."

Uh oh, I couldn't let them find her up here, after looking outside they were sure to come up here. It would ruin her reputation and her image of being a tough pony. I gently shook her to try and wake her up. "Dash, come on wake up Dash!" I whispered. I saw her sparkling magenta eyes slowly opening up. She was still clearly groggy and dazed as she woke up. "Huh, wha?" Her eyes connected with mine and, recalling where she was, they shot open. "Uhh, umm, it was crowed down there and I was." I stopped her by putting a finger to her muzzle. She moved back a bit while staring at my finger as I pointed it towards the bigger of the two windows. "Fluttershy and Twilight are looking for you." I glanced at the window and saw them coming back inside. "Go out the window and pretend you left earlier and are just coming back in a couple of minutes from now."

As I looked back at her, her eyes were tearing up slightly. She had a small half smile on her muzzle as she shot forward and hugged me. "Thanks Marsh, you're a quick thinker. But an even better friend" She then flew over to the window, opened it then took off outside. I got out of bed and went over to the window to close it, when I heard hoof steps coming up the stairs. "Hey Marshall? Have you seen Rainbow Dash this morning?" Twilight called out. I decided to leave the window open and let the fresh air in. "No, I haven't seen her, perhaps she left earlier this morning, you know her. She can't sit still sometimes."

I walked towards the door and it glowed a dim purple, then it opened. And Twilight and Fluttershy both walked in. "Makes sense. She does like to get up earl..." She stopped mid-sentence and adverted her eyes while starting to blush, and Fluttershy did the same. I had forgotten I only had my boxers on. "Oops, sorry girls, my clothes are in the wash. You mind if I take a shower Fluttershy?" She looked up at me and shook her head. "Go right ahead Marshall." She brought her eyes down to my chest by accident, seeing how her head height was around chest level. Obviously liking what she seen but being her shy self, she let out a small squeak and adverted her eyes back down and blushed harder. I'm not that built, any earth pony is way stronger then me, but I guess humans show off muscle more.

Seeing their embarrassment, I quickly went through the door way into the bathroom. "Thanks Fluttershy." I called out as I shut the bathroom door. Finally some time to myself. Better wash these boxers and go find somepony to try and make me more. I opened the washer and pulled out my clothes and put them up on a line near the window. I then removed my boxers and put them in the washer. I walked over to the shower and turned it on. Hot, just how I like my showers. The room became steamy pretty soon as I stood under the water, letting it run over my body. Relaxing my muscles and making my tense muscles relax and my blood flow better, I sighed, man this feels good. I looked at Fluttershy's collection of different body washes and shampoos. It took about five minutes to find some that were meant for ponies instead of animals. I guess she likes to wash all her animals. Pony washes are c_lose enough I guess._ Her body washes smelled like... nature, the great out doors. I thought she smelled that way because she was outside most of the time. Ten minutes later I shut the water off and opened the curtain to the shower. I stepped out and grabbed a towel to wrap around myself. Then walked over to the washer and pulled my boxers out and hung them on the line. They should be dry after I'm done in here.

I walked across the room to the sink. I looked around for any hair gel I could use. I don't use very much, just enough to keep my hair looking the same throughout the day. I'm sure Fluttershy won't mind, besides, I'm going to help her out with anything she needs to thank her later. I put a small amount of gel on my fingers, and set them through my hair, bringing out the curls that now were profound. After I was satisfied with it, I washed my hands and found some mouth wash. Better then nothing. Note to self, buy tooth brush. And with that, I walked over to my clothes that were hanging off the line in the sun. They were all dry, so I dropped my towel and put my boxers on. While part way through putting my pants on, I felt like I was being watched. I looked towards the door and saw nothing, but I still felt like I was being watched. I also heard a small flapping sound. Rainbow Dash! I looked towards the window and saw a small bit of a rainbow for a split second and heard Rainbow Dash call out from the ground. "Hey guys, I'm back. Hope I didn't worry you all to much. I left early this morning, and forgot to tell you." How long was she there for? Hopefully not for very long. I blushed slightly not wanting knowing how long she was there for, but finished getting dressed none the less.

I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen where Twilight was busy making breakfast. She noticed me come into the room. "Oh hey Marsh, I'm just making breakfast. How does eggs, toast, and hash-browns sound?" Hot damn, that sounded fantastic. "That sounds great Twi." I then thought for a moment. "Hey Twi, ponies are all herbivores, right?" She looked at me, slightly puzzled. "Yea why...." Her eyes went wide as she realized what my question meant. " eat meat, don't you." She said while slowly backing away from me. Great, just great. "Well, humans are omnivores. BUT, I have no interest in horse meat." She was relived by my words and sighed a tad. "Thank Celestia. That's good. Us ponies are strictly herbivores." Oh well, I think I can live without meat. "Well anyways, I'm starved." Twilight smiled lightly and turned her attention back to cooking. "It will be done soon, about 5 minutes. I'll call you when its done." I nodded, and turned to walk to the living room and sat down on the couch. As soon as I got comfy, I saw the door open and Rainbow Dash walk in. Recalling in my mind that she may of been looking in the window up stairs while I was getting changed, I started to blush lightly and avoided direct eye contact with her.

But, against my hopes, she noticed me and walked my way. Oh great, just the pony I wanted to see right now. She walked over to me and glanced at me. Our eyes meet and she had a small playful smile on her muzzle. "Don't worry, I didn't see anything below the waist. Besides, you are pretty built. Well, for a human I guess." She whispered just loud enough for me to hear, I could only blush harder at her playful flirting. To which she let out a small giggle and walked off towards the kitchen. Why does she have to be a big flirt. Then Fluttershy trotted into her house, lightly humming a tune. Her eyes were closed and she had a big smile on her face. Somepony is really happy this morning. I looked out the window and saw dozens of animals eating their breakfast, and I felt my stomach growl. "Hey Marshall! Breakfast is ready!" I heard Twilight call out from the kitchen.

Breakfast was the best thing I tasted ever, frankly I only ate a muffin when I came here, so I was about to eat anything. Everything was cooked to perfection. "Man Twi, this is amazing. Where did you learn to cook so well?" Twilight blushed a little at the compliment. "Living alone with Spike, you need to learn to cook for yourself. Well, Fluttershy did give me lessons when I first arrived here. I learned from one of the best." Once I was done eating, I put my plate into the sink. "Well, I best go see Rarity and see if she can make me more clothes. Thanks again for letting us stay the night Fluttershy, and thanks for breakfast Twilight. Hey Twi? You mind taking my stuff back to the library when you go?" "No problem Marshall." I heard her reply as I walked outside. Stretching, I started to walk towards Ponyville. It was about a ten minute walk from Fluttershy's house. To too long, just enough to feel a slight strain in my legs from the walking. I walked through the market, hoping to ask somepony to give me directions to Rarity's house.

"Well howdy Marshall." I turned to my right and saw Applejack at an apple stand. "Hey Applejack, how are you today?" "I'm doing fine. And yes, this is mah apple stand. Ah sell all sorts of apple products. Apples, apple fritters, apple pie, just about anything edible with apples in em." She said with a proud smile on her face. Applejack sure love her apples. "So, how do you get the apples off the trees?" I asked, they don't have fingers, or industrial machines, so how do they do it? "Well, we buck em. We can hit the trees hard enough to shake all the apples lose, but not hurt the trees. Then we collect em and bring em to the barn." Seemed like a good technique to use. "Hey AJ, you wouldn't happen to need another set of hand at all would ya? I need to make some money." Her face went up into a friendly smile. "Well sure, we can always use a hard worker down on the farm." Her smile then turned into a small frown. "But, you may not have what it takes to buck the trees." Hmm, compared to her, I was weak. "How about you buck the trees, and I take them to barn for you? I'm used to carrying heavy things. It would save energy for you not having to walk all the way, and you could buck more trees." She thought about if for a moment and then smiled and nodded her head. "Sounds like a good idea partner, what time can you stop by?" I thought about if for a moment. "Well, I'm off to Rarity's to see if she can make me more clothes, I will stop by tomorrow morning if that's fine with you."

She chuckled. "Well, I'll let ya be on your way. And with Rarity, make sure you lay ground rules for clothes, or she might make you a tux." I laughed along with her, Rarity was a sophisticated pony, so it would be in her impulse to make fancier clothing. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind AJ, see you tomorrow. Wait, do you know where Rarity lives?" She pointed to the southwest. "It's that away, you can't miss it. It's a big frilly boutique." I thanked Applejack and headed in the direction that she pointed me in.

It only took a couple of minutes before I spotted it. It was a tall whitish/pinkish building with bits of gold colour. It was a very fancy place. I approached the door and knocked on it, then heard a voice from inside. "Come in dear, the door is unlocked." I pushed the door and it opened, I stepped into the boutique and I was amazed! There were a half dozen unique dresses on some pony mannequins, and Rarity was working on another. Without looking at me she said. "Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique and magnifique!" It was a nice greeting that went well with the atmosphere of the place. She finally turned around with her eyes mid blink. "Now, what can I help you with dear." I guess she wasn't expecting to see me here because she jumped a little. "Oh Marshall, how are you today? Enjoying your time in Ponyville hmm?" She asked with a friendly smile and a slight head tilt to the right, as she approached me. She had a pair of red glasses on, that I must say, looked really good on her. I decided to mind my manners around her, I didn't want to offend her. "I am wonderful Miss Rarity. And my time here has been exquisite."

She was walking around me, with her eyebrows narrowed muttering to herself. "Hmm, no that won't do. It will be a challenge. Ooo but I do like a challenge" Thinking something was wrong I asked her. "Umm Miss Rarity, is something the matter?" She looked up at me and smiled. "Rarity will work fine dear, although, it's nice to hear somepony, er someone with sophisticated language such as myself. But nether-the-less, do you have any other clothes dear?" I had an almost guilty feeling and expression come over myself. I was about to ask a pony I only meet two days ago, to make me new clothes. "Well, no, I don't. I came over here to ask if you could make me some new clothes. I can pay you in a couple of days, I will be working at Applejack's farm and making money there."

She smiled. "No need to say anymore, I will make you new clothes. And for no price, you are a new... Figure to make clothes for and I would like the challenge." I was taken aback by her generosity. "Tha... thanks Miss Rarity, you are a kind and generous pony." I said as a got down on one knee, lifted her right hoof and planted a small kiss out of thanks on it. She smiled brightly and blushed a bit. "Prince Blueblood needs to take lessons from you. You are quite the gentleman." She walked back to her cloths and threads. "Now, I will need you to, umm...strip down to your undergarments so I can measure you better." She weren't looking at me but I could see her cheeks flushed red. I walked behind those changing curtains, and striped down to my boxers. I hope nopony comes in here. "Alright Rarity, I'm done." I called out with a hint of nervousness in my voice.

"Now now dear, no need to be embarrassed about what you look like." She walked around the back and let out a small gasp, her cheeks flushing a slight pink. She couldn't see anything inappropriate, but I'm guessing, like with Twi and Flutter, she was amazed at how muscular I was. Being your own roadie is pretty tough work, lifting all your gear around to all the shows keep you in shape. Along with an occasional workout time, I was still only slightly above average for build. I guess it shows more on a human then a pony.

"My my, you're more muscular than I had previously thought. Anyways, lets get this done." She said before getting to work. I was a long process, but it was well worth it. She made me a dozen boxers, two dozen different shirts, jeans, socks, and a couple of sweaters. It was hard to talk her through what they looked like, but she managed to get it done. Once done I put on a black and grey stripped v neck t-shirt, and some blue jeans. She folded the rest of my clothes and put them into a bag for me to carry back home. "Here you are dear, your clothes." She looked around at the mess she left her place in. "I'm glad that is over. Oh look at the time. I have somewhere to be, you can go on your way now Marshall, and thanks for the learning experience. Next I will make you a nice tux or something." I chuckled. "Thank you Rarity, you are most defiantly the best clothes maker in all of Equestria, and I would be honoured to wear any fancy clothes you design and create." I gave her a wave and she walked off towards town. I looked up and the first thing I noticed was that it was night time. Geez that took a while, good thing I had nothing planned today. I headed off into the direction of the library where I could hopefully wind down, and put my clothes away.

As I neared it, I noticed only a dim light was on on the main floor. I stopped for a and looked around, majority of houses had their lights off. With only a couple on. I looked back to the library and saw Rarity walking inside. What was she doing here? Intrigued I walked up the steps and heard lots of voices whispering before quieting down. What the heck was going on here. I opened the door and all the lights went on. "SURPRISE!!!" Everypony yelled as soon as I walked into the library. I was puzzled, a party for me?

Pinkie Pie hopped up to me and started bouncing up and down. "Hey, like the party? Did we surprise you? I put on parties for everypony new in town and I couldn't wait to put on yours." I gazed around the room, a bunch of ponies I've never meet were here, but the main 6 were there. "Thanks Pinkie, you're the best at parties." I said while giving her a side hug. She giggled. "Then lets start the party!!" The party went without a hitch. They had a DJ, she was a white pony, with electron blue hair and purple glasses. Her cutie mark was a pair of music notes. Seems to fit. All of a sudden I saw Rainbow Dash talk to the DJ, who then smiled and shook her head. Dash then went to twilight and she used her magic to get... my guitar? Dash came up to me. "Hey Marsh, get up on stage and rock this library with Vinyl Scratch." Twilight came up behind her and handed me my guitar. "You're going to need this." I took it and grinned. "Girls, this will be on party you wont soon forget."

I climbed up on stage and plugged my guitar into her mixer. She looked at me and tilted her glasses down to reveal her red eyes. "So, you're Marshall huh, lets rock this joint." She put her right hoof towards me and I fist bumped her. "Damn straight, lets do this." We soon were getting the crowd going to a rock/rap kind of improvised song. She was doing really good, her magic was easily letting her move the controls quickly. Much faster then a regular human could. Nearing the end, the back beat became quieter, and I played palm muted notes, while keeping the vocals down. "We keep on going.... And you keep on knowing... You'd better not stop... Until the bass DROPS!!" The bass then kicked back in harder then ever, all the different sounds coming out was awesome and my adrenaline was kicking in. But all good things must come to and end, and we had a great end. The crowd was cheering and stomping there hooves. I walked back over to her, sweat running down my face, and gave her a fist bump. "You rocked Marshall, If I need ya for any other shows, I'll be sure to give you a shout." Vinyl said while looking me up and down. "And I may give ya a shout for a private show." I walked back to the mic to say thanks to the crowd.

"Thanks for coming out to the party guys, I'd like to give a big thanks to DJ-PON3. And to Pinkie Pie for hosting the best party I ever had." I took my guitar off of me and put it back into it's case. As the people started to pile out, I decided to take my shirt off and cool myself off better. I went to get a drink of water, and I noticed the mane six approaching me. "You were awesome up there!!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed while thrusting her fore-hooves in the air. "Yee-haw! That sounded awesome Marsh!" Applejack said as she bucked her back legs, thankfully not hitting anypony. Everypony nodded at the last statement. "You were marvellous Marshall, and you look marvellous." Rarity added. I blushed a bit. "You were a natural Marshall." Twilight smiled. "Yea, that was great woo." Whispered Fluttershy. "Thanks girls, you are too kind. Hey where is Pinkie Pie?" They all pointed towards the door where Pinkie was saying good bye to all the guests.

I walked over towards Pinkie and tapped on her shoulder. She turned and simile at me. "How did ya like the party? And man, you were awesome up there tonight. This was the best party ever!!" I could only grin at her wanting to make her friends happy and laugh. "I loved the party Pinkie" I dropped to one knee and opened my arms wide. Pinkie jumped up and embraced me in a tight hug. After a couple of seconds I broke the hug and patted her on the back. "Thanks again Pinkie." She let out a loud giggle. "No problem Marshall. I better be going to bed, see you all tomorrow" She said while hopping out the door and out into Ponyville.

One by one, my friends started to leave, until it just me and Twilight left. "Hey Twi, where is Spike at?" She was in her room reading a book like usual. "He is in Canterlot of royal business. So it's just you and me here tonight." Was there a small amount of excitement in her voice or was it nervousness? Probably just my imagination. I got a bite to eat from the kitchen, when I heard Twilight call out. "It's supposed to be a cooler night tonight Marshall. Umm... would you mind if we slept together? All my winter stuff in neatly put away and I only have this light blanket." Didn't seem like a big deal, I didn't want to be cold either. "Sure Twi, I'll be up in a second. I put my dishes in the sink and started up the stairs. Twilight's bed was empty, so I walked to my room and saw her using her magic to line up the two blankets. "There, we will be much warmer." I chuckled, "Sounds good to me." We both crawled into the bed, and I made sure to keep to one side of the bed.

I had almost fallen asleep till I felt the bed shaking a little and Twilight whisper. "Hey Marsh? I'm still pretty cold." A slight smile on my face, I rolled over and faced her. She was laying on her side towards me. "Roll over" She did as she was told and I shimmied closer to her until we were up against each other. I draped my left arm over her and I felt her shaking slightly still. I was puzzled. "Still cold Twi?" She meeped softly and replied with. " I'm fine now, thanks Marshall." Satisfied with her answer I managed to fall into the weird half asleep world easily. After a couple of minutes I felt Twilight raise my arm with her magic, and flip around before putting it back down. "Hey Marsh. You awake?" I ignored her wanting to fall asleep. "Good." She said aloud, thinking I was asleep. I felt her move her back legs apart and her forehoof went down towards her legs.

I felt her start to breathe a bit more heavily and felt the bed sightly shake. What are you up to Twilight? I was piecing together what she was doing when I heard her call out my name. "Ohh Marshall." What in Celestia was she doing? I felt her take my arm in her magic and bring it down between us. Wait, she isn't... she is, isn't she. A mixture of fear, and excitement filled me. She was masturbating to me! And she was bringing my hand down to her privates. She was going to use my hand to pleasure herself! I felt my hand go between her legs and I felt small, breasts? She made my fingers start pinching her nipples. She moaned in pleasure as she did so. My hand continued to go south on her body, until I felt something wet. At this point my heart was pounding, I was touching her in her more intimate places. She pushed my index finger inside of her, and it was hot, wet, and tight. "Ohh yea, that feels so good Marsh. Faster... faster." She moaned out as she stared pistoning my digit in and out of her hot love tunnel. I felt my blood rush to my cock an it started rubbing against her. But she did not notice it as she was too warped up in the pleasure as she sunk another digit into her.

My fingers were soaked in her juices, as she pressed my thumb against her clit and rubbed it in fast circles, bringing her even more pleasure. "Oh sweet Celestia, Marshall. Harder, I'm almost there." She continued to pump my fingers in and out as her tunnel started squeezing on my fingers, rhythmically clamping down tight, forcing her to go harder and faster just to keep up the pace. "Marshall.... I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" She squealed, and locked my fingers deep inside her, while my thumb kept going in little circles on her clit. Right before she came she put her lips to mine and drove her tongue into my mouth as she squirted over my fingers and down my hand. Her moans, silenced by my mouth as she explored every inch inside. Her tongue intertwined with mine. After a couple of minutes she broke the kiss and pulled my fingers out of her still quivering cunny, and brought it to her mouth before she started to lick off her own liquids from it. Her tongue felt amazing against my fingers, and I wondered what it would feel like on my cock.

After she cleaned her juices from my hand, she embraced me in a gentler kiss, I could taste her juices on her own lips. That was hot, her own taste on her mouth, and boy did she taste good, my tongue started moving a bit on its own. She took it as a sign of encouragement and started to push into the kiss more. After a minute she broke the kiss. "His fingers felt amazing... ohh I shouldn't of done that, but I couldn't help myself. Sorry Marshall... I..I... love you." She kissed me on the lips, a gentle kiss. She squeaked as she realized my cock was poking her in the stomach. "Wha... ohh wow." She rubbed the side of my cock with her hoof a bit, and it responded with a pronounced twitch. She giggled. "Sorry Marsh, next time I'll get to this." She snuggle closer to me and my cock rubbed against her, and she giggled lightly as she fell asleep. She loved me, enough to masturbate and use my own fingers to do so. My mind wondered to what work at Applejack's farm would be like tomorrow.