My Little Pony: A New Start Chapter 3

The light brightly shined in through the two windows to the right side of the bed. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a beautiful sight. Rainbow Dash was sound asleep on top of my chest, she was relaxed, calm and peaceful. _She said she was going to...

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My little pony: A New Start Chapter 2

"Oh come on Twi, I just wanna see what he looks like. You make him out to be really interesting." A voice I never heard yet. "Not now Spike, he's sleeping, he had an eventful day yesterday and needs his sleep, you will just have to wait till he...

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My little pony: A New Start Chapter 1

A drowning buzzing noise was all I could hear, my vision was blinded by a bright white light. Everything felt numb and I couldn't move, I could hardly think as I tried to open my eyes. Then I was falling, the utter helplessness feeling of falling...

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