Call of the cuckoo

Story by LunarToshala on SoFurry

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Well to be honest, I blame my husband.

Yeah, I know, some of you out there will say "Well she shouldn't have..." and "Of course she'd blame him!" But at the end of the day it's true.. We had an understanding and he broke that, so really what came of it is truly of his own making, simple as.

Me and my husband, we'll have been married... 7 years this coming April, not bad for two people as different as we are, especially considering the pressure we got from our family, his family is funny.. They think it's fine for him to screw whoever he likes but they had this nice, docile 'shepherd all picked out for him to marry, you know the sort, someone who wouldn't fuss and would happily fall in with their plans. Ha, they nearly wet themselves when he bought me home. And my family... Oh god don't get me started... Snobs? They could fly without wings on all those airs and graces they insist on having, like I need to go home to have to decide which of 8 spoons I should eat my dessert with. So at first it was just us, out against the world, he worked hard, bought home the money and I took care of his home. And this worked out very nicely at first.. We were both busy, he got promoted, we got a nice house in a nice neighborhood. Things were good.

You ever notice how things change when they're going well?

To be honest I think it was spending more time together... Of course as he rose at work his hours were cut back, company isn't gonna pay someone overtime when their wages are what regular staff get on overtime. So he was at home more, and with nowhere else for that energy to go, he started getting frisky. Bad idea, let me tell you now... For those first two years, I don't think we slept together more than a dozen or so times. It wasn't a lack of love, we were just too tired and too busy to spare the time, we did other things instead, candlelit dinners with home made candles.. That was so sweet.. Had him melting near enough.. We were content with what we had. But now..

Between you and me.. Size doesn't matter. That's what I always told him, but that's only half the truth. See, size doesn't matter if you have technique, problem one was my oh so eager husband had neither. After another three years of this routine I had pretty much got him timed, that second hand got about 30 clicks before it was all over, I didn't even need to participate, which was just as well since most of my attention was on the clock, mouthing the count down to his climax. I even fell asleep a couple of times during the act, but that was okay, he never noticed from my lack of response. Things weren't so good anymore... I was looking for excuses to get out of the house while he was in, it was a nightmare.

But nightmares end too and when he made it to the top suddenly poof! Like magic suddenly he was back at work non-stop sorting, dealing, working his magic as he called it. Well I suppose he had to have some someplace, it just obviously wasn't the bedroom.

That was when I had a thought. I was still young, 23 isn't old by anyone's guess, I had a few looks (not that I'm vain you understand, I just look after myself) and 5 years of sexual frustration had me crawling up the walls. Perfect answer. It was time to take a lover.

I was careful to start with, after 5 years of working at marriage, working up to build a good life for us, I wasn't going to throw that all away without a damn good reason, so I was very choosy about who's advanced I accepted and who's I rebuffed. In the end I settled on another dog, a lab from 4 doors down, close to home, polite but not friendly with my husband, married himself so as eager to keep things quiet as I was. He was perfect for what I needed, 7 inches of pure male, nice build, not strong but without a scrap of fat and with subtle definition, I was heartbroken when his wife got a new job and he moved away.

The next one was a wolf from across the street. And the one after was a jaguar. After the first year I started getting more confident, I think my husband knew what was going on by then but he never bought it up and neither did I, though I will admit I was getting tired of dodging that bullet, occasionally 'prompting' him to see his reactions. Normally I'd scrub all trace of scent off my after one of my lovers (yes by now I had three) visited but once in a while I'd leave it and wait to see what he'd say. He never did say anything though, not for that first year, nor the three months of the second, he'd wrinkle his nose sometimes and carefully avoid touching me much until I'd showered. I think I got the most amusing reaction out of him after a session with a very hot tiger, he'd scrunch his nose and just get this.. pained look on his face, like he'd just stepped in something distasteful. I think maybe that reaction alone was the reason I spent more time with the feline than either the vulpine or canine who I also liaised with.. It just made me giggle. Later when I asked why he seemed so averse to cats he just shrugged and said it was a canine thing, like that was some sort of answer.

It was 5 months ago that I met him. He was less of a dream.. and more a girl's wet fantasy. At an astonishing 7 feet he towered even over my husband and masculine? Dang, he was like the meaning of the world male.. All rippling black fur and muscles, he had these piercing eyes that seemed to change color with his moods, and an attitude that screamed alpha male. Oddly this was something my husband had never mastered, even though he was top of the food chain in his line of work, he just didn't have the confident swagger that made girls and guys alike drool or the cocky, expression that somehow looked endearing and unbearably sexy at the same time.

I had to have him.

And luck would have it he lived next door. The first day I saw him was as he moved in, laughing with the movers with this deep, husky rumble of a laugh that rolled through you and made your toes curl... Excuse me, I'm drooling again aren't I? I couldn't help it, still can't even now, he brings out this passion in me that I'd never previously known, up until known lovers had been nice but replaceable, after my first I was careful not to get attached, smiled as I watched them leave, kissed them goodbye as they left to pick up the kids and go home to their mates. But now? Now all that mattered was him.

I think that was when my husbands interest in my home life suddenly spiked.. For no reason he started calling from work, just to say he loved me. Became a sappy romantic, tried courting me all over again, didn't even mind me excusing myself from my wifely duties, just cuddled me and soothed me that it was fine and I shouldn't worry. Maybe he knew something was going on, maybe he suspected the outcome even before I did. It is a shame really, the pup tried so hard to coax me back into loving him.. But I'd already found another Casanova and really wasn't interested in my husband. And so my conquest began.


"Ahem... Hi, you must be our new neighbor..." Purr the words baby, that's it, smile at him, tilt your head coyly.

"Ah, yes, I moved in last Saturday.. I didn't know I had such charming neighbors..." Oh. My. God. He's flirting with me! Don't blow this!

"Oh I'm sure you say that to all the neighbors..." What are you saying? At least feign intelligence!

He chuckled... I melted, right there and then.. If there hadn't been a fence separating us I think I might have tried to jump him right there on the front lawn.

"Though I am pleased to meet you, I need a hand sorting out a details of local suppliers and companies around here, could you spare a few?" For you? Absolutely.



I have to say, for a male, he had taste. His home was beautiful in that minimalistic way, not fussy or the messy slobs hang out of a bachelor pad and I worried for a moment that he might have a girlfriend, but there were no pictures around, nothing to indicate a woman in his life so I relaxed and took a deep breath to calm down, politely making small talk as I followed him through to the lounge, desperately trying not to squirm in the silk panties I'd worn for the occasion. Not that I expected anything to happen that first time but a girl has to be prepared, you understand. I was getting so turned on at the thought of being alone with the wolf I wondered if I'd have a wet patch on my skirt by the time I stood up, crossing my legs to dampen the scent and smiling brightly to distract him and acting as though nothing was wrong.

And all in all it was a fun afternoon, my husband had a husband had a board meeting them customer obligation to take his latest clients out to relax and have a drink or two and had warned me he wouldn't be home until the wee hours of the morning so as six rolled around I was perfectly relaxed, Leo had even bought out a couple of glasses and a bottle of bubbly to celebrate moving in, and I drank two glasses dutifully, not mentioning how easily champagne affected me, being coaxed into a third and fourth glass shortly after, completely drunk by seven. Between the giggling and drunken slouch down the couch I told Leo of the problems my marriage had hit, how I worried we weren't compatible, how the spark had sparked once before fizzling out completely, complaining about our sex life.. Oh it was all an open book once I was drunk, even cracking jokes over Andrew, my husband, and his size 'down there' if you catch my drift. And he loved it, was making my laugh so hard I nearly snorted the bubbles out of the fifth glass, making dry comments about Andrew that just fit so well I was nearly howling with laughter, certainly I was crying with it.

It died though when he sat beside me and pressed his lips to mine, paw gently resting on my thigh. I could have stopped it, but who am I kidding? I didn't want to.

Instead I moaned softly against his lips eagerly, tried to sit up straighter but I didn't need to, the larger wolf slipping to straddle my lap, paws pushing my skirt up around my hips, making me near pant even as I tasted the sweet tang of his mouth, easing my tongue past his lips to caress his, ears splaying, drunkenly mumbling "I don't know if we should be doing this..." with no effort or force behind it, fingers clumsily unbuttoning his shirt, I was as eager for it as he was and after another of his rumbling chuckles I didn't bother speaking, words would've been lost anyway. Instead I surrendered to his touch and my own yearning, the only sounds between us moans and soft sighs as he kissed down my throat, hands cupping and squeezing my breasts, pushing them together, making me mewl in pleasure and desire, wriggling out of my panties before parting my legs willingly for him, groaning and clinging to him as he pushed a good 12 inch, thick shaft inside me. For sex to be good, you need a partner with either size or technique. Sex this mind-blowing only happens if you're lucky enough to have a partner with both. I think I climaxed four times in that single coupling, twice before he entered me as he knelt in front of me and showed me how talented his tongue and lips were, and twice as he rode me like a feral animal, moans escalating into groans and soft sighs into screams of pleasure.

I'm not entirely sure how I got home that night. I think he carried me home and put me to bed as tenderly as my husband had ever managed to be. I think he whispered something in my ear as I drifted off into the deep sleep of the well satisfied. I think he said "Bet your puppy couldn't top that..." but I'm not sure I didn't imagine that part, though as time went on, I might very well have heard those exact words.

I was woken at 5 in the morning by my husband, who looked as drunk as I had been, which was lucky as it meant he didn't notice my disheveled state or the fact that Leo had decided to keep my panties as a souvenir, but it did make him even friskier, nearly falling on top of me and promptly falling asleep, leaving me to squirm out from under him, wrinkling my nose at the stale scent of beer on his breath, rolling to the far end of the bed, turning my back on him as I curled up to sleep.


After that there was no holding me back.

I never knew what Leo did but it didn't seem to require him leaving the house, leaving him free to romp the moment my husband left for work, up to the moment he arrived home. But our arrangement still stood, he left and arrived home on a fairly regular pattern, we still both avoided any dangerous topics that might expose us and we both pretended to be a married couple. Until 4 months ago. They say that curiosity killed the cat but what they didn't say was that it was almost as harmful for canines too.

It was a Thursday, I remember that much, Andrew had left early to get to work to set up a meeting for the day and Leo had come over to our home. I guess Andrew's curiosity just got too much for him because he doubled back barely half an hour later, creeping in through the front door like a thief, unheard by us, far too interested in each other, confident in our security of the regular routine, he wasn't after all, meant to be home for a good 12 hours and we were so enthralled with one another to be willing to waste a single moment of that time on anything other than each other.


My head shot up, eyes widening at the expletive to find my husband stood in the doorway, mouth gaping and eyes as wide and shocked as my own, scrambling to pull the covers, a sheet, anything over my nudity, heart still racing from the hot kisses and passionate caresses of moments ago, pressing back against him defensively, eyes filling with tears as I realized what this all meant, I had really blown it now... Before I noticed something odd about Andrew.. Something I hadn't really seen at first.. A small, familiar bulge in the front of his work pants and even as I stared a small damp patch appeared, my jaw just dropping, eyes jerking up to meet his, his ears flushed a dark red in shame and embarrassment. I'm not entirely sure what I would've said next, if anything, if Leo hadn't chosen that moment to speak up.

"Ah, so this must be the puppy..." Puppy? Did he just call Andrew a puppy?

I saw my husband swallow soundly, jaw working but not saying anything, one hand defensively covering his patch from the larger male's sight in hope that he hadn't seen it before growling at him.

"What the fuck are you doing with MY wife?"

Leo just threw his head back and barked laughter at that, movements so fast and smooth I can't swear that I actually saw him in more than a brief blur, vision further blurred with my tears... Only the next thing I knew Leo had Andrew pinned against the wall, one paw around his throat, pressed hard against him, nose to nose, lips lifted in a dangerous snarl, causing me to gasp softly, excitement flaring at the sight of this beautiful animal in such a feral state, shivering softly and panting gently as I watched to see what he would do with or to my husband, still slightly hiding as best I could, a pillow clutched to my body.


"Shut UP puppy, before you get yourself in trouble..."


The next sound was a yelp as the wolf back handed the German shepherd, not as hard as he was capable of but hard enough to knock his head aside, hauling him up the wall an inch by his throat, feet dangling uselessly above the carpet, choking and clawing at the hand around his neck.

"Now shut up and pay attention... I'm sure you can tell how eager I am to sink myself in a hot, tight hole right now, willing or unwilling... So be a good puppy and watch or if you insist that I can't have your wife then I'll have you instead.."

Frightened canine eyes jerked up to see a malicious gleam in the lupine's, making him realize that the threat was perfectly valid, whimpering but making no other sound to protest, getting a grin from the wolf before he was dropped, legs buckling and tipping forward, sprawling ungraciously over the carpeted floor, groaning softly and slowly sitting up, paw rubbing his throat gingerly, wincing at the imprint of paw prints in his flesh that would more than likely bruise later, blinking owlishly at me as Leo stepped around to crawl on the bed, gently tipping me onto my back with a reassuring touch and smile before smirking at the frozen shepherd and winking at him with a leering grin, pushing my legs apart and claiming my lips with his own with almost bruising intensity, body instantly responding to him longingly, eagerly, paws slipping over his back, quiet husband forgotten as I groaned pleadingly into the hot mouth covering mine. As he pushed inside me again I cried out in pleasure, writhing under him until we both found our climax with a howl and cry respectively. Panting under him I closed my eye, almost able to forget that Andrew had come home early today, just feeling Leo's heavy weight pressing own on me firmly, his own heavy pants running over my fur, tickling my ears as he lazily licked one slowly.

A whimper from the corner made me blink and half turn towards the source, suddenly recalling my humiliated and cowed husband before Leo gently caught hold of my muzzle in his paw, shushing me softly and resting a finger on my lips to stop any protests or questions I might have, leaving me with little more to do than nod softly and gaze up at him trustingly, smiling back as he smiled his approval with a soft rumble low in his throat, rolling to his side and propping his head in his hand, eyes lidded as he watched me before frowning at my husband.

"Puppy. Heel!" He demanded and after a start and squeaks of surprise my supposedly strong husband meekly crawled towards the bed, though despite temptation I didn't look at him or even acknowledge him, hearing him whimper once as he circled the bed to Leo, a sharp yelp being followed by a husky whisper, words running into each other pleasantly, guessing he had been snagged by the ear.

A few moments later I gasped and groaned out loud, fingers digging into the bed covers as a hot tongue ran over my folds, dipping between them to gather the sticky, still hot seed pooled inside my sex, messy, slurping sounds following as it was swallowed and more lapped up, cold nose brushing my clit making me yelp and jump, groaning out softly as that thick tongue pushed inside herself, retreating only when covered with seed, panting softly, enjoying every moment of the rare occurence.

"Gods... Leo..." A throaty chuckle was my answer.

"Not me.. Him."

My eyes shot open at that, I can tell you! And sure enough, instead of the large black-furred head I'd expected to see between my legs, a dark muzzle faded into the tan markings of my husband, his ears folded back as he crouched uncomfortably between my legs, chest pressed against the bed and pink tongue flashing between my legs with enthusiastic licks, something that in our years of marriage he'd never tried before, mmm, but damn he was a natural.. Leo smirked at my expression, making my blush slightly, his heavy paw stroking my husbands back like a pet, seeming to just take pleasure in the sight and my occasional moan of pleasure as he made sure I was spotlessly clean between the legs before retreating, looking up appeasingly at Leo who smirked and roughly cuffed his rump, making him scramble to the floor ungracefully and with some amusement I realized he'd either kept his erection the entire time or that smack had just gotten him aroused all over again.

But as Leo reached for me again, that last thought went straight out of my head...


So it wasn't until later, when Leo had finally gone home that I had time to think... Andrew was downstairs making me a romantic candlelit dinner, his 'homework assignment' from Leo, I have to say he was taking this suspiciously well, I'd expected either hysterical accusations, floods of tears or bellowing roars of outrage and betrayal by now.

"I, uh.. Dinners ready love..."

I started, blinking at him as he crept inside the bedroom, not meeting my gaze, head and tail lowered meekly as he told me of dinner than nearly tripped over his feet backing out of the room again, nodding every now and again almost like a waiter and for a moment I felt a great rush of sadness that this was what our marriage came to, a couple of strangers, awkward and uncertain around one another as though this was a first date. I smiled softly and perhaps my emotions showed in my eyes for he then turned tail and disappeared downstairs, leaving me to stand and brush my hands over my pelt to neaten it, padding after him in that same retrospective quietness.

I gasped out loud as I walked into the dining room, Andrew having apparently gone all out to make this meal special, candles glowing softly in the darkened room, the setting beautiful and very romantic.. I turned to look at him in confusion, of all the things I'd imagined, this wasn't one of them, I know Leo had told him to prepare it but I hadn't expected him to actually follow through, I think part of me had decided that would be his way of retaliating, if not through words then through actions. Speechless I beamed my approval to Andrew, getting a shyly pleased one in return. And it didn't end there, he carefully pulled my chair out for me as I sat, fussed over me until I managed to reassure him I was fine before taking his own seat at the other end of the table.

"Andrew... ab-about Leo..." I started, though I wasn't sure what I was going to say after that.. Apologize? Make excuses? Bluff my way through it? Luckily I didn't have to as he held up his paw.

"It's fine darling.. I.. I've known for some time that you've erm... been.. taking lovers..." his voice was trembling slightly as he spoke.


"It's fine, really it is.. shall we eat dinner?"

Since that seemed to be the end of the conversation I nodded and began eating as he did, murmuring in startled pleasure and appreciation for the delicious food, Andrew was a superb cook but he rarely did so and this treat was very much savored. The rest of the meal was eaten in comparative silence with our occasional smiles to one another over the candles.


Relaxing in the lounge afterwards, we settled with a glass of wine each, leaving the dishes to soak while we talked. I considered what to ask, trailing my fingertip over the top of the glass thoughtfully, eventually lifting my head to ask a question that had been puzzling me for a while.



"How come you.. um... did you...?" I nodded to his crotch eyes dipping before lifting to meet his with genuine curiosity, nothing malicious in my interest though you would have thought differently as his cheeks flamed red.

"Oh that... um... well.."

I cocked my head patiently

"I.. have unusual tastes... sexually" he finally blurted out, head hanging slightly, squirming on the spot quite literally, "T-that's why I never bought up your lovers.. I knew about them and it-it turned me on..." he near whispered and I just blinked before giving him an interested look.


"Mmhmm.. I'd sit at work and just think about you and wonder who or what I'd smell on you when I got home.." He shuddered slightly and I couldn't help it. I giggled.

"So like... you've been jerking off in work thinking of me with other men?" I questioned to make sure I was really understanding what he was saying, being rewarded with a slightly hesitant nod, unable to get a grin off my face, after all this definitely worked in my favor! "So.. I can keep seeing Leo...?" He nodded vigorously instantly and I all but purred in satisfaction.


"Ha, I rather thought he wouldn't mind..."

I gave Leo a curious look from snuggled against his side, head resting on his shoulder, fingers playing with his chest fur. I'd just finished telling him about my conversation with my husband, still rather surprised by his confessions, wondering how Leo could've guessed before shrugging it off as he began to talk again, his heavy tail lifting and falling in one single wag, a playful smirk on his muzzle, an expression that invariably made me return it, he just looked too cute and mischievous to be able to resist.

"Shall we make him a present?"

"A present?"


The next morning I waved Andrew off with a bright smile, retreating into the house with a little giggle, having put a special present in his briefcase, a collection of perhaps 20 or 30 Polaroids of myself and Leo in all sorts of positions, he having bought in a friend who was in the business as she assured me, grinning widely, the photos extremely explicit and vibrant. They had made my stomach clench and quiver in excitement and I could only imagine what they would do for Andrew, laughing to myself softly as I imagined him pawing off with his office door securely locked.

"Hey sexy..." I smiled and turned at the voice, Leo having his own keys by now to get in and out of the house freely, tail slowly swaying before pausing, a large mixed breed feline stood beside him, his tail softly swaying, long delicate whiskers twitching gently as he looked around curiously, sniffing the air appreciatively before his unusually sea green eyes met my own, a slow feline smile curving his lips, glancing at the larger wolf besides him, who grinned and gestured to him "This is Lance.. He's been dying to meet you for quite a while now.."

I smiled back at his words, offering a paw to the other male, though unexpectedly he took my paw, raising it to his lips and kissed the palm very softly instead, tongue tip flicking over my sensitive pads, making me gasp gently and shiver softly, eyes widening slightly as I watched him, seeing his gentle but sensual expression as he advanced on me, paws lifting to cup my cheeks as his muzzle lowered, pressing his mouth over mine with gentle firmness, my eyes fluttering shut before submitting to him, puzzled that Leo seemed fine with Lance seducing me like this before murring in understanding as he winked, lifting a camcorder to his eye with a wide smirk.

They both eased and guided me upstairs to the bedroom, tumbling me without protestingly into the bed, Lance taking his pleasure first, rough feline tongue running over my fur in a sensation very different to a canines, claws gently raking through my fur as I squirmed under him, and when he pushed his muzzle between my legs and licked over my aching sex I nearly exploded, my cries and pleading whimpers all being caught by a certain smug wolf, himself heavily aroused and as I was near him, I reached out and wrapped my fingers around him, stroking him even as Lance suckled my clit, making me nearly howl in pleasure, panting desperately, heart racing and desire flowing and ebbing like the tide.

I still smile when I think about that night... I don't mean to brag but I think between the three of us we gave the karma sutra a run for it's money, the two males taking turns to record the other taking me, using me with abandon, much to my delight, naturally.

Oh, if you're wondering, the video was made into an anniversary gift, along with a few other things that are waiting in the top of my wardrobe. He's going to love it.


After that, things moved pretty quickly.

Leo eventually moved in, I'm sure that's no surprise for any of you. Since he was around all the time anyway, and now Andrew knew him, there wasn't really much point in hiding the relationship, though having said that, Andrew seems to revel in having a bigger, more dominant alpha around. Leo bought him his own pet basket since he moved into the bedroom, though if he's especially good he gets to sleep on the bed at the bottom (or if it's cold, he's a wonderful hot water bottle). Since he often has his friends around too I don't get to do so much housework, which is fine, Andrew does it all now, usually after getting home from work, depending on if we busy or not, sometimes Leo molests him while he's cleaning... That's usually good for a giggle. Who would have thought Andrew would get such a kick out of wearing a French maids outfit anyway? Certainly not me but I will say he makes a good 'bitch'.

It's pretty nice having a real alpha around, things are a lot more fun, even if Andrew does sometimes whine about having sore.. uh.. areas. But other than that, our marriage is the best it's ever been. And it's going to get better.

I'm pregnant. And they aren't Andrews.