Part 2 - Lunch Time

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#3 of Youth and Vigor which Ray discovers a great deal about Andy's interests, and an unexpected visitor arrives.

Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor. If this sort of thing offends you, don't read this story. If this sort of thing interests you, please enjoy. This is my first story on SoFurry and I appreciate any constructive community feedback.

Part 2 - Lunch Time

The lumbering yellow school bus bounced and shook as it rolled over the copious number of speed bumps in the waterpark's parking lot. Ray gave a long playful honk on the horn as he pulled up to the dropoff circle and brought the bus to a halt, putting on the parking brake and reaching over to open up the door. "We're here!" He announced happily, and was succeeded by cheers and whoops of happiness from the cubs behind him.

"Remember class!" shouted Mr. Reacher, standing up and blocking the aisle before any cubs could clamor off. "Always stay with your buddy! If any of you go on a waterslide, your buddy comes with you! If any of you need to go to the bathroom, your buddy comes with you!" The class giggled a little at that one. "And if any of you get separated from your buddy, you come find me immediately. I'll be under the umbrellas by the food stand, got it?" The class responded with nods and affirmative yelps. "Alright, let's go have a good time!" He whooped and trotted down the steps and off the bus, standing by the door as all the cubs skedaddled off, carrying their bags and towels. A few of the boy cubs stopped right in the parking lot to take their shirts off, in too much of a hurry to go through the locker room.

After the last cub was off, Mr. Reacher leaned back in the door and nodded at Ray. "Thanks for the safe trip, Ray. If you need anything you know where to find me. We'll be back in about 4 hours."

"No problem Mr. Reacher, ya'll have a fun time out there, keep those cubs safe." Ray smiled at the teacher and tipped his sunglasses up to give him a wink. He watched as the teacher trotted off after the cubs, his tall tail swinging in the breeze. Now came the boring part, he had to sit in the bus all alone for the next 4 hours. No company to keep and no entertainment save for his dashboard radio. He flipped it on to a quiet rock and roll station and kicked back in his seat, putting his paws up on the dashboard. He positioned himself so his dashboard fan was blowing right in his face and closed his eyes to rest. He took a deep breath and sighed. The heat put him quickly into a warm nap, visions of cute little bunny tails twitching in his head.

He woke up to a small voice and a banging sound on the glass door to the school bus. Andy was there, the little bunny from earlier. He was still wearing the cutest little red swim trunks and a white tank-top, his fur a bit matted from having been wet and dried in the sun. "Mister Ray, Mister Ray!" he called out, trying to awaken the wolf. Ray sat up quickly and reached over to open the door, a little surprised. "I'm sorry to wake you up, Mr. Ray, but I left my lunch on the bus!"

"Oh that's okay cub, we'll find it. Here, I'll help you look. It's nice to have company out here anyway." Ray smiled down at him and reached his paw out to help the cub up the stairs. "And it's just Ray, you don't have to call me Mister Ray."

"Thank you Mi, I mean, Ray!" Andy smiled and took the wolf's paw. His little bunny tail was twitching happily as he padded down the aisle of the bus toward the back where he was sitting. Ray stood up and followed after him, checking the seats for anything that looked like a lunch bag. "Found it!" Andy shouted out, shooting his paw up holding a brown paper bag. "Thank you for helping me look Mister Ray... oooh." The bunny boy blushed and put his paw back down bashfully, looking over at Ray, who was suddenly very confused.

A glance down to where the bunny's eyes were affixed solved the riddle pretty quick though. Ray had a huge bulge in his shorts, no doubt the result of the excellent dream he was having. "That's biiig Mister Ray." He giggled and covered his muzzle with his paws, trotting a bit closer. Ray was shocked, he didn't know what to say. He knew getting caught like this with a cub was a very quick way to get fired and worse. He just stood there, frozen. "It looks much bigger than my brother's or even my daddy's. Can I see?" he asked, looking up at the wolf's face. Ray's jaw dropped, not sure if he was still having a dream or not. Trying to get a hold of the situation, he decided to use his better judgment and not let this escalate any further.

"I'm sorry Andy, I really don't think that's a good idea." He shook his head and ducked back into one of the seats, putting his paw on his chest and trying to catch his breath.

"Oh please, please, pleeeeease? I just want to peek! Besides, you already saw mine when that meanie Greg pulled my shorts down." Andy put his lunch bag down and clasped his paws together in a begging gesture.

"Andy, I..." but before he could decline again, the bunny had already come up to him and had wrapped his paws around the elastic of his waistband. He tugged them down in one brief yank and then stared in awe. The lightweight basketball shorts fell softly against Ray's footpaws, leaving him totally exposed. If Ray hadn't been fully hard before, he definitely was now. This is the sort of thing he'd only dreamed of. Still, he knew it was wrong, but he desperately wanted it to happen. He glanced around quickly, checking to see if anyone could see them through the bus windows. Fortunately there was no one around, the parking lot was mostly deserted and the bus windows were high enough off the ground that no one could really see through them. While he was checking for privacy, he suddenly felt the cub's warm, soft paws wrap around his shaft and rub up the length. He gasped, both in terror and in pleasure, and looked down as the cub leaned in close, hugging Ray's cock against his chest. His cock was nearly the size of the cub's forearm. He couldn't help but give a soft thrust against the cub's chest, lifting his tank-top up a couple inches and then sliding it back down.

"Yeah you're much bigger than my brother or my daddy." He giggled, then reached down and gave Ray's knot a firm squeeze, involuntarily forcing the wolf to let out a soft moan. "And you have this, my daddy doesn't even have one of those, what's that called Mr. Ray?" the cub asked, curiously.

Ray shook his head, trying to think clearly, but it was already too late. He'd exposed himself to this cub, and if he was going to get caught, he was going to get caught. Might as well play along and see where this would take him. "That's called a knot, only canines have them." He answered, a nervous shakiness in his voice. Then something occurred to him. "Do you see your brother or your daddy like this a lot?" Ray asked, wondering why this cub had such an interest.

"Uh huh!" the bunny boy answered, nodding his head and smiling up at the wolf playfully. "Ever since Mommy left, Daddy said it was important that we stick together, really close! So he taught me and my brother a lot of fun games to make us stay a family." Andy gave Ray's cock a squeeze, making him moan again, precum leaking from his tip. "Ooooh tasty!" the bunny gasped happily, quickly wrapping his warm little muzzle around the wolf's cock tip, his agile young tongue lapping up all the salty warm pre-cum. "You taste different than them, but it's good though!" he nodded and smiled up at the wolf.

Ray was agape, this was beyond anything he could have hoped for. This cub was adorable, energetic, and apparently had a strong love for the same sort of play that Ray did. All he had to do was not get caught, but he started to wonder how far he could push this. "What sort of games did your daddy teach you?"

The bunny put his paw on his chin, thinking as he swayed side to side. "Well there's the licking game," he began, "that's where my daddy takes his pants off and my brother and me take turns putting our tongues on his thingy. Whoever makes him cum sticky stuff first is the winner and gets Daddy to take a shower with him and clean him aaaaall over. There's red light, red light. That's where my brother and I are on opposite sides of the room with Daddy in the middle. Every time he says red light he turns around to face one of us and we have to freeze. But if he's not facing his, we have to sneak towards him and take all our clothes off. The first one to get to Daddy naked wins!"

Ray's heart was beating a mile a minute, what he wouldn't give to live in a house like that. His cock was throbbing just thinking about it, he listened intently to the bunny as more precum leaked out and down his shaft.

And Santa's little helper", he added, "but we only play that one at Christmas time. That's where my daddy puts on a silly fake beard, and sneaks around the house naked while we pretend to sleep. If one of us catches him, then we get a present!" he giggles.

"But my favorite is doggy in the middle, hehe, 'cause I'm really good at it. Even though my brother is older than me, he's 14, I'm still the best at doggy! Whoever is 'it' gets to be the doggy in the middle, and you stick your thingy into whoever's on bottom, right in here!" Andy turned around and dropped his shorts, lifting his tail a bit to show off his tight bunny behind. Ray started stroking himself, dreaming about every word. He turned back around and picked his shorts up, putting them on the seat. "Then whoever is up top comes up behind the doggy, hehe, that's me, and then puts their thingy into him. Then you hump like a doggy and make barking noises, it's a lot of fun! It feels especially good when my daddy is on top, because his thingy really fills me up. He can make a lot of white sticky stuff." Andy nodded and reached down to rub his penis. The bunny seemed to be getting pretty hard telling Ray about his games, and he was also surprisingly large for a boy of his age. Ray would have guessed about 5 inches or so. All this talk was putting Ray really close to the edge, he wanted nothing more than to just bend that bunny boy over and fill him to the brim, but this cub was so energetic and curious, he just wanted to see what would happen next.

"Say, I wonder what you'd feel like inside me, Mister Ray? Your thingy is so big I'm not sure it would even fit!" He giggled and wrapped his paws around Ray's dick again, stroking it against his cheek and getting a little of Ray's pre-cum in the bunny's fur. "I'd really like to play doggy in the middle with you Mister Ray, I think you'd be really good at it since you're actually a doggy! But only if I get to be the doggy in the middle." Andy put his paws up against his chest and made a cute little barking sound.

"That sounds like a lot of fun Andy, I'd really like you to teach me, you seem like a very, very good puppy." Ray smiled down at the cub, one paw wrapped around his throbbing cock while the other stroked behind Andy's soft white ear. He really couldn't believe this was going to happen. The bunny boy smiled wildly at his approval and wiggled his bottom as he started to turn around.

"Oh but wait, we need a third doggy! I can't be the doggy in the middle unless we have a third doggy!" Andy stood back up and crossed his arms. He was even adorable when he was pouting, thought Ray. Even if he didn't get to fuck the cub, this was still the best day of his life. He stared down at the naked cub and rubbed his cock.

"That's okay Andy, like you said, I'm not so sure it would even fit." Ray smiled back at him, running his other paw through the cub's headfur.

"Awwwww, but I really..." the bunny was suddenly interrupted.

"Raaaaay! Mister Reacher said I had to come back to the bus because I was misbehaving!" a young voice called out, it was the same Doberman pup that had pulled off Andy's swim trunks earlier. Ray froze in terror as the cub walked up the steps into the bus. He was shirtless now, showing off his beautiful black and brown belly pattern, but he was still wearing his backwards red baseball cap and a pair of baggy swim trunks that hung down to his knees. As soon as the pup looked down the aisle of the bus and saw Andy naked with Ray in front of him, both of their cock's hard as can be, his jaw dropped and he froze.

All three of them stood there, completely surprised, until finally little Andy decided to break the silence. "Why don't you join us, Greg!"