The Perfect night

Story by Tinaski on SoFurry

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Commission for Mhisani

A sweet love story about a Grey fox and a Brown bear full of cuddling and caressing ;)

rated for sex scenes ;)

The Perfect Night.

By Tina Ski

Written for: Mhisani on commission

Getting ready for a date is something girls take hours to do. Well, girls and me apparently. Wouldn't think it took two hours by looking at me but that might have well been the reason it took a full two hours. I think it was the longest I ever took to get ready for a date.

No- it was the longest. I knew it. This whole perfecting my fur placement, changing clothes, smelling every cologne I had five times before deciding on forgoing it all together wasn't normally how I went. For me dating was pulling on jeans, throwing on a shirt and brushing my teeth before scrambling out the door so I wouldn't be late.

Tonight however I had pulled out all my nice clothes, designer jeans faded just right with an expensive belt with intricate stitching detail. My shirt was what I had struggled with the most. I had finally settled on a button down dress shirt cut just right to my body accentuating my slender form. What had me changing shirts about a thousand times was the color. I wanted it just right in order to show off my grey fur. To me it felt drab but I knew Rojono had called it one of my best features and it made me feel the need to show it off.

I just wanted it to be perfect tonight.

It wasn't the first date, or the second or even the third. It wasn't the eighth. It was the twelfth date and Rojono was officially my "boyfriend" but we still hadn't had sex. I just hadn't been ready then. Now I was more than prepared.

It wasn't that I was a virgin. I had done the dirty dead before but I wouldn't exactly call myself an experienced player at the game. No, two times with a high school boyfriend didn't make me a master of the bedroom.

Rojono had asked before, when we had gotten into a very heavy session of making out or after cuddling while watching a movie, but I had always clung to the fact I wasn't ready. Now that I was there was nothing stopping us. I was in love and I wanted to give him something he had desired.

At least I had planned ahead and wasn't going to be running late and telling him to wait while I finished getting ready. By the time he rang the door bell I was just rinsing after having brushed my teeth for the umpteenth time. I buzzed him up to my apartment and tied my shoes as he let himself in.

"Hey," I called from the couch as I pulled the laces tight.

"Hi Sam-So I was thinking tonight we might go out for a nice dinner then to a movie? Could always do the reverse. Movie then the dinner." He threw the ideas out there. "Next week I was hoping I could steal you away a bit earlier- maybe hit up that new theme park out in Oakland?"

I gave him a smile finishing the bow on my shoe. "Sure. Sounds like fun- but we could come back here for the movie? I've got some popcorn, snacks and stuff. Plus Netflix is a bit cheaper on the wallet."

"It's alright I like taking you out." He insisted. It was sweet but I really wanted him back here. It was excuse to get him back up here without making an awkward change of mood by asking him up. I wanted to have it transition as smoothly as possible. Just incase I change my mind I wouldn't feel strange.

I got up biting the inside of my bottom lip lightly. "Ok I guess."

"Your place is perfect too." He told me finally giving me my hello kiss. It was at first just a small kiss but as our lips met he put one his large paws under my chin ushering me closer. Our lips met yet again in a slow probing motion no tongues involved just lips messaging, meshing together in a sweet slow waltz.

Rojono pulled away causing the wolf in me to whine in a small protest. I wanted his warm mouth over mine again. He chuckled at my objection and pulled me under his arm leading me out the door. I nuzzled myself into his broad chest as we walked down the stairs ignoring the looks the Cruz's, my stuffy old upstairs neighbors, gave us on the our way down. I was beyond caring what they thought. I had Roj and that's all that really mattered to me. Everything else faded into the background.

As we reached the car I waited as Rojono opened the car door for me. His car was relatively old and didn't have a clicker for it but he always made sure to open my door for me before getting his own. "You look really nice tonight by the way." He told me as he held the door open and I got inside and he closed the door behind me.

When he got in his side I leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thanks." I told him in response to the compliment. As the car started a song came across the stereo. "Is that the CD I told you to listen to?" I asked in wonder. I had only suggested it a few night ago when we had been skyping.

He nodded his head almost bumping his head on the roof of the car. It was kind of funny looking at him in the driver's seat. The car he had wasn't intended for bears. It was more of an old fashioned sports car designed for someone smaller. But Roj loved his sleek beater of a car. Even gave 'her' a name, "Roxy."

He decided to take me out for sushi that night pulling into the little restaurants parking lot. It made me smile. He was unintentionally making this night even more perfect and in the back of my mind I was wondering if he realized it was the first place we ever went out to together. I mean technically it hadn't even been our first date but it was where I realized I wanted to date him.

I had gotten dragged out by some friends and he had been in the same situation. It hadn't been a set up but after talking for while he asked for my number and I had gladly handed it over. Almost insisting that I got his too so I could make sure we saw each other again. The only thing stopping me was the fact he gave it to me before I could ask.

Walking up to the restaurant he put a paw on my back guiding me to the door all the while leaving a slight tingling on the small of my back. He gave me butterflies still and it made my heart leap as he said my name "So booth or table Sam?" He asked before we got the host's desk.

"Either is fine," I mumbled just reveling in the small circular motion he was making with a claw. It was just enough of a tease to make me crave more.

The waitress seated us at a tiny booth in the back of the restaurant. It was one of their special spots secluded enough not to hear other conversations but still close enough to the sushi bar to watch them preparing your meal if you liked.

Sitting across from Rojono I used my time to study him as he read the menu. Bears had never been my type before, I generally preferred someone akin to my stature: medium height, thin, common wolf features whether they be wolf or not. I went for Foxes, coyotes, even a cat or too. There was something about Rojono that put all their looks to shame. He was special. Like someone specially designed just to turn me on.

Maybe to someone he looked like the average brown bear, but to me he was more exotic. Maybe it was the way he dressed that made me weak in the knees. His faded dark brown jeans and red flannel shirt weren't exactly out of the ordinary though. If anything they made him look more like a regular guy. It couldn't be them.

Then it hit me what made him so darn appealing to the eye. His fur. It was brown sure, but it wasn't strictly one shade of it. He had darker and lighter strands highlighting his fur in patches like my own grey fur. He had more wolfish coloring and the more I stared at it the more I was certain that it added to my attraction.

My eyes were drawn to his eyes next. Like a shade of honey that had been dripped over chocolate they were equally as hypnotizing as his fur. I half wanted to say his name outloud just to have them meet mine for one second.

And just like that he looked up startling me. Oh Crap. I said it out loud, didn't I?

"So what do you think you're going to get?" He asked only momentarily glancing at me. A breath of relief slipped from my lips. I hadn't said it and I wasn't going to need to explain myself.

I shrugged and actually picked up my menu to look at. "Probably a thing of the eel and some tuna." I had a soft spot for tuna, especially the spicy kind. "You?" I asked out of semi courtesy. The other part was I just loved the way his voice got when talking about his favorite food.

A slight moan escaped him before a growl from his belly spoke up. "Salmon. Definitely getting some Salmon rolls, I was thinking of trying some the Tilapia sashimi. Oh and I defiantly want some of those Philadelphia rolls you let me try last time." I knew he would like those. They were basically salmon rolls with cream cheese added in. "Mmm and maybe some Honey pies for dessert."

The one thing I was kind of jealous about was his ability to eat. I think he could eat everything in the kitchen and not gain a pound. It was that whole thing about being a bear that helped with that. Then again he was probably the skinniest, in shape bear I've ever seen so perhaps the hours at the gym didn't hurt either.

When the waitress came to take our order her eyes widened slightly as she realized she would need more than one note page to complete the order. I just smiled at her watching Roj give specific needs to his salmon. It was kind of cute how much he loved food. Something told me he was just as a good cook as he was at ordering.

We ended up getting the honey pies, and buying some ice cream on our way back to my place to eat during the movie, although I wasn't entirely sure I would be able to eat any. Given I hadn't ordered a huge dinner but I also was having a hard time working up an appetite. The closer we got to my apartment the more it seemed my stomach shrunk.

Looking at Roj I was kind of wondering if he had any clue of what I had planned for the night. It wasn't like I was acting completely normal all night. I was a bottle of nerves concentrate and I wasn't exactly getting any better.

He glanced over at me and our eyes met for a second before a blush took over my cheeks and I forced my gaze downward. I felt somewhat warm, and as he pulled into a parking spot belly filled with butterflies.

"Sam?" Rojono questioned glancing at me. "Are you okay? Feeling sick or anything? I don't need to come up if you don't want?"

"No!" I said quickly. "I'm fine, Just thinking about movies, are you feeling like romance or comedy? Maybe horror- it's not my favorite but sometimes they can be good. Or Action? Explosions are always amusing right? And Drama can be amusing if you're in the right mood. Fantas-," He cut my rambling off with a kiss before pulling away with an amused look on his face.

"Let's just look what's on that's good, ok?" He said in his deep calm voice he used when I got a bit eccentric. I took a deep breath and nodded before climbing out of the car. He followed me as I fumbled with my keys opening the door to the building. I held it open for him and he walked through. As I closed the door behind us he grabbed one of my front paws spinning me around in the stairwell.

"You don't have to be nervous." He whispered giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. "It's just a movie. I'll keep my paws to myself." He gave another pecking kiss to my forehead before giving my hand a squeeze and leading me up the stairs to my flat.

That's what he didn't understand. It wasn't going to 'just be a movie' I wanted it to be something more. I was just having troubles sending out the right messages. From what it seemed I was doing pretty much the opposite.

I gave him a smile but didn't say anything further. I think a little bit of stress was removed as it dawned on me he was perfect. He really didn't care if we had sex or not. To him spending time with me was enough. It gave me those warm fuzzies.

I pulled on his hand that was holding mine signaling him to turn around. Once he did I pushed on to my toes and gave him a slow kiss on the lips. I opened my eyes to notice he had his closed a calm look of bliss written over his face softening his features before he slowly opened them.

I gave him a small smile. "I love you." I said in somewhat of a mummer.

"Love you too, Sam." He said my name like it was another way of saying love and I felt the urge to lean in and steal another perfect kiss.

I heard a small growl as I pulled away the second time and felt a paw at my back urging me closer. I smiled and pulled away, my lip curving up in a mischievous grin. "The ice cream will melt." I told him hurrying up the stairs passing him on the way up.

I opened the door to my apartment letting him in before directing him to put the ice cream away or grab a bowl as I set up the movie.

Going to the television I grabbed the remote and started to search for something perfect. Maybe even something I had seen before. That way I would know there was nothing in the movie that would kill the mood if it should so arise.

Then again a horror movie might give an excuse to initially cuddle close. Settling on both I chose one of the few horror movies I had watched and narrowed it down by the least amount of gross scenes. That left me with 'The Last'. It was perfect and as I set it up Rojono walked in with a surprisingly small bowl of ice cream for himself.

Taking a spot in the middle I made his choices limited to the spots on either side of me and as he sat down I curled my way into his side and clicked play on the remote.

For the first half hour of the movie we mostly just sat together on the couch curled up in his arms as he finished off his creamy dessert. It was a comfy spot resting against his firm blanket like stomach. I could even hear his heart beat if I leaned my head close enough to it and closed my eyes.

About an hour into the movie he made a move to put his bowl down. As he pulled back to be in our normal cuddle position I nuzzled my nose into his chest before flipping up my head and locking eyes.

He looked down at me eyes softening as his face relaxed into calm. Without a word our faces drifted towards one another creating what felt like our own gravity until our lips met in the inevitable collision of slow meshing. Fitting into one another like puzzle piece my body had started shifting all on its own, turning to get closer.

Before long my chest was against his only separated by the thin layers of clothing we were both wearing. His paw was on my back messaging and caressing above the back of my dress shirt. His paw slowly dragged a path to the bottom hem of my shirt pushing it up slightly and brushing around petting my fur and rubbing down to sensitive skin making my breath hitch slightly and my back arch.

I could feel myself getting slightly dizzy and usually when things got this heated I cut it, but instead I moved my lips to the fur on Rojono's neck giving a tiny painless nip before kissing him again making him stretch his neck in approval allowing me more access.

His breath was getting warmer sending a chilling sensation across my whole body as it tickled my ear and made me pause in my affections to his neck. The pleasure walked like dancers down my back to the tip of my tail. I gasped as the breath turned into words.

"Maybe we should stop." The words that formed didn't quite register in my mind automatically. My body was too focused on the feeling and sensations exploding through it. It wasn't until his warm body began to pull away that it dawned on me what he had said.

My body pushed closer to him again and I noticed why he had suggested cooling things down. I'm not sure how I had not noticed it before but as my form moved back to his a large bulge pressed itself against my thigh and lower stomach. My eyes shifted down to glance at it with a slight blush only concealed by my fur. The fabric of his pants looked strained, painfully concealing the big appendage underneath. As my eyes looked back towards Roj's a small smile touched his lips.

"Getting me bit excited. I need to stop or I might not be able to." He whispered his breath even huskier and deeper than it had been before.

With a breath I gave him another lingering kiss on the lips making sure to run the tip of my tongue over his bottom lip before pushing lightly at the parting. He made a slight growling noise before pulling his head away.

He gave me a serious look. "Sam, I'm serious." His voice was stern almost as if he was reprimanding a small child but there was a small plead laced into it. A strain of want begging to be released. He was trying to hide it but my ears picked it up.

"I know." I told him in quiet semi shy voice looking up with a small smile. "I am too."

His eyes momentarily widened before soothing into a sharp mischievous gaze. He wrapped his arms around me once again and rocked our bodies so mine was beneath his. He gave me butterfly kisses around my face letting me revel in the bliss I was feeling.

My own hands had found their own way to his back not sliding under his shirt just yet but instead merely getting used to the feeling of our position. Him on top of me I could fully feel him pressed against me and holding him even closer was even nicer.

I was melting into him, his body just felt too nice not to. I was like a dough in his arms and he was kneading me just right, in a way that made me need him desperately.

I moved my hand around to the front of his chest again and pressed lightly signaling him to pull away. "Is something wrong-?" Rojono began to ask but stopped as my lips found his collar bone and fingers found their way to undoing his shirt.

"Too. Much. Clothes." I responded between kisses getting my point across.

He made a whining noise that mixed with a growl before grabbing me around the waist and flipping me back on top in our positions. I wasn't there long however as he was just using this new position for a better grip and soon had me up in the air with my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. His hands rested as cups around my ass holding me securely as he walked towards the bedroom.

He pushed the door open with his foot as he captured me in another hypnotic kiss. I only noticed I had wound up on the bed when I felt him pull away and begin to work his way down my body. His hands moved down ward tracing where the two sides of my shirt met connected.

He fingered around the first button teasing pushing it through the hole but never quite following through, smirking each time he moved his hands away to run them over my chest again. I felt sparks of pleasure erupt when he finally undid one and quickly moved to the second before retreating to his teasing, this time using the new patch of exposed fur to his advantage.

Stroking my fur he sent shivers through me undoing the next button popping it out of it whole from beneath the shirt.

It was crazy to think the way that his mere teasing while undressing me was driving me mad. The feelings inside of me were swirling around in a fast whirlwind of emotion and as his arm brushed around lap I noticed the purely physical reaction it was bringing forth as well.

A moan escaped me arching my back. Just the tiny amount of stimulation to the area was driving all my attention there. I wanted out of my pants. Immediately. Any later and I might go insane.

Rojono has other plans however. Instead of giving me the relief I desperately wanted he favored returning to the merciless teasing as he slowly undid my shirt.

One by one the buttons came un done but in no means of a hurry. Each second was like a beautiful note being played out by his fingers until I was completely undone.

Even with the distraction of pleasure emanating on my upper half I couldn't help but buck my hips reminding him of the strain my jeans were having holding back my ever growing problem between my legs.

Roj took note of the hint and switched his worry from my chest to my pants region. With tantalizing slow and precise kisses he set my body on fire as he found himself at my jeans taking his time to undo my belt before using his teeth to carefully and beautifully push the single button of my jeans through its hole and pop them open slightly. Using his tongue I felt him push the zipper down and lick the patch of fur there.

My eyes slide shut as he hoisted my hips, lowering my pants but keeping my boxer briefs in place. The way his fingers glided over me I'm pretty sure I would do anything he asked in that moment.

His lips made a soft pucker placing a light kiss over my aching arousal, slowly opening them and applying a small amount of suction over me. My eyes opened into slits watching as he made the delicate strokes with his tongue over the fabric. I wanted to feel him on my skin.

I was just about to beg for just that when it occurred to me I hadn't been dealing out an equal amount of attention. I propped myself up onto my forearm while ushering his head up towards mine colliding our lips in a locked embrace.

I made swift work with his shirt tossing it away, never once breaking our kiss before he pinned me down yet again, but this time bringing his hips into mine. At the contact a hiss slipped through his teeth as well as a moan from mine. Our eyes reading into each other as a unhurried grind was implied. It was a leisurely dance rubbing against one another allowing me to genuinely appreciate his size.

From what I could tell he was big, but not too large that I was scared out of my mind. I knew I was in for a bit of a stretch but with the way he had been taking care of me I genuinely had no concerns. Rojono would never dream of hurting me in any way and for this I had absolute trust in him.

We continued to kiss exploring each other's bodies with fingers, hips and lips learning new spots the other enjoyed. I found a combination that absolutely drove Roj crazy and I was exploiting it to the fullest. A simple roll of the hips while kissing the nape of his neck while giving his lower back a nice pet made Rojono groan in satisfaction.

Of course I wasn't any better with keeping quiet. No, it seemed like every tiny thing he did to me had me rolling my eyes back in bliss letting out a whine. I wanted more but he was taking his time, making sure he enjoyed every bit of my body. Not that I was complaining about it. Actually I was doing the complete opposite with whines of "Yes," and "More." I was singing him praises and he deserved them.

I finally managed to rock him over and climb on top. It wasn't fair I was the only one in his underwear. Things needed to be fair. With this state of mind my fingers initiated the leveling of circumstances. I popped open his jeans, his hard erection beneath helping in forcing the zipper open and allowing some of the restriction still on it to be lifted.

Things were finally equal but that didn't mean I was stopping. Things had been uneven for a while and he could use to lose the underwear. My fingers slipped slyly underneath the waist band and made a small tug. "Off." I told him simply.

His eyes sparked in enthusiasm and without a word he lifted his hips and even helped push them down.

His member sprung out, tall and proud and with its release he made a groan biting his lower lip. It was absolutely the nicest cock I'd ever seen. Pink and long and thick. He was probably around eight inches long with at least two inches around. I just wanted to- I wanted to- I wanted to-,

"Ohh, yes Sam!" Rojono moaned out as I took the tip into my mouth lapping softly at the patch of skin just underneath the tip that connected it to the foreskin. His breath hitched with every tiny suckle I gave him and a nice whine occurred as I took him all into my mouth. Using my tongue to excite him further.

I smiled around him taking a chance to concentrate on his flavor he tasted so nice. I didn't notice it but I enjoyed it so much my tail started to swish back and forth. My head bobbed pressing the head of him against the roof of my mouth being careful not to catch him with my sharp teeth.

He seemed to be enjoying it but soon he pulled out of my mouth. With a quick maneuver I was the one beneath him. It looked he didn't care for being more naked than me and let me know by giving my boxer briefs a yank slipping them off of me and down my legs. With ease he took me into his mouth.

In slow tantalizing licks, I felt like he was worshipping me and god damn it I could get used to being worshipped. It felt like heaven in that mouth. I was pretty sure it secretly was. Like a private personal heaven and I was the only one getting to enjoy it. It kind of felt like a crime that I would be the only one allowed but I was very content being selfish with this.

His mouth came off of me with a pop. A whine growled from my mouth. I didn't want the pleasure to stop. I liked it. It was mine. Give it back.

"Lube?" Rojono asked with labored breath. "I have some in my car but-,"

"Top drawer." I stopped him and he gave me a smile going to my side table and opening the top drawer and pulling out a bottle of lube I had purchased a few days ago for this exact occasion.

Pouring a liberal amount in his hand he motioned for me to either turn around or lift my legs so he could get me ready. I opted for turning allowing him to mate me from behind. It was the most comfortable position and having been a while I didn't want to push myself too much for a position that might make me sore for weeks.

The first finger pressed against my pucker and my body tensed. I could feel myself clench tighter in a complete one- eighty of what I wanted to do. I needed to relax if I wanted it to be nice for me.

Roj seemed to notice and used his free hand to trace a long line over my back. "I'm just preparing you, baby." He leaned forward giving my back a kiss. "Don't worry I won't hurt you."

I smiled and felt myself relax slightly. Noticing this Roj began to message just the entrance, not pushing in while his other hand stoked my tail making sure it kept out of the way. With every moment I felt myself loosen up and before I knew it Roj had slipped the tip of his finger inside. I gave it one tentative squeeze before allowing his deeper inside me. He was being extra careful with me, making sure to use the pad of his finger instead of the claw. It was greatly apretiated.

He used his finger to search around a little searching for just the right spot when suddenly he found it. My back arched and I moaned out a sigh of relief. "There." I whispered in approval my tongue starting to hang out slightly and even drool a little as he began abusing the spot. It felt so fucking good.

He didn't add another finger to stretch me, I figured because he wouldn't be able to without catching me on one his claws. He had made sure to roll his finger around inside making sure I was as ready as he could get me.

He positioned himself at my entrance at first only letting me know it was there. Rubbing tiny circles with his tip and reaching around giving my own cock a few tender strokes using the pre-cum that had gathered there as lube.

Just the tip of the tip pushed into me and I gasped as my muscles fought against me as I attempted to relax against him.

Rojono's breath went ragged against my back and in a momentarily lapse of control his hips bucked forward and the entire tip was swallowed by me. I hissed out in slight pain as he groaned deeply.

"Fuck sorry, sorry." He whimpered clearly in pleasure himself but not wanting me to be in pain. He held his position. "I can pull out- if you need." He said more gently placing a kiss.

"No." I told him letting out a deep breath. "Just don't move." I clenched momentarily. Concentrating on my breathing I closed my eyes. I was relaxing and although I knew it would never be completely comfortable I relaxed enough to be ready. I let him know by rocking back and forth a little.

Noticing my queue Rojono hunched over my back wrapping a paw over my now gone flaccid cock. He ran a finger over the tip before rubbing the muscle on the underside of me. He didn't push into me though. He was letting me go at my own pace around him.

With a tiny motion he traveled his lips to the side of my neck breathing puffs of ragged breath onto my fur before nuzzling his face against me pushing the fur out of the way enabling him to place a light kiss directly to my skin sending a thousand tiny shivers racing through me in the best way.

I let out a moan and opened my neck to him allowing several other light kisses to elect the same feeling from me.

"May I?" He asked moving slightly on his own. It was a strangled plea laced with the polite manners he was almost always composed of.

I snorted out a laugh. Even now he was a gentleman. "Go for it." I told him.

His hips started hesitantly at first just probing me, searching me, feeling every single inch of me. Then x hit the spot. A yelp of pleasure escaped me. "Roj," I barked. I felt a smirk against my neck before one last kiss before sitting up and moving hard against the spot sending me howling.

The pressure against it was amazing and all I could do was pant as hard as I could and try to keep up as his pace increased. His arms in circled my chest as he pulled me up to only knees and held me against him as he worked the spot over and toyed with me by stroking my belly with one hand and using the other to play with my member. With every stroke I could feel myself clench around him even tighter. It was for that reason I could guess he was beginning to go faster against my cock.

It felt so good I was becoming nothing more than a moaning mess. I was getting so loud I was sure the next day I wouldn't be able to look any of my neighbors in the eye.

My back arched farther back throwing off my balance. I don't think under normal conditions I could knock over Rojono, but with the frantic thrusting and pleasure making us both weak we tumbled backwards onto the bottom half of my bed.

It didn't stop him however. Our new position only changed one thing for Rojono. He was on bottom now. He moved his hands to my hips and lifted my hips slightly before thrusting up into me making sure to pay special attention to the perfect spot.

Moving one of my hands behind me and just above Roj's shoulder I propped myself up slightly. I used the other one on myself stroking faster to match my lovers speed.

In a husky growl words breezed from his mouth. "I'm close." It was simple and to the point and my god did I get the point. I focused on my own pleasure building my orgasm just as quickly. When I felt his hot seed spurt inside of me I couldn't hold it back.

I let my own orgasm wash over me. Back arching, toes curling, tail stiffening, heart racing pleasure was all I felt for a moment. Seconds of euphoria that felt like they could last forever, suspending me in time and I would be just perfect with it.

Alas it did end and I felt myself collapse against Rojono, breathing deep and hard. There was cum all over me but I really didn't give a fuck at all. It was perfect absolutely and completely. I wouldn't dare change a thing.

Rolling over I got off of Roj but didn't stray too far. His arm made sure of that, hooking over my hip and keeping me close.

The sex had been phenomenal. Almost a thousand times better than what I had experienced before, and it hadn't been bad before either. I felt a huge rush of plain release from my body. Total peace and as I cuddled closer to Roj I knew it was where I belonged.

"Love you Sam" He whispered and nipped at one of my long ears. He said something after but I began to drift off to sleep and didn't catch it.

The next morning I work up still nestled in his grasp my head just under his chin both arms still firmly holding me.

Asleep he reminded me of a toy bear. Just a teddy made to be held and cuddled. I didn't want to leave him, and I didn't want to wake him either but my stomach was growling. Apparently doing the deed and a good night's rest was enough to kick my appetite back into gear.

Also I chose the opportunity to do something nice for him too. He had been so kind to me and thoughtful last night.

Getting right to it I untangled myself from him grabbing a quick shower to rinse of the evidence of the previous night before heading to the kitchen.

I debated between making him waffles or pancakes but winded up deciding on making French toast instead. It was relatively quicker and I didn't want him waking up before it was ready. I fried up probably an entire loaf and had just started with the pack of bacon when two arms enclosed around me making me jump.

"Mmmm naked cooking huh? You should put an apron of before the bacon. Wouldn't want you getting burned." Roj spoke into my ear his voice still rough from sleep.

I snorted. "You just want to see me in one don't you?"

"Can't blame a bear for trying eh?"

I laughed he was such a flirt. With a roll of my eyes I went back to cooking.

"Can I do anything?" Roj asked stretching.

"Yes," I replied smirking. "Go back to bed, I'll bring it to you there."

I heard Roj laugh from behind me. "No complaints here- but aren't I the one supposed to be cooking for you? After all you are the bottom."

I made a somewhat indignant noise. "Oh shush I'm not a sissy."

"No. You're not." He gave a quick to the back of my neck and before I could even turnaround he had disappeared into the room.

I brought in our trays setting Roj's on his lap before getting into bed with my own.

"So," Roj began with a smile. "Last night was a surprise."

I felt myself getting shy and I started cutting into my food in order to try and distract myself from it. "Yeah, well I thought you might like it." I reasoned.

"Oh I did!" Roj told me taking a big bite of his food. "And you? I went gentle enough right? I know you haven't in a while so-,"

"You were perfect." I informed him glancing over soon enough to catch him un-tensing at the small bit of reassurance. It was strange seeing him out of his normal confident self. But it was also kind of cute. An equalizer among us. Usually it was me being the one who was shrinking away with insecurity.

As we ate I noticed that it wasn't just a onetime thing. He was acting different, shyer in a way. While I had felt that the sex made me even more comfortable around Roj, he seemed to be having the opposite effect. He seemed nervous more un-sure of his words and actions.

I was starting to think that I did something wrong and as we finished our food I had enough of the awkwardness. "Did I do something?" I asked.

He gave me a puzzled look raising an eyebrow. "Huh?"

"Well you're acting different." I said attempting to make sure my tone wasn't too accusatory. I didn't want to start a fight, I just wanted to know what was making him act differently.

"Oh." He said looking down. "You noticed that huh?"

I leaned slightly over trying to make eye contact. "Rojono? Did I do something wrong?"

"No," He paused taking a breath and looking me straight in the eye. "I've been doing a lot of thinking about you and I."

Holy Shit, was he breaking up with me? After we had sex? My heart started pounding as I felt my throat tighten as he took the time to form his next statement.

"I- I've been thinking- I want to-," He paused. "I'm sorry I've never done this before I'm having trouble picking out my words."

"You- want to break up?" I asked holding in my emotions.

"No! God no!" He responded shocked. "Do you? No! That's not what I was thinking at all! I-,"

Rojono got off the bed grabbed his pants off the ground and dug into his pocket pulling something out.

"What are you-?" I asked still choked up about what I thought he was going to say. My mind was realing.

Getting down on one knees Rojono took my paw in one of his and opened the other revealing a small silver key. "I wanted to ask if you wanted to move in with me maybe?" His eyes looked into mine with such vulnerability.

I was stunned. I don't know if it was the emotions still high from thinking he might dump me or the fact he was so perfect or what it was but I felt some tears wet my fur. Just damp enough to let me know they were there.

"Or if you're not ready- you can have the key to let yourself in if I'm not home or if you just wanted to drop by-,"

"Roj," I spoke softly. I directed his head up lifting it up with a paw. "I'd love to move in with you." I said before kissing him dead on the lips. Pulling away slowly I took the key from him playing with it slightly liking the way the light played off of it. "Sides, after last night I'm not sure I can look my neighbors in the eye anymore. Might have to move in with you." I laughed lightly feeling like everything was falling into place.

Roj grinned and sprung at me knocking me onto my back giving me a nice slow kiss. Savoring the perfect moment. "That was the plan." He joked before giving me another kiss just as sweet and slow as the last.

"I love you, you know?" I whispered softly.

"I know. I love you too, you know?" I nodded and rolled over with him. My life was absolutely perfect. Completely perfect. Nothing better.