Broken Hearts 2

Story by pawsin on SoFurry

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Part 2 of Broken Hearts

Nick was in his room when the bathroom door opened. Marcus came out with only a pair of pants on. You're beautiful. Nick thought. "I might have a shirt that will fit you in here some where. If I can find it. If you want, I can give you a ride to your apartment later." Nick said as he dug through his dresser. "Sure, but lets get some breakfast first." Marcus said with a smile. "Here I think this will fit." Nick said as he handed Marcus a shirt. "Thanks." He said as he took the shirt.

They made it to Marcus's apartment to find a note on the door. Marcus grabbed it and stood there while reading it. Nick saw him tense before he crushed the note in his hand. "Is everything ok?" Nick asked. "Brian he changed the locks and got me kicked out. Apparently I never put my name on the lease. So he told them that we had a ended our relationship and I refused to give back my key. I am homeless." Marcus said with a thick voice. "You are not homeless. You can stay with me. I always wanted to clean the guest room. Now it is yours. So lets go home and order some Chinese food and watch a few movies." Nick said as he took Marcus's hand. Marcus turned and Nick saw tears flowing like rivers from his eyes. "Thanks" Marcus said and he gave a weak smile. At that moment Nick decided to never let tears fall from those beautiful eyes.

They got back Nick ordered the food while Marcus browsed through Nick's movies. They were half way through a movie before their food got there. They sat on the couch with their feet up while a movie played on the tv. Nick fell asleep on Marcus's chest. He couldn't help but smile when he looked at Nick. He placed his arm around him and closed his eyes deciding that this is a good place to sleep.