A New Brother - Part 16

Story by XtigerX on SoFurry

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#18 of A New Brother

A New Brother

IMPORTANT: Please do not read if you are under 18/21 (local law). This story contains gay sex, M/M stuff, if you don't like this sort of thing, please leave. If you are underage, leave, but don't blame me if you stay and get caught reading this, don't say I didn't warn you. . . .

Also, these characters, the story, they are mine, if you want to use my characters, please ask me.

Part 16: A Small Celebration

It was so hard to keep to oneself while sitting down in the waiting room. His eyes scanned the room examining all the strangers who shared this space with him. Some of them looked healthy enough on the outside while there were a few who sat reading outdated magazines, looking as though they didn't need to be here. In the corner, a younger looking canine with glasses was had his arm in a sling and as his own eyes scanned the colourful cast on his arm, Troy wondered how serious the injury the canid had.

Today might be the day. He thought to himself. The wait was becoming increasingly tedious. Nothing to do but wait until your name was called and the only pass time was reading a stack magazines. He barely acknowledged them and focused on the floor, better that than to be caught by the eyes of people he didn't know staring at them.

"Mr Creswell?" Troy perked up and looked as a woman called his name. Getting up, he smiled at her and followed her directions to the appropriate room. Taking a seat, Troy inhaled deeply and waited for her to close the door. "Right then Troy. . .how are you feeling today?" She asked, glancing from her computer screen to a file she pulled from her desk.

"Me? I'm good. My arm isn't bugging me, just more the cast."

"And a very colourful cast it is now. Attacked by a sea of pens?"

Troy chuckled with her. "In a sense."

"Well you'll be good to know we've got your x-rays." She pulled up the prints and scanned them. "And you'll be pleased to hear your arm looks to be fully mended."

"So the cast can come off?"

"Yes it will." She said and the woman smiled at him after seeing his expression. "Now could you hold your arm steady?"

"Uh sure." Using his good arm, Troy held the cast gently and silently thanked the gods for no pain and for what was going to happen. That was until he saw the glints reflecting off the apparatus she was about to use. Relaxing was hard enough and he simply turned away from what the nurse was doing. He could still hear it though and worrying thoughts began to plague him. Would his arm be fully healed as she told him? Would it still look the same? Or would he break it immediately after the cast came off? Focusing, Troy banished them from his head and pursed his lips. The cool air was beginning to rush in, tingling his fur and making it stand on end. Irritating but overall not an unpleasant one.

"Feeling alright?" The nurse asked.

Troy nodded. "Yeah, just feels odd." It wasn't just that, as his arm was cooling the rest of his body seemed to rise in temperature and he could feel himself starting to sweat, even more so when the apparatus brushed against his jet black fur. He pondered for a moment, reminding himself to buy some more deodorant when he was done here.

When will I be out of here? He wondered. The removal of the cast was beginning to feel like an age and he wanted out of here as soon as possible. Looking down, he could see his own fur through the gap in the cast but when he saw that tool being used, he became more focused on trying to relax. Troy had to stifle a chuckle when he glanced at the nurse, wondering if she was the cause for his body temperature to rise but unless her position was suddenly taken by Drake, it was no doubt impossible.

When the last snip was heard, it felt like a weight had been taken off his limb. Feelings of excitement and being relieved where dashed as soon as he glanced down. The glorious moment he had predicted had turned into a disappointment. Where his fur possessed a nice sheen to it, the fur had grown dull and the muscle Troy had taken time to build up had started to flatten which he had formally kept maintained to a respectable standard.

"How do you feel Troy?" The doctor asked, breaking him out of his thoughts.

"Umm. . .weird. It feels so light. . .yet stiff."

"Don't you worry, it'll be back to normal before you know it. Now do you want to keep the cast?"

He wasn't sure if that was what he wanted. The cast had the names of people who were all wishing him well and a speedy recovery but it also served as a reminder for had happened, for what he couldn't remember. Troy struggled to come up with an answer but he decided it was his best option to have it disposed of, there was no need to have any reminders of a near death experience. After a few minutes of talking with the nurse, the feline was handed a small sheet filled with simple exercises that she had printed out for him as well as a note for a simple check up. Once he was excused, Troy walked out of the doctors surgery and back outdoors. Now was the time to get things back to they were before.

But could things really be that easy? It seemed so during his days at school with the cast, as if nothing had ever happened. But somewhere in the back of his mind, Troy knew that there would be something to remind him of his pain.

"You all set?"

Troy looked up at his mother, waiting by her car in the parking lot. It was starting to seem like everyone would talk to him and bring him back into the real world instead of the one inside his head.

"Yeah." Emma got into the car effortlessly but as Troy moved to the passengers side, he could feel himself tensing up at the thought of being back inside of the vehicle. "Managed to get here. . .okay. . ." Opening the door, Troy shut it and strapped himself in. He could already feel his arms shaking, his palms sweating as he placed his hands on the seat, hoping that he would become motionless.

"Your sisters called earlier. They hope you're okay."

"That's good. They alright?" The question was a distraction, albeit a very poor one. There was no way for him to stop jumping when the car began reversing backwards out of its space. Even when his mother put the car into gear and drove off, Troy found it hard not to dig his claws into the fabric. His feet however were already pressing hard against the floor, as if he was slamming down on an invisible brake pedal.

"Of course. You know you're sisters have been asking for you. They're sorry they couldn't visit. But they want you to call them later."

"Usually I never get a hold of them." This was something Troy recalled on several occasions. Not long after they had moved for college and jobs, Troy would stay in contact regularly with his older siblings, often speaking about what was going on in their lives. He remembered all the in depth talks they had, the worries of college, money, dreams and sometimes the weather. But as time passed, they talked less and less and job constraints had made visiting much more difficult.

"Well perhaps they can visit or we'll go see them in the summer. You haven't seen Julie or Julia and you could easily get the train since we haven't got the car for you sorted yet."

"Dad's afraid the insurance will sky rocket. No doubt it will, no matter what kind I buy."

"Honey, be honest," Emma pulled the car to a stop in front of a red light. "Do you think you're ready for another car again?"

"Maybe soon."

She scoffed at him. "Don't you lie to me Troy, the way you're sitting now is proof that you're ready to jump out of the car. Its like when we took you on the plane years ago."

Troy flattened his ears against his head. "Well. . .in a plane you can come down a lot faster, same thing could happen when you go into a building or on a bridge, one wrong step and its hello concrete."

"You'll be a great person to have in a office building then." She said, moving off and speeding up down the busy roads.

"Who says I'd be in an office building?"

"No one. Now Troy, you don't have to get a car immediately, what about the bus?"

Rolling his eyes, the panther tried easing up in his seat which was becoming rather uncomfortable in the position he was in. "You don't remember all the fights I got into with John and his idiotic friends for holding Drake's hand a few years back?"

"I do remember. All those letters that were sent to us and I'm damn sure Lily remembers them as well."

It wasn't a proud moment for Troy. A few years ago, after the two of them had been found out about their sexuality, both Drake and Troy continued on as normal. He remembered sitting on the seat and pleading with Drake to help him with his English homework yet again and held his hand afterward. John, who had barely changed since then, mocked and drew attention to them. Annoyed, the panther made the first lunge and the bus driver himself had to break up the fight between them. Although, as he pondered on that moment, Troy couldn't tell who intimidated him more that day, his parents of the principal.

"I'll walk then."

"You'll have to leave early then Troy."

The suburbs were coming closer and Troy was starting to feel relieved. When the car had finally stopped in front of his home and been switched off, the panther wasted no time in getting out. Feeling like he had survived another disaster, the panther walked back into his home and sat down in the living room. He would tell Drake that the cast was gone soon, but he wanted a few moments for himself to relax.

"I've been thinking Troy." Emma said, sitting down on the chair. "Why don't we go out for a meal somewhere, since you're cast is off."

"I. . .I suppose we could. Where?"

"We can think of a place. I'm assuming Drake would be joining us?"

"Most likely. Unless its just us as a family?" The thought of a meal didn't sound too appealing to begin with and getting his cast off hardly felt like a celebration was needed. But if it appeased his mother, he would go along with it. The fact that Drake could be with him would be another incentive for Troy to agree. "Why don't we invite his parents? You always try to meet up with Drake's mom for coffee half the time. And we can bring Jamie and Max too, you know they look up to me."

"I hope you're not leading those boys into anything you get up to. I'm sure Lily wont be thrilled with sons who wake them up at five in the morning going for a jog and then strip naked in the kitchen to put their clothes in the washing machine."

Troy grinned. "Oh, you do love me. You notice everything I do."

"Not everything." She said, getting up and walking out of the room. "Ask Drake later on or tomorrow and we can decide a date and place."

"Where are you going?"

"To put the washing on. You and your father keep putting more clothes in."

Smirking, Troy leaned back into the couch and felt like dozing off there and then. Pondering on when to give Drake the good news, the feline decided he would tell him right after a quick nap.

Despite earlier plans to tell Drake after a quick nap, the feline had decided to wait until the next day, due to him falling asleep for several hours and then crawling back up to his bedroom once he managed to have a quick bite. As a result of this, he woke up much earlier than usual and attempted to get some exercise with the equipment he and his father used. That attempt was a complete failure after his father emerged from the bathroom and told him to get his ass back in bed.

A few excruciatingly boring hours later, he got himself cleaned up and grabbed his phone, texting Drake about the cast coming off. Several replies later, the two had arranged to meet at his own home. But during the wait, the panther wondered what was more boring, waiting for Drake or the wait he had early this morning.

"You didn't want to tell me yesterday?" Was the dragon's question as soon as the door swung open.

"Hello to you too hon. And I told you, I fell asleep after I got home." Shutting the door, Troy led the dragon upstairs into his bedroom. "But I can cuddle you now without a cast getting in the way all the time."

Sitting on the bed, Drake smiled. "Yeah, its good to see you without that thing on. Did you keep it?"

Shaking his head, Troy joined him and examined his arm. "Nah, didn't want any reminders."

"Can I ask, how does it feel?" Drake asked, gently running a hand along his arm. The muscle that had once covered the limb had deteriorated and the fur had lost a good amount of its shine.

Troy shrugged his shoulders. "If anything, it just feels stiff and really weird. Its like. . .when that cast came off someone just took all the weight off of it. . .or replaced my arm with a fake."

Gently the dragons scaled hands run up and down the length of the arm, gingerly stroking the weak muscles. "It'll be back to normal soon. Any orders from the doctor?"

"Yeah." Leaning over, Troy grabbed the small sheet he was given and handed it to Drake, his eyes running over it instantly. The panther had to hide a smirk, as the gaze Drake had made it look like he was eagerly going over one of their English class assignments. "She gave me a sheet with some simple exercises to build it back up. Though once that's easy enough to do, I'll go back to the weights. I tried early this morning and dad told me off."

Putting the sheet away, Drake just chuckled a little. "You're a fitness nut. You've always been one since we were like. . .kids."

Troy stretched and adjusted his position on the bed. "You can blame my dad for that. And you love my muscles."

Drake chuckled as the panther flexed in front of him. "Yeah I do, but I'd love you even if you were as skinny as Jamie."

"Really? He might be skinny now but apart from sex, I don't see him doing much exercise. Or Max for that matter." Troy smirked and looked at his boyfriend, trying to imply his thoughts without the words and Drake grinned, instantly knowing what he was getting at.

"Hey, I get my exercise from flying and whenever you pull me into your workout sessions. Or your bed for that matter."

"That is true, but it is determined by me tearing you away from your computer. Its like you're glued to it sometimes."

"That's because its interesting and shiny. Oh look, shiny interwebs."

The two of them chuckled softly and embraced each other, enjoying the time they were spending together. Drake noticed the smile of the felines muzzle and he had to think back on when he was the most happiest and it was certainly before the accident. Nothing was said but the dragon felt like nothing had to be, being in this embrace was enough for him right now.

"One more thing." Troy said. "Mom's suggested a little dinner or lunch since I got my cast off and I was wondering if you and your family wanted to come along."

"Sounds nice. When?"

"We can arrange something. Mom was a bit vague on the details so I have no clue if its fancy or what."

"I'll say to mom and dad anyway. They'll probably agree."

"Good." With a kiss on the lips, Troy purred. "So should we celebrate in our own way?"

A soft murr and a simple rub was enough to get the panther to lay on his back, legs spread apart. "I think we should." Drake spoke softly, teasing Troy's crotch as it became stretched and strained by his growing erection. Carefully pulling down the zipper to Troy's jeans, Drake slid his hand through the opening and grasped the feline's thickening cock, eliciting a soft moan to escape the cats maw. Rubbing his hand back and forth, Drake loved watching Troy purr and writhe beneath him, eyes closed in pleasure.

"You know. . .its getting a bit uncomfortable."

Chuckling, Drake pulled his hand back and pulled down the jeans and underwear, allowing Troy's cock to spring out and get to its full length, unrestricted. "That's because of your massive horse like cock."

"Who knows, maybe I do have some horse ancestry. But put a saddle on me and I'll kick your ass."

Trying not to laugh, Drake just worked on his own clothes, his cock already at its full nine inches. "Well I'll already rode you and vice versa, perhaps a cowboy hat and chaps are needed?" He asked, pulling his shirt off and climbing over the feline, snaking his hand under the shirt of his boyfriend.

Shaking his head, Troy pulled the last article of clothing off and tossed it aside. Gripping Drake's shoulders, he merely grinned. "Just shut up and kiss me." And a kiss he received. With both arms around each other, the two held their embrace, deepening their kiss and grinding their crotches up against each others.

Slowly, a scaled hand moved down and began stroking Troy's much larger cock, getting the feline to moan again. "You really want it?"

"Don't make me beg."

Gentle licks ran across Troy's fur, travelling downwards towards the thick sheath. With lustful eyes, Drake nuzzled the member that dwarfed his own and licked the large tip. "Fuck I never get tired of seeing this." A smile and purr was his reply, but he didn't waste another second. Gripping the large cock, Drake started to slide it into his maw, wrapping his tongue around it when he could. Feeling a paw on the back of his head, Drake opened his mouth wider and went further down, pulling back when the tip hit the back of his throat. Hearing the satisfied moans, he started bobbing and twisting his head around the large cock, tasting the salty sweet pre that landed on his tongue. Gulping it down eagerly, Drake began to push the member down into his throat, trying to get every inch of Troy's member in his maw. And after years of practice, doing so was an easy task.

"Fuck." Holding Drakes head, Troy guided him down further at a gentle pace. The tight warmth that was enveloping his cock was causing his breathing to become harder. Moans were escaping through gritted teeth and every inch that was being taken in caused his cock to throb heavily, shooting a thick glob of pre into Drake. He glanced down, more than half of his cock and the dragon shown no signs of relenting. "Oh fuck. . .ahh. . ." The closer Drake got to his sheath, the more he found himself resisting the urge to simply fuck his lovers maw. Every second was tantalizing, it brought waves of euphoria to the feline. His chest rising and falling, it was hard not to push Drake down on the last few inches. "Oh fuck. . .all of it Drake. . .all of it."

A mumbled reply but it sent the message home. Feeling his ass being grabbed, Troy was pulled closer to Drake, the last few inches disappearing into the dragons maw. As soon as those lips wrapped around his manhood, Troy arched his back and moaned out, his cock shooting more thick bursts of pre. "Fuck Drake."


Panting, Troy watched as the dragon tried to keep himself where he was. He would no doubt gag soon and the feline didn't want to let this opportunity to go to waste. Keeping his paws firm on the back of Drake's skull, Troy started thrusting gently and let his head roll back.

The dragon moaned from every thrust, feeling the panthers large, powerful cock throb inside his maw, his own cock throbbing and beads of pre running down his length. In his mind he kept telling himself how much he loved Troy, using it as a means for not digging his hands into Troy's rump but it was proving difficult. He would need to breathe properly soon and the last thing he desired was to embarrass himself in a disgusting way. But his lust was getting the better of him, he loved being like this with Troy, feeling that cock throb and flex inside him, filling him with the panthers essence. Encouraging Troy, Drake held Troy tighter and let his boyfriend fuck his maw a little faster. It was short lived however and as he started to gag, he felt Troy pull him off his cock.

With a large gasp of air, Drake gulped and watched that mammoth like cock flop against Troy's jet back fur. Completely lubed up by his own spit, Drake wrapped his hand around it and stroked it. "Damn."

"Oh that felt good. Come here." Pulling Drake onto his chest, Troy purred at the sight of the dragons tool. Beads of pre had cascaded down the dragons hard on, even starting to encroach on those scaled orbs. With his better hand, Troy used one finger and rubbed it along the underside of Drake's member, feeling the dragon tense up. "How do you want to do this? Should we fuck or-"

"This." Drake moved upwards and placed his cock against Troy's lips, matting them and the fur with his own pre. His action had effectively silenced Troy, but the panther merely smiled and took it into his maw. Drake leaned forward and gripped the bed sheets in his hands. "Fuck, I love you."

As soon as Troy started working his tongue around the dragons cock, Drake moaned louder and started to feel his cock pulse wildly. It felt too good, the panther bobbing his head up and down on his cock, pulling him down into his maw. Troy was starting to work his tongue on the head of Drake's cock, licking feverishly at the underside causing the dragon to shiver a little. He believed Troy would stop with his tongue but the feline never ceased his actions. Pulling his cock back, Drake moaned loudly, pre shooting onto the panthers muzzle.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Don't. . .don't want to cum too early."

Pushing Drake back onto his chest, Troy grinned. "No? Well then, go to my bottom drawer, get the condoms and the lube. I really want to fuck you."

"As if you had to ask." Getting off his boyfriend, Drake went to the chest of drawers, bending down to open the bottom one. He spotted the bottle of KY lubricant and a box of open condoms easily underneath one of Troy's shirts, but as he moved to pick them up, he heard footsteps and felt a familiar warmth against his rump.

"You're a tease you know."

Pushing back, Drake murred. "Am I?"

Wrapping his arms around Drake, Troy leaned in and whispered. "Pass the lube and condom, I'll fuck you right here."

Picking them up, Drake handed them to his boyfriend. "Not the bed?"

"We nearly always fuck on the bed. We should branch out." Troy said, opening the condom wrapper and unrolling it onto his cock. Pouring the lube onto his length and Drake's waiting hole, Troy rubbed them in and smiled, anticipating what was about to come.

"Well then. . .where should we fuck next time?"

"We can decide that," Holding Drake's tail out of the way, Troy placed his tip right at the dragons hole. "after I'm done fucking you here." With that, he pushed in and felt his cock being easily taken. "Fuck."

Gripping the wooden drawers, Drake panted as Troy spread him open again. It felt like an eternity, those fourteen inches sliding deep into his rump and causing pre to drip down into the open drawer beneath them. Gulping, Drake felt the panther leaning into him and holding him close, keeping his entire length inside him.

"Ready hon?"

"Yeah." Drake replied, nodding slowly with eyes closed. It was hard to keep the moans quiet as Troy began to pound his tail hole. He knew the panther was eager but he never imagined it was like this. The two had held back a little during their previous sessions but now that Troy was fully mended, he was wasting no time in giving him a good, hard fuck. Pleasure was building up inside him and his cock throbbed wildly. Troy would sneak in teasing gropes that would force a large moan from him while his cock dripped pre cum like a faucet. The drawer itself was starting to rock a little and banging off the wall as Troy sped up his pace.

"Fuck!" Troy pushed his length deep and held Drake tight, the dragon moaning as the feline's cock pulsed inside him. "I'm not cumming yet. I'm going to make this last as long as I can." Drake could barely string any words together, nodding slowly instead and moaning hard as Troy resumed his fucking.

For Troy, he was in a world of pure bliss. Each time he had sex with Drake after getting the cast was always slower and gentle, but he missed the times where he could fuck his dragon all out. Now he was making up for lost time and he was loving it. Soft growls emitted from him, mixing with gentle purrs. With each thrust, his cock pulsed and the pleasure intensified but he would always slow himself whenever he was nearing a climax. Troy knew Drake was loving it, his moans becoming an incentive for the big cat to draw this out as long as he could. But with every thrust and the minutes passing by, it was becoming much more difficult to hold back his building climax.

"Drake. . .Drake I'm gonna cum. . ."

"Oh god yes . ."

With a lustful moan, Troy pushed his cock deep and felt his climax hit, cum shooting out in thick ropes and filling the rubber quickly. With a few more hard thrusts, Troy rode out his climax and panted, keeping his cock buried deep inside the dragon. "Oh fuck. . ." Reaching round, Troy wrapped his paw around Drake's cock and began pawing him furiously. Drake reacted instantly and moaned out, the feline purring and moaning softly when Drake squeezed his cock with his ass. But the panther didn't stop, he kept pawing the dragon and felt him tense up. Quickly covering the dragons cock tip, Troy felt that sticky wetness in his hand and smiled, feeling the dragons seed fill his palm. When Drake finally settled down, Troy brought the limb to his muzzle and licked up the white coloured seed, swallowing it in seconds before wrapping his arms around Drake once again.

"Sorry hon, I wanted to last longer."

"Troy, that doesn't matter. Felt so damn good."

Lifting Drake up, Troy made his way to the bed and laid down on his side, holding Drake close to him. "It really did. God I love you so much."

Draping his tail over him, Drake smiled and rubbed the hand that rested on his chest. "I love you too."

"So. . .where should we fuck next?"

Drake laughed and turned his head to look at Troy. "Well I think that killed the whole love mood. But to answer your question, I don't know, you'll have to take yourself out of me before we decide that."

"Later." Troy said, planting a soft kiss on the dragons lips.

Not long after their session in the bedroom, the decision was made to have a small dinner in the city. And after a few suggestions, they had eventually settled on one that they had seen several times before. The Lion Pride Café.

The inside was already packed with customers but they found a table that would place them away from many of the other patrons. As Troy looked around, he spotted his mother talking with Lily over what he guessed was either gossip or the latest episode on a soap opera while his father spoke with Aaron over the latest football game. Max and Jamie were sitting next to one another, looking over the menus and trying to decide what to have before the fox started giggling.

"Oh come on, I saw you cry."

Max was blushing hard now and tried to make himself look tougher than he was. Troy grinned at that, the snow leopard was just too sensitive and sweet to look the least bit intimidating. "I wasn't crying. My eyes were just watery. . .plus if you watched it then you'd know that was a really sad part."

As the two teens were talking on and on about it, Troy leaned over and whispered to Drake. "You know what's going on with them?"

"As far as I'm aware, Max was watching some anime and some characters died. I'm sure it was something like Sailor Moon he was watching."

"Really?" Troy would have laughed but Max shot him a glare, causing him to giggle behind the menu.

"Are we ready to order?" Each of them turned their heads and saw an Orca who Jamie and Max smiled at. Eyeing the nametag, Troy remembered hearing about Darien from the two teens a while ago. Once everyone placed their orders, idle chit chat made its way around the table, ranging from topics concerning school to Troy planning what to do while his cast was off to which he gave similar answers, build the muscle back up and get back into a normal routine.

The chatter didn't stop once the food had arrived, only continued but at a slower place. Throughout the meal, Troy kept looking at everyone who had came with him. He smiled, watching them and thinking about how much he cared for them. His parents, they were like any other, annoying at times but meant a lot to him. Aaron and Lily who cared about his well being, always welcoming him into their home whereas Jamie and Max were always happy to have him around. Then there was Drake and Troy didn't need to explain in his head how much the dragon cared for him. Smiling, Troy wiped his muzzle clean and kissed Drake on the cheek.

"Thanks hon. For everything."

"Anytime kitten."

"I'd say get a room, but chances are you two will." Lily said, interrupting the moment the two of them were sharing.

"You might be right there, maybe noise cancelling headphones or earplugs would do you well Mrs Tennan." Troy said, winking.

"Oh Troy, for goodness sake!" Lily said, getting a good laugh out of everyone.

Grinning at her, Troy finished his food and glanced around the table again. Once again his eyes settled on the two fathers, both still going on about football. Rolling his eyes, he glanced towards Jamie and Max for the second time. Jamie was busy eating his food, not really focusing on much else going on around him. Max on the other hand was sipping at his drink through a straw, looking over at Aaron for a few seconds before his scanning his own plate, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks. Troy raised an eyebrow but quickly smiled.

Looks like Max has a little crush. Or he wants to ask Aaron a question, who knows.

When the last clatter of stainless steel utensils hit the plate, James leaned forward and pulled out a camera from his jacket pocket. "Come on everyone, how about we take a few pictures together? Troy's got his cast off and we're all together." With everyone agreeing, James started shuffling people around and took several photos. Passing the camera over to Aaron, the adult dragon smiled.

"Like one big family huh?"

"With the gay kids." James added, teasing them. They all chuckled but no one seemed to realise one person within the group looked down at the floor for a few seconds, trying to keep a happy face on and not ruin the moment. "Alright, group photo. . .hang on a second." James had quickly asked the orca, Darien, to take the picture when he was about to pass by. Agreeing, Darien directed everyone into the camera frame and took the picture, handing the device back to James.

Sitting firmly in his seat, Troy gave a happy sigh and pulled Drake into a hug. Things were indeed, much better like this.


Yay! Part 16 is done. Sorry this took so long, uni took up a lot of my time but I'm done for the summer. I do have my honors year left to do but that's a while away yet. Anyway, hope you liked this part and look forward to the next one and any other story I may come up with.
