Unsuspected Living

Story by TheChubbyOne on SoFurry

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This Story is for 18+ if you are underage stop reading. The writer of this story is not responsible for you reading and getting caught.


It all started about not that long ago, when I first moved to the city with my family.

My family is a group of pandas who lets just say don't exactly see eye to eye.

In my family I'm the chubby middle child.

I liked living in the country but of course my family thought that our family needed a change of scenery.

Or at least that's what they said, but I have a feeling that they moved because of how my family hates that I'm gay and they thought that the country was nurturing it.

They almost disowned me but I need them to help put me through school so I couldn't risk it.

Ill be so glad when I can move out in 4 years hopefully sooner.

Well at least they got a good house for us, it's a 2 story pale yellow house with a great view of the bay.

I got a room facing right towards the bay, so I'm happy about that.

I had just finished unpacking when I realized tomorrow I had to go my new school.

"What should I wear" I said to myself.

I decided on a pair of large white shorts with a tie-die t shirt trying not to show off that I was gay.

I mean I don't really want to be beat up on my first day at school.

Just the feeling of meeting new people really gets me nervous, I guess I'm sort of shy.

The rest of the night went pretty much the same as ever I ate dinner, took a shower and hit the sack.

The next morning as my parents dropped me off at school I felt nervous, yet somewhat excited.

The school was about 2 miles from my house and yet I could still see the hill it was on.

I stared at the pale yellow prison known as school, what a living hell my last one was with always getting beaten up by the jocks, laughed at by the popular kids, and being totally humiliated each day.

"God I hope this one will be better." I thought out loud.

I slowly walked up the steps to the school feeling like I was standing naked in front of the school.

I felt like every one was just staring at me, but it was probably just paranoia.

I worked my way to my first class feeling like a fool for having to ask so many people how to get to freaking algebra.

As I walked through the halls I noticed how like half the schools male students were so darn cute and hot at the same time.

After what seemed like hours of just sitting in seats listening to the teachers endless talking.

Finally it was lunch time, I decided to sit in a corner of the quad just watching everyone talk amongst themselves.

Feeling completely alone I sat there nibbling on a tuna sandwich.

I looked up to see a large muscle bound snow leopard just standing there looking at me.

"Hi I'm Zak" I muttered

"Jake, nice to meet you"

"Like wise"

"Are you new here?"

"Ya I am" I mumbled

The conversation continued on like this for about 10 more minutes when the class bell rang.

As Jake ran off I saw how hot he really was with his pure white hair with the classic snow leopard pattern, waving his tail as he ran and with a skin tight white shirt and deep blue Levi jeans.

The rest of the day went on as normal until I had technology class.

And there he was again.

With an open computer right next to him.

As I walked by him he motioned to me to sit by him.

I happily complied.

He smiled as I pulled up my chair, seeing his toothy grin with that cute flick of his ear.

I almost fell over in my chair seeing him do that.

During the rest of the class I could barely focus on my work, ill I could think about was that hot and beautiful snow leopard sitting next to me.

The teacher handed out our assignments, and lucky me it was a group assignment which I could work with Jake some more.

Smiling I asked "Jake do you want to work together on this assignment"

He turned and with his cute grin nodded.

As we worked I couldn't help but notice how Jake was watching me as much as I was watching him.

The week continued like this till Thursday when Jake invited me over for a sleepover.

I couldn't believe it.

I quickly replied giving the most radiant smile I could ever have put off.

He smiled back, and told me that we'll go to his house on the bus on Friday.

School continued as usual till the end of Friday.

As we got off the bus I looked at a three story pale green house with an oak door.

I just looked and blurted out "are you rich or something."

"No my family has just owned this house for generations."

"Your family has good taste"

As we walked up to the door I smelt the delicious aroma I have ever smelled.

"What's that I blurted out"

"Probably my moms cooking"

"She must cook as good as you look" I blurted out without thinking.

He jumped away from me and looked at me.

"What did you just say?" he said with a funny look.

"I'm sorry" I blurted out not knowing what to say.

His face slowly shifted from a surprised look to that grin of his.

"I think your cute to" he said

Suddenly I felt his paw grab the back of my head and pull me toward him.

As he pulled my lips to his I felt scared.

I shut my lips as he pressed against them.

Feeling his lips against mine trying to coax me to open up I tensed up.

As I felt his paws rubbing against my back I felt safe there in his big strong arms.

As he let go he murmured "I'm sorry for putting you in an awkward position like that"

I know I'm gay its just I felt weird for kissing a guy I've only known for a week.

I simply smiled and said "That's okay I really liked it"

He stared at me.

I motioned that we should go inside.

He nodded in compliance.

After dinner we went and played halo 3 in the game room for a while as we got bored of that he asked if I wanted to watch a movie.

I said "Sure."

"Any particular favorites?" he asked.

"Surprise me."

He came back with the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the new one.

As he started the movie he motioned for me to come lay by him on the couch.

I happily complied.

As I lay there watching the movie, I felt Jake put his arm over me and pull me closer to him.

As he did I couldn't help but let out a little murr.

"Hey Zak, your really cute when you make that noise."

I couldn't help but blush.

"Zak would you feel weird if we sort of.... mated?

"I like you a lot but I'm just unsure"

"I'm not going to force you or anything I want you to be comfortable with me before doing it"

I smiled and rolled over to face him, looking into those deep blue eyes of his I felt perfectly safe.

I slowly brought my maw to his, letting him explore my maw.

The kiss seemed like it lasted for hours, even though I know it was only maybe 5 minutes.

"I think I love you Jake."

"I think I love you to."

I smiled as he slowly licked my collar bone, taking off my shirt to give him more room.

I was in heaven laying there in his arms, feeling his rising and falling chest against mine as I felt his sandpapery tongue rolling over my neck and my chest.

"you know what you said earlier" starring into his eyes "I would like to mate to."

"Are you sure?" he asked looking me in the eye.

"Yes, you're the most beautiful male I've ever seen."

With that he rolled me onto my back on the game room floor.

I felt him working at my belt, apparently he was having a hard time with it.

After a minute of this he pulled my jeans off of me leaving me with only my boxers on.

He laughed as he looked at me.

"What's so funny?"

"You are Zak"


"I'm guessing you cant see your shorts"

I sat up and saw that I put on my special boxers which were made of a very soft velvet, not to mention already tented.

"Its like you planned it" Jake said.

All I could do was blush.

"You ready?" He asked.

I nodded.

He slowly pulled my boxers down revealing my 6 inch member, I know its not that big but its definitely wider then normal.

All he could do was stare.

He started moving hit paw up and down my length.

It felt absolutely amazing, I mean I've done it myself but this was totally different.

After about three minutes of this repetitive motion he let go.

I moaned slightly.

He smiled and slowly placed my head in his maw running his tongue over my ridge and making me moan.

I could make out him smiling as he worked although it was kind of hard seeing him over my stomach.

I felt the pressure growing in my groin, and I knew I was about to come.

"Ja... Jake.. I'm cum" that's all I could get out as I filled his maw with ursine cum.

As he lifted off me he crawled up me resting his head on my stomach.

I heard him purring it made me feel really good hearing him purr.

He crawled up all the way up me and planted one on me.

I tasted myself and it was pretty nice.

Him purring and me letting out the occasional murr.

He broke the kiss and said "now I think you ow me something"

He rolled off me and rolled onto his back.

As I undid the clasp of his pants he rubbed my ears, and I loved it.

As I saw his underwear I couldn't help but laugh.

He was wearing a pair with a red heart on the hip.

"Were you planning this?" I said with a smile on my face.

All he could do was shake his head no at least I don't think so.

As I felt his paw on my head I lowered my lips around his head.

He shivered at the feeling, and this made me happy somehow.

I slowly worked my tongue all over the head finding the really sensitive points.

I ran my tongue up and down the length making him purr quite loudly.

I felt the cum start running up the shaft .

He started to let out a roar but I cupped my hand over his hand with an effort not wanting us to be heard by his parents.

As I pressed my hand over his mouth I felt mine flooded with his warm seed, and I couldn't get enough.

As I swallowed the white gooey candy he started rubbing my ears again, and I couldn't help but let out a long moan which was kind of muffled.

He moved his hand from my head and let me rise off of his rod, and moved it so he patted next to him.

I obediently crawled up next to him.

He hooked his hand around my head and pulled my lips onto his.

I could feel his hands running though the fur on my back, but I could only rub his head cause he still had his shirt on.

But he seemed content with this because he was purring really loudly.

After about... I don't know how long he broke the kiss and said "Boy Zak your really great, but you might want to get dressed, you know incase my parents come in."

"On second thought why don't you leave your shirt off, and if anyone asks just say your hot"

"But its in the middle of October, and I don't really like to lie."

"you wouldn't be lying you are really hot."

We both laughed really hard at this at the comment but for different reasons.

I slipped back into my pants as did Jake.

"Besides you still need a bath" Jake chuckled

I stared at him puzzlingly for a second and then I got the idea.

I rolled onto my stomach giving him full range of my back.

He crawled on top of me and started nuzzling my neck which felt amazingly good.

We layed like this for almost an hour him working his tongue working over my back.

When he was done cleaning me with that sandpapery tongue (shivers) I rolled up next to him laying my head on his chest.

And as I lay there staring into that beautiful snow leopards eyes I couldn't help but wonder if what I was feeling was love or something else.

But it didn't matter all that mattered was that I was with Jake.

The steady rhythm of his chest rising and falling slowly against mine put me to sleep, and for once in a long time I was truly happy.


How was it, post a response please tell me what you think. R and R.