Everything or Nothing Chapter 17- Getting To Know Each Other

Story by wolftwins17 on SoFurry

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#18 of Everything Or Nothing

Chapter 17, finaly finished. Comments are welcomed. Enjoy and tell me what you think! X3

"I don't think he's going to make it if it continues like this..." Azuka stated soberly, leaning against her working desk, notes and medical maps spread over the brown wood surface. John looked up from a piece of paper that rested on a wooden clipboard. He was sitting in the white sofa that was stationed on the right side of the door, bellow the row of four small windows, each with a pulled up blind.

"What's wrong with him?" John replied, brow creased in worry.

Azuka rubbed her eyes, and John made a mental note for later to interrogate his wife on her work taking up most of her daylight hours...and her night-time hours too, it was begining to spiral out of control.

"His immune system is so weak from well...everything that has happned to him! And the fact that he has not been eating in a very long time does not make the situation any easier, and infusion can only do so much!"

"What do you suggest then?" John asked, one of his ears twitching so much that he rubbed it.

"Well to begin with, do we even know if he's a Carrier at all? Is it worth all the trouble?" Azuka helplessly shrugged her shoulders.

"Think about it honey; does a small human child stand the shadow of a chance against a muscular black tiger mercenary? No. And he's sick too, so how did he break Arlen's rib? He has to be a Carrier; I feel it in my bones, that can be the only valid explanation!" John calmly explained to his wife.

"I know that, but we haven't actually seen for ourselves if he's a Carrier, and speculating will get us nowhere." Azuka replied and walked over to the couch and plopped down beside her husband.

She then proceded to rest her head on her husband's shoulder.

"You okey, honey?" John mumuerd in Azuka's ear.

She gently rubbed her cheek against his broad shoulder before she replied, "Yeah, just a bit emotional with all of...this." She made a swipe with her paw to indicate their current situation.

John gently squeezed his wife with one muscular arm.

"Come now, it's not like you to sulk around like this!" He gently moved two fingers under her chin, lifting her head up so he could look into her beautiful eyes. "If there is anyone who can help him, then that is you!"

Azuka smiled warmly at her husband. He always knew just what to say to make anyone feel better. One of many reasons she married him.

"Well, I guess breakfest is over then,back to work!" She fondly ruffled John's mane,before she rose from the sofa. John gently grabbed one of her paws, kissed it, before he let it go.

Arlen slowly awoke to the sensation of being embraced in downy warmth.

Shrugging slightly, he was meet with a slight resistance. And the first his mind could supply were; Danger!

Adrenaline pupped its way into his bloodestream, and with a growl, Arl ripped the downy prision up with his claws.

Panting, he opened his eyes and glanced down with an irritated glare on the object which had restricted his movements a few seconds ago.

A blue, light cotton blanket rested in his paw, shreded almost halfway through, thanks to his claws and jittery nerves.

Grubbling and cursing, Arlen satt up with a groan, and rubbed at his stiff neck.

Damnit! Fucking hell! This isn't Sao Paolo, this isn't even a battlefiled!

He growled low and deep, before something caught his attention from the corner of his eye.

The growl died down when he saw the boy on the bed.

He was sprawled out on it, one arm bent and resting a bit over his head, the other one lay limply by his side. The blonde hair tumbled a bit over his face.The white sheet was tangled into his legs.

Arlen felt how pity flooded him when he gazed once more at the skeletial form on the bed.

He moved a bit closer to get a better look at the boy. The boy's pale eyelids fluttred, and the eyes behind them moved and flickered, as if the boy were experinceing a nightmare.

Gently, almost bashfully, he put the shreded blanket over the boy.

Even more carefully, he patted the golden-haired head.

As luck would have it, the boy started to stir even before he had removed his paw.

He slowly moved his arms, then his legs, and finally, his startling eyes opened.

The look he gave him when he quickly backed into the headbored, was almost painfully panicked.

"Please, don't hurt me!" He cried out with a trembling mouth.

"I won't I won't!" Arlen hurried to say. His paws were raised in a surrendering gesture.

The boy's shoulders sagged, in relife or helplessness, it was hard to tell which.

Arlen sagged in turn into the chair he had been sitting in all night. He again rubbed at his stiff neck.

He gave a pretty loud snarl when the stiffness promtly refused to losen up.

The snarl died when he heard a frightened squeak from the bed, however. Arlen sheepishly looked at the boy and tried a smile.

He realized, however too late, that he had fangs and that his smile, probably looked very frightening to the boy. His fears where comfimred when the boy paled so much that his skin took on the look of translucent satin. He saw how the boy's throat bobbed when he swallowed thickly.

Arlen opened his mouth to try and say something, anything to make the situation feel less...tense.

Arlen rubbed his neck awkwardly. "So...uh...You like it here...?" He said, trying but failing to get the boy to open up.

He silently scolded himself harshly when the boy huffed, sourly crossed his arms and looked away from him.

He scrathed his right ear vigorously, trying to come up with something productive to say.

Suddenly he let out a weak smirk, he turned to the boy who looked anywhere but him. He tried to clear his throat the way that Sato did, such a small gesture, but it never failed to get attention.

"Yeah,kid...I just have to ask...do you...uh...like chocolate?"

Do you like chocolate? What the fuck is that, can't come up with a better question then that...fucking idiot! Arlen wanted to pound his head against the wall. Badly.

The boy looked at him, both of his eyebrows raised and mouth pulled into a small disbelieving smile, like he was half-humored-half-angry at the pure sillyness of the question.

"Really? You're that desperate?" He said and scoffed, only this time the sound wasn't an angry one.

Arlen swallowed and looked with wide-eyed surprise on the boy, which now had a confident smile that showed a bit of teeth.

Arlen leaned into his chair and looked at the boy with a contemplative look that borded on a confused glare.

"What are you?" Arlen snapped his jaws shut when he realized that he had spoken out loud what he was thinking about.

The boy's sholuders sagged. His bottom lip trembled. "I don't know what I am anymore..." He whisperd, with a voice like shattred glass.

When tears started to appear in the boy's eyes, Arlen flew up from the chair, murmured a quick goodbye, and rushed out the door.

John had a headache, which seamed to be more frequnetly as of late. He was searching in the DNA Archive of the base's database. The database held every Carrier that lived in the base - two hundred individuals in total. Beside the computer where a cup of steaming hot coffee.

He felt how someone leaned over the chair he was sitting on.

"Have you found anything?" Azuka asked, slurping on her own coffee.

John dragged a paw over his tired face and muzzle.

"No, no mach what so ever, either he is a new Carrier and we haven't him in the database or...he's fucked up!"

Azuka laughed at her husband choice of words.

Jonh turned the chair around, grabbed his wife's hips, before he nuzzled deep into her stomach.

Azuka silently massaged her husband's ear with the paw that didn't have the coffee mug in it.

John straightened up and glanced up at Azuka's face, his paws still pressing firmly on her hips.

"Have you found anything?" He inquired with a hopeful look.

When Azuka's face pulled into a smile, John knew that was the best thing that had happen all week.

"Actually, I have found something!" She waved a thick paper sheet in front of his muzzle.

John's ears stood up on his head. "I'm all ears!"

Azuka smiled dazzingly at her husband.

"Well, I don't know if this is bad or good news but, if I'm right, he was never supoused to be an Active Carrier..."

The comment earned her raised eyebrows and a sceptical look from her husband.

"Care to explain?" He gave her a grin.

"Well of course I do! You would never understand it if I didn't!" Azuka laughed.

John chuckled. It was probably true anyway. Not many on the base had a brain that could match the one Azuka had.

John leaned back into the sofa with crossed arms.

"I'm waiting!" He said with a grin and impatient gesture.

"Very well, impatient one!"

"I don't know if this is something, but when I scaned his DNA I found something...peculiar.

John's ears silently flicked on his head, encouraging his wife to continue.

"Well, maybe it's nothing and I'm just being silly, but I found some unknown liquid in his DNA..."

John leaned his chin into his paw, and his brow wrinkled with consetration.

"Drug?" John tried.

"No, it is far too complex for it, far too detailed," Azuka responded and glanced at the paper again.

"Then, maybe some kind of serum?"

"Could be, but I have a feeling that that boy knows something, if I could only get a sample of his blood, I would surely have enough clues to figure the rest out!"

John let out a short laugh. "Ha, that's not going to happen, at least not until he trust us comepletly!"

Azuka crossed her arms over her busty chest. "Have you forgotten to tell me something?" Her voice was like ice.

"Well..." John slowly scratched behind an ear.

"John!" Azuka cried out.

"Okey, okey! He may have a phobia for injections..."

"Please be more spesific..." Azuka replied, glare in her eyes, her voice was still icy and calm.

"Well, on the roof I gave him a satative, and he really freaked out when he saw me approach with it. He screamed and flailed wildly. Lucky that Blacktiger was there."

"Yes, very lucky..." Azuka mumbled. She seamed to be lost in thoughts suddenly.

John alredy knew that his wife was thinking up a plan, and that that plan invloved their black tiger friend.

"What do you have in mind?"

She smiled smugly, but by no means evily. "I think it is time we tell Mr Blacktiger, what this base and its personnel is really about."

Arlen blindly walked, almost ran through the corridors. Anything to escape the child and his haunting eyes.

He hoped beyond any sort of hope, that he would run into Tam, so he could drag her into some dark room somewhere, undress her, and the proceed to pound her within an inch of her life, and in that easy and satisfying way, escape reality for a while.

When he registerd that his boots didn't tap the corridor's floor anymore, he actually stopped and looked where he was.

On his right side where a dark brown wood door, hanging on the inside of the door's glass window were a little sign which read; "A_uthorized personnel only._"

He tried the lock anyway, but it wouldn't budge.

When a soft sound floated through the still air and snaked its way into his ear, he turned around.

That's when he noticed the white tilts crepping around from the corner of the wall.

That soft pingling sound was in the air again, and now finaly his brain registered what it was: it was the soft clinking of a metal spoon being turned around in a ceramic cup.

Hesitating for a split second, he then rounded the corner.

He was standing in a small kitchen. With two wasing machines, an up-to-date oven and stove, and lots of cabinets and one refrigerator and freezer, and of course, a functional tap and sink.

In the room, if it could be called that, an walk-in-kitchen would be more appropriate, since it didn't really have any walls or door.

A big, brown wood table stood in the kitchen, and on one of six chairs sat one of the furs that Arl had really hoped he had seen for the last time, at least today.

Jorek was sitting there, a dreamy look on his handsome face, as he stired his coffee with a metal spoon.

He blinked, and when he tilted his head up slightly, he noticed Arl.

"Hey!" He said, like they where old friends, and that, along with the beming smile, made Arlen even more annoyed.

Jorek held his cup up slightly.

"Want some coffee?" He asked, with the inocent smile of a Cerub.

Arlen scoffed. "No thank you, you have surely spat in it!" Arlen retorted darkly and crossed his arms over his chest.

Jorek started to slowly rise from his chair. "Oh, please! I'm not that childlish!" He replied with a roll of his eyes.

"Yes you are!" Arlen said confidently with a dark grin.

Jorek shook his head and his retort was just as scalding as Arl's.

"I don't beleive that an uneducated fool like you would understand!" He said while he turned his coffee around with the spoon. Seaming uneffected by the growl that vibrated in Arlen's chest.

He just held Arlen's gaze and stired his coffee, an almost tangble nonchalans wafted around him.

That pissed Arlen of more than anything.

He walked over and put his paws against the table and leaned in close, almost ready to bite the younger tigers head of when he leaned his chin into a paw and just continued to stir his coffee.

"Listen here, I don't know what fucking stupid notions you have, and frankly I don't give a fuck!" Arlen growled sentimeters away from Jorek's face.

"But, I know one thing; Stop harassing me and just tell me what the fuck it is you want!" He continued to growl in the same clipping tone.

If anything, Jorek looked bored and maybe the tinyest bit amused.

"I already told you what I want from you, but you seem to not only have problems with your memory but your hearing too!"

Arlen's face scrunched up in confused anger.

"You want to...fuck me?" He said, while Jorek's forced kiss played in his mind.

"Yes does that seam so weird to you?" Jorek replied with a raised eyebrow.

Arlen rubbed his neck. "Not really..." He trailed of.

Jorek brought the cup to his muzzle and siped his coffee.

"Listen, I have a boyfriend, and even if I didn't, I don't go sleeping around, its unprofessional!"

Jorek took another sip and regarded him with a critical gaze.

"So, you're saying that he does not let you sleep around?" Jorek's muzzle scruched up in confusion.

"No, he lets me, if ask I think he would be fine with it..." Arlen replied and rubbed his neck again.

Jorek noded and gulped down the rest of the coffee. "That's good. I was actually starting to worry that you were completly straight, and that I had made a mistake!"

Arlen felt how the fragile calm that had settled under their conversation shattred instantly.

"So you just go and molest people left and right!?" Arlen snarled.

Jorek gave him a disbelieving look. "Arlen," he said with a small laugh, "It was a kiss!"

"Yeah, a kiss I didn't want at the time!" He retorted back.

Jorek suddenly put his cup back on the table, and rose from his seat.

"So you would be fine with it if I kissed you now?" He asked with ice blue eyes dancing like two pale flames.

Arlen started to back away when Jorek started to slowy walk towards him.

"That-that's not what I m-meant!" He tried to explain.

Arlen cursed under his breath when he felt his lower back bump against the kitchen sink.

He froze against it when Jorek pressed his body against his own.

He felt how his face flushed when the muscular white body pressed as close as it could.

He then felt how Jorek's hot breath washed over one of his ears when he leaned in and whisperd into it, "Like what you feel?"

Jorek placed his paws on either side of Arlen, successfully trapping him against the sink.

Arlen tensed when Jorek then draged his nose and muzzle over his ear and down his cheek.

He stopped when his nose was firmly pressed against Arlen's chin.

Arlen held his breath when the nose -and the lips- slowy slipped upwards...

Fire and electricity exploded in Arlen's mouth when Jorek's lips covered his own.

Arlen grabbed Jorek's hips, as if his paws had a life of their own.

They kissed frenziedly, passionately , they lost themselves completly in the moment. The pressure of the other one's paws, the tatse and texture of each others tounge, all of it was so exquisite and mind numbing.

Arlen felt how one of Jorek's paws snaked its way down to his crotch, and started to carefuly squeeze and caress. Arlen groaned into the white tigers mouth and started to trust his tounge harder against Jorek's.

It didn't take long for Arlen to get hard. But suddenly Jorek pulled away, breathless and blushing, from Alren's face, a shit eating grin lighting it up.

"W-what are y-you doing, come on, l-lets-" Arlen tried to say but was cut of by Jorek.

"Well would you look at the time, it's past my bed time, well I guess I'll just go to my room then!" Jorek said with such a teasing grin that Arlen flushed, this time with anger.

"You fucker, y-you can't leave me like this! Get back here and finish it!" Arlen snarled.

Jorek got a knowing look in his eyes. "I didn't think that you liked other males?"

"Well, see you tomorow Arlen!" Jorek cheerfuly said and clapped Arlen hard on one shoulder, before he took his cup, poured some water in it, put it on the sink, and left while whistling a merry tune.

Arlen was silent the few minutes it took for the sound to disappear.

He actually thought about runing after the white tiger, push him against the wall, and fuck him right then and there in the corridor.

Thanks to Jorek, he was even more aroused then before. He growled when his phone started to vibrate in his pant pocket.

He fished it up and fliped it open. He raised an eyebrow when it said that he had an new message from Tam.

He selcted it and read it:

Wanna come and wish me Goodnight? :3 I'm in room 233- Tam.

His pained aroused look slowly melted into a victoriously grin.

He sprinted as fast to her room as he could.

Arlen was flushed when he stood and fidgeted before her door. Not knowing if he should just walk in or knock and then enter.

Just as he had desided to knock, the lock klicked and Tamra opened door.

She stood there, nothing short of divine. Clad only in a black sport bra and panties, and smelling fresh and newly showerd. Her moss-green eyes sparkled seductively.

He was inside her room before either one of them could blink, and even faster stripping her of off her underwear.

He all but threw her on the bed befpre he jumped on it, too.

He grabbed her hips from behind and in one rough trust he was inside her.

Arlen didn't wait to see if she was okey, but by judging how dripping she was, there was no doubt that she was enjoying this,too.

With a groan he leaned over her until he could take her nap betwen his teeth.

He then proceded to give her that pounding he had been thinking about.

It was safe to say that Tamra didn't sleep much that night.

Everything or Nothing Chapter 18- The Naked Truth

Arlen jerked awake, fur shiny and cold with sweat, the sudden nightmare he had experinced still vividly seared into his retinas. Usually he dreamed of the faces he had lost over the years as a mercenary, or the faces he had killed. Now it had been...

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Shifting Sands Chapter 1- Ancient beings

The sand tells much about the things swallowed up by its shifting waves. Structures and bygone kingdoms, monuments of a past era. And yet even though sand represents the unmovable jaws of time, some beings are not affected. Some beings can't be killed...

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Everything or Nothing Chapter 16- Pale

"Do you actually believe that this boy knows something about that base?" Jorek asked. They were sitting in a small room inside the interrogation room, the large glass window giving a good view on the persons inside it. The boy had awoken a few hours...

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