Summer Nights

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#1 of The Stories of Toby & Richard


Summer Nights

Toby awoke in the late early afternoon like he always did. It had been nearly 6 weeks since summer started and Toby only had another month or so to go. Isn't being 13 just grand? In was late in the middle of July, in Texas and in the middle of a perfect day, except for the heat, but you cant really escape that. In Toby's mind, it was either too hot or too cold...but no matter what it was just right.

Toby groaned and rubbed the sleep of his face and attempted to straighten his wildly out of control hair and soon headed to the bathroom for his daily morning shower. Toby treated himself like a king when he had the chance, and in some children's stories, he was the king of the jungle. Ah, he loved being a lion. The spoils were endless and he loved the looks he got at school.

He reached the bathroom after grabbing a towel from the laundry closet. He shut the door and flicked the light switch. He stared at the mirror for a moment and smiled; he loved being fit. He didn't have the body of a professional, but he still did have the light tone of 6 pack abs. His golden fur traveled all up his body. To his muscular arm, which had veins clearly pressed against the skin, to his strong, athletic built legs.

He giggled as he looked at a more apparent gesture tenting from his blue boxer shorts. He slowly began to lower the boxers, stretching the waistband with his two thumbs and lowered them inch by inch. Soon enough, the pants dropped to his feet, exposing the 7 inches of lion meat saluting him in the mirror. Toby smiled and did a comical two finger salute back. He quickly kicked off the boxers and proceeded to turn the water on and adjust it to the right temperature and soon climbed in. The steamy water paraded over his fur and Toby loved the feeling. He arched his back as the warm water jets hit his cock and balls making him moan silently.

His soft and slowly rubbed his rock hard erections. He began leaking pre but it was soon washed away by the messaging water. Toby moaned louder and grabbed hold of his shaft and began pumping it up and down slowly. Toby's sensitive ears heard the door began to creak and the lion jumped and poked his head out of the curtain. It was his older brother Alex.

"Toby.....Shut up.....and if your gonna' whack one off, do it in your room, I use that shower too." He said with a straight face and shut the door.

Toby sighted and rubbed his face, soon going to his shampoo, and slowly messaging it into his blond hair and fur. About 15 minutes later, Toby stepped out of the shower and headed to his room only to find a note on it.

"Went to go get Megan, be right back..."

The lion opened his door and headed over to his computer and plopped down in his old chair. Megan was Alex's girlfriend and like all women, she had almost all control over him; It was quite funny. Although Toby didn't like her much, they seemed to get along for a lion and a Badger.

"God...I love Alex but he is way too gullible for a bear..." Toby sighed.

In Toby's family, half of it is pure bear, and half of it is pure lion. That's when my mom and dad decided to mix the two together. Ironically it didn't change much; He's mostly lion and my brother is mostly bear. He's got a little from my dad and my brother ha a little from my mom.

After drying his fur and hair off, he got dressed in his usual attire: Shorts and a T-Shirt. Toby's stomach began growling and he headed for the stairs, until he saw Alex and Megan AKA Polly were going up them. As Toby went down Polly made one of her jokes about Toby.

Hey, What's up, Oh and I've been trying to see from your point of view lately, but I honestly cant stick my head that far up my ass." She giggled.

"I'm so sorry, but I don't know what your problem is...but I bet it's hard to pronounce, oh and let me know if I say anything that might have offended you...because I might want to offend you again later." He snapped back.

They both smiled at each other and went our separate ways; Toby went to kitchen and gradually made a salad. Soon after, He went and turned on the television and watched T.V. What seemed like minutes was actually hours and it has already passed a little over 7:00 PM. Toby flipped through the channels trying to keep form being bored. Right before he fell into the endless black pit of boredom; the phone rang. Toby quickly sprinted over to see who it was and he quickly picked it up.

"Hello?" Toby questioned.

"Hey, Toby." The other line replied.

"Oh, Hey Richard!"

"Can you come by my house tonight, Hunter's coming over."

"Yea let me get ready and I'll be right over"

"Ok, bye." Richard said as the line hung up.

Toby quickly sprinted upstairs and grabbed his cell phone and informed his brother and ran over to his friend's house. He stood in the doorway and knocked on the door softly. After a couple of seconds a white rabbit opened the door. Richard and Toby had been friends for nearly 9 years now, they were great friends and both the same age. He was a white rabbit and a great swimmer, in fact he is working toward state championships. Toby always found him to be cute. He was built like a brick wall from the swimming and he was one of the smartest kids in school...well in math. Richard and Toby seemed to balance each other out well. They were both in a southern Texas school competition together and both took home 1st place awards in their events; Writing and Literature for Toby and Advance Mathematics for Richard.

Toby entered the house and too off his shoes and followed Richard up the stairs to his bedroom. After about five minutes, Hunter arrived and ran up the stairs. For several hours they played variations of video games, ranging from Super Smash Brothers: Brawl, to Halo 3 and Rockband. Hours later the gang found themselves on separate couches in the houses game room discussing different topics such as new video games coming out, religion, more games, school, girls, more games, and finally it was time to go to bed. All three of the furs slept on the couches, turning every once in a while to get comfortable. About an hour our two later, Toby found himself unable to go to sleep. He couldn't take staring at the sealing any longer, so he decided he go and play some video games on Richards XBOX 360. He used his cat abilities to sneak over the floor and enter Richards's room without a sound and he slowly turned on the game system, squinting his eyes and the sudden brightness change.

He began searching through the games to find one suitable until he found a solid black CD labeled 'Special'. Toby though he just might have a small peek and inserted the CD into the tray and quickly closed it. Soon enough it showed hundreds of pictures on the CD. The lion quickly selected one at random and his Blue eyes widened as far as he jaws did. It was gay porn. But it wasn't only the porn that surprised him, it showed a massive lion fucking and white rabbit.

Toby began checking all of the pictured and all of them showed the same thing. A Lion and a Rabbit...Could it be? Maybe he just likes lions....maybe it's....OH SHI!!! Toby froze as the door creaked open; he almost fainted when he saw the one and only Richard walking through the door rubbing his eyes and face.

"Mmm...Watcha doin up so......" He stared at the screen.

Richard just stood their, staring blankly at the screen, like he had gone brain dead. Toby was sitting their staring at Richard.

"Oh...God....oh no oh no!!! I'm so Bus....." Richards's eyes widened as he found himself muzzle to muzzle with Toby. Slowly Toby broke the kiss and blushed as did Richard.

"Heh...Sorry about that..."

"Don't be..." Richard whispered as he kissed Toby again; this time going a bit deeper into the kiss.

Both of them collapsed onto the floor, kissing. Toby pushed his tongue into the rabbits maw, making him gasp slightly.

Slowly, the two broke the kiss and smiled at each other. The lion looked down and saw the bulge in the rabbits pants making him smile with a toothy grin. Toby placed his paw on Richards chest and pushed him down onto the floor, relaxing him a bit. Toby slowly pulled the sport pants the Richard always wears, to reveal his 6 and a half inches of uncut rabbit dick.

"Murrr Mmm...." Toby giggled and he bent down and started to lick the head of his cock, receiving moans and pre from the rabbit.

The lion carefully rapped his tongue around the throbbing member and bobbed his head up and down the cock. Richard was in a state of pure bliss. It felt a million times better then when he pawed off and he was enjoying every moment of it. The lion began to squeeze and play with the balls of the moaning bunny and grazed if teeth against the member. Toby moved his other paw and squeezed the bottom of the shaft causing Richard's back to arch.

"Ohhhh Toby....I...I'm gonna CUMMM!!!" Richard yelled as he shot his load down Toby's throat.

Toby began gulping every single shot until the orgasm subsided and he smiled.

"Mmmm, Bunny's cute and he tastes great!" Toby grinned.

" want too?" Richard panted.

"Nah, I've got something else in mind..." With that, Toby lifted Richard up and set him on his bed, on his back.

Richard grinned and rapped his legs around Toby's shoulder and the lions cock was pointing at the special prize.

"MMmm...Fuck me Toby...mmmmm!" Richard moaned.

"Hehe, not yet, I gotta get you ready." Toby said as he knelt down and took a long lick on Richards's tail hole, causing him to moan loudly.

Toby kept taking long and soft licks with his rough lion tongue and started pushing it in and out of Richards's tail hole. For Toby, it really didn't taste that bad. After a few more seconds of licking, Toby raised up and placed the head of his cock at the rabbits tail hole. Richard muttered a simple 'fuck me' and that was all the permission Toby need and soon started pushing his lion cock inside of Richard. The rabbit gritted his teeth and Toby new it would hurt so ignoring all the injures, he took it slow until he pushed all of himself into the rabbits tight ass. Toby and Richard both moaned and the rabbit soon felt the pain going away and the pleasure so Toby slowly pulled back out causing his barbs to softly scrape against the rabbits insides causing him so moan.

Toby slowly began thrusting in and out of Richards tight bunny ass. Every time he thruster into Richard he moved a little bit. The lion began to pick up speed and power, slamming into Richard over and over again. The bunny was in heaven, feeling the warm cock of the big lion inside of him, pounding his rear. Toby was begging to drool a little, feeling his climax quickly approaching from the amount of pleasure he was receiving.

"Ohhhh Richie!!! I'm gonna...GAHHH!!!" Toby roared as he started shooting rope after rope of hot white lion cum deep inside of Richard causing him to shoot another load all over himself and Toby. The lion panted as he pulled out of Richie. They both sat their on his bed, side by side, nuzzling and kissing.

"I Love you..."

"I Love you too..."

The moment wasn't too hot or too cold...It was just right...


Took a break from my Battlefields Series because I had this on my mind for a while and needed to write it down ^^