
Story by Jmuk on SoFurry

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#1 of Living with a real Pooch!

okay so umm the first time i wrote this i forgot to put in a title...

so it was completely earased >r may have typo's

this is an intoduction to my first story

"Come on, Come on, awnser the phone"

Zach pleaded with the recieving end of the phone.

As it wrang he began to think about what he was going to say in the event that some one did awnser. But the longer it rang the more he became confident that no one would awnser.

every second he grew more and more anxious.

He started tapping his foot faster and harder

untill it seemed like he would break a hole into the fragile floor boards. Sweat began to drip

from his chin, and his eyes started to water with tears. Then something happend, he could tell that the phone was no longer ringing because he could now hear a slight static and voices in what apeared to be the background of the recieving end.


"Hel-" He began to reply assuming that some one awnsered the phone but was cut off with more words.

"You have reached Lynn, Micah, and Jacob, we cant come to the phone right now, but if you leave your name and number we'll get back to you as soon as possible"

His heart sunk. He became motionless and felt more water rushing to his eyes.

He tried to hold back the tears untill after he hung up the phone. He was depating weather or not he should leave a message. The beep indicating that the anwsering machine was ready to take his message had gone off. there was a long pause.

"Hey.. um. Jacob, when you get this could you call me back, please." He paused for a minute thinking of what to say next. " My, its about.. my mom" there was another long pause. " Just call me back when you get this, you know my number" And he hung up the phone.

He carried the phone with him to the bath room as he went to go clean himself up.

He walked emotionless down the hall and walked into the bathroom, carefull to lock the door behind him. After securing himself in the bathroom he looked in the mirror. His fur was all madded up from tears and dried up snot. He looked like he just survived a train wreck that was beyond destructive. He reached for a wash cloth and ran it under the fosset. After drenching it in warm water he aplied small amounts of 'Slick - and - Smoot®' a fur cleaner/conditioner.

After cleaning himself off he towl dried his face so that it didnt look so messy. Before leaving the bathroom he took a good look at himself with the mirror that hung on the door. Zach was a very tall fur even for a wolf, at the age of four-teen he stood nearly six feet tall, much taller than any of the kids in his grade. He had a combination of jet black fur around a majority of his body and snow white fur starting from below his chin, past the inside of his torso, and down through his inner legs. His tail had a small trace of white but was only possible to see if you looked really close. He had deep brown eyes with a hint of green on the sides. He wore a medum sized shirt that was almost tight on him. With som baggy pants and dirty socks.

He walked back into the living room. Setting the phone onto the charger as he walked by. He walked over to the couch clear on the other side of the living room and layed down. The couch was a little beat up but that made it all the more confterble. There were no metal springs and it had a flower pattern on it, which was mostly covered up by a soft dark red blanket to sheild the couch from stains.

Shortly after he began to close his eyes the phone rang. The noise startled him at first and made him jump completely on the couch. Hitting his head on the small wooden table directly infront of the couch. He quick got up and jumped over the table to spare the time that he had already lost. Taking along with him some magazines and empty cups. He dove for the phone and pushed ' SEND' just before the person on the other end recieved the awnsering machine." Hello!" he howled loudly into the phone full of anxiety to see figure out who it was.

"Hello, is zach there?" A feminent voice replied.

" Uh- yes!, um i mean, this is me" He felt so emberissed by his response.

"Oh, hey this is Lynn, We just got back from dropping Jacob off at the Skate park" Jacob didnt skate and Zach knew this very well he must be meeting some one there, or trying to score some smokes.

" If you want i could give you his cell" Lynn finished with hints of concern in her voice.

" No, its okay I dont want to bother him, but maybe i could ask you something?" zach replied his voice shaky.

"Sure whatch'ya need?" Lynn responded with a hint of southern accent.

" Well my mom is um.. kicking me outa the house and i have no where to stay, i was wond-" Lynn cut him off

" and you were wondering if you could stay with us?"

"Yes, if thats okay."

"Course it is, give me five minutes and i'll be on my way"

"Great, thanks Lynn" Zach said as he started into his room to get his things ready.

They hung up after saying their good-byes and Zach quickly packed his bags with his personal belongings.

Twenty minutes later, Lynn pulled up into Zach's drive way and honked the horn. Lynn was a Lynx who wasnt over weight just with a little more meat than most of her kind. She had long hair that went to the middle of her back the same length all over but in differant layers.

Zach rushed out carring three large bags stuff with so many clothes and other items that some of the zippers didnt close all the way.

"Is that all of it?" Lynn asked.

" Yah its all i really need." he replied stuffing the bags into the back seat of the car.

"did'ya Bring your own food? 'cus you cant be eating all of ours!" Lynn joked. Though Zach thought she was completely serious. Zach stared at her blankly with a suprised look on his face. " Oh come on, i'm just kiddin'" she said with more traces of her southern accent.

He sighed with relief. " Don't joke like that i'm not in the mood for it right now" he said showing off how frustrated he was.

" Okay, yo're right i shouldnt have said that" Lynn apologized. Zach got into the front seat of the car and put his seat belt on.

"It's okay, lets just get outa here."

Zach's house was twenty miles out of 'North Wood Pine' a small town community.

The whole way there neither Lynn nore Zach said anything else. He just stared out the window and began thinking about Jacob.He was a mix breed between a dog and a fox, a shorter verion of this would be conciderd a Dox. Jacob had a similar color pattern to Zach's. Only Jacob's fur was a lighter brown and had an incredbly more noticible white streak on the bottom of his tail. Jacob stood about 5'4 with light brown eyes that seemed to sparkle when he was happy. He wasnt muscular at all, and could easily fit into small slim fit T's. He was only four months older than Zach. Jacob and Zack dated at one point in time but after they broke up they were just good friends.

Zach hadn't seen Jacob in month's though so its hard to say if he looks that way now.

It seemed the more that Zach thought about Jacob. The MORE he thought about other stuff.

like kissing him, showing Jacob that he still had feelings for him. Even have sex with him.

Zach pictured himself on top of Jacob, doggy style. Laying down on him as he thrusted Jacob hard in his hole. Rapping his arms round his chest and pawing off at Jacob's member in perfect extacy.

"A'ight we're here" Lynn announced,

Zach didint even realise they made it into town he was so cought up in his thoughts. Lynn knew Jacob through Micah, Jacobs oldest brother. Micah and Lynn were engaged and allowed Jacob to live with them while his mom was down a few provinces away on a buissness trip.

" Oh yah and Jacob should be home shortly if he isnt already, and when you see him brace your self got it?"

"Umm okay" Zach responded not fully understanding what she ment

they left the bags in the car as they headed up into the aparments, Zatch followed closely behind Lynn to avoid from getting lost. They went directly down the hall and to the left where they stepped into a small elivator that only went to 5 differant floors. Lynn pushed the button that had a number '3' writen on it with what apeared to be perminant marker.

when the elivator stoped and opened up Lynn quickly walked out and took a right. Zach still fallowing closely behind. She opend the first door to the left and walked in. Zach closed the door behind him on the way in and started to take off his shoes as his eyes wondered the apart ment. when suddenly the door leading back out to the hallway opend and in the door way stood a VERY happy Dox.

" Oh he-"

zach was cut off when Jacob pounced on him bringing him to the ground

now zach new what Lynn ment when she said to brace himself.

well thats my story the first time i wrote it it was way longer and a little more detailed

but i kinda rushed it because i really wanted to get this up here

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