Red Storm ch. 3

Story by YuritheWolf on SoFurry

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Chapter 3 of my series "Red Storm." Hope you like it.

Red Storm chap. 3 Stalingrad, Soviet Union September 20th, 1942 Yuri ran up to a building wall and peaked over it; looking out at a long stretch of road between a cluster of buildings. "Shit..." he mumbled as he ran back to his small squad. "Anything to report, comrade?" Sgt. Leonid Kerensky asked. "Nyet. But I have a damn good feeling Fritz's snipers are in those buildings." Yuri said. Slight bit winded from his run back here. Sgt. Kerensky peered over a piece of rubble at the cluster of buildings. "Pavel. Take two men, scout the flank." Kerensky said. "Yes, comrade." Pavel pointed at two men and pointed to his right. " What now, sir?" Kiril asked the sergeant. "We wait until Pavel returns back here." He said. "Yest'." Kiril said. Shortly, Pavel returned with news. "Sir, no snipers. However, there is a panzer IV dug in past block 13." Pavel said; panicked. "Alright. Men, follow me. Keep low." Sgt. Kerensky said. The group mantled over the wall that led to the dug in Panzer. "So he wasn't lying.." the sergeant muttered. He looked at Yuri and Kiril. "You two, take those buildings and cover us." Kerensky pointed to the building that he wanted them in. "Yest'." Yuri said. "Kiril, let's move!" The pair filed into the building quietly, observing the panzer and its defenders. "Six... seven.. seven of them." Kiril said. Yuri looked out at them just before the sergeant ran out to an apartment block. The two watched the squad get closer and closer to the tank. "Well, here we go.." Yuri and Kiril aimed their PPSh submachine guns at their selective targets, waiting for the sergeant to make his move. "Pavel, now!" Kerensky whispered loudly as the feline sprung up and lunged a hand grenade at a group of German soldiers. "Grenate! Dekung!" One of the German soldiers yelled to his comrades as the grenade exploded; taking the soldier's legs with it. "Move in!" Kerensky ordered. "Here we go!" Yuri said, almost in a competative tone. Yuri and Kiril fired at their selected targets, bringing them down in a hail of bullets. They also watched their squad closely, covering them when need be. "Watch that Panzer, Kiril!" Yuri said as he gunned down a canine soldier attempting to mount an assault gun. Back on the ground, the situation was slowly calming. "Pavel. Throw a molotov on that-" Kerensky's words were cut off as the Panzer fired its main gun into the side of a building, collapsing it instantly. Pavel maneuvered near the rear of the tank. "Molotov out!" He yelled. He threw the bottle and it landed on the Panzer's exhaust port. "Down!" Kerensky yelled! Yuri and Kiril hit the floor. A spectacular explosion lit up the corners of the apartment complex with a brilliant flame. The tank was a smoldering pile of wreckage now, no longer able to fight. "Damn..." Kiril muttered. Yuri repeated a short time later. "You men!" Kerensky looked up at the pair. "Down here! Now!" He ordered. The two silently obliged and made their way to the enerence. "Good work, tovarishche." He said "Kiril, help Pavel with the wounded." Kiril ran over to the thick black-furred feline helping agood casualty. "Me, sir?" Yuri asked. "You stay with me." Kerensky ordered. Yuri nodded and followed the sergeant twords the tank's rubble. They silently watched as it burned until Kerensky spoke up. "You know, I almost envy these bastards.." he said as he looked at the tank. He then looked at Yuri. "The war's over for them." He said, and with that, the two returned to what was left of the squad

Red Storm ch. 4

Stalingrad, Soviet Union September 30th, 1942 "When will this rain end?" Pavel complained to no one in perticular, until Kerensky shut him up. "Hush, Pavel!" He hissed. They had been waiting all day for either food, or a German counterattack. So far,...

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Red Storm chapter 2

Red Storm ch.2 Yuri and Kiril watched the retreating Germans dissapear below the ridge. "God damn..."the Yuri sighed. He new they would be back, and with forces the Red Army, in its current state, couldn't counter. Kiril looked first at Yuri, then over...

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Red Storm

May, 1926 Tula, Soviet Union A young wolf ran through the fields of his father's farm, without a single care in the world. He ran, but occasionally stopped for the random shenanigans young 5-year olds do. He stooped when he noticed his father come out...

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