Streaks of Gray and White- Chapter 4- Dakota's Story- Second Date

Story by Yukon on SoFurry

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#4 of Streaks of Gray and White

Well folks......heres chapter four of the series. A little solo action in this one...

I need to thank Lexus very much for editing and helping me write this story. He is truly a great writer and friend. So not all credit goes to me...a good portion goes to him.

Dakota and Jamie are © me.....ask before using them.

Eric is © Lexus

Here we go! The second date......what will happen....

Friday afternoon. School had just ended and Dakota was walking out of the engineering building of his college to his car. He was in a happy mood, not only because it was Friday, but because of his date. His second date with Jamie was set for tonight and the excitement was flowing throughout his wolven body. He had seen Jamie in class each day, but didn't have many opportunities to speak with him. So the chance to spend the night with the fox was greatly anticipated. When Dakota arrived at his rusty, old car he fired it up. He drove the short distance to his small, lonely apartment and parked the car in it's designated space. He pulled himself out of the beaten-up vehicle and stopped suddenly as something caught his eye. There, sitting in a guest parking space, was Jamie's Corvette. Dakota was surprised, but more excited then anything. He gathered up his heavy books and walked to his apartment, where he found Jamie leaning against the door, obviously waiting for his new mate to arrive.

"Jamie, what are you doing here?" the wolf asked.

"Well, I wasn't planning on doing anything until our date, so I decided to come over early. Here, let me help you," Jamie said as he took the books out of Dakota's paws.

"Thanks," Dakota said relieved. He pulled his keys out of his pocket and opened the door, guiding the fox into the small apartment.

"Wow, you sure keep this place clean," the fox said as he looked around the living room, inspecting every detail.

"Yeah, I don't want to worry about losing anything."

"That's a good idea," Jamie set down the books and explored the apartment. "Only one bedroom?" the fox asked.

"Well yeah, I don't have a roommate."

"For now..." Jamie mumbled to himself. Dakota heard it, but before he could say anything in return, Jamie spoke up. "Let's go get some dinner before we go to the movie."

"Uuuum...... well...... ok," the wolf stuttered out, still shocked.

Jamie giggled, "Come on silly, let's go." The fox firmly grasped Dakota's paw and they headed down to his car. "You want to drive?" Jamie asked.

"R-really? Sure!" the wolf said a bit hesitantly, springing up off the ground in joy.

"Ok, ok..... relax wolfie," Jamie said, tossing Dakota the keys.

Dakota got into the driver's seat and started the car. "Oh man.....I've never driven a car this nice."

Jamie giggled, "Well as long as you keep it on the road, I'll let you drive next time we go somewhere."

"Thanks Jamie."

"Well where do you want to go pup? I'm starving..."

"Same place as Sunday?" Dakota asked.

"Sounds good to me," Jamie replied, and they headed the short distance down the road to the restaurant.

"Here we are," Dakota said as he climbed out of the driver seat of the car.

"Yea..... and this time, I'm paying," Jamie said, sticking his tongue out at his giggling companion.

"Ok, ok, you can pay," the wolf replied. They held paws as they walked into the restaurant, which was busy with the Friday night crowd. A host showed them to a table, and they sat down on opposite sides of a booth and began looking over the menu.

"So what you gonna eat tonight?" Jamie asked.

"I'm thinking buffalo wings, how 'bout you?" Dakota replied.

"Me too, I guess we'll just get a big platter and share it."

"Sounds good to me Jamie." The next few minutes was spent silent. The two canines simply stared into each others eyes, soaking in each others beauty. Dakota felt like it was the greatest moment in his life, but it was brutally interrupted by the waiter.

"All right, what can I get you folks to drink," the rude badger asked as he ripped the menus from the couple's paws. The males were brought out of their loving state of mind and both blushed.

"Oh... I... uh...... I'll have a Coke please," Dakota said.

"Me too," Jamie added in.

"Alrighty then, two Cokes. You guys know what you want to eat yet?" the badger said.

"Yea, we're gonna have a large platter of buffalo wings to share," Dakota said.

"Ok you two love birds, that'll be out in a few minutes," the waiter said and walked away. The pair blushed again and looked back at each other.

"So what movie should we see tonight," Jamie asked.

"Well, I like a good comedy, how about you?" the wolf replied.

"Really? Me too," Jamie said with a big smile.

"Well I guess we got a lot in common."

The badger returned with their drinks. "Here are the Cokes, and your wings should be done pretty quick," he said and set the sodas on the table.

"Thanks," Dakota said and the badger walked away.

The lovers sat there talking about school, taking occasional sips of their drinks. Dakota discovered that Jamie had missed him as well during their classes since they had very little freedom to speak. Their little chit-chat soon turned to silence, except for the sounds of the busy restaurant buzzing with activity. They blocked out the noise as they once again found themselves lost in each other's eyes.

As events usually have a tendency to repeat themselves, their gazing was rudely interrupted by the badger slamming a platter full of buffalo wings onto the table.

"Dinner's served, enjoy," said the waiter as he began to take orders from the next table.

"Finally, I was starving!" cried out the now drooling wolf who turned his gaze from the beautiful fox in front of him to the platter of delicious food between them.

"Hehe, just don't be a little piggy," Jamie said sarcastically as he noticed the group of people at the next table stared at him. They were... pigs. He mouthed out a quick sorry and looked away in embarrassment, blocking their piercing gazes from his thoughts. The awkward situation faded from his memory as he brought his attention to the half empty platter of buffalo wings... and scraps.

"Hey, save some for me!" Jamie blurted out, reaching for the remaining wings as Dakota stretched, showing his mate that he was finished eating and that his hunger was satisfied.

"Don't worry, I couldn't eat anymore if I tried.... So what do you want for dessert?" he said with a smile on his face, making Jamie giggle a little bit.

"I guess we'll take two chocolate shakes to go, we don't want to miss our movie now do we, hun?"

"Um sure, let me just get my-"

"Don't even think about it... I said I would pay before we walked inside, so I intend to keep that promise," Jamie said as he grabbed Dakota's wrist, preventing him from reaching for his wallet. He gently let go and took out two twenty dollar bills from his wallet. The badger returned and took the order for the two shakes as well as the money and returned five minutes later with two cups and change. Leaving a tip for the waiter, they left the restaurant holding hands and got into the car to begin the short trip to the theaters.

The couple soon arrived and threw their empty shakes into a trash bin, making their way to the ticket stand. Inside the booth was a tall husky with a flashy name tag that read "Eric", who looked rather bored standing around all day, paying more attention to his iPod than to the customers.

"Hey," said Dakota, who intended to purchase tickets after letting his mate pay for dinner.

"Oh, hi there," said Eric as he reached to turn off the deafening music.

"Um, we were thinking of watching a comedy, is there anything you'd recommend?"

"Night of the Exploding Penguins was awesome!!! You just need to see it in 3D man. It's like you can feel the Napalm!!!"

"Uh... Sure I guess. Two tickets please," Dakota said as he slid a twenty dollar bill into the ticket booth.

"Mmmk, here are your tickets. The theater will be on your left, Number 16. Enjoy the movie!" the husky pup said excitedly as he gave them their 3D glasses and change. On the way they were a tad surprised by the strange husky's attitude, but soon ignored it and went inside the theater to enjoy the movie.

Throughout the whole movie Dakota and Jamie were laughing at the site of penguins bursting into flames one after another (fake of course). The two furs were enjoying themselves so much, each with tremendous smiles on their faces. When the movie was finally over, they waited for the crowd to leave before they left their seats, but when Dakota was about to get up, he had noticed that Jamie's head was on his lap. He thought he was the cutest thing in the world at that moment, and wished he could snuggle up next to him right there and then, but he knew that they needed to head home.

"Enjoying yourself down there?"

"Well actually yes I am thank you very much," the fox said with a quick chuckle.

"Hehe, it's time to head home now, hun."

"But I'm so comfortable, I don't wanna get up!"

"Oh, don't be such a cub."

"I just want a few more minutes!"

"Oh alright fine, but you get only five minutes, deal?" but it was too late. Dakota's handsome mate was limp on his lap, in a deep slumber. Dakota just smiled at this and began to pet the fur on Jamie's head. It was nice and plush, and smelled like expensive shampoo. Five minutes later, he reached down in an attempt to wake up the fox, but Jamie was quicker and swiftly got up to give Dakota a quick lick to the nose.

They began to chuckle a bit, and then Dakota had the courage to bend down and kiss Jamie square on the lips. This caught him by surprise, but he went along with it, and began to explore every crevice with his tongue. Their muscles danced around each other, sending tingling sensations up each other spines. Sparks flew in each other's thoughts, it was like a fireworks display in their brains, they were soul mates. Their passionate kiss was disrupted by a very familiar, hyperactive pooch staring at them with a broom in his hands.

"Hey, you two love birds! Think you could get a room?" he yelled with a cheery grin on his face.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, you see we-," Dakota tried to explain until he was interrupted by Eric.

"No seriously, could you please get a room? It's late and I really want to leave, haha."

"Oh, we were just leaving..."

"No worries, bud. I've got a foxy waiting at home for me, too!" He said as he winked at them and began to clean up the mess that the customers had left. The couple decided to give the poor guy a break and took all their trash with them, making their way back to Dakota's house.

"So, how did you enjoy the movie, hun?" Dakota said with a smile, still seeing sparks after their first kiss.

"It was great, that crazy husky was right. I sure got a kick of flaming penguins!"

"Glad you liked it. How about next time we watch an action movie?"

"Um, sure... Maybe that'll stop me from falling on your lap?"

"If it gets too intense feel free to do so!" he said with a wink.

"Alright, gonna head home now, take care!"

When the car finally pulled up to Dakota's home, they both parted as they blew kisses to each other, not caring if the neighboring apartment-dwellers had seen. With this, they assumed their date was over.

Dakota walked into his neat home, taking in the scent of the very clean environment. He made his way to the bedroom, stopping in the middle of the hall.

"Well, I've got the rest of the night to myself," he thought smiling in the hallway mirror, "I guess I'll have some fun," he decided as he stepped into his room while he started to undress.

He jumped on his bed and began to rub his sheath, feeling the throbbing member growing beneath the skin. Warmth was developing in his hand, and a small pink tip was now visible. It slowly slid out as Dakota was caressing his scrotum, savoring the pleasure shooting up his spine. He was starting to moan, imagining what it would be like to be mating with Jamie, embracing each other's love, and just plain being inside him. Once all 8 inches of his cock were exposed, he began to slowly stroke it with his right paw, massaging his furry sack with the other.

In the mean time, Jamie was about to set off for home, when he noticed a small leather object hiding under the passenger seat, almost out of sight. When he picked it up he recognized the object as a wallet... Dakota's wallet.

"Oops, must have dropped it on the way out," he said, in a way, glad that he'd have an excuse to see his boyfriend one more time before he left. He quickly made his way up the stairs, eager to be with Dakota. He made his signature knock and waited for about five minutes and nobody answered. Knowing it probably wouldn't work, he attempted to open the door and to his surprise, it was unlocked. He giggled at the thought of pouncing on his puppy while he slept, and maybe even kissing him one more time.

When he entered he heard a bit of grunting, and a lot of panting. Considering that his door was unlocked, Jamie entered a state of panic, adrenaline running through his veins. He was scared that something bad happened to Dakota and stormed through the hallway, and kicked open the bedroom door to find his nude mate on his bed, legs wide open and wolfhood in hand. They both stared at each other, Jamie in shock, and Dakota in a mix of embarrassment and orgasmic pleasure. The awkwardness of the situation filled the air, along with the smell of the canine's sweat and musk, both of them searching for an excuse to their problem.

There it is...we left you with a cliffhanger...I hope you enjoyed it....stay tuned for the next part!