Meet Me By the Lake

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#1 of Meet Me (Public)

The first in a series of adult short stories I plan to write for this summer.

The sun had just crossed it's peak for the day, shining its rays through a near cloudless sky and upon a shallow lake in particular. The lake was surrounded by a thicket of trees at every side hidden in the depths of a dense forest. Although a rich supply of fresh water from a river than ran in and out of it, few inhabitant of the area truly knew about it as there were easier bodies of water closer by to access from neighboring settlements. The songs of birds filled the air with mild ambiance for the lake setting a near perfect scene for relaxation.

Relaxation, being the subject of a particular female lapin's mind as she would wiggle her way out from a tall bush, one of many that surrounded the area. Almost falling after her foot had gotten caught on a stray branch, she finally made it out into the open. She was a gray furred girl with a slender build but wide hips and ample breasts to support the lineage of many births she was no doubt expected to have in the not too distant future. Her genealogy was the last thing on her mind as she began to make her way towards the cool waters of the lake, as this was one of her favorite spots to sneak off to and enjoy nothing but herself. A nice quiet spot for her mind to be content while being empty.

She stepped through a meadow of tall grass on her way, the blades of greenery coming up to her hips. She thought how lucky she was that she decides to wear a more forest suited clothing, unlike last time where she had to deal with various twigs and nettles poking at her while she would be on her way. For a split moment she glances heavenward with a smile on her face, the lush scenery catching her thoughts for a delicious second. When she turned her eyes back to the lake she stopped for a moment, put her paws to the sides of her mouth, and called out.

"Allen!" She yelled with a smile, still walking gingerly through the grass. A high pitched whistle was all that returned, making the girl turn about to see a tall figure standing out in the grass a short distance away. She picked up her pace and began to bound after him, a grin spreading across her face as she would get closer. The male held his arms out as his sides, an open invitation that the lapin took and jumped against his tall form. He caught her with ease and held her close, the two basking in the warmth of the moment. He was a very brightly colored fox, the orange tint to his fur being a lighter shade than most others and reflected sunlight like a mirror at practically every angle. He was tall and strong as well, standing a head taller than her with his large arms encompassing her much smaller form. A few moments passed before they finally pulled apart from each other, smiling.

"It's been a while, Kylee, how have you been?" The fox said with a murr in his voice.

"Not really a whole lot has changed to be honest," she said and looked her lover over a little more, ears perking and eyes widening when she came to realize he wasn't wearing any clothing. "I see you've gotten started without me," she teased and took another couple of steps back, her paws fiddling with the front of her pants.

"I figured I wouldn't waste any time since I got here first," he explained and crossed his arms over his toned, white chest, a tuft of fur peaking out from above his forearms. He watched as the rabbit was quick to remove her pants with her panties following not much further behind. As she slid the article of blue satin down her thighs, a small strip of pubic hair that led down to her perky cunny lips was revealed to the vulpine's eyes. "Very nice," he remarked.

The rabbit blushed and cleared her throat as she worked her shirt and bra off of her form, dropping them both to leave her as naked as her companion. "Now come on!" she shouted and turned on her heel to race for the lake. The fox began to bound after her and quickly over shot her with ease as he came to the edge of the water and made a lithe dive into it. The splash that he made was small compared to the cannonball that the rabbit caused, creating a large wave to ripple out from her handing.

Both surfaced at the same time and beamed at each other happily, wading closer to the shore to the point that they were both about butt deep in the water. It seemed the fox couldn't keep his eyes from the lapin's gorgeous form, and as they would chat and talk for the many minutes that passed on between their playing, something began to stir within his sheath.

"Enjoying the view?" she teased him after catching him staring at her exposed cunny for a sizable period of time, not even realizing that he had completely lost his train of thought on the subject at hand.

"Oh I'm sorry!" he apologized and blushed, his eyes darting up to meet her own.

"It's fine you silly fox, I don't mind that you look," she said with a grin and scooted up more onto the slightly sandy shore, keeping her front to him. "Is this what you want?" she asked as she drifted a paw between her legs and spread her soft pussy lips apart to expose a wet, pink inside. The fox felt his heart thunder at the sight of further exposure, only nodding his head as he drifted closer to her on the sand. "Then come and have a taste," she demanded.

The fox was all too eager to oblige, as he dipped his head down between her legs, gently taking in her soft, feminine scent before he drew his tongue from his lips and stroked it against her pink flesh. The girl let out a soft groan in return and laid back a bit more, coming to a rest on her elbow as she still held her pussy open for her lover. The fox began to lap at her pink depths more and more, his paws soon coming up and replacing her own fingers as his strong grip did the trick well enough. With each soft flick of the vulpine's tongue the rabbit felt a surge of electricity go up her spine that made her twitch and convulse quite strongly. Her mouth began to hang open and heavy pants rolled out with each heavy breath. The fox's tongue had found her tight little opening and began to dig against it, working as well as it could to ease itself within. The girl's paw fell upon the top of the fox's head just between his ears, holding him there as she began to buck and roll her hips against his eager muzzle. It wasn't long before his tongue began to snake inside of her cunny, twisting around inside of her and dragging against her inner walls to cause short screams and yips from her maw. She tried biting down on the back of her finger in hopes of keeping herself quiet, but it was fruitless as his tongue began to work back and forth.

"Oh god, Allen, just fuck me!" She finally cried out, feeling herself close to orgasm but not wanting to peak at that moment. The fox drew his mouth back and licked across his wet lips, his chip sodden with a mixture of saliva and her juices.

"Oh my, such language," he teased and scooted up closer to her, revealing that his sheath had swollen and a great length of fox cock was sticking straight up in the air, a full eight inches that dripped with rivulets of his pre-cum. She gave a gasp when her prize was revealed and bit the bottom of her lip to suppress a giggle that sprung up within. Her paw extended to take a hold of his lengthy girth, her digits caressing over the wet, rock hard exterior. The ginger feeling of her soft grasp sent shivers across the vulpine's body, making his fur stand on end as he watched her. He let her coax his cock into a full throbbing erection, complete with visible veins before she pulled him down to meet her between the legs. He was happy to comply, and before long he had slipped inside of her depths. She cooed lowly and rested back as Allen moved around to get into a better position, her legs bending at his sides to help accommodate his actions.

The fox groaned and closed his eyes, letting a hiss of air escape his lips as he began to thrust against the rabbit's smaller form. The feeling of her body under his was incredible, something that he could easily do all day. His hips started to roll against her, his cock pushing as deep as it could before easing up against her cervix until he would pull back. Her paws moved up to rest on his strong shoulders, her body jostling as he began to put more force into each thrust. A gentle squeak made its way from the lapin's mouth each each movement he made, slowly building into a consistent moaning gasp.

The fox began to move harder, his paws settling down into the ground at her side to grip at the sand for a bit of elevation as he arched his form to drive his throbbing cock deeper. The bunny replied with a loud moan, calling out his name while her own grip fastened tighter on his fur. Allen began to rock his body faster, his heart thundering in his chest like the gallop of a horse, his eyes locked to his lover's. Pre-cum spurted from his cock in a torrent, splashing against both of their bodies as they would meet with each movement, soaking their fur at the pelvis. The water splashed around at their lower bodies as he would push harder, the girl crying and howling out in an ecstatic reaction brought on by his prowess.

He leaned his form over hers in a way that was much lower than usual, drawing a kiss from her moaning lips as he would continue to savage her body. The bunny took the opportunity and pushed up against him, throwing the fox off balance and rolled onto his side with her on top. He was taken by surprise, his mind lost in the moment and opened his eyes to see that she was now in control.

She gazed down into his eyes with a devious grin, leaning her body back to give him a full view of her gorgeous form before she would begin to move and gyrate her hips around. The vulpine arched his back to this new sensation and couldn't believe how fast these new motions were driving him crazy. His paws wandered up her form and took a hold of her breasts, one resting in each palm to feel over her weighted softness. His hips stayed still as hers began to circle around and work back and forth, grinding her pussy lips harder against his pelvis, the feel of his heavy balls were resting against her ass cheeks each time she would push back. He gave her breasts a playful squeeze as she began to bounce up and down, his lap feeling incredible under her soft rear end with each rocketed movement.

The fox bit his lip as he began to feel a strong building beginning in the lower part of his stomach, instantly recognizing it as his approaching orgasm. Instinctively he gripped harder at her form, his muscles almost having a mind of their own now that he was no longer in control. The girl could feel it as well, taking in his signals of the approaching storm his balls were going to release inside of her, she too felt near her own end.

The male's eyes closed and his head turned back, exhaling hard in a growl that rolled up from deep within his chest. He felt blood rush to the base of his cock and begin to pool, his knot swelling greater and greater with each passing moment as his lover continued her heated movements. Behind the veil of fog that inhabited his mind he managed to get out a few quick words.

"Wait, out for my-" but it was too late, and before either of them knew it they were locked together with no way of getting free. That seemed to be the trigger for both of them, as the fox felt a massive wave of pleasure strike his body and erupt up the length of his cock, sending a gushing torrent of his cum deep into the depths of the bunny. The girl couldn't hold her own either, and as soon as she would feel the splash of his seed begin to paint the walls of her pussy her own juices came out like a fluid around his cock and sprayed out from around his knot. His body instinctively jerked and bucked against her hips with his orgasm, even though he wasn't getting anywhere while more ropes and drops of his seed were splashed within. The fox only gritted his teeth and kept his eyes shut tight while the bunny howled and screamed at the top of her lungs, both of them going rigid as all muscles flexed.

It seemed like an eternity before their orgasms had died away, leaving them both panting with tongues out and looking back into each other's eyes. They stayed that way for a while longer, enjoying the soft embrace of their ecstasy wane away. The rabbit slumped down onto the vulpine's chest, his arms coming around her in a firm grasp that kept her still. In the distance a rolling sound of thunder echoed, and as they both looked to see where it had come from.

During their playful session they neglected to realize that big black clouds were slowly moving in from the East that reached into the heavens and flattened out on top. It looked like this was going to be a very angry tempest. It took them both a couple of minutes of pulling and working their bodies around, but before long the rabbit had successfully pulled herself away from the swollen fox's cock. She gave a sigh of relief and stood up, her lover getting to his feet not long after that. They both took a quick dip in the water to cool themselves down and wash themselves of any remnants of their fun.

The wind had begun to pick up by the time they had crawled out of the water and began to put on their clothing, neither of them happy about the fact that they were being forced to separate or else get caught up in a downpour. The fox looked to the rabbit as she gingerly slipped her shirt over her head, a flash of lightning in the distance and a resounding crack made them both jump.

"I guess we have to leave, don't we?' she said with a sigh. The vulpine shrugged but smiled, not showing his own sadness.

"Meet me by the lake tomorrow?" he asked with a quirked smile. The girl's face turned up in a smile as she nodded and leaned in to kiss him. The fox titled his head as well, pressing their lips together for a moment before separated and walking in opposite directions. After a long distance the fox turned his head to watch the rabbit continue on. He caught her eye at about a hundred meters away and they both shared a waive of farewell before they both continued into the depths of the forest on their way to their separate settlements and homes.