Part 6 - A Balanced Breakfast

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#7 of Youth and Vigor which a hungry Greg gets his fill and a tender moment is shared.

Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor. If this sort of thing offends you, don't read this story. If this sort of thing interests you, please enjoy. This is my first story on SoFurry and I appreciate any constructive community feedback.

Additional Note: I'm having a lot of fun writing these stories, and if there's any playful misadventures you'd like to see Ray and the cubs get into, I'm open to content suggestions. Please leave a comment if you'd like to suggest an idea. I can't promise I'll use it, but if I like what I hear I'll try to work it in. I also appreciate the votes and favorites!

Part 6 - A Balanced Breakfast

Ray woke up to the sunlight peeking in through his window. He reached up and stretched his arms, letting out a loud yawn. As he started to move he noticed a weight on his leg and looked down. Little Greg was sleeping there soundly, his head resting on the wolf's thigh. Ray wasn't used to waking up with company like this. He gently reached down and pet the sleeping pup's head, then carefully slid his leg out and replaced it with a pillow. He watched the puppy sleeping for a few moments, the dawn's light falling across his beautiful back and bare rump as it split through the window. The canine toy he'd been playing with the night before appeared to have fallen out of him and lay on the bed next to the pup. Ray reached down to pick it up and looked it over in his paws.

The toy was almost as big as he was, it really wouldn't be long before this puppy would be able to ride him too. Just thinking about it made Ray a little hard again. He set the toy down on the bedside table and walked out down the hall toward the kitchen. Since it was the weekend, he didn't have anywhere to be, so he figured it would be good to use the time and cook his puppy guest a nice good breakfast. The wolf slipped an apron on over his bare fur and set to work in the kitchen. Nice golden eggs, crisp bacon, and warm buttery pancakes, before long Ray had whipped up a full course. Just as he was beginning to pour the orange juice, he heard the soft footfalls of the cub coming down his hallway.

"Good morning, Mister Ray." the doberman pup yawned, wiping the sleep from his eyes. He was still nude and a beautiful sight for the wolf, his plump little puppy sheath resting between his legs. "You made me breakfast?" He asked, looking at the table, a bit astonished. "No one ever makes me breakfast!" his little tail began wagging and he trotted happily over to the kitchen table.

Ray pulled back a chair and patted it. "Have a seat pup, and be sure you have your fill, there's plenty more where that came from!" Ray smiled and gave the little cub a hug and patted his belly.

"Thank you, thank you!" Greg exclaimed, picking up his fork and spearing the first pancake. He was so excited that he pushed the whole thing into his muzzle at once, his cheeks bulging out as he laughed.

"Haha, eat slow now cub! You don't want to get a belly ache." Ray laughed and assembled his own plate, taking off his apron and sitting down next to the pup. He started eating as Greg continued to wolf down his food. The little guy had a surprisingly big appetite, but then again with all the activity he's been getting, Ray supposed that made sense. The cub finished every scrap of food on his plate and then leaned back in his chair and burped, putting his paws on his belly. Ray just laughed and ruffled his head fur. "Can I get you any more?" Ray asked.

"Oh no thank you Mister Ray, I'm stuffed!" the cub pat his belly and looked back up at the wolf. "That was really, really good. Can I do something to make it up to you?" he put his paws up against his chest and hung out his little pink tongue.

"You don't have to do that Greg, you've already made me a very happy wolf." Ray smiled down at him.

"Are you suuuuuure?" the pup grinned and turned on his chair so his back was facing Ray. He put one leg on the ground and the other knee up on the chair, bending forward and exposing his rear, wagging his whip-like tail teasingly.

"Oooooh pup, you're a hungry little thing aren't you." Ray watched wide eyed and pushed his chair back a bit from the table, turning to face the teasing puppy.

"Oh very hungry, Mister Ray! Please, please give me a treat!" Greg looked back over his shoulder and giggled, leaning down a bit lower and wagging his whole rump. That was all the invitation he needed, Ray licked two of his fingers, getting them nice and wet with saliva. He brought them down to the pup's tailhole and smeared it around. At first he wasn't sure if the tight pup would be able to take him, but after playing with that toy all night and sleeping with it stuffed inside him, there was a good chance, especially since he'd even taken the knot. Ray murred and pressed the tip of his wolfhood against the cub's tailhole and put both his paws on the cub's hips. "Stuff me full, Mister Ray! I promise to be a good puppy!" the cub whimpered, pushing his rump back against the wolf.

Ray started slowly, he pressed his tip past the rim of the puppy's tailhole. At first he went in easily and the boy let out a high moan. When he was about half way in it started to get a bit tougher. Even after taking his toy, this puppy was still extremely tight. Ray pulled back a little bit to let him adjust, slowly thrusting at his tight, warm rump. The puppy murred and moaned underneath him. He was at a tough angle too, low to the ground. Ray decided to wrap his paws around Greg's slender waist and pick him up off the floor, being careful not to pull his cock out too far. Greg squealed playfully and kicked his footpaws in the air. Ray dropped him down on the tabletop, belly side down, pushing the plates of food out of the way. The cub moaned louder as his footpaws dangled over the edge.

This was much better. The wolf sped up his thrusts and was able to go much deeper. The puppy still moaned each time Ray's cock pushed into him. He ran his paw down the cub's back, then used it as a brace and started slamming even harder. The little dog's moans kept getting louder the harder he got fucked, and Ray really wanted to see how much he could take. He'd never met anyone, let alone a cub, with this kind of need to be filled. He'd be damned if he wouldn't do all he can to give the pup what he wanted. Ray bared his teeth and hammered the cub's ass as hard as he could, his engorged knot throbbing with pleasure. That was it, he couldn't hold it any longer, this pup was too much! Ray shot his cum hard into Greg's warm puppy tailhole, arching his back and giving one more thrust hard enough that he burst his huge, thick knot inside the cub! That just made him cum harder, filling the needy little pup with as much creamy wolf cum as he could take, and when he couldn't take any more, the cum started leaking out of his tailhole around Ray's deep stuffed cock, dripping down over his balls. The pup lay sprawled across the table, panting loudly. As Ray's climax finally came to an end, he rubbed his paws down the pup's chest and belly, finding a warm sticky puddle of the cub's spunk in a mess against the table top.

"Oh Greg, you're the best puppy any wolf could ask for!" he sighed and picked up the cub in his arms, still knotted tightly inside him. Greg looked at him wearily and smiled, apparently that had taken a lot out of the little guy.

"I love you, Mister Ray." the cub nuzzled against Ray's chin and cooed.

"Awww, I love you too, my little puppy." Ray hugged him back tightly and kissed his forehead. He sat down on the kitchen chair, keeping the pup nestled in his lap, rocking gently back and forth. They stayed like that for several minutes, enjoying the pure afterglow, until suddenly the tranquility was broken with a phone call. What the hell, thought Ray. He shook his head and reached over to pick up his phone, looking at the incoming number. It wasn't one that Ray recognized. Reluctantly he hit the answer button and put the phone to his ear. "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Mister Ray?" the voice on the other end spoke, a man.

"Just Ray, actually, but yes. Who is this?" the wolf answered.

"This is Ted, I'm Andy's father." the voice answered, and Ray's blood grew cold. "We need to talk."