Insane Short Dream Story

Story by Nightcoon on SoFurry

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Well rawr, crazy dream last night, this was basically it. tons of mistakes, but yeh.

It seemed like the bus ride through the rocky desert would never end. The raccoon was on a small bus with a few other furs on the way to some tactical training camp that he saw an ad for online. He had always been a little bit of a fighter and loved guns, but he figured some professional training wouldn't hurt in case shit hit the fan some day. The bus winded along an old highway on the side of a mountain range, with huge, rocky tan peaks jutting up them, and a small river down below. There were a few spots where it would smooth out and a random house or a dusty gas station would be.

The bus began to slow down and turn left on to a dusty side road, where up ahead towards the top of the slowly sloping mountain were a few buildings and what appeared to be a big dirt pyramid with a bunch of holes in it. The big mound resembled the look of honeycomb if anything else. Outside of the small compound were quite a few other furs, some looking nervous and others looking more determined. The bus stopped just in front of the group and opened its doors for everyone to get out.

"Ok, this is the last bus everyone." A big white tiger wearing black pants and a tactical vest yelled out. "I need all new members over by the biggest building, and all regular members by me."

The raccoon heard this as he stopped off the nice air conditioned bus and in to the searing mid afternoon summer heat. He and his good friend that came along with him, a border collie named James, walked over to the smaller group of furs near the bigger building. Everyone in the group was talking excitedly about the training and what the first thing they would learn would be.

Being the last bus in, the raccoon, named Razz, got up near the front of the group and turned back around towards the much bigger group of regular members.

"I need everyone to quiet down right now!" The big tiger yelled out. Everyone on both sides of the group shut their maws and paid attention to him. "Welcome to the group called T.A.N. We will tell you what it means later after you pass the first test. You all came here to learn tactical training, and I will be your leader for the next few weeks. My name is Dan Smith, and I have devoted over 25 years of my life to this group as the founder. I know a lot. You will learn a lot. But first, we need to weed out the weak.

"There are over 100 of you here today, but after our first test that number will drop dramatically. Everyone start stretching right now, because your first test will begin in less than a minute. One thing I have learned in this business is sometimes things don't always work out the way you plan them to. Sometimes you end up unarmed on the wrong end of the stick. This is your first lesson. I will give you a two minute head start to run out of here as fast as you can to escape the rest of my team here. Those of you who make it out will move on indefinitely, but if you don't, then we will decide whether or not you belong here. The longer you take to get caught, the more technology we will use to find you. Your training starts...."

Razz gave his border collie friend a worried look as he finished stretching his legs.


Without a second thought, Razz turned the direction he came in on the bus and began to run at full speed, with his friend hot on his tail. Most of the furs followed him and began to spread out, while some of the other decided to go up the mountain instead of down it. After a solid couple of minutes of running, he and his friend and a small subgroup of four other furs began to slow down to a jog.

Razz turned back to see the bigger group of trained members beginning to run after them and picked up his pace a little bit. By this time they had hit the main road and began to run down it, which he quickly learned was a big mistake. After another couple of minutes, members from the trained group hit the road as well, and a couple of trained coyotes were gaining on them fast.

"Shit!" Razz yelled out. "Those 'yotes are much faster on solid ground, let's head down the mountain more!"

They turned off of the road on to a more gravel part of the mountain and picked up speed, but by this time the coyotes were already on their tails. One of the 'yotes jumped and tackled the rear most fur with them, a ferret, and began to cuff him. Razz turned around just in time to see the second one jump for James, but the raccoon wasn't going to let him. He pulled James closer to him, making the coyote miss him and hit the ground hard with an "Oof!"

Before the canine could recover, Razz pulled the handcuffs from off of the coyotes belt and pinned him down, cuffing his hand paw to one of his feetpaws. The coon got back up and began to catch up with his small group, with some of the other bigger group members bearing down on them. The gravel terrain of the mountain turned in to soft sand for a few hundred yards all the way down to big pool of water next to the river down below them.

"James! Let's land surf this!" Razz yelled to his friend.

Once the sand became too soft to run in, they both jumped high in the air and hit the loose beach like sand and began sliding down it at a much faster rate than anyone else. The rest of his group were struggling and tripping down the mountain as they tried to run down it, and were quickly apprehended by the bigger group. It just left Razz and James left from the little subgroup they were in.

A big black wolf with blue fur on his shoulders was gaining on them very quickly as he slid down the mountain after them, and began to growl a bit as he got closer. Once he was directly behind Razz, about to pounce, Razz stopped and put his leg out to trip the unsuspecting wolf, who then got a maw full of sand as he began to tumble uncontrollably down the mountain. Both James and Razz changed courses a little bit to steer away from the frustrated tumbling brute of a wolf, and were quickly approaching the pool of water with no more furs actively trying to get them.

The pool of water just below them was pretty deep, and surrounded by a wall on three sides and a levy on the river side of the pool. They went from sliding at a pretty high rate of speed to one last big jump and plunged in to the river. The cool water felt amazing in the heat of the day, especially after a heart pounding run, but Razz knew they couldn't stay around to enjoy it and had to keep moving. They began to swim towards the levy at a relaxed rate, trying to regain composure and get a handle on what just happened.

"So what do you think, Razz, is this what you had in mind for tactical training?"

"No not at all." The coon replied. "I thought it was going to be like, shooting guns, breaking down doors, stuff like that."

The pair edged closer to the side of the levy.

"Well what do you think they will do to us if they catch us and we fail?"

The raccoon sighed as he kept swimming. "I have no idea... Send us back home I hope."

After another minute the pair reached the edge and climbed up the levy. Downstream 150 yards the levy ended and there was a house sitting next to the river. They paused for another minute and looked back up the huge mountain, seeing trucks being driven out to pick up the caught furs that were tiny specks in the distance. The black wolf that had tumbled down the mountain was limping the opposite direction in defeat. Razz then noticed what looked like a little plane flying towards them from the base they had ran from. As it drew closer, he could hear the little engine as it flew near the river. Razz stared at the little grey plane, about half the size of a car, as it whizzed over their heads and then turned up and flew back up the mountain.

"Shit!" Razz yelled out. "They said the longer it takes to catch us, the more technology they will use, that was a UAV! They know our exact location now!"

Without another word the pair jogged towards the house up ahead, where two german shepherd brothers were lighting off fireworks in their yard. The house looked old, with a few trees around it to give it shade and a dirt road that lead along the length of the river. When Razz and James approached the sheps, their ears perked and they walked up to the two winded furs.

"Oh man Beau, it's that time of year again where T.A.N. has their training. Do you two need a bottle of water?"

Razz nodded. "That would be great."

The shepherd named Beau ran in to the house to fetch them the water while his brother introduced himself.

"My name is Joe, and every year for the last few years we've been helping you guys out. We have an ATV around the house you can borrow, just ride it about 6 miles up the road to the gate and leave it there, we will pick it up later."

"I have a few questions." The coon inquired.

"Sure go ahead." Joe replied as Beau came back out with the water.

"How long will they chase us for until we are in the clear?"

"Well, it's usually three days or until you hit the nearest city, but the latter won't be possible on foot as it is many miles away. And don't try to hitch hike or use regular roads because they set up checkpoints all around. Just try to evade and survive for 3 days and you two will do fine. But you'd better get moving, being this close they are bound to find you fast."

The pair nodded as they sipped the big bottles of water.

"Thanks a lot you two!" Razz slightly shouted as they walked around to the front of the house.

After the brief meeting, Razz and James hopped on the ATV and headed off quickly down the dirt road. The wind whipped through the raccoons ears and headfur as he drove the quad faster down the road. The ride was pretty short, about 15 minutes, and it gave them a huge advantage over the rest of the group. They both left the ATV at the gate and then hopped over it, where they were faced to go down another dirt road. One side led back up the mountain towards the main road, and the other had a wooden bridge the led over the river and away from the base.

They decided to take the bridge side and began to hike the slow ascent up. The terrain was much the same, still very dry, brown, and rocky. A few scraggly bushes dotted the landscape to give some relief to the dry rocks and dirt. The next hour was pretty uneventful, just more hiking as they climbed up and down the mountain, which led them in to a smaller valley. Just off the dirt road was a small rundown shack, and Razz decided to investigate.

"Night will be here before we know it, let's hunker down here and rest so we can be ready for tomorrow."

James nodded as they walked up to the shack. There were two very dusty mountain bikes on the side of the shack that looked to be in good condition. James approached the door first, and Razz jumped in fright as flew back and hit the ground with a puma pounced on top him, beginning to cuff him. Thinking quickly, Razz ran back around to the side of the shack, picking up the neck of a broken bottle along the way.

The raccoon grabbed one bike and slashed the front tire of the other before beginning to ride off when he noticed the puma's friend, a young lion, was beginning to chase him. The lion grabbed the second bike and hopped on, only to go really nowhere with the tire slashed. He yelled at the coon in rage as Razz rode away from his friend, feeling bad but outnumbered.

He rode up to a fork in the road, one leading up the mountain and one leading along a rift that went downhill. Razz chose the downhill path to make a quick getaway. After a few minutes the rift opened up and Razz saw that the terrain he was on flattened out a few miles ahead and the road went on for miles in to the setting sun. He kept coasting downhill, occasionally sipping the water that was given to him. He saw that the river he was near before made a sharp turn left when it hit flat ground ahead, and decided to hunker down near it when he got there.

After a few moments, he had arrived at the base of the massive valley. Behind him was the towering desert mountain range, but in front of him was nothing but flat ground with a ton of bushes and a river for as far as the eye could see. Razz came across an old abandoned paved road that lead towards the river and rode down it. When he got to the river, he realized why the road was abandoned; the bridge that led across had been washed out some years before. But lucky for Razz there was an old abandoned gas station on his side of the couple hundred yard wide river. He parked the bike and entered it with caution, but there was not even a spider in side of the small building. All the shelves had been thrown around and some of the windows were broken, but it provided ample shelter for the coon.

Razz found what looked like a break room in between the cashier area and the garage of the station, and it had a few sleeping bags on the floor.

'Looks like someone has been here before.' The coon thought to himself.

Along with sleeping bags were also a few cans of beans and soup in a small cupboard along the wall of the room. His stomach growled in hunger as he picked one up to read the expiration date: JUNE2015.

"These babies still have a few years left on them." Razz told himself. He went back in to the store section of the gas station and rummaged around, before coming across a box full of books of matches.

The raccoon went out back and saw that someone had made a little rock fire circle and left enough wood to cook a meal. Razz stoked up a fire and then went back inside to prepare his bed for the night. His 5'9 raccoon body flopped on to a little sleeping bag nest he had made, finally able to relax after the grueling day. His green eyes darted around the room before closing them, wanting to fall asleep as twilight settled in outside. He sighed and whimpered, feeling quite alone since his friend had been caught. He began to think about him, and hoped he was ok.

'I mean, after all, this is just a training exercise, right?' He thought to himself. 'They legally can't do any harm to him.'

After few moments he got back up and pulled the two cans of beans off of the fire, and set them aside to cool. He began to stargaze in the ultra clear desert night. It was still warm outside, as always, but a huge relief to the heat earlier in the day. Off in the distance he heard the small UAV, and then saw the lights from it as it flew across the mountain range in the distance. He watched as it turned around and circled an area on the mountain for a few moments, and then flew off. Within ten minutes he saw lights coming from the same area it had circled and some yelling ensued, which the coon presumed was a few furs getting caught. Razz sighed as he finished his meal and headed back to his little nest, again flopping on to it and quickly drifting off to sleep.....

The next morning came around and Razz felt very refreshed. He filled his big bottle of water in the tap of the gas station, which still worked somehow. He noticed a trail next to the river that headed down stream, and hopped on his bike and began to ride it. The ride was uneventful until he came across a dirt road with a wooden bridge that led back over the river. Razz decided to take it because he saw what looked like a small town a few miles away with a big water tower jutting up. He decided to ride towards it in hopes of finding some restaurant to eat at.

When he approached the town, he noticed a small dark looking diner on the outskirts of it. Without too much rational thinking, Razz hopped off his bike and entered it. He walked in and was directed to sit in the back of the diner, through a hallway. Right when he entered the back, his heart dropped... Sitting there at the biggest table was the same white tiger that was barking out orders from yesterday and a group of about 20 other furs from T.A.N. with him.

"Oh well look who it is! We didn't even have to leave the breakfast table to find my number one guy today, boys. Strance, go ahead and cuff him and sit him next to me."

A lean Doberman grabbed Razz and sat him next to the tiger, who was finishing up his meal. The raccoon noticed a big scar running across the much elder fur's face as he looked at him nervously.

"I know who you are, Razz. And I have a special place saved for you. Come with me out this back door, so I can take you back to the base where you can meet up with your friend."

Without another word, Razz was put in to the passenger seat of a Jeep and Dan hopped in to the driver's seat before the two headed off. The trip was mostly silent as Razz was too afraid to talk, until they got within a mile of the base. The tiger's tone of voice went from happy back at the diner, to very serious and almost sinister when he talked to the raccoon.

"Once I read your application and did a background check, I knew I wanted you here little coon. You see, I was like you once; happy, rebelling, not a care in the world. But then one day it hit me that the world doesn't turn with an attitude like that. I know of you and your ex boyfriend Robbie, and above all that disgusts me the most about you. We have already caught more than the 25 needed to weed out the weak yesterday, but I saved a special place just for you. I do have to say you did a wonderful job evading my team, but I just can't go through with having a happy faggot on my team, let alone this earth."

Razz's heart sunk even lower as they reached the base. There was a large group of furs standing near one half of the base of the giant honey comb looking hill he had saw the day before, but today there were a bunch of large water hoses running in to the base of it. What confused Razz even more was seeing that some of the group members were furs he met at his local gays meets. Heck, he had even spotted a big white wolf that had dommed him just last year. The raccoon was lost as to why this was happening.

Razz was uncuffed by the tiger, who put the cuffs back in his vest pocket.

"Kreo!" Dan yelled out. "Come and bind his arms with rope and lead him to his special position on top."

The one named Kreo, which Razz noticed was the same black wolf with blue shoulders he had made tumble down the mountain yesterday, came up behind him with rope and tied his hands up. The big wolf "accidently" grabbed the coon's butt real quick before whispering in his ear:

"Too bad this sweet rump won't be around much longer... Hehehe."

The wolf led Razz up the hill, and noticed that in each tunnel there was a furs head sticking out from the ground, as each fur looked very nervous. Some were whimpering and crying; others sat in silence with their eyes closed. Just below the top sat James with a couple of other furs near him.

"Razz... Whatever happens to us... Just know I love you like a brother, buddy." The collie said with a tear in his eye.

"Me too James, me too."

Razz and Kreo reached the top, which was just one single hole set inside of the tunnel. Razz looked at the crown below him and sighed. He spotted the white wolf he had been with last year, and the two locked eyes before the canine looked away in shame. The raccoon began shaking as he was led in to the tunnel, which was very short since it was at the top. The ceiling above him was about 3 feet thick where it led to the peak. He was ordered to get in the hole, which was only slightly wider than his body, and the big wolf began to bury him there to stay in place. While being buried Razz figured out the knot of the rope and untied it.

"Why...?" Razz asked him, almost not afraid at this point.

"I'm sorry coon. I need to." Kreo replied.

The wolf sighed as he finished and walked away. Down below there was a few minutes of speeches and cheering, but Razz couldn't figure out what they were saying. He noticed the dirt around him seemed very soft. He then felt the entire hill begin to stir, and shift a bit, and then it hit him. They were filling the soft dirt hill with water, and the flow was making it collapse down below and churn in to quicksand. After a short moment he heard the first level of furs begin to scream, and his he winced at the sound. Not long after the next level went, as saw himself getting lower and lower. At each level his stomach churned even more, and he began to sob a bit.

After a few more minutes it hit James' level, and Razz cried out loudly as he heard his friend scream in fear. Razz then felt his feet begin to get wet, and he knew what was coming next as he was now just about at ground level. The soft dirt walls around him began to cave in as the moisture got up to his waist. Suddenly everything caved in and Razz held his breath and closed his eyes as everything went dark. From the quickness of the moisture, he was able to move his arms and legs now, and began a kind of swim up. This last a minute under the immense pressure of the sand/water around him, before he felt the pressure getting lighter. Just before he felt like he was going to black out, he made his best attempt to jump and broke through the layer of muck, taking in a huge breath of air.....

**And this is where I woke up. Vivid, heart pounding dream. Crazyness. Should I continue? I'll leave that up to you :3