"The Plant..." "Chapter 5: The Loss..."

Story by Insomniac_Hart on SoFurry

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#5 of Tentacle

The fifth chapter of my series, not done yet tho.

"The Plant..."

"Chapter: 5 The Loss..."

By: Insomniac_Hart

Sean ran as hard as he could through the facility hallways, panting hard for breath as he held the rifle up in front of him, he could barely walk after what Mac and the Dog had done to him but for some reason it had stopped hurting since the dog's death. He suddenly remembered the room he was in when he had fought Jessie, and began limping towards its direction. He scrambled on to one of the lockers and began putting on another pair of pants, however now he could notice how hard he was shaking, Sean was terrified, and he had every right to be. He had been raped a few minutes earlier!

He noticed the area was more of a Lab than anything, especially after remembering the report he had read about the plant itself. Now he was worried for his own safety, he was not sure if he was being saved or if he too was a target from the apparent 'infection.' Sean pulled his pants up but managed to trip and fall against the wall, hitting his forehead again. A hung mirror by the wall fell with him, breaking in three large pieces as one piece simply leaned against the wall, the other two on the floor. This lifted some dust as it began trickling down like snow, dirty and dusty from its years or months of it sitting there unattended to. Sean stared at the image of himself in the mirror, and he could swear he saw a full female, he wasn't even a male any more.

Sean cried silently for a few moments before sniffling again and closing his eyes... He tried his best to forget the images of what had just occurred, but he couldn't help it, the images just flooded in. He just stared at a sad female with folded ears in the mirror. the night vision goggles hanging off of his or rather her forehead as Sean got back up and sat there, carefully working on picking up his things. He looked terrible, but... not that terrible. He could now see the bruises and hits all over his face and body, but he knew they were bigger... And there was no way his eyes weren't bulging out. Strangely enough... Something else seemed to be wrong as Sean bega chacking his body with his hands as if worried about losing something.

~Where is it... Where did it all go-whats the meaning of this?!~ Sean thought to himself as he stood and felt nothing but clean soft fur. ~O-of course its there... they did it... where did it go!?~ It bothered him but for some reason, there was no cum, Sean didn't even need a shower! it dawned on him. ~Trained mercenaries... simply came here to fuck us?! and take us as slaves... That's absurd!~

Sean finally stood up and began pulling the pants all the way up. He took a moment to catch his breath and calm his nerves as he reached behind to the base of his tail and began fiddling with a strap. His army pants had a short V shape opening in the back, much like all pants and shorts that accommodates any sized tail. Sean clipped his tail and then grabbed another shirt. He then got his pack and grabbed his weapon heading outside to the cars. This time however one could see a few black SUV's parked outside, Sean looked around but found no one, just the wind. Suddenly he remembered he had the night vision goggles and promptly put them on. Everything had a shade of green but it was very visible.

Sean saw the courtyard only had more buildings and what looked like portable offices on 18 wheeler's.

"I n-need to find everyone..." Sean spoke to himself as he walked forward, rifle at the ready. Looking back, he saw the dust still snowing down the whole room... it almost looked like...

"Pollen..? Oh no... Spores..." Sean exclaimed as he ran out with some new found strength, or great fear that he may not even be a Fennec any more!


Jorge was on his knees in a dark room, above Jorge was a powerful light aiming right at him. Jorge was positioned on his knees with both arms up above his head, and hanging off a rope tied above him. Jorge looked horrible as he bled from a few cuts on his face, between all the purple bruises and swollen cheeks. In short he too looked beat up to shit. Jorge still had most of his clothes now as one could see his shirt had been ripped off, to show his now B sized breasts. Both his tits and his face were also covered in cum, as Jorge panted and heaved for breath in a heavy sweat

Jorge's cock was soft, but his pussy and his asshole seemed to have been abused recently, as cum that wasn't Jorge's was now leaking out of both his ass, and pussy. This made a small pool of cum on the ground as a shadow passed in front of Jorge. The now apparent mare now looked like he or rather she was just about to pass out. Mac stood over Jorge with another fox keeping guard, slightly shorter than him. He had on the same spec op uniform, belt rifle but on his wrist was a touch pad with a cable leading up to a pair of dark sunglasses, and a gas mask which was weird because he didn't seem to miss a thing, his behavior was odd, but Mac's was worse!

"Where are your friends and how many of you are there!" Mac yelled as he backhanded Jorge.

"I d-dont know and if I did I wouldn't tell the likes of you!" Jorge spoke as he spit blood and saliva at Mac's face, Mac dodged it but barely as he came back and punched Jorge square on the face, then kicked his stomach hard, making Jorge cough and gag violently.

"What the hell..?" the fox asked as he stood suddenly. Mac planted another punch to Jorge's mussel.

"Where the fuck are they!" Mac ordered as Jorge spit out some blood on the floor. Mac however noticed the Fox's sudden reaction and turned to him. "Whats the problem?" Mac asked as the other fox walked into the light. This one was a red tailed fox, however he was still slightly shorter than Mac. "Charles vitals just went dark!" he said as he started typing something on his touch pad. "Charles come in... Charles..!" There was a slight audio pause as the mike scrambled a little as if someone was moving clothing against a microphone, then a few footsteps and sudden static.

"Something's wrong! Charles might have been K.I.A." The fox spoke as he stood there, Mac stepped away from the beat up horse and reached for his radio, and a pistol. He then made his way back to Jorge and slowly walked behind him, falling to his knees and once again shoving his cock into Jorge's pussy, his knot was fully extended as Mac popped himself to the base, making Jorge arch his back and accidentally push harder into Mac's cock. Mac unflinchingly stared at Jorge, and clicked the hammer of a pistol. Jorge noticed this and tried to pull Mac out of himself. Mac aimed the pistol at his skull, behind his ear. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about this would you?!"

Jorge coughed as he shook his head weekly. "H-how the fuck could I have anything to d-do with this, when I'm in here!" Jorge said as Mac hammered the side of Jorge's face with the pistol, thrusting his cock hard into Jorge's pussy, bringing out more of a feminine moan.

"I left him with a fucking midget fox, no fucking way that little bitch did Charles in, this better be a broken mike or some bullshit or I'm gonna plant a round in between that little foxes head!" Mac said this as he suddenly popped himself out of Jorge, making him squirm and neyh in mixed pain and pleasure. Mac began loading and checking his rifle, grabbing his gear and getting ready to leave.

~Wow... if that kid actually killed him, that might not be good news for us! Fucking idiot!~ Jorge thought to himself as he kept thinking of a way out of this, he just needed to get his hands on Toms rifle... If he wasn't tied up that is.

"Charles this is Mac what the fuck is going on?!" Mac ordered through the radio as Mac began picking up his radio and his rifle. "Tom, watch the prisoner, and keep an eye out for the others! we might have some trouble." Mac spoke as he ran out, Tom only smiled as he shouldered his gun and looked back at the horse. Even with the mask on, one could see the cheek's dimple rise. The voice was being emitted through an electronic speaker on the mask itself, so it did sound a little monotonous.

"Look man i'm sorry bout this but I really need to get paid, it would be just easier if you just give up your companions and-"

"-FUCK YOU! Who are you to decide if were slaves or not?!" Jorge replied as Tom walked up to him and smiled.

"We are, you retard..." Tom said casually as he walked around Jorge a few times. "So at what time did the Plant let you go?"

~No...~ A female voice said as Tom spoke, Jorge only looked at him now quizzically. ~Don't speak!~

"Cut the act, I know why you are here... So what time?" Tom asked as he bent down to eye level with Jorge. "Look, the more cooperative you are the easier this will go, hell they might even let you and your friends live!" Tom tapped Jorge on the head as he walked behind him, silently and slowly lifting his rifle to Jorge's head"

"W-who are you?" Jorge asked as he tried to look back, however was too tired to lift his arms, much less move his body.

"I'm from the government, I'm in deep cover with these merc's to capture or kill any mutated sentient beings and bring them in for slavery and prostitution." Tom said casually as Jorge began to take the hint.

"N-no wait... Please dont kill me!" Jorge said now this time a little more afraid, though was quickly interrupted by Tom.

"-The real reason I'm here is because... Well, to put it in a way you can understand my equine friend..." Tom continued now, speaking as if he was talking to a small child. "There's a monster inside you, and if left unchecked, it could infect the whole planet, that's bad, a no no, that about sums it up." Tom said the last bit casually as Jorge struggled fruitlessly against his restraints.

"You see it would re-write all of our genetic code, every species would become extinct... So technically you died when you were captured... And this mutation, is just a clone of a plant that has full control over you... Don't you Plant?"

~You need to leave now!~ The female voice echoed inside Jorge's mind. Dust began falling from the roof, only visible through the dark corners in the rooms and the windows, the light reflecting off of them like snow.

"No Please!" Jorge begged as Tom continued unmoved. He knew the only reason Tom was giving him so much info was because he was not going to let Jorge live!

"You'r a monster now, hell i'm doing you a favor... Freeing you of your slavery so to speak... Even now shes trying to infect me, get me to fuck you and in a way turn into you!" Tom took a moment to say those last words as he lifted the rifle and clicked the safety off. "Damn this rifle and this hair-line trigger... I guess it was an accident, i didn't mean to do it sir."

Suddenly the door bust open showing Sean aiming the rifle up at Tom.

"FUCK!" Tom yelled as he tried to lift the rifle to aim at Sean, Sean suddenly opened fire, spraying Tom's shoulder with a few rounds and knocking him on his back. Sean of course not knowing how to handle a rifle, dropped it, the rifle spitting out a few rounds in random directions. The rounds echoed all over the base which was not good. Sean quickly grabbed the rifle and ran up to Tom as Tom tried to pull out his side arm pistol, kicking the weapon off of his hands in time, and aiming the rifle at his head as he moved down to get the pistol, and pick up the extra rifle and rounds from Mac.

"I heard everything you said, but I dont get it what the fuck are you talking about?!" Sean asked as he picked up a dirty medical bone saw and quickly cut Jorge down. Jorge just fell to his hands and knees as he leaned against the wall behind him. Sean still aiming the rifle at Tom, though Tom remained silent with his hands in the air, flinching at the rounds in his shoulder.

"Y-you guys aren't you any more..."Tom spoke through the mask as he held on to his wound. "You'll always be plants now... if we try to trace your DNA, you wont be related to any one... B-but a fucking cabbage!" Tom spoke as he coughed some blood, probably meant he had hit his right lung. "Y-your just copies of your former selves, and leaving this base means infecting the whole world!"

~Hes lying... I just want to go home~ A nervous female voice echoed out of nowhere... Yet Tom seemed not to notice anything.

"You have a week to find your original bodies?" Tom asked now chuckling. "Or convince the plant to put you back the way you were..? Or is it the 'take her home and she'l change you back?' Story? What story did she use on you now?" Tom seemed to ask now a bit cocky, he was sweating and turning slightly pale from the loss of blood. Sean and Jorge though now looked pale as well at Toms reply.

"S-surprised I know? that thing's gonna kill us all and you want to help it? J-just cause it knows where your g-spot is Ha-" Tom said as he began coughing harshly, his attempt at laughter in pain.

"What the fuck do you mean?!" Jorge asked as he aimed Toms rifle back at him. Tom only looked up still flinching at his wound as he smirked.

"When we had the plant it... it fuses with its host, t-then changes its genetic structure, and in a m-matter of speaking, creates a hybrid from the old parts of the host, as well as a vessel." Tom said this as he lay there, but they had stayed too long because footsteps could be heard outside getting louder.

"Jorge we need to go- now." Sean spoke as Jorge walked up to Tom and started beating him with the butt of the rifle.

"Jorge STOP, You'll Kill him!" Sean yelled as Jorge kept hitting Tom, finally the last impact seemed to have knocked Tom out. Jorge only stopped and stared at him in anger, he wanted him awake so he could do the same to him. The breather was now damaged.

"He was going to kill us!! and you want to let him live?!" Jorge asked as the footsteps outside got louder, suddenly a quick whizzing sound ran across the room and past Jorge's ear as the windows began cracking and breaking with every repeated blast. Gun shots could be heard outside the building, Sean closed the door as he threw himself at it yelping loudly as the door shut.

"We need to get out of here now!"Sean spoke now more agitated as Jorge finally dropped Tom and ran to the back of the room, that lead to a hallway that Sean and Jorge both ran into. The second they cleared the first corner, they heard the door being brought down.

"Their inside, lets hurry!" Jorge spoke as both Jorge and Sean sprinted faster, they quickly made it into a room as they looked around. Finding a desk, they quickly carried it as quickly as they could to the wall, and promptly crouched under it to hide. They both sat against the wall with the windows to the hall way right above them. Someone tried to open the door but found it locked, flashlights now illuminated the room as they looked inside it, Jorge and Sean dared not to move as they saw the flashlights suddenly aim down the hall as the room began to fade back into darkness.

"Lets wait a while before we mo-"Jorge said as he noticed Sean was holding his stomach, his teeth clenched. Looking down he saw that Sean had been shot!

"I-it hurts... I didn't think it hurt this b-bad!" Sean said in a low voice as Jorge began ripping Sean's shirt off, Sean's breasts simply dropped from the shirts grip as the shirt came off. Sean suddenly began seeing Mac and the dog in his head all over again and freaked out, pushing Jorge away and coughing a little blood.

"P-please no!" Sean begged as he looked into Jorges eyes. Jorge knew what had happened and just hugged Sean. Sean at first resisted but Jorge easily overpowered him.

"Shh... its okay... i wont hurt you i need to look at that wound... i know what they did to you they did it to me too-"

Suddenly Sean pushed him off and grabbed Jorge's shoulders.

"It wasn't them it was us!" Sean said sternly.

"Look you cant blame yourself when things like this happen-" Jorge started but was abruptly interrupted by Sean again.

"No you fool I mean this base isn't just dirty with dust!" Jorge began listening as Sean continued

"There's pollen or something- a spore in the air! Every time a male or female smells it, they lose all moral control, its a heavy pheromone..! The computer said it was a spore of some kind!"

Jorge began looking at the wound as he looked up and around the room for a Med kit.

"Are you even listening to me?!" Sean asked as Jorge kept looking for a med kit. Sean just held his wound tightening his jaw.

"Shit kid, your stronger than you look" Jorge said reassuringly, though Sean thought he was lying. Jorge continued to look around the dark room, turning to see the hall way making sure no one was coming. He quickly found one and dismounted it off the wall. "Your going to die if you dont get that taken care of. Besides I just found a Med Kit."

"Every place we get raped... its dusty and full of this pollen or Spores that they breathe in... We are somehow releasing it into the air through our fur! We get raped to feed the plant... look at you it heals you faster, and all the cum off your fur is gone!" Sean continued as Jorge stopped for a moment and made the same realization. Jorge didn't even need a shower, he WAS clean, just naked. Sean continued speaking as he sat there "I was being raped by a dog, the dog got sniped from the window, because the spores had taken hold... I shot that fox, hes infected now they wont let him live either... they really dont want us to get out alive!"

"We are getting out of here alive, dont you worry..." Jorge said as he ran back to Sean and began opening the kit looking for something to stop the bleeding.

"I f-found out where the p-plant wants us to go... 500 miles west of here i think..." Sean said as Jorge only shushed him as he examined him. Seeing that the bullet had gone through, yet still unsure if it had hit any internal organs.

"Try not to speak, just give me a moment to -" Jorge was suddenly interrupted by Sean's blank stare, when Sean simply closed his eyes and dropped limp, Jorge immediately began checking his pulse and breath."You better not die on me kid!"


Jessie and Maryann were having troubles of their own, as they both hid inside a trash container that was in the area. They were about to step out when they heard the gun shots nearby.

"Oh my god, oh my god Jessie, that could be Jorge!" Maryann spoke in a low yet high pitched voice, obviously freaking out.

"We dont know anything yet just wait, i hear someone coming..." Jessie spoke as he bent down a little.

"Negative.... Looks like they caught a female fennec a few hours ago..." The man spoke as he walked on, the radio couldn't be heard through the head set but the mans replies were loud and somewhat informative. "Charlies dead? that fennec got him?" The man looked around as he stopped right in front of the trash bin. Jessie looked at Maryann in shock and surprise at the news of what had happened. Maryann looked back with the same expression as they kept listening.

"Horse escaped too..? Couldn't have gone far with that much blood loss..." That was enough to get Jessie's blood boiling, he got up on the edge of the trash can and picked up a metal pole attached to some concrete from the trash pile he was sitting on. Swinging hard at the back of the mans head, it wasn't hard enough as the man held on to the back of his neck, but quickly drew a weapon to aim at his assailant, Jessie quickly kicked the weapon away and punched him hard in the face, though the merc was quick to respond and punch Jessie so hard that he landed on the ground almost on his face, dropping the makeshift mace.

The Merc bent down and grabbed Jessie from behind and began choking him hard as Jessie only struggled and gagged for breath as he suddenly dropped the pole with a metal clang on the ground. Jessie felt as if he was about to pass out when suddenly, a loud thud was heard and felt, the Merc's head and arms went limp! Jessie fell down to his hands and knees as he looked up to see Maryann with the mace. Jessie only 'thumbed up' Maryann as he crawled over to the Merc and began stripping him of his gear.

"Were gonna need the guns so take the pistol and Ill take the rifle, hes got an extra clip for each." Jessie said as he holstered the rifle and handed Maryann the pistol with its magazine. She stared at it with an uneasy expression. Jessie noticed this as he continued to take extra precautions to tie the guy up, Jessie quickly took the mans mask off, Jessie noticed he was actually a dingo. with blood on his face of course. Strangely the moment he did that, the dingo began to relax, almost as if he was falling into a deeper sleep.

"Jessie... I cant kill any one... I dont have it in me!" Maryann spoke as Jessie came close to her. "Look sis, we dont have a choice, just shoot but dont look, they'll take cover and give us time to run OK?" Jessie spoke as Maryann only nodded her head. Jessie knew however that these people were probably here to kill them, and they may have already gotten Sean and Jorge.

"Look sis, we will find the others and get out of here OK? please dont worry it will be ok" Jessie spoke as he took to the shadows and walked in the direction the Merc had come from. They continued walking for a few minutes before finally stopping behind the parked SUV's. Jessie was about to start walking forward to the driver side when suddenly Maryann grabbed him by the mouth and pulled him down. Before he was able to grunt Maryann pointed a finger to the driver side door, there was an armed guard. Jessie signaled Maryann to let him go, she didn't get it until he let out a slow sigh, she got the hint and released him.

~On Three...~ Jessie thought as Maryann nodded, she could swear he whispered it though. Jessie didn't notice as he raised three fingers and began lowering each one by one, as soon as the last third finger was about to go down, gun shots began to echo on the other side of the base! The guard quickly began running in the direction of the shoot out.

"What the hell is going on?" Maryann asked scared as she stared in the direction of the gun fight. Flashes of lights could be seen in the darkness as the smell of burnt gun powder began to fill the air.

"Oh my god..." Jessie thought as he turned to his sister. "In this base its just us, and them... they wont shoot at each other!"

Maryann suddenly went pale as she suddenly turned to the gunfights direction and began walking there.

"Brother we have to save Jorge, hes in trouble!" Maryann said as Jessie suddenly passed her rifle at the ready, stopping only to wait for her.

"Lets go!"

"We dont know anything about gun fighting!" Maryann yelled as Jessie just stood there.

"Neither does Jorge, that's why he needs our help... lets go!" Jessie spoke as Maryann nodded and began marching forward.

Meanwhile, back with Jorge and Sean, gunfire continued to rain into the room, Sean only fired a few shots to conserve ammunition, and Jorge shot at the Merc's outside. building from outside, and the corners of the hallway corridor.

"How many are there!" Sean asked as he held on to his side, he could barely shoot as he saw rounds go through their cover like melted butter.

"Its just six, two in each exit!" Jorge replied as he did his best to shoot at the mercs outside.One of them finally fell as Jorge bent back down into cover, sparks bouncing off a few inches from his face as he fell back, another round scraping his shoulder, making him fall back into cover.

"Shit... shit, shit i dont want to die man this is fucking retarded!" Sean began saying as he started getting flashes of the rape in his head, he couldn't cope when suddenly a goon popped up in front of Sean, Sean with luck had the rifle already up and only squeezed the trigger, the soldiers brains splattering out, but two more rounds went into his shoulder and neck, Sean dropped instantly gagging as blood and foam began leaking out of the wounds. Jorge simply stared in shock as he realized that he might not make it through this at all. He turned around and aimed his rifle up, staring at laser sights flashing and getting closer, power was ripped from the room as gun fire continued outside for a few secconds.

"I said cease fire, i think their down!" A merc yelled as footsteps came closer and closer, as soon as they looked over, Jorge pushed the trigger but only a small click was heard, he was out of ammo, all the laser sights aimed at his chest, right in between his breasts, and his head.

"Hes out!" a Merc yelled out as he looked behind the desk, Jorge raising his hands in the air. "Wheres your friend?" The soldier asked as Jorge looked over and only saw a pool of blood.

"What the hell?" Jorge asked as the Merc in front of Jorge suddenly was brought down by a ball of fur with a tail, that literally tore him to shreds! Every one else suddenly lost interest in Jorge and quickly switched to their large eared assailant.

"KILL IT KILL IT!" A Merc ordered as everyone opened fire! flashes of light covered the entire room as everyone began opening fire at the beast that attacked them. Jorge looked to the side to see the Merc's handgun fall a few feet from Jorge, the mercs hand still grabbing it!

Jorge quickly got to his stomach and began crawling towards it as the beast continued fighting the Merc's. It seemed that from the sounds of broken bones, mixed with the diminishing number of operating fire arms, and the sound of splotching meat that the beast was winning. Jorge only closed his eyes and looked away as a scream was suddenly heard by him, from the sound of the scream and gargle the beast seemed to have ripped the mans head off, something that was apparent as the head landed and rolled a few feet away from Jorge. Jorge gasped in terror as he closed his eyes and kept crawling forward. gun fire continued to light the room as more yells of terror echoed around.

~I'm already dead that's why I didn't feel it it was quick, I'm still here watching this, or i'm in hell... I'm a ghost... I knew the Mormons were right!~ Jorge thought to himself as he suddenly heard a strange sound. a powerful growling, and a scream that was quickly interrupted by a cracking and crunching sound. Jorge then heard nothing but silence and heavy breathing as he reached the gun and yanked the hand from the handle. Shaking and nervous as he suddenly realized that there was only slight gunfire coming into the building from outside!

A loud thud echoed as Jorge turned to see the beast was actually Sean with glowing eyes and a feral look to him! Jorge aimed the weapon at Sean but didn't fire as he feared for his own well being. Now that Jorge's eyes were opened, he witnessed the horrific battle that had unraveled here. He saw blood all over the walls, windows, some intestines on a machine, and someone that appeared to have been severely mauled, to the point that some of his flesh was missing from his arms and neck, jaw barely attached.

"Sean..?" Jorge asked cautiously as he stepped closer but only a little bit as he continued speaking. "Hold on there buddy, its just me Jorge... I rescued you from the cold... B-back at my farm..." Jorge spoke as his hand shook with the pistol aimed still, Sean breathed heavily as he bared his teeth at Jorge, growling as he suddenly blinked and began staring at Jorge with a blank expression on his face. A round came in through the window and hit Sean's shoulder, spraying blood on Sean's front. Sean instead of growling now yelled, falling to the ground below the windows, Jorge followed suit and began getting closer now a little faster.

"What the- AAh What the fuck man?!" Sean screamed as he looked up and saw Jorge aiming a weapon at him! "Y-you shot me?!" Sean asked in horror as he looked at his wound, then at Jorge who had already put the weapon down.

"No you idiot their shooting from outside get down!" Jorge spoke as he stepped next to him. He saw all of his wounds were being covered by some strange foam that had apparently stopped the bleeding.

"What in holy hell..." Jorge asked no one as he looked over to see Sean on the ground again, eyes glowing for a moment before fading, as Sean collapsed on the ground. Jorge kept staring as footsteps were heard approaching, Jorge ignored it as he stared at Sean. Suddenly a slap woke Jorge up as he looked at the terrified expression on Maryann's face, Jorge was not able to understand what was going on until she began to shake him again and again.

"What the hell is the matter with you?!" Maryann asked as she looked back at Sean, his wounds had stopped bleeding with that self generating foam somehow, but he was completely passed out and breathing.

"What the hell..." Jorge asked no one as he looked at Jessie and Maryann. He suddenly fell into the realization that they were no longer the same species they started out as when the plant had captured them. "Hey wait, Sean got shot he needs to go to a hospital now!" Jorge said this in a bit of hysteria as he tried his best to deny the possibility that he was now a different species.

Both Jessie and Maryann looked at Jorge strangely as they looked back at Sean.

"He looks beat up, but not shot... They went harder on you..."Jessie stated as he carried Sean.

In the darkness however, a scope in night vision could very clearly see a husky on the ground holding something or someone as he aimed down the scope. It quickly moved over to a white flag being waved by an injured Tom, who was limping his way outside.

"T-this is tom, I've been shot, I'm not infected please respond." Tom asked as he leaned against a wall, he smirked as he heard no reply from the radio. "I'm not coming back am I?"

"Sorry chum... Avanti..."

"D-dont be a di-Ack!" Tom suddenly was interrupted by a quick whizzing sound that had apparently gone through his chest, A reply came through the radio that tom couldn't understand. Tom fell to his knees, his life quickly draining from him. As he began falling back, another shot hit the top of his head, his helmet bouncing off as he fell back, this time he dropped quick, hard, and limp on his back.

"Acquired target, permission to engage..." The silhouette asked. His tail was a dead giveaway that he was a squirrel, waiting for a few moments until finally his radio spit out some inaudible chatter. "Confirmed... As expected no survivors..." As the radio chatter continued the squirrels expression became worried. "Infected are resilient... I lost them sir... but sir...." The squirrel was now worried as he again scanned the area for any movement. "No sir their not here... Y-yes sir... confirmed sir...Over and out."

The Night vision scope came to life again as the squirrel kept searching. Suddenly finding a heat signature through a building.

"Got you..."


Back with the group, Jorge was explaining everything that had occurred as Maryann looked back at the sleeping Sean with a bit of fear.

"What do you mean he just switched on?!" Maryann asked

"That's what I'm saying, Sean just got up after bleeding for about five minutes! He tore everyone up in a very literal way, though I dont think he was all the way there, he growled at me but didn't attack me..."

"Lets get going or were gonna be the next ones to-Ack!" Was all Jessie was able to say as he suddenly began falling to the ground.

"NO!! GOD NO!" Maryann yelled as she tried to jump up and grab him, though Jorge held her back. In the darkness it almost looked like Jessie had puked in mid air, as he hit the ground, all that spit was just blood and skull fragments. It all seemed to pass in slow motion as Jessie's eyes began glowing, he got up and started running into the direction of the shooter.

"NO HEEL SEE YOU, STAY DOWN!!" Jorge yelled as Maryann ignored Jorge and kept trying to reach for her brother. Jessie kept running as he received another two shots to his chest and another one at his skull, that finally seemed to do the trick as Jessie's body fell limp on the ground.

"JESSIE NO GOD PLEASE!!" Maryann yelled as Jorge grabbed Sean and slung him over his shoulder, doing the same to a more reluctant Maryann, overpowering her easily. Jorge now looked one last time towards Jessie's direction and knew he was gone, he kept running as he silently apologized and held tightly to both Maryann and Sean.

"ILL FUCKING KILL YOU YOU PRICK COME OUT AND FACE ME YOU FUCK!!" Maryann yelled at the shooter as she turned to Jorge whom was still holding her down.

"JORGE PLEASE LET ME GO- PLEASE HES STILL OUT THERE- PLEASE!" Maryann screamed as she sobbed and cried.

"HES GONE, AND THEY'L GET YOU TOO IF YOU GO BACK!!"Jorge ordered as he kept running. Maryann then gave up and started sobbing into Jorge's fur. The squirrel had by now walked up to Jessie's gargling body, He was still alive with 80% of his skull missing. The squirrel saw this and emptied two more rounds at Jessie's brain with his pistol, quietening the body as he looked up at Jorge now disappearing into the other side of the base. He emptied his clip into the direction of the fleeing infected as he fell to the realization that they had gotten away. The agent then reached his radio and began speaking through it with no remorse in his tone.

"They got away... Might need a new rifle... Roger that." The squirrel said as he turned and began heading into the outskirts of the base.

Meanwhile Jorge had now put Sean into one of the SUV's with power still on it, throwing Sean's heavy back pack in the back seat with him as Maryann jumped in still crying and sobbing about her recent loss.

"He was all I had left Why god why fucking shit this is bullshit!" She kept sobbing as Jorge started the SUV and floored it. The front gate seemed to be surrounded by agents whom were already opening fire on the SUV.

"GET YOUR HEAD DOWN NOW!" Jorge yelled as two rounds made their way into his chest, though he kept driving, Maryann took the pistol her brother had given her and was about to aim at the back window when a few rounds easily went through and shattered the entire window. Maryann knocked some glass out so she could see and began opening fire at the agents left behind them. They disappeared around a curve but Maryann emptied the clip anyway.

"FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING DICKS FUCK YOU!" She yelled as she put the weapon down and dropped it on the floor of the SUV. She quickly scrambled to the front to inspect Jorge as she saw he too was bleeding, but it was closing itself, and eventually it sealed itself with some strange yellow foam.

"Whats happening to us..." Maryann asked as Jorge looked through his rear view mirror at a sleeping Sean. Jorge turned to Maryann and began explaining everything that Sean had explained to him. Maryann only got more anxious as Jorge finished.

"So... Im not Maryann?" Maryann asked as she began to cry again.

"You will be you again once we do what the plant asks..."

"What about Jessie..?"

"I dont mean to be blunt but as long as your head is ok, the plant will revive you... His head was destroyed... hes gone."

"How CAN YOU BE SO COY AND CALM YOUR STEP SON JUST DIE-"Maryann spoke as she was suddenly interrupted.

"IM NOT BEING COY!" Jorge sharply yelled as Maryann could now see he was crying. "I'm trying to save what I have left... All because of this fucking Plant!" Jorge's voice broke a little as Maryann tried to hug him. At that moment however, a lap top on the passenger side opened and came to life. Multiple related files came on screen as a monotonous electronic voice came on from the car's speakers.

"Searching file PLANT" The computer spoke as buzzing and whirring could be heard under the dashboard. "Plant life form Origins file # 335 232A Labeled Classified, declassified for view for mission agents. Would you like to know more?" The machine asked as the monitor screen now asked through text to say either 'yes' or 'no' aloud.

"Yes..." Maryann asked as all of the data Sean had previously seen was now being shown on the monitor in front of Jorge and Maryann. As they listened, Jorge kept driving at top speed, fearing that the agents might be close behind.

"Looks like were heading west!" Jorge said in a very serious tone of voice.

~Ill lead you...~ A voice echoed in the back of their minds... strangely both Jorge and Maryann now felt a whole lot better about everything, or maybe they were just distracted... Everyone's cock was now fully erect, and everyone's pussy was getting wetter, even the unconscious Sean in the back. Dust particles floated about inside the SUV. Maryann stroked herself and Jorge subconsciously now as their minds continued to get lost in the voice in the back of their mind. Maryann passed out as her eyes began glowing a different shade now, going down on Jorge as he drove, his cock now fully erect and flared as she suckled on it.

His eyes seemed as if none of that was even happening. Sean's body got up and quickly got in the passenger seat with Maryann. Maryann as if knowing what was going to happen got up and let Sean take the seat, so she could sit on top of his lap. Both their cocks rubbed against each other as Maryann rubbed her pussy lips against Sean's shaft, inserting it inside herself a few thrusts later.

In their point of view, Maryann was just sitting down on the passenger seat crying, Jorge was just driving, and Sean was still knocked out on the seat in the back...

Okay so only a lil sexin XD more plot yay! anyway please lemme know if something doesnt look right... I tend to never rough draft anything, i just post the first copy of errthang XD so if anything looks off please lemme know and Ill fix it accordingly ^^ wait till they get to the plants location... ull need Toilet paper and more lotion.