A Lesson Taught

Story by Darokko on SoFurry

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Mr. Eroica decided the give Morty an at home tutoring lesson, but the professor's son offers a workload the ram wouldn't normally handle.

Since many of you guys asked for a second part to this ( https://www.sofurry.com/view/445787 ) I figured I would indulge you!...Nine months later! :D

Enjoy folks.

Dio had made good on his promise, he had indeed taught the young and experimental ram how to deep throat, mastering it after what seemed like hours of the bear's thick member being suckled and gagged on. After that skill was learned, Dio decided it was time to move on to a more advanced lesson, one that required a little more fortitude.

Morty had heard from his other male classmates that using condoms dulled the pleasure of anal intercourse. He found out they were horribly wrong, because he felt every thick inch of his professor's shaft being stuffed into him repeatedly. His tail hole was still too tight at first, used to only a finger or two whenever the ram got adventurous during his masterbatory sessions, but the ring of muscle became amazingly elastic when coated with some of the best commercial lube a teacher's salary could buy and a polar bear that knew his way around a new gay man.

The ram was in a sexual daze as his horned head was pushed into the pillows by a thick paw. He felt weak and numb from the intense pleasure wracking his body but he begged the bear not to stop, not vocally of course, his throat was raw from the first hour of shouting and was reduced to soft whimpering. Morty groaned as his half tumescent shaft swung between his legs with the polar bear's sawing motions, his balls entirely spent but they still clung close to his body as if they had more to give. He tried to push back into Dio, but he was much too worn out, gripping the sheets in frustration as he stubbornly tried to anyway.

Morty thankfully didn't have to wait for long, for the fourth time that afternoon, Dio snarled proudly, lifting his head to the ceiling as he climaxed hard into the latex sheath. The ram winced as felt the member pulse and flex deeply inside him, panting hotly into the pillow he was forced into while he imagined the polar bear's seed filling him instead of the condom. Dio's orgasm ended just as quickly as it started, the old bear tugging his battering ram of a cock from the ovine unceremoniously and grunting as he carefully removed the spent condom.

"Still with me?" The bear placed a thick paw over the ram's back and shook lightly, Morty responded with a grunt and a weak nod.

"I'm surprised you managed to keep up, most of the smaller lads have me stop after the first one." Morty could hear the cocky grin in the bear's voice and attempted to sit himself up so he could wipe it off. The white bear's paw stayed firm on his back, keeping the weaker man on the bed. "Just relax, lemme go take a shower and make something for m'boy, I'll drop you off at your place afterward."

Morty didn't have it in him to argue, just nodded once more and settled into his professor's king sized bed, hoping he wouldn't have too bad of a limp. The last thing the ram remembered before he submitted to an achy sleep was the sound of water running and a deep baritone belting out some operatic tune. Morty's slumber was dreamless, comforting and cut too short for his liking, the ram groaning as he felt the bed shift under someone's weight.

"Dio..." He groaned, wincing before opening his eyes.

"Nah, but close." Morty jumped but, his sore body reeled from the sudden movement. That voice was close to Dio's but the Scottish accent wasn't nearly as thick.

Morty twisted himself enough to look at the source of the voice, a badger with familiar smile gazed back at him. The striped face looked the splitting image of the Dio's, as similar as an ursine and a mustelid could look anyway. The ram's sex addled mind managed to put two and two together fairly quick.

"Looks like m'dad did quite a number on you." The badger mused, stroking his thick beard thoughtfully with one paw while the other carefully nudged Morty's tail aside. The ram glowered, flattening his tail back down in response. "Used a condom too, shame."

"Look dude, I don't know what you wan-"

"Just getting my dad's not-so-sloppy seconds." Morty's face went hot the moment the word's reached his ears. "Call it a family tradition."

"You and Prof- I mean your dad share like that?" The white ram's cheeks were bright red but he made no effort to hide it, struggling to wrap his head around the terribly lewd and strangely alluring concept.

"Yep, mind getting comfortable for me?" The badger was staggeringly casual about the whole affair, rolling his thick frame of the bed before peeling away his shirt and unfastening his pants before the total stranger. "Names Tyson by the way, it would be kinda slutty to fuck you and not give you my name."

Morty laughed a little humorlessly, his ears lowering as he watched Tyson's tool slide into view and things became much less funny. The young badger did his father proud. Standing tall and proud from the badger's crotch was largest member the ram had seen in person, the inky black shaft was hard as rock, pulsing with half polar bear blood. Morty's reflexively shuddered at the intimidating sight but, his ego wouldn't allow him to do much more.

"Not bad." The ram gave his messy goatee an idly rub as he twisted on his back, revealing the cum matted fur on his chest, stomach and crotch. "Looks bigger than you're old man's."

"Oh don't you worry, it is." Tyson gave his cock a fond stroke before settling on the bed and crawling to the ram on his knees. "It's the reason why he goes first. Legs up, buddy."

The sudden order made the headstrong ram frown, but he complied, drawing his legs up and exposing his nearly recovered ring, his tail flicking nervously as the badger gripped the back of his knees and slid into position. Tyson leveled his dick right against the soft and thankfully still lubricated pucker, teasing the ram with the heat of his arousal and a few light pushes. Morty groans and opened his mouth to complain but instead of a snarky observation, a loud and pained groan rose out of his throat, back arching and horns slamming against the headboard as the thick badger cock opened him up wide. The walls of his tunnel clamps together and flexed in a futile attempt to push out to the steel pipe Tyson called his manhood.

"Easy now, take a breath." The badger grunted, his voice strangely soothing but his actions crushing the sense of tenderness. Tyson pushed forward hard while Morty writhed and gripped at the bed, feeling for some purchase to grasp and brace himself against. The only thing he found was the badger's brawny arms which he clung to tightly as his ring was forced open.

"You didn't take a breath." Chuffed Tyson, which earned him a venomous glare from the ram. Morty's expression swiftly melted while he was invaded, shuddering softly when his prostate was nudged against. Suddenly, the badger let out a long breath and shifted against the ram, which made the smaller man's tail flutter softly, right against a set of heavy balls. Morty was a little proud of himself for taking the beastly shaft all the way to the root however, that was the easy part.

Tyson slowly drew his hips back an inch or two before slamming forward into the poor ram, forcing out a weak bleat of mixed delight and a jet of pre cum from Morty. The badger grunted, adjusted his grip on the ram's knees and thrusted again. Curled horns met the headboard and the headboard knocked into the wall, the whole bed rocking as the strapping mustelid found his pace quickly.

Somewhere in the back of Morty's mind that was still capable of complex thought during the brutish mating figured out that the polar bear must have taught his son how to fuck and the idea only teased the helplessly aroused sheep into a lust driven fever. Tyson battered the overworked rump drilling it deeply one moment then giving it long, quick strokes another, taking advantage of the trail his father paved for him. Despite the soreness of his throat, ragged and breathless moan tumbled from the ram's lips, unable to express his bliss in any other way. During the frantic fucking, Tyson hadn't noticed the shirtless polar bear wandering it, a wide grin plastered on the ursine's muzzle as he watched for a moment before speaking up.

"I see you met Tyson." Morty jumped when the bellowing voice jarred him out of his sexual ecstasy but the badger didn't stop his humping. "Good lay, isn't he?"

Morty managed to open his eyes to the sight of Dio hugging his son around his sweaty shoulders while the badger concentrated on driving his cock deep inside their shared conquest.

"Finish up, dinner is ready." The bear ordered softly, giving his son and hard pat on the back before his paw disappeared under the badgers own tail. His father's sudden intrusion gave Tyson a welcome push, the sweaty, musky badger thrusting at full speed, holding nothing back as he slammed into the squirming ram. Tyson's balls eventually stopped bouncing against Morty's tail, the heavy orbs drawn up close to his thick body.

The badger's only warning was a loud and very bear-like roar, his burning muscles flexing while he plowed as deep into the suckling tunnel as he could, cock pulsing hard before he spilled his thick cum. Morty wanted to scream in pleasure but all that came out was a shallow bleat and whimper while the badger ground his hips against his ass, churning his seed even deeper into the hot rump.

"Pretty good isn't he?" Dio said with a low chuckle, pulling his thick digit from under the mustelid's tail.

"Yeah, thanks for sharing." Panted Tyson as he leaned heavily against his father's arm with a lazy grin.

Morty tried to speak but, the breath for the words weren't there and he was much too busy shivering from the rough breeding anyway.

"Feel like staying the night?" Asked Dio the worn ram with a concerned look on his face, looking every bit like the father he was in that moment. "You look like you're about ten seconds from passing out."

"Yeah." Croaked Morty, quivering as Tyson' slowly tugged his dick free from his freshly pounded ass, whining stubbornly as the still hot seed spilled free.

"Good, you sound like it too." Was the last thing the ram could make out clearly before the world slowly grew black.


"Huh, just nodded off." Tyson said with a snort, tossing a blanket over the exhausted ram.

"Guess we wore him out." Dio added with a shrug before closing a heavy paw around the badger's cum slicked and still hard member. "Got another load for your old man, lad?"

"Maybe, where didja pick this guy up anyway?" Asked the badger, casually thrusting into his father's grip.

"He's a student who just wanted to learn a bit more." The bear growled before he filled his muzzle.