SWAT Kats: A Pleasant Morning

Story by trigger12 on SoFurry

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Author's Note: This is just a short piece that I'm experimenting with and I would really appreciate you're opinion. Enjoy as I have done!

It was one of those uneventful mornings that were more often then late, when Chance helped Felina move into there new house near Megakat park, the city was not swarming with criminals anymore and the million dolor debt Chance and Jake owed to the Enforcers had finally been paid off. So Chance and Felina had time to be together, enjoy themselves and relax for awhile.

"Are you finished unpacking Felina?" Chance asked her while she was lay on the new and comfy bed with her arms behind her head.

"Yep." She answered with a sigh while she was staring at the ceiling, now bored since everything was done.

Chance just stared at her. She looked so relaxed and yet, ready for anything. "Are you bored?" He asked as he continued to stare at her beautiful visage.

"Very bored, and you chance?" She asked in return.

He plopped down next to her and answered. "I'm a little hungry."

She giggled and said. "Me to, I could eat just about anything."

Chance got off the bed and offered. "Then how about I make us some breakfast."

Felina thought to herself that maybe she could have him around a little while longer, she was very tired and extremely bored anyway, and there wasn't really anything to do. She couldn't go to work at Enforcer HQ because it was a holiday, there was no cable to watch anything on TV, and everyone was to busy for a call.

There was only one thing to do: Chance. "Sounds good, but first I want to spend some time with you big guy."

He closely watched her move, she was swaying her hips and tail in a suggestive manner as she walked around to his end of the bed, and that meant something was about to come of this, he could sense it. 'Why the hell not?' He mused to himself.

His hands found her back and her arms wrapped around his neck but she had to rise up to press her lips with his. He may have been 5 inches taller than her, but she didn't care. He cupped her chin with one of his thick fingers and she absolutely loved it when he did that. It always proved that he wasn't going anywhere, but suddenly in a flash Felina was on top of him on the bed, kissing him greedily.

Her tongue grazed along his teeth, she wanted his mouth to open but apparently it would take more than kissing to do this so she began to constantly press her hips against his. Chance groaned at the felling and his mouth opened for her tongue to slip though. She lapped and swirled her tongue in every inch of his mouth, on his own tongue, along his teeth, and the roof of his mouth.

Chance didn't just lie there though, he retaliated with placing his paw under her shirt to rub the fur on her back as he got his tongue ready. Chance had a big mouth witch meant he also has a big tongue, and when it slipped into her mouth she moaned and began to suck on his tongue while pressing her hips down on his again, but this time she felt a sweet pressure making them both moan in anticipation of what was to come.

It was at least four minuets before Felina broke the kiss and she asked him coyly. "Would you mind putting on a show for me?"

Chance was a little surprised to hear her say that, but then again she had seen him naked before. "Sure thing ma,am." He said easily

He got off the bed and stood before her. His shirt was off quickly but he took his time with his white jeans and unzipped the fly slowly, eventually they were off to and he began playing with the tent in his briefs, teasing himself a little.

Then it became to uncomfortable and the strain became unbearable, so he freed himself from his cotton prison and his cloths fell to the floor. Enjoying the show he was giving her while licking her lips involuntarily she continued to gaze at the nude and heavily built body before her. He looked like he could crush anyone, except for when her eyes locked on the most swollen and defenseless part of his body, giggling a little bit as she did so. He crossed his arms and looked into her watching eyes. When she looked up he had an evil smile on his face.

"Mmmm...Do you think we could have it tit for tat?" He asked her with a cocky grin.

She blushed but thought it was only fair, he did do what she wanted him to do didn't he? "Of course lover." She said in a love ridden purr and got up and stood before him. She didn't waste her time with the bell-bottom jeans she was wearing and took them off but then she decided to give him a better show and turned around facing away from him and took every thing off, except for her bra.

She looked over her shoulders teasingly and saw he was still pointing at her... Without any fingers. She finally took off her bra slowly letting it glaze her fur covered skin, once it was off she let it fall to the floor. It was a heavenly sight for him, he almost felt like taking her right then and there but she bent down suddenly so he decided to keep watching her, and soon he realized it was a wise choice.

Her paw between her legs and gave him the most lovely sight he had ever seen in his life.

Chance moaned slightly at the sight of her- it was beautiful, he decided to act on his thoughts. Felina felt his presence nearing, and she got up before Chance could completely near her and pushed him back to the bed. He moaned again- the smell on that same paw drove him crazy, and a need was growing in him that he couldn't control forever.

She knew that too and that's what she wanted, she had led him into her trap. "We'll tend to that later, but first." Her paws trailed along his body, from his broad chest to his thighs, purposely missing what was between them. He shuddered as he felt his tip rub against her flat belly, he couldn't take much more. He gave her another tongue laced kiss giving her a heady sensation as his hands trailed along her body in return. She burned at the touch and decided to not waste any more time.She finally broke the kiss and in a sultry tone of voice she asked him coyly, "Would you mind if I had an appetizer before breakfast?"

She was full of surprises today wasn't she? "Mmmm, I wouldn't mind..." He answered, half drunk with desire.

Hearing that she took action.

She ran her finger along his smooth, heated, sensitive skin, from base to tip and all around him, he hissed and shivered again, and soon she nuzzled her way down until she reached her destination, and then her tongue replaced her finger.

'I'm gonna go crazy if she keeps this up!' He thought helplessly as she continued toying with him, but soon enough she let desire and curiosity take her over and she opened her mouth slowly and moved downward on top of him, placing her hands on his hips.

Chance moaned at the feeling of first contact. He looked down and saw Felina's beautiful lips were stroking around his swollen length, and he soon discovered that her tongue was still toying with him. His paw found the back of her head and scratched affectionately while he began to purr softly, he couldn't help himself! It felt to good. She continued to move on him, and she moved with grace as she enjoyed the delicious smell and taste of him. "Mmmm..."

His head fell back to the pillow and moaned again at the sound of Felina enjoying herself. His free hand twitched in anticipation as pleasure assaulted his senses, his hips were beginning to jerk in response but she held them in place as her lips slid further down until all of the nerve-dense flesh was in her mouth.

He started to pant shorter breaths as the attention made him shiver with excitement, she was showing him how much she cared. His paws began to move in other places, he rubbed her back and down to her breasts, feeling the tempo rise she began to feed on him more hungrily while gripping his hips. He groaned and gripped her shoulders in return as his heart rate increased and the pleasantness turned into a whirlwind. Felina felt his blood coarse faster through his veins as she flicked each one with her tongue.

Chance shivered and trembled as she began to push him over the edge, the sensation spread from between his legs to the top of his head. He didn't know how much more he could take, but it was too much, too good, and she did want an appetizer after all. "Oh... Don't stop..." He groaned, almost begging.

She didn't, in fact she took him from her throat as she took hold of what her lips had left and began to suck with all her might. He grit his teeth as he hissed through them. The whirlwind turned into a tornado as he tightened up dramatically, every inch of his body went stiff, his mind went blank, and his eyes shut tight, all until he let go as he grunted and groaned in the agony of pleasure.

Felina then suddenly felt a warm flood fill her mouth- she got what she wanted all right and she worked him for every last drop as his body shivered until it went limp. When the water works finally stopped she slid her lips off and looked up giggling at what she saw, he was left panting and his ears where drooping, he looked well spent, but actually he wasn't.

She only satisfied one of his needs, he still wanted to ravish her, love her, and satisfy her to the fullest.

"That was wonderful Felina!" He purred after he caught his breath, "But I think its my turn now.." After that he pinned her to the bed.

"Glad you apro-ooooh...Chance..."She tried to say but was stopped mid-sentence as he nibbled and licked her neck.

She didn't even argue, let alone stop him, she even instinctively spread her legs for him. He saw that but wanted to have a little more fun first.

He continued to nibble her neck finding her pulse quickening as he gently squeezed her nipples and breasts. She burned hotter with every touch, but yet she still wanted more. Another heady kiss was administered, she moaned into that very kiss and his hands traveled everywhere. after a few seconds he broke the hot kiss and began to bite downward until he reached her nipples and started to feed on the left one, and then the right one, switching back and forth as she arched her back.

She was getting to the point of toppling him, but forgot about it when she felt another high hit her like bullet train when his paw rubbed her flat belly, after which she moaned yet again. Once she was laid back down he traveled lower and dipped his tongue into her belly button. She felt as if she was being eaten alive, but the thought also washed away when he started squeezing her nether cheeks.

She hoped and prayed that he would stop playing with her, but it that wasn't long before he got up and gave her a savagely hungry kiss, and what was more unpredictable was that one of his paws that went between her thighs. She trembled and gasped into the kiss, she wanted to scream, but he continued to force her into tongue dwelling and they sucked on each others mouths once more.

It felt so good it was addictive, but then he suddenly stopped and kissed downward, while she trembled in anticipation, knowing what was about to happen, and then he found where he wanted to be. She shivered as he spread her legs for himself, and she got prepared for anything he could think of.

But to her surprise he slid his thick tongue into her body making her shudder and gasp, she could never be prepared for that even if she tried. She moaned again as his tongue continued caress the moist, sensitive, delicate lips, and she winced as that same tongue tickled the button at the top. Unlike him she quickly gripped the back of his head, without being so gentle, and melted under him as he massaged her thighs gently and continued lapping up her essence, not taking a single drop for granted.

She sighed in pleasure and disbelief, this time she really was being eaten alive, and it felt wonderful. He then pressed his lips against the mound and sucked softly, making her moan in pure bliss and she instantly became frozen as he went as deep as he could, digging for her gold.

She gave off more sighs and whimpers while she scratched behind his ears, she would do any thing to keep him from stopping. She even purred as his hands cupped her breasts and probed as much as he could, she melted again at the touch and shivered in anticipation as he began to purr as well.

He started to feel her thighs close around his head but he reached down and spread them open again. He then began to swirl his tongue inside her, making her moans become more louder as she became flooded with sensations, and it was only more enjoyable when she couldn't do anything about it, and he made sure of that.

She moaned, shivered, sighed, and trembled as the building feeling started to rise within her quicker. He could feel her response to his actions and the tempo rising and continued to push her to the edge. She could feel it getting teasingly closer, She wanted it to end and yet wanted it to last forever, but it was becoming to much, and soon she began to whimper for it. Her eyes rolling to the back of her head, the want turned into need, and then the sensations overtook her as her whimpers became louder as it happened.

Chance felt an erotic tingle in his mouth as her essence flowed into it, as well as the loud whimpers that came with it. That was exactly what he wanted from her to know she was getting satisfaction from him. He took in as much as he could, even though it went down his chin and past his lips. When the river stopped he lifted his mouth from her and grinned at what he saw as he licked his lips.

She was a marvelous sight left panting with her ears folded back and a week smile on her face. She looked so pleased, but it wasn't over yet, not by a long shot. "What is it?" Felina asked him.

"Its nothing, I just cant get enough of you." He answered lovingly. He then got up and Felina stared down between his legs again, then she knew what Chance meant, he had hardened completely again. He bent back down and gave her another kiss.

He slid himself gently into her ready body as he watched her expression. She had gotten a blush across her face, but it wasn't from embarrassment, and it grew deep when he was all the way in. Felina grabbed hold of his back and moaned in purr bliss as Chance started a slow, gentle Pace, but it didn't last very long and he gradually sped up until he had set a fast yet steady rhythm.

Felina squirmed and sighed underneath him: no she didn't want to get away from him, it was the exact opposite as her head fell back against the pillow and she boiled for more from him.

This gave Chance an opportunity. Moaning, he lowered his mouth so he could nibble her neck in a way that she found most enticing, but then he bit down harder on her neck making her back arch up under him in hot pleasure. She dug her claws into his back as a fire blazed inside her. Chance loved it when she did that, and showed it by burying himself even deeper inside her.

She wrapped her legs around him and held on for deer life. Chance moaned at the affection and rubbed his body with hers, he then took one of her paws into his and gave her another hungry kiss, and all she could do was moan into the kiss and keep begging for him even though he was right there.

Chance began to sweat- this was too much, way to much, he could feel her nearing the edge, and he couldn't get out of her in time because he was trapped within her legs. So He gripped the side of the bed with his free paw and used it for leverage and gave it his all, not stopping for anything. Felina started to cry out making it known how much she loved him as she gripped the paw that had hers in it harder, not wanting to let go.

He felt like he was going to explode any second now, he also felt her claws dig so deep that it drew blood from the now newly made love wounds, but no, this did not hurt him, all it did do was make the end come more wonderfully.

Her world spun and she begged for him more and more, almost greedily. She held him tighter within and around her body. Thrills washed over her like a river and her fur stood on end as she cried out during the utmost of sensations, praying for the need to be satisfied.

And then, after an eternity, they were finally pushed over the edge in unison.

Felina wanted to cry out at the top of her lungs, but nothing, absolutely nothing came out... Chance had taken her breath away as he stiffened and filled her with his essence.

They trembled for another moment then collapsed to the bed, reduced to a panting sweaty heap, nuzzling each others faces.

"That was amazing," Chance purred. "and it certainly wasn't boring!"

" I agree..." Felina sighed in a seductive voice as she purred. "Mmmm, I love you chance."

"I love you to fel" He purred after giving her a hug before gently disengaging from her body and leaving, naked, for the kitchen. "I think I'll go make us breakfast now."

Hearing that she pulled the covers over herself and decided to take a nap, 'But wait a minuet, why is he still naked?' She thought to herself.