
Story by SmutBunny on SoFurry

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#6 of Experimental One-Shots

A suggestion by a friend

As Mary walked through the woods, she had an unsettling feeling of being watched. The moonlight streamed in through the treetops as she climbed over another fallen tree trunk. There was a faint cracking noise off to the side as she landed, and suddenly she found herself on the ground. On top of her was a truly monstrous beast, with the face of a wolf and eyes that burned deep into her mind. She opened her mouth to scream, but the monster covered her mouth with its hand and put its mouth around her throat. As the tips of the teeth grazed against her flesh, her mind began to race with fear, adrenaline pumping into ever inch of her being. The werewolf loosened the grip of its mouth on her throat and with one swipe ripped her shirt and shorts bare.

The werewolf began to sniff at her panties, taking deep breaths as Mary saw the pink head of his penis begin to emerge. There was no question left as to what it intended to do. With a nip that pinched her flesh it bit at her panties, ripping them off with a rough jerk of its head. One massive hand cupped around her breast, squeezing it through the bra until it came spilling out. One hand still on her mouth, it leaned down and licked at her nipples which hardened against her will from the stimulation. The eyes of the monster bore menacingly into hers as it thrust its hips forward, the head of the shaft prodding eagerly at her opening. She had never seen such a massive member on any man she had ever been with, and a small part of mind couldn't help but get aroused at the prospective pleasures that it might deliver. Moonlight continued to cast shadows and soft light against them as the werewolf thrust hard, burying a fair amount of himself inside of her in one swoop. There was a sudden pain as she was uncermoniously stretched and a soft whimper managed to escape through the beast's hand. This seems to have angered it as it once again lunged forward and puts its mouth around her neck. Mary immediately fell silent, not wanting to provoke a fate any worse than necessary. The beast moved its hips again and this time buried the entire length of his shaft deep inside of her. Mary held her breath to avoid making any further noises as the hot breath and salive of the werewolf covered her neck and ran down between her breasts. Her insides had begun to adjust to his size and the earlier pain was replaced with unimaginable pleasure as he began to hurriedly pump himself in and out of her at a speed and power she had never experienced before. It wasn't long before she felt a hard lump pressing against her opening. She felt herself being stretched even further as this mass was pushed inside of her by the werewolf. As it popped inside of her with one last effort, the beast bit down hard on her should and grunted. Seconds later, Mary was filled with the burning hot seed of the werewolf. Almost instinctively, her body began to be rocked over and over again by waves of orgasms as the already massive member pulsated and throbbed inside of her. Mary looked up and saw the werewolf's eyes glaring back at her as she blacked out.

Mary awoke the next day, naked and alone i the middle of the woods. She almost would have believed the night before had been a nightmare, but the teeth marks in her shoulder and the huge paw prints in the ground set her memories in sharp relief. Slowly, she snuck her way through the woods, avoiding being seen. Once she had made it back to camp, she washed out the bite marks and went to get dressed. As she pulled the shirt up her arm, she noticed the bite marks starting to disappear on their own. Perhaps the previous night would be leaving her with more than just sore insides and secret fantasy after all.


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