Deal II
I thought summer camp at "Parent Camp" would set me free,
I thought returning a little to the 1950's would show me how my parents wished I would be,
how this world should be,
this culture has me down,
so down,
so down, so down,
so I thought Depeche Mode, and Care Bears could save my soul, together, in '91, with
"The Labyrinth", too,
you know what to do,
but even a drug-centered fool like me knows his limits,
when too much
could end a life,
and I don't want to die.
I still want to express myself.
I still believe in the New Age.
I still believe there is Someone who can Save me from Myself,
from Jesus,
that Ancient Enemy,
that Deceiver of Life,
who cares about Himself more than my own temporal wishes.
What is going on here?
Shaking the bars,
stuck in the chandelier of frozen feelings,
stripped of my natural emotions, and desires, and feelings,
"Fuck you, motherfucker!, Fuck you!"
I cry," as I hang on,
But for what?
I might as well fall,
for my hope is in vain,
and as I fall,
Jesus catches me, and places me in chains,
and I am His,
and He whips me, screaming "Crawl, motherfucker, crawl, you are my slave for eternity, along with those who wanted to be here!" along with the other pious, ivory creeps.
Why bother to have lived?
I never had a chance to "sin" anyways?