Chapter 25: Give Me All of You

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#25 of The Mating Season 6: The Seduction of Seleste

The Seduction of Seleste

from the world of the mating season

Give Me All of You

Chapter 25

Had it not been for Honiahaka, Keme thought he might have gone mad during the many days the two of them spent confined for long hours to the bedroom. Sometimes they sat in silence and listened in amusement as Askuwheteau scolded this or that student, other times they would talk to fill the long hours before they were allowed to emerge again from the bedroom. During that time, Keme felt as if he was steadily growing closer to Honiahaka. The sun chief told Keme many stories about his travels, his childhood, his life in the sun village, and listening to him, Keme couldn't help but feel more and more envious. He felt a thrill of guilt when Honiahaka seemed to realize it.

"Don't worry, Keme," Honiahaka had said. "You're traveling now, aren't you?"

Keme had smiled, but he had whacked Honiahaka with a pillow just the same.

During all their time together, Keme never mentioned what he saw in the Mirror of Pavati, nor did he feel the need to tell Honiahaka about the mirror at all. The fact that Keme might end up with Seleste after all would be anything but comforting to Honiahaka, who had lost so much just to find the female he had loved his entire life.

In fact, they wound up talking more about Talisa than Seleste. Honiahaka loved to talk about the auburn warrior. Apparently, he had known her just as long as he'd known Seleste, if not longer. A kind of glow came over him whenever he mentioned Talisa, and sometimes he would just stare out the window and sigh happily as he thought of her.

Keme liked Talisa too. And she was definitely the cause of many a hard-on. But he could only ever see himself with Seleste. He had only known her a few days, but something about Seleste had just held him captive. He was helpless to escape it. He didn't want to escape it! He wanted to stay with Seleste, to care for her, love her. He could only hope she felt the same. Mirror of Pavati or not, she could give birth to his pup and _still _leave him for Honiahaka. Or even worse: what if she hadn't been in the vision because she was dead? The very thought made him ache inside.

There were many nights when Keme would wake up alone, but always in the morning, Honiahaka would crawl carefully into bed. There was no doubt in Keme's mind now: Honiahaka was fucking that old bear! It made him rage inside and he didn't know why.

That night over supper, Askuwheteau told them that their chance to bathe at Lake Pavati had come. It was the night of the story fire. The whole village would be there. As a result, Keme and Honiahaka would be able to bathe in the lake without fear of being captured yet again.

"The lake will sooth the wounds my magic could not," Askuwheteau told them, "and it will renew your energy. As you travel from here, you will be able to survive much longer without food should you run out. You will also need less sleep. But the effects will only last so long, which is why I must get you away the very next day, before the first sheep tear grass in the fields. You will return here to my home after you have bathed, and the following morning, I will help you escape Phanyah."

"Yes, Master Asku," Honiahaka said reverently.

Keme rolled his eyes at the glowing admiration in Honiahaka's face. "But what is the story fire, anyway?" he asked.

"It is a gathering that happens once a year. Each year, the Phanyah gather around a great fire in the center of the village, and I tell the story of our ancestor, the red bear, and how the Honovi blessed her with Phanyah."

"So you reinforce the hatred . . ." Keme muttered.

Honiahaka glowered at him.

"No," said Askuwheteau patiently, "I repeat our history. I do not encourage anyone to hate the wolf for what happened between our ancestors. If anything, I encourage them to understand that the wolf's anger was justified: ancient bears really _did _steal from ancient wolves, and in anger, the wolves slew them. Both sides were at fault."

Honiahaka nodded solemnly in agreement. Looking at the sun chief, Keme got the feeling this was something Askuwheteau had discussed with him in depth.

With supper finished, Askuwheteau showed Keme and Honiahaka the way to the lake. He led them through the darkest streets of Phanyah until they had come to a narrow dirt path. The path snaked away into the great red trees, and fireflies bobbed along it as if to light the way.

"This is the path," Askuwheteau panted, weary from their long trek through the village. "The story fire will last for hours and all will attend - it is considered taboo to skip it. And besides, the yearly festival is just too fun to miss! You have much time. Go. I must return and make preparations for the festival."

Honiahaka nodded deeply. "Thank you, Master Asku."

Askuwheteau smiled. "You are welcome . . . Honi." With that, he turned and was gone.

"Yes, Master Asku! Thank you, Master Asku!" mimicked Keme as he walked along behind Honiahaka.

Honiahaka glowered. "Shut up, Keme."

"You'd think you'd sucked the guy's dick."

Honiahaka colored up but remained silent.

Keme ran to catch up and peered into his face. ". . . _Please _don't tell me you sucked that old bear's dick!"

"He's not old," Honiahaka snapped.

Keme snorted. "Please. Asku is so old, he predates bread."

They came to the end of the path, and there stood the lake, gleaming under the starlit sky. Keme was surprised the path hadn't been a bit longer. But he wasn't complaining. He was so tired of smelling of cum and blood!

Grinning, Keme ran to the lake and waded in. It almost felt like home. When the cool water kissed his hard thighs, he stopped, scooped water in his paws, and bathed himself. He could hear Honiahaka moving on the mud bank behind him, could hear the big male swishing through the tall reeds. Rubbing water in his chest, Keme wondered if it was normal for males to bathe together. From what Aiyana had told him, male warriors spent more time with each other protecting their villages than they spent with their wives.

"You've known about me and Master Asku for days," Honiahaka said darkly. "I can't imagine why you feel the constant need to tease me about it."

Keme swallowed guiltily. He knew why: he was jealous. Why was it so easy for Honiahaka to be with a male when it terrified him so? After Honiahaka's explanation, he had an idea why, but it didn't make him any less jealous and frustrated. He wished he'd had half the sexual experiences Honiahaka'd had with males.

"I'm sorry," Keme muttered at last.

"Are you really?"

Honiahaka's suspicion hurt. Keme glowered. He continued to bathe, and the water made him tingle all over as the dirt and grime, the spit and cum flowed away. The thick layers of filth that had settled deep in his fur were now floating free in the cool water.

As Keme was scrubbing his armpit, he began watching Honiahaka out of the corner of his eye. The chief tipped his head back, then splashed water over his face. The water flowed down his silver mane, slicked down the hard muscles of his chest and rippling belly, dripped off his soft penis. That deliciously thick penis. Keme shivered and turned away.

"You should be more concerned about your feelings for Seleste," Honiahaka scolded, "than what I do with another consenting adult."

Keme rolled his eyes. "You sound like you're my father or something. Fucking Asku is rubbing off on you in all the wrong ways. Does he make you bite his stubby little tail?"

Keme smiled when he heard Honiahaka's growl of aggravation. As the sun chief moved past Keme, he gave his tail a hard yank and said, "Come with me. It's time we talked."

Watching as that muscular back glided away through the water, Keme gulped. Talk about what?

Keme splashed himself a last time and waded for the shore. He sat on the sandy bank and watched as Honiahaka built up a fire. The sun chief crouched over his work, his firm thighs parted around his hanging cock.

Keme closed his eyes. He could hear the bears back at Phanyah as they danced around their story fire. A steady drumbeat sounded to the vocalizing of Askuwheteau himself; the purple smoke that rose to the sky took the shape of a heart.

The giant red trees of the Phanyah forest pressed in close to the lake, so large they fairly blocked the sky with their mass of orange leaves. Keme rested his back against one of the enormous trees and was throwing a twig in the fire when Honiahaka spoke.

"Keme, you . . . you seem to find it difficult, putting your desires into focus."

Keme stiffened, hoping they weren't about to discuss what he thought they were.

"If you're going to be the one who cares for Seleste's heart, I must know that you are worthy of her," Honiahaka continued.

Keme was visibly relieved. Oh. Honiahaka wanted to talk about Seleste. "And if I'm not worthy of her?"

"Then I will fight you for her. Now . . ." Honiahaka's eyes went back to the fire. "As I said, you seem confused about what you want with Seleste. It is for this reason I believe you pointedly avoid speaking of her. Is this so?"

Keme heaved a sigh. That wasn't the reason. The reason was the Mirror of Pavati. "Yes. Alright? Are you happy now? Good. Now we can go back to not talking about her --"

"Shut up, Keme," Honiahaka barked over him, "and answer my question."

Keme swallowed and stared at the fire. "It's true," he said miserably at last.

Honiahaka watched him steadily. "Why."

Keme tossed his paws and rolled his eyes. "For a million reasons!" He rose to his feet and paced back and forth as he continued miserably, "She's a beautiful, refined princess, and I'm a wild tree-climbing beast from the jungle. We're so different --!"

"Does Seleste care?" Honiahaka asked quietly.

Keme halted as he realized: Seleste had never cared. He smiled.

"I didn't think so," Honiahaka said. "It would be like her to love you just for who you are. It's one of the things I love about her."

Hearing the dismal note in Honiahaka's voice, Keme turned. The big male was snapping twigs and tossing them languidly in the flames. His icy eyes reflected the fire like cool mirrors.

Keme's paws fell to his sides. "Honi . . ." he said, "have you ever - oh, I don't know - _told _Seleste how you feel?"

Honiahaka laughed humorlessly and didn't look up. "I couldn't have made it more clear."

"And you didn't come out to see her because . . .?"

"I didn't know the two of you had come with Talisa. I thought it was just Talisa." Honiahaka shrugged moodily. "Talisa! We're all in this mess because she can't resist showing off! You know she would prank me when we were pups? Would tie my tail to my bed sheets. Then I'd wake up and be dragging them all over the hut, never noticing until someone said something."

Keme laughed. "Sounds like you two had fun."

Honiahaka smiled at the fire. "Yes. I supposed we did. When I really think about it, Talisa might be the best friend I ever had. So you see . . ." he stood and his pale eyes looked at Keme solemnly, "it is not just for Seleste that I have defied my father's wishes. I do this out of love for Talisa too."

They returned to Phanyah when it seemed the story fire had ended. Askuwheteau was seated in the front room when Keme and Honiahaka entered his hut. He was puffing on his pipe, and his grass skirt had fallen open around his thick cock and fuzzy balls. His big soft body was slouched down in the chair, his legs were wide apart, and as the young males entered, he grunted and scratched his nuts with his heavy claw.

"A male after my own heart," Keme said, and Askuwheteau chuckled.

"So," growled the bear and swatted lazily at a fly. "Did the young wolves relish in the cool waters of Lake Pavati?" His amber eyes twinkled.

"It served its purpose wonderfully, Master Asku," Honiahaka answered reverently. "I feel like ten times the wolf!"

Askuwheteau watched them steadily. "Good. The wolfbeasts are healed and whole, ready to move on in their search. Will they honor our friendship by keeping Phanyah a secret?"

"Of course," Keme said at once, "we owe you our lives!"

Askuwheteau smiled. "Very well. Tomorrow morning, I will show you the way from here. Tonight, you rest."

"Yes, Master Asku, and thank you," said Honiahaka. He bowed, and he and Keme made their way up the dark corridor toward their room.

They entered the room and both climbed into bed, and there was a moment's silence as Honiahaka turned and slept on his side. Keme remained on his back, staring at the ceiling, his mind teeming.

"But why?" Keme burst suddenly. "You made me talk about Seleste. Seems only fair you'd have to share about that old bear. I mean, Asku is a great guy - but he's a bear. You let all that blubber crush you --?"

"Keme!" Honiahaka turned on his back and tossed his paws at the ceiling. "And here I thought you were tactful, that you respected the privacy of others --"

"Pft. What else did that old mind-reading bear tell you about me?"

Lying on his back, Honiahaka sighed and dropped his paws. "He doesn't read minds," he said patiently. "He reads hearts. He . . ." he swallowed thickly, but went on, "while you slept each night, I spent many hours in his company, listening to him speak of bear custom and the lives of the bears here in Phanyah. He would speak to me, and it was like he could see into my very soul. He knew I carried fear and anguish . . . doubt, despair. He told me you had doubts too, doubts that had to do with love. And he surmised that we were both out to find someone we cared deeply for, someone who had been taken. All of this he knew before I spoke a word."

"And then what?" Keme asked in amazement. "How did him reading your mind lead to you sucking his dick?!"

Honiahaka winced. He turned his head sharply and glowered at Keme. "I wish you'd stop saying it like that. It wasn't some wild, momentary act of blind carnal passion . . ."

"Such language," Keme teased and laughed when the sun chief blushed.

"He's my friend! We formed a _bond _during my stay here, and that bond was expressed through a physical act --"

"A physical act? Or many?"

"Why do you care? You like females!" Honiahaka snapped.

"Because the more you talk about this, the redder you get, and I haven't forgotten the night you almost slit my throat."

"Ah," Honiahaka said quietly. His eyes hooded. "You bastard."

Keme laughed. "Pay back is a bitch, huh?"

"I admit I acted like a fool that night. To learn that Seleste loved someone else after I spent years aching for her . . . You see, it seemed my chance to have her had come at last. I was chief, I ruled from the fur-back throne and my father could not stop my marriage to her. So I took the chance to pursue her only to find that some other male had won her affections." He glowered at the ceiling.

"I can imagine your frustration," Keme said sincerely.

There was another pause as they stared at the ceiling, then Keme said apologetically, "You know, you're alright, Honi. You're big enough to stand aside and let Seleste choose who she wants. From what I've heard, females don't really have choices."

"No," said Honiahaka darkly, "they don't. I hope to change that with my rule. Females already enjoy many freedoms among the sun wolves, but they could have more."

"Yeah. I noticed all the female warriors strutting around."

"I bet you did."

Keme glanced at Honiahaka. There was something a little bitter in his voice. Did Honiahaka want him too?

"At least we'll be out of here soon," Keme said to change the subject. "I didn't want to say anything, but I noticed them selling wolf skulls in the market. That's a big sign that we need to leave before we wind up staring vacantly on some fat bear's shelf."

"I guess we know what happened to the rest of the crew . . ." Honiahaka said darkly. "But Asku told me you would become immune to the poison for hours after bathing in Pavati. If they try to take us again, I put my trust in your strength."

Keme grinned and playfully flexed his bicep.

Honiahaka laughed. "Your strength," he said with a sad smile. His long lashes blinked slowly. "It reminds me of Kota." He laughed softly. "Not that Kota could have lifted the ship over his head, but he was very strong. Was what first drew me to him. He could lift me easily when we --"

"Don't," said Keme, squeezing his eyes shut, "Want. To hear. This."

"Ah, right . . ." Honiahaka laughed apologetically. "Sorry. But, Keme, I really want to . . . to tell you something, to be honest here," Honiahaka said solemnly and cleared his throat.

Keme sighed wearily. Because he knew Honiahaka was about to talk about his feelings. Honiahaka was sensitive like that, and serious, and so determined to be sincere with those he considered friends.

"I want you to know how I feel," Honiahaka said to the window.

Keme closed his eyes. He was right. As he sat there, he realized for the first time that he had come to know Honiahaka to a point that his actions, his movements - even the cute way in which he always blinked so thoughtfully when he had something important to convey - had become as predictable to him as the seasons. Wait . . . "cute way"? Keme squeezed his eyes shut as he realized: he thought Honiahaka was cute!

"I was trying to tell you before," continued Honiahaka, still staring at the wall. "You remind me of Kota so m-much sometimes . . ."

Keme looked up just in time to see the chief quickly wipe away a tear.

Honiahaka frowned as he tried to put it into words. "I've just - I've never known such comfort as when I'm in your arms. You've helped me grieve in so many ways. To have a friend in this time of deepest despair - Keme . . ."

Keme closed his eyes when he felt Honiahaka's big paw squeeze his shoulder.

"I want you to know how grateful I am to have your friendship in my hour of darkness. And I don't want to _jeopardize _our friendship, so . . . I'll just stop talking now."

As miserable and confused as he was, Keme managed a laugh. Honiahaka always managed to speak like he was reciting a poem, but that last little part of his heartfelt speech lacked so much eloquence it amused Keme: Honiahaka's awkwardness was showing in his earnest. It was . . . sweet.

Keme was glad when Honiahaka removed his paw. Moaning wearily, Keme slouched to the floor and sat with his back against the bed. His legs were drawn up and open, and looking down, he realized he was hard. Oh god.

"I'll just go sit with Asku for a bit, give you some space," Honiahaka said, and the bed lurched as his big body rose from it. He moved past Keme toward the curtained doorway, but he paused when he saw the erection Keme failed to hide in time.


Keme bowed his head, and his hard thighs snapped shut against Honiahaka's startled pale eyes. He wished Honiahaka would just keep walking. But he didn't. He came to Keme and crouched near him. Keme moaned and dropped his forehead against his knee when Honiahaka hesitated, then pried his thighs gently apart. The chief swallowed to see Keme's hard desire.

"So you really . . . ? I wasn't sure. Sometimes you would get this look . . . but then I'd tell myself I was imagining it."

"Stop staring!" Keme said, and snatching the blanket down from the bed, he wrapped it around his shoulders. "Don't you have some space to be giving me?"

Honiahaka laughed sadly. His eyes danced with amusement and affection as he stroked Keme's dark mane behind his shoulder. "But why are you so ashamed?"

"Go away."

Honiahaka laughed softly and shook his head. "No. I think I'd better stay around and love you. If this is who you are, I can help you. I can help you understand it and accept it."

"Honi, please. . . ." Keme squeezed his eyes shut. "I don't want to talk about this --"

"Who said anything about talking?"

Keme stiffened as Honiahaka drew close. Honiahaka pressed so near that their shoulders were nearly touching when his big paw reached into the blanket. Keme felt his cock pulsing with hunger as Honiahaka's paw fumbled for it. Blinded by the blanket, his big fingers found Keme's hard thigh and smoothed down until they reached the dark curly nest of fur from which his thick erection stood. Facing Keme as his big fingers closed firm on his shaft, Honiahaka peered into his eyes as he carefully began to stroke.

"It's okay," Honiahaka whispered and tenderly kissed his lips. "How does that feel, Keme?"

Keme winced and dropped his forehead against Honiahaka's shoulder. He held to Honiahaka as if for fear he might disappear. Honiahaka hissed when Keme's nails sank hard in the tight muscles of his back, but he didn't stop stroking. His fingers continued their firm caress, and he watched with soft eyes as Keme choked with strained cries of pleasure.

When Keme lifted his head again, the green eyes were alight with a fire that made Honiahaka's heart leap.

"Honi, I don't think I can do this . . ."

"Shh . . ." Honiahaka whispered when Keme choked out another cry. He smiled, "You're already doing it. Just relax."

"Honi," Keme said through his fangs and his fingers curled painfully tight in Honiahaka's back. "Honi - please . . ."

Honiahaka shook his head. "Just look at you," he said, nodding at Keme's throbbing cock. "You don't want me to stop. You get harder the longer I touch you."

Keme dropped his forehead against Honiahaka and choked again as he was fondled. He was trying so desperately to hold back and he didn't know why. Maybe he didn't want it to be true that he could feel this way. Or maybe he was just scared. And Honiahaka was being so loving, so patient, so gentle. It made Keme ache inside.

Honiahaka leaned forward and buried his face in Keme's neck. He kissed the flexing flesh where neck met collarbone and felt himself stir when Keme whispered his name.

Honiahaka pulled back again, his eyes narrowed with lust. "God, you're beautiful," he whispered and leaned forward to lick Keme's neck, hard and hot.

Keme shivered against him. Honiahaka's shoulder moved up and down as he stroked under the blanket, and shaking all over, Keme suddenly leaned forward and hugged him tight. He closed his eyes. Why did he feel this way? Why was this happening to him? And why was he letting it?

Holding tight to Honiahaka, Keme thought of Aiyana. She had taught him about sex, but she had never told him he might one day want a male. She had never told him that males could even want each other, that males did these things. The first time he found out was when he stayed with a camp of merchant traders out near the jungle. It was soon after Aiyana's death, during the time when he decided to leave in search of the summer village. One of the merchants had expressed his desire to be with Keme. Keme had been shocked . . . but at the same time aroused. The grief was still heavy in his heart, so he told the merchant no, he couldn't think of it. The merchant had seemed to understand. He was twice Keme's age, and much like Talisa, had a fierce desire to look after him. He held Keme the night through on his bedroll, and in the morning Keme left him.

"But what will you do, where will you go alone?" the merchant had asked anxiously, and Keme knew what he really wanted was to ask Keme to travel with his camp. Behind him, the others were loading up their wagon, and the dull-eyed steer that pulled it was being brushed.

Keme remembered telling the merchant that he would be fine alone. The merchant looked as if he wanted to protest, but he nodded, stroked Keme's cheek with the back of his fingers, and bid him farewell.

Keme remembered standing there watching the wagon until it disappeared on the horizon, and the entire time, he wondered what it would have been like had he given in and slept with the male. And he'd never stopped wondering.

Pushing thoughts of the merchant from his mind, Keme squeezed his eyes shut and buried his face in Honiahaka's silvery mane.

"No," Honiahaka whispered and pulled back. He pushed Keme against the bed and smoothed his big paws up Keme's hard chest, pushing the blanket down around his shoulders. Suddenly feeling exposed and vulnerable, Keme tried to pull the blanket back up. He was shocked when Honiahaka ripped it down again.

"I want it all," Honiahaka said, and his gaze was so intense, Keme couldn't bear to look at him. "I want to see your face and smell you and taste you, I want to hear you, I want you to give it all to me."

"H-Honi . . ."

"No hiding. You've been hiding these feelings from me long enough as it is."

Keme shook his head and wrapped his shoulders in the blanket again. Panting for breath, his green eyes peered helplessly at Honiahaka from under black strands of mane. "M-Maybe we should stop."

Honiahaka shook his head just as helplessly. "After you've teased me like this? I can't stop now!"


Honiahaka ripped the blanket away again. Keme struggled to keep it, and as they twisted against each other, Keme's dark mane tumbled loose around his shoulders. If he was beautiful before, he was magnificent now. His green eyes were alight as his mane flew wildly, and it was all Honiahaka could do not to pin him down and fuck him right there. He managed to wrestle the blanket from Keme and this time threw it across the room. His big paw cupped Keme's face and he gave him his tongue. He wasn't surprised when Keme kissed him back.

"Mmm - Honi . . .!" Keme protested.

"You could stop me if you really wanted to," Honiahaka said triumphantly. "You could throw me across the room!"

Keme guiltily said nothing. He shivered when Honiahaka - wild now in his passion - started planting fervent kisses on his neck, his shoulder. His paws moved over Keme in a frenzy of desire. Keme didn't even stop him. He clutched Honiahaka's head, crimson with shame as the bigger male licked his dark nipple.

Honiahaka ran his fingers through Keme's mane, then tightened them and pulled his head back, forcing him to meet his gaze. "Look at me," he said solemnly, "and tell me you don't want me."

Keme's eyes ached with desire.

Needing no further convincing, Honiahaka continued to bury wild kisses in Keme's fur. He lifted Keme's thigh in one paw, and clutching Honiahaka's neck, Keme's eyes grew wide as that big cock carefully slipped up and in. He choked as Honiahaka began his slow thrusts and his body rocked against the bed as they moved together. Honiahaka dropped his forehead against his and looked into his eyes so deeply, so hungrily. Keme shivered. His body was on fire.

As they rocked together, as the pleasure built to unbelievable heights, Keme looked at Honiahaka helplessly. He touched his face. "H-Honi, I . . ."

Honiahaka leaned forward and kissed him. "Shh. . . ." he whispered against his lips. His eyes were so warm, so intense. "Keme . . ." he whispered fondly and stroked Keme's cock. Keme's brows pressed together and his nails sank again in Honiahaka's shoulder.

"Oh, H-Honi - a-ahhh!" Honiahaka fondled Keme until his dick erupted. He held tight to Honiahaka, breathless and panting, as the bigger male cried out in his ear. Honiahaka pressed hard inside as he came, and suddenly in a frenzy once more, he cupped the back of Keme's head and kissed him hard. Their trembling lips broke apart as exhaustion overcame them. Sagging in Honiahaka's arms, Keme's head fell back as the bigger male showered him with lazy, loving kisses.

"I couldn't help it," Honiahaka whispered apologetically. "I wanted all of you. All of you! To myself just once . . . before Seleste takes you from me."

Still wrapped in the hard wall of his embrace, Keme looked up at him sadly.

"I know she's going to choose you over me," Honiahaka said in defeat. "Look at you. Who wouldn't? I've barely been around you, and I'm starting to think I want you more than her."

Keme blinked at him, surprised.

"But you want Seleste, and Seleste wants you, and I let my weakness for males drive me to this selfish act. . . ."

"Oh, you regret it after_ _you fuck me?" Keme teased.

Honiahaka smiled at him warmly. He rubbed his nose against his as he answered, "I've never regretted a single moment with you."