Kal/Daz's Sultry Jungle Hideaway, Part 1/5

Story by TwilitDawnKnown on SoFurry

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#1 of Kalenidus & Dazen's Sultry Jungle Hideaway

This is the first in a series of 5 "chapters" to be posted daily over the next 4 days (pending moderator approval). There's a chance illustrations may be made by an extremely talented artist (and mutual friend of both the author and commissioner), but only 3, if any at all, so be sure to indicate with comments which 3 you like best, once they're all released!

Once upon a time, as all good stories begin, there was a bungalow on the jungle planet of D'shae, tucked away amidst the practically impassible vines and thickets. That bungalow looked simple and old-fashioned on the outside, like a shack that a poor fisherman might use, but inside it was actually posh and comfortable. That bungalow actually belonged to a rather well-to-do young mercenary and jack-of-all-trades, who was a shapeshifter, but usually went about business looking like a cross between a lion and a jaguar.

On this particular Sunday, as luck would have it, the liguar, whose name was Kalenidus, was entertaining his partner-in-crime-and-punishment, who was a considerably larger and more generally studly creature named Dazen Cobalt. Dazen was a cross between a number of things, most notably tiger and malamute, and, by far, more laconic than his partner.

By "entertaining" Dazen, we actually mean that Kalen was being fucked senseless by Dazen's large cock.

But that shall be gotten to in all good time.

Kalenidus and Dazen, as part of their job, were quite skilled at doing things that the law (and generally those who enforced it as well) often didn't look on with favor. Thus, it came as no surprise that the compensation for what they would be required to do was generally quite healthy. Not surprising, either, was the fact that circumventing, fooling, evading, or, when all else failed, fleeing like heck from the law was something they did frequently and did well.

This was not always entirely glamorous, as one might imagine; it was not uncommon that they would end up hightailing it to some backwater planet seemingly in an unknown corner of space simply to ensure that they had somewhere to lay low until immediate pursuit was unlikely. While running away was rarely something that seemed macho or enjoyable, again, they were primarily good at it out of necessity.

With this in mind, the incredibly dense jungle world of D'shae once served as an ersatz hidey-hole for the two of them when a mercenary deployment tossed up some hot pursuit to make their lives more interesting. Though Kalen and Dazen hadn't planned on landing there, it was convenient, habitable, and most importantly, virtually unpoliced. A planet of its botanical density was practically impossible to keep tabs upon, and the planet's lack of other natural resources meant that a thriving city had never been successfully created. Most of the trees were made of a wood that was almost useless for architecture beyond decorative art and accent furniture, and the planet's location was not exactly on the beaten path of interstellar travel.

In short, it was the perfect place to evade detection.

So, while roughing it amidst the freakishly thick vegetation, enjoying a sampling of unusual warm-climate fruits native to the planet and some of the local fishies, Kalen realized that the realm felt quite similar to the lands he once called home. Warm and humid, and brimming with all manner of life-forms just bursting with vivacity and boldness, the area resonated with his past in a unique way.

When he was thinking about where to construct a sort of "safe house" for himself and Dazen not long thereafter, having completed a high-paying assignment that boosted his funds far beyond what would be needed to buy and/or create one, D'shae returned promptly to his recollection as a suitable location.

The tricky part, of course, was how to get the house assembled on D'shae when (1) the planet was virtually inaccessible, (2) the locals weren't exactly well-versed in that kind of thing, and (3) the whole point of a safe house is for it to be in a safe, covert location, and if someone else built it the whole thing could be easily traced and would thus be moot. But Kalen was not to be daunted by simple matters such as this one.

The solution presented itself in the form of an architectural innovation that was originally designed for colonizing inhospitable planets: self-assembling architecture. The term self-assembling was a bit misleading, as in most cases the system was a set of typical pieces of materials and an entourage of robotic assembly droids, but all the same it got the job done with minimal human intervention of any sort. In this day and age, where most people were experts in computer technology but witless when it came to construction, the product was insanely popular for serial colonists and tourists alike.

Getting a custom product was a bit expensive, but it was still well within Kalen's budget. Picking it up covertly was a bit tricky as well, but their elaborate network of social contacts served its purpose and within virtually no time Kalen had on hand a nice, unassembled, self-assembling, luxury cabin. Now for the most tricky part: figuring out how to get it onto D'Shae.

It took some custom creation of technology on Kalen's part, but in the end he designed a device that would carefully clear just the right amount of space in the undergrowth while keeping the canopy visibly intact. This was important, as orbital surveillance technology was always improving to track down exactly the kind of roguish types that Dazen and Kalen had become.

The beauty of it all was that Dazen didn't hear a thing about it. Though at first the timing of his investigation was purely serendipitous, since Dazen just happened to be off picking up some ammunition, Kalen made it something of a challenge to himself to see the project through without Dazen knowing about it. He always enjoyed giving himself such tasks to keep himself on the ball. Covert work, after all, was a key element of their trade.

Actual assignments in their line of work tended to fluctuate, as customers were generally far between, and often gingery about the possibility of being discovered. In an age of interplanetary commerce and politics, reputation was often a key element, and word of commissioning an assassin or mercenary could ruin a figure in power. True, it depended upon the position, but those who had no such reputation to defend usually had rogues enlisted in their personal cadres and had no need to commission free agents like Daz and Kal--not to mention that the discretion of such "kite" agents usually commanded a higher price.

It had long been a minor hope of the young shapeshifter that he could have such a place for he and Dazen to share; the idea had actually arisen during one of their particularly sordid encounters in the past, but had originally been intended for a tropical island, rather than an absurdly dense rainforest. However, tropical islands were expensive, often crowded, and perhaps most importantly, very much exposed: the tourism industry saw to it that every square inch of choice, insular terra firma was bought up and profitably managed. While D'shae could theoretically make for an excellent vacation destination, why not have a spot that could both do that and serve as a safe house, too?

With the cabin's infrastructure in place, Kalen then had to see to it that the getaway was also suitably furnished. This part was much easier; random bits of furniture, carpeting, and so forth were inexpensive and quite simple to procure anonymously without even necessitating the use of proxies. The much smaller magnitude of expense let him go to town on this part. Appliances were mostly pre-integrated, so that was of no concern...He purchased three beds; one was extra-large, to accommodate Dazen and any other accompaniment the hybrid might entertain--Kalen anticipated visiting it often--one was long but not especially wide and which was a custom firmness, to his own specifications, and the third was a comfortable queen size, for the somewhat-unlikely chance of guests. Cookware was a necessity, as Kalen was a considerably skilled chef, and he intended to ensure that even if they were holed up on this planet practically off the galactic charts, hiding from whatever authorities might be after them, by gum, they'd have excellent food. He got some tapestries and curtains, along with select lighting (very useful for setting the right kind of mood, as any director could assure you); other supplies, such as the vibro-machete he found for a steal of a price (which came as no surprise, since it probably was stolen), would come in handy if the two of them needed to blaze some trail into the native overgrowth.

He considered it a gleeful irony that their "log cabin" had a fireplace; he downloaded some xenobotanist's report on exotic timbers so that he could make sure that any firewood they might harvest wouldn't release some kind of toxic fumes upon combustion (as fascinating as the Darwin Awards were, he had no intention of receiving one posthumously once some exploratory corps located their fumigated corpses undoubtedly many years later). Ooh, and he couldn't forget some kind of comm center; without some tie to the outside world, they'd never know when it was safe to come back out of hiding. That one would take some doing, since secure uplink systems were always in high demand but short supply (most governments made sure of that).

He realized that a standard fridge wouldn't likely meet their needs, since they'd have to stockpile a considerable amount of food long beyond its typical "sell by" date; science came to the rescue with a cryostasis unit that was guaranteed to keep most food edible for a minimum of ten years, in part due to its unique sterilization functionality--yogurt, for instance, wasn't a recommended subject as a result.

Buying food itself was the easiest part yet; interplanetary food sales had become so simple in general that most suppliers simply had massive factories full of robots that did nothing but package and ship, day in and day out. The new standards in cryostasis had even proven rather popular, as Kalen discovered; the three suppliers he and Dazen usually used for stocking their ship had the option of cryo-packing almost any normal package. He'd ordered several months' worth of food within minutes.

After a bit of consideration, he realized that, even with the "activities" he had planned, staying in the isolated safe house for potentially months at a time was a foolproof recipe for cabin fever, so he added some entertainment devices to the list of items he was procuring, along with a spartanized version of his in-ship workshop.

He used their home's mainframe to model the cabin's interior, and arranged everything virtually so that he could decorate and organize it in practically no time once they arrived.

The products he'd ordered arrived over the next week, necessitating care to ensure that Dazen would remain unaware of his project. There was a bit of a close call when Dazen happened to see him wheeling a pallet of boxed supplies into their trusty ship; luckily, one of the boxes contained the minimized version of his workshop, so he was able to truthfully identify the contents of the lift-sled as "workshop stuff" when Dazen inquired. It was more than enough to divert any concern the big hybrid might have; Kalen's tinkering often provided them with customized, awesome techno-gear, and was thus a completely normal activity.

The inevitable risk would occur when Kalen moved the supplies to the planet, as he wouldn't be able to merely brush off the two-galactic-day-each-way trip as simple maintenance. Of course, if Dazen -did- come along, it would simply mean that he would help prepare the safe house that was his surprise already; the last bit of surprise that would accompany seeing it entirely ready to live in would be marginal, and Kalen didn't mind the possibility that it might easily be forsaken.

His preparations were temporarily placed aside as an incoming assignment began; it was kind of hard to concern oneself with interior decorating when a high-profile, high-tech heist was actively in progress--though he did get an idea or two from the mark's lavishly-appointed facility, in passing. They executed the lift with their usual expertise, and at the end of it all they escaped without any heat--their act only became apparent the next day when the erstwhile owner happened to realize that he was missing a rather valuable prototype, and even if Kalen hadn't taken the precaution of concealing his identity under the shapeshifted guise of the owner himself. Sure, it would have seemed odd on any security footage to see the apparent legitimate owner expertly dodging every countermeasure in place, but then, only he would have known what all was there...right?

With that job out of the way, Kalen decided that it would be the best time to cart the materials over to the site on D'shae, before they might need the ship for another hire. The difficulty was that he'd need to let Dazen know he was taking it somewhere...but waiting only increased the chance that Dazen would accidentally blunder across the supplies, which would be even worse. So he decided to take the plunge and go at it as directly as possible; maybe boring frankness would be more effective at turning away interest.

He dropped in on the big hybrid while Dazen was cleaning some of his sizable collection of firearms. "Hey, Dazen, I need to take the ol' bird for a couple days, alright?"

Kalen considered it a good sign that Dazen didn't even look up from his work. "What are you using it for?"

"I'm going to be making a supply run." It was technically true; he was running the supplies to D'shae, even though the typical use of the phrase would mean that he would be going to pick supplies up, rather than dropping them off.

Dazen stopped and turned from his work, causing Kalen to mentally gulp. "Actually, I could use an offworld supply run myself. Wait for me to finish up here, and then I'll help with the preflight stuff."

Dang, thought Kalen, now the gig's up. "...well, technically what I meant was that I'm running supplies somewhere, as opposed to picking some up." Seeing Dazen continue to watch him expectantly, he reluctantly forged onwards: "I have a surprise for you that I was hoping to have entirely ready for you before you found out about it at all, but I guess the cover's pretty much blown now, so you might as well come with me and help finish unloading and setting up, and then we can start enjoying it straight away...if that's okay with you, of course."

Dazen got up out of his chair, expression unreadable, leading Kalen to initially worry a bit that perhaps the big hybrid was angry. However, that was soon abolished as Dazen's massive arms enfolded him in a masculinized embrace. "That, you naughty little liguar, is a nice thing to do," said Dazen, voice gruff, but warm. "I think, just to punish you for your sneaking, I'm going to have to go along and spoil it. And then maybe you, too," he said, giving Kalen's left butt cheek a quick grope, "but we'll have to see."

His concern about the spoiled surprise all but evaporated, Kalen paused for a quick heart-fluttery moment of giddiness. "...well! In that case, let's get the bird into the stars, and the sooner the better, eh?"

Dazen chuckled quietly. "Funny, you make it seem like you almost -want- me to punish you for it."

Thanks to relativity, the two-day journey to D'shae seemed somewhat shorter, as the two experienced it; only four hours seemed to pass by on the ship. Dazen excused himself to the shower, leaving Kalen to keep an eye on the cockpit, nosebleed-y thoughts and all; Kalen couldn't help but notice when Dazen stepped out of the shower cab butt-naked and looking steamy, even though he'd already dried off. A small error showed up in the hyperdrive that needed correcting; between his practiced keystrokes, Kalen found himself looking back with an almost epileptic fervor to catch glimpses of his nude comrade/bedmate. He couldn't quite tell if Dazen was intentionally trying to torture Kalen, tied to the cockpit area as he was, with the teasing glimpses of his body as he stretched and preened--chances were good that that was entirely Dazen's intent--but dang, it was definitely doing the trick, whether intended or not. While the piloting chairs were certainly comfortable, navigating them with a caged boner wasn't quite that pleasant.

They erupted from the strange blinkiness of warp-space quite near orbital distance from D'shae; the lush planet loomed on their viewpanels like a really leafy ball of pure green. Kalen suspected that some kind of dimensional Color Assignment Committee had neglected some shade of green in a moment of oversight, and then, when the error was realized, it was too late to assign the hue to the planets already in place, necessitating the massive deposition of that precise shade on a hastily-created planet--in this case, D'shae. Come to think of it, the planet almost seemed too convenient, what with its high core density (allowing near-earth-G-force with a much smaller planetary diameter) and impossibly fertile plant-dominant ecosystem.

The last time they'd been on the planet, Kalen had done a long-range scan to try to locate the most optimum place to station their safe house, taking into consideration a wide variety of factors, from foliage density to seasonal predictions to accessibility from orbit to warp path proximity. The location had been stored in the ship's computer for reference, and they did a half-orbit of the planet before the site was again identified amidst the dense greenery.

Kalen pulled the ship into an expert drop before cannoning the thrusters in a rotary direction, razing a core through the layered plants. While perhaps a bit obvious initially, it would leave less of a noticeable impact than using the ship's blasters; the distinctive ion and isotope signatures would be easier to track from orbit, while the plants seared off by the energy thrusters would grow back, making it seem like nothing more than some kind of lightning storm had occurred in the unseen past. While Dazen was capable of performing similar maneuvers, the larger volume and mass of the big hybrid could prove hazardous if he was hanging onto the controls during swift challenges in acceleration; he was better suited to cling to his seat, which wasn't liable to snap off in his hands like the delicate throttles.

They settled a short distance from the initial cut into a small cove of a thicket; the ship settled at an awkward angle due to the unlevel terrain, but it couldn't be helped. Kalen and Dazen clambered back to the armory and selected some suitable implements of defoliation; Kalen's massive chainsaw and a nice vibro-scimitar happened to be handy and ready to go. The thicket was soon reduced to a parted pile of shrubbery and tree pieces, and just beyond it was a flat, though heavily encroached-upon, region, adjacent to a creek well veiled by (surprise!) more greenery.

The agility of the two mercenaries saved them considerable time as they hacked and slashed until a fairly large clearing was in place. Thankfully, the ship had an incinerator on board, and a small transport droid was standard with the line for convenience in routine unloading. Kalen directed it to cart severed plant material back to the ship in trips so that the debris wouldn't get underfoot as they continued.

The self-assembling cabin came in several lots of material; Kalen attached some null-grav coasters on the bottom of the ones he was assigned to carry, just to make things go faster, while Dazen merely hefted the massive portions onto his shoulders and lumbered out to the clearing. The system came with a hover-holo that laid out positions for all of the components while simultaneously surveying the layout, and once they were all in place, it sent out a synchronizing signal that mobilized all of the integrated assembly droids. Kalen watched, mesmerized, as robotic parts unfurled and clambered out of the woodwork and immediately began placing the supplies into their proper places and arrangements. Obviously, the process wasn't over instantaneously, and occasionally he'd step back to the ship and move some supplies adjacent to the unfurling home site, but he couldn't help but be fascinated by this self-building home.

The roof and inner walls were being simultaneously put into place as Dazen came over and laid his arm around the tops of Kalen's shoulders. "Well, what a nice place for us to move into. I have to say, this seems almost romantic--a new house, just for us."

Kalen blushed lightly under his fur. "Well, y'know, it's important to have a place to stay in case the heat is on our tails. This was about as remote as I could locate without going somewhere that doesn't have a breathable atmosphere."

Dazen pulled inward with his arm, slightly unbalancing the shapeshifter. "That's true, but I'm sure having a place where I can fuck you senseless without having anyone to walk in on us wasn't out of your consideration either."

Kalen's fur-hidden blush deepened to scarlet, his heartbeat speeding slightly with the erotic saturation of the big hybrid's words. "That's true, too. I know I'd intended for that to be an island originally, but...I think you can see how this works out better."

The larger hybrid dug through the repository of his memory before remembering his younger comrade's reference. "Ah...you mean you have exotic food here, too?"

Kalen pointed at the cryopaks that the food had been shipped in. "What do you think those are? And even if that wasn't enough, we're in the middle of the planet of tropical. There's all kinds of edible fruits and plants here that most people have never even known existed, let alone sampled. Heck, we could be culinary pioneers if publishing our findings wouldn't maybe draw too much interest to this little planet."

Dazen nodded, eyes still following the motions of the assembly robots, much as Kalen's were. "That's kind of sad when you think about it. It's almost like we hold the fate of the planet in our hands."

Kalen chuckled, pushing slightly against the big hybrid with the side of his shoulder. "You make it sound like we're the stars of an RPG or something. 'Fate of the planet' my foot."

Dazen tightened the arm on Kalen's upper back and brought the other around to give him a noogie. "You know what I mean, you semantic nut."

The assembly used high-tech polymers and fill materials to generate structures with remarkable stability and integrity, but could be cured easily using certain wavelengths of light. The wall material, which was made of one such material instead of archaic 'Sheetrock', which had long gone out of style, atop the house framework, was then put in place, and the robots formed large light-containing fields before pumping a piercing blue light into the walls. They oozed some kind of volatile component, which gassed off, leaving an etheric aroma lingering in the air for a while.

The roof followed suit not long thereafter, and then the droids pulled in the included appliances that were needed for typical house function--a standard oven/stove combination, some sinks and toilets, a few spartan light fixtures, the power reactor, a water heater, and a typical refrigerator. Then, in a display of remarkable design ingenuity, the assembly droids integrated themselves into the house as its wiring and some of its ductwork.

Kalen and Dazen looked at it for several seconds, watching for further activity. "Well," said Kalen after failing to espy any movement, "looks like it's finished."

Dazen hefted one of the mattresses into his grip. "Our turn, then."

Kalen rummaged through a pack and produced a hover-holo droid that he'd modified specially for the occasion; it would reside in the center of the house and project low-density holograms of where Kalen had planned for stuff to go prior to their departure.

With the handy guide diagrams and Dazen's impressive strength, they made short work of the moving-in process (though, admittedly, there wasn't that much to move, considering the size of the cabin). The diagram Kalen had created proved remarkably fitting for the space, as it gave the cozy building a lived-in feel straightaway.

Dazen sat down in the round-backed rattan chair Kalen had ordered in just his size, and had placed so that it was overlooking the kitchen, facing the passbar. He kicked his feet up onto the polymer countertop, letting out a sigh of relaxation. "I've rarely taken down buildings as easy as this place was to put up."

Kalen was organizing the kitchenware; it was such an assortment of oddly-shaped objects that attempting to model its placement beforehand would have been just plain silly. "Yeah, the effectiveness of these self-assembling houses was a new thing to me. I think it was well worth the price."

"Uh huh. And I'm guessing the price of admission is going to be some serious servicing of this one liguar I know?"

Kalen always loved how Dazen could get right to the point. "Well, in order to be the most shrewd and conniving shifter I can, I'll cut you a rather persuasive deal: since I care about you a lot, ya big lug, you can sleep here for free. But..." he said, wiggling his eyebrows devilishly.

"...but what?" Dazen queried.

"But, if you want the delicious food I'm going to make all weekend long, you'll have to compensate me with some serious knock-down drag-out sex, at least once a day until I've decided it's enough for the day. Not that I'll mind if you keep going after that point, of course..."

"Oh, is that what you want?" asked Dazen, smirking. "Well, sheesh, that's a pretty high price..." He nonchalantly tucked his thumb into the waistband of his pants, casually pulling down the border to the point where it nearly exposed the root of his member as though it were no big deal.

Kalen's eyes couldn't help but follow the gesture. He mentally shook himself and continued organizing the gadgets and appliances. "It's a price worth paying, and you know it, O Ye Mighty Rapscallion. If we ever had to settle down and stop doing the mercenary thing, I could probably open a restaurant and make almost as much money as I do now."

The rattan chair creaked as Dazen shrugged. "I can think of worse things to have to do than be a glorified man-slut for my food. O' course, you're right about that food business...I'd be getting a lot for my 'services'." He closed one eye. "And I could think of worse 'clients' to have to stuff my dick into, too."

Satisfied at last with the placement of his tools of the trade, Dazen closed the cabinet he was working on and ceremonially dusted off his hands, even though they were quite free of dirt. "That makes two of us, and I'm not even the one who'd have to do the deed." He ambled around the passbar, stopping behind the back of Dazen's chair. He placed his hands upon the big hybrid's shoulders, giving him a light neck rub. "But I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy this particular 'assignment,' as much as you pretend to complain about it."

"A sword for hire, that's all we mercenaries are," Dazen said. "Sometimes more than one." He smiled knowingly, eyes lidding shut.

Kalen leaned in. "That was a terrible joke, but I'm pretty sure you knew that," he said quietly. As he inhaled following the sentence, he smelled something. Was that--?

He had just enough time to recognize it as musk before Dazen's incredibly strong, prehensile tail rapidly snaked under his armpit and yanked him bodily over the back of the chair. He gave an inarticulate noise of surprise as Dazen's arms flashed out, catching him carefully in an awkward oblique alignment. "Unbutton your pants," said the big hybrid, as he got up out of the chair, liguar and all.

Kalen felt his blood rapidly begin to flush into his genitals as the realization of the hybrid's intent clicked in his mind. They'd only just arrived, and Dazen was already going to have sex with him! Oooh, what a lovely weekend this was going to be, he thought to himself. As Dazen carted him to the nearby dining room table, Kalen fumbled with the closure and zipper of his pants, knowing they wouldn't be on him much longer and that making them ready for removal would increase the chances that they'd still be intact for wearing at a later time.

Dazen righted the shifter and set him down in front of the edge of the table, his tail now pushing down on the shifter's back to have him bent over the tabletop. The younger liguar complied fairly easily, and Dazen gave his pants a swift yank, banishing them to pool around his ankles. Wasting no time, Dazen grasped Kalen's buttocks and buried his nose under the shifter's tail, jutting his tongue out of his muzzle and against the liguar's tight ring. He heard the shifter's gasp and knew he was on the right track; after running the dense muscle around the circumference of Kalen's tight ring a few times while his saliva built up, he delved inward, twisting it left and right like a pipe cleaner. The shifter usually kept his passages immaculately clean, knowing that an incident like this one could occur at any time--in addition to having the ability to do so rather easily, between his alchemy, his gadgetry, and his shifting.

Kalen was immensely aroused by the hybrid's forward attitude, to say nothing of the feeling of Dazen's tongue wetly slicking around inside of his sensitive colon. He felt his erection lumber forth even though it was squeezed between his torso and the tabletop. Bracing himself between the solid wooden surface and Dazen's metal-cored tail, he knew this was going to be quite an experience. However, being dominated so well had always been a fetish of his...

Dazen was quite capable with his mouth in general, as he'd demonstrated to Kalen multiple times (and ways!) in the past; this treatment was no exception as he dragged his tongue here and there along Kalen's insides, expertly pleasuring him. An idea occurred to him as he worked; first, he edged the sides of muzzle closer to Kalen's rump until he could achieve suction. Then, by doing just that, his tongue was drawn further into Kalen while the ring that was modulating its movement was loosened by being stretched outward. He was rewarded by a somewhat choked-sounding gasp/moan combination from Kalen, along with the sound of a furred palm scrabbling on the table for purchase and a pushing back against his tail--he suspected Kalen was arching his back for this one. He then released the suction, causing the contact to be broken with a slurpy pop sound, and then tilted his head, opening his mouth. He then pushed his lower jaw forward, and then carefully dragged his lower teeth across the near side Kalen's furred perineum. It took some doing, and wasn't exactly comfortable on his tongue, but it was worth the response; he felt the liguar practically melt under his touch with a breathy "oh shit--!" and more scrabbling at the tabletop surface.

The jaw strain this maneuver caused wasn't exactly that fun, and so Dazen kept it up for only a little bit before returning to his original work. He kneaded the muscles piled up on either side of his muzzle with his thumbs, knowing that the movement would add variety to his rimjob. Then, when he was satisfied with both the amount of teasing it had done to Kalen and the amount of lubrication it had drooled into and along his insides, he withdrew his tongue, applying a long lick from perineum to tailbase once it was free. Then, he stood, running his claws against the lay of Kalen's back fur with one hand while unfastening his own pants with the other.

Kalen panted against the tabletop, the vapor in his breath fogging its sheen as he attempted to regain some composure. The new trick up Dazen's rhetorical sleeve had surprised him immensely and caught him both off-guard and with immense potency; he'd nearly fallen prey to a premature orgasm with the surprise and the sensation. Now, from the sounds and motions behind him, he could tell that Dazen was getting ready to rut him good, and the mere thought of it sent his mind into spirals of giddy anticipation.

Dazen hastily threaded his erection through his boxers, not feeling like he wanted to hold off a good fuck any longer. "I decided I'd earn my dinner beforehand, rather than going on credit. That, and your butt was looking awfully tasty." Then, with no further ado, he scooped the tip of it from the bottom-most point of Kalen's crotch available to him all the way past the pucker, such that it was squished between the liguar's gluteals like a weiner in hot dug buns, then leaned back so that it was pointing more forwards, and pushed in, shaft bending slightly with the initial resistance of the tight ring.

Kalen hissed slightly at the initial tinge of pain from the penetration; it was a familiar burning sensation that he'd grown to love, and in his current state of arousal it was probably more pleasurable, all told, than painful. With it came a wonderful sense of fullness, and cohesion to the hunky hybrid he'd grown so fond of, in so many delectable ways. Though he knew that he could at any time modify his insides in a number of ways, with his shapeshifting abilities, he always tried to leave them as "native" as possible--in so much as he could--simply for sentimental reasons. Since he was naturally noticeably smaller in proportion compared to the hulking Dazen, he knew he would always feel pleasantly tight to the hybrid's sensitive genital nerve endings.

It always turned Dazen on to see how enthusiastically Kalen endeavored to make sure he had a plentiful supply of the big hybrid's sexual attentions. While some of the plots were forward, and others were furtive, this one definitely took the cake. A secluded getaway to a planet where they definitely would not be disturbed, allowing them to let loose in a new and lush setting? It almost sounded like some kind of contest prize, and Dazen was eager to collect.

With that in mind, he delved into Kalen until his groin came to a halt against Kalen's butt. He everted his hips slightly in that position, forcing his root into the liguar as far as it would go, which was met with a guttural sigh of satisfaction from the smaller mercenary. "Mm, what a nice fit," he said. "It's a good thing that's true, because this would probably hurt like hell for someone just a little smaller than you." He gave a few quick but strong pumps of his waist as though to prove his point.

The quick thrusts caused the table to rebound against Kalen's front side, causing a strange but euphoric sensation as the hard surface oscillated against his erection. He let the sensation have voice as a purr-like sound of enjoyment; he knew that making such noises would help encourage Dazen to continue, and goad him into taking things up to further levels.

It had been a mildly stressing week, at least by Dazen's terms, and while he wasn't consciously aware of Kalen's intent with the noises, they took root in his subconscious, and rechanneled into an urge of primal nature. He knew by now that Kalen didn't -need- time to get his bearings after the initial penetration, and in light of the liguar's apparent haste to get things rolling, let alone his own desire to hump the liguar soundly, he wasted no time in setting up a rhythm of thrusts. Rather than the fluid motions he might use in most situations, he adopted something of a convulsive modicum, causing him to use quicker and somewhat shorter motions, but which possessed considerably more force while in motion than the usual ones. Doing so also provided sensations that he usually didn't experience, in accordance with the somewhat unusual method.

Kalen moaned as the first few of Dazen's thrusts had their way with his rump. The feeling of his sandwiched groin was now besieged by spikes of sensual stimulation quite unlike he'd dealt with before; his fantasies of being fucked over a table had nothing on the real thing. "Oh man--shit--why haven't we--ugh--done this before?" Another gasp left his body as one of the thrusts somehow tweaked his G-spot especially well, momentarily lessening his tenuous grasp on remaining upright. With this exotic and novel positioning, he had a feeling his orgasm would not be long in arriving.

Dazen let out a rumbling growl, which Kalen knew from experience to be a sort of laugh. "I'd thought about it, but our table back home is probably too nice. Besides, I might as well fuck you where dinner's gonna be if I have to pay for dinner that way, eh?" His speech was somewhat breathy, in light of the fact that his body was jerking back and forth at the hips--not a simple or non-taxing maneuver, by any stretch--but it was still quite intelligible, all things considered. Still, the very sandwiching he was applying to Kalen was increasing the pressure around his shaft, and that, combined with the rhythmically surging feeling of his thrusts was causing him to elevate his own state of arousal at a rate that in most other situations he might find a bit alarming. Here, though, he had no reason to hold back, no pressing urge to draw things out nor anything in the way.

"Ugh--I don't care," said Kalen, "if I have to clean cum off the table--mmh, harder!--but--oh man--this would be worth it!" Though Dazen's tail kept him pressed against the tabletop, Kalen still found himself attempting to reverse-hump Dazen's pistoning shaft, which only intensified the gratifying experience, even though the amount of motion he could achieve was minimal. He even snaked his tail around the back of Dazen's waist to try to gain more leverage, but this maneuver only rendered so much effect.

Within a few minutes of this, Dazen's loins sued for release, and lit up his mind as collateral. Climactic euphoria ransacked his higher thoughts and provoked a roar from his lungs as he gave a final yank with his arms, driving Kalen against his groin and pinning him there with continued force, his seed gushing forth to paint Kalen's insides. This final act of domination upset the teetering balance in Kalen's own senses, and he gave something of a strangled groan and growl between his clenched teeth as his own orgasm descended heavily upon him. Dazen's terminal pull had moved him off of the table, and now his shaft was allowed to dangle freely, his semen thus pulsing onto the floor below the table as his climax drove it from his body.

Kalen gasped several times, recovering his breath from the searing, panting moment. "Oh god....I had no idea you were going to...fuck me right here and now!" He slapped one open palm against the tabletop.

Dazen, being a beast of stamina no matter how one slices it, found his breath much more easily than his smaller comrade. "Like I said...I don't like being in--arrears." He gave one of Kalen's buttcheeks a good spank.

"Hey!" said Kalen through a chuckle. "These butts are made for walkin', and I'll be lucky if I can still get up from this even without your slap-happiness!"

Dazen gave the afflicted cheek a quick squeeze and a scritch. "Fine, then, but only since I need you upright to make that dinner." He lifted his tail from its point on Kalen's back, allowing the hybrid to stand upright as Dazen moved from his climactic hunch.

Kalen creaked upwards stiffly, stretching his arms. "Being caught between a cock and a hard place isn't always such a bad thing, but staying there a while leaves you a little crunchy. Urgh." He gyrated his shoulders a bit. "So, right, to that dinner you were talking about." He turned and attempted to take a step, but nearly fell over due to his pants still being around his ankles. He gave a strangled squawk as he pitched forward.

Dazen easily arrested his fall with one hand. "Caught ya with your pants down."

Kalen grinned sheepishly at him as he glanced upward. "Shaddup, will ya?" He shuffled his feet forward to regain his balance, and then crouched down to pick up the fallen waistline.

A light smile graced Dazen's muzzle, but inside he was feeling more mirthful than he betrayed. The little liguar was definitely a hot specimen, but part of what Dazen loved about him was that he was still so fun and innocent despite his adult tastes and developed intellect. It was like a little brother who could also show you a heck of a good time without all that incest stuff or a need for sibling rivalry. It just...worked. In the two-man comedy of Dazen's life, Kalen never had a problem being the fall guy, aside from delivering token complaints from time to time, and generally in high wit. But he knew that the liguar was head-over-heels for him, and he could probably ask the youngster to do anything for him; that fact never failed to please Dazen.

He fixed up his own pants as he watched the younger mercenary return to the kitchen--the seat of his power, as it were. The liguar stared at the stove for a bit, seemingly searching his mental catalog of recipes for a suitable dish, and then when inspiration struck him, he began rummaging through pots and pans. He stood up with one before noticing Dazen watch him. "...what?" said Kalen, intonation dull.

"Nothin'," said Dazen, impassive-sounding as ever. While he had a definite soft-spot for the golden youngling, he certainly wasn't generally willing to appear mushy enough to articulate the fact.

Kalen lifted an eyebrow, gazing back for a moment. "Well, since I have some things to get ready out here, why don't you go pop some steaks out of the cryo-box? I need some meat to get this particular party started--and I don't mean the kind attached to your groin, as tasty as that is."

Dazen smirked. "That and I don't think that oven over there is to my liking. I'll stick with the moist variety. You want the regular moo kind, right?" A panoply of exotic meats existed thanks to the many varieties of planetary life out there and the wonders of interstellar shipping, so it was never safe to assume a "steak" was of any particular origin if none was stated.

"Anything but barzaki!" Kalen called, head already within a cabinet in search of certain spices.

Dazen grimaced as he walked back to the stasis unit. Barzaki, though a specimen of meat that could be prepared in an astounding variety of ways and which had a rather healthy composition, tended to have a lack of flavor; it was essentially the tofu of the meat world. On its own, it would never serve as an entrée, though it was occasionally used to make a sort of "meat salad" for carnivores watching their weight. While it was technically possible to make a "steak" solely out of barzaki, it would be a disheartening experience to taste it.

Dazen clicked a few buttons on the stasis unit and waited for it to hiss into a biosafe temperature. Sticking one's hand into a functioning, active cryo-stasis unit would likely give the frostbite case of the century, and so the units tended to be well-protected against opening during normal storage; the downside of this was that, unlike a regular freezer or fridge, you couldn't just pop them open any old time and peer inside while you figured out what to eat.

While he waited for the little lights to all change to green, meaning that it would be ready to open, he heard Kalen call from the kitchen again. "Grab some onions and mushrooms while you're back there too, okay?"

Dazen rolled his eyes; Kalen's gourmet tastes were sure to mean a specific kind of mushroom amidst many; similarly, he was quite sure that every major kind of onion would be in the stasis box, and perhaps a few offworld ones too. "And what kind of mushrooms were you wanting, Emeril?"

"Portobello is fine; for the onions, white or red are both okay--" there was a bit of a clang of moving pans.

The little technological box gave a whoosh and a beep, announcing that it was ready for plundering sans frostbite. It was a rather large repository--Kalen had ensured it was large enough to hold several months' worth of supplies for two, though Dazen's large appetite meant it was more like rations for three--and many of the packages were made of opaque foils, meaning that the only way to identify them was with the cramped little labels packed with nutrition and stability information mandated by all manner of planetary governments. Dazen frowned slightly at the chilly hodgepodge, and then set to digging.

Some time and a fair deal of cooking later, Kalen and Dazen were repasting on steaks of buffanu (a hybrid between a buffalo and a gnu, designed to be capable of living on low-humanoid planets where the temperature remained frigid year-round) in a red-wine-and-mushroom reduction, served with fresh-baked-from-dough herb bread and paired with a musky wine-like beverage fermented from an unusual offworld fruit. Truth be told, it was somewhat simplistic, considering Kalen's extensive repertoire of recipes, but for a first meal in a slightly rustic new domecile, Dazen could scarcely object--particularly in light of the symphonic mastery Kalen demonstrated by way of the flawless complimentary matching of flavors.

The table had space for six--it was cheaper than most tables Kalen had found for 4, and it matched the other décor better than the others, to boot; it was quite a steal--but Kalenidus was seated adjacent to Dazen's spot at the head of the table. He had no reason to sit anywhere else; his bond with the big hybrid led him to crave being close.

"Here, try this," he said, lifting a spoonful particularly rich in mushrooms, with a tender chunk of meat at the center, to Dazen's muzzle.

The bigger beast eyed the offering. "Why? We're both eating the same thing."

A yellow, spotted tail flicked over and bopped the big hybrid on the shoulder. "Because I'm trying to be affectionate, you big galoot. Open up for the airplane."

Dazen hesitated just long enough to keep up the minimum necessary level of macho, then slowly creaked his jaw agape. Kalen's spoonful of dinner dove in once the clearance to avoid hitting teeth was attained, then stayed in place until Dazen relieved it of its contents.

The extra mushrooms made it richer than the usual bite, and enfolded the juicy meat in the velvety texture of gourmet portobello. Dazen realized as he savored the little serving of gustatory bliss that Kalen hadn't just given him a convenient spoonful; he'd deliberately offered Dazen the best part he could find. A swell of affection, despairingly mushy, welled up in his heart in response to the liguar's kindness. He chewed, and swallowed. "Thanks...that was really good. Why don't you try it?" He leaned in towards Kalen, deftly and lightly using his tail-tip to guide the spotted youngling's muzzle to his own.

Kalen had been watching the hybrid to discern his response, but it came as a pleasant surprise to see what it actually turned out to be. He softly opened his mouth to meet Dazen's, the unapparent softness of the big hybrid's lips coming to touch and rest upon his own. Kalen slowly extended his tongue into Dazen's awaiting mouth, sending it fluidly over the teeth and into its central cavity, running it along the bounds of the moist space. It was full of the mercenary's distinct taste in itself, which was something Kalen had learned to treasure during those times he'd been allowed to savor it, mixed with the decadence of the simplistically-blended but complexly-flavored meal he'd prepared. The kiss helped with a different kind of hunger than the steak itself would address.

The kiss lingered for several languid moments before Dazen slowly withdrew his head, gazing down into the liguar's eyes as the kiss faded away with a warmth and care that made Kalen feel as though he were going to melt. The macho mercenary usually radiated masculine gruffness, but now that they were away, far from the eye of the public, he knew the hulking beast would be able to let all that down and express himself in truth. Moments like these made all the effort he'd gone to in order to make this "dream house" a reality worth every last minute and cent he'd spent.

"I told you it was good," said Dazen simply, a whisper of a smile on his face. He went for another forkful of the entrée. "Now tell me, what do you have planned for this weekend? Aside from me paying for food, that is."

Kalen took his cue and speared a mushroom, nibbling on its edges. "Well, tomorrow I think we'll get to know our neighbors at some point--"

Dazen froze. "Neighbors? I thought you said this place was deserted." His tone was suddenly quiet and urgent.

Kalen gave him a you-can't-be-serious look. "Of course it is. I mean the plants, and that little river outside. I scanned for sentient life and didn't catch any readings for 500 miles, which is the site of one of three small settlements on the planet. Two are semi-commercial, while the third, which is almost dead-center opposite us on this green rock, is some kind of research facility--pharmachemical, I think, since a lot of plants that live here don't exist anywhere else. That's how I got this one guide on our computer assistants--it's on stuff that's edible that grows here, and I'm thinking we may want to augment our supplies a little bit with what we find. Worth a try, right?"

Dazen had relaxed as realization set in. "Yeah. Okay, that sounds good. Just as long as you're sure we're not going to get any surprises."

Kalen's tail flicked with dismissal. "Trust me, we're good. I've got a number of stealth countermeasures all around this place, and if anyone so much as sneezes in our fly-zone, I'll know about it within the minute. The surprise will be for them, exclusively, when ion missiles suddenly pop out of a planet made supposedly of pure jungle."

Something like a smirk appeared at the corner of Dazen's mouth. "You always have been to the point like that."

Kalen shrugged, tearing off a chunk of buffanu with his teeth from the fork-speared piece he'd carelessly cut too large. "Say what you mean, I say, and mean what you say. In this case, I mean to say that uninvited outsiders aren't welcome to this, our little home away from home."

"With your demands," Dazen said, pausing for a swig of the interesting fuchsia beverage that fit the other flavors so well, "the odds of them catching us with our pants down is still pretty high."

"But I just told you about--oh..." Kalen blushed under his fur as he realized what Dazen was referring to, in a combination of embarrassment at misunderstanding, and realization of the actual meaning. But he'd brought it upon himself, hadn't he? And besides...he was certainly enjoying it.