Chapter 1

Story by Lynxxie on SoFurry

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#2 of The Pack

the beginning is based on a dream a friend had but i have her permission to share it with you in my story

Chapter 1

Kitten was chained; face first, to a wall. Again. The room was dark but it didn't matter anyway because she was blindfolded. The white-furred female had never seen the male she called Master with her silver eyes but she had 'seen' him with her body. She knew the texture of his dark fur, his touch, his voice, she could feel his presence when he wanted her to come to their meeting place. She didn't need sight to recognize her Master.

"Are you going to resist me Slave?" a male voice asked silkily from the darkness.

"No, Master." She replied obediently

"Good girl." He brought a whip down across her upper back. She hissed and arched away from the wall as the tails of the whip drew blood. He whipped her again then moved forward to stroke his paw over her bleeding back. She purred and moved back into his paw. He bit her ear roughly.

"Master, more please, please, please!" He slapped her.

"No, Slave. Stay still." He ordered. She obediently leaned against the wall again. His paws came up to stroke her sides gently before he dug his claws into her hips. She moaned involuntarily as she felt blood sliding through her fur. She shivered as she felt something hard brush against her ass. "Tell me what you want, Slave."

"You Master. Only you." He lifted her tail and shoved his cock deep into her ass. She groaned at the sudden dry violation.

"What do you say slave?" he demanded as he thrust into her swiftly.

"Thank you, Master." She gasped. He dug his claws in deeper as he slammed into her ass. "Master, ple-." He slapped her.

"Final warning Slave. Be quiet or I will gag you." Kitten nodded in response. Her Master released one hip to reach between her thighs. As he pinched her clit, she bucked her hips, forcing him deeper into her body. He unchained her front paws and pulled himself out of her body. She whimpered and reached back to pull him back to her.

"Slave. Lengthen your ankle tether." He told her, watching her ass as she bent down to obey. "That's enough." He said when she had enough lease for what he had in mind. "Now I want you to bend over and brace your front paws on the wall." She obeyed without hesitation. "Good Slave." He said as he moved back to her body.

Kitten moved restlessly, wondering what he was doing now. This was new. She moaned when he slid his shaft into her wonderfully wet pussy. She raised herself onto her toes to give the taller fur room to maneuver. He began to thrust slowly, roughly, into her. He bent over her back to bite into her shoulder as he thrust.

She growled as she came, sinking down on him farther. Which made him come.

"Good slave." He said when he had withdrawn from her. She just stood there and panted.

"Thank you Master."

"Your welcome slave." He stroked her back. "You can remove the restraints now." He untied the blindfold. She bent down to unbuckle them. He remained out of her sight as he dug his claws into her upper inner thigh, drawing blood. She moaned as he pulled his claws back out. He hid a grin, as he breathed in the renewed scent of her arousal, by biting the same shoulder viciously. She gasped.

"What would my Master like?" she asked breathily.

"Sixty-nine Slave." She obediently lay back on the floor. He placed his knees at her shoulders as he sucked on the punctures on her thigh. She growled.

"Master, May I mark you?" she asked desperatly.

"Yes Slave. Carefully." She viciously bit into his thigh rather than the thinkness dangling so close to her sharp kittycat fangs, he groaned as her fangs penetrated his thigh. "Enough slave." He ground out. "Enough." She released his thigh obediently and licked his shaft from base to tip repeatedly. His hips twitched as he licked to the center of her white furred body.

She took his cock deep into her muzzle and nibbled. He moaned as he buried his muzzle between her thighs. She arched her back to let his tounge go deeper. He bit at her lower lips, so she sucked roughly in return. He growled and thrust into her muzzle. She let her fangs brush him as he withdrew and thrust into her again.

She scratched over his ass then tounged the slit in the tip of his cock the next time he withdrew. He came in a warm flood, overfilling her muzzle, she greedily swallowed every drop. As he licked and nipped her she came. They gently cleaned each other before he moved off of her.

"Thank you Master." She purred

"Good Slave." He said "You can leave now." At his words a door opened in the wall behind her. She walked through it then stopped for a few seconds and looked around.

"It seems like every time I go through that damned door it comes out somewhere different." She said to herself then she recognized the woods near Bella's house. Kitten followed a small trickle of water that grew until it was a stream. She knew it flowed into a clear pool of water that would provide the privacy she so wanted. She jumped into the tepid, clear, clean water gratefully cleaning the blood from her gorgeous coat until it was once again pristine. Two minutes later, as she was getting out of the water, she heard paws on the bank of the stream. She sank back down in the water as Kyrian came into veiw.

Ky was her Alpha. He was the only one above her in the pack. As a german shepherd he was seen as weak by many pack members but Kitten knew better. He was born to be Alpha. He was perfectly proportioned, she thought as he paused on the bank of what she thought of as her pond.

"Kitten. I didn't expect to find you here." He said as he sat on a boulder.

"I'm sorry Kyrian. Would you like me to leave?"

"No. you can stay. Can I join you?"

"Sure." As soon as she said it he dove into the pool. She swam toward the shore. She was nearly touching the bottom when she felt a slight tug on her tail. She turned as Kyrian surfaced behind her.

"Where are you going Kitten?"

"To dry out in the sun."

"Please don't leave me in here alone. I want to swim. Swim with me?" he asked. Danny, his older brother, was on his way home... Ky didn't want him home.

"Alright." She flicked her tail and, when he let go, dove back to the smooth limestone bottom of the pool. He followed her watching her white coat just in front of his muzzle. He did what felt right for once and nipped her hip gently. She looked back then surfaced.

"Why?" she asked as soon as he surfaced near her.

"Because I wanted to."

"hmmm..." she swam closer. "Do it right." She tilted her head to the side, exposing her neck. He looked at her cautiously.

"Are you sure Kitten?"

"Yes. If you want to bite, then bite." He nipped her gently. "Bite. Bite however you want to. I don't mind the pain." He immediately pierced the flesh. She slowly led him to where she could touch the bottom so they wouldn't drown. He moved to her shoulder and found a bite mark already there. He looked at her in shock.

"What now?" she asked, oblivious.

"Who bit you Kitten?"

"Master did." Kyrian pushed away from her and struck out for the other side of the pond. "Kyrian?" He didn't acknowledge her in any way just dove under the surface. "Fine" she muttered to herself as she swam to the boulder and got out of the water. She threw a rock at his head when he surfaced.


Bella was laying in the sun when Syn, a black fox, walked past her house. He sauntered closer to her when he realized she was outside.

"Hey Bella!" he said excitedly "Watcha doin?"

"Relaxing Syn." She opened one eye, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to the beach, wanna come?"

"Sure why not. Wanna come inside while I pack up some snacks?" she asked as she stood up. When he nodded she led the way inside.

"Would you like anything specific to snack on?" She called over her shoulder.

"No, anything you want to pack is fine with me." The black fox replied. She packed a ton of food and drinks into a deceptively small cooler. As she passed him to grab a blanket from the hall closet he licked her shoulder. She laughed as the packed the blanket. "Okay, let's go." The tabby cat led the way out the door.

As they walked more of the pack joined them until everyone but Danny, Kyrian, and Kitten were there. The fox brushed his furred body against hers affectionatly as he bounced ahead then back to her side. Bouncing was Syn's preferred mode of transportation, it was like he was too full of energy to do anything else.

Bella grinned at his antics as their family and friends conversed, joked, and laughed behind them. She quickly claimed her piece of the sand and spread out the blanket they had grabbed. As she lay down on it Syn bounced up to her, his fur already wet from the surf.

"Do not get my blanket wet Syn. You will regret it if you do." Syn grinned but stayed far enough from her blanket to keep it dry.

"Are you going to come swim?" He asked, watching her settle in with a book in the sun.

"Yeah, in a little bit, okay?"

"Okay." he leaned over her to nuzzle her throat in his usual over-affectionate way before he half-ran back into the water. She laughed at his child-like eagerness then returned to her book and enjoyment of the sun. Less then an hour later she realized she couldn't concentrate on her book so she rose and walked to the edge of the water.

Syn immediatly came to her. "Your coming in?" he asked excitedly. When she nodded he smiled. "Good, sitting in the sun isn't healthy." he stated, surprising her. The fox hardly ever seemed to have real thoughts in his head so everyone tended to forget how smart he really was. Syn smiled to show he knew why she was surprised but didn't hold it against her before he took her hand and tugged her into the warm blue-green water.

She sighed in pleasure as she waded deeper and the water saturated her fur. She tightened her grip on Syn's hand. "I'm sorry Syn, sometimes I forget how intelligent you are. I think it is because you are so simple in some ways, not that that is a bad thing or any excuse to forget that you are smart. I love you the way you are." She kissed his cheek affectionatly, as a sister might. "I wish I had had a brither like you growing up. I am happy that you are my friend." She smiled as she reached the dip in the floor of the ocean where she could swim comfortably and let go of his hand to dive beneath the surface, missing the flash of hurt in his eyes.

He schooled his features back into their normal care-free expression and waited for her to surface before he tugged her out further. "Can we go to the Island?" he asked her.

"Of course. Let's go." She set out at a leisurly pace for the island not too far away but far enough that the children playing in the water couldn't swim to it alone. Syn followed her, matching her pace.
