Good Things Come When Least Expected.

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#19 of The Goddess Files

This is a cojunct to Into The Night Like an Assassin, in the Otterly Sinful Stories. It is not a continuation, but a different point of view to the same story, therefore, will have some of the same "conversations", etc. as that story did.

Eve and Jon-Tom were havinga spat. He was tired of feeling like he was interfering in everyone's lives,and she was insisting that it was his destiny. "Look Eve, I really don't give adamn right now. All I can think of is what things would be like if I had neverbeen yanked over here! I've got blood on my hands, and I've seen things no oneshould have to see." She was learning about anger. She could feel it riseinside her. "But how much bloodshed have you spared so many? How much joy haveyou brought to suffering people? I understand that you're tired. I do not blameyou. But I will not let you falter in the tasks I ask of you. Though Iapologize for the last one. That was truly an accident." She took in a deepbreath. "Perhaps you need to see just what you are meant for, something thatdoes not directly involve any real commitments on your part."He snorted. "What? Somethingthat doesn't involve me going to bed with someone, getting them pregnant, andraising a family, only on a global scale? I have my cubs here that I would liketo enjoy for a while. Is that too much to ask?" Talea and Dari couldn't helpbut overhear. "Hey you two, something going on we should know about?" Neitherof them knew what had been happening in regards to time travel. It was going tobe hard to explain their present argument without going into details.

 "We are discussing themerits of sticking me into situations where I believe I do not belong." Taleapushed the goddess aside and sat on his lap. "Do tell Jon-Tom. From what I knowof things, you've been sticking your neck out for years. Why is it suddenly aproblem?" She was right and he knew it, but he wasn't in the mood to accept herrationale. "Would you believe me Talea, if I told you I just got back from alittle time traveling episode? One in which I figured I was going to make up tosomeone and zip back here. Turns out "making up" took a few decades!" Heavoided telling her about the time misstep he had on Earth. She eithercompletely believed him or felt he was exaggerating. "Really? You don't look aday older than when I saw you last; yesterday. You have power and a conscience,and Eve has knowledge of events as they have transpired. If she feels thatyou're to be part of these events, why do you argue? Never mind, you argue becauseyou're you. So who was this lucky gal? I assume it was a gal?"He grabbed her ribs andtickled until she had enough. "You'll not like it if I tell you." She in turngrabbed his earlobes in her fingernails and pinched. In his regular form hewould have yelped. Now, it was nothing. He missed being normal. "Wurreel."Talea slid off his lap. "Wurreel? Wurreel..." Then her eyes brightened. "Oh,the

she-wolf from the hall! My, that was a long time ago. She was the cause ofus needing to make a hasty retreat if I recall properly." He corrected her."No, I was the reason. I was pretty xenophobic back then." She ran her pawsover his crotch. "Yes you were, but I recall you had no problems with me!" NowEve stepped in. "Jon-Tom, what's she talking about? You two didn't pair upuntil much later!"

 He made an ugly face atTalea. "You had to bring that up, didn't you?" The poor girl was flabbergasted."What, now suddenly you remember the incident?" Eve was getting impatient."What are you two going on about?" Talea sat up on his lap again. "The secondnight after we left the hall, the three of us, myself, Jon-Tom and Mudge werecamping in the woods. This fool had a strange change in his demeanor. Allevening he had been looking at me like I was a queen. He even sang me a song ortwo. His voice wasn't that great, but the effort was appreciated. Mudge got fedup with him and stomped off. That left just the two of us."Eve pushed Talea off andgrabbed him by his lapels. "You didn't!" He looked sheepish. He looked from thegoddess to Talea. "That wasn't me at the time. It was me!" She knit her brows.Then his meaning dawned on her. "Oh ho! That's why you denied the whole thingafterward. I figured you for the usual lying knave I'd come to expect. I mighthave settled down right then and there until you pulled that bit." Eve was pissed. "Jon-Tom,all this time you worry about the time line, and then you go and screw yourwife years before it was supposed to happen? And you call me reckless!" He drewin a breath and sighed. "Talea told me about that incident many times, and notonce did I ever remember it. I remembered the "nightmares" Iwas having,but not having sex with her. I figured at the time I was just losing my mind,and we let the matter drop. Mudge agreed that I was at least half nuts anyway.When I found myself back in my body, I knew what had happened. It wasn't like Ididn't what to, and since she had insisted we had, I did it." He cupped Talea'schin. "I would have proposed in an instant, but I had other obligations tocarry out. It seems it was the correct action on my part. But I was verytempted to leave my other self behind."

 Talea kissed him. "You knowspell-singer, you're one of a kind. I'm rather glad of that, for if there weretwo of you, I don't think the universe would survive! All this time I thoughtyou had lied to me, and come now to find out you only just now screwed me backthen. And boy, what a cock you had! I wasn't sure I'd ever want a man's pieceof meat in me after my wonderful childhood, but you turned my insides to jelly!Of course, you still do. But I couldn't get you out of my head after that!"Eve was listening andcalculating in her head. This was something she had missed, something that hadhappened regardless of her involvement. Well, no, not really. She had broughthim back to save Orath, and he had done it, and more. She had not expected himto stay with her until the end. But then, she had concentrated on the battle,not what had transpired afterward. "So you're telling me that it happened justas it was supposed to?" Jon-Tom shrugged. "Hey, I don't make the rules, I justbend them. And so do you, as I see it. So why should we stop now? Talea hasmade it clear that if I refrain from doing these missions, bad things mayhappen. But I still have reservations about this." Talea kissed him. "Of courseyou do. That's why you're perfect for the job! Anyone else wouldn't give a damnand muck the whole thing up!"

 So it was settled. Jon-Tomgave Talea and Dari, and all the white lionesses presently in the palace a hugand a goodbye kiss. To them, he hadn't been away, so they were confused. Mostof them were not yet aware of his inter-temporal travels. When he found Eve,she was standing there pretty in an assassins' guild uniform. She was quite thefetching ferret. He changed to match her. She looked him up and down. "Hmmm.You're looking pretty good over there mister. I think we'll need to try theseout during our off times." He flexed his muscles and twisted his body. "I cansee why Mudge was so flexible. These types of bodies are built for it."Eve coughed into her paw."Um, funny you should mention your old friend. This next "mission", as you sofondly call them, is to do something nice for him." That got his attention."You realize that Mudge isn't stupid. He'll catch on real quick-like toanything involving me. He has this uncanny knack for sniffing out danger." Thegoddess chuckled. "First of all, I hardly think you'll be putting him indanger. Second of all, he won't catch on that it's you because you two will nothave met yet. We will be going back before you came here." He scratched hishead. "Is that even possible?" She chuckled with glee. "Yes, it is, since we'regoing back along my own timeline. I could take you back thousands of years ifyou would like, and there exists the possibility that we will need to do that.But for now, I'm cleaning up the more recent stretches of time."

 He bowed and made a wave ofhis hand. "Well my lady goddess, where are we off to now? To save Mudge fromsome awful cannibalistic tribe? Or perhaps saving his neck from a noose?" Shepursed her lips. "We are going to save him from himself, and in the end, givehim a much deserved

reward. And the only person you need worry about beddingwill be me!" She grabbed his paw and boom, they were somewhere else. It wasearly evening, and the ground under his feet was dressed stone. A city then.The sign swinging in the breeze above his head told him it belonged to atavern. Since Mudge was involved, that made sense. "The Bucket of Blood; nicename!" Eve whispered in his ear. "It's not as bad as it sounds. They brew a redale that's pretty hearty stuff. They only sell it by the pail-full, hence thename." They went inside and took aseat. Just for fun they ordered the house specialty. The barkeep looked themover. "You sure you two can handle da bucket. I usually sell it ta four ormore. I ain't no fan of kicking out paying customers, but the red has a bite toit." Eve flipped him a couple of coins. "Don't worry about us. If you like,we'll buy a room too, just in case we can't find our legs when we're done." Thebarkeep was in agreement. " Aye lass, if that's the way you want it, so be it!"The bucket was brought out, as was a ladle and two mugs.

 Jon-Tom found he actuallyliked the stuff. Too bad he wasn't going to get the expected buzz. Eve was abit daintier, sipping hers in measure swallows. "Don't finish it too quickly,"she chided him. "I'm not certain when he's going to show up." Just then anotter walked in. Jon-Tom's heart skipped a beat. This was in the past allright. Mudge was a lot younger, but still distinctive in his appearance. He hadon his hat, complete with his treasured green feather and his paw was on hissword. He didn't even once look around the room, but bellied up to the bar anddemanded a drink."Your friend is hardly agentleman!" whispered Eve. He retorted, "No, but you knew that already. Why arewe here?" he asked. She shushed him. "We're here having a beer. But before heleaves, so must we." They sat and talked for an hour, carefully watching Mudgeand the room. The only one there that seemed dangerous was the royal guard, arough looking puma in full colors. Eve motioned for Jon-Tom to notice him."That's who we need to handle for tonight, though I think if we left mattersalone they would work out, just not the proper way." He rolled his eyes.

 At one point the otterturned on his stool and surveyed the room. His eyes were bleary from the booze,but his look lingered on their table for a few moments. Jon-Tom figured thatthey had been made. Eve pressed her paw onto his. "Relax. He doesn't even knowyou exist. I actually think he's sizing me up for bedroom duty." She giggled."He might be a lot of fun. Do you think I should give him a whirl?" Jon-Tomdidn't have the heart to tell her he didn't care. Then

again, she liked teasinghim. "Why not? If you perform a few changes while under him, it might sober himup for the rest of his life!" Eve pinched him. "The answer was supposed to beno!" He grabbed her butt. "Hey, equal rights - equal time. Don't let me stopyou!"The otter went to stand andleave, grabbing the bar for support. Eve grabbed Jon-Tom's paw and the nextinstant they were out on the darkened street a few doors down from the tavern."We need to move fast. You go up there," she said, pointing to the ledge abovetheir heads, and I'll appear when I need to. Just keep an eye on your friend."She barely had the words out of her mouth when the drunken otter stumbled outin the street. He was listing badly, and was running into boxes and barrels andwhatever else got into his way. He was cursing and yelling and apologizing allin the same breath. Thankfully, he never looked up even once. He did turn whenthe tavern door opened. He watched the big cat turn and head the otherdirection. He failed to notice when he turned around. The puma took severalquiet leaps and snagged Mudge from behind.

 "So you little water rat! Ithink that I'll relieve you of your purse. Call it a collection for the poor;poor me!" The otter started struggling, but despite this the cat had him in anunbreakable grip. The puma's ear caught a small voice coming from the shadows."Drop him!" The big tawny cat hesitated right up until he felt a dagger pointin his lower ribs. He dropped Mudge. In the next instant he turned and slicedthrough the air with his own weapon. There was no one there. Just out of hisreach was a ferret. She was smiling at him in a condescending way. When shespoke it was equally mocking. "I say, you are a stupid one, aren't you?" He wastoo pissed to be prudent. With a growl he went to lurch at her. In hisdistraction he failed to notice the quarterstaff coming down at his head fromabove. His sword fell, followed by the rest of him. The other ferret droppedfrom his perch and examined his work. "Good night my friend. When you wake up,may your head feel like a split pumpkin!"The drunk otter had gatheredhimself up with his sword drawn, pointing it back and forth between thenewcomers. " 'ere now! What's up with you two? I'd thank ya if I knew what youwere about." The lady looked at the fellow and shrugged. "We were leaving thebar and saw what was happening. If you would like, we can hold you down untilthis snoring feline awakens, and allow you two to resume where we interrupted."The otter looked down at the puma and back to them. "I ain't meaning nodisrespect, for I kinda value me own skin. But what's your game? Ain't no onehelping no one in this world unless

there's somethin in it for themselves." Thelady ferret put her dagger away and planted herself in his way. "You're right.My price for saving you is way higher than you'll ever want to pay." He blinkedhis bleary eyes. He couldn't help but notice that up close, she was even cuter."Look 'ere girlie, I've only got so much money. Seems to me there's no point ingiving it to you, even if you did save me skin. It could 'ave just handed itover to big and stupid 'ere."

 The lady ferret had thetemerity to get in his face. "I don't want your money. I don't have any use foryour money. What I want from you is to pay it forward." He blinked. "What the'ell does that mean?" She lunged for him, grabbing his collar. He was going toprotest, but it did help keep him steady on his feet.. "It means that at somepoint in time, you'll do something good for someone for no reason whatsoever.It means that you'll take no money, or goods, or services. You help and youleave. Period." He considered it for amoment before laughing. "Like 'ell I will. No one 'as ever done nothin for oleMudge!" She had her dagger out and sticking in his guts. Any harder and he'dhave a hole for his booze to leak out. "Think again otter. We just did. And Ibelieve an old friend of yours gave you the money, no strings attached; moneyyou've been so very free with. So I tell you again, pay it forward!" The daggerwas withdrawn and the ferrets faded into the night. The otter patted himselfdown, found he still had his coin, and proceeded to the whorehouse.

 Back in the tavern sat twoquiet ferrets. No one had even noted their departure or their re-appearance.Eve was all grins and happiness, but Jon-Tom was still wondering. She motionedto the barkeep. "I say my fine fellow, could we have another bucket? This oneseems to be drained." The "fellow" did as he was told, but not before givingthem hard looks. "Look here you two, there's no point in drinking my best brewif all you're going to do is dip your finger and waste the effect." After hewalked away, Jon-Tom arched his brows. "Dip my finger?" Eve chuckled. "You canask the next person we'll be involved with. She can answer that."After finishing the secondbucket, which brought a roomful of stares, the couple retreated to their room."There's no rush for now. Your friend will be fine by morning, and likelyscrewing some local girl or whore. Since it doesn't sound like a bad way tospend the night, what say you and I get it on?" Eve the ferret suddenly madeher assassins' garb vanish. He did the same, but in a twist returned to hishuman self. "Look Eve, I like change to, but I don't dwell on it as much as youdo." She grabbed his

cock. "That's because you're already jaded by a wife whocould become anything you could dream of. I haven't gotten my fill." Then shelicked what she was holding. "Of course, if you fill up this body with this, itmight just hold me for the night!"

 He picked her up and threwher on the bed. It dawned on him that with him as a human, and she as a ferret,it was eerily reminiscent of when Roseroar had turned into an otter. He thoughtfor certain then that he was going to break her. A cock his size in an animalher size didn't seem like a possibility. Now he could adjust, something hewould have liked to have had back then. A ferret was smaller and of a lighterbuild than an otter. He knew damn well his regular cock would split such acreature side open. He dropped it down and growled at Eve. "Let me do the work,if you think you can leave well enough alone!"She wiggled on the bed. "I'mall yours. Do what you will!" She slid in next to her and started simplyenough. He stroked her fur, from her head to the tip of her tail. He thenstarted back up, rubbing his thumb across her anus and sliding a finger fromhis other hand into her cunt. She let out a moan. He spit on his thumb andworked it in, stretching her sphincter to accept it. Her muscles clamped aroundhis probing digit. His other finger wiggled and worked its way into her now wettunnel, until it was in as far as he had length. He pressed finger to thumb andmassaged her insides between their tips. She was squirming in no time. Hepulled out his fingers and went to work with his tongue. Her hips came off thebed.

 He modified his tongue justas he had done for his daughters, shaping it more like a thick rope. This ranup into her cunt until it reached the end. From there it curled around, likingher insides like they were the tastiest thing on the planet. When she came, itwas with the full force her furry little body could muster. He withdrew histongue and climbed on top of her. He started small, working in his tip withmore care than she would have liked. He worked it in a teasing manner, a litlebit in and then a little bit out. It took him a full five minutes to sink it incompletely. He then pushed his power into her, flooding her with a warmth andglow unlike anything he had done before.Her eyes opened wide and shelet a small gurgle out of her throat. The sound was extended to a drawn outgasp as he re-sized himself to fit in tight. She was beginning to understandthe concept of giving birth. It might come in handy when she felt she had thetime to devote to having their child. For now however, she was all selfishness.It felt wonderful and she didn't want it to stop. He began slowly, but after afew moments he was working his cock like a pile driver. All the while he waspushing in an extra bit of pleasure. All at once it felt like her entire bodytightened around his meat. Her scream was ear splitting. When she was done, shefell into a heap. Jon-Tom looked down disgustedly. "What? You're done already?I was just getting started!"

 She woke up to the feelingof being reamed. It took her a few blinks to clear the haze out of her eyes. Hewas in her ass! She squeezed her sphincter muscles, and in return, he pounded alittle harder. Again he was cheating, pumping in a little extra pleasure intoher nerve endings. This time he came first, blowing a load inside that bulgedher belly. Her own orgasm tightened her up again, pushing some of his fluidsout around the base of his cock, where it was wedged up against her ass. Thistime she was out for the night. She had very sweet dreams.The next morning he returnedto being a ferret. She insisted on a change of attire for the next leg of theirmission, before shifting them from one town to another. Again they were infront of an inn/tavern. "So my fine meddling goddess, who are we saving today?"She opened the door. "Another old friend of yours." Jon-Tom looked around theroom. There were seven in there, and he didn't recognize a single one. "Isuppose this someone is someone I haven't met yet?" She rubbed his butt andthen pinched it. "Oh, you've met her alright. It's more like she hasn't metyou." He looked again. There was no one here he knew, not even close. Evepulled him forward to a table occupied by three ladies. There was a lemur, amacaque and a spider monkey. They looked like a harmless lot. That is, until hesaw the daggers. Assassins!

 Eve stepped up and spoke tothe group. "I usually don't interfere with anyone's personal business, but inthis case I must. I need to speak to Moria alone, if she'll consent." Thespider monkey stood, her hand on her weapon. "I answer to that name. But Idon't know you, and you shouldn't know me. So what business do I have with youthat doesn't involve me running a dagger in your throat?" Eve leaned right intothe table. "An otter." All three stood up, their daggers out. Eve didn't flinch."Calm down. I thought you might like to know he'll be here soon. I am aware ofyour commissions. I do not intend to interfere with your duties. But I wouldlike to make a proposal to Moria if I could."The lemur and the macaquelooked to the third for advice. "Go on, beat it for now girls. I'll be here inthe open. Besides, this fool isn't even packing a blade!" Moria motioned forthe ferret to sit. "And tell your friend to sit too. He makes me nervous theway he hangs on the

air." Jon-Tom pulled a seat and dropped into it. There wasawkward silence. The monkey finally lost her patience. "Look you two funnyfurballs; what about the otter? And how the hell did you know about us or wherewe'd be?" Eve calmly pulled out a duplicate of the parchments that Loriaherself had sent out. "I got one too. Funny how that works."

 Moria tore it from her graspand read it, turning it over and over. "I don't know what the hell is going on,but if you're here to harm the otter, I'll slit your throat right here inpublic!" Eve pulled the paper from her hands. "The otter is not why I'm here.I'm here because you love him. You would prefer to settle down with him andhave a family and a normal life. After living for over a century withoutchildren, you deserve as much. But you can't have it with him, not now. Youknow this, and still you pursue it. There is no fool like a fool...." "...inlove," were the words Moria croaked out. She had tears down her face. "Who thehell are you?"Eve put out her hand andtouched one finger to the back of Moria's paw. The monkey lit up like a candle,her eyes aglow. When Eve pulled back, the former assassin looked more alivethan ever. She slid off the chair and got on her hands and knees. "Oh pleaseforgive me, please forgive me!" Eve hushed her quietly. "Get up daughter. I'mnot here to judge you or punish you. On the contrary, I hope to be able toreward you." Moria stood and reseated herself. "I don't deserve a reward. Ideserve death." "Deserve death? I think not! You gave plenty of creatures justwhat was coming to them, all the time forgoing that which you deserved. Youfinally found it in this otter. But your soul is too tainted with the troubleyou have seen and the death you have experienced. For you to be truly happy,you do need to die. Only then can you have what you deserve."

 The monkey sat there, tornbetween pulling her hair out and screaming and quietly going mad. She couldn'tmanage to do either. "I would die for Mudge. I tried to die for him, so that Iwould never endanger him anymore. All I got was this," She said, indicating herpresent form, "and what do you call this?" Eve smiled. "I call it a secondchance. Would you be willing to trust me enough if I say that we can make yourhappiness come true? I mean, it's not guaranteed, but we can give you thechance to make it happen. My acquaintance here can attest to the fact thatyou'll meet up with his friend in the future."Moria narrowed her eyes atthe other ferret. "Friend? I don't remember Mudge mentioning a ferret." Jon-Tomhad to think fast. "And I don't recall him ever mentioning a lovely spidermonkey named Moria, much less one

over a hundred years old. Care to explainthat?" The monkey shrugged. "No, but then, maybe he called me by a differentname." Eve snapped him in the ear with her fingers. "This wonderful lady isnone other than the notorious assassin Mordoi the Brute. That is, she was untilshe had an errant spell removed by a wizard of your association." Jon-Tom'seyes narrowed. "You can only mean Clothahump. What kind of spell?" Eve snappedhim again. "Immortality, what else?"

 He sat up straighter. "Iknow the old turtle well enough to know that if such a spell were possible, hewould have used it on himself!" The monkey cracked her knuckles in nervousness."Not like the spell he laid on me. Besides, it was an accident. It was nevermeant to be. I doubt he could have duplicated again if he tried. And trust me,being immortal isn't all it's cracked up to be." Jon-Tom snorted. "I'm findingthat out." Eve snapped him again.Moria was now hooked. "OK,so I get a second or maybe third chance. What do I need to do?" "Nothing." wasEve's cryptic answer. "Nothing? No one does anything for nothing in thisworld," cried the monkey. "Yes, so I heard Mudge say just recently." Moria wasstanding again. "You saw him? Where is he?" Eve calmed her down. "He's on hisway here. You will have your bit of fun with him, and then you will come withus. There is no precise time you need to be ready, but the longer you waithere, the harder it will be to do that which you must do." The monkey sat backdown. "I'm not certain about this. What can you really offer me that I can'tget now?" Eve and her ferret fellow answered at the same time. "A family."

 Moria decided she hadnothing to lose. Still, she wanted to know more, but they held off on givingher the details until they left. She wanted to know where she would be going.Eve was evasive with that as well. "We'll just call it the edge of time. Youcan step from one reality to the next with hardly a blink of an eye." It wasgood enough for her. She met up with the otter, just like this ferret hadpredicted, and the week went by quickly. Then came the few days to follow; fartoo few in her opinion. She waited until the others left before making hermove. It started with a bottle. She always had some of the best hidden away inthe places she owned. And she owned this one.Mudge's eyes widened when hesaw the bottle of Lythgoria brandy. He was excited over the fact that thislittle hole in the wall tavern had the world's best tucked away in its darkestrecesses. He was even more excited by going to bed with this gal, who remindedhim vaguely of his lost love. The only difference was that this girl waslovely, whereas Brute had been

war torn from her life experiences. This Moriawas a dream come true. She screwed him silly, and then screw him back tonormal, and then back to silly again. He was exceedingly happy to have met heracquaintance, he was, and hoped to keep up a friendship with her for a while.

 Several days later she madeher announcement. "Mudge, I need to be going. I have been told to pack." Heglanced about the premises. "By who. Ain't no one 'ere!" She sighed. "They willbe here tonight I believe. It is also my understanding that you have alreadymet them." That didn't tell him much. "Well, let's see, there's Litra, andGherty, and Borik, and..." She stopped him. "Who is all of that?" He stoppedand turned to her. "Thems the beginning of everyone I know. You needs to bemore specific than that." She pinched his butt. "A couple of ferrets?" "Oi! Not those pain in thebacksides! I can't say nothin bad, cause they did save me skin, but I wouldn'ttrust them an inch." She let her fingers travel to his crotch. "Well I trustthem. They've made me an offer I've decided I'd be a fool to pass up. It'lleventually get me the only thing in the world that I want anymore. If I pass itup, I know that I'll be sad for the rest of my days." He got a serious look onhis face. "You mean you'll take two strangers at their word? You're a biggerfool than I took you for." She smiled thinly. "Yes, I suppose so. They say thebiggest fool is a fool in love. I now understand what that means. I will beplacing my life into someone's, a complete stranger's hands. The funny thingis, this fellow ferret seems to know a lot about me. If I didn't know better, Iwould say he was some friend of yours by the way he acts."

 Mudge crossed himself. "Iain't no relation to no ferret, not even on me mother's auntie's side. And ifthis fellow is the same one I saw, I ain't making no excuses for his actions. Ithink both of them are nuts." "Perhaps," she said, uncertain of herself. "I'llagree that they are an odd couple, but I'm going to stake my future on whatthey're offering." He cracked his knuckles. "Well, if you've decided, then whatelse is there to do?" She grabbed his cock. "I'd say make the best of what timewe have left. I've got a hankering for something naughty." She showed himeverything she had, from her nimble fingers to her tight ass. She wasunrelenting, hardly giving him time to catch his breath. Only when he fellasleep, completely exhausted, did she sit down to write him a letter. She feltlike a fool, not being able to tell him the truth. Maybe she shouldn't evenbother, but she did anyway. It may not make him feel any better, but it didher. It went like this. "Dear Mudge.

I wanted to tell you inperson, but I found I lacked the courage to do so. I had hoped you'd put two andtwo together, but I guess that was asking for too much. All my life I relied onbrute strength to see me through, so subtly is not my specialty. I am who Isaid I was, Moria of the House of Doichel. I combined my names a long time agoto Mordoi. What you saw and experienced for the past week was me, Brute, beforelife took its toll. That wonderfully stupid wizard removed the spell in theonly way he knew how. He literally rolled back the years. He didn't kill meMudge, as much as I wished he would have. But he did kill the assassin. He didme the favor of spreading that half-truth, for I refuse to kill another beingfor as long as I live unless my own life is in danger. I am going to a placewhere I can step off this world, catch my breath and then step back again andfind love. I have been told my partner is out there somewhere, just waiting forme to find him. If its true, then my entire miserable life will finally havemeaning. I hope that when the time comes, the fates grant you luck in findingan otter lady you can love. It's everything your heart deserves. I only hopethat I find someone as special to me as you have been.

 SincerelyMoria of the House ofDoichel.The only thing she did thatshe thought she might regret was enclosing her packet of cactus powder. Shefigured that if the breaking of his heart was too much, he could always stopits beating. She hoped he would choose otherwise.The two ferrets came forher. They were dressed this time like official guild assassins. If they meantto kill her, then so be it. If she couldn't have Mudge, she didn't want anyone,so why live? The female discerned her thoughts. "My lady Moria, you havenothing to fear and everything to gain. Come with us." The monkey held out herpaw. She was suddenly sick to her stomach and suffering from vertigo. Her eyesblurred and her head swam. The tavern was gone. In its place was a beautifulexpanse of grasslands. As her body adjusted to being torn through time, sheswung her gaze from side to side. Behind her in the distance rose a magnificentpalace. In the forefront were two lovely terrors. The lady ferret was no more.Instead there stood a white lioness, and next to her a male lion with a mane ofpurest snow. "Welcome to the Highlands of Sorenthu, aptly called "hidden", forfew find their way here."

 "Who are you? I mean, I getthat you're the goddess of all there is, though I never believed you existedbefore now. But who is this, this; male?" The lion turn in the spot in which hewas standing to become a

human. He bowed. "I am honored to meet the Brute. Asassassins go, you developed quite the legendary history. Tales of your killsmade it even to my ears, but few of them from Mudge's mouth. Certainly theynever said you were beautiful to boot." His words stunned her. He thought shewas beautiful? "Look man, I need to know how you know Mudge. He doesn't makemany friends." He pulled her towards the palace. "I'll tell you everything youwant to know, on one condition." She was immediately wary. "And what's that." "You must promise me nowthat you truly love him. If you are to be who I hope you would like to be, youwill have to undergo such a change as you would never believe it possible. Youwill have to leave your old life behind." She grunted. "My old life? There'snothing much good to remember there, just my Mudge. I'd give it up for a chancewith him." Jon-Tom put hand on her shoulder. "Then that's all that matters. Atthis point, it's all but done." They walked in silence the rst of the way tothe palace.

 Moria's eye's got evenlarger. The place was filled with lionesses and cubs. Her eyes nearly popped outof her head when the cubs stormed them. Three jumped on her. "Hey! What kind oflion are you?" She pushed them off and sat up. "I'm no lion, child, I'm amonkey." The cub tilted his head. "Monkey? What's that?" Moria was beginning tochuckle. "Me!" she explained. "Oh. OK lady. I've got to say hi to my pa!" Thecub ran up to the human, who was now a lion again." "Hi papa!" His little voicewas being drowned out by the mass of cubs surrounding the two. He finallybellowed. The lion scooped him up. "Hello Tolstoy. That's quite a roar you'redeveloping there!" The cub was pleased and rubbed his head under his father'schin. Moria felt a pang in herheart. She had never ever considered having an infant. Not only would carryinga child make her job impossible, it wouldn't have been fair once it was born.That was assuming that she could even get pregnant. She had taken some roughhits to the lower belly during her career. Now here was this fellow, apparentlya human, who had...; her eyes scanned the premises, at least sixty four cubs.The lady lioness came up behind her, leastwise she assumed it was theferret-turned-lioness. "He has over two hundred lion cubs, plus a few multi-sexuallynx pups. And that's just here. He has other children too. He really is quitetalented." Moria turned and stared into her deep blue eyes. "Are you saying hecan give me children too?"

 The lioness stifled a grin."Yes he could, but it wouldn't get you what you really want. Wait, I take thatback. He probably could give you love too, but it would deny Mudge

thehappiness he deserves." The monkey watched the cubs before speaking. "So whatdo I have to do? Is this human going to somehow make my body compatible to the otters?Apparently he has no trouble crossing the species line." Eve smiled warmly."Yes, something like that."The male lion overheard,despite the raucous cubs, and walked to where they were standing. He did alittle bow. When he was bent over, he was eye to eye with her. "You know Moria,this is the first that I learned about your past history. Mudge never did talkmuch about his early years, not in-depth anyway. To think that his true lovewould come back to haunt him, if you'll pardon the expression, is almostcomedic on a cosmic scale." The monkey was watching him carefully. "So, why isit you have such power and know Mudge, yet he never once talked about you?" Heput a big paw on her shoulder. "Because Moria, Mudge and I didn't meet untilwell after you "died" at Clothahump's tree. I'm not from your time. In fact,this time in which we presently exist is many decades in your future. We justskipped by them in a blink of the eye."

 The monkey choked on her ownsaliva. "Then why did you bring me here? Mudge must be old, if not dead!" Thelion pulled her towards the door. "Let's walk again." They went out into thesunshine and were silent for a few hundred yards. In the middle of ambulatingthe lion changed again into his human self. "Look Moria, from this point, Evecan take us back to any other point along her timeline. This is what we intendto do with you. I know where Mudge will be when he meets his love. It shockedthe hell out of me that he could admit to such emotion. Of course, she was ofthe correct species. The trip turned a little rough, but in the end, we allcame out fine. Mudge married his love and they went on to have many kids." Forsome reason she felt queasy.She looked him straight inthe face. Then she choked again. She was looking him straight in the face!Looking down, she saw she had big white paws. "What did you do to me?" Hechuckled good-naturedly. "I transformed you to something more fitting for yourstay here. If you don't like it, I can change to anything else you might whatto be." She grabbed herself, touching this new body all over. "What about anotter?" He grinned some more. "Precisely what I had in mind!" He touched her,and she shrank back down, her long limbs shortening and her fur growing shorterand sleeker. In a few seconds there stood a lovely little otter girl. The lionshook his head. "I never would have believed it."

 "What? What's wrong withme?" He gently patted her back. "Absolutely nothing. I'll bet I just learnedsomething about

you that I would have never guessed, but I want to see ifsomeone else recognizes you." "Recognize me? I don't know a single being here,except for you and the goddess; heck I don't even know your name!" He bowed. "Iam Jonathon Thomas Merriweather, or Jon-Tom for short. And we have met, in thepast, yet in your future. And I was never so glad you came along as when youdid." She scratched her head andlooked up at him. He was a lion again. "Jon-Tom? I've never heard of you.Should I have?" He shook his head. "No. But understand that I do know you, butsadly, you'll never know it. Before I can send you back to be with Mudge, I'mgoing to have to wipe your memory." She began to protest. "But then how willI..." He intercepted her question. "You won't know. They only thing I'm goingto be able to do is to allow you to keep your love for him. Your entireprevious life will have to be erased. If he found out about all of this, hewould freak out. But I know that he will fall in love with you; I know becauseI was there."

 They had made it back in thepalace. Cubs were running everywhere. One Moria recognized as Tolstoy camebounding over and knocked her down again. "Hey, it's another silly lookinglion!" Jon-Tom pulled him off. "Tolstoy, go to your mother for now. papa hasbusiness." The cub did an about face and tackled one of his half sisters, whoyelp and bit his tail. Jon-Tom directed her to a group of lionesses. "HeyTalea!" he called. One lioness turned and had her jaw drop. "Dearest, what isWeeGee doing here?" The otter stalled in her advance. "How did you know mychildhood nickname?" She came up and put her hand on her husband's shoulder andchanged. The lioness morphed into a human girl, red of hair and with a lovelysmile."Really? WeeGee is whateveryone calls you. I never figured that no good little low down water ratwould ever settle down, but you managed to hook him!" Moria sat down hard - onthe marble floor. "I don't know you!" The girl sat down with her and looked upat the human male. "Jon-Tom darling, what's going on? Is this WeeGee or not?"He sat down too. "This is Moria of the House of Doichel. You might remember herbetter as Mordoi the Brute." Talea looked at the otter with sharp eye."Husband, under my first claim to the right of the title of your wife, pleasetell me what the hell is going on? The Brute was a hacked up, undead killer whowas finally laid to rest decades ago. This is our friend, who is an otter. Hername is WeeGee."

 Moria started crying. "No,my childhood nickname was "wee gee", my father's abbreviation for little girl.I was Brute for over a century until the spell that held its sway over me

wasremoved." Jon-Tom added a bit more information. "Believe it or not, it was byour old friend Clothahump." Moria sniffed and continued. "So you say that youknow me as WeeGee? When did Mudge and I meet?" Jon-Tom held up a paw andanswered that. "As soon as you're ready. There's no rush. It might be good foryou to hang out here and relax for a while. I think it would be nice for you totalk with Talea, for she and I are the only ones who know you as an otter.Sadly, I can't let you keep any of these memories, but I will give you a newbackground history. Trust me; no one will ever question it. When Mudge meetsyou on that boat, you literally knock his socks off."Moria had tears running downher face. "Why would you do this for me? I don't deserve such effort on mybehalf." Jon-Tom pulled her up. "I don't know enough about you to determinethat. Eve says you deserve this and more. But I know that if I don't do this,my friend will never have a chance at happiness like he got with his ladyotter. It seems that you are WeeGee, or rather, you will be. I will not standby and let his happiness slip through my fingers. If you would like to live onemore time, and have the things you missed the first time around, now's the timeto do it." She chose wisely. "Done!"