Yet Another Anubis Story

Story by gobblegobble on SoFurry

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I've never wrote anything like this before. I never thought I write something like this. But here we are. It is generic smut, light on story and just about everything else that isn't grossly indecent. Most of the ideas are ripped wholesale from other stories that I found sexy, but I wasn't going for originality here. Nor was I going for realism, as you will probably notice. Any feedback, particularly on style and flow, would be great, as I am a novice to writing in general.

If you are under eighteen, you shouldn't read this... but are probably going to anyway. I know I would have. Enjoy.

Edit: I just fixed an embarrassing number of typos and awkward sentences. Note to self: proofread more than once next time. If you see any more, feel free to point them out.

The online print-out of the website he had discovered and printed earlier that day was titled: "Summon Your Own Deity!" Luke was sceptical, of course, but in his twenty years of life he was never one to pass up an opportunity like this. The document was 20-pages long, most of it consisting of disclaimers and fine print, and as curious as Luke was, he was also very impatient. After he had gotten home to his one-bedroom apartment from the public library, Luke cleared a space in the center of his room and started following the instructions. While he was required to engrave a large circle on his floor, he didn't think it would make a difference if he just made a circle out of some rope. Nor did he have all of the material required for divine invocation: things like newt's eyes and rat's tails are quite challenging to find in today's supermarkets, and Luke had to make do with various household ingredients. After lighting a few candles and dimming the lights, he stood on the outside of the circle and began his chant. He felt like a bit of an idiot as he intoned the long prayer as indicated on the sheet. It was long enough that he had to stop for breath a few times. As he approached the last lines he was starting to realize how absurd all of this was, and he was ready to just put all of this away, go to sleep, and pretend this never happened. He finished the last sentence. The room was silent. It was just him and a bunch of stupid candles.

Just as he was ready to start putting all of this away, he noticed a flickering in one of the candles. First one, and then another, until all of the flames were flickering chaotically. He heard a faint hissing noise. The floor started to rattle as the hissing got louder. With a loud poof, a burst of smoke emanated from the center of the circle. Luke was taken aback and retreated a few steps backwards as he watched the shroud of smoke that had by this point filled his room.

As the smoke thinned he saw the outline of a towering black figure. Two glowing red eyes stared down at him, and in the dim light he started to see the man--or whatever it was, it certainly wasn't human--more clearly. It stood maybe a foot taller than him, weighed maybe twice as much, had the head of a jackal, was completely covered in a short black fur, and perhaps most unnerving to Luke at the moment, was completely naked. Luke's eyes couldn't help but wander, and he couldn't help being impressed--and terrified--at what he saw. Before him was a creature with the body of a god, so to speak; sleek muscles adorned its body from head to toe. It had a regal stance, and every part of its body seemed to confirm the fact that this was actually some deity. Luke's eyes stopped when they came to the creature's package. He had never seen anything like it before. It was easily the largest pair of balls he had ever laid eyes on, and above that was what looked like a sheath that barely seemed able to contain itself. He could see the faintest glimpse of red poking through the slit at the top.

"Ahem." A booming voice sounded.

It took Luke a second to realize that he was staring, and he quickly looked up to the creature's face.

"W-w-who are you?" was all Luke could muster.

"You mortals ask the most trivial questions."

"Wha-... Huh?..." Luke said, as the impassive creature took a step toward him.

"I have answers to all the questions in the universe and all you mortals can ever think to ask when I appear is nonsense like this." The creature did not look impressed.

"Well, uh, I just figured..."

"Very well, I am Anubis, god of the afterlife. Does that satisfy you? And what, exactly, is it that you want?"

"I uh-... I thought... Aren't I supposed to get a wish?"

"Oh dear, not this nonsense again."


"Every hundred years I am rudely interrupted by people like you expecting me to grovel before them and fulfill whatever petty desires they want. Whatever happened to all the worship and sacrifices I used to receive? It is all so self-centered. You never stop and think that maybe the divine forces of the universe do not want to do your bidding!"

Luke stood silent, by this time leaning against his bedroom wall. The god continued to work itself into a rage and was snarling and yelling. Luke had by now gone from uncomfortable to completely terrified. If he didn't pacify Anubis he feared something bad would happen.

"I didn't think... Here," Luke shyly tried to hand the print-out to Anubis. "Maybe I went wrong somewhere."

Anubis swiped the papers from his hand, and Luke watched them fall to the floor. The god took another step forward, bridging the gap between them. Luke could smell a strong musk. The air in the room suddenly got a lot more stifling.

Luke was frozen with fear, and he couldn't run away even if he wanted to. Anubis glared at him. Staring the beast in the eye was uncomfortable and his eyes automatically tried to look away. His downward gaze was met with the sight of the god's impressive package, which was probably worse. He shut his eyes, and the room was silent besides the beat of his heart and the breathing of Anubis. Luke desperately hoped he was dreaming and would wake up shortly.

"I think I have just the thing for you." The deep voice said.

He felt warmth and weight of the god's hand against his face and shivered. The god slowly rubbed his thumb across Luke's lips, as if he was sizing him up. Anubis smirked as he pushed the finger between Luke's lips. Luke squirmed as the sausage-sized digit invaded his mouth, leaving an acrid taste on his tongue. Luke tried to move back, but his head was against the wall. He was already completely under this creature's control.

"Yes, just the thing."

Luke was beginning to regret every doing this stupid ritual. This creature was going to--who knew what it was going to do. Luke wasn't sure he wanted to find out.

The god took his hand away and walked over to a chair on the other side of the room. Luke immediately rushed to the door. As hard as he twisted and pulled on the door it wouldn't budge. He started knocking on the door and tried to break it down, but to no avail.

"I think you will find that you are wasting your time. It is locked. No one can hear you, so do not even bother screaming. It is just you and me. And all the time in the world."

Luke gulped. Where had he gone so wrong? He racked his mind for ways he could escape. The window would surely be locked as well. His phone--damn, he had left it on the dining-room table.

"I must insist, do sit down, we have a lot of ground to cover."

Luke started pacing across the room and was all-too-aware of the gaze of the black jackal focused on him. Minutes passed and felt like hours. He could feel the god's eyes boring into him, and it was only getting more uncomfortable as time moved on. He finally stopped and turned to the jackal and spoke to him.

"OK. What do you want?"

The jackal glanced toward the ground in front of the chair he was sitting in and told Luke, curtly, to sit. Luke paused, before sitting down a few feet away from the beast and looking up. The odour filling the room at this point was distinctly musky, and Luke had no doubts about where that was coming from.

"You mortals are creatures of worship. When you stopped worshipping the gods you started worshipping other things. Celebrities. Technology. Society. You think you have transcended your need for worship, when in fact it is as strong as ever. What you need--what you will get--is an exercise in humility."

"And what would you suggest?" Luke said in a jeering tone of voice.

"You can start by kissing my feet." The god smirked.

"What?! Why would I do that, you... you monster!"

Luke didn't have time to react before he was knocked on his back and had a very heavy monster snarling in his face

"That was not a suggestion, mortal. I could tear you limb from limb and devour you right here. The only reason you are still alive right now is that I happen to be in a good mood."

Luke certainly didn't want to see the god when he was in a bad mood. Anubis had pressed almost all his weight onto Luke's chest. He could hardly breathe.

"I'm... not... doing... it..." Luke managed to get out. He felt the god's jaws open and felt its large carnivorous teeth pressing against his neck. Anubis held that position and growled. Luke panicked.

"Wait! OK!"

Anubis released his grip and stared at Luke menacingly. Drips of saliva coming from the muzzle above him were wetting Luke's face. Luke no longer had any doubt about this creature's intentions. He would have to be careful with what he said from now on.

"Have we reached an agreement?"

Luke whimpered and nodded his head almost imperceptibly. "Yes."

"Look at me when you talk to me." The voice was low and almost completely calm. Luke looked up. "You will speak when spoken to. When you address me you will call me master, nothing else."


Before he could say anything, Anubis had punched him in the gut with a vicious force. Luke rolled over on the ground and tears formed in his eyes despite himself. The wind had been knocked out of him and he clutched his stomach until he could breathe again. He looked up at Anubis in fear.

"That was your last warning. Now strip."

Luke whimpered and wiped the tears away as he got back up to his knees. "Yes... m-master," he said. He knew better than to argue, and embarrassing as it was, he started to take his clothes off in front of Anubis. He wasn't out of shape by any means, but he could almost feel the god's eyes penetrating him as he removed his clothes. He felt completely violated just from the stare. He got down to his briefs and hesitated, but one look at Anubis was enough to get him to drop them. Anubis smirked as he stared at the naked human.

"Not bad. Now begin."

Luke shivered. He bent down and stared at the feet, his face a couple inches away. They two black canine paws filled his field of vision. He bent down and gave each of them a light peck. He sat up and looked at Anubis expectantly, and was chagrined to see that the god did not look impressed.

"I am beginning to think that you're a bit slow, so I shall be clear. I want every inch of both of my feet to be covered by your saliva. You will be finished when I say that you are finished. Start over."

Luke, utterly defeated, bent back down and looked to the first paw. He started kissing it in capitulation, up and down and on each toe. He couldn't believe how humiliating this was. He was completely at this... this beast's mercy. The taste wasn't horrible, but the fact that he was debasing himself in such a way felt strange. Whatever dignity he had had seemed to be slowly draining away as he prostrated himself before the god.

Anubis growled.

"Go faster and use your tongue. You are trying my patience yet again."

Luke redoubled his efforts and made his kisses as wet as possible. He kissed and sucked on each of the toes, or at least on as much of them as he could stuff in his mouth. He licked in between each of the toes with care. He severely hoped that he wasn't inadvertently doing anything wrong, and racked his mind for what he might be missing. He wasn't sure that the god would allow another slip-up. Anubis had said every inch, but getting under his soles would be a challenge unless he lifted his feet up. He started moving his hands towards the foot and a tried to lift it before he heard another growl and froze.

"No hands."

He was learning not to make assumptions. He kept his hands behind his back and renewed his efforts, trying his best to get his tongue in between the paw and the floor. After a short while Anubis decided to give Luke a little mercy. He lifted up his leg and gave Luke full access to his foot. Luke was thankful, and smothered the coarse pads of the foot in saliva as fast as he could produce it. After a couple minutes and a few coats of kisses later, Anubis was apparently satisfied and said, simply, "Next."

Luke repeated the procedure on the other paw, this time with a bit more confidence. The initial shock of the situation had gone away, and he could focus on pleasing the god. He was still scared, but was beginning to understand what this god wanted. He wanted complete submission.

Anubis got Luke to go up his legs in this manner. It was slow going, but it really allowed Luke to appreciate what an incredible body the god had. Every inch of the leg was covered in a firm muscle.

When he got to the thighs he could see an inch of red poking out of the creature's massive sheath, and was anxious that he would have to deal with that next. He moved his lips up and down the god's powerful thighs, slowly getting closer to the sheath. The musk here was strong, and his mind started to haze over. His experience from then on was something of a blur. Luke was completely caught up in the ministrations he was giving. Now, a couple of inches away, the package looked even larger than it had before. The balls were the size of tennis balls, and the sheath itself was a tad bigger. His heart was pounding, and just as he began to stick his tongue out to taste one of the giant orbs, Anubis spoke.


He pulled his tongue back and looked up. The stern look on the god's face was still there, but he didn't see any anger this time. He took that as a good sign and moved up to the creatures abdominals. They didn't look chiselled through the fur, but as he ran his tongue along them he could feel that they were quite firm. Anubis was nothing if not well-built. While licking the lowers ones his chin inadvertently rubbed against the slightly everted cock. It radiated a powerful warmth, and Luke gulped. He tried to ignore the feeling and moved up. He did his best to get his tongue in every crevice on the creature's chest.

When he finally reached the bulky pectorals, Anubis grabbed the back of Luke's head. He rubbed it back and forth across his left pec and Luke struggled to keep up licking. He stopped it over his nipple.


Luke had no choice but to obey. He took the nub between his lips and started sucking. It was the most emasculating experience imaginable for Luke, and to make matters worse Anubis took his free hand and started groping Luke's ass. Luke shivered, but this time it wasn't completely out of discomfort. Giving such complete attention to Anubis was having an effect on Luke's spirit. He was being held at the mercy of a superior male, and he could almost begin to untangle the twisted logic of why the god was making him do this. He suddenly felt almost at ease with the situation. He gave in and started sucking harder. Anubis chuckled. He pulled Luke's head off of the nipple and repeated the action on the other pec. Luke complied mindlessly, and he didn't even notice when Anubis took the hand away from his head and brought it down to join the other.

Anubis started kneading Luke's ass with a slow vigour. He pulled and squeezed the ass the eventually brought an index finger down to the puckered entrance. Luke was busy sucking when he suddenly felt his entrance penetrated. He moaned. The finger slowly went in and out. It hurt a bit--Anubis had large fingers--but the pain shortly subsided. After a few minutes it was joined by another, and then another. Luke had never had anything in his anus before. The sensations he felt were confusing and a tad painful, but he realized that nothing he could do would be able to get him out of this situation. He continued the sucking and tried to embrace it.

The fingers suddenly slipped out of his ass, and Anubis put them in front of Luke's mouth. Anubis wanted him to clean them off. Luke found this quite degrading and repulsive, but he needed no prompting before he took the fingers individually and sucked them clean. They weren't dirty, but the thought of where they had been made him realize ever more acutely how in control of the situation he wasn't. Anubis then lifted his hand to the back of his neck and presented his armpit to Luke. Luke leaned in.

He put his face next to the armpit that Anubis presented to him and sniffed. The musk was overpowering. He stuck his tongue out and his mouth was flooded with the utterly masculine taste of the jackal. Try as he might to deny it to himself, he was actually getting intoxicated by the act of submitting to the god. He squished his face into the armpit and tried to get as much of the scent over him as possible. He alternated between kissing and slurping the pit, and for once Anubis actually seemed pleased.

"My, my, it looks like someone is excited."

Shit, he was right! Luke looked down and noticed he was rock hard. He had been so caught up in his worship that he hadn't even noticed.

"You are not allowed to jerk off unless I say you can."

He whined and realized that he had stopped worshipping, and immediately went back to it with a renewed vigour. Anubis didn't seem to notice. Slobber and sweat was dripping down his face and he was covered with the scent of the god. He didn't think that he could clean it out if he tried.

Anubis grabbed his head and forced it to the other armpit, this time without any resistance. Luke repeated the procedure, and after a while he had completely lost track of time. He was lost in the rhythms of his worship, and he drew as much passion as he could into the act.

Something deep inside of him realized that he was paying homage a being greater than himself, and that it was all that mattered to him at the moment. He was beginning to relish the animalistic scent of the god, and did his best to get as much of it as he could. He felt invigorated, almost as if divine presence was rubbing off on him.

Anubis pulled him away from his armpit and looked at him face-to-face. The eyes of Anubis had a satisfied, somewhat arrogant look in them. Luke was still so nervous about the eye contact that he instinctively looked down, and saw that a few more red inches had come out of the sheath. He was pushed off of the god's chest, and didn't realize what was happening before Anubis had turned around and presented his ass to Luke.

"Lick," was all the god said.

"Wh-... Yes, master."

Luke was taken aback. The thought that someone would lick another person's ass had never once occurred to him. But at once he realized how utterly fitting it was to the situation. It was the ultimate act of subservience. The fact that Anubis was forcing him to do it made his dick ache. It was a way he could show his devotion quite clearly, and he was determined to do his best.

"It is clean, if that eases your mind."

He didn't need to be told twice. He had already sucked on fingers that had been in his ass. How much worse could this be?

The ass was as toned as the rest of his body. Two plump and firm cheeks enclosed a tight black pucker. Luke burrowed in between the cheeks and gave it a kiss. There was no foul smell, so he continued on. He used his hands to spread the cheeks apart and started licking from the taint up to the asscrack. There was no taste outside of the musk he was already familiar with and this encouraged him. He once again burrowed his head in and rested his tongue at the entrance. He pushed it, and with some resistance it slowly went in.

The hole was tightly constricted around his tongue, but he managed to get quite a bit in. As he wiggled his tongue along the inside of the asshole, he noticed a musky, earthy taste. It actually wasn't bad. It was something that, over time, he could imagine himself growing to enjoy. A part of Luke was having a hard time believing what was happening, but a deeper, more animalistic side of his nature was completely entranced by his actions. He flicked his tongue in and out. He could hear Anubis starting to breathe harder. Whatever he was doing was working, so he redoubled his efforts. He strained to get his tongue as far into the ass as he possibly could. It got a bit sore after a while, and he couldn't exactly breathe with his face buried between the asscheeks, but aside from brief breaks for air he kept at it for as long as he could. Anubis would from time to time reach back and try to push Luke's face further into his ass, though other than that and a more pronounced heavy breathing, the god was silent.

Luke was visibly disappointed when he felt the ass pull away. Anubis turned back around and sat back down and Luke could see that a few more inches of his dick had emerged from his sheath. The thing was already longer than Luke's own dick and twice as thick. He didn't think it was even close to its full length yet. He stared in awe, and quite a bit of trepidation, because he had a feeling of what was going to happen next. Anubis smiled at Luke and addressed him.

"Thank me."

"Uh... thank you," he said and added at the last second "master."

"Be more specific."

"Thank you, for, uh, allowing me to worship you, master."

"Good boy. Go on."

Luke, both from pride and from being put on the spot, had a hard time expressing himself, but the words he finally spoke were quite honest.

"Thank you for allowing me to worship your perfect body and muscles. It's been and exciting and I don't know how to describe it but it feels like it's where I belong. Thank you, master."

Anubis gave a surprised look, which presently turned into one of his signature smirks.

"Admirable, but I do not think you are ready quite yet. We are just getting started, in fact."

Anubis brought attention to his semi-hard dick.

"Kiss it"

Luke leaned in and kissed the tip of the penis. He was about to put his mouth around it when Anubis grabbed his head and started rubbing Luke's face up and down the dick and into his balls.

"This is the taste of power, boy. Savour it."

Luke happily complied. He continued smearing his face up and down the cock well after Anubis had released his head. He tried to get as much of the pre that had already started dripping down the shaft as he could.

"You can start with my balls. Look at me while you are doing it."

Luke pressed his nose against the ball-sac and took a big whiff. He stared up in devotion and saw Anubis giving him an approving look. In the entire time he did this from then on he didn't once break eye contact. Staring into the eyes Luke somehow felt for the first what he was truly dealing with. He finally realized how much Anubis deserved his admiration.

The musk was overpowering, and he happily tried to lap it up. He licked up and around the massive orbs. They were so big that he could only really focus on one at a time, and he did his best to give it his full attention. He tried to fit one into his mouth, but it was too big and he had to resort to sucking as much of the surface as he could at one time. He was impressed by the weight of them when they rested against his face while he licked the creature's taint. This was not a package to be trifled with.

With the slightest nod Anubis motioned that he wanted Luke to start on his shaft. Luke was quick to oblige. By this time it was almost fully hard, and it was a sight to behold. Luke could almost cry. He knew he wouldn't be able to give this the attention it deserved, but he promised himself he would do his utmost. He licked more of the pre that was coming down the shaft copiously now and worked his way up. All the while he was staring into the god's hypnotic gaze. He noticed a large bulge around the base of the shaft. He wasn't sure what it was, and was at this point too caught up in licking the shaft to much care. It was very large, and as he licked around it he drew an appreciative groan from Anubis. He slowly worked his way up the shaft, collecting pre and smearing as much of it as he could into his face. When he reached the tapered tip, Anubis stopped him.

"Since you are doing so well, I am going to give you some time to learn how to suck me off properly. Do not mess this up."

Luke was eager to begin, but he was also anxious that he wouldn't be able to pleasure the god properly. This time it wasn't the fear of what Anubis might do to him that worried him, it was the fact that he might not be able to give his master the pleasure he deserved. He had never given a blowjob before.

He opened his mouth as wide as he could and barely managed to get it around the member. He slipped his lips over the tip of the shaft and went down as far as he could. Anubis let out a low groan, and his hips reflexively jerked up. Luke gagged, and he came sputtering back up for breath. He quickly went back for another go and had four inches of the shaft in his mouth before he could go no further. He was disappointed in himself. That was barely a third of the shaft. He could do better than this. He told himself that it was all in his head, and with a new determination he tried again. It was slow going, but after a while he started to get the hang of it. Every so often large spurts of pre-cum would come out of the shaft. He sputtered and coughed the first time this happened, but he quickly learned to just drink it down and continue on. He moved his head up and down and eventually gained one inch, and then another, until he had almost half of the shaft in his mouth. It was nearing the back of his throat, and he knew that he would have to deepthroat the god. He wasn't sure he could do it by himself, and looked up to Anubis for help. Anubis seemed to know what the problem was, so he nodded and pulled Luke off his shaft.

"You are going to have to hold your breath. Take a deep breath of air, because we are starting now. "

Luke's heart was pounding, but he took a deep breath and let Anubis guide him down on his shaft. Anubis forced his head down a little past where he had made it by himself. Instinct took over and he started gagging, but Anubis kept his head down. He felt the dick against of the back of his throat, and found that he couldn't breathe any more. He started panicking, and tried to pull himself off the dick, but the god's hand remained steady. Just when he felt like he couldn't take any more, Anubis let him go and he came up coughing for air. Anubis let him regain his composure and ruffled his hair in encouragement.

"Good boy. Now get ready again."

He took another deep breath and felt the pressure of the hand of Anubis on the back of his head. This time he went down with a steadier mind and a bit more confidence and found he had made it to where he had reached before without much difficulty. The problems started when the dick began to go down his throat. Each time he would panic and start trying to push off. Anubis was firm but gentle, and cooed at him in attempt to calm him down whenever he started struggling. The god seemed to know exactly how much Luke could take and how far he could be pushed, a fact that Luke couldn't help but appreciate.

After several more unsuccessful tries, he managed to get the bulky length down his throat to the point where his lips were pressed against the god's knot. Anubis moaned and held Luke there for as long as he could. Anubis saw that this saw his limit, and started moving Luke's head up and down his shaft. Luke got the idea and started bobbing up and down as best as he could. It was tough work. His jaw was sore and his throat was sorer, but he kept up his sucking. He even started to get the hang of it after a while, at least if the regular moaning of Anubis was any indication.

He was this creature's bitch and he was loving every second of it! He would do anything for Anubis. Somewhere in this process, the fact that he was willingly submitting to this god came across his mind. He had never considered himself to be gay before, but this was somehow different. Anubis emanated a presence that was beyond such petty concerns of sexuality. Luke would devote his entire being to this embodiment of perfection.

This had been going on for ten minutes when Luke started to feel something in Anubis tense up. Anubis grabbed the back of Luke's head and pushed it down while simultaneously thrusting upwards. Hot ropes of the god's semen shot down his throat, and Luke started coughing. Anubis however was not even close to being done and Luke's mouth was quickly filled by pulse after pulse of the god's sperm. He pulled his dick out of Luke's mouth and with his last few shots completely covered Luke's face in semen.

"That is the essence of a god, boy. Don't waste it."

The taste that filled Luke's mouth was salty and a bit sweet and, to Luke's surprise, completely delicious. There was too much of it to drink at once, so Luke held the hot liquid in his mouth and gulped it down bit by bit. He did his best to savour the very masculine taste. It was quite filling, and Luke was already starting to feel full. He used his hand to scoop up the cum that was on his face and greedily licked it off. After he was finished Luke bent down to lick up the cum that was still on the god's dick. He even licked up a few drops that he saw had landed on the floor. He was disappointed when he ran out. Anubis held Luke face to face. The god leaned in and slowly licked up some excess cum that was still on Luke's chin and then pulled away. Luke's dick throbbed. He would have blown his load in just a few strokes if the god hadn't denied him that possibility.

Anubis stood up to leave.

"I am very proud of you, and I can see that my work here is done. You have done well, mortal."

"You're leaving?"

"Your error was vanity. It's clear now that you have realized your station in life."

Luke fell on his knees and begged the god.

"Please, master. Don't go! I want you. I need you!"

"And what good will my staying here be? Suppose I stay. What then? Your passion is only temporary. It's best if you forget about this. You have done enough."

Luke racked his mind for possibilities.

"Please, master! All I want is to serve you!"

Anubis sighed. This was the most attention he had received in many centuries, and it was certainly not unwelcome. True, the mortal had woken him from his slumber in the underworld, but this one was more willing, and indeed more pliable, than the other mortals had been. Perhaps it would be well to once again enjoy the pleasures of old. His own desire was just as acute as ever.

Luke looked at the god and whimpered. He wanted the god to take him and fuck him more than anything else at that moment. He prostrated himself and continued his pleas. He would have stayed like that as long as he could have, had Anubis not put a hand on Luke's chin and motioned for him to get up. Anubis grabbed Luke in his arms and carried him towards the bed.

Luke couldn't believe it. His heart pounded quickly as Anubis laid Luke down on the bed and told him to get on his hands and knees. Luke smiled and quickly complied. He knew this would be painful, so he tried to mentally prepare himself. Luke was rock-hard, and this was so incredibly hot to him that even the slightest touch would be enough to make him blow his load. He remembered the god's command that he couldn't touch himself, and faithfully followed it. Anubis started spreading his asscheeks apart and Luke felt an overwhelming joy when the god's tongue pressed against his entrance. This was too much for Luke, and he couldn't contain himself from making a huge moan. This time he felt no pain, only an overwhelming desire to have more. The tongue was quite long and flexible, and after a short while Luke felt it press an incredibly sensitive area. Luke writhed in pleasure. Anubis quickly jammed his tongue in and out of the hole with and considerable force and each time pressed harder and harder into Luke's prostate. Then Anubis stuck the tongue in as far as it would reach. Luke let out a scream of pleasure. He shot his load all over his bed sheets. Waves of pleasure ran through his. He felt the most divine serenity as Anubis continued to move his tongue in and out.

Anubis pulled away and pressed the entrance of his cock against Luke's newly lubricated entrance. Luke felt it about to push in before Anubis pressed it up against his asscrack. Luke could feel the entire length resting against his ass. It gave him a vivid image of the immensity of what would soon be penetrating him.

"So you came. Do you still want it?" Anubis said as he started slowly grinding his dick against the ass.

Luke moaned again. That wasn't even a question for him at this point.

"Yes, master!"

"Then beg for it."

As the god said this he powerfully grinded into Luke and forced another moan. Luke was slightly disappointed that the god still wasn't convinced about his devotion, but pleas rose to his mind and he expressed them without hesitation.

"Please, fuck me as hard as you can. I want you to make me your bitch. I want to be made a god's plaything."

All the while Anubis continued grinding against Luke's hole. He let out a forceful thrust and commanded him for more. Luke was being completely dominated, both mentally and physically, and he was in heaven.

"Please, I want to be made yours. All I want in life is to serve you. I would be happy if I could spend the rest of my days at your feet."

Anubis gave this pause and stopped thrusting.

"Very well," he said "ask and you shall receive."

The cock was suddenly lined up with Luke's hole, and he felt it press in. A wave of pleasure and pain filled Luke and his eyes watered. Anubis had only stuck an inch or two in and Luke felt like he had already reached his limits. Anubis waited for Luke to adjust and pushed another inch in. Luke groaned and told himself he could do this. The pain was overwhelming. Luke eventually felt the dick pressing against his prostate and received the same sensation that Anubis had given him with his tongue. Only this time, it was far more intense. Luke began to grow hard again. It was painful, yes, but Luke felt that once it went away he would begin to feel the most amazing pleasure. Anubis moved in inch by inch in this fashion until Luke's ass was met by his knot. Luke was overjoyed! He had actually been able to take all of it!

Anubis began to pull out. It was an odd sensation, and after it was out Luke felt the most curious feeling of emptiness. He wanted that dick right back where it was, and he lifted his ass up in an attempt to encourage Anubis to start again. Anubis pushed in, faster this time, and reached the base of his cock in maybe a third of the time he had taken for the first attempt. He kept on moving in and out until finally he was fucking Luke at a steady pace. By this point Luke was moaning loudly. He had never been more aroused in his life. He wanted to be fucked into submission.

"Fuck me harder, master!"

Anubis began to speed up, and Luke began to feel the weight of the god's heavy balls slapping against his. With each successive thrust, the pain began to subside. Anubis started to moan, and Luke smiled. The god was enjoying this every bit as much as he was.

Anubis had been fucking Luke for well on half an hour and was showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Luke was impressed with the god's stamina. He fucked at a pace that was fast and hard. Each time the base of the knot bumped against his entrance he moaned and was reminded of what was still to come.

Anubis pulled out for a second, repositioned Luke sideways, and resumed fuck at full force. Luke was amazed at how good the constant stimulation of his prostate felt. What had started out as pain had turned into pleasure. He moved his ass into the motion of the fucking and tried to squeeze it further around the shaft. Anubis grunted and rewarded Luke by fucking him even harder. The knot threatened to be pushed in each time Anubis thrust forward, and Luke was ready for it. After a while Anubis shifted Luke to his back and started fucking him missionary-style.

Luke finally got a good view of the beast that was dominating him. It was certainly a sight to behind. Anubis was panting and his eyes were glazed over with a look of pure lust. This was a creature who hadn't had sex in a long time, and there was no way that Luke could avoid what was coming. That suited him just fine.

He leaned up and kissed the god's chest as it continued to rut him. Anubis reached behind Luke's back and put his other hand under Luke's ass and told him to hold on. What happened next amazed Luke. Anubis lifted him up and started fucking him while standing up. Luke desperately held on to the god's neck as he was bounced up and down on its knot. Each bounce stretched his ass further and he felt like he would be tied any second now. Anubis suddenly grabbed Luke's head and pulled him into a kiss. Luke couldn't believe it. The strong tongue invaded Luke's mouth and he felt it flooded with the god's saliva.

Luke was so lost in the kiss that he didn't even realize what happened next. Still mouth to mouth, Anubis turned back towards the bed, and slammed Luke into it with all his force as he laid him down. The knot slipped in.

Luke moaned into the muzzle. He felt a white hot pain, but just as strong was an incredible pleasure. His body began to writhe in orgasm and he shot twice as hard as he ever had before. Wave upon wave of pleasure washed over him. It seemed like it would never end.

Anubis, locked in place, gave a few more powerful thrusts before he started to filling Luke's insides with hot ropey blasts of semen. Luke felt the steaming hot liquid filling his bowels and moaned. There was so much of it, and the heavy balls resting against his rump gave no indication that it would be finished any time soon. There was nowhere for the cum to go, so it built up until Luke noticed that his tummy was slightly distended.

Anubis pulled his mouth away and smiled at Luke. They basked together in the afterglow. It would be a while before he could remove the knot, so he tried to get comfortable. He gave Luke a big lick across the face. He was very proud of the mortal indeed.

It would prove to be the first of many fuckings that night.


Luke woke up the next morning with a very sore body indeed. He must have slept through a couple alarms, because it was Monday and he had slept in well into the afternoon. He reached down and felt that his ass and sheets were still very wet with the god's semen. He looked behind him. Anubis was nowhere to be found. He frowned. He got up, called into work explaining why he couldn't come in today (the flu), and went for a shower. He left a trail of leaking cum behind him as he walked to the bathroom.

He took a long and hot shower and tried to clean himself up a bit. He was convinced that he would never get the smell of the god's cum out of his hair. After he dried himself off, he brushed his teeth and shaved. He walked out of the bathroom, thinking of what he would do with what remained of his day off. Maybe he would go see a movie, or go the café, or-

Anubis was sitting on the sofa in Luke's living room with his legs spread. He beckoned Luke over. Anubis reached behind him and Luke was surprised by what he pulled out. It was a simple black collar.

"You said last night that you would be willing to spend the rest of your life serving me. Do you still feel that way?"

Luke eagerly nodded.

"Once this collar is put on it can never be removed. It will mark you as mine for the rest of eternity. Are you prepared to give up everything for this?"

Luke knew his answer

"Yes, master."

Anubis handed him the collar and Luke put it around his neck. He hesitated a moment before he snapped the two pieces together and breathed a sigh. He heard a loud click. He felt the collar and couldn't find the seam where the two ends connected. There would be no way to remove this collar. This was it, then.

Anubis patted the spot on the sofa next to him. Luke timidly sat down, and Anubis put an arm around his shoulder. Luke leaned into Anubis, basking in the warmth that radiated from his master's body. He wanted nothing more than to be with his master for the rest of time.

Luke reached out to put a hand on the god's sheath and looked to see how he would react. Anubis simply smiled and pushed the hand back.

"There is no rush, boy. We have all the time in the world."