All-nighter ~Chapter 1 of Heart of a Lion~

Story by Manneth on SoFurry

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It was another hot sticky summer day. A lone lion sat on the edge of a half-finished tree house. He ran his fingers through his mane slowly, it was still small, but he didn't care since it had just started growing in. The young lion was still cublike. His mane was short and he was still a bit chubby. Despite this, he was already 6 feet tall, making him at least 4 inches taller than anyone else in his class. He was wearing jean shorts and some hand-me-down t-shirt from a vacation he never went on. He was the youngest, the oldest being his 23 year old brother, followed by his 20 and 18 year old sisters, he and all of his siblings were lions. He himself was 13, just barely a teenager, and the youngest of his friends. He sat there often, pondering things which ranged from how did the universe begin to where'd that bug go. Today he wasn't thinking anything and just sat there kicking his feet idly, watching the clouds and wishing something was going on. As he sat there in the warm sun he eventually dozed off.

"Devon!" a voice called. "It's time to eat!!!" Devon was wakened by the sound of his mother's voice beckoning him for lunch.

Devon clambered down the ladder leading to his treehouse and took off at full speed for the house. He ran through the dining room into the bathroom to wash up before his siblings could. He then raced to the dining room table and crashed down into his favorite chair.

Devon licked his lips in delight, they were having grilled hamburgers and corn on the cob. Before his siblings even made it to the table, Devon had scarfed down two ears of corn and a hamburger. He was reaching for a third ear when an otter's paw got in his way. He looked up to find his father standing over him.

"Damn." Devon mumbled. His father loved corn on the cob too. With one fell swoop half the ears were on his plate.

"You've gotta be faster than that if you want so much corn boy!" Devon's father chuckled.

"Now Mark, he's a growing cub he's gotta eat." Devon's mom scolded. Devon's mom was a lioness, although a lioness and an otter seem like an odd combination Devon's dad was apparently a real romantic back in his day.

"Mom I'm not a cub anymore!" Devon snarled.

"Oh that's right you're a teenager now, must feel all grown up now don't you?" His mom replied. Both of his parents laughed at the remark.

"What are we having mom?" A male lion's voice asked. Devon turned around to see his brother, Alex, had entered the dining room.

"Corn and hamburger. Are your sisters coming down or did they not hear me?"

"They're comin', they're messing with Em's poster."

"Oh how's that coming? I do hope thy do a good job this time." Devon zoned them out.

He'd heard about that poster a million times. His oldest sister, Emma, was a cheerleader at a college and was designing posters to hang around campus. Erin, his other sister, was creatively attune and was helping Emma. The last few times Emma made a poster, it ended up only okay.

Devon rushed through the rest of his lunch and was about to rush back outside when the phone rang.

"I got it!" Devon yelled as he picked up the reciever.


"Hey Devon, it's me Andrew." Answered a bear's voice. Andrew was a friend of Devon's who lived just down the road. He was a big bear who had also recently turned 13.

"Oh hey Andrew what's up?"

"Well I've been getting people together to hang out, I plan on having you Tyler and Danny spend the night, interested?"

"Definitely, I've been bored out of my skull! What time do you- Wait lemme ask my parents first." Devon covered the phone with his hand. "Mom can I spend the night at Andrew's house? Danny and Tyler are going too!"

"Well I don't see any problem with that." Devon's mom replied.

"Sweet! Thanks mom!" Devon grabbed the phone again. "Hey Andrew, it's a yes for me. What time do you want me to come over?"

"How about ASAP? Danny and Tyler are already over here."

"What do I need to bring?"

"The clothes on your back and any necessary stuff." Although this seemed innocent enough, what the bear had really meant was: You don't need anything...but we're all bringing our porn tonight.

"Can do." Devon hung up and ran upstairs to get ready. He was so excited he nearly tripped on his tail on the way up.

An hour later Devon's mom dropped him off at Andrew's house.

"Bye honey, have a good time!" His mom called as she backed out the driveway. Devon hurried to the door and knocked. Instead of seeing the large goofy bear Devon expected, a smaller panther answered the door.

"Oh hi Devon!" The panther announced excitedly. This panther happened to be Devon's friend, Danny. Danny was about 5'6" and very skinny, he looked rather sleek. To Devon's surprise, he was half naked.

"Hi Danny, uh where's your shirt?"

"Oh! We went swimming earlier, I just came back in a little bit ago, forgot to change." Danny remarked. Devon would have given Danny a hug but he was soaking wet apparently, instead they gave each other a high-five and Devon walked in.

Andrew's house wasn't huge, in fact it was rather small, it had a wood furnace and was a one story. Devon of course wasn't worried, especially since they spent most of their time in the uncrowded basement.

"Hey where's Andrew at, I need to use his phone..." mumbled an upset-looking dobie. "Oh hey Devon when did you get here?"

"Just now and his phone is in on the counter, just go ahead and use it." Devon replied. He knew Andrew's house better than his own.

Tyler, the dobie, walked quickly out of the room. Tyler was nearly as tall as Devon and very athletic, he had the most muscle mass of all of them. Tyler was a bit forgetful at times though, and had probably forgotten to call his parents when he got there. All of a sudden Devon felt something hit his back hard. He spun around to see that Andrew had punched him.

"Hey hey hey, when'd you get here?" Andrew asked.

"Just now...ow that's gonna leave a mark." Devon replied sheepishly. Devon was far from a he-man.

"Well I've got a huge list of things we're gonna do. First off we'll watch a movie, then play a little Yugi-oh then it'll probably be time for supper. After we eat, we'll head downstairs and play Conker's Bad Fur Day, which my brother Ben is letting us borrow. After that, we'll all share our stash and go to bed, sound good?"

"YEAH!!!" Tyler, Danny, and Devon all cheered at once.


After putting down his N64 controller, Devon ventured a glance at the clock. He was surprised, it was nearly 1:00 am!! Which of course was much later than he was used to staying up. He had always stuck to the motto "early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise". Suddenly he started feeling the effects of fatigue laying into him. He peered at his friends, they all seemed wide awake still.

"Hey Andrew, where are the pops?" Devon asked, eager to get his hands on the caffeine.

"In the fridge in the door. Hey grab me one too?" Andrew replied, apparently he was also eager to get some caffeine in his system.

Devon sauntered over to the fridge and pulled out two Cokes. He threw one to the bear. Devon saw a bit of fur out of the corner of his eye, so he turned to investigate. Danny was laying back, still wearing no shirt. For a moment Devon watched Danny's muscles ripple under his short black fur and sort of lost himself. He only shook himself out of it when Danny gave him a weird look.

"Danny, shirt?"

" screw it we're gonna go to sleep soon anyway." The panther replied, drowsily shaking his fur.

"No we aren't." Andrew replied shortly.

"Eh? But I'm tired!!!" Danny shouted, apparently he was a bit grouchy too.

"We aren't going to sleep just yet. We've got something to do first."

"What would that be?" Tyler chimed in, interested.

"Nothing much just a little...VIXENS GONE WILD!!!!!" Andrew shouted excitedly.

"No way!" Tyler replied.

"Yeah how?" Danny questioned, apparently now awake.

"My older brother, Chad, left some behind the last time he left for college, and apparently he forgot about it. We've gotta be quiet though." Andrew warned.

"Why?" Devon questioned.

"My parents' room is right above us, and Ben and Chad's rooms are down here. Ben is already in bed and Chad could come down here at any moment."

"Doesn't that leave us at risk by watching it out here in the den?" Tyler asked, apparently worried about something.

"Oh someone a bit horny? We won't be watching anything out here, we're going in the toy room."

The toy room. Devon loved it in there, not because of the toys since most of them were broken or ancient, but because of the privacy. They'd have to be quiet still, with the lack of a door no sound would be muffled, but no one could see in and they'd have plenty of warning if someone tried entering.

"So...let's go?" Danny asked.

"Heh...someone can't wait can he? Okay if you guys are ready we'll head in there. Devon, grab those blankets, uh Danny grab some pillows. Tyler help me move the spare matresses in there too."

"Why?" Tyler asked.

"We'll be sleeping in there too."

After about 5 minutes, everything was moved in and arranged. They had two single mattresses and a small fold-out couch. The couch was a bit bigger than a double bed so two furs could easily sleep on it.

"I call this mattress!" Devon called and raced to a mattress in the front left corner of the room.

He was wary to not sleep with another guy, he'd been waking up with hard ons and that, he decided, would be awkward. Following Devon's lead, Danny took the other mattress in the back right corner, thus leaving Tyler and Andrew on the couch against the right wall. There wasn't more than 6 feet between any of them, and no more than 8 feet from any of them and the door. In the back left corner of the room Andrew had placed a small black and white TV hooked up to a VCR in which was a movie ominously entitled VGW.

After 45 minutes the video came to an end. All of the boys were horny and aroused but didn't do anything about it. Andrew flipped off the tv and crawled back to his side of the couch.

"Well goodnight." Andrew muttered.

They all proceeded to say their goodnights and start off to sleep. After 20 minutes of whispered chatting between who Devon assumed was Tyler and Andrew, Devon finally announced, "Well I'm still wide awake, you guys?"

"Yeah I'm still awake." Danny replied.

"Me and Tyler too." Andrew replied.

"So what we gonna do, we might as well do something while we're just sitting here." Devon suggested.

"How about....truth or dare?" Tyler asked. Suddenly all the boys' attention had been piqued.

"Sounds okay." Andrew faked being semi-interested.

"Well it's a time killer." Danny said, following suit.

At first the dares were simple and uncreative such as: "Go knock on Ben's door then run back here," "Go throw a coke can at the barn," "Shout something," etc. The truths were even less creative, but the boys quickly stopped asking any truths. Devon wanted something...energetic, he was still riled up from the video, as were the other furs, everyone knew what was lurking under each others' covers though the room was almost pitch black.

"Andrew...I dare you to...touch yourself." Devon uttered. No one seemed shocked, just amazed they didn't think of that. Everyone's head turned to Andrew.

"Okay." Andrew replied as he reached into his pants. When he moved th covers, everyone saw that Andrew's pants had tented up a bit, and they all watched the bulge move around somewhat as Andrew completed the task. Then he pulled his paw back out.

"I suppose it's my turn now." Andrew replied to a room full of semi-surprised rather aroused young furs.

"Umm...Tyler." Tyler's head perked up, he was a bit drowsy. "I dare you to...take your shirt off, and keep it off." Andrew wasn't too up to the dirtier dares quite yet.

Tyler obliged, without his shirt he revealed his fit chest and stomach, there was the very slightest hint of a six pack adorning his stomach.

"Wait I have an idea." Danny chimed in. "We should make some rules, so to make this run smoothly." Everyone agreed. "There should be 5 levels of dare. Level 1, simple dare. Level 2, simple dare you must do. Level 3 any type of dare, have the opportunity to say no at anytime. Level 4 any type of dare, you get 3 chances to say no over all your level 4 dares. Finally level 5, by agreeing to do a level 5 dare you do whatever they dare, each successful level 5 dare gives you another chance to say no in a level 4 dare. Also the darer must watch the dared to insure the dare is performed." Danny concluded.

"Wow. Nice rules." Tyler said in awe. And so the game continued as Tyler's turn. "Um...Danny, what level?"

"Four, a walk on the wild side." Danny replied, trying to show how unafraid and manly he was.

"I suppose I should make this good...I dare you to sit completely nude for 5 turns."

"Okay." Danny obliged.

He pulled off his pants, followed by his underwear, he threw both in the middle of the room. As to follow the rules, Tyler had to watch him undress. As Danny pulled off his pants, Tyler noticed they had in fact been quite tight, he looked away to watch them land in a pile on the floor, he turned back just as Danny was pulling off his underwear. As Tyler turned his head he saw a hint of pink poking out of Danny's sheath. Danny began to stretch back out as he threw his underwear into the middle of the room, as he stretched, his sheath was pulled back a bit more to reveal the barbed head of Danny's pride. Tyler could hardly take his eyes off it. Tyler felt a familiar warmth rushing to his crotch. Tyler shook himself out of it and scanned the room to see if anyone had noticed. Luckily no one noticed, and Tyler snapped out of it as Danny declared who he'd dare.



"Fine I dare you the same as Tyler dared me."

And so Andrew also stripped down to nothingness, leaving his clothes in a pile on the floor. Danny only watched the clothes pile up on the floor, not the undressing; however, Tyler watched intently and was thrilled to see that Andrew's head was also sticking out of his sheath. This time Tyler became self conscious about his own growing pole. He looked down and realized he had tented up his pants and the blanket he was underneath. Tyler shifted himself so that no one could tell, he just prayed no one had been watching him as intently as he had watched Danny and Andrew.

Devon had been paralyzed as he watched Tyler's blanket tent up. Now Tyler had shifted so that Devon could no longer see it. Devon knew when it was his turn, he had to dare Tyler.

"Earth to Devon!" Andrew cried out.

"Oh sorry, uh...I'm a bit tired...z-zoned out."

"Kay but I dared you so..."

"Oh sorry, 4."

"Another four, sweet. I dare you to....get nude and run around in the basement." Andrew sneered devilishly.

"Pass." Devon muttered. He was reluctant, but he couldn't let his hard on become obvious to everyone, by passing he forfeited his turn.

"I guess I get to dare again...well Devon again." Andrew decided.

(damn it Andrew) Devon thought.


"I'll tone it down a bit, just remove your pants and shirt." And Devon obliged.

He was glad Andrew toned it down a bit. Devon could hardly breath as he semi-undressed, this meant it was his turn, his heart was in his throat as he thought of a good dare. Without being fully erect, and in the darkness, no one could see that Devon was somewhat aroused. Though Devon had a good view of just about everyone else.



"Stand up and strip down to your underwear." Devon dared.

(Damn it Devon...wait maybe he saw couldn't have...) Tyler thought. The dobie was about to decline when suddenly his testosterone got the best of him. Suddenly he knew he had to take that dare.

"Okay." Tyler replied. Devon looked totally shocked.

(He did see my tent! He was testing me to see how much courage I had!) Tyler thought. Tyler stood up, at first no one could see his tent, it had gone down a little with the lack of excitement, but Tyler knew it would be full with all the attention it was getting. Tyler decided to make Devon pay for the dare. Tyler walked straight over to Devon and did a little dance right in front of his face.

Devon was utterly shocked by Tyler's reaction. Tyler was gutsy, but to get up in front of 3 other guys with a hard on and strip? That's something else entirely. Tyler walked straight over to Devon and stood with his crotch about a foot from Devon's face. Tyler was swaying slightly. Devon was instantly intoxicated. Tyler slowly unbuttoned his pants, then danced a bit more and turned around slowly. Devon got a nice view of Tyler's tightly jeaned ass. While Tyler's ass was all of Devon's vision, Tyler slowly lowered his pants, shimmying a bit while he did it. Devon's eyes were transfixed on Tyler's tight ass, which was barely covered by the tight briefs which now dominated Devon's vision. Tyler was caught in the moment and exhilirated by the look on Devon's face and lowered the back of his briefs to reveal his round ass to Devon and Devon alone. Devon watched in paralyzing awe as Tyler's ass came into view. Slowly the back of Tyler's briefs lowered farther and farther until Devon could see the edge of his pink pucker. Suddenly Tyler pulled his briefs back up all the way and hurried over to his seat. Devon nearly died with arousal, his adam's apple felt like it had grown to the size of his fist and his mouth was dry. His underwear however, were not, there was a rather large wet spot where Devon's precum had soaked through. As Tyler sat down, Devon noticed his tented briefs had an equally large wetspot on them.

"Danny." Tyler dared, barely getting words through the knot in his throat.

"Four again." None of them were going to say 1 or 2 or even 3 anymore, they were far too aroused to think about any consequences.

"What do you think of stripping completely?" Suddenly the whole room was holding its breath. That last stunt had given Tyler even more courage. Danny wasn't about to be shown up though.

(heh finally a dirty dirty dare) Danny thought, he was nothing but a horn dog even at 13. Danny knew why Tyler gave him that dare, it wasn't because he was aroused, or because he had gotten braver from that last stunt. No, he had dared Danny because he knew he'd do it, he'd never turned down a dare and this silly dare wouldn't stop this 13 year long streak. Danny decided he would give them a real show if he was gonna do this. Danny had put his clothes back on from the earlier dare, although it was a couple turns too early, no one had noticed. Danny stood up and stretched. He then walked over to the single light bulb in the nearly black room, and turned it on. Danny stretched again and cracked his back.

"This should be interesting, good thing I don't have to watch." Devon retorted trying to hide his sincere interest.

Devon followed this up by ducking under his blanket and instructing Tyler to alert him when Danny was done, Andrew followed suit. Devon; however, was secretly peering through a hole in the blanket.

Danny stood in the middle of the now well light room and began pulling off his shirt. Now that no one was watching but Tyler, Danny could give him a true show, make him regret this dare. After pulling off his shirt, Danny teased his right nipple. Tyler was apparently caught off guard as a small yip left his throat. Danny then reached down to his pants and unbuttoned them. He proceeded to unzip them. He deftly pulled his tail out without disturbing his pants. He then looped his tail through his belt loops. With his hands free, Danny stuck his hands down his pants and started fiddling with his underwear. Tyler hardly noticed, he was transfixed with Danny's body. Although Tyler had more muscle, he didn't by much. Danny had a hint at a six pack too, his pelvic muscles, just below his abs but above his pantline , were defined. The way they were defined created a funnellike effect which made the viewer's eyes slowly follow them straight down to Danny's crotch. As Tyler began peering down, Danny's underwear fell out his left pantleg. One side and the middle had been ripped so Danny could take them off without disturbing his pants. Tyler moved his attention back up towards Danny's muscles just as Danny pulled his tail out of his belt loops, dropping his pants swiftly and coolly. Tyler's eyes nearly exploded out of his head as Danny's feline member stood proudly straight out, it was fully erect, the barbs even seemed flared out in some manner. Tyler's mind went blank as he stared at it. Danny could see he had his singular audience member captivated. But he wasn't finished just yet, he had to take this performance just over the top. Danny walked ever so slowly over to Tyler.

Tyler was paralyzed as he was unable to take his eyes off of his friend's feline member. Tyler knew Danny was doing this on purpose, but that didn't change the amount of arousal it caused. Danny was now standing inches from Tyler. Tyler expected him to stop, he didn't. Danny just kept on walking until his fully erect member was right above Tyler's head. Tyler looked up to see the underside of Danny's feline member. He held back the urge to reach out and touch it. His paws quivered in excitement, but he knew he couldn't. He couldn't, but Danny could. Danny wrapped his paw around his member and gave it a couple strokes. It wasn't much, but it was enough to make a couple drops of precum land on Tyler's face.

Tyler was breatheless now. Danny lowered a little bit, his cock evening out with Tyler's face, and the panther leaned forward so that the head of his felinehood hovered no more than 3 inches from Tyler's muzzle. Danny stroked it twice more, and wiped the pre cum that got on his paw onto Tyler's muzzle. Then Danny sat in front of a still stunned Tyler, and with his right paw, reached out slowly and hooked his finger inside the waistband of Tyler's underwear. Tyler looked down at his underwear, and back up at Danny. Danny smirked slightly and began to pull.

A sudden noise sent Tyler nearly into shock. It was a snore coming from Andrew. Apparently Danny's performance took longer than they thought and Andrew had grown tired under his blanket and fallen asleep. Tyler just sat there, half aware of his surroundings, still dazed. Danny pulled his finger out of Tyler's waistband, got up and turned off the light, then laid down in his own bed to go to sleep.

Finally Tyler snapped out of it. He felt the still warm drops of precum on his left cheek. His tongue reached just far enough for him to snap up the nearly flavorless liquid. Although nearly flavorless, it tasted amazing to Tyler. He laid down again. Danny laid just next to him, and purposefully turned towards Tyler, still naked, to taunt Tyler with his cock. Tyler stared as Danny very slowly stroked it, then the dobie quivered slightly as he reached his own paw into his underwear and began to gently rub his very aroused doghood. Danny moved a little closer...


Devon hadn't been watching Danny and Tyler, he had chickened out, afraid that they'd see how intently and hungrily he was watching it. Had Danny actually done that dare? And to that extent? Although sleep had come easily to the other three, Devon couldn't sleep. He was upset. He was wondering why his friends' hard ons had enticed him so, how badly they aroused him. As far as he knew he was straight, in fact he'd never questioned it. Then he began wondering about his friends, first there was Danny who had very willingly gotten naked and had put on a serious performance for Tyler. But then again, Danny had always been one to show off. Then Devon thought of Tyler, who looked about as hypnotized when he saw Danny's hard on as Devon had been. Devon finally decided he could look for the answers another time, possibly with Tyler...