Commission: Where the Heart Is

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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Fun story commission for involving a government bean counter that winds up in something far bigger than he is.

Mark jumped when someone knocked on the window. A guy stood next to his car, offering an easy smile as he waved at him. He hurriedly got out of his rental, "Are you Professor Finnegan Kirkspatrick?"

The Professor offered a wide grin, "Yep, please to meet you. And everyone just calls me Finn." He held out his hand and Mark took it to shake, finding the Professor's hand to be pretty calloused. Taking a second, he looked over the other guy. The Professor wore very casual clothes, a flannel shirt, jeans, and a pair of sturdy hiking boots. Suddenly, he was very conscious of the suit and dress shoes that he was wearing. For a brief moment, he wished that he could slip into something lighter, but then he reminded himself that he had a job to do out here. "Sorry to keep you waiting, just expected to meet you out at the village." Both turned to look at the sedan, which had skidded off the road.

Mark felt his cheeks color briefly and cleared his throat, "Mark Simmons. I had expected to be driving in. Sorry to make you come all the way out here to help me, but the car couldn't get traction."

Finn waved a hand dismissively. "Should have warned you, really need to get something with 4-wheel drive out here. Especially with how it's been raining out here." He nodded over his shoulder towards an old, beat up SUV sitting up on the road. "Of course, sometimes even old Betty Sue up there gets to slipping and sliding."

"That's why you brought me along, P'Fessor." Mark turned towards the new voice and immediately his eyes widened at what he saw. It was one of the anthropomorphic horses that the Professor was out here studying. He'd read up on the notes on the plane ride here, at least the brief version that he'd been given. According to those, the horses were supposed to be the same size of an average human. Certainly not the case for the stallion that was coming towards them, hauling a winch cable behind him. The male looked to be well over six foot tall. He was dressed similarly to the Professor, save the lack of boots. His sleeves were rolled back to reveal arms that were corded with thick muscle.

Finn laughed, "You've got the most experience with cars." He waved a hand at the stallion, "Mark, this is Jim. He's part of the Stormhoof Clan I've been studying. Jim, this is Mark Simmons, he's been sent out here to evaluate my studies."

The stallion gave a half wave as he laid down behind the car and began to hook up the cable. "Nice to meet ya, everyone just calls me Buffalo. Get ready to winch it up, P'Fessor."

Mark followed Finn up the embankment, dress shoes sliding a bit where boots found purchase. "Buffalo?"

Another deep chuckle and a nod, "Yeah. You'll find most of them have two sets of names. Their legal names, which they're given at birth, and then what they call their true name. Names they gather as they grow up." Pulling himself into the truck, he started it up and leaned out the window to watch the stallion as he continued. "Apparently, even as a a baby, he was still rather large and shaggy. Someone made a joke that his dam, his mother, had slipped off with one of the buffalo folk. All in good fun though. Anyway, everyone just started calling him the Little Buffalo, and the name stuck." The bigger male whistled and waved. "Might wanna step back, Mr Simmons."

Hurrying back, he watched as the truck's winch began to turn, just tightening up at first. Communicating in whistles and waves, the Professor and Buffalo brought up the slack and slowly pulled the sedan out of the muck. Buffalo walked alongside the rental, wrenching the steering wheel around, and occasionally using his size to shove at the smaller car. Sadly, despite their best efforts, it was hopelessly mired. After trying for nearly a half hour, Finn called to Buffalo to unhook it and they'd try again in the morning.

Mark huffed and puffed as he threw his suitcase into the back of the truck. "You sure it will be fine out there?" He looked at the rental as he moved towards the passenger seat, Buffalo having decided to sit in the back row since it gave him more room.

"Yeah, it's all locked up and in the morning we can call up a tow service. They've got some bigger winches."

Buffalo grunted, "Just too damn gooey out there right now." Craning his head, he peered out a window. "Luckily, it won't rain tonight." He sniffed at the air through the open window. "Not tomorrow either, maybe some after that."

Finn looked in the review mirror, curiosity shining in his eyes. "I still would love to know how you guys do that."

There was an easy smile on the stallion's muzzle. "If we told you all our secrets, you wouldn't have a reason to stay around then."

Mark caught the Professor looking at him sideways, "Well, at the moment that's up in the air, since my budget has to be approved again. I'm still not entirely clear on why they decided to send someone down here. Usually they just have an interview over the phone."

He squirmed a bit in his seat, feeling the stallion's gaze on him. "Well, the old director retired last year, so I was sent out here to re-evaluate the current situation."

A deep laugh came from the professor. "Ahh, I see now." He looked in the mirror at Buffalo and began to explain. "New boss has to come in and mark their territory." Eyes flicked towards Mark briefly before the Professor said something in a different language. Something which made the stallion whuffle a laugh. Mark felt his ears burn a bit, just knowing that they were talking about him. Maybe not directly, but there was just something about their body language that tipped him off. Not that he really minded, people were never fond of the g-men when they came rolling around. It might have set off some of the other suits he worked with, but Mark could sympathize with the hostility some felt towards bureaucrats.

The rest of the ride was dominated by simple little conversation. The weather, current events, that type of thing. Mark sat up a bit more as they rounded a corner and he saw a trailer parked off to the side of the road. He relaxed a bit more when the Professor turned towards it and pulled into a car port. Hopping out of the truck, he gave a slow stretch and looked around. He stopped mid-stretch as he noticed something.

Where was the village?

He went around the vehicle where Buffalo was getting his bags out. Thanking the stallion, he took one and headed after the Professor, who was already climbing onto the porch that stood in front of the double wide's door. "Where is the village? I expected it to be right here."

"Oh, I forgot all about that!" He pushed open the door, which hadn't even been locked. "They're not entirely comfortable with things like electricity, cars, and stuff that we use every day. So, at their request, I gladly put all my things out here. I have a home in the village where I spend a lot of time, but there are some things that I just haven't been able to live without."

Mark followed him into the trailer, still holding his laptop bag. He took a quick look around at the building. Not that there was really much to see in there. It appeared to be equal parts lab and home. Bookshelves lined the walls, half holding notebooks probably filled with research notes. Buffalo came in behind, having to turn to fit through the door. "So, they're like the Amish?"

The stallion snorted a laugh and set his bags down. "Never been able to get a beard going. I'll be heading back to town unless you need me for anything, P'fessor."

Finn waved a hand at Buffalo, "I don't think we'll need anything else right now. Thank you though." Mark chewed on his lip as the male left. He'd swear that the trailer rocked when the bigger guy stepped out of it.

"You didn't insult him, if that's what you're worried about." Turning, he blinked at the Professor. Finn had that perpetual, easy smile on his face. "Your body language says a lot. It's something you pick up on pretty quickly around the clan. They talk a lot with their bodies. The way they hold their ears, swish their tails, even how they look at you can say a lot." He looked up at a clock. "By the way, if you want to tour the village, you might want to change out of your suit. You did bring a change of clothes."

Mark looked down at the garment bag he brought. Luckily, he always preferred to be prepared and packed along a couple changes of clothes. "Yeah, I've got something."

Finn clapped his hands, "Splendid. There's a spare bedroom right through there. Get changed and we can head out."

It was obvious that the Professor didn't get too many house guests, judging by the state of the room. The bed was unmade, but there were probably fresh things waiting in the chest at the bed's foot. The window's curtains were thrown wide open, leaving just a thin curtain to deter any that might want to peer inside. Mark frowned when he flicked the light switch and was rewarded with just a click and no lights. Bulbs must have gone out or something. With a shrug, he tossed laptop onto the bed, hung the garment bag in the closet, and happily took off his suit. While he didn't mind his job, he could never wait to get home and take off that accursed tie. His suit found its way onto a spare hanger. He picked out a pair of jeans and a plain button-down from his bag and pulled them on before getting the sneakers from the bottom of his bag. This was going to be weird, doing a budget review in these clothes, but he had the feeling that formality was a foreign concept around here.

He only needed a few minutes before he was dressed and left the room, putting a holster for his phone on his hip.

"You might not want to take that along."

Looking at the Professor, he stopped belt mid-way through the holster's loop. "Why is that?"

The older male held up his hand and counted off. "It's a couple mile walk and I'd hate for you to drop it somewhere. The foals, the kids, get rather curious about strangers and electronics, and I'd hate for it to accidentally break. And finally, you won't get a signal out there. Barely get one here." Sure enough, when he looked at his phone it only showed a single bar. And if the horses didn't like cars near their homes, he'd be more than willing to bet they had some strong objections against cell phone towers. With a little sigh, he tossed the holstered phone back into the room before pulling on his belt.

Following the Professor out of the trailer, he snapped his fingers. "Oh, before I forget. The lights in the guest room weren't working."

"They work, probably. I just hadn't turned on the battery yet. Only use it at night or when it rains." He motioned towards a solar array behind the trailer. A thick cable snaked from the panels into a heavy box, which probably held a bank of batteries. "It can run the lights, water pump, and give my laptop a nice charge, but not for more than a few hours at night. Enough to do my work, but not too much more."

Mark nodded, "That would explain all the notebooks." He looked at the road they were walking down. Dirt beaten down into a path, and thankfully not very muddy. "Looks like we've got a walk ahead of us. I'd like to learn more about the horses."

Finn nodded, "You're pretty observant. Although I wouldn't refer to them as horses, at least not around them. They'll allow a slip or two, but it does insult them a little. They're as different from feral horses as we are from apes. Same goes for calling the clan a herd." He took a breath and leaned his head back to look up at the sky, "Where to begin really?"

As they walked, the Professor began to tell him about the Clans. Where they came from was still largely a mystery. One would think that, even a few decades ago, it would have been nearly impossible to hide large settlements from the countless methods humans had of surveying the Earth. Still, until they had decided to let themselves be found, the Clans had largely remained off everyone's radar. And trying to find out how long they had been around, as a people, was utterly infuriating. Ask them a direct question about how long a clan existed, and the reply was usually along the lines of, "As long as it has existed." When asked about how long their people have roamed the lands, there was always the reply of, "Endless seasons." Just listening to the tone in Finn's voice, Mark could imagine how vague answers like that agitated the scientist.

They might not have come out into the open if it hadn't been for the illness that befell them.

Some time before they decided to come out, a strange sickness began to sweep through the clans. Their medicine men and herbal remedies had been virtually useless, often just helping the victims to stay alive a little longer before passing. It had taken precious time for things to move forward on the cure. Some had begun to work on one long before there was even funding for it.

Professor Finnegan Kirkspatrick had been one of the people working on the cure from the very start. He'd been a driving force behind discovering that the sickness was a variation of the flu. One that the clans had picked up from humans at some point.

The village came into view as they topped a hill. Finn waved towards it, "I still remember coming over this hill for the first time and seeing that." He pointed at a building, "Each clan stallion builds a home with enough bedrooms for his mares and their foals."

It took a second for Mark's brain to catch up. "Wait, did you say mares? As in more than one wife or do they just seduce mares into their homes and do what they can to keep them?"

Finn laughed, "Yes, each stallion has hopes of having multiple females. They've always outnumbered the males, so it's never really been a problem. The homes are like a status symbol for the stallions. More rooms is a symbol of how virile he thinks he is, but the number of females he can keep is the true judge. Then the homes would get passed on to a favored child. Used to, some of the higher ranking stallions would have six, seven, even eight mares under his roof." He chuckled and shook his head, "Can only imagine what that was like some times." His features dropped a little, "Now though, there is less choice. They're still recovering from the blow they took. You'll only find one or two mares to each stallion."

Mark nodded and looked at the village. "Your notes mentioned some other things. Like how they manage to produce extraordinary yields of crops each year."

Finn seemed glad for the change of subject. He pointed off beyond the village, " They use techniques that modern farmers have long since forgotten, yet manage to get a better yield per acre. Not only that, but they can produce multiple yields or some of the crops where a modern farmer might only get a single." He let out a slow breath and Mark could hear the respect in his voice, "The only time I haven't seen them produce a surplus has been when there is a drought. Even then, they manage to get enough to make it through the winter months." Mark craned his head a bit to look at the farm. His only experience with one involved driving past some on road trips, or flying over them in a plane. So he didn't know what was really needed to support a village.

"So does the clan exist as a patriarchy?" It was really the only way he could think about it, his mind flicking between village chiefs and stallions being herd masters.

The Professor laughed as they headed down the main path of the village. "No, it's actually a balance of powers. Choices that concern the entire village are made across the full village, every full grown adult gets a say. When it comes to the household, the mares tend to rule the roost a bit more. For obvious reasons." Mark felt his ears burn at the comment, drawing another laugh from the other human.

As they walked through the village, the horses either greeted them from the tasks they were working on, or would come over and chat with Mark and the Professor some. There were so many different colors and patterns. Solids, spotted, mottled, and even a couple that were nearly striped. Coats were blacks, browns, cream colors, gray, and every hue in between. Finn continued to talk, but he wasn't really paying attention as foals flocked around them, keeping a respectful distance as they stretched their necks and sniffed at the newcomer.

One little foal, little girl with the impossibly large, curious eyes, wearing a dress and wielding a stuffed bear, scampered forward and tripped. Moving quickly, he managed to catch her before she landed face first in the dirt. "Careful there." He smiled at her as she looked up at him. The little filly leaned forward and tousled his hair with her nose, whuffling at it.

"I swear she learned to run right after she figured out how to stand."

Following the voice, he looked up and felt his breath catch in his throat. Coming towards him was a beautiful mare. Her eyes were deep pools of gold-flecked brown. Body had just the right curves in the right places, and they seemed to go on forever. Her pelt was a shade of black so deep that it almost appeared blue in the light. She smiled at him as she approached and reached down, scooping up the little filly. He stood at the same time as the mare.

The filly tugged on the mare's arm and nickered, "Flowers, Auntie, flowers!" She flailed the bear towards Mark, nearly smacking him with its plush legs.

Laughing softly, the female caught the weaponized toy and kept it from flying about. "Oh really? Let me see, if you don't mind that is." He shook his head and stood there as she leaned in and sniffed at his hair again. His cheeks colored as she tousled his hair playfully with her muzzle. "Mmm, you're right, Little Runner. Smells like an apple orchard." Her voice dropped a little as she moved her muzzle in and kissed his neck, "Smells like my sister."

Before he could ask what she meant, the Professor was there, shooing her away gently. "Now, Canyon, look at how badly you're making him blush. We don't want anything to happen to the lad before he can do his job."

"I'm sorry, Finn. I wasn't thinking straight." She kept looking right at Mark as she spoke, smiling at him. There was a glint in her eyes as she turned and walked back into the crowd, tail flicking through the hole in her jeans. As he watched, she handed the filly off to another mare, who the little one immediately began to talk to and gesture wildly towards him.

A gently touch to his arm brought him back around to the Professor. "Sorry about that, they tend to ignore personal space a bit more than we're used to."

"No, no. It's alright. What did she mean though, that I smell like her sister."

Finn responded quickly, "Probably your cologne or shampoo. They depend on scent a lot more than we do."

"Really?" He rubbed the spot the mare had kissed him. Odd thing was, he hadn't put on anything flowery scented.

The rest of the tour was rather uneventful. He met with several of the elders in the village, most of whom were in good humors and made him feel relaxed to be around. Their trip took him to the Professor's house, with doubled as a clinic for the village, out to the fields, and various other places around the village. But his mind was only partially on what he was being shown. Inevitably, it would drift back to that mare. Canyon, he reminded himself, she has a name. Reaching a hand up, he rubbed at his neck where she'd kissed him. It felt like there was still a ghost of her warm breath bathing his skin.

Clearing his throat, he looked over at Finn, who had continued to talk as they headed back towards the trailer. "I thought you had an assistant. The notes make mention that you have one."

Finn hesitated just a second before nodding. "I did have one, Emily, bright girl. Was working here on her internship then had to return. Before she left through, she helped teach one of the women here to take her place. Betty's an incredibly smart girl and a valued assistant. I doubt there's a biology student out there that could match her, truth be told." Mark thought back to the mare with the mottled white and brown hide that was at the Professor's in-town residence. She'd certainly seemed intelligent enough and had one of those infectious good moods.

Rubbing his neck again, Mark cleared his throat; "Well, I have got to say, Professor. These people are really and truly impressive. If even half of what you say is true, then I can certainly see the benefit in funding your research."

Finn's grin was nearly ear-to-ear, "I was wondering if you were planning to recommend the funding or not, but didn't want to ask."

This time he returned the smile, "I'll be making my recommendation tonight." He thought back to the trailer. "You do have internet, don't you?" He wasn't going to be heading home tonight. The tour of the village, and a meal with the elders, had taken most of the day. Between the time, and the fact his rental was stuck in a ditch meant that he was taking the spare room for the night.

Finn laughed and nodded before a noise made him stop and turn. Lilly was charging down the road, ears flat against her skull. "Finn, We've got a problem! Zack was working on the irrigation and cut his leg pretty bad. He's gonna need help beyond what I can do." She whimpered and danced from hoof to hoof.

"Shit! Alright," he turned to Mark, "Would you be alright going back to the trailer on your own?" Mark nodded and listened to directions to the trailer and how to turn on the power before taking the flashlight the Professor offered. "I'm sorry about this. Feel free to eat anything in the pantry that you get hungry. I wouldn't leave the trailer though, the woods can be dangerous. Especially if you get lost." He stood there for a moment after the pair took off. Part of him was worried about being alone in the woods like this, but then again there was something nice about being out in the wilderness.

Making it back to the trailer was easy enough. So was getting the power on, once he managed to scare the spiderwebs away from the switch cover. The moment he flipped the switch, a couple lights flipped on around the trailer. Back inside, he went right for the guest room to collect his laptop before sitting on one of the overstuffed couches to write up his report. It was just one of the usual reports, the kind that he could write in his sleep. Which was fine, since writing the thing just about put him out. The Professor wasn't hooked up with wifi, but the internet was more than enough for him to send off the email. All he had to do was find a way to kill time before going to bed.

Which turned out to be harder than he would have thought. His phone only had so much it could do, and the he didn't have any movies or anything on his laptop since it was a work computer.

Just about the time he was seriously considering calling it an early night and turning in, there was a soft knock at the door. Mark had only turned his head before the door cracked open, "Hello?"

His breath caught in his throat as Canyon walked into the door and smiled at him. She was wearing the same thing she had been earlier, a pair of relaxed jeans and a tee that looked to be a size or two too big for her, but somehow everything looked great on her. Reaching up, he rubbed the warm spot on his neck and cleared his throat, "Um, the Professor went back to town, had a medical emergency."

She smiled at him and he felt his heart jump, "I wasn't coming around here for the Professor." Her hoofsteps sounding gently on the carpeted floor. "I saw him come running into town and thought you might be bored out here on your lonesome." Reaching a hand out, she smiled at him. "We met in town earlier, my niece liked your scent. Everyone calls me Canyon."

His heart was starting to hammer a bit as he stood out and took her hand, shaking it. "I remember," he gave her a little smile, "She was a little cutie. My name's Mark."

"Well, mark, I thought you might want to take a walk and see more of the area."

So many things were racing through his mind right then. He felt like a teenager again, with all kinds of sexual fantasies flicking through his brain. He gave her a nervous smile and took her hand before standing up. Her fur felt like velvet against his hand, the fingerpads gently calloused from the work she did on a daily basis. "That sounds fun." His eyes flicked towards the guest room, more thoughts racing through his mind. "Much better than just calling it an early night."

Canyon smiled and linked her fingers with his, "Come along then." There was a glimmer in her eyes as she glanced towards the bedroom as well, as if she were reading his mind. He was sure that his hair was going to catch fire from how much his ears were burning. Guiding him outside, she nodded at the back of the trailer. "Might want to turn that off. Remember the Professor saying that it can only run so long."

He looked at the bank and nodded, reluctantly releasing her hand to go over and shut it off. It was only as the lights clicked out, leaving them in darkness, that he thought. "Should I go get a flashlight?"

The mare slid up alongside him and twined her hand around his again. "I don't think we'll need it." He shivered as her warm breath puffed against his neck. "Do you trust me?" Any other time, his mind would have been racing with countless possibilities of what might happen to him out in those dark woods at night. But this mare, this stranger, managed to quell any fears he might have with that one simple question.

Mark swallowed and nodded, "I trust you." Even in the dark, he could make out her smile, the stars shining in her eyes.

They walked for several minutes in silence, Mark moving carefully until his eyes began to adjust. As it turned out, she was right and they didn't even need one. Out this far in the country, with the clear sky and the moon nearly full, it was plenty bright out. He kept looking over towards Canyon, breath catching in his throat as the moonlight shimmered in her mane. She glanced over at him with a smile and shook her hair. "It seems like you're rather enthralled with me, Mark, should I be worried about my virtue?" He stammered a bit, but she eased his nerves with a gentle hip bump.

He cleared his throat and smiled, "Well, you are beautiful." She smiled back at him. "I do have to ask about your name though." His fingers ran over her hand as he looked down, cheeks flushing a bit. "The Professor said that you take on nicknames, and I could understand a couple of the names, but..."

She nodded and tossed her head again, mane brushing against his cheek. "Ahh, that's a fun little story." His ears began to burn as his mind immediately went for the dirtiest thing possible. "There's a canyon a few miles out, not a big one but it's out there. Always love going there when I need a little alone time."

"So you became the canyon mare?"

She nodded and bumped against his side playfully. "What did you think that my name meant, hmm?" He didn't even have to say anything, his stammering reply told her everything. She stopped walking and he felt a bolt of fear race down his spine. Before he could come up with an apology, she nudged his neck with her soft muzzle. "Well, a girl does like her fun." Goosebumps rippled across his body as she gave his neck another little kiss. Moving in front of him, she casually draped her arms across his shoulders and smiled at him. He felt his heart almost stop as she looked at him, her eyes sparkling in the faint light. "I want to show you something."

There were so many thoughts racing through his mind at that moment, all of them along the same theme. She gave him a little kiss before taking his hand once more and heading deeper into the woods. He didn't know how long he followed her, it might have been just a hundred feet or it could have been a hundred miles. It didn't matter.

After just a little while, they stopped and she turned towards him. "What I'm about to show you is a very special place, a pure place."

"A pure place?" By now his palms were sweating and his mouth felt as dry as the Sahara.

She nodded, ears perking up. "A place that the spirits favor." A smile crossed her lips, "You wouldn't be here unless they wanted you to be." Leaning in, she nuzzled his cheek lightly, warm breath puffing against his face. "But you can't have any metal on your body when you enter the glade." Canyon stepped back from him, wearing a slight smile. "Which means that it would be best to..." she trailed off as she pulled her shirt off.

His eyes went as wide as saucers as her bare breasts came into view. As with any guy, his eyes dropped down to look at them as she folded her top and set it on the ground. Mark could only stare in awe of her beauty as her jeans joined her shirt on the ground. His head was swimming as she looked at him with that lovely, smug smile of hers and turned, tail flicking behind her as she walked through the brush. It was only as she turned that he noticed something.

She was pregnant.

Not more than a few months, if he had to guess, but her stomach was just showing the swell of her growing foal. The thought of what might happen if the stallion found him with the mare didn't even cross his mind. Mark was helplessly caught in the mare's thrall. Before he could even think about it, he was shedding his clothes and laying them out next to hers. It felt like he was walking through a dream as he followed after her. Sticks and stones dug at his tender city-dwelling feet, but they barely slowed him down.

What lay before him was like something out of a fantasy painting. The clearing was lit up by silvery moonlight. A mossy covered rock stood by a glass-smooth pond. Canyon was just seating herself on the stone, her ebony coat bearing a frost-like shimmer in the light.

Even if he was sceptical of this being a place that the spirits favored, he would gladly admit that she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. Any scepticism he felt faded the moment he stepped into the clearing.

The ground was far softer under his feet, nocturnal noises grew muffled, and each breath that he took left him feeling invigorated. Even time itself seemed to slow and respect the sanctity of the area.

Mark's back straightened and he felt more confident as he approached her. Moonlight shone in her eyes as she reached out, fingers tracing gently over his sides. Without a word, she stood up and draped her arms around him again, drawing him in close. He groaned as her silky fur brushed against his skin. Soft breasts pillowed against his chest as they moved in to kiss. It was more than a peck but less than a full french. Just enough to make him melt against her. His hands ran over her sides, combing through her luscious fur and feeling the muscles under her pelt. Fingers moved in and traced over her belly, feeling the swell there. Canyon broke the kiss and smiled as her hands joined his, letting him feel her pregnancy for a moment before she moved. Turning him around, she had him back towards the rock before kneeling in front of him. She looked up at him as her soft muzzle brushed against his already erect length. Neither said a word as her broad tongue ran over his shaft. Mark could only moan, legs quivering as he fell back against the cool boulder. His member stood proudly in the moonlight. He was a nice size, but nothing that would likely impress the mare. He had a sneaking suspicion that even as anthros, the stallions were packing something that'd put him to shame.

Any more thoughts along that line were aborted as Canyon pressed her nose against his balls and took a deep breath. Both moaned as she turned her head and lipped at his flesh, working her way up to his tip. Flat teeth gently nipped at his crown before she lowered her long muzzle over him. She easily took him right to his root and kept her head there. Lips worked against his base and sac as her tongue went to work over his needy flesh. Her wide, powerful tongue ran all around his shaft, gently working it against her teeth. Moaning, he brought both hands to rest on her head, massaging her ears and twining through her mane as she suckled on his hard length. His mouth hung open as he moaned at her, squirming on the rock as she swallowed noisily around him.

There was no way that he was going to last long, and something told him not to hold back.

It only took the mare a matter of moments to bring him to climax. Arching off the rock, he gasped and pushed against her as his cock leapt inside of her muzzle. Canyon uttered a noise that sounded like she was saying, "Hurrhurr," as she swallowed down his seed. He groaned, body lifting from his seat as her tongue ran against his length, drawing out every drop he could give her. It was only when he had nothing left to give that she drew away from him. The ebony mare smiled and lipped at his tip before standing.

Again, without a word, he knew what she wanted. Mark slid off the stone and let her take his spot. Canyon leaned back and let her legs spread wide enough for him to slip between those sexy thighs. Her legs moved as he leaned in, draping them across his shoulders so she could draw him in closer.

Not that he really needed the encouragement.

He leaned in and took a breath of her scent. She smelled so clean and fresh, like a meadow first thing in the morning. As he drew in close, muscles twitched, making her slit pull up and show him a flash of her ruby inner lips. Surprised, he looked up at her. With only a little coo and a stroke to his head, she reassured him. Mark leaned in and licked at her slit, drawing a moan and another of those winks from the mare. Smiling, he pressed his lips to her privates and drove his tongue into her soft folds.

Hands fell to his head, mussing his hair as she lay back, allowing him full access to her privates. Slipping a hand up, he parted her lips and moaned as her sweet scent washed over him. He had been with women a few times, and had gotten plenty of compliments on his skill at this. Of course it was made much easier due to the fact that down there, Canyon was nearly identical to the women he had been with.

The next time she winked, he wrapped his lips around her swollen clit and gently trapped it. A suckle on the hard pearl drew a moan from her. His fingers plunging into her moist slit made her voice lift higher. He began to pump his fingers quickly, tongue bathing over her clit. She began to eagerly buck against him, singing her pleasure out into the woods. The winks came closer together as he worked her, muscles trying to clamp down on his digits. Hooking his fingers, he pushed them against the female's inner walls and searched. An instant later, he felt a spot inside of her body with a slightly different texture. Wiggling his fingers against that produced a happy squeal from the mare as she pushed up. All it took was a few seconds before juices squirted from her body, muscles pulling at his fingers. Mark happily released her clit so he could lap up her sweet honey, uttering a soft groan into her folds.

He could have gone on eating her flower, but a hand on his head stopped him. Canyon smiled down at him, panting lightly as she unwound her legs from his shoulders. The mare guided him up and kissed his lips. He moved to sink into her, but again she stopped him with a soft touch. "There is someone I want you to meet."

"Meet? Who?" His mind was swimming as she kissed him again, licking her honey off his face. He could still taste some of his cum on her mouth, and found that for once he didn't mind the flavor.

"She means me." He froze and looked towards the voice. Standing at the edge of the clearing, wearing exactly the same amount of clothing they were, stood a stallion in his prime. The male's body was toned from a lifetime of work, lean muscle shifting under a glowing coat. His pelt was a lovely red color, a white blaze marking his forehead, and a matching one trailing along his belly. The stallion's length was already firm, mottled flesh pulsing lightly in the moonlight. While it was definitely impressive, it was far from what Mark had imagined it would be like.

He would have pulled away from Canyon, but the mare kept a hand on his arm, stilling him before he could even bolt. The tall stallion crossed towards them, an easy smile on his face. "So this is the one?"

Canyon nodded and leaned forward to nuzzle his neck, taking a deep breath of his scent. "Yes he is, even if he does not fully feel the bond."

"Bond?" Mark looked towards the woman before looking back at the man, who he guessed was her stallion. "What bond?" The wind shifted, bringing him the stallion's scent. He swayed, the mare having to support him for a moment.

The stallion had to lean down to bury his muzzle into Mark's hair, taking a deep whuffle. "Ah yes, I can smell it." This close, the stallion's musk was invading his senses, making him feel a little drunk. "He will make a lovely mare." Mare? What were they talking about? A hand tilted his head back so the male's coarser muzzle could press against his face. The kiss was deeper than any he'd shared with Canyon, the male's tongue invading his mouth. He pushed against the invader, but soon sound that his tongue was wrestling with it.

He nearly stumbled as the stallion stepped away. Canyon laughed and held him upright, "Yes, he will be a beautiful herd-sister." Mark felt confused as they talked, looking back and forth between the pair. Kneeling at the pond's edge, the stallion dipped something he'd been carrying into the water. The glassy mirror rippled as he filled the hollow gourd. The mare nuzzled into his ear and whispered, "Do you trust me?" Despite his confusion, Mark still nodded, eyes locked onto the stallion as he stood and approached.

The gourd touched his lips, "Then drink." Some part of his mind was screaming at him, asking him what was happening, but it was a voice and questions that were never heard. Holding onto the container, he tipped it back and drank deeply. The water was like ice as it poured down his throat. The water had a silvery glow to it, possibly from the moon, but for a moment he convinced himself that he was drinking moonbeams. A chill settled into his gut like a chunk of ice, radiating a chill into his limbs. By the time the stallion pulled the gourd from his lips, his teeth were chattering. Mark took a deep breath and then something happened.

In an instant the frozen core melted and a blazing heat spread through his body. He gasped and arched his body, staring up at the moon. The warmth began to pulse with his heartbeat, growing hotter and hotter until he felt as if he were a being made of living flame. Bones cracked and shifted, muscles crawling under his skin. Hair changed, lengthening and growing thicker all along his body. Mark trembled and uttered a whimper as his legs gave out from under him. Strong arms caught and lowered him to the ground. He rolled his head as the bones in his face began to crack and shift, growing into a muzzle. Body shook as he took a breath, changing sense of smell bringing him the stallion's musk. It invaded his nose, making him gasp and take another breath, pressing his face into that broad chest. A shiver raced through his body, hair raising along his spine at that heavy musk.

The heat faded from his body, drawing back to concentrate in his gut. Mark blinked, eyes taking a moment to focus. His eyes crossed slowly, looking at the muzzle that he was sporting. Nostrils flared as he snorted and sat up, ears swiveling around. A hand braced against his back as he nearly blacked out, "Careful there."

He looked up at the stallion before rolling his head around. Looking down at his body, the altered man blinked several moments. A hand lifted to touch his chest, fingers curling against the underside of one of his new breasts. He blinked as the alien-yet-familiar hand brushed over the breast, sending a shiver racing through his body. Fingers traced over the snowy-white mound before brushing over a pink nipple. He bit his lip to hold back a moan as the teat perked under his fingers. It took a second or two for a thought to enter his head. The second that thought formed, his hand reached down between his legs and stroked over his groin. Yep, his penis and balls were gone. In their place was a silken, slightly swollen mound. As he stroked over his own slit, that heat in his gut built and made his labia swell. Mark's ears folded back as a finger probed this new slit. His back arched as the finger found his pearl, tickling the clit.

Laughter made him look up, ears falling back into his...err her, mane. Canyon and the stallion were still there, their musk filling his nose with every breath. The mare neighed, "She's a pretty one isn't she, Thunder?"

"One of the most beautiful mares I've ever seen." Leaning in, he nuzzled Mark with a little noise. The nuzzle turned into another kiss, tongue invading the new mare's muzzle. Her eyes fluttered as she breathed out a moan, body pressing up into his.

Thunder moved them, laying her back into the so-soft grass as he maneuvered himself over her. Canyon groaned as she leaned against the rock, fingers slipping between her legs to stroke her slit. "In this light, she looks like a ghost, doesn't she?"

The new mare lifted her head and looked down her body as the stallion leaned over her, pressing that mottled cock of his against her folds. "She's too warm to be a ghost," Both equines moaned as he rocked his hips, grinding that heavy, thick cock against her silken lips. He moved slowly, just using his member to stoke her fires and draw out her flower's dew. As he shifted, the moon shone down on her body, drawing her eyes to her new pelt.

"W-what about Wraith?"

The other two stopped, looking from each other, to her, and back. She shivered, feeling the stallion's cock resting against her, balls pressing against her ass, and his precum running down his shaft to drip onto her pelt. Canyon smiled first and tossed her mane. "Wraith, I like that."

He whickered and nodded, "As do I. Well, my little Wraith," leaning in, he nuzzled her neck. "Are you ready to become a mare?" She nodded, heart pounding in her throat. A fire burned in her belly, begging for the male to plunge into her. Nodding, she held onto his arms. Her breath came in short pants as he drew back, seeming to move extraordinary slow just to tease her. It seemed to take forever before his tip nudged against her lips, spreading them slowly. Her body arched up, muscles tensing as she winked against him. Without even thinking, she uttered that same "hurrhurr" noise that Canyon had made earlier.

She wanted him to take her.

She needed him to claim her.

He was more than happy to oblige.

A sharp buck drove his length into her moist folds. Wraith buried her face into his chest, loins aching as the stallion stretched her open and claimed her maidenhead as his. He drew back, having barely plunged any of his length into her. His next thrust sank his pole deeper into her heat. Deeper, he plunged. Faster, he pumped her. Harder, her heart hammered away in her chest.

Wraith pressed her legs against his sides, body arching up into his. The sound of her slit grabbing and pulling at his cock mingled with three sets of moans and the heavy impact of the larger stallion claiming his mare. Nostrils flared to take in the sweet aroma of their rutting. She buried her head into his neck and nipped at his flesh, making him grunt and ram into her harder. The mare squealed as he banged against her cervix, arching into him eagerly. A pressure was building in her stomach like a great spring. Wound by the piston-like pounding of his cock in her.

Eyes rolled back into her head as she cried out, body tensing around him. The stallion tossed his head and drove into her body as she clamped down on his girth. An instant after she reached her peak, the stallion joined her, head swelling against her insides as his body gave hers what it was begging for. His tail flagged proudly as he fired his load deep into the sweet female. She held on tight, gasping for breath as she rode out her first climax as a female. Within mere seconds her hold on him relaxed and she slipped back to the grass with a huff.

It was mostly dark when she came to her senses. Mark... no Wraith now? Opened her eyes and blinked. She was in an unfamiliar room with an all-too familiar scent right tickling her nostrils. Sitting up, she looked around and blinked. She was in a bedroom, the stallion's perhaps? No, the room didn't smell strongly enough of him. The Professor's voice spoke up in her min, reminding her that the village's stallions would have houses with multiple bedrooms, one for each mare. Looking down, she saw that the stallion was laying there, arm draped around her as he lay on his back, still very much naked.

Ears flushed and laid back as she slid from the bed slowly. A lantern at the bedside was burning, but turned down low. She'd seen these types before, and only took a moment to find the key and turn up the flame. With the light turned up, it was easy to spot a mirror on the back of a dresser.

Getting up and walking was a whole different chore. Staggering, partially because of the unfamiliar legs, but also due to the wonderful ache between her thighs, the mare made it over to the dresser and leaned against it. Looking into the mirror, she examined her form. Again, it was both alien, but hauntingly familiar. Her eyes were the same, and something about the features rang true with her.

She was so caught up in looking over her new body that she didn't notice Thunder stirring. Not until he came up behind her and wrapped an arm around her belly. Leaning in, he nuzzled her neck, inhaling her scent before planting a kiss there. "You're in my home, in one of the bedrooms." He chuckled and spoke softly, "Wraith is a fitting name, you hardly weigh anything." She leaned back against him, but kept her eyes on the reflection. His ears lifted, "If you wish... we can change you back in the morning."

Her ears lifted at that. Change back to what she was before? Could she do it, did she want to? What did she have to go back to really? A nine to five job, average apartment, and a mediocre life? Versus a village she had fallen for in a matter of hours? But what about in a few years, would she regret it then?

Ears flicked and danced as she thought, the stallion standing behind her. Her eyes went wide as she felt him stirring against her backside, casting a glance over her shoulder. He gave a sheepish grin and mumbled an excuse before starting to pull away. A touch to his arm stopped him, the mare smiling back at her stallion. Leaning forward, she let her hands rest on the dresser as her tail flicked up and to the side, revealing her pale, winking slit. "The morning is still a while off, isn't it?"

Thunder licked his lips and grinned, "Hurr hurr hurr."

"Well, Professor, I have to tell you that this village is simply remarkable." Finn gave one of his trademark easy smiles to the suit.

"It's like I told you over the phone. This place is truly incredible."

The woman nodded and straightened one of her suit's sleeves. "I believe you, just as I believed the report filed by Mark Simmons. Although you understand why I am here. After his... unusual departure, an investigation had to be made."

He nodded and slipped his hands into his pockets, feeling very uncomfortable wearing his suit in this weather. "Curious thing that."

"Mm, inheritance from an uncle. Money and land out of country. Seems like something out of a fairy tale doesn't it? Still, your books are in amazing order, for a scientist."

The Professor laughed, "It does seem like something out of a daytime TV show, doesn't it. As for the books, I have Wraith to thank for that, she is a genius with numbers."

A whicker sounded from the mare in question, ears laying back in her mane. She leaned back in her chair and ran a hand over her swollen belly. "What would Thunder say if he heard you flirting with me like that?"

"My dear, I would be more worried about what Canyon would say."

"I would tell you that she is fully and happily taken." The darker mare came out, cradling her foal. Leaning in, she nuzzled the other mare.

He held up his hands and backed away with a playful grin. "I wouldn't dream of trying to take her away form you, my dear." Turning back to the accountant, he asked; "Are you sure you don't want to stay the night, Ms Anderson? The sunsets are amazing."

She adjusted her suit again and glanced at the mares, who were nuzzling each other and cooing over the foal. "No thank you. I have to make it to my flight and make sure my report is filed. I do, however, fully agree with Agent Simmons, and will push for your continued funding." She looked over the top of her wire-rim glasses at the mares. "So long as the books remain in order."

He smiled, "Then allow me to walk you back to your car."

Wraith smiled, "Be careful, Ma'am. Roads are muddy this time of year."