A wolf's hidden compassion chapter 1: strange feelings

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Authors note- this series contains incest between 3 wolves so if your not into that stuff this is not your story. The characters portrayed in this story are from Balto two. There are 3 characters, Balto, Alui and later Jenna as well as a small part with Balto's parents. This is my first yiff story I hope you enjoy it and don't paw off just yet mind you I write yiffy but I do so with "some" pride ^^. Review and tell me how you liked it or what to improve on or suggestions on future chapters or stories.

A wolf's hidden compassion, chapter 1: strange feelings intro

-Intro- A year has past since the events of Balto two. Balto remained the ever-present hero of Alaska until one day he wanted to move on, go to a new land free of ice and snow. He felt that Jenna deserved more than that condemned ship and Boris needed the space for he too had a family now. After a little work and persuading, Balto convinced Jenna to come with him on his journey but only after she said her farewells to all her friends and all her now grown up pups, she said she will meet up with them in about 2 months.

Alui who had left the wolf pack she was in "most likely because of the packs view on their bitches" returned to her father and agreed to join him on the trip like the old days. Before leaving they told Boris where the location of their new home will be and then they both left Alaska.

Within a month they had set up a new den in a cabin located on Canada's south western coast. They loved their new home, the cabin had been abandoned but had been solar powered and the lights were automatic allowing a warm feeling when they enter this nice warm den. The beach was free of snow and ice. It had sand as soft as Jenna's underbelly fur. Balto could not help but roll around in the sand yipping and growling playfully as Alui watched from afar laughing at her father acting like a pup. There was a lake one mile from the cabin that they used to bath and have fun in.

Above, a cliff stood high above the sandy beach of their new home with a lone totem that stood watch over the sea as if waiting for something. This always captivated Balto as it resembled the likeness of his mother and father and believed they use it to watch over him and Alui. But with all the serene and peaceful settings came boredom, Balto started to feel lonely... Strange feelings

The sun was dipping into the amber sea as Balto was sitting atop the high cliff staring into the endless skyline.

Sigh it's been nearly a month since we left Alaska...and Jenna...I never thought id get this lonely waiting for her at the time we parted, had I known that I would have stayed in Alaska and waited so we could go together but its to late now.

He took another deep breath as Alui approached from behind him.

Still thinking about mom, dad?

Balto looked to the right as Alui sat down next to him and leaned on his gray furry arm.

I miss her as much as you do dad.

Balto looked down at Alui leaning on him and laughed.

What...what's so funny dad?

He continued laughing as he explained.

Well, I miss her for many different reasons Alui not just for the company, * muzzled laugh *

Alui gave a confused look, as she did not understand the concept of mating.

Huh...what's that mean dad...what else do you miss her for?

He continued to laugh as he lifted his paw and bumped her head.

Laughs your to young to understand that Alui you still have not had your first heat yet but you will soon. Aww....your always shutting me out of stuff you and mom do but you two make a hell of a lot of noise at night back at the ship, what's up with all of that moaning and yelping. You two sound like dieing animals in a leg trap and yet in the morning you two seem even better than the day before, what's the secret?

Balto had stopped laughing now and was shocked.

How the hell could she hear us, Boris said the ship was sound proof...unless...AWW Boris you sick bastard, you wanted to eves drop on us mating. I'm going to kill that Russian...

Balto was startled when Alui spoke up.


Huh...oh its nothing to be concerned about, your mother just has special needs that need to be taken care of every so often.

Well...what are they...I want to know dad.

Balto sighed as he thought, "why dose she have to ask every time I tell her no..."

i...cant tell you yet ask me when you're a year older.

Alui glares at her dad and barks.

See...this is what I'm talking about you keep me in the dark about every thing * growl*.

Balto slumps to the ground and facepaws from having to argue with Alui's relentless queries. Alui storms down the cliff as Balto shouts.

Hey Alui where are you going!?

She yells back up to him.

I'm going to the lake for a bath.

Balto stands up and runs down to her.

I think ill join you, its been a good week since I cleaned my self, this sand in my ear has been irritating the hell out of me.

Alui smirks and whispers.

Yeah, because you roll around in the sand like a little puppy.

What was that Alui..?

She bolts ahead of him.

Come on ill, race you dad.

Balto laughs, you think you can beat me...Alui you are something laugh.

They bolt off in a sprint to the lake the sun still going slowly into the sea behind them.

Alui, we got about 3 hours before the sun fully sets so lets hurry this up so we can avoid being left out in the dark.

She shakes her head and leaps off a rock into the water a few feet below.


Wa....wow its co...cold YIP

she yips in shock as Balto lands a few inches away from her.

Damn it dad you nearly hit me!

Hehe...just trying to cool that temper of yours....gurgle

she dunks Balto's head under the water. hmph Here lets get that sand out of your ears...

The two of them splashed each other for a while before they got tired from their exciting play fight.

Alui started for the shore as she got out she howled.

Ohhh gawd its so cold shiver

just then Balto looked up at Alui and saw her young nipples starting to harden out of her chest fur and her pink nether lips twitching at the feel of the cold wind.

Balto licked his lips as he thought to himself.

Wow...she looks better than Jenna, I'm getting yiffy just looking at her ...no...no, I can't do that, shes my daughter not Jenna, I can't fantasize about her its not right.

He started for the shore and stepped ahead of Alui then she gasped.

Gasp what is that pink rod between your legs, dad?!

Balto facepaws, and knew he would have to explain himself.

How could I be so stupid...i should have known I had a hard-on from that image...what should I say...sigh I guess theres no getting around it...i have to tell her the truth.

Balto takes a deep breath and turns to face her...as did his canine cock. I'll tell you the truth Alui, you wanted to know what heat is right? Sit down this might take awhile to explain.

She comes closer to him and sits down as her eyes lock down at his pulsing cock.

Ahhh....Alui, look up at me not at my cough ...rod.

She looks up at his face as both of them started to blush at each others reaction to this situation.

At your age you start to develop an awareness to males and your body changes in a few ways...

She simply nods and asks.

What kinds of changes happen to my body, dad?

He points to her chest with his paw.

Your breasts become larger and start to become more sensitive to touch...Alui?

Balto was stunned to see her lift one of her paws to her young chest and start to gently rub her breast moan...really dad?

Balto looks away shy as Alui experiments on herself, moaning contently.

Alui don't do that now...its not right to do that in front of others.

Alui lets out one more moan before she sets her paw back down and looks up at her father.

Wow...that felt sooo good...why didn't you tell me about this earlier dad? I was hoping you would figure that out by yourself, now that "pink rod" you call it is the male's version of your nether region...

Her eyes lock back on to Balto's pulsing cock and her eyes widen as she saw a knot forming at the base of his shaft.

Dad that thing is growing and a bulge is forming on it...does it ever stop growing?

Balto lets out a quiet laugh as he remembers Jenna asking the same thing when they first mated.

No, I don't think it gets any bigger than this but as I was saying, when a male becomes "excited" his rod grows and becomes sensitive to touch, like yours...but don't do it right now.

Can you do anything else with it dad?

No, it just grows, thats it...anyway its getting dark so lets head back Alui.

As they started to run back to the cabin Balto took the lead, his cock swinging freely under him as he ran.

Damn it, it won't go limp...i can't get Alui's innocent look of her fondling herself out of my mind...what should I do. Good thing she did not ask me any thing else or who knows what else I would have had to say,phew got a lucky break. Alui trailed closely behind him, her eyes were lock on to Balto's cock but then she started to see droplets of some kind of fluid start to flow from the tip of it.

Is it sweat...no we just started running and Balto never tires this easily, its most likely not urine as both of us went to the bathroom before bathing...what is it...gasp

Just then a large amount of it flew off and hit her muzzle near her mouth.

Well its not urine and not sweat...i wonder what it is, if it is urine then it should be bitter but this is sticky...

She flicks her tongue out and licks up the fluid on her lips and savors the taste, swirling it around and then swallows it.

wa...what is it...its salty but tastes great....i wonder if if I could get another sample if I stay low to the ground and get closer...

Alui stays low to the ground and got closer and closer to Balto until they were just a few inches away from each other, she was catching all the drops of sweet precum as they flew off and hit her face.

As she got closer a strong scent filled her face from Balto's cock...it was intoxicating to Alui. My legs feel like they are burning...what does all of it mean...?

Unaware of how close Alui was to him Balto suddenly stopped and then SLAM .

Alui's face slammed into Balto's rear, while Balto was left in shock.

Just then Alui looked up to the cock above her head and gave it a long lick, balls to tip while licking up the remaining precum on the tip.

You smell and taste so good dad...i couldn't help it.

So many thoughts were flooding Balto's mind as he looked at his daughter's face inches from his cock...her face wet with his pre.


Balto passes out from a mental overload and falls to the ground outside the cabin......

To be continued......

Authors note- yes my cliff hanger...but its only to let you dry out :P, Balto is out cold but what will Alue do to this poor wolf in front of her...have her way with him?....maybe...just wait to find out in my next chapter.... "to tame a wolf" yiff ya later and don't forget to review or give a shout out on my page on suggestions on new chapter ideas or story plots...ill do the hard work from there :D.