Kal/Daz's Sultry Jungle Hideaway, Part 3/5

Story by TwilitDawnKnown on SoFurry

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#3 of Kalenidus & Dazen's Sultry Jungle Hideaway

Part 3 out of 5. By this point, we're more than halfway through the series, so you can put up at least one vote for which three you want to be illustrated! But I'd advise that you save one for part 5--it's some of the hottest stuff yet. Again, if there's call for it, I can also advance the release of the remaining two parts.

He woke in the morning. There was sunlight, but it was mostly green; there were nature sounds, but they were mostly water.

It was slightly disconcerting to be in a place where the morning stimuli were so different from anything he'd usually sense upon waking, and as such his instincts prompted him to figure out where he was before even moving. He pieced together the sounds and sensations, along with his memory.

Kalen was there. That was good. The room was unfamiliar, and it smelled faintly of polymer solvent and jungle. It also smelled rather strongly of musk with a faint note of seminal fluid.

Oh yes. That's where they were.

He opened his eyes more fully--he'd kept them nearly shut in case someone was watching and waiting for him to wake, ostensibly with nefarious purposes in mind--and saw Kalen in front of him, still dead to the world. The spotted creature had rolled slightly aside in his sleep, and though still close to Dazen, he was no longer a veritable limpet to Dazen's form. His far arm was splayed at an ungainly angle towards the edge of the bed.

Dazen watched him for a while; the liguar's chest rose and fell softly with his breathing, which itself was just the least bit sonorous with the uncaring non-attention to self of slumber. He was definitely a cute one, that Kalen, and while right now his expression was without feature, Dazen expected it to roll back into one of the liguar's winning grins at any moment, greeting him and the morning with Kalen's typical enthusiasm.

Dazen felt happy, thinking about this. Things were peaceful here, and open; he didn't feel a need to watch his back, not here, out in the middle of galactic nowhere. He sometimes kept his emotions for Kalen in check, simply so that they wouldn't manifest at an inopportune moment, but here, in the moment, he could feel those concerns peeling away, letting him stretch out of their constraint and be free to do as he pleased.

It was quite a nice feeling.

The morning was still clearly on the early side, what with the angle of what direct rays could filter through the dense green canopy that overarched all, and the opportunity to sleep in was something he could rarely afford. He decided to go with the flow and doze off again, since there was nowhere for them to be and nothing pressing to do. There would be sex later, for sure, but for now they might as well relax so as to be energized for that.

He'd long been trained to be able to fall asleep essentially on command, as a matter of necessity, and he closed his eyes and was unconscious not two minutes later, intending to wake up within an hour.

When he woke again later, he was immediately aware of the smell of cooking meat--specifically, the tantalizing aroma of bacon. He knew it wasn't real bacon--the true thing had fallen out of favor long ago when it was discovered how detrimental the chemicals in the curing process were, and so some clever bioengineers had spliced pigs with some genes that would add the distinct flavor of bacon without the chemical danger. The result was called bio-bacon, and it tasted virtually identical. It was one of Dazen's favorite breakfast accompaniments, and he'd found more than one package in the cryo-stasis box when rummaging for the steaks; apparently Kalen was looking to spoil him.

There was something else, too, but the aroma was much fainter behind the penetrating, hunger-stimulating scent of the bio-bacon. Rather than lying there and trying to untangle the various aromas from one another with fervent concentration, he opted to get up and go find out.

He didn't consider it especially surprising when his eyes informed him that Kalen was no longer in the bed, since bio-bacon didn't usually cook itself, and he lumbered with just a tiny bit of grogginess towards the kitchen, rubbing an eye to clear it of sleep.

Kalen appeared wide awake and as energetic as ever; it appeared as though he'd gotten straight to work after getting up, and rather than getting dressed in the conventional sense of the word, he'd simply thrown on an apron to protect his bare body from any rogue spatters of searing grease. It was tied in the back with a simple shoelace-style knot, showing off the liguar's sinuous back and tight rump. His movements were deft and skilled as he wrangled bio-bacon on the stove, while periodically he checked on Belgian waffles that were cooking in a griddle.

Dazen was about to sneak up silently and give the liguar a firm spank, what with his buns to the breeze as they were, but he realized that doing so while Kalen was working with a hot stove and other kitcheny implements wasn't probably a good idea. So instead he turned his head and made a grumbling murmur towards the corridor from which he'd arrived, aiming to make it sound like he was just approaching via a feigned ventriloquism.

The sound caused Kalen's ears to flick reflexively, and when a moment presented itself amidst his cooking, he turned his head to see where the noise had come from. Dazen chose that moment to continue walking forward, as though he hadn't been waiting at all. He approached the smaller hybrid, planting a kiss between Kalen's ears that he let be a little sloppy with pretended drowsiness, even though he was truly almost as awake as ever. "G'morning, Kal."

"Good morning yourself!" replied the liguar. "Getting your beauty rest in, sleepyhead?"

Dazen ran a hand down his cohort's side, cupping Kalen's lower torso in his palm. "You tell me. Do I look sexier today?"

Kalen flicked his gaze back towards Dazen, giving him a quick once-over in between glances to make sure the bacon wasn't getting overcooked. "Hmm...not exactly, but then it's hard to improve on you." He flipped one of the sizzling strips in the pan. "Since you were pretty dang hot to begin with and all."

"Good answer." Dazen stepped aside to examine the waffle griddle, which was placidly steaming away. "Waffles and bacon, eh? Simple, but hearty. I like it."

Kalen shrugged, putting the flip on another strip with his spatula. "I wanted something fairly quick so that we could get on with our day. I mean, we kinda slept in..."

Dazen gave a toss of his head and smoothed his hair back; it had fallen in front of his face as he gazed down at the cooking waffles. "That's true. How's the local time here?"

"About the same as home time. The days are a little longer, but that's because of this planet's weird density. I'm pretty sure one of the research groups was looking into that..."

Dazen noticed that the table hadn't been set, and so he busied himself with putting out plates and silverware for the two of them. Some mornings he liked coffee, but getting to sleep in as he had and not having anything in particular to go do meant that he had no need or urge to make the day happen any faster than it wanted to, so he decided not to make any, and instead got out the milk from the standard fridge in the kitchen. It came in a special carton, rather than a plastic jug, so that it could be safely stored in the cryo-stasis until it was needed, and as such it was an odd size and rather heavier than the usual. He examined it for a moment before setting it out.

He found butter in the fridge, too--couldn't cook half of Kalen's dishes without it, he surmised--but he couldn't seem to find any syrup. "Hey, Kal--did you get syrup with all this?"

Kalen paused to think, staring briefly out into space, before grimacing and shaking his head. "Dang, no, I'd have had to order it specially, 'cause it wasn't in the pack. Still, who the heck provides pancake and waffle mix and doesn't include syrup? That's messed up."

Dazen shrugged his massive shoulders. "We'll be fine. It's not like the waffles are going to explode without it."

Soon the waffles were done, and though they were without the sweet, sticky topping usually used, they were just fine with just butter and some powdered sugar Kalen transmuted from the granulated variety.

Dazen ate several mouthfuls in silence, leading Kalen to wonder if perhaps he was concealing his thoughts on their taste. "So...do they taste alright without the syrup?"

Dazen leisurely finished chewing before answering. "Yeah, they do. How do you make them so fluffy when we're in the middle of nowhere, Kal? Geeze."

Kalen flicked the tip of his tail, putting on a suave look. "Ah, well, that would be telling! We'll call it a trade secret and leave it at that."

The larger hybrid flipped his fork over his knuckles while retaining his hold on the end, pointing the far end casually at Kalen. "I have a feeling that I can get it out of you if I want."

"That's probably true," said Kalen. "I tend to cave under excessive pressure from hunky studs. It's a good thing we don't run into too many of those in our line of work, huh?"

"Even if we did, I'd probably have to off them just so that you didn't wander off after them," Dazen said, tickling the liguar's side with his dexterous tail.

"Aaah! Stoppit!" said Kalen, giggling as the furry tuft ruffled his side. After a moment, Dazen let off, and Kalen recovered his composure before speaking again, though a grin remained: "Seriously though, you know I wouldn't do that."

The larger hybrid leaned towards his partner, adopting the silky, sultry tone of voice he used to such effect. "I know. You can't take your eyes off me, even though you don't want to--I've got you here, and you're mine."

Kalen blushed under his fur as he stared back at Kalen, slightly slack-jawed with a piece of fork-speared waffle halfway to his mouth. For a moment he simply froze there, but then with several blinks he seemed to return to himself. "Oh gosh...damn, Dazen, you know me too well. It's an unfair advantage, I tell you."

Dazen went back to his waffle. "You're just jealous that I have it. But that's okay; you like me to apply that advantage so that I can dominate you and make your deep desires come true--it's why you did all this, after all."

The liguar squirmed a bit in his seat. "Well, while that's well and good, I feel kind of on the spot here. Mind if we change the subject?"

"Sure, I guess," said Dazen, "what are we planning to do today?"

"A lot of relaxing activity, for a start," said Kalen, his usual perky demeanor returning now that his more submissive role in their relationship was off center stage. "First, since we're both still a little on the sticky side from last night, I'm thinking we can go get washed off au natural in the all natural way--we can take a dip in that creek outside, and since there's no one around, we can make it skinny without worries."

"Y'sure it's bug-free?" said Dazen. "I don't want a repeat of those furclamper suckers we ran into on Torana Zed. I looked like I had mange for weeks."

"That was one of the times I was pretty glad I was a shapeshifter," said Kalen, "'cause waiting for the fur to grow back would have been a real drag." Seeing Dazen's nonplussed look, he continued. "But like you were asking, yeah, I did some scans with the ship--queued them up before we got here, in fact--and it's good to go. Nothing any more harmful than algae in there, and the algae isn't any particularly dangerous kind either."

"Alright, skinny-dipping." Dazen took a small bite of waffle, chewed it thoughtfully, and swallowed. "Then what?"

"Well, then I figure we can do a little exploring. The jungle is pretty dense around here, but the native ecosystem is bizarrely self-limiting--there are practically no carnivorous species of which to speak, and most that -do- exist are plants."

"Bushwhacking. In the buff?"

"Why not?" said the liguar, with a casual shrug of his shoulders.

"Look, I know you like getting to see me naked," said Dazen with a chuckle, "And I love showing off to such a willing soul, but there are brambles and that kinda thing out there, I'm sure, and I don't want to have to pull thorns out of my package, y'know? Trailblazing will have to at least involve some clothing, as disheartening as that probably is for you."

Kalen donned a mock-pouting face to hide his embarrassment at not thinking that through so well. "Fine, ruin my fun. Anyways, while we're out there, we'll pick up some of the local fruit and come back to enjoy it."

"What, are we rabbits now?" Dazen reached over and lightly squeezed and pulled Kalen's ears, as though attempting to make them long and pointy.

The liguar wrinkled his nose and lightly batted at Dazen's hands. "No, silly, we're going to make smoothies out of them. You got the memo about being on a warm tropical planet, right?"

Dazen withdrew his hands. "Smoothies? Hmm, not much there to chew, but it works by me. Besides, you have a good sense for flavor, and if I get hungry I know a good source of protein I can work on..."

The liguar's typical reflex would have been to blush, but here there was no need. "Well, smoothies are usually a little less creamy than that. I can make both for you if you really need it, but for now let's assume we'll stick with the fruit." He was secretly planning to probably have something naughty involved at that time, too, but he wanted to surprise Dazen, and having his thunder pre-emptively stolen wasn't something high on his want list.

"I wonder if they have coconuts here..." said Dazen, capitalizing on the joke he'd been making.

Kalen continued as though nothing had been said, wanting to discourage such terribly juvenile behavior. "After that, I guess we should check the feeds, and there's also a new movie that came out on home media over the trip that I heard we should watch, and somewhere amidst all this dinner's probably gonna happen, too."

"What's for dinner?" asked Dazen.

Kalen stuck out his tongue. "Chef's choice. Unless you think you have something better in mind?"

Dazen raised a hand in concession. "Fair enough. I just figured I'd ask, seeing as I'm 'paying' you for it."

"That's true, but really I just haven't figured out what to make yet," said Kalen, smirking slightly. "I tend to be inspired when I'm hungry; it's easier to pick out what I'd like to whip up based upon what I'm craving at the time."

"Well, my indecisive little cook, let's go take a dip." He got up, having finished his waffles not long prior, and took his plate to the sink. A quick scrape of the plate removed the large solids, and then he placed it into the dish cleansing unit; within moments it had removed all debris from the plate, sterilized it, and proffered it back to Dazen to be put away.

Dazen stepped aside after putting it away, allowing Kalen to do the same; the liguar had hurriedly finished the last few bites of this waffles after Dazen had gotten up, as he'd not gotten to eat all of what he'd served himself, considering how much more talking he'd been doing than Dazen. When he closed the cabinet where he'd stashed the plate, he was slightly startled to see Dazen right there, but he speedily relaxed as the larger hybrid scooped him up under his shoulders, delivering him an embrace, lift, carry, and kiss all at once as he moved towards the front door. It was an unusual gesture on Dazen's part for an activity that wasn't about to immediately lead to sex, but Kalen was enjoying this softer expression of affection from Dazen and certainly wasn't about to object.

The creek immediately outside their house was fairly shallow and good for little more than wading, but a short trek along its pebbly banks led to an open space where the water had apparently weathered or taken advantage of a rut in the base rock, creating something like a crescent-shaped pool, perhaps 20 feet from end to end and about 10 feet wide. It was the perfect size for two, and evidently the flow was rapid enough through the area that it was kept fairly clean, yet the architecture of the current was such that the surface remained mostly free of turbulence. A more ideal spot could scarcely be wished for--aside from it perhaps being right outside their home, rather than a quick jaunt away. Still, its visual separation made it seem as though there was nothing in the world from society, turning it into a truly secluded getaway from all the cares and trappings of life in the increasingly hectic world.

Dazen at first seemed as though he would set Kalen down on the pebbly inside of the curve formed by the bend in the stream, where the rocks were shiny and radiant with the sheen of occasional lapping by the river. But just before the liguar's feet were to touch the ground, he lurched forward, tossing the smaller hybrid as though he were as light as a beach ball into the water.

Kalen gave a squawk of protest mid-air, but he was sufficiently surprised that he reflexively came up with little to do besides flail as he sailed through the air. He landed in the surprisingly warm water with an ungraceful splash, his feet touching bottom briefly before he pushed back up the foot or so to the surface. He'd gotten a bit of water in his nose as he'd submerged, and he snorted it out with his disdain as he broke the surface. "Hey!" he shouted, "Don't bite off what you can't chew!" He clapped his hands underwater and transmuted a wall of motion in the water, sending a diminutive, ersatz tidal wave of water at Dazen.

Dazen couldn't exactly tell what was coming until suddenly the water seemed to lunge at him all on its own; he raised his hands in a reflexive attempt to block it, but of course the gesture was more or less ineffective; he was still drenched immediately. He lowered his arms, facing Kalen's "gotcha" smirk with one of his own, and took several running steps before leaping into the water in a cannonball. He heard Kalen's sputter as the liguar attempted to swim aside and dodge the brunt of the aqueous impact moments before Dazen himself hit the surface.

They played in the secluded riverbend for quite some time, laughing and splashing a fair deal more than the calm floating and curiosity-driven diving they also indulged in. Throughout the relaxing departure, the remarkably pristine waters of the river were working the remains of last night's passion out of their pelts, soothing away their stresses of everyday life, and helping them feel well and truly away from it all in a blissful, unique environment.

In time they climbed out of the water and relaxed upon the weather-smoothed pebbles that made up the river's inside banks, allowing what sunlight that penetrated the dense canopy to help dry them, the warmth already taken up by the stones helping moderate their temperatures as they did so.

As they did so, Dazen felt an urge to express how sublime the experience was to him, and while it wasn't usually his style, here he felt so free and unrepressed that he encountered only scanty resistance to the idea in his own mind. "Hey...Kal," he said, not bothering to turn his head to face the liguar from his reclining position.

Kalen, on the other hand, did rotate his view to take in the larger hybrid, though he gave Dazen a quick once-over while he was at it; the larger mercenary was as glorious-looking as ever, with the water imparting its slick sheen to his pelt and making the light indicate the contours of his stunning body with enhanced clarity. "Mm--yeah?"

"Y'know, I've been thinkin' about this trip we're on. There's all this new stuff, things I've never done, places I might never get to go most of the time...and to think, you put it all together for me. I'm not that great with words, but I definitely wanna say thanks for what we've got so far, Kal. This is one of the nicest things, bar none, people have done for me, and what's cool is that I can express that to you in ways other than words, unlike how it is with most people."

For Kalen, it was like the feeling of mushiness that one might experience while watching a romantic scene in a good movie, only magnified perhaps tenfold because he was the one at whom what amounted almost to a confession of affection was directed. "Aww, geeze...I'm not sure what to say, ya big lug. I mean, I did tell you back when that I wanted to work something like this, right? I'm just glad I could make it work, 'cause it's definitely turning out to be worth it, but still...I'm happier now than I've been all weekend, now that I know you like it." He scooted over towards his partner, which was somewhat awkward as he remained mostly on his back, but he kept his distance, as the feeling of wet fur on wet fur was not exactly a pleasant one.

Dazen, hearing the slithery noise of the liguar moving across the pebbles, turned his head and found that Kalen's muzzle was right there, moving in for a kiss. A smile briefly flickered across his face before being obliterated by the kiss. He kept it short and shallow, because he didn't feel like having sex in a state that would be like wearing a full-body garment made of wet swimsuit, and he had a feeling that the two of them might not be able to keep from going that far if he put a lot into it. But his eyes were warm and clearly related to Kalen that he was pleased with it as he gently pulled away once he determined the kiss had gone long enough, and it banished any doubts the liguar might have had regarding his gratefulness.

"As conniving as someone could take this whole thing to be," said Dazen, in a tone more gentle than he typically could be heard using, "I have to say it was pretty devilishly clever of you. But just so you know, any time you want sex, you can just ask, y'know?" He chuckled quietly, his shoulders a more obvious cue to his mirth.

Kalen looked a touch embarrassed. "Well, I don't want to sound like a total horndog all the time, so...I have to sorta get it out when the opportunity is available. I saw this one and I couldn't let it pass me by."

Dazen placed a hand in the liguar's hair, cupping the crown of his skull with a light touch. "Like you, I happen to have a set of balls that crave attention pretty often. So don't feel bad if you're wanting me to do you a good one, because I know what it's like. Heck, I'm horny a lot more often than you probably think, but it's only because of needing to be so precise most of the time that I don't always say anything about it. Mercenaries have to be a little on the discreet side, after all."

"Really?" said Kalen, brightening up. "But I usually don't smell it unless you're really riled up..."

"That, my friend, is a miracle of self-control," said Dazen. "Suppose I'm stalking Mr. Bad Guy, and Mr. Bad Guy happens to have a keen sense of smell. Now, there's always a risk that Mr. Bad Guy is going to smell me anyway, but the particular note of the hard-on in its natural habitat is a lot more difficult to pass over in the panoply of odors than is the smell of some random, possibly sweaty guy. So I have to keep a rein on things even if it gives me a mighty case of the blueballs."

The revelation was a concept Kalen had once pondered in the distant past, but had dismissed as frivolous that time around. A mixture of satisfaction at anticipating it and frustration that he hadn't believed himself wafted through his personal emotional atmosphere. "I guess that makes sense..." he said. "Geeze...think of all the sex we could have been having if you'd told me sooner!"

Dazen rifled his hand through his partner's dampened hair. "What a horny little liguar you are...not that I can blame you, with a stud like me around. It probably gets you going to see me naked like this, doesn't it?"

The liguar blushed reflexively under his fur. "Yeah, it definitely does..." he coughed. "But as awesome as sex on the beach, or riverbank, or whatever this thing is, the idea of coming out here was to get cleaned up--for now at least--and I'm thinking we should at least go scavenging for those fruits and such before we go at it again. Otherwise we'd have to take another dip and wait again to get dry and yada yada yada..."

The larger male leveraged himself upwards unhurriedly. "You've got a point there, and we still need to get at least a modicum of clothing on so that we don't have to worry about vengeful shrubbery. Let's head back to the homestead."

The proximity of the little bend in the stream made itself useful again, as it took them merely minutes to return to their home; seeing it from a different angle made it seem briefly unfamiliar to Kalen, as the place was still remarkably novel to him, seeing as it had only existed for a scant few days, and bore a rather unusual look in a day and age where residence was only occasionally house-based.

Dazen merely found some loose but durable working pants that had plenty of pockets, and took with him a reinforced divided pack for bringing things back, and his trusty vibro-machete in case a path needed to be forged. Kalen, being the technophile of the two, couldn't help but bring along some high-tech, low-volume analyzers that he'd already uploaded with the botanical data for D'shae, along with a smaller pack for himself. He felt a certain Martha Stewart vibe as well and went outside instead of putting on clothes, where Dazen had been briefly waiting while the liguar had gathered up his equipment.

"Taking a risk with the goods?" inquired the larger hybrid.

"Nope," said Kalen, good-naturedly.

"Then what are you..." his inquiry trailed off as he watched the liguar decisively stride to some trees at the edge of the clearing, then clap his hands together and grip the branches. There was an electric blue radiance, and then in their place, a set of simplistic natural-fiber shorts had been strung, colored with the minerals from the plants to an earthy brown. They were restrained at the waist with a simple drawstring and had no pockets, but they appeared to be suitably durable.

"Like 'em?" said Kalen, showing off the latest addition to his admittedly varied wardrobe.

Dazen gave a short chuckle. "I think I'll like 'em better when I rip 'em off of you later. Talk about your hippie chic..."

Kalen stuck out his tongue, despite the fact that he knew the larger male was at least somewhat in jest. "If you do, I'll have to fix them afterwards, just so that I can have an interesting souvenir from this place. I hope it'll be a long time--if ever--before they start building clothes factories on a paradise like this..."

They strode off into the jungle, following the scanty tree-free banks of the creek in the alternate direction from the pool they'd bathed in earlier; only the ages of water wearing soil to the underlying rock could stop large plants from taking over that part of ground, and even then it was liberally peppered with mosses and algae-like growth. It was amazing, Kalen mused, that such a dense jungle could be so teeming with life despite the thickness of the canopy overhead, which practically formed a coherent rooftop above their heads, making it feel almost like being in an indoor patio that went on forever.

Their scavenging, though time-consuming, was productive; not long into their jaunt they ran across a kind of red-purple berry that, though pitted, was recorded in Kalen's guide as being tasty (tart, in fact) and plentiful in the D'shea rainforest. Dazen scooped up a few to munch on while Kalen let them be, intending to remember the spot in case their later searches would prove less (ahem) fruitful. His concern was soon proved unnecessary, as a natural fruit-bearing grove, formed by years of slow, radial spread of a single ancestor tree, came into view. The species, evidently in a fashion akin to that of grapevines, was recorded by the trailblazing botanists to be one whose properties varied as the tree grew older; the more ancient it became, the more mellow and sizable the fruits became, helping draw land-based herbivores (or at least, such was the conjectured idea) to it, while the younger specimens had smaller and more boldly sweet fruits, presumably for avian and gravity-based dispersal. The ideas of the botanists, while traditionally sound, seemed somewhat silly to Kalen; since arriving on the planet long ago, he'd never beheld any form of life larger than a caterpillar, aside from the small sentient settlements far removed from their locale.

They were fortunate that it was apparently a fruiting season on D'shae--though Kalen noticed a note in the reports that the jungle-like environment on the planet seemed to foster seasons lasting nearly the year round--and they took a wide variety of the fruits, from large to small, with them. After trekking a while longer, it became evident that there would be no shortage of fruits: it seemed as though the further they went, the more plentiful the fruit-bearing plants became. They took a break from hiking and paged through the botanists' guide, deciding on what fruits to get based upon flavor, appearance, and other relevant distinguishing facts. It became almost like a scavenger hunt at that point; they selectively made their way through the dense foliage, occasionally having to hack chunks off of nearby plants to be able to pass through, so that they could pick only the fruits they wanted. They settled upon a few with a banana-like consistency--always useful for smoothies--along with a variety listed as having a unique sweetener compound within it that made it seem many times more sugary than it truly was, and one described as having a surprisingly high vitamin and protein content, due to legume-like nodules associated with its roots. They also found one or two species not in the book, though these were scarce, and took them back home for analysis.

Returning to their home away from home took some time, as they'd wandered fairly far, but thankfully their path was already cleared from their outward jaunt, and thus more evident. Kalen whisked the fruits into the kitchen, but instead of a blender, he merely readied a pitcher.

"No wait, let me guess..." said Dazen, eyeing the fruits, which were awkwardly piled into the pitcher, despite having been carefully selected by Kalen to make a good mix of flavors.

The liguar grinned wickedly as he clapped his hands together and clasped the sides of the pitcher.

Dazen turned away as the blue flare momentarily lit up the room, throwing up his hands. "I so called that. I swear, you have too much fun with that alchemy stuff."

Kalen stuck his tongue out at the larger hybrid's back. "You're just jealous because it's so useful."

"You're just jealous because I'm so freakishly sexy," retorted Dazen.

His younger partner bapped him with his tail. "Outside with your sexy back, then. It's a nice day out there and we're going to have smoothies in the shade." He scooped up the pitcher and swiped a pair of nice glasses from the cabinets. Dazen made it outside as he did, and he muttered under his breath, "It took me a long time to learn that stuff, too..."

He came outside to find Dazen standing in the yard, hands on hips. "Well, where to now?" He gave a quick glance around their small clearing, as though looking for a place to sit.

Kalen's expression was first slightly confused and affronted, as he had no idea why his partner seemed to be complaining vaguely, but then he realized the problem. "Patio furniture!" He would have slapped himself on the forehead if he had free hands, but it would likely have resulted in a smoothie-covered liguar with a large bruise on his noggin. "I forgot to buy patio furniture!"

Dazen arched an eyebrow wryly. "From the lack of chair or table-like things out here, yeah, I'd say ya did." He noticed Kalen eyeing the surroundings as though already considering a solution. "What, are you gonna ask me to build them or something?"

His smaller partner approached him and held out the pitcher and glasses. "Hold these for a sec," he said.

"What, are you going to lug in furniture from inside?" he said, taking the supplies reflexively. "'cause I'd be better at--oh no, you're not going to--"

There was a clap and another blue flare from the edge of the clearing, and in a moment Kalen returned with an earthy-hued woven hammock.

Dazen seemed slightly peeved. "Show-off."

"Trade you for the smoothie stuff?" said Kalen, holding out the hammock. "You're right--you'd probably be better at hanging it than I would."

Dazen executed the handoff, muttering darkly. The solution had been a clever one, but he wasn't ever a fan of being shown up by his younger partner. He used his tail to uproot some bushes interstitial to two stalwart trees as he strung the hammock up between them.

He stepped back to admire his handiwork, and realized that there were two of them--and only one hammock. "Yo, Kal--where's hammock number two?"

"There isn't one," said Kalen, from behind him. "I made that one extra-sturdy so that we can share it. It's sexier that way."

Dazen arched a brow, in a mixture of bemusement and wry dryness. "I should have guessed. I probably could have, too." He cautiously lowered himself into the hammock, which, truth be told, did look fairly hearty, and after waiting a few seconds to listen for any snapping, fraying noises, he bounced up and down in it a few times. Finally he stood up partway, took a short hop, and landed on it sideways, on the off chance that it might snap; though the trees it was attached to shook slightly and the ersatz ropes creaked in protest, the hammock held. "You weren't kidding, I see," he said to Kalen.

"Would I lie to you?" said Kalen, pouring a glass of the pinkish-purple frappe into one of the glasses.

"Should I answer that without qualifying it, or should I just say 'yeah, if it was for sex'?"

Kalen made a motion with the pitcher that suggested the larger male would be doused in imaginary smoothie and thus made to suffer a fate most sweetly sticky. "Do not disturb the bearer of delectable delights...and hard little cups."

The larger mercenary smoothly swiped the filled cup from the liguar's hand. "Point taken. Now, how about joining me?"

"Just gimme a sec, and I'll be right there...honestly." Kalen poured himself a glass of the blended mixture and set it near one of the supporting trees; though it had no lid, he doubted much was going to fall into it, and anyway one tall glass of the smoothie would probably be enough...using his lithe, acrobatic grace to the fullest, he clambered into the hammock with a minimum of upset to it and its present contents, all the while keeping the glass of smoothie raised and level above the contortions of his remaining limbs during the process.

"I'll take it that your choice of seating isn't coincidental," said Dazen, as the liguar lowered his rear to about the waist level of the larger hybrid, straddling him with his comparatively smaller mass.

"Hey, I didn't want to put the hammock off-balance, especially with our smoothies," protested Kalen in all but the most complete honesty. "Besides, you take up a huge amount of horizontal space, ya big lug, so I couldn't be sure I'd be able to fit alongside."

Dazen wriggled a bit in the hammock, which had dipped in the center with their combined weight, putting him in something like his own private canyon of ropes. "Still..."

"There is no still, silly," Kalen said, attempting to prevent further protest from his larger partner. "Aside from you sitting still so that we don't fall off this thing. Now drink your smoothie and tell me if it's any good."

Part of Dazen's smoothie had sloshed up and over the rim of the glass when Kalen had gotten into the hammock, and he first licked it from the sides before going for the main accumulation of the beverage; his first impressions of the taste were a light and airy flavor with some delicate notes that were hard to place. It was certainly an intriguing blend, and he tipped the glass to his mouth with eager anticipation. The drink failed to disappoint--it was a delightful mixture of flavors, some which he wasn't sure he'd tasted before, that were mixed in a smooth and almost creamy base that helped lend a pleasant texture to the wonderful taste. He swallowed it and smacked his tongue a few times, contemplating the surprising bouquet of the drink. "Wow...given what we picked, I don't think I imagined it could taste like this all put together. This is really, really good, Kal."

Kalenidus had been watching the larger hybrid for his reactions and hadn't yet tried any, but upon hearing his partner's words his face spread with a distinctly pleased expression. "Awesome. Just goes to show you--you can't beat this cat at cooking, even if he's never used the ingredients before." He raised his glass in an imaginary toast, presumably to himself, and tried some; he stopped partway through the typical gulp, eyes widening in surprise, as he withdrew the glass and swilled the mixture in his mouth to better focus on the flavor. Finally he swallowed, declaring, "Whoa, you're so right. This -is- good."

Dazen nodded. "I may not be the galloping gourmet like some people I know, but I can still tell something good when I taste it."

Kalen lilted his head saucily. "And you've tasted me more than once by now."

"And you're definitely a good thing for me, kiddo," said Dazen, extending his hand to ruffle it endearingly in his smaller partner's cheekfur. "One of the best things yet."

Kalen smiled gratefully, leaning in to give his partially-immobilized partner a kiss. It tasted quite nice, between the flavors of the smoothie they shared, and the welcome flavor of Dazen's mouth. It was a taste that most wouldn't think much of, faintly pleasant at best, but to Kalen it was as soothing as chicken noodle soup or chocolate chip cookies--it made him feel safe, and at home, whenever he got to taste it.

He placed his hand on Dazen's chest to lever himself back up, the hammock making maneuvering somewhat difficult, and then took the opportunity to lightly rub the larger male's expansive chest. "I'm really glad you think of me that way, Daz...I have to say you're the same for me. So then: a toast to our partnership; long may it continue and benefit us both." He raised his glass again this time, waiting for Dazen to meet it with his.

"To partnership, to us both," said Dazen. There was a faint clink as the glasses made contact, and then the two of them swigged their smoothies to emptiness, as was typical for toasts made amongst brethren bonded by more than simple unity of intent. Kalen had actually been aiming for this, but as was typical for his concealed operations, he made no hint or clue of it for Dazen to notice.

He watched Dazen finish off his smoothie, and waited nonchalantly as the larger male held the last bits of it in his mouth, savoring the light and creamy flavor of the smoothie while it lasted. After the bigger hybrid swallowed, Kalen smoothly asked, "Can I take that off your hands for a bit?"

Dazen nodded, holding it out. "I might be able to stick it through the netting, but I'm pretty sure it would at least tilt us. You go ahead--you're good with this circus freak stuff."

Kalen picked up the other glass, holding the two in one hand from their bases--a gesture requiring dexterity in itself--and used Dazen's body as leverage to spring forward, then did a half-flip in midair and crossed his legs around the part of the hammock very close to the tree that was anchoring it on the side of Dazen's head. Momentarily hanging like a monkey from this narrowed part of the hammock, and thus still balanced in doing so, he set down the glasses next to the pitcher; then, he lithely caught himself on the ground in a handstand, pushed off strongly, and landed on the balls of his toes, again on the narrow part of the hammock near the tree. With a small lunge he leapt forward, catching his weight momentarily along Dazen's centerline to prevent unbalance, and then carefully crab-walked once there to turn himself back in the direction he'd been facing. He grinned at his partner, proud of his ability to perform such acrobatic feats.

Dazen arched an eyebrow with a casual smirk. "You really do like to show off, don't you?"

Kalen shrugged, semi-innocently. "The people I care about are worth the show, aren't they?"

"I guess so," said Dazen, tossing his head slightly aside in a gesture of concession. "It's entertaining for me, at least, and I didn't even get unbalanced over here."

"Well then," Kalen replied, "You'd best stay right there and not make any large moves, so that you don't get unbalanced." He craned back slightly, reaching between his own legs so that he could begin undoing Dazen's pants' closures.

Dazen arched both brows now, his smirk remaining. "Oh, so this was your grand plot? Pretty clever, Kal. Pretty clever."

The liguar raised one of his hands' index fingers, the other continuing to work on freeing the larger male's crotch contents from their clothing. "Now now, remember, you don't want to move too much, or we'll both end up on the ground, and such a big hunk like yourself would probably flatten me if that happened, so let's not find out, okay?" He decided that trying to remove the entirety of Dazen's boxers and pants would be a non-prudent gesture, particularly considering his tactic for ensuring Dazen did a minimum of trying to dominate the situation, so upon opening up the pants, he leaned forward and shimmied the pants and boxers just past the tip of Dazen's heavy scrotum, giving him all the access he could need. He then scooted back carefully, so that he had room to lean forward and work.

Dazen rolled his eyes, but his smirk was enough to let Kalen know that he wasn't actually displeased. "Alright, alright, have your fun. Besides, I think I needed to cover dinner, anyway...just don't blame me if I execute some turnabout later."

Kalen gave a mrrowl of delight. "In that case, I'll have to make sure I do especially well here, 'cause I usually like your so-called 'turnabout' when it happens." He placed his palm along the base of Dazen's sheath, fingers cupping upwards around the somewhat cylindrical container, and gave it a slight squeeze; he could feel that pressurized blood was already beginning to enter it, probably as a result of his surprise undressing of the larger male, and within seconds the rosy tip of it could be seen protruding from the sheath's aperture.

"Y'know," said Dazen, it makes me hot when you're so eager like this. In case you couldn't tell by the hard-on I'm sporting already." He chuckled briefly from deep inside his cavernous chest.

Kalen scooted even further back, his nose leaning in to sniff at the larger hybrid's erection. It was fairly free of everyday odors, their jaunt through the forest having been relatively brief, not especially taxing, and in weather that was pleasant but not muggy; rather, the strong note was that of Dazen's arousal, his desire for all things sexual expressed in a pheromonal form. "Mm, you definitely are," said Kalen, "This dick don't lie!" He gave a saucy tilt of his hips to emphasize the joke, sending a brief wave of motion through the hammock.

Dazen simply held still, knowing it would pass. "Hey, I thought you said not to move."

Kalen idly stroked the larger hybrid's shaft with a few fingers. "I did. I was testing to make sure you were paying attention for that part." He extended his tongue and used it to draw the head of Dazen's shaft into his muzzle, swishing the tongue from side to side and cupping the tip around the brim of the erection's flared head.

Dazen made a wincing expression, closing one eye. "Geeze, you're good. One move and it already feels like we've been at it for a while."

The liguar kept to himself the fact that he'd been practicing using small bioelectric currents as means to stimulate nerve endings more precisely than the general jolts he used to be known to give. His mouth was now encapsulating the head of Dazen's cock, so he merely gave a gesture with his face that said "but of course," and continued ministering to the erection, ranging down to about midway down its length with his muzzle a few times.

Dazen couldn't help but purr at the sensations running through his sensitive shaft at the hands--or was that jaws?--of the liguar. He had to focus on it carefully, making sure that he wouldn't get too close to orgasm too soon, since he wanted the most excellent feelings to last as long as possible, but dang if it wasn't hard not to give in and let the feeling ransack his control, wrenching him towards orgasm.

Though Dazen's erection was sizable, so too was the magnitude of Kalen's muscle control, and so he casually deep-throated the member on one of the downward bobs of his head. He heard the larger male take in breath through clenched teeth and knew he had to be doing something right.

It had long ceased to be a new concept for Dazen that not expecting the unexpected from Kalen was a less than prudent measure. The difficulty in doing so was precisely that it was unexpected, thereby making it hard to predict with any real accuracy what would actually happen. The deep throat, therefore, was something that he hadn't expected to occur, and had instead been thinking some careful tongue manipulation of his member's sensitive head would occur, perhaps with some scrotal play; the combination of the intensity of it and the surprising nature of the act sent him teeteringly close to the precipice of orgasm. He reached towards the liguar's head, scarcely being able to reach it from within the confines of his personal hammock canyon. "Unh, Kalen," he said, trying to get the liguar to take a momentary break, fighting his partial desires to give into it all the way.

The smaller male gave a sound that would likely have corresponded to "Hmm?" most times, but around a mouthful of turgid flesh, it sounded like someone gargling a kazoo. He glanced up, his eyes rolling towards the tops of their orbits to try to figure out what the larger male wanted; though he did not release the deep throat, his tongue became quite nearly still, which undoubtedly helped Dazen recover some of his composure.

"Ugh, Kalen, you're going to have to hold off on that, 'cause otherwise I'm going to cum right away. When in the heck did you get this good? Nnh, man."

Kalen sultrily withdrew his mouth, his tongue lingering briefly behind against the engorged flesh as though pouting about its banishment. "I suppose I should take it as a compliment," he said, once his tongue returned to the normal speaking position, "but I was so planning on that taking a while longer. Guess we'll have to move to Plan B, then," he continued, shimmying back up towards the larger hybrid's head.

"And what plan might that be?" asked Dazen, his hand reflexively reaching up to cup the liguar's hips; though his elbows were all but pinned, he had at least that modicum of flexibility to work with.

Kalen clapped his hands, then lightly touched his ersatz pants. They vanished momentarily in a flash of blue, then reformed just aside his body, flopping over the side of the hammock, leaving him completely nude. "You'll see. I'm pretty sure you're guessing already," he said, inclining his hips inward to grind his arousal against that of the larger hybrid. Seeing Dazen in the buff was something that generally made him want to get hard, and while he was still partially clothed, the important bits had long been unveiled, and pleasuring his larger partner had gotten Kalen thoroughly aroused. His erection was somewhat smaller than Dazen's, as would be expected considering their relative statures, but that wasn't to say that Kalen's pride was diminutive.

Dazen purred from deep within his chest. "I'm liking what I'm guessing, too." His face had spread into something of a mischievous smile, allowing for his teeth to show slightly as he spoke.

Kalen walked his hands forward along Dazen's torso, leaning in with his head and back. "I'd hope so. It usually has pleasant benefits for me when I get you good and horny." His hips had dragged forward, and now it was mostly his scrotal sac and the root of his shaft that ground against Dazen's erection, rather than the bulk of the shaft itself.

Though much of Dalen's tail was effectively wrapped up under and around him in the hammock, he was able to flick the tip of it to indicate that he was pleased by the current course events, its furry terminus waving against Kalen's leg. "You do make me so hot, though..." said the larger mercenary. "Seeing you so eager to take my cock makes me aroused like nothing else. And you're good at it, too."

Kalen had to fight the urge to preen in the face of such compliments from the hybrid whose attentions he continually craved. He simply answered with a grin that conveyed both his satisfaction and his lust for the muscular hybrid, and drew his hips further forward. Dazen's erection skidded across his perineum in a stuttering trail, until finally it flicked back against the liguars tail-base. His hands still on Dazen's torso, he began to slowly sashay his hips, causing the flared, pre-glazed tip of the larger hybrid's erection to skip about his tight pucker, the combination of the motion and the blood pulsing in it causing it to seem to hop from point to point.

Dazen's purr trailed off into something of a growl. "It's not good to tease me, y'know." He gave a small buck of his hips, intending to make something of a point to the liguar, but the hammock elastically rose with him, causing Kalen to rise as well, making it a rather impotent gesture.

The liguar blinked languidly. "Now, what did I tell you about moving around? Trust me, you're going to like this, so just give it time. It'll be worth your while, seriously." The motions of hips were becoming slower and more measured, causing the shaft below him to spend more time directly on his rosy rear entrance rather than bounding around it.

"I'll pull you down with my hands if I have to," retorted Dazen, "so I think it would be wise to get things going." Though his gaze seemed displeased with being teased, Kalen could still detect his pleasure, and knew that while the hybrid was serious, it would have been enjoyable to do things that way anyway.

However, he was getting off on calling most of the shots, so he decided to acquiesce to this smaller request rather than risk Dazen taking more control later, and as such he merely sat. Gravity and the intrinsic hardness of Dazen's solid shaft caused it to delve into him promptly, and soon he was seated firmly upon the larger hybrid's loins, the velveteen sac brushing against the mounds of his rump. He gave a very small moan as the larger male's erection drove into him, loving the feeling of fullness that it brought him each and every time he was privy to its presence.

Dazen clenched his teeth as he felt his only nominally-lubricated shaft impale the liguar atop it, the flesh parting around its solidity with Kalen's characteristic tightness. A hiss of air escaped between the interlocked incisors, betraying his delight. "Ugh, so tight and warm..." he strained to get the words out, his breath clearing somewhat once Kalen finally came to rest on the surface of his groin. "Damn, you feel as amazing as ever..."

"You feel pretty good yourself, stud," said Kalen, shifting his hips a little from side to side, testing the turgid spire implanted into his passages. "And it's not every day that I get to feel you from this angle, either." He had trouble remembering if there had been a last time, though if there had, Dazen probably would have flipped him over and rutted him in a more domineering position not long after beginning out of pure primal instinct, if not for the thrill of it. At least this way Dazen was effectively forced to keep largely still, prolonging the time he'd have to work this angle. It was quite a nice angle, too--the natural upward curve of Dazen's rod, combined with the flexibility he could wield with the use of his hips, meant that he'd have a considerable amount of prostate stimulation to work with.

He turned his calves inward, overlapping them with Dazen's thighs, with his knees astride the larger mercenary's waist, allowing him leverage against something more solid than the hammock itself, while making it possible for his waist to fall low enough to be hilted on Dazen's shaft. At first he leaned back, bracing himself with his arms near Dazen's knees. He knew from personal experience that pulling the erect flesh at a more downward angle, as his hips were then doing, provided a unique secondary stimulation to the erection that would help bring Dazen to a higher state of arousal more quickly, and because he had the flexibility and lithe strength to pull it off, he wouldn't hesitate to employ the tactic. He started with some short, almost elliptical motions, swaying his hips side to side as well as up and down, swirling the shaft around inside him despite the fact that most of the length remained inside him.

To Dazen, this gesture was unusual, and in addition to itself providing a good deal of stimulation, the novelty of it made it that much more pleasurable. His previous growl lapsed into a purr, his teeth becoming unclenched despite the fact that some residual tension could be visualized in his cheeks. "And here I thought you'd be slamming up and down from the get-go...further proof that you surprise me often, kiddo," he said, watching the ambulating face of the liguar.

Kalen simply responded with a sultry yet pleased smile, his mind more focused upon the cock in his butt. A particularly devilish idea occurred to him, and he allowed his tail to casually drape over the side of the hammock amidst a string of contented-seeming sways. He added a third dimension to the motion of his hips by pushing them forward and backward, now giving stimulation to the meat inside him on three separate axes.

Though it was indeed an atypical tactic, Dazen was definitely enjoying it. The turgidity of his erection was countered by the insistent and persuasive motions of Kalen's hips, pulling and pushing on it from around the liguar's velveteen linings. He was also being treated to a show of the smaller mercenary's body, which despite being considerably more sleek than that of the bulky Dazen, was quite well-toned. The motions of his hips were motivated by the liguar's abs and thighs, which stood out under his rosette-adorned yellowish pelt. The charming grin on his face, combined with his clearly-excited arousal, completed a portrait of desire that Dazen found himself gazing on with all the delight of an art enthusiast--albeit one who was also receiving sexual favors from the objects of their attraction. He wasn't one to fill the air with too many words, preferring deed to speech, and simply purred on, one hand massaging the liguar's nearby thigh in grateful appreciation.

Kalen was enjoying the ability to do so much to his partner with so relatively little, but he wasn't about to keep things at this subtle level for long--Dazen was undoubtedly well-endowed, and with that in mind it would be a shame to neglect that trait. He continued his random-orbit-like hip motions, but now he began to push with his legs, moving his hips up and down without any particular correlations to their movement in the plane of Dazen's loins. He was only moving about an inch or two more in either direction than the simple movements before would have drawn Dazen's erection in and out of the liguar's body, but the effect was definitely noticeable--the feeling of their two fleshes, one velveteen and constricting, the other delving and solid, sliding against one another with saliva and pre-ejaculate serving to lubricate their interaction, was drawn out and emphasized by the methodical pace of Kalen's movements, allowing him to savor and exquisitely tease apart the many elements of coitus that so often blended together amidst the fervor and mental clouding of sex. Each time he came back down the ruffled loinfur around Dazen's shaft blended and brushed with the soft pelt encircling the liguar's rear entrance, providing a light and somewhat ticklish sensation, and on the occasions that he leaned back he could feel Dazen's solid orbs brush against his rump's toned cheeks, reminding him of the offerings they would soon unleash into his passages, as they had done twice already this weekend. While the physical stimulation of the moment wasn't quite as powerfully intense as full-on rutting with Dazen, the mental escapades it induced were quite potent.

Kalen felt Dazen's hands rest on his thighs, close to the knees, pressing down each time the liguar descended. He knew that meant he was supposed to gear things up, but he took his time, only gradually increasing the distance he was moving in and out of himself each time. He leaned his head back, releasing a quiet coo of enjoyment that was part for Dazen's benefit and part genuine expression of his sentiments. He knew one of the things that really got Dazen going was seeing how eagerly and hungrily his younger partner craved the attentions of his flawless body, and as such Kalen intended to use it to make him that much more aroused.

It was working, too. Dazen could observe how Kalen was savoring each passing moment, the blissful smile upon his face showing the larger mercenary that each motion granted him delight. The fact that such an intelligent, headstrong beast--and one with a pretty good body, to boot--was doing all this specifically for him, wanting him, craving his cock and muscles and seed, willing to submit his singular will to get that...it turned him on strongly to imagine it, and even more to see it in action--and that even without the enticing feelings the liguar was providing to his loins. The play of rosette-strewn fur over lithe, acrobatic musculature gave him a mesmerizing visual to accompany the arousing image of lusty liguar taking his cock for an almost lap-dance-like ride.

The problem, Kalen might later muse, was that Kalen had a hard enough time keeping his lust for his larger partner under reins even when he wasn't doing anything sexual with the beast--especially if Dazen happened to be in the buff. However, he was now taking the muscle-clad body of his partner for a ride, his solid, throbbing cock in Kalen's rear and his gorgeous torso and arms laid out in front of him like some kind of immaculate vista. It was too much to keep at bay for long, and soon he couldn't help but pick up the fervor and tempo of his work. At first his enthusiasm simply increased the height of his vertical oscillations atop the larger hybrid's shaft, but there was only so much of that to go around, despite there being quite a bit of it. But that wasn't enough for long, and what was once a sensuously slow set of movements became faster, more hasty, and less intricate, more closely resembling a vertical bounce than some kind of orbiting shimmy. And he was loving it, too--the feeling of Dazen's cock ramming in and out of him, the flesh at maximum hardness because Dazen's body didn't need the blood to support thrusting or standing, the pace picking up, was sending waves of building pleasure through his loins, growing towards what would eventually be the tidal wave of orgasm.

Dazen, too, found that the moment was growing ever more arousing for him as well. The higher turgidity of his shaft made the sensations that carried through its taut skin that much more obvious, and the increased diameter made Kalen's body feel that much tighter around it. The thudding against his loins of the liguar's weight was like ramming without the effort of trying, and watching the smaller mercenary get progressively more entranced by the actions was turning him on mentally as well. Pressure was building in his loins, and while he still had a good way to go towards orgasm yet, he was impressed by how spicy this encounter had become already.

Kalen found that his ability to focus on the task at hand was waning as his arousal waxed, the near-fountain of pre now being emitted by his own erection proof of the fact, and so he was pleased that what he'd been doing with his tail was finally finished. He'd been devoting a certain amount of focus to the far end of it, which had long since fallen out of Dazen's field of view, to shapeshift it into a "toy"-like shape--that is, a nice, massive phallic form, complete with knot at the close end. Though Kalen wasn't usually one for too much shapeshifting during sex, despite his ability to do so--sometimes he might add nubbly projections to his insides to increase the stimulation it provided to Dazen's cock, but that was more of a rare treat than a ubiquitous occurrence--the occasion was a special one, and he wanted to try it while he had Dazen at his mercy, so to speak. It took a fair deal of coordination to keep his hips bouncing while he aimed the toy's flared head at the juncture between Dazen's rump and tail, but his cleverness and coordination served him well, and he fairly launched the object at the target spot, his gyrations never missing a beat.

Dazen reflexively tried to spread his arms as he felt the large object upon his bare rump, the intent being to twist his body and see what in the world it might be. However, the netting of the hammock and the continuous bouncing on his hips kept him from getting anywhere, and so after a split second to regroup his thoughts, he used his tail to grip the object. He saw Kalen twitch visibly as he did so, and the portion of the liguar's tail draped over the side of the hammock jerked upward at the same moment. He put two and two together, and after a brief moment's consideration while Kalen's visage betrayed slight worry, he released the toy from his own tail's grip, giving Kalen a nod that said tacitly, "Alright, but this had better be worth it."

Kalen's smooth upward rise in arousal was jolted out of place by Dazen's initially-displeased reaction, but after a few moments of eternity in which Dazen seemed to be weighing the possibility, he felt intense relief upon seeing the larger mercenary give nonverbal consent. He released the stress of the moment as best he could, pushing the large toy gradually into the larger hybrid. He slowed the action of his hips during the initial penetration, wanting Dazen to be able to focus on the sensations and also ensuring that he would do a good job in giving the larger hybrid a satisfactory experience of it.

Dazen clenched his teeth, eyes nearly closing as the sizable revision of Kalen's tail-tip invaded his rear, the burning sensation of being stretched open not one that he commonly faced. The liguar had somehow found a way to slick up the somewhat elastic extension, despite not having access to outside liquids from where he was, so at least it was smoother than it would have been had the toy been dry, but still, Dazen's near-complete lack of being penetrated in the past meant that he was fairly unused to the act. He did his best to follow the advice he gave to those he penetrated--pushing out with the muscles, relaxing as best he could--but it still didn't erase the pain entirely. Thankfully, the continued pleasure from his top side helped balance out the equation--the overall mix was still faintly pleasurable, all things considered, and he knew the pain would lessen soon.

Kalen almost felt bad for the big lug, knowing that while it wasn't Dazen's absolute first time, the number of times Dazen had been penetrated could probably be counted on one hand. Still, while the hybrid had been gentle with Kalen on his first time, there had still been pain--and Kalen knew that it would eventually yield to pleasure. He took advantage of the current slowness of his motions, balancing one hand upon his partner's upper torso while using the other to softly rub his side and abs, intending to help coax Dazen's body into relaxing more fully as the toy invaded him.

The toy was hilted up to the borders of its knot a few moments later, coaxing a sigh of seeming relief from Dazen as he realized that there would be no more of the solid object's length penetrating him for the moment, due to the knot bumping up against his rear's cheeks. Kalen continued to gyrate atop Dazen's loins, and after giving the larger hybrid's body a few moments to adjust somewhat to the object inside him, the liguar slowly began to move it in and out, a bit at a time, in preparation for the more rapid thrusting that would begin later. He watched Dazen's face carefully, watching the occasional winces and twinges subside in number and frequency until a peaceable expression came to rest upon it. Then a few moments while the larger mercenary collected himself...and then he looked into Kalen's eyes and nodded, his tacit expression letting the liguar know it was alright for him to ramp things up.

Kalen was glad to oblige; he decided to keep things in synchrony, adding emphasis to the rhythm he was maintaining by moving the toy in Dazen's rump as quickly as he was moving Dazen's "toy" inside himself--though at first he kept the distance somewhat shorter, knowing that attempting to accommodate increased speed might prove turbulent for Dazen, initially. He did his best, too, to be particularly expressive with his own enjoyment of the moment, knowing it would help take Dazen's mind off what pain persisted.

Soon he had Dazen giving off bass rumbles of pleasure--the closest Kalen could usually get to a murr from the laconic beast--and the sound set him to pick up the tempo even further, as it aroused him to know that he could elicit such delight in his partner. His focus was again eroding as pleasure stirred greater within him, but he used as much of it as he could muster to help draw out the increase of speed of the toy at the other end of his tail, not wanting to go over the brink of Dazen's pain threshold too vigorously.

Dazen, too, was losing a grip on his usual intense degree of control, the solid phallus sliding in and out of his body almost as though it had a mind of its own and giving him rare sensations each time. He wished to buck his hips, but the hammock would make that an impotent gesture, leading erotic pressure to build more readily in his loins. He couldn't wholly ignore, either, the liguar bouncing and pounding away atop his hips, and on occasion he had to close his eyes to shut out the pleasing spectacle so that he could keep a modicum of his dwindling focus applied to keeping his rear's sphincter as loose as possible, allowing it to thud its knot that much more easily against his rear and pound against his prostate with minimal interference. Nonetheless, seeing Kalen going to town atop his loins was a potent erogenous sight, and he wedged his eyelids open as often as possible to drink it in.

The rhythm of Kalen's motions escalated, rising in a crescendo as the passion in their minds burned brighter and hotter. He'd later reflect that he had no idea how he kept the phallus that was once his tailtip thrusting in synchrony with his own motions, thus sending a dependable frequency of pressure and release upon the larger hybrid's erogenous zones, but somehow he managed it, even though his higher thoughts rapidly retreated in the face of such blinding delight as he was sharing with his partner. He'd also later muse that it shouldn't have been quite so surprising that Dazen reached the pinnacle of orgasm first, what with being stimulated perhaps twice as much as Kalen was; he was used to Dazen's stamina causing him to outlast his smaller partner when it came to climax order. Nonetheless, Kalen could see it coming when it did, Dazen's hands gripping his legs tightly, then his teeth clenching and a growl rising in his throat, succeeded by a roar that tore the air as the shaft being swallowed and regurgitated over and over by Kalen's rump pulsed and throbbed strongly, the sac below it drawing tight as the semen from inside the larger hybrid's loins erupted into the liguar's body, feeling almost like deliciously hot lava within the smaller mercenary. The surprise of the moment, coupled with its arousing nature, sent Kalen sailing over the precipice of his own climax, and he gave something between a yell and a forcible moan as his body spasmed into coital myotony. The increased tightness of his body that resulted caused the liguar's passages to clench around Dazen's cock and the tail-toy to pound its knot clear into the larger hybrid's body, eliciting a blatant jerk that coursed through the larger male's body, his roar giving a sort of hiccup in tone as it hit. The timing of it was exquisite, and he could feel his loins unleash their contents with redoubled vigor accordingly.

Kalen's own orgasm was surprisingly potent by his standards, his own seed jetting forth in cords of sticky whiteness, most of which came to rest upon the white torso of the larger hybrid, though with the not-completely-ceased motions of his body, some of it also found its way onto his own body, and some overshot the hammock entirely, landing on the ground around them. When it finally died away, remnants of the ejaculate oozing down the forward spine of his shaft, he flopped forward, weakly catching his weight with both hands upon Dazen's chest, as what remained of his awareness reminded him that he didn't particularly want to smear his seed all over their two torsos, which would mat it into their fur. He had to catch his breath, as even though the orgasm didn't utterly rack his body as much as being rutted into by Dazen often might, he'd still put forth a fairly considerable degree of physical exertion to get that orgasm they'd shared.

Dazen's roar dwindled as the need to inhale settled heavily upon his awareness. "Ugh!" He said, once a hearty dose of oxygen had been imbibed, "Damn, if only I'd known to have you do that sooner..."

Kalen panted a few times. "Oh yeah? Ya liked that?"

Dazen's gaze, despite being warmed by afterglow, was intense as it met Kalen's. "Definitely. But I think I'd like that knot to take a hike now...it's getting less comfortable by the second." He winced just a bit with an eyebrow.

"Oh...right," said Kalen, still somewhat breathless. He bent his will with some difficulty to the task of removing the knot from the phallus-shaped object that his tail had been shifted into, then withdrew it once the knot was no longer blocking its removal. He heard Dazen give a sigh of relief once it left, a lesser smile drifting into his visage.

"That's better," he said, releasing a sigh as he no longer had to have concern over accommodating the object lodged inside him. "And damn, I've almost never seen you that fucking wild, Kal."

Kalen grinned, though his expression remained somewhat weary. "What can I say?...Y'make me hot, stud." He started turning his tail back into its normal arrangement, and instinct took over the process once it began. He gratefully groped the larger male below him, all pretenses at dignity having been blown away by orgasm and held at bay by afterglow. He felt up his partner with all the enthusiasm and forwardness of a horny adolescent, savoring the sturdy, fur-enshrined flesh under his hands without regard for refinement.

Dazen smirked at the liguar's comment. "I do that to people sometimes...I bet you feel lucky to have the attentions of a sex god like me." In a move that was surprisingly romantic for the hybrid, and a little risky due to balance issues in the hammock, he reached up to cup the liguar's jawline in his large hand, locking eyes with him; his gaze, though underscored by his smirk, was still replete with affection and devotion, despite his machismo remaining visible nonetheless.

Kalen nodded slowly, inclining his head a touch into the hand that rested on it. "Yeah...definitely." He leaned languidly forward, coming to meet Dazen's mouth in a kiss--one that soon gave way to several more, amidst soft groping and mild grinding of their bodies together--to round out their encounter.