
Story by Ratfurr on SoFurry

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This story will be finished in parts, but I admit that I have yet to understand how to string it all together.


Nature has been reclaiming the neighborhood. This was a place I called home. The last known residents were squatters living in the last house at the end of the street. I was not able to clearly see from where I stood, but I assumed one of them to be a lion. It did looked like a matted mane from here. Anyway, I have not seen much of their presence these past few years. Several years before, a fire spread across the neighborhood and destroyed most of the houses. The cause was unknown to me and most furs spoke far from earshot. Many of them were injured and taken away in ambulances. Later, I saw a family of tigers dressed in black. Some of them still bandaged up. Only the youngest one turned and waved to me. With time, he waved less and less. During which, the streets were becoming empty. Now the weeds struggle to claim it all back. Feral animals included. Most of whom have kept their distance from me. Still, without them, I would have given myself up to insanity if it were possible. Most days, I would recant my memories to the squirrels as they hunt and store their precious nuts. In the distance, thunder could be heard. I watched the darken clouds inching closer. My heart swelled as they reminded me of the night I met Caly.

