Chapter 2 - Sleeping Arrangments

Story by Leonard Wolfe on SoFurry

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#3 of Lunar Stories 2

Chapter 2

Just a short one I put in because I felt like it


> Late at night on the Detragan, Sara, Nexis, Claire and Tiber are getting ready to got to bed

Sarah: Well... whatever's just happened I guess it's been a long day for all of us. Claire: Indeed. We can discuss what we need to in the morning. Sarah: Unfortunately you guys I never really has this ship built with guests in mind so there are only two beds. Claire: That's fine; there are two males and two females. Sarah and I shall share a bed while Tiber and Nexis can share a bed. Sarah: I don't see a problem with that. Tiber: Neither do I. Nexis: B-But Sarah... Tiber's a guy. I can't share a bed with him! Sarah: Why not? Nexis: Because two guys sharing a bed... I mean it's... It doesn't... It, it doesn't work that way Sarah: Oh c'mon Nexis, don't tell you're too much of a pansy that you can't share a bed with another guy and be safe in the knowledge you won't get touched well boo hoo. Deal with it! Nexis: Why can't he sleep on the floor? Sarah: I don't think you want these feet of mine stamping your head when I get up now... Besides he's a guest and whether you like him or not, guests must be treated fairly. Nexis: B-But... Sarah: Don't make me mute you! I don't care what your problem is Nexis but I'm tired and I'm going to bed, so you can settle your differences and be done. Nexis: ... Tiber: Oh c'mon Nexis It'll be fine. Nexis: Ugh...

> 3 Hours Later

> Sarah and Claire lay side by side one another on a bed. They're both still up

Claire: Ngh... Can't sleep Sarah: Sorry, are my arms jabbing you or something? Claire: No... it's those two... Tiber's fine but your friend just won't go to his freaking bed. Sarah: Ugh, I know. Claire: Is he always this bad? Sarah: We don't get visitors often and he is an only child. This is probably the first time he's had to share a bed. Claire: That's fair enough but I still don't see the problem. Sure Tiber can be a bit flirty with the ladies at times but he's not a pervert. Sarah: You certainly think highly of him. Claire: I do. He's a trusted friend and ally. Sarah: I see, but we should really spare this for tomorrow morning. Claire: Agreed but with those two... Sarah: *sigh* WILL YOU TWO JUST GO TO YOUR FUCKING BED ALREADY!!

> Tiber lies on Nexis's bed in nothing but his boxers while Nexis stands awkwardly in his.

Tiber: Oh C'mon Nexis. I promise I won't touch a single hair on your body. Nexis: Uh... Tiber: Please... you're not intimidated by a big buff wolfy in his boxers are you? Nexis: N-No... but... Tiber: But nothing. If you don't come here on your own then I'm gonna drag you here whether you like it or not. You have 5 Seconds Nexis: But Tiber It's too weird. Tiber: 5... 4... 3... Nexis: C'mon be reasonable Tiber: 2... 1... Nexis: Tib-- Tiber: Too late!

> Tiber leaps up from the bed and wraps his arm around Nexis behind his back. While holding on to Nexis, Tiber leaps back onto the bed so that Tiber lies on the bed while Nexis lies on top of Tiber.

Nexis: Your crotch is touching my ass! Tiber: Well if that's the worst thing that happens to you tonight consider yourself lucky anyway, you're wearing underwear and I have no intentions of taking them off. Nexis: SARAH HEL--

> Sarah mutes him.

Sarah: Sorry... what was that? I can't hear you, try again in the morning. Claire: Heh... you're evil Sarah. Sarah: Comes with the power to control sound. Claire: I suppose it does.

> Nexis kicks his feet and flails his arms about in an effort to escape but Tiber has him in a powerful hold, defeated Nexis settles down.

Tiber: Done? Nexis: ... Tiber: Thought so.

> Tiber clutches Nexis as if cuddling him.

Tiber: And in the morning you'll be fine. You have my word.

> Nexis nods, closes his eyes and tries to get to sleep.