Replacement Plan-Part 1

Story by Thisguy42 on SoFurry

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#1 of Replacement Plan

Here is a story i have been working on for quite some time and I was originally going to release this as one large story but it was already so large that I decided to split it into multiple parts so expect one or two more parts after this.

Simple synopsis of the story: A young woman named Christa is looking for something to cheer up her mother after her beloved dog disappears and fortunately for her she has stepped into a store with a friendly witch named Faith, who is more than willing to help out in the search but only if Christa agrees to help the novice witch in return...

Replacement Plan

Twenty-one year-old Christa Williams stepped into the homey interior of a local store by the name of Odds and Ends. It was aptly named. Various items were scattered throughout the store in a surprisingly neat fashion, a few caught her interest but, she had not come to browse for herself. She was here because she needed a gift for her mom. Christa scanned the store for anything that could possibly coax a smile from her depressed mother and she found it strange that no one had greeted her when she walked in. After a quick search around the store she discovered that she was alone and the silence made her uneasy. Then a rustling sound in the back of the store caught her attention. A door opened and an attractive young woman appeared in the door way, her jet black hair shining brilliantly in the light from the bathroom.

Spotting Christa, she greeted her in a honeyed voice that was both surprised and cheery, "Oh! Hello, I didn't know that anyone had come in. Sorry about that. You know what they say, when you gotta go you gotta go!"

Laughing, Christa responded, "Don't worry about it. I was just browsing."

"Well, if you need anything feel free to ask me. My name is Faith by the way." Said the mystery woman, holding her hand out in a friendly gesture.

Christa took it and jumped in surprise when a jolt of electricity seized her arm. It wasn't very strong but, it was just enough to make her pull her hand away instinctively. Faith gave her a strange look, but then smiled and started toward the counter in the front of the store.

Resuming her search, Christa couldn't help but steal a glance at Faith when she was sure that she wasn't paying attention. She was wearing a blue blouse that had one too many buttons undone, allowing Christa to see a generous amount of the supple, pale breasts contained within the thin fabric of her shirt. Christa could just make out the form of her bottom half, her tight, denim jeans showing off the rest of her soft, feminine curves. Currently her elbows were propped up on the counter and her face was in her hands, her long, elegant fingers tapping away in boredom at the flawless skin of her cheeks. She didn't seem to be wearing any make-up, which Christa didn't really mind because she preferred not to hide her own face underneath pounds of cosmetics. Besides, Christa thought Faith was beautiful as she was. Among the list of things that Christa was infatuated with most about this woman, she was constantly drawn back to one thing in particular. Her eyes. Her eyes were unlike any that she had ever seen. They were a lustrous hue of violet with several flecks of gray that contrasted so well that they seemed to glow. Christa was so lost in her eyes, that she didn't even notice when Faith looked through the space in the shelf that she was ogling her from and began staring right back.

Slightly disturbed by Christa's incessant stare Faith broke the silence, "Do you need help finding something--?"

Christa snapped out of her reverie and blushed intensely, "Uh-Christa..."

Confused, Faith asked, "Umm, what was that?"

Christa drew a deep breath as quietly as possible in an attempt to slow her racing heart and continued, "My, uh, name is Christa. I never told you my name, so I am telling you now."

Laughing, Faith said, "Okay "Christa" it's nice to officially meet you. So did you need help finding something?"

Having finally relaxed enough to answer without bumbling Christa answered, "Actually yes but, first I need to explain why I'm actually here..."

Christa went on to explain that her mother had gotten a dog from a shelter to keep her company a few months after she had moved out to go to college and she had it up until about a week ago.

"What happened to it?" Asked Faith.

"Well I guess it got out of the house one day while she was away and it was either hit by a car or it simply got lost. She believed it had just gotten lost so she searched for that dog day and night last week and refused to give up until she was sure," Christa said. "Sure enough I got a frantic phone call, and since my schedule isn't busy for a few a weeks I decided I would help her and make a visit out of it as well."

"So, let me guess, she is still obsessing about the dog and her being miserable is making you miserable."

"Exactly. I don't blame her though. She really loved that dog. It kills me to see her like this all the time," Christa sighed.

Faith pondered her options for a moment before saying, "You know, I think what your mom needs more than some materialistic gift is her dog back."

Christy raised an eyebrow at Faith, clearly confused, "But I just told you that her dog has been gone for over a week..."

"Just bear with me. What if I helped you find your mom's dog, which I'm 100% positive that I could do, but, obviously your mom wants that dog sooner than later, and my search could take a while," Faith explained. "So I was thinking that maybe you could help out a bit as well."

Christa smiled brightly, "You can help find the dog?! Oh that's great! But what exactly, do I need to do?"

Faith opened her mouth to explain but, was interrupted by a small group of potential customers that walked through the door, "Hello, welcome to Odds and Ends!" She said. Then, turning back to Christa she said quickly, "Umm, we should talk further but not here. How about we meet tonight and discuss this over dinner? Say... My place at 7?"

"Uh, er, y-YEAH! OKAY!" Christa managed to say but, her voice came out loud and obnoxious as a result of her nervous state.

Faith wrote her address down on a small piece of paper in neat, italic-like handwriting and told Christa she would see her at 7. Christa snatched the paper up, trying to hide her blushing face, and shuffled out without even saying good-bye, she was so giddy and light-headed that she was surprised she didn't pass out on her way to her car.

Christa sat in her car, staring wondrously at the piece if paper, as if it had come from some undiscovered planet. After dwelling on her strange behavior, Christa started to feel very silly.

"Why am I freaking out so much? We don't even know hardly know each other so it's obviously just to talk about this dog... Yeah I feel dumb," She said starting her car.

During her short ride home, Christa found her mind wandering back to her last, disastrous relationship with a guy she had once actually cared about. They had dated for a few months until Christa found him in bed with another woman and to make things worse, she discovered soon afterward that he had cheated on her numerous times, even with some of her supposed best friends. Ever since then she had been exploring her bisexuality. She had always been a little bi-curious but, lately women were her preference and she had most certainly developed a crush on Faith.

Christa's head was still spinning, her mind running through a long list of useless things that she felt that she had to do before her "date" tonight. and luckily she no longer had to focus on driving since she had already reached the paved driveway, where her mother's blue Nissan was parked. Switching off the car, Christa allowed herself a few moments to cool down, feeling that it was unfair to her mother to tell her how great her day had been, which she knew was ridiculous but, her mom had seen better days.

Then, in a moment of crushing discovery, Christa knew why her mother was so deeply saddened. That dog was really all she had. Their father had left before Christa was born because "he was too much of a coward to handle a child in his pathetic life" as said by her mother. Christa's mother was the kindest person she knew, luckily, the stress of raising a child on her own had not spoiled her caring personality. Christa felt guilty for having left her mother alone...

"Maybe this is partly my fault. No one is ever this devastated over the loss of a dog... Well it's not too late to make it up to her," She said to herself as she stepped out of her car, locking it as she made her way to the front door.

"Mom! I'm home!" Christa called out. Silence. Christa walked through the dining room, then the kitchen but, her mom was nowhere to be found. "Mom?" Christa said quietly. She was, for one reason or another, wary to disturb the deafening silence that had fallen over the house.

Moving her search to the living room proved successful. Lying on the couch, fast asleep, was her mother. This was a great relief to Christa because her mother had not had a decent night of sleep in the past week. Christa smiled lovingly at her mother's sleeping form. In appearance, her and her mother, Laura, could have been twins.

They had the same wavy, golden hair which shone brightly as a result of how well managed they both kept it. Both had delicate facial structures with high cheek bones and full lips on an overall radiant, friendly face. Their striking, vibrant blue eyes were soulful and kind, and very revealing of their true selves. Despite the age difference, Christa's mother's skin had maintained the same youthful suppleness as Christa's and she had maintained her curvy, well toned figure which was much the same as Christa's. There was only one major difference in their appearance. Her mother was quite gifted when it came to her "assets" and although Christa had never asked her mother, she was sure that she must have at least D's, maybe even larger, whereas Christa was maybe half that size. She was quite envious of her mother in this aspect even though she knew how ridiculous it sounded.

Suddenly aware of how long she had been standing over her mom, Christa quietly made her way out of the silent living room, up the stairs and to the room she was staying in for the remainder of her visit. The room she was staying in was actually her old room which had been turned into a room for guests which Christa's mom claimed to have a lot of. This was believable because she had a lot of friends but, judging by how hard she was taking this whole thing, Christa didn't think her mom was getting out much.

Christa glanced at the bedside clock, the luminescent digits read "5:55." Christa's eyes widened and she dropped her stuff on the bed as she rushed to closet.

"Shit, I only have an hour!" Christa exclaimed. Searching the small amount of clothes that she had brought with her, Christa stopped when she reached a semi-formal but, revealing black dress that she had brought for reasons she could not remember. She removed the dress from the closet and tossed it on the bed. Starting to undress, Christa had second thoughts. She didn't want to dress like this was a date and give Faith the wrong impression...

"What the hell is wrong with me?" Christa seethed.

In the end, Christa opted for a pair of jeans, a pair of sneakers and a button down white blouse. After a few adjustments to her hair, a quick addition of perfume and her second application of deodorant of the day, just to be safe, Christa looked at the clock once more and saw that it was fifteen minutes to seven. Time to go.

Creeping down the stairs, careful to avoid the steps that she knew creaked, Christa moved noiselessly into the kitchen. Retrieving a pen and sticky note from the convenient container next to the refrigerator, Christa scrawled a hastily composed message, telling her mother that she would be out for a while and would be back sometime tonight. Christa stuck the note to the fridge and slipped out of the house.

One very short car ride later...

Looking at the neatly written address of Faith's home, Christa confirmed that she had indeed arrived at Faith's home. The house was larger than she expected. It was two-floors, much like her mom's house and it was relatively similar in that they were both of modern architecture, she was a bit of a nut for architectural designs. Her heart was hammering in her chest and she was sure it was so loud that Faith could hear it from her house.

"Ridiculous! Pull yourself together!" Christa said to herself. "This is not for me, this is for mom."

After several moments of arguing with herself, Christa felt calm enough to finally leave her car. Turning her keys in the ignition, Christa switched off the car and stepped out into the cool night air and looked toward the sky. A full moon. The white glow of the moon illuminated the dark sidewalk beneath Christa as she made her way to the front door of Faith's home. Taking one last calming breath, Christa reached to knock on the door but, while her hand was in mid knock, the door swung open.

"Well it's about time you got here!" Faith said jokingly.

"But- How did you-" Christa stammered.

"Know you were here? I was watching you," Faith said in a serious tone.

"You were watching me?" Christa said suspiciously.

Faith raised an eyebrow and cracked a smile, unable to maintain her ruse, "Haha, no I wasn't watching you, silly. I heard your car. You should have seen your face though!"

"Haha, you got me..."

Faith gave Christa a light shove, "Oh, lighten up. I'm just having some fun. So how about we take our conversation to the dinner table? There's a lot I need to discuss with you."

Faith led Christa through a hallway to the dining room. A well prepared meal sat on the table and Christa was suddenly aware of how hungry she was, her stomach growling loudly.

Faith must have heard this because she gave Christa an amused look and made a sarcastic comment "Hungry much? Please, sit. We can talk and eat right?"

Christa's face flushed with embarrassment as she sat down. Fortunately though, the night got better as they had a pleasant time chatting and after dinner was through, Faith turned their conversation to the problem at hand.

"Okay. So as you know, I mentioned there was something you could help me with," Faith said.

Christ nodded.

"Well, searching for the dog is going to be complicated and may take me a few weeks but, I can guarantee that I will find it. That being said, if your mother is as devastated as you say she is then who knows what she will be like in the few weeks that it takes for me to find her dog."

"Can't I just tell her you are searching for the dog, whose name is "Honey" by the way, and tell her you're one of my good friends from school or something so she knows I can trust you?"

"Well, uh, I guess you- er- could do that..." Faith said dejectedly, her plans already crumbling.

"Well why don't we just say that?" Christa asked.

"Well, uh, I..." Faith looked at Christa sadly. "Okay, look I'm going to tell you something and please don't freak out on me."

Christa raised an eyebrow.

"I'm a witch and I need your help with an experiment," Faith aid finally.

Christa looked at her incredulously.

"But, I'm serious! I figured I would get this reaction... I know it's crazy but hear me out, I- I can prove this to you!"

"Please by all means, if you can, prove it to me," Christa said, unbelieving.

Christa felt stupid for having believed that this lunatic could actually help her. She knew this woman was too good to be true. Standing, making to leave Christa stopped when she heard Faith speak.

"Wait!..." Faith exclaimed, standing.

Christa's urge to leave grew as did her uneasiness but, she found that she was frozen in place.

"How about you make yourself a little more comfortable while I prove it you?"

More frightened now more than ever, Christa felt her body stiffen and move against her will. Her legs bent and she fell to her knees, her arms spreading out as if to break her fall. As her hands touched the cold wood floor, Christa felt an immense pressure in her hips and with a wet pop the bones in her hips shifted painfully. Finding that she was able to move on her own once more, Christa tried to stand but, she soon discovered just how impossible that would be with her reshaped hips. Christa opened her mouth to plead with the witch but, instead of words, a loud and decidedly bovine bellow escaped from her lips. Christa clasped a hand over her mouth and she found it to be much too stiff, forcing her to investigate. She wished she hadn't. Christa looked on in horror as her fingers moved closer together, the skin sticking together as they fused into fleshy mitts that no longer resembled hands once her thumb was swallowed up by the growing mass flesh and bone. Her fingernails, now one thick clump at the end of her stretching, balled up hands, shifted gradually, becoming rougher and an opaque black. They enveloped a large portion of her lengthening "hands" and settled into place.

"HooOOOOVES?!" Christa exclaimed. She looked from her hooves to Faith, which proved to be a difficult action because of her thickening neck and head. Tears formed in Christa's darkening eyes as her jaw snapped and stretched away from her face, bringing her swelling nose as well as, the rest of her widening face with it. Her growing muzzle was making it difficult to continue making her pleas to Faith.

"Oooookay! I believe youooooooo!"

Faith smiled, "Okay, okay. That's all I wanted to hear."

Faith sashayed over to Christa and knelt down in front of her. "You know I wasn't going to completely turn you into a cow right? Consider that a lesson in dealing with magic folk as well. If you had acted like that toward any other witch, they probably would not have been as merciful as me."

Christa nodded her head meekly in response, already feeling guilty for the way she had judged Faith. Faith then placed a finger against Christa's leathery nose and a small spark emitted from her finger tip. Christa felt her changes revert, starting at her head and ending with her hips. Christa looked up at Faith shyly, unsure of where to begin.

Seeing that Christa was sincerely sorry Faith consoled her, "Don't worry about it. Really! It's all in the past now and what have we learned?"

"Never screw with a witch?" Christa responded, smiling.

"Exactly! Now c'mon, let's get you off the floor." Faith said, helping Christa to her feet. "So now that you have seen what I'm capable of, do you still want my help?"

Brushing herself off Christa said, "Well of course! I'm just a little worried about what I am going to be doing..."

"Well let's just cut to business then. I want you to become your mother's dog for the duration of my search for the real one." Faith's words hung in the air for a few moments.

"You- what? But, I- Why?" Christa stammered.

Faith sighed and dropped her head in shame, "Well, the truth is... I am an awful witch. I am so bad, in fact that I was "let go" from my covenant. More like shunned... So I need quite a lot of practice and it turns out transformation magic is beginner level stuff. I can't even do that properly! I really only know a few animals and the only ones I know really well are canines and bovines, sort of."

"I'm sorry... I didn't realize you could *snicker* get kicked out for being a terrible witch." Christa said, failing to keep a straight face.

"Hey! It's not funny!" Faith pouted, crossing her arms over her chest, however, she couldn't help but laugh along with Christa at how humorous it really sounded.

After several moments Christa wiped her teary eyes and said,"I'm sorry Faith but, it just sounds so ridiculous that I couldn't help myself. You have to admit it is funny!"

"Yeah, I guess it does sound pretty funny now that you say it. I haven't been able to see it in a positive light until now... Thank you for that." Faith said with a warm smile that made Christa blush.

Rubbing her neck nervously Christa quickly changed the subject, "Umm, so about your plan... How is it going to work?"

"Really?! You'll help me? Even after I told you how much of a failure I am? You're amazing!" Faith said, retrieving a small vial, containing a thick, purple liquid that swirled slowly, from her pocket. "This is what I will be using. I am a much better alchemist than I am spellcaster, so this will be safer. Here. Take it."

Faith extended her hand out to Christa who took, the strange vial hesitantly.

Uncorking the vial, Christa was assaulted by the powerful scent of... "Peanut butter?"

Faith chuckled, "Well, after I met you and I got home I started creating it because I had a plan figured out. You gave off such a powerfully positive aura that I knew on some level that you would help me. So I started on it and made it smell like peanut butter as a joke, to help ease you into the concept."

"But, the thing is, I don't even know anything about the dog other than it's name so how is the potion here going to know what to change me into?"

"Well, for a specific change like this, you need to do some investigating on your target form. Ask your mom about the dog, look at pictures and when you know enough about it, and trust me you will know when, then the serum will do it's job," Faith beamed. "Trust me when I say that the experience is incredible! Even though I have only been able to do it on myself once or twice it's always been... Quite fun," Faith said suggestively.

Christa's face flushed in a mixture of arousal and embarrassment. Clearing her throat, Christa asked, "Umm, so how, uh, long will it take?"

Faith considered this for a moment and simply shrugged. "Sorry but, I really couldn't say.

Christa frowned, "Well that doesn't comfort me very much." Then she sighed, "But, I guess I will figure it out soon enough won't I?"

"That's the spirit! Now if you run into any trouble, you know where to find me and I will be checking up on you every now and then."

"Is there anything else I should know before I do this?" Christa asked suspiciously. Faith simply shook her head in response. "Well, here goes nothing..." Christa said as she took a deep breath, raised the vial to her lips and polished off the frothy, peanut butter flavored concoction in one swift motion. Grimacing she said, "Wow, that was some*cough* strong stuff!"

"Hmm, I will keep that in mind the next time I make a flavored one. You're lucky. The original taste is awful, so be thankful! So how do you feel right now?"

"I don't actually feel any different. Is that a good thing?"

"Oh yes, that's very good. Oh! One more thing, don't be surprised if something strange happens during your change. I am still tweaking a lot of things."

"Oh, gee, thanks for telling me that now!" Christa said, throwing her hands into the air, clearly feigning exasperation. Christa then stole a glance at the wall clock in the kitchen and discovered that it was after 9."Oh, wow it is later than I thought and I think, after today's events that I need a lot of rest."

"Leaving so soon?" Faith pouted. "Well, okay I guess I can let you leave. Just remember that I am here if you need me and hey, no hard feelings about earlier right?" Faith said holding her arms out.

Christa felt her heart knock in her chest and she broke out in a nervous sweat as she moved in to receive her new friend's affectionate embrace. After a few seconds, Christa pulled away, her legs shaky from the simple act of hugging this beautiful woman.

"You know, It's a shame you stopped me earlier. I was just getting to the best part," Faith said.

Christa stumbled and caught herself on the couch.

"Woah, easy there." Faith said softly as she helped Christa onto the couch.

Resting on the couch Christa was able to slow her rapid breathing but, everything felt so much more sensitive than usual, even simply shifting on the couch made her shiver in pleasure.

"Don't worry, that will pass." Faith said, as if reading Christa's mind. "It's always the worst right after consumption of the serums."

"So what was this about getting to the best part?" Christa asked.

"Oh, well after experimenting a few times with the bovine transformations I found that the most enjoyable part was the, uh, udder," Faith said, blushing.

"Th-the udder? Wait, never mind. Don't say anything more. This night is already too weird for me. Nothing against you but I didn't even know this was possible until about 20 minutes ago."

"Right. Sorry," Faith said, embarrassed.

After several more moments of calming silence, Christa finally felt confident enough to get off the couch but, not without wincing from the over-stimulation that Faith's magic was causing her.

Christa looked to Faith and smiled, "It was nice to have met you but I need some sleep before this chaos ensues."

"The best has yet to come," Faith said smiling.

Christa gave Faith a puzzled look but, decided not to dwell on it, mostly because she was fairly exhausted. After exchanging good byes, Christa found herself walking, dazedly to her car, both disoriented by the events of the evening and was nervous at what the future would hold for her.

By the time Christa staggered into the darkened living room, she was positively exhausted. Her mind was still whirling but she would have plenty of time to worry later. Christa climbed the stairs to her room sluggishly, feeling along the walls to prevent herself from tripping in the dark gloom of the house. Feeling blindly for her door she found the handle and inched it open quietly to avoid any creaks or sounds that would otherwise disturb her mother, if she was asleep that is, and she slipped inside. Fully clothed, Christa fell face first onto the top of her neatly made bed, and in seconds, sleep found her.

The first rays of light of the morning spilled into Christa's dark room, one of which shined brightly onto her face, the heat of the rays eventually rousing her. Blinking, Christa shielded her face with her hand and sat up in bed. After several moments, Christa's grogginess faded and then the full reality of what she had done last night finally dawned on her.

"What the hell was I thinking?!" Christa exclaimed as she jumped off her bed and paced around her room. "This is just so unreal... But, I experienced what she was capable of so this has to be true." Christa brooded. Then with a sigh she faced the truth, "Well whatever happens, it's my own doing..."

Christa noticed that her skin was sticky with dried sweat and decided it was time for a shower. After her quick shower, Christa dressed and walked down the hall to her mother's room. She pushed open the door expecting her mother to be there sleeping but, found only an empty bed.

"Must be downstairs already..." She said to herself.

"Mom?" Christa called out, making her way down to the kitchen.

"In here." Came her mom's tired voice from the dining room. She was sitting at the table with a depressed look on her face, sipping her coffee. Oh, how she hated to see that face. Christa figured now would be a good time to break the good news to her mother.

"So, I have some good news!" Christa said, taking a seat next to her mother.

"Oh?" Her mother answered without looking at her.

"Yeah! I found someone who guarantees they can find Honey!"

"Is that so? What makes you so sure?" She answered with a hint of hope in her voice.

"Well, the person is a really good friend of mine and she has done this sort of thing before. She's got a real knack for these things, and I already have her looking!" Christa said, trying with all her might to keep a straight face.

Her mom's demeanor changed after Christa explained and she perked up a little. "Well I just hope you're right," She said with a sigh. Then finally looking up at Christa she said, "Honey, I'm sorry that I have been ignoring you ever since you got here, I am truly happy that you're here. It's just..."

"It's fine mom, I get it. It makes sense why you're so upset. That dog was your pride and joy and quite possibly your closest companion. Speaking of which, I think you need to get out more often. What happened to all your friends anyway? You always had a lot from what I can remember."

Her mother smiled and said, "Well most of my old friends have moved away," She shrugged. "So I just got a little too lonely and spent most of my days with Honey..."

Christa was beyond elated to hear her mother actually have a normal conversation with her and she wasn't going to waste this opportunity. "Say mom. How about you and I go get some breakfast at that diner you were always telling me about?"

"That sounds great. Let me go and get dressed, then we can go." Her mother said with a smile, getting up from the table and making her way up upstairs.

Now that Christa was alone she had time to brood. She needed to come up with a plan for when she needed to leave and then come back as the dog. The fact that she was going to be a dog was still going to take some getting used to, she thought. After racking her brain, Christa had it. It was simple; if everything worked out like she hoped it would, she could get the information she needed and then stay with Faith for the remainder of her transformation. She could just tell her mom that she had to go away on business, and would be back in a week or two. Simple enough. Just as Christa was through with formulating her plan of action, her mom came back downstairs and was ready to go.

At the diner...

Sitting in one of the empty booths at the local diner that Christa's mother had suggested, they finally had a chance to catch up and talk. Christa was grateful because she thought if she heard another gripe about her missing dog today, she would probably lose her mind. After getting their food and running out of things to talk about, however, Christa finally had to bring the topic up once more for her own gain.

"You know mom, you've been going on about this dog for over a week now and I have yet to hear anything about the dog itself. You did get it after I moved out, so I never had a chance to see it."

"Oh, want to see a picture?" Her mother responded as she fished her phone out of her pocket, and proceeded to show Christa a picture of a beautiful Siberian Husky that was looking at the camera inquisitively. It's shining, icy white eyes were filled with wonder and an almost human awareness. It's silken coat was a smoky gray, with distinct white and black patterns distributed throughout and the dog seemed to be on the larger side for this breed, maybe a mix of some sort. She probably could have stared at this gorgeous creature for hours but, she was beginning to feel, for lack of a better word, strange. Her mother was still talking about the dog but, she was more focused on her discomfort.

"-Mom, I've got to go to the bathroom real quick," Christa interrupted her mother as politely as possible and excused herself from the table.

As she neared the bathroom, the strange feeling became a more definable tingle on her stomach and she couldn't help but, worry that this was a sign of her first change. She stepped inside and was distraught to find it wasn't a single bathroom. She might not be able to lock the door but, at least there were stalls. Going into an empty stall, Christa lifted her shirt and her breath caught in her throat when she saw a thick path of white fur encircle her navel and advance down to her crotch. She could only imagine what it looked like under her jeans. The prickling sensations moved down toward her legs but, she didn't dare look, she was just glad she decided to wear pants this morning.

As quickly as it had come, the strange prickling on her skin, ceased to exist. With a shaking hand

Christa put her shirt back down, hoping that the patch of fur wouldn't show through the thin fabric of her shirt. She took a deep breath and stepped out of the stall to face the mirror above the sink. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. She flashed her teeth at her reflection. No problems there. Breathing a sigh of relief, Christa left the bathroom to rejoin her mother. Instead of finding her mom at the table, she found her at the counter paying the bill. She turned to Christa as she approached the counter.

"You ready to go?" She asked Christa.

Christa forced a smile on her worried face, "Yeah, I'm ready. Where would you like to go next?"

"Oh, I don't know. How about just a nice quiet walk?"

Christa's face lit up with excitement. "Yeah that sounds great!" She practically yelled.

Her mother gave her an amused look and laughed, "Okay then, a walk it is."

After leaving the diner they parked the car near one of the many bike paths. Christa could hardly contain her growing excitement. Just the thought of a walk sent a shiver up her spine. She was never this excited about something so simple and it worried her. Dogs loved walks... That would explain it, and what if Faith didn't know what she was doing and her mind was slowly but surely degrading into that of dog's-

"Christa? Are you okay?" Her mother asked.

Apparently Christa had gotten out of the car and began staring blank-faced into the distance.. She shook her head, "Uhh- yeah. Yeah I'm fine. Ready to go?"

Laura looked at her daughter suspiciously for a few moments and said, "Well, alright. Let's go."

The walk proved to be just as relaxing as expected. At least until about an hour later, a familiar furry creature just so happened to show up. Christa began to sniff at the air against her own will, looking for the source of a strange scent and her nose led her to a dog that was now only a few feet away. A female by the smell of it.

"Morning. Can I help you?" A friendly but confused voice said. Christa looked up to see a woman who she assumed was the owner and she realized that she had just been caught hunched over sniffing her dog.

"Uh-I-err..." Christa stammered but stopped herself when she felt a tugging at the seat of her pants and decided it was time to go. She sprinted frantically back to her mother, who had already rounded the corner to the location of their car and miraculously, had not yet noticed Christa had gone. Meanwhile the tugging in her pants only became worse and she dashed past her mom to the other side of the car.

Having been caught in the act of sprinting by her mother, Christa received a strange look from her and she simply smiled back without a word.

"You sure are acting weird today," Laura said to herself more than to Christa, as she settled into the driver's seat.

Christa paid her no mind and slipped into the passenger seat, almost crying out in pain when she crushed her lengthening tail against the seat. She suppressed it and cast her gaze out the window, riding out the trip in silence... Or at least she would have if it weren't for the soft pops and crackles emanating from her growing appendage. Although, she quickly drown this out by rolling down the window, letting the cool wind flow through the car. Unfortunately, this caused other problems as she had to do everything in her power not to stick her head out the window for the rest of the ride home.

"This is!" Christa said to herself while she examined the fuzzy, gray tail that was now sticking out from her backside. It swished back and forth enthusiastically in response to her excitement.

After leaving the car, Christa had lingered near the car until her mother had made it inside and when she was sure she was safe, she had made a dash for the stairs. She had since been locked away in her room, trying to gather enough nerve to even stand in front of the mirror and now here she was, wagging a full grown dog tail to and fro in front of her bathroom mirror.

"Wow, this is just... Unrea-oooooo god," Christa suddenly exclaimed, groaning in pain. Her spine cricked and popped, pushing out against her skin, reshaping and compressing slightly, making her shrink a few inches. The pain stopped in her spine and she let out a relieved sigh but, winced in discomfort when her feet cracked and stretched a bit longer, making her shoes fit more snugly than before and she went wide-eyed when she heard the sound of tearing fabric.

"I need to get out of these shoes..." She said sitting on the floor, while taking extra care not to sit on her tail.

After slipping off her shoes and partially shredded socks, Christa could see why they were so uncomfortable; her feet had lengthened considerably, at least by a few inches and her nails had also changed but in both length and sharpness, hence the holes in her socks. Something else was bothering her as well; the undersides of her feet just felt off, prompting her to take an abnormally long foot in her hands to examine it. Turning it sideways to the the soles of her feet, she saw that the skin there was a bit rougher than it used to be and was now swollen and puffy. Poking at the fleshy underside confirmed her suspicions; although they were far from what a dog would have, she now had paw-pads on the bottoms of her feet.

Christa stood up and walked around the tiled floor of the bathroom. She surprised herself by laughing when her cushioned feet squished around on the cold floor with each step. She was so absorbed with checking out these new additions, that she failed to notice when her ears twitched and began to migrate part way up the sides of her head, developing rounded points as they moved. She reached up to scratch at her tingling ears idly, with darkening, lengthening nails and her heart began to race as she felt around the fuzzy surface of her pointed earlobes.

These changes are happening so fast... I'm afraid they won't stop before I can get out of the house! Christa thought to herself fearfully.

Fortunately, her changes stopped there. For now...

She examined herself in the mirror once more, making sure she was presentable. She was definitely shorter, but only by an inch or so and her other attributes were fairly simple to hide, except maybe for her longer, sharper nails. They looked quite tough already and she didn't dare try to cut them down. She tucked her tail between her legs underneath her pants, made sure her hair was covering her pointed, fuzzy ears and put some socks on her feet to cover them up. She walked down the stairs to the kitchen to look for something to eat but first checked for her mom. She didn't seem to be around.

"Hmm, probably in her room..." Christa said happily. She wasn't sure she could even face her mother right now.

She had been in her room for longer than she thought, about 2 hours, according to the wall clock. Opening the fridge, Christa bent over and began to wag her tail absentmindedly, if anyone walked in and saw her they would be able to make out the odd movement in the fabric of her pants quite easily. Not to mention the soft fur was quite effective at stimulating her sex and her face grew hot in response. Christa grabbed her tail through her pants to make it stop and continued to scour the fridge. Her nose was soon assaulted by an intense scent that drew her to the bottom shelf. Where they were keeping a steak for tomorrow night's dinner.

Christa eyed it and licked her lips but she got a hold of herself and continued searching only to be drawn back to the steak again. She quickly decided against it and moved her search to the pantry. A box of dog treats on the bottom shelf immediately caught her eye, hesitantly she picked it up and examined it. The scent of them was intoxicating to say the least but surely she wasn't going to eat these things? She paused for a moment... then opened the box and shoveled a treat into her mouth greedily. In that moment, it was the single best thing she had ever tasted and before she knew it she was eating another one, then another. All the while she failed to notice that she was panting heavily in between treats, her tongue lolled out of her mouth, lengthening and widening to a size that was much too big for her mouth. A light layer of smoky fur bristled across her back and started to thicken into a full coat until it tickled the nape of her neck, startling her. She stopped chewing and with her mouth still full of dog treats she nervously ran her hand down the back of her neck, choking down the rest of the dog treat in her surprise. Christa felt something poke the inside of her lip. With a racing heart, she ran her fingers over her teeth, only to feel her canines sharpen and grow until they just poked the inside of her bottom lip.

"Oh no. No no no," Christa seethed to herself, throwing the now empty box of dog treats back in the pantry.

She dashed upstairs and locked herself in her room. She paced in her room, trying desperately to calm herself down. She was again unaware that she was panting until her overgrown tongue came into her field of vision. She experienced a bout of dizziness and braced herself on the door frame of the bathroom until the room stopped spinning. After composing herself, Christa inched her way toward the mirror, holding her tongue in her mouth with a bit of effort, which she opened slowly, allowing her rolled up tongue to fall out of her mouth. She reached up with a shaking hand and pinched the tongue between her thumb and index finger. It was warm, wet and although this was the tongue of a dog, it was clearly hers.

She slid to the floor and put her head in her hands. "What have I gotten myself into?" Christa tried to say but it instead came out as a slur that made her curse,"sthit!" she said in her lisp.

How am I going to even show my face to my mom? I can't even talk! She thought to herself.

"Why the long tongue?" Christa heard a familiar voice say.

She looked up with a start. "Faith? What are you doing here?!" Christa said, embarrassed. She jumped up from the floor and clumsily grabbed a towel to hide herself. "Just.. just please go away. I'm not exactly myself..." Christa said in her slurred voice as she crouched in a corner. Her face felt hot and her eyes stung with tears.

Faith's playful smirk turned to a look of genuine concern at Christa's reaction. "Christa..."

"I'm... a freak..." Christa said in between sobs.

Faith stepped further into the bathroom and knelt down to Christa. She gently raised Christa's face to hers and spoke soothingly. "Hun, you're not a freak. The way you look right now... Just think of this as a phase that will pass. You are becoming a dog for crying out loud! You're going to look a little strange."

Christa looked away from Faith and let her words sink in. Finally, Christa began to saw the reason behind what Faith was telling her and she sighed resignedly.

"You're... right," Christa struggled to say.

"C'mon let's get you off the floor," Faith said, helping Christa to her feet and watched, with pity as Christa's large tongue rolled out of her mouth. It was clearly uncomfortable. "Hmm, I might be able to do something about that tongue," She said, walking into Christa's room.

She bent down to get into a black purse on the floor. Christa failed to stop herself from staring at Faith's shapely rear end as it was put out on display, her tight jeans accentuating her soft curves.

"Hmm, let's see here..." Faith said taking out a pouch that had some labeled vials in it, each with its own strange, swirling liquid in it.

"Uh... what isth that?" Christa asked, quickly bringing her tongue back into her mouth after she spoke.

"Oh this? It's, my... uh, serum kit that I, uh, brought with me to help you..." Faith stammered.

Christa crossed her arms and gave Faith an incredulous look.

Faith chewed on her bottom lip for a few seconds then finally answered, "Alright, alright. I keep them with me all the time because, well, I'm addicted to them okay? If I didn't make it clear last night, I love the feeling of my body changing forms... There, happy?"

Christa smiled but didn't dare laugh.

"So do you want this or not?" Faith said, holding up a small syringe.

Christa looked at the needle, terrified.

Faith smiled, "Oh, I know you aren't too keen on this being injected into your tongue but trust me. It will only sting for a second and it will help you."

Christa swallowed hard, then let her long tongue roll out of her mouth.

"Okay, don't move," Faith said, bringing the syringe to Christa's tongue. She injected the liquid quickly but carefully and it was over.

Christa's tongue pulsed and pulled back into her mouth, returning to it's normal size. "Oh, you have no idea how good it feels to be able to speak again! Thank you so much Faith!" She exclaimed.

"You're very welcome but just keep in mind that nothing is going to stop it from changing again but I imagine when it does you're going to be much more furry by then," Faith said, snickering.

"You know, I'm not exactly as excited about this as you are," Christa said, hugging herself. "I'm just plain terrified that something is going to go wrong. What if I can't change back? What if I become a dog mentally? What if-"

"Christa! Relax!" Faith said, putting her hands on her shoulders. "I promise, everything is going to be perfectly fine, I wouldn't have asked you to do this if it wasn't safe."

Christa sighed, "Yeah, okay. I guess so..." She yawned and looked out her window, it was already dark outside. She must have been in here for a lot longer than she thought.

"You going to be okay?" Faith asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I suppose. I think- I think I just need some sleep..." Christa said yawning, putting her sharp canines out on display.

"Ooo! Nice teeth!" Faith said happily. "And I suppose if you are tired I will let you sleep..."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about these things," Christa said sadly, brushing her fingers over them.

"Are there any other changes yet?" Faith asked, putting her serum pouch back into her purse.

Christa looked longingly at Faith. She didn't really want her to leave, she made her feel that much more comfortable about this whole ordeal but she was afraid to ask her to stay. Faith turned to say goodbye and saw Christa staring at her blankly.

"Uh, Christa? Are you feeling alright?"

Christa blushed and looked away bashfully, "Uhm, well, I-I was just wondering if..."

Faith smiled, "Wondering if what?"

"If you, uh, would stay here with me tonight?" Christa said quietly but just loud enough for Faith to hear.

Faith laughed, "Well, don't twist my leg or anything."

Faith's reaction to this abrupt question made her come off as calm and collected, but really she was more nervous than she had ever been when she looked into Christa's hopeful eyes and finished her answer, "Wow, you're serious? Well okay, I don't see how it could hurt anything if I stayed here for the night..."

"Oh, thank you, thank you Faith!" Christa said, giving her a giddy hug.

Faith felt something move back and forth when Christa was pushed up against her. She just couldn't resist asking, "Ooo, is that your tail? Can I see it?"

Christa looked down shyly, her ears flattening against her head, all the while her tail continued to swish back and forth under her sweats. She pulled down the waistband of her pants and turned her back to Faith, pulling her tail out from between her legs. It wagged freely upon the release of its fabric prison.

"It's so cute!" Faith exclaimed, moving closer to Christa. "May I?" She said holding her hand out to touch her tail.

"Yeah, why not?" Christa said, her tail wagging faster.

Faith held it in her hand and pet it slowly, making Christa sigh contentedly. The caressing made her feel so relaxed.

"It's so soft..." Faith said thoughtfully.

"Faith? You can stop anytime now," Christa said, snickering.

"Oh, right sorry. Kinda lost myself there for a second, I know you're wanting to go to sleep now so do whatever you need to prepare for that. I will be here. "

"Uh, well, I figured since you are staying here now that maybe we can just talk for a while? Get to know each other better?" Christa said, casting her gaze to the carpeted floor.

Faith smiled, "That sounds great."

And so Christa sat comfortably on her bed, saving a spot for Faith, who failed to see the gesture and sat a few feet away in an office chair. Their conversation started out awkwardly but the longer they talked, the more comfortable they became with one another. However, Christa was soon taken by her exhaustion and found herself drifting off to sleep in a brief moment of silence but she snapped herself awake, coaxing a snicker from Faith.

"Alright, I think it's time for bed," Faith said, standing up.

Christa's head hit her pillow and she was out like a light. Faith grabbed a blanket she found on the edge of the bed, and laid it over Christa's sleeping form. She searched the room for more bedding in order to make a comfortable spot for herself to sleep.

"Faith?" She heard Christa say in a half asleep stupor.

She turned away from the closet, "Yes?"

There was a slight pause from Christa, then, "You don't have to... sleep on the floor," Then she was fast asleep.

Faith's heart raced. Did she really just invite me to sleep in her bed with her? She thought to herself. She gave the thought another moment to roll over in her mind then she decided she was being ridiculous. W_e're just friends after all..._

Faith grabbed another blanket and laid on the opposite side of the queen sized bed, facing away from Christa. She was still nervous about it but she didn't let it get in the way of her sleep and was out in moments.

Some hours later (~3 A.M.)

Christa tossed and turned in her sleep, disturbing visions and lewd acts plagued her dreams. It was the same one right after another....

Hello? Anybody there? Christa called out in her dream. She was in some sort of park with no one in sight. Suddenly she heard a dog bark behind her. She whipped around, startled, and saw a familiar looking dog, it was the dog that she had smelled earlier that day. But what was she doing here? Christa bent down to pet the dog and the scent returned, full force, assaulting her nostrils. At first it smelled strange but it became better and better with each passing second until it was almost arousing.

WHAT is that?! She exclaimed to no one in particular. Then the dog bit her. _OW!_She yelped, looking at her right hand. Something was off about it. She screamed when she figured out what it was, her hand was becoming a paw, she looked at her left hand and sure enough, that was changing as well. Now that she was aware of it, she discovered her entire body was changing into that of a dog. But isn't this what she wanted? She shook her head, trying to rid herself of those thoughts, which only aided in making that intoxicating scent more pronounced. She raised her new canine head to the female dog in front of her and she made her newest discovery. The source of the scent. It was this dog, it was her pheromones and they were making her oh so horny. She bucked her hips as she gazed at the swollen canine sex in front of her, then she felt that something was happening between her legs, she looked down and howled in agony at the sight of the tapered tip of a canine penis poking out to greet her-

Christa awoke in a feverish sweat, a scream trapped in her throat. She was panting heavily, gripping the sheets as she tried to get a hold of herself. After a few moments, her breathing slowed and she laid back down on her pillow. She was aware of soft breathing next to her and she saw Faith curled up next to her, fast asleep. The sight of her calmed her more than anything but her serenity was soon demolished by a sudden lurch in her stomach. She sat up and the lurch morphed into a continuous roiling of her insides, oddly she didn't feel nauseous.

She stumbled out of bed into the bathroom, closing the door on the way in and leaned over the sink. Her insides were on fire. "God, what is wrong with me?" Christa whispered to herself. Without warning, her vulva tingled so intensely that her knees buckled sending her to floor, her clit becoming hard with excitement at the sudden bout of arousal.

"Woah... I feel so... good..." Christa said, reaching under her sweats to palm her aroused sex. Just then, a wave of pain rocked the inside of her abdomen. Christa felt something shift and she worriedly lifted her shirt, only to wish she hadn't. She groaned as she watched her skin writhe and move in time with the uncomfortable sensations inside of her. Beneath the surface, Christa's womb was collapsing, making room for her new prostate, all the while her ovaries swelled, pulling into her shrinking womb and as Christa was about to discover they only had one place to go. Christa's abs clenched, as if in preparation to push, but then they suddenly relaxed. Clench, release, clench, release. The movements became more rhythmic as dizzying waves of pleasure exploded through her clit, her hips bucked uncontrollably and she dropped her shirt back over her torso, so that she could get at her hyper-sensitized sex. Just the simple act of pulling her pants down over her panties made her moan in ecstasy. She gasped when she saw her panties, they were soaked so thoroughly that they had become translucent, allowing her to clearly make out the shape of her swollen vulva and her engorged clit. Something didn't seem right though, she had masturbated plenty of times before but she had never seen herself so swollen before, not to mention she had never been this damned horny in her life.

Christa clenched her hands into fists as another wave of orgasmic pleasure danced at the tip of her clit, making it swell and thicken. Christa however, failed to notice this as the bucking of her hips forced her clit up against the soaked, silken fabric of her panties, causing her to squirm and gasp in unrestrained bliss. Christa's clit pushed its way out against her panties, lengthening and thickening with each clench of her abdominal muscles, these contractions were becoming stronger and stronger as her internal organs moved about, pushing her morphing ovaries further into her compacting birthing passage. Christa pushed her fingers against her wet undergarment, sliding her fingers back and forth over her reddening nether-lips until she finally gave in and moved the soaking piece of clothing to the side. She probed deep inside herself, or at least as far as her shrinking passage would allow her to, until she touched two distinct spheres that made her cry out in a mixture of pleasure and shock when she made contact. Christa tentatively lifted her shirt once more and almost screamed at the sight of two ovoid shapes pushing out from the inside of her flat belly. Her heart raced as she saw them move down, pushing against her idle finger, Christa pushed back but no avail, her abdominal muscles were fighting her every step of the way until the objects had slid down until they just rested on the inside of her pulsing lips.

Scared but, beyond horny Christa couldn't help but tease her still swelling clit, which seemed to enjoy the attention because it throbbed powerfully, stretching longer until it tented her panties. She moaned and without thinking, opened her surprisingly tight labia which was all the coaxing the dormant spheres needed to complete their journey. Her moans were long and breathy as she pushed one last time. The feeling was indescribable and she came almost instantly, coating her descending testicles with the last of her feminine juices. Her lips sealed shut and the orbs dropped into a waiting sack, making Christa whimper with pleasure and defeat. Meanwhile, her growing clit picked up tempo and Christa swore she could hear the flesh stretching as it became uncomfortably large in her panties. A wet pop emanated from her proto-penis as a small slit opened up at the head, forming her new urethra as the tube connected with the base of it.

Christa shuddered and attempted to tear off her panties to stop them from constricting her but the prospect of touching or looking at the thing between her legs sent a shiver down her spine, the "thing" between her legs however, made itself known when it throbbed powerfully once again and snapped the weakened undergarment right off of her.

"No, no, no-oooooo god..." Christa said as she tried to force her growing phallus back inside of her, however, she wasn't expecting it to feel so good... so sensitive.

The head of her penis, now at least 5 inches long, tapered at the tip, drooling clear sticky fluid onto the ground as her fingers explored the new appendage, the growing knot and tip interested her especially as they were the most sensitive. Her small testicles gyrated and squirmed in response, swelling larger and larger in tandem with the thickening canine shaft she now possessed. A pouch of skin began to envelop the pointed, red dog prick, white fur racing across her nether region and at this point she welcomed the change, it felt so unlike anything she had experienced before that she just didn't care.

Now at least 8 inches long and about half as thick, Christa was able to wrap her hands around the twitching beast between her shapely thighs; her pulsating orbs grew until they hit the floor with a soft thump. Christa started pumping her canine maleness in earnest, her tail wagging excitedly as an alien tightness gripped her new genitals. Her stomach fluttered, her balls pulled tight against her crotch, and her already oversized knot swelled ever larger.

Christa opened her mouth in a wordless cry of ecstasy, her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she bucked her hips as something rushed through her twitching, knotted cock. She unleashed rope after rope of hot, canine cum until she had painted the floor as well as part of herself in her own spunk. Christa passed out; her bulging, animal maleness still hard and dripping.

Faith shifted once in Christa's bed but did not wake.