Good Eats Part 1

Story by PleasuresOfYin on SoFurry

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Part 1 of Good Eats Hey guys/gals!!! Ok this is my first story...well not first story, but my first descriptive story. All my other novels end with make out sessions. This will be the first time I take it all the way to sex. Also I am a budding novelist! I will make errors more then once in the story so bear with it. Criticism is highly welcomed ^^ oh and make sure to be sort of kind with the criticism thankies and enjoy.

A yawn escapes Luke's maw as he walks down the boulevard. His eyes slightly glazed from a tired and restless night. His features were not very average for a male. His petite and slender body makes him look feminine and young, though his hazel eyes give him a mature look. Another rather loud yawn escapes the cheetah's maw. He walks down the street, his paws tucked in both pockets of his suit pants. His button-down shirt slightly wrinkled, though it showed he did a pretty good job of flattening some wrinkles. A grey jacket easily covers the wrinkles so Luke doesn't really worry. Taking a glance at his watch he picks up his pace to the local bakery. Slightly jogging now, he opens the doors to the Good Eats bakery. Instantly a cinnamon and sweet aroma fill his lungs. His mouth slightly water from the sweet smells. Darting his eyes around the shop he sees the wooden cabinets holding the spices and sugars. The wooden floors shine and gleam beneath the lights on the newly painted ceiling. Several cakes and sweets line up behind a glass under the counter. The shop gives off an antique and colonial look. Luke walks over to the counter slowly, tapping the bell that lay on it. "May I help you?" Luke turns around slightly startled. A fairly well built wolf with a chefs uniform stands before him. His emerald eyes look onto Luke with curiosity. "Oh! Um hello sir, I'm Luke Richards the new employee. I sent a resume to the owner here. I was hoping I could maybe speak with him?" A smile plays across the wolf's face. "You're looking at him" He reaches down and took hold of Luke's paw giving it a firm shake. "It's nice to meet you Luke. I'm Ryan Waters" Luke blushed slightly as he slowly looked at his features. Oh yes...this wolf was indeed handsome. His black fur had a beautiful shine to it and his eyes! A beautiful green...Luke turns his head away from Ryan trying to make any thoughts like that vanish from his mind. Luke removes his paw and backs away smiling. "Care to show me my work station? I'm willing to work right now if you don't mind..." A grin rests on Ryan's face, his tail flicked as he nodded. He motioned for Luke to follow him. After going past a door behind the counter he noticed a room with several lockers. After going down the hallway he reached a room with a sign saying "Ryan Waters: Head Baker" Luke's eyes wander once he stepped inside the small room. An oak desk filled with clutter and papers lay on top. A closed laptop sits at the edge while two brown leather chairs sit before it while a large black rotational chair sits behind it. A small mini fridge was placed on the left side of the room while a large oak dresser rests on the right side of the room. Ryan walks over to the dresser slowly pulling out a white uniform. "Hmm...What size would you say you were?" "Oh um about small or a size five" replies Luke, though a little preoccupied with his surroundings. A small chuckle escapes Ryan's maw. "Quite small but let's see if I can find one in your size" A tint of pink covers Luke's cheeks as he stands behind Ryan. "Ah here we go..." Ryan smiles as he pulls out a fairly small chef's coat. After handing it to him he beckons Luke to follow him once more. He stops on the first door on the left. "In here is the bathroom. It's only for staff so if you see a costumer make sure you inform him or her to use the bathroom in the front." After nodding to Ryan's comment they continue on to a room on the right. After Luke peered inside he recognized the lockers. "This is the locker room. Pick any locker you like" Again Luke just nods. They move back to the front of the shop where a costumer appeared to just have entered. He smiles and greets the costumer leaving Luke to stand at the side. After a few minutes he rang up the costumers order. Ryan smiles as he waves the costumer good-bye. "Ah sorry 'bout that" He smiled and beckoned for Luke to follow. They reached a double door on the left side of the shop. The scent of sweets got stronger as they entered the kitchen. Several bakers worked on breads and cakes. No one looking up, they all continued to work not paying attention. "And this is the kitchen" Ryan smiles and points to a fox in the corner of the room. His muscles ripple as he moves a loaf of bread out from the oven. "That's Greg Dillon, the sous-chef" He moves his finger in the direction onto a female panther. Her dark silky hair pinned up in a messy bun on top of her head. A large spot of frost is seen on her cheek. Her head is bent low as she squeezes frost from a large bag onto a cake."That's Susan Dubois, the executive sous-chef. Those two are the ones you should know the most. Later if you wish you can get to know the others." Luke nods making a mental note of the two. Ryan smiles and pats Luke on the back softly, slightly pushing Luke inside the kitchen.

After showing Luke his work station Ryan retired into his office. He stands by the door looking down at his slowly growing erection. He sighs and moves over to his desk, and sitting on his chair. "Damn...It's a good thing my uniform covered me up a little..." His thoughts wander, thinking about Luke. Luke's tight rear and cute face, his slender body and swaying tail invades his mind. The bulge in his pants grows bigger and bigger with each thought of Luke. He couldn't resist...Touching it softly Ryan unzipped his pants revealing his blue boxers. His erection was clearly visible through the boxers. After pulling down his boxers, his nine inch member was at its peak, his knot swells. His paw grabs hold of his member working it gently. He moans softly as his paw moves up and down. The image of Luke plays across Ryan's mind urging him on. Tilting his head back he lets a groan escape from his maw. Pre begins to coat his member and hands. After a few moments images of a naked Luke fill his mind. That was all it took to send him into overdrive. His hands begin pumping faster and eagerly. His member twitches and pulses with each pump of his hand. Waves of pleasure enter Ryan's body; he shifts in his chair to a more comfortable position. His body shivers as another wave of pleasure invades his body, his groans become slightly louder, his breathing becomes labored. He arches his back as cum explodes from his member, he howls lightly as cum lands on his uniform and paws. He looks down at his member as it slowly deflates and moves into his sheath. A sigh emits from his maw as he stands up to move to his private restroom. After cleaning himself off and changing his uniform he returns to the front of the shop. He waves to the cashier as he sits down on one of the couches. "Not very busy today I see..." Ryan said with a slight sigh "Yeah, maybe tomorrow it'll get better" "Hopefully..." ............................................ His shoulder's ached as he arrived home. Luke tossed his jacket and uniform aside while he collapsed on his couch. His face buried deep into the throw pillows. He sighs and turns over looking at the ceiling and thinking about the day's events. His thoughts wander from Ryan and to Greg the sous-chef. While Luke was working he couldn't help but notice the stares from Greg. Every glance he made at Greg his eyes always seemed to be on him, he didn't even look away when he glanced! Luke sighed and sat up straight flicking on the television with the remote. After a few minutes of channel surfing he stands up and heads to the kitchen but before he makes it, the phone rings. He groans as he moves up to the phone. "Hello?" "Oh hello is this Luke Richards?" "Yes this is Luke" "Hello it's me Ryan from the bakery. I just called because it seems you left your wallet here" As a reflex he checked his pockets, cursing under his breath. A sigh escaped his maw as he talked into the receiver. "Sorry about that I'm a little forgetful of things" "Ah don't worry about it would you like to come by the shop and pick it up?" "R-Right now?" Luke glanced at his watch. It was about seven-thirty. "Sure why not?" Luke pictured a confidante smile from Ryan on the other side of the receiver. Luke smiles slightly as he nods his head, though forgetting Ryan couldn't see him he just replies yes, he'll be there soon.

He smiles as he hangs up the phone on the shop wall. After cleaning up the shop he noticed Luke's wallet under the oven in the kitchen. He chuckled lightly wondering when Luke would have noticed it missing. He moved over to the counter cleaning off crumbs and other various things. Reaching into his pocket he took the wallet out placing it on the counter. He smiled and walked over to the other side of the counter cleaning the glass which displayed the cakes, though his eyes never left the wallet. He looked down forcing himself to concentrate on cleaning. Sadly that did not help either. His hands reached over and flipped it open revealing a blushing Luke taking a drivers license photo. He chuckled and stared into the picture. It almost seemed as if Luke was looking into his eyes. He suddenly felt a tightening feeling around his groin. Looking down he saw a small but growing bulge, luckily the uniform covered most of it. He slowly reached down to touch it but he jumped with surprise as bells were heard. It was Luke walking through the door. "Hi! I'm sorry I left my wallet here, you must think I'm so clumsy" Luke smiled and blushed "Nah don't worry about it, were all forgetful at times" He smiles and turns around toward the counter. 'Damn....not good...At this rate...I'll go crazy...' Ryan thought as he looked at his fast growing bulge. He grabbed the wallet into his paws turning around only to find Luke dangerously close to him. "Uh um here you go..." He blushed, luckily Ryan's black fur hid it slightly. Luke smiles and takes the wallet in his hands. He flicks his tail happily as he replies "Thank you so much for finding it" That's it; He can't take much more of this. He backs up slowly cursing himself under his breath for what he is about to do. He forces a smile as he speaks "Hey would you come with me for a moment? I'd like to show you something" * * *

Luke nods slowly wondering what he was going to show him. Maybe it had something to do with his contract. He stepped inside the small room, looking around in the dark. He turned around after hearing the click of the lock. His eyes still didn't adjust so he couldn't really see Ryan, and the fact that Ryan's fur was pitch black didn't help either. "Um Ryan... what did you need to show me?" Luke heard a sigh emit from in front of him. He backed up slowly bumping into a leather chair. "R-Ryan?" Luke's heart beat quickened as he was pushed down into the chair. Both hands were raised above his head by the wrist. "Ryan what are you doing?!" His eyes look into the darkness. "I'm sorry Luke but...I can't take it anymore..." His heart skips a beat has the grip tightens around his wrist. "Can't take what anymore? If I did anything wrong I'm sorry..." A chuckle emits from the darkness as a paw begins to unbutton Luke's shirt, rubbing and pinching Luke's nipple. A gasp escapes Luke's maw as Ryan continued to pinch his nipples. "W-why are you doing this..." Another chuckle was heard. "What can I say...I can't resist...You're so cute...Your lips so plump and your tight sexy rear...I can't help but want to make you mine..." He gasps again and moans as he feels something warm on his nipple. "B-but this is wrong! I don't think we should do this..." He feels something tug at his pants, pulling them down exposing his boxers and his slight erection. Ryan blushed as felt his boxers pull down. "N-no please don't!" "Just sit back and enjoy...And bear with it..." Ryan trails his tongue down from the nipples to Luke's member. He could tell Luke was aroused just by looking at how hard it had gotten. He heard him moan as he kissed and licked the tip of Luke's member. He smiled as it quivered. He began to lick the sides of it and touching the tip with his free paw. A loud moan emits from Luke's mouth as he did so. "H-hah...Ah...Please...Don't do this...Ryan..." Ryan smiles; ignoring his pleading. His mouth locks onto Luke's member sucking and moving his head in a steady rhythm. Several moans escape the cheetah's throat as he was continuously sucked on. Struggling was useless, Ryan's grip was incredibly strong and at the moment...He was too distracted to even care. His moans grew louder as he felt himself losing control. "R-Ryan! N-no more... I'm ....about to cum!" Ryan moved his head back and pressed down on the tip of Luke's member. "Not yet" Ryan stands up dragging Luke along by his wrists. They move over to a mini fridge. Ryan chuckles as he opens it taking out a can of whip cream. He shakes the can and smiles "We'll need this..." Luke blushes and struggles to get free again, but with no avail. Ryan smiles leaving the mini fridge open, a pool of light shows off the wolf's features along with Luke's as well. Luke's pink tinted cheeks and teary eyes make him look sexy and seductive. His buttoned shirt slightly off of his shoulders, he was also naked from the waist down. His member was still erect and slick with pre.

Ryan smiles as he pushes Luke down to the floor, holding him down by his shoulders. With his free paw he moves the can of whip cream towards his mouth. He smiles as he bites the cap off and aiming the canister toward Luke's rear. "Let me go Ryan! Please!" Ryan bites his lip as he presses down on the Whip cream's head causing a stream of cream to cascade down from Luke's member towards his tail hole. Luke blushes as he sees Ryan press his lips to his member, licking the trail of cream. "R-Ryan please...N-...Ah!" A loud cry escapes the cheetah's maw as a finger was pushed into him. "Damn...Your tight...Is this your first time?" Luke blushes and nods his head softly."Y-yes..." Ryan smiles softly and kisses Luke's forehead. Tears form along Luke's eyes as Ryan moved away from him. Ryan chuckles and sits down leaning on his desk. "I...I'm sorry for what I did to you...its best if you left..." Luke, still confused and dazed obliged and grabbed his pants and boxers from the couch. After putting it on in the hallway, all he could do was look back into the room and observe the wolf that nearly raped him. He ran home slamming his apartment door. His eyes stings as tears roll down from his cheeks. His heart felt so heavy and he didn't' know why. Normally any man in that situation would have threatened to call the police or worse. But...He just let it happen...even if he was held by the wrist he wouldn't have run away. He punches a stray throw pillow on his couch. He cries into the cushion of the couch in anger and regret. 'Regret of what? It's not like he liked him, he barley knew him! Still...Why did he stop? That was a question his mind will keep pondering..' Luke sighed as his mind waged war on itself. He turned his body over and stared at the ceiling until his body was too tired to stay awake. * * *

OMG! RAPE! lol find out what happens next on Good Eats part 2! End of part 1 of Good Eats. Hope you guy's liked it. And I hope the grammar police find minimal mistakes! ^. ^ As I said before, I'm a budding novelist so some mistakes will happen along the story. Anyway here is a list of stuff I came up with. *Greg Dillon, the sous-chef of the bakery-stalker? or secret lover?or maybe he just stares? *Ryan Waters, the head chef and owner of Good Eats the bakery- Already falling for Luke *Luke Richards, the new pastry chef of Good Eats- Is obviously confused about everything, he has Ryan after him and maybe someone else? *Susan Dubois the Executive sous-chef of Good Eats-find out on part 2