Waiting For A Train

Story by Bityn on SoFurry

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#6 of A Bunny Called Bityn

The whole subway was silent, but that was only to be expected at that time of night. It was pretty late after all. Of course, Bityn had been busy all evening, and most of the night as well. Grinning, he leaned back on the wall. Oh, yes. Very busy. His fluffy tail flicked a little as he thought back over the events of the night. At that time, though, that's all he could do. He hadn't brought any form of entertainment with him, and there were too many furres around to paw himself. He chuckled a little when he even thought of it. Coming back from a yiff and he already wanted another! That's what he got for being a bunny.... Not that he'd ever trade it for anything.

Time passed, and the urge only got stronger. He started to get a little restless, sitting down and getting up, pacing here and there. The mind-numbing boredom wasn't helping any, and there was still a good half hour or so before the next train. Eventually, he even began eying the males in the subway, though as soon as he realized what he was doing, he stopped immediately. He didn't need to broadcast it. Besides, all the other inhabitants of the station just seemed to want nothing more than to get home. Except... one. One male was actually looking back at him.... He was some sort of canine mixed breed, mostly German Shepherd, it seemed. The first time their eyes met, Bityn pulled his away quickly, shifting from paw to paw. A second later, he looked up again to see if the canine was still staring. He was, though his gaze had traveled down to the bunny's tight, jean clad rump. It made the lapine's bulge swell as he could see the canine undressing him with his eyes, but he stood still, letting him make the first move. Which he did when their eyes met again, stepping in closer and looking over the bunny.

"Hey there little one," he said as he stopped just in front of the rabbit, who had to tilt his head back to see his face. He had to be just under a foot taller than him.... "You look bored. Got a long wait ahead of you?"

He nodded slightly, trying not to focus too hard on how much he wanted him. And he really did, as sexy as the canine was. He could see it even better now that he was closer. "Well, at this time of night everyone does...," he said softly, coming out of his thoughts. "I'm just waiting for the next train to come in, but it seems like I'll have to wait half of the night for it."

Chuckling, the other male stepped even closer, looking around as he did so as if to dispel the illusion he was moving in. "Yeah. I know what you mean. And there's only so long you can stare at the ads...."

Hearing that, Bityn nodded, giggling softly. "Yeah. Gets kinda eerie after a while, the way they just stare back at you."

"Exactly," he agreed. "So you can only do that for so long. Then it's on to counting bricks, but that gets tedious very quickly. Other than that, there isn't really much to be done. Except maybe interacting with others. That has its faults too, and sometimes the place is completely empty, or there are only creepy old homeless guys around. But sometimes you et lucky and there's a cute, sexy bunny boy who's almost as horny as you are."

The bunny's head spun a little after all that, but when he figured out the meaning of the last bit, he started to blush, smiling shyly. He nodded in agreement, lookin up at him. "Hee hee. Yeah. That would help time go by faster, I'm sure...." He giggles softly as he continued looking into his face, then his eyes widened and he squeaked, jumping as the canine's paw reached out and grabbed his crotch.

"You're right.... The train would be coming in no time at all.... And we'd have so much fun in the meantime...."

Feeling his face getting hotter by the moment, Bityn glanced around to see if anyone was looking in their direction. His voice dropped in volume as he softly muttered, "Someone might see us.... Wouldn't do it here. And it would take too long fur us to find somewhere to hIDE!!" His voice jumped a bit as the paw squeeze his crotch harder, the canine stepping closer and kissing down the side of his ear. He shivered in pleasure, even more embarrassed to see that nearly everyone in the subway looked in their direction due to the surprised squeak of the bunny.

"So...?" the canine asked softly, pressing in a little closer. Bityn tried to take a step back, but found his back pressing against the cold wall. The canine didn't stop, though, just moving in more and continuing to rope him. "They might enjoy it. Give them somethin to watch. If not, they can look somewhere else."

The way the paw explored him so brazenly, it didn't seem like he had much choice. On the other hand, it did sound exciting.... But.... "No.... It's too embarrassing.... The whole subway would be able to hear us...." His face went even redder. "I tend to be... kinda loud.

Grinning, the canine slipped his hand down the front of Bityn's pants, roping him and kissing down his neck. "Mm.... A screamer, hm? Just how I like them." There was a gasp from the bunny as the paw closed around his member. "Mm.... And I can tell you really do like it. Just look at how hard you're getting."

"Everyone is looking at us...," the bunny protested breathlessly, though his heart wasn't really in it. Has mind was more focused on how good the canine's paw felt as it started to squeeze and rub his swelling cock.

"I know... and they look pretty jealous. Just look at that lion over there.... He looks about ready to split his pants. Not to mention that vixen.... I bet she's feeling kinda wet right about now."

At that, Bityn nodded, giggling softly before a squeeze on his cock brought another moan from him. Biting his lip, he glanced at the train schedule to check how much time they had left, then back at the canine. "Well.... Maybe a quick one...."

"That's a boy!" he replied, grinning. "Don't worry. I'll be quick alright."

Pulling his hand back out, the canine started to lick Bityn's neck as he pulled his pants down. He took a little while to pull a little bottle of lube from his pocket, then put some of it on, already hard from teasing and chasing down the bunny. Then, he reached out and tugged the other male's pants down as well, hooking his arms behind his knees and lifting. It caused Bityn to squeak in surprise, feeling his feet leave the ground. The canine continued to lift until he could get Bityn's ankles on his shoulder, using his pressure against the bunny and the wall behind him to hold him up. Grinning, the canine rubbed the head of his cock against the firm cheeks of the exposed rump for a moment before slipping between them and forcing his way into him. The bunny let out a loud moan, tensing a bit, then blushing hard and closing his mouth quickly as he remembered all the other people watching them. Then, it came back open to let out a small yelp as the canine thrust into him rather roughly. He shivered in pleasure, feeling a steady rhythm start, both of them panting and moaning in unison. Looking around, Bityn could see the various furres that were watching them. He had to admit that many of them seemed to be enjoying the show. One female even seemed to be rubbing herself under her skirt.

At that moment, though the bunny became a little distracted when the canine thrust hard into him, grunting and growling in pleasure. The canine continued to lick his neck, occasionally nipping him gently. With each thrust, Bityn could feel the canine's swollen knot pounding in against his tight hole, and each time it was accompanied by soft grunt from the larger male, warm breath puffing over the side of his face and neck. All that, combined with the strange feeling of knowing that there were people actually watching them had a strong effect on the bunny. He could feel pre oozing from the tip of his cock and dribbling onto his soft belly fur as the other male redoubled his efforts, pounding relentlessly into his abused hole. Before long, each thrust of his hips had Bityn yelping and screaming in pleasure, squeezing him with arms and legs. A second later, he felt the canine's muscles tense, the male growling as he reached his orgasm. He continued to thrust hard and deep, until the bunny let out a cry as he felt a familiar surging sensation. Hot cum spilled out onto his belly, creating a gooey mess. Panting hard, the musky scent filled his nostrils as well as the smell of both of their sweat.

Giggling and sighing happily, Bityn looked up at the canine, grinning. Then, his expression changed when he noticed that of the other male. He looked... shocked... and a bit worried, even.

"Is... something wrong?"

A sheepish grin spread over his muzzle, trying to catch his breath. "I... accidentally... tied. Pushed in a little too hard."

"Oh.... Well, we have enough time for it to go back down, right?"

Just as he said it, his ear perked, eyes widening a little. He could distinctly hear the sound of the train approaching. He hadn't realized so much time had passed.

"Um.... It usually takes a little while for it to soften.... And your ass is so tight....."

Just then, the train rolled in. As the doors opened, the crowd started to board, a lot of them adjusting their pants (or skirts). Blushing, Bityn faltered, trying to come up with some solution. Before either he or the canine could, though, the doors closed, and the train moved on. They watched it go in silence, staring after it. Then, they both looked up at the arrival timer in unison.

Turning his gaze back to Bityn, the canine chuckled. "Looks like we've got another hour to burn...."