Lance part 1

Story by zabor on SoFurry

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On a stormy night in a small town, three scientists were looking on an experiment they had been working on for five years. The creature inside the cage had scaly emerald coloured skin and two yellow eyes glowing in the dark of the cage. The scientists grinned and talked to each other, walking out from the room. The two yellow eyes watched them go, and as son the door closed the creature slid up to the glass door, smiling as it saw the door was open, the rock it had put by the door earlier had stopped the door from shutting, and the humans hadn't noticed. It gently nudged the door, making it open enough for its long body to slide out. The emerald body slid fast up to a window, its yellow eyes shining. The glass was thin, made to let in as much sunlight as possible, as the creature raised its head it almost grinned, the glass that was made so it would have enough light would help it's escape. It slammed its massive head into the glass, shattering it with ease, shaking of some glass before sliding out of the broken window and into the dark forest round the building. By he time the scientists noticed the creature was long gone.

Three weeks later:

Two freaking weeks in the swaps. George couldn't believe it. It was well known he was the leading expert on exotic animals but that didn't mean they could push him into the swamp to look for a reptile only some had seen. Okay, so eighteen missing people was reason for concern but it didn't mean it was the reptile people had seen here. Besides, no reptile ate so often. George sighed and made his way back to the camp, with the creepy professor he was working with. George heard the professor's laugh long before he got back, wondering how the two police men survived having the professor close at all time. Or, better asked, how they stayed sane. Sighing low, George took one last visual check. When he'd checked and started to walk he felt a chill up his back, as if someone was watching him. He looked around but there was no one there, so, after standing still for a minute or two he walked back, not seeing the huge head raising up from the water a few feet from where he'd been standing. Two intelligent yellow eyes looked after him, and with a small hiss when he disappeared from view the head disappeared underwater again. George looked in at the camp, sighing as the professor walked up to him, smiling. "well, found anything?" When George shook his head the professor looked sad. "oh well, another time then" George had to smiles, the professor never seemed to get upset or sad. George smiled and sat down, writing in his note book. As they settled for the night, the professor making food as always, George wondered on what that could have given him that chill earlier. When the professor came with the food, George decided to think about it the next day, and started to eat. Half an hour later they went to bed, falling asleep fast.

Inside town, two yellow eyes looked on as a young woman showered, a small hiss coming from the huge form. As the woman went to bed the large form moved towards one of the windows, its forked tongue flickering out many times a second. It found an open window after a few minutes, and, using its tail it opened the window wide. Slowly and silently it slithered inside, its scaly lips pulled back in what would look like a grin as it reached the open bedroom door. With a gentle nudge f its snout the door slowly opened, letting the creature slide inside slowly. It froze when it heard a sound, but slowly realized it was the woman, talking in her sleep. The creature lifted its head and looked at the sleeping woman, its scaly lips forming what looked like a smile. The woman's body was halfway cowered by a thin blanket, her forms easy to see through the thin blanket. The creature let out another small hiss as it slithered up to the bed, careful so that it didn't wake the woman up. It leaned close to her face, looking at her peach coloured lips and honey coloured skin, her hair smelling roses, most likely from her shampoo. It hissed again, slowly moving its coils up into the bed, carefully wrapping the woman's body up in its tail. The woman moaned in her sleep as the creature slowly coiled around her, lifting her up a bit as the forked tongue flickered out, the huge head moving down her body. The creature licked on her legs, its curiosity getting the better of it as its tongue flickered over the woman's body, making her squirm slightly in its grip. The creature almost purred as its tongue tasted her, its stomach murring low. It shook its head as another feeling hit it, this time lower on its body, close to its tail. The big head turned and looked down, its tongue flickering more. Down by the root of its tail, two pink limbs was sliding out of their sheaths. The creature smiled a bit, sliding its tail up to the bed. Looking at the woman's face, it slid its tail up between her legs, using its coils to push her legs apart. Hissing low, it moved its body so that it got a better angle, and roughly pushed its two thick hemi-penises into her vargina and her anus, instantly awakening the woman. She cried out in pain, both her lower openings being stretched much wider than what they were meant to. The creature moaned, pulling its hemi-penises almost out before slamming them back inside, making the woman scream in pain. As the creature continued to pull out and slam back in, the woman tried to understand what was happening, but the pain in her lower regions was to great. The creature moaned again, the human sound not fitting its owner, as it felt something build in its lower regions. It hissed loud, arching its back and thrusting its hemi-penises deep into the woman as it began to cum, its hot seed filling the woman's two openings to their limit. As its climax settled the creature again felt its empty stomach and looked down, licking its lips slowly. The woman had almost fainted from the beating her now used body had suffered, and she didn't see the creature's face lowering towards her head, its tongue flickering again. The creature opened its mouth wide, tightening its grip on her body. She gasped as its grip tightened around her chest, making it very hard to breath. As she looked up, to her horror she saw a big pink maw coming towards her. She tried to back away, but the creature's grip was to tight and all she could do was to wiggle weakly as the huge mouth came closer. Se gasped as her head entered its mouth, the warm, moist cavern making her struggle more. The creature moaned again, and, with a swift movement, slid its jaws over her shoulders, her head now in the back of its mouth, the light from the front of its mouth letting her see down the throat. Her struggles doubled now, as she felt the creature leaning its neck down to get a better angle. When it had its neck in the right angle, the creature moved its jaws up over her chest and stomach, forcing her head into its throat. She struggled more, the tight, fleshy tunnel her head was in made her panic. It didn't care for her struggles as it moved its jaws over her hip, its tongue getting a taste of its own seeds as it finally swallowed. She couldn't struggle much anymore as her chest entered the tight tunnel of flesh, making I hard to breathe. Its swallow pulled her hip and legs into its throat, leaving only her feet outside. It purred, swallowing gently, pulling her feet into its mouth, letting her slide slowly down its throat. She had almost fainted of lack of air when her head slipped into an open space, and she realised she was in its stomach. As its mouth closed around her feet, the rest of her body sliding into its stomach, she gave up, to tired to fight as the lack of air made her fall asleep. It smiled to itself as its meal stopped to move, and slowly slid towards the window again, not wanting to be inside the house in case someone came. As it disappeared into the night it heard the door to the house open and someone entering the house. It smiled as the person walked around in the house, its mind wondering how the person had reacted if it had stayed inside, but it didn't wonder for long as its stomach gurgled low. As it vanished, a certain professor wake up from a bad dream, of a monster in a house.

George woke by his cell-phone ringing. Yawning he grabbed the phone and answered, jolting up as the police chief told him that a woman had gone missing and they had found scales in her apartment. George sighed and asked for a few of the scales to be sent to him for studying. As he hung up the phone the professor looked into his tent. "awake yet?" Georg smiled and nodded, standing up and finding some clean clothes that he put on, stretching as he walked out of his tent. The two police officers was reading the newspaper and drinking coffee as the professor made breakfast. George smiled and sat down on his chair, taking the cup of coffee the professor gave him. As he read the papers, it became clear that whatever people had seen in the swamp now dared to move into town, which could only be seen as a dangerous thing, as it probably was the same thing that had attacked the girl. George sighed, the newspaper filled with stupid ideas on what it might be that had made the people disappear and what it was people had seen in the swamp. Two hours later the samples arrived, carried into camp by two strong looking policemen. George told them to put the samples on a table so he could look at them, and the policemen moved the box with the samples in to the table. George thanked them, noticing that they looked a bit pale, like they were scared. George wondered why they looked so pale, but when he opened the box and looked at the scales, he understood why. The scales, from the underbelly of some reptile, was huge, almost 20 inches long. George and the professor gasped as George lifted one of the beautiful green scales up of the box, its emerald green colour shining in the sunlight. George instantly saw it had to be some sort of snake, the scale looking like the belly scale of a pit viper, but with the feel like a constrictor. George wondered on how that could be, but, as the professor took the scales for testing, he knew he had to wait for answers. As he walked into the swamp again, he wondered what they were up against. When George walked past the spot he had felt something look at him, he looked nervously around, but there was nothing there and he continued his walk. Two yellow eyes watched as he left, the creature smiling slightly to itself before slipping underwater.

In the city a young girl was walking home from the store she worked in, smiling to herself. Her pet would love the candy she bought for him. When she entered her house she closed the door fast and locked it, not wanting her neighbours to talk with her again. As she hung up her jacket she heard a welcoming hiss from the basement and smiled, putting her shoes on the shelf. "So, ya're home, eh?" She picked up a bad and walked over to the basement door, using a key to open it. The moment she opened the door she looked into two yellow eyes, shining in the dark. "I thought ya was out hunting, Lance" The creature hissed low as she turned on the light, holding the bag up to it. "got something for ya" It hissed in joy as the sent from the bag hit its nose, the sent revealing its favourite snack, chocolate. When it tried to take the bag she laughed and swathed its nose away. "no no, boy, you aint getting this before you give me what I want" The creature hissed, almost sounding like a laugh and moved so that she could walk down into the basement, watching as she slowly removed her shirt while walking down.

To be continued.


The small human was running now, having become just 3 inches tall was scaring him a lot. He ran around a table leg and almost ran into a huge foot that was standing next to the table. He hid behind the table leg and looked on the foot, which was not a...
