One Of Those Moments

Story by KayrinSF on SoFurry

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Erin finds himself up against an unexpected challenge in the final round of his marathon wrestling tournament

Last part of the short series I started ages ago (One Of Those Days). I didn't want to stretch the series out for too long since I wanted to keep a consistent 'feel' to it, and first person writing can get a bit tedious eventually! This isn't the end of these types of wrestling stories, but it's the end of this little event. There'll probably be more similarly themed stories in the future, so take heart if this is the kind of thing you're into. ;)

This was done as a commission for Vertex01 (on FA) and I hope he enjoys it!

Enjoy, guys. :)

Erin (c) KayrinSF

Ket Lesh (c) Vertex01

It isn't the moist air of the shower-room that wakes me from my nap, nor the jutting cock straining against the simple red briefs I wear. I certainly don't awaken from the reverberating stomping and shouting of the crowd outside. It's the thrill of one more victory to come that finally rouses me from my slumber, bleary eyed and horny as fuck. How many hours had it been since the lion had left? My second victim of the tournament, the lion had played his role well but I had sent him away nonetheless.

"Erin Hallmusen to the ring please. I repeat, this is the second call for Erin Hallmusen to report to the ring."

The voice buzzing over the P.A system is far gentler than I'd have expected, but it still draws me off the bench I had been stretched out on. The crowd still howls, my dick still aches, but my thoughts are focused. It was the final round of the tournament and I would not lose now. I adjust my briefs, tugging on the thin fabric to let my dick rest comfortably against my lower belly, the impressive horse-cock restrained by the garment somehow. I can still feel the ring at its base keeping me from the orgasm I've longed for all night even as I provided my fallen competitors the release they no doubt craved as well; the leopard, the lion, who was next?

As I step out into the cooler, cleaner air of the arena proper, I stop to play to the crowd. I lift my arms over my head, turning to face both sides of spectators that sit along the large fold-out bleachers which line the gymnasium walls. Even as the final fragments of sleep slip from my mind, I soak up their adoration. They had sat through a dozen matches to reach this point, twenty four hopeful competitors reduced to just me and my opponent; he's already standing in the ring as I move towards it. I'm intensely aware of the weight of my cock shifting in my briefs as I walk, the stretched fabric rippling slightly with my jostling meat pressed against it.

In the ring stands a rather unexpected sight. An otter, shorter than my own 6'3" body, stands in a pair of dark purple briefs; matching kneepads and lace-up boots bring a grin to my lips that surprises even me.

"Ain't that cute, all colour-coordinated and everything" I remark as I climb into the ring, standing up straight to let the full impact of our size difference sink in. His briefs are tented though his smaller prick is no match for mine. I stroke the underside of my dick as though to rub in that simple fact, the crowd stomping out its approval of the gesture. In the high-set windows which line the gymnasium I can see the morning sun beginning to peek in. The tournament had started early in the afternoon the day before and the weight of fatigue was showing on everyone's face, my own no exception I'd wager.

"Just 'cause I'm prettier doesn't mean I won't stomp your ass, horse" the otter shot back. He spins in place, thick ruddery tail sweeping across the canvas as he shows off the almost feminine curves of his body. "I've beaten worse to get this far, you're going to be a piece of cake" he adds. I feel my cheeks flush slightly at the arrogance in his voice, the certainty. Still, my eyes roam over the smaller male's frame, the soft swells of his hips and the slight cant of his head that only highlights the playful smirk on his lips; he was cute, I can't lie to myself about it.

"In the purple trunks, defeating both Kyle Bourdin and Oliver Smetz to reach the finals, weighing in at 145lbs of pure unadulterated otter fury! Ket Lesh!"

I balk at the reaction he gets from the crowd; they were MINE! The catcalls and roaring approval I had basked in each step of the bracket were showered down on the beaming otter as he mimics my earlier gesture, stroking his dick slowly towards me.

"And in the red trunks, defeating both Kayrin Longtail and Gino Russo to stand here now, weighing in at 180lbs, not counting his cock--" the joke prompts a round of hooting that helps bolster my resolve--", Erin Hallmusen!"

I throw myself onto a turnbuckle, towering over the ringside as I try to get myself back into the flow of the fight's buildup. Standing on the top rope I have to look down on all but the highest seated spectators, my dick bouncing with the sudden movement as I hop from the buckle only to hurry to the opposite side and repeat the action. I feign a howl as I do, shaking the mat as I leap down to turn and face the quietly smirking otter. He only turns and walks to his corner, tight butt hard not to stare at in his purple briefs.

"Remember boys, this is the finals, try to put on a show for the tired folks, will ya?" The referee looks from the otter to me as he speaks and we both nod obligingly.


He comes out of his corner faster than I expect, his lithe body flowing across the mat like oil on water. His thick tail sweeps behind him as he comes at me, I hardly have time to ready myself before he throws himself into me. I can smell the faint lingering scent of his deodorant as one of the otter's arms curls around my neck, his legs twining themselves around my waist and his other paw coming down against my ear like a hammer. I hear the cry of surprise and pain that escapes me, distant. His paw continues to pound at my head even as his bodyweight pulls on me as I try to keep my balance. Slowly, I gather myself. I can feel his muscles tense as my own hands curl under the thighs he'd locked around my midriff, holding him in place as I shrug off the strikes to my head long enough to begin to run across the ring. It's a desperate plan but even as the otter tries to disengage, my hands hold him in place. We strike the opposite side of the ring like a freight train; the otter slams into the ropes and is quickly pinned between the thick cords and my own body. My legs continue to push us forward and force those ropes to dig into him.

I stop only when I feel his arm leave my neck; the boy's grip is loose and it's the only opening I need to get back into this fight. I pull away from the ropes at last and the otter flops limply against me as he suddenly finds himself freed from the pressure my body had been placing on him. I don't give him a chance to catch his breath, however. With my hands still on his thighs I wrench my body to the right and use the momentum to hurl the otter from my body. His legs are no match for the strength of my throw and they slip from my hips as he's thrown to the mat several feet away. His dick jolts in his briefs as he slams to the mat, the reverberations of his fall running up my leg as I stand above him; the stunned look on his face is all the encouragement I need to keep going.

I lift the boy easily, using his feet to help me drag him to the edge of the ring where I drape them over the top rope. I fit the cord in behind his knees to keep him upside down with his head resting on the mat. I can't help but appreciate the view, the otter's prick put on display by his position and though his arms are scrabbling madly to try and right himself I take a few seconds to slide a hand along his aching dick. The crowd roars its approval of the simple teasing gesture but I ignore the cacophony; this otter is fast and I don't want to give him the chance to recover. Slapping the boy's cock and drawing a surprised squeal from him, I bring my foot down lightly on his neck. He had begun to work himself off of the ropes but now stops as his attention is diverted by the sudden lack of air reaching his lungs. I can feel his paws pushing at my foot, trying to get it off of his throat; I take my time now. Beneath my foot I can hear him rasping for air, his tongue jutting out as though trying to seek out his next breath but I don't give it to him... yet. I could finish him right now, but despite a few calls from the audience, I hesitate; this otter deserved better.

When the referee taps me on the shoulder and orders me off of him, I obey. I leave the otter hanging by the back of his knees and step towards the centre of the ring. His whooping breaths of sweet air are drowned out by the audience as he sucks several deep lungfuls. His face is red as he finally works himself off of the ropes, collapsing into a heap only to rise slowly to his feet. I can see a growing damp spot at the tip of his cocktent as he catches his breath and I shake my head.

"Make it easy on yourself, kid. Give up now and I'll make sure you cream your panties harder than anyone has before." I could feel the smirk on my lips as I speak.

"Funny, horse; I was about the say the same thing" he answers bluntly, trying hard not to give away how out of breath he is as he speaks.

I press my advantage, stepping into him only to find he's ready for me. His arms loop around my midriff, lacing behind my back; there's no way he can throw me, however, and I find myself almost wanting to wait and see what he has in mind. I chop at his shoulder and arm with the side of my hand, driving him to his knees almost immediately. His paws remain pressed against my back even as he falls though. When he gets back up, I find myself being lifted with him; he hadn't fallen to his knees because of my strikes, but only to gain some leverage! I don't go far, but my feet leave the mat as he gets shakily to his feet, the surprise I feel keeping me from reacting immediately. Those few seconds of hesitation are all he needs as he drops me onto his knee, the sneaky bastard getting it between my own knees before letting me fall on it. Jagged spikes of pain run through my lower belly as his knee makes contact with my balls, jamming into them and stealing the very breath from my lungs.

I can only imagine how wide my eyes are as I collapse to my knees. Both of my hands are between my legs, trying to soothe my aching balls as the otter rises to stand above me; I'm helpless and I know it, that knowledge only serving to make me blush all the harder as he strokes one of my ears. When I bring a hand up to push at him weakly, he simply pushes back and topples me flat onto my back. Sprawled as I am, I can only lay there and try to ignore the throbbing screams of my battered balls as he places his foot on my belly and gloats; despite the pain I can feel my dick get harder as he poses over me like that, as though I had already been defeated. My hand closing around one of his legs seems to jolt him back to reality, however, and to my dismay it doesn't take him long to get back to work. Stomping on my chest and belly the otter grunts with each strike he lands, my body bouncing on the mat from the impacts. He fends my hands away and it's only when I roll to the side that he relents, my body hitting his supporting ankle and almost sending him sprawling out as well. Instead, it unbalances him and gives me the opportunity to counter.

My belly and balls burn with pain but I don't let that slow me down as I thrust my whole body upwards, colliding with his smaller frame and sending him to the mat as well. Spreading his legs I force his body to curl backwards, his shoulders on the mat and his legs up in the air with my body firmly wedged between them. I'm ready for him to try a scissor hold, but until then I keep on the attack. My swollen cock glides along the smooth fabric of his briefs, both of our outfits taut with the pent-up excitement of our bodies being pressed so tightly against one another. His legs kick, but it doesn't displace me as my hand finally finds the warmth of his prick, slipping beneath his purple briefs to try and find his ring and remove it. My fingers only graze the warm metal before he's kicking out of the pin, however. While I had been ready to counter a scissor hold around my ribs, I'm caught off guard as his legs move up to circle my neck instead; much like I had done to the otter, I find my air cut off.

Twisting to the side, the otter's body easily forces me onto my back from the kneeling position I had been in only seconds earlier. My hands dig at his legs but like most otters, the boy's legs are well built from a lifetime in the water. They squeeze tightly forcing spit to leak from between my lips as my tongue lolls uselessly from my mouth. My body bucks, tented briefs upthrust as my body arches to try and relieve some of the leverage the mustelid has on me. For all my size, however, I find myself completely trapped. I can feel his legs slide downwards as he re-positions himself, grinning down at my reddening face and bulging eyes as his balls soon press against my cheek.

"Go ahead, big guy, give 'em a lick" he teases, firmly in control and knowing it. I feel like I could cum right there, only that ring keeps me from making a mess all over the mat. Muscles quivering, I manage to get a hand up and back into the otter's briefs. Surprised once again, though I dazedly find myself wondering how he hadn't seen such a counter coming, the otter releases his grip and pulls back before I can do much and even as I catch my breath he continues his assault. Pulling me slowly up into a sitting position I can only suck in air before his leg crashes into my chest and sends me right onto my back once more. I roll onto my belly almost immediately, but he's too fast for me. Pulling on my mane of hair, the otter lifts my head from the mat as though showing off his latest prize to the audience; when he shoves his dick into my face, clearly intending to humiliate, I can only breathe in the deep musk of his arousal before he releases me; I had to do something fast! This fight was quickly getting out hand and if I didn't want to be the next boy to cream himself at the otter's paws, I had to fight back. Getting to my hands and knees I make no attempt to get to my feet, letting my head hang in mock submission. When the otter rises, I spear him. My head pushes forward, driving into his gut as my arms curl around his hips and drive him right back into the ropes before hurling him into a nearby turnbuckle. I'm wobbly as I move towards him, my body sore all over from the mental and physical beating I've taken so far.

We exchange blows. I chop across his chest, following it by a second and a third hit, only to receive a kick to my own belly for my troubles. I drive his head into a turnbuckle and he brings his knee up into my side. I can feel each hit he lands but I refuse to acknowledge them, grunting out from reflex but my own attacks still flowing. It isn't until he falters that I make my move. I sidestep a kick and bring my quivering arm down beneath his outstretched limb, using it as a handle to lift him as I throw myself backwards in an awkward suplex. We both crash to the mat, panting for breath and leaking pre-cum into our trunks. I stare at the ceiling for a moment, the large rotating fans and the star-like lights that shine down on us. The crowd is chanting, I can't be bothered to figure out what they're saying. All of these things fill me, dulling the ache I feel in both muscle and mind. I climb to my feet slowly and turn to find the otter sprawled out awkwardly on his belly and as I move to stand over him I can't help but place my foot on his butt; raising my arms as though I were in any better shape than my opponent, I return the favour of his earlier gesture; he doesn't move to stop me. I drop to my knees and straddle him, my dick hovering an inch above the small of his back as my hands move to dig beneath his prone form to find his ring. It isn't hard to find, the otter's impressive cock poking free of his briefs as I push them down just enough to remove his ring and win the tournament.

"Nice try, boy" I mutter under my breath as I begin to work the ring off, eager to just finish the mustelid and go rest.

He moves only when the ring is half-off, striking with a speed that leaves me whickering in lust before I can catch myself and focus. He twists his body beneath me, rolling onto his back and driving his muzzle right up into my proudly jutting dick as though he was planning to lick me into submission. The sensations in my already abused shaft are intense and my hand curls in surprise around his throbbing cock as I look down wide-eyed. Sitting atop his lower belly now I find my own traitorous body is preventing my hand from getting his ring off, his hard dick pressing against my balls between my straddling thighs and no room left for my hand. His teeth; when I feel them I realize what he's doing and I try to push him back with my free paw only to find he doesn't budge. His teeth have closed on my ring through the thin red fabric of my trunks, the boy's muzzle working expertly to lift it slowly along the sensitive meat of my prick. Each second that I fail to stop him brings me another second closer to defeat and I find both my strength and will sapped by the prospect. I quiver atop him, cheeks red as I try to escape, but he has me well gripped by a resolute paw which digs into my back. It's an awkward position for both of us but he clearly has the advantage. As long as he keeps me from moving with those paws around my sides I can't reach his ring, but as dexterous as the otter is, he can easily sit up enough to reach my own shaft.

The feeling is intense, his tongue wetting the fabric of my briefs as the ring slides further and further up, nearly to the tip. Twenty four hours without a real rest, and several matches in the interim, were beginning to take their toll. I feel disembodied, watching the otter inch closer to victory through someone else's eyes.

"N...No..." I gasp out heatedly at last. My body leans back as if trying to escape the boy's mouth that way; I'm trapped and exhausted though and his second wind keeps him firmly in control. He doesn't answer me, his full attention on finishing me off. The thought excites me more than I should, but what else could I do? I strike at him half-heartedly but it only delays the inevitable and before long the ring pops off of my tip; he hadn't even had to remove my briefs.

My whole body tenses, quivering as a sudden rush of sensation fills my dick; the arousal I had been suppressing finally hits home and finds itself free to express itself the only way it knows how. The otter flops back, watching me through half-lidded eyes as I buck atop him. With my cock so well outlined in the little briefs I wear it isn't hard to see when the first gush of cum hits. It sprays into the briefs with what feels like the pressure of a firehose, soaking the fabric in the first pulse and escaping it in the second. I cry out almost mournfully as a shimmering arc of cum fires right through the fabric of my trunks. Some runs down the outside of my bulge while the rest patters down atop the otter. I tilt my head back, crying out heatedly once more as my hands grip at my spurting dick; I'm finished! So close to the end of the tournament and I find myself defeated by a prissy otter in purple trunks, the thought consumes me as thoroughly as the pleasure from my orgasm. For the otter's part, he's motionless beneath me. The crowd is alive and roaring though, their shouts of surprise at the sudden turn of events filling my ears and making my defeat all the worse.

Finally, it ends. With one last pulse of cum my balls are empty and I can only moan as I collapse backwards. Landing flat on my back, still laying partly ontop of the victorious otter, I lose myself in the afterglow of the explosive orgasm. My dick is still hard, though its already begun to soften as I lay there, stretching my cum-soaked briefs as the crowd's cheers continue to fill the ring. I want to sleep; the desire is so strong I find my eyelids drooping almost immediately despite the noise in the gymnasium, and the tacky feeling of my own cum beginning to dry already. Before I pass out, I hear the referee.

"And the winner, at fifteen minutes thirty five seconds, KET. LESH!"

I feel the otter stir, pulling himself out from under me as my eyes shut. I just need a little... nap...

Ket wrenched himself from beneath the fallen horse, looking down in disbelief at what he had just done. The other male was a mess, cum coating his briefs and thighs. A good amount had found its way into the otter's fur as well, but the boy wore it with a near feeling of pride. He had done it! He'd won! Taking a deep breath the boy rose shakily to his feet to receive his accolades, thinking quietly to himself as he did.

"Ever have one of those days..."