Hot Row to Hoe, Part 1

Story by Wakboth on SoFurry

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Honey Moon, the incredibly well-endowed farmer's daughter is back!

Summer's supposed to be the time for fun, not for hot, sweaty, back-breaking farm work, or so Honey thinks. She's learned a lot from watching Daddy and Sierra, though, and when a chance meeting offers her a chance to try out her new skills at handling men, Honey doesn't hesitate...

A sequel to Country Hospitality and the previous stories about Daddy, Honey and Sierra Hewes.

Hot Row to Hoe

Part One

By Wakboth © 2011

The weeks that Sierra Hewes spent on the Moons' farm were possibly the most educational in the whole of Honey's young life. Raised by her father on the farm, with no close female relatives, the bear girl had grown into a rambunctious tomboy.

Thus, when her late mother's genes finally kicked in and her breasts ballooned out like a pair of ripe watermelons, Honey was pretty unprepared to her new position as a hot young woman. She'd had her share of fumbling flirts and clumsy kisses, until she had stumbled into the wonderful world of sex with two of her male friends, but even that had been just playing around, unsure of what they were doing.

Sierra's coming had changed everything. Confident, worldly, suave and eager to get her hands on Honey's beautiful young body, the cougar woman was perfectly suited to teach the bear girl about the finer points of being a sensual, seductive and sexual woman.

Honey had learned a lot, both from the time she and Sierra spent together, and from watching how the cougar carried herself and behaved around Daddy. She gained a whole new understanding of her own body and its sensitive spots; of how to walk and stand and move with the kind of enormous breasts she and Sierra shared; and how to use her body to attract and distract men, making them vulnerable to cajoling and manipulation.

Eventually, of course, Sierra's business partners and assistants tracked her down to the farm, and she left to go back to her glamorous, high-powered life. Honey wasn't sad to see her go. For all of her charm, the cougar was selfish and conniving, and Honey had found her share of the chores increasing as Daddy kept Sierra occupied in his bed (and in the hayloft, against the porch railing, under the workshop table...).

The red-headed bear girl had hoped that with the cougar gone, life would go back to normal on the farm. Instead, Daddy kept coming up with extra work for her to do: cleaning the barn loft, fixing the fences around the back lot, clearing the brush and so on. Whether her father suspected her of having a hand in Sierra leaving, or whether he just wanted to keep her from trying her newly learned womanly wiles on the local boys, she was kept busy almost from dawn to dusk!

Just as Honey began to think she'd done everything around the farm, and Daddy would have to let her have a day off, he ordered her to go and hoe the tobacco patch while he went on a fishing trip. "I'll be gone till Sunday, an' when I get back, I expect you've gotten it all done, Honey," he told her at dinner.

"But Daddyyyy!" she whined, hating the idea already. It was hard, boring work with no shade from the sun, and she'd have to really work her ass off if she was going to finish it in time!

"But nothin', girl," he said with a warning glint in his eye. "This thing's settled, and yer startin' tomorrow. An' if you know what's good for ya, you'll start early."

And so Honey found herself in the middle of the tobacco field on what seemed like the hottest day of the summer yet. There was no shade in the field and no wind, and the sun was beating relentlessly down on the bear girl. Honey wiped her brow with the back of her hand and leaned on her hoe, looking at the pitifully small section she'd finished.

She sighed and tugged at the front of her sleeveless shirt that was sticking uncomfortably to her sweaty tits. God, it was hot, and it wasn't even midday yet! Grumbling about the unfairness of it all, she undid the buttons, letting her bosom jiggle freely, and fanned herself.

With another sigh, Honey got back to work. She hadn't hacked at the weeds long before she heard something. Whistling, and footsteps, coming from the McCuddys' side of the border fence! Honey straightened and waited, curious to see who it would be.

A tall, young horse with brown coat and a black mane tied back in a ponytail appeared from the woods. He was wearing just a pair of weathered-looking cargo shorts and working boots, showing off a hard-muscled body toned by lot of farm work. The towel thrown over one shoulder explained what he was doing there: the quickest way down to the swimming hole went through the Moons' back field.

"Hey, Joss!" Honey called, smiling as she waved at him. The young stallion was the only McCuddy she really knew; the two families had been neighbors since before the Civil War, and had a list of grudges going back just as far.

The horse stopped in his tracks as he noticed her. "Oh, whoah! Heya, Honey. Hot day, ain't it?" He was looking straight at her, an eager grin on his face... but not at her face. Honey realized that she had forgotten to button up her shirt, and although it just barely covered her nipples, she was giving Joss a very generous view of her tits.

"Tell me 'bout it," Honey replied. The look on Joss's face, and the growing tent in the front of his pants, gave her an idea. Why not try some of the things she'd learned from Sierra on him? "Say, Joss... Daddy put me to work, hoeing the patch while he's away, an' I'm all hot and bored... Wanna help me with this?" she asked, giving him her best attempt at Sierra's sultry smile.

"Ah... I'd sure love to, but I've got other stuff to do..." he said, looking torn as his gaze flicked between Honey's face and her ripe young melons.

"Please, Joss... It'd mean a lot to me," she said, moving her hand slowly up and down the wooden shaft in a suggestive manner. "If ya do me this favor, I'll make it worth your while..."

His resistance crumbled. "Uh... If yer puttin' it that way, Honey... Sure!" He vaulted over the fence, dropping his towel, and walked over to her, a long bulge visible against his thigh. "Let's get this thing done!"

"Great! Here y'are, Joss, you can use my hoe while I go find me another one," Honey said. "Won't be long, I promise!" Wiggling her hips, the bear sauntered off, leaving Joss staring at her butt with the hoe in his hands and a silly grin on his face.

With the horse's help, the work progressed quickly, even if Honey had to keep dodging Joss's clumsy attempts to grab at her butt. She soon figured out the optimum distance, where the swaying of her ass and jiggling of her tits kept him motivated, but didn't allow him to get too distracted from the work.

All this teasing and coaxing was having an effect on Honey as well. She felt a thrill as she toyed with Joss, drawing the sweaty, hunky young stallion on with the promise of her beautiful body. It was exciting and exhilarating. She'd never felt quite so powerful!

"C'mon, Honey... Ain't this enough?" Joss asked eventually. The earlier swagger was gone from him, and he was starting to look - and sound - both tired and frustrated. His erection had not gone down, however; if anything, it looked bigger as it strained against the dirty canvas of his shorts.

Honey looked around them. They had made much more progress than she'd hoped, with well over third of the patch done. At this rate, she'd finish with a day to spare."Nearly there, Joss," she said, smiling at him. "Just finish this one row, an' then you'll get your reward!"

Joss's ears perked up at this, and he began to hack at the weeds with newfound energy. As they reached the edge of the patch, he let the hoe drop right out of his hand and lunged for Honey. The bear slipped out of his grasp, but not before she'd let him get a couple of nice squeezes in on her tits. Smiling and giggling, she led him out of the field into the blessedly cool shade beneath the trees.

"Thanks a bunch, Joss!" Honey said, rising on her toes to give him a kiss on the cheek. She made sure that her breasts pressed against his bare chest, letting the horse feel how large and soft they were. "Lemme show you how much I 'preciate your helpin' me," she said, slipping her hand into his pants.

Joss gasped as Honey wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock. Thick, hot and hard against her hand, it throbbed with his pulse. As his pants fell down to his ankles, she got her first clear look of the horse's junk. He was big, much bigger than the possum twins she'd fooled around with; her fingertips barely touched as she ran her hand along the slightly curving shaft, enjoying the velvety-soft feel of his skin.

"Ohhh damn, your hand... it feels so cool an' nice!" the horse panted as Honey rubbed her palm against the round swell of his cockhead, smearing his warm, slippery precum into her hand. She kissed his chest, tasting the salt of his sweat, and began to work her hand up and down his length.

What flaws there were in Honey's hand-job technique, Joss's arousal more than compensated for them. The horse was leaking pre freely now, Honey's hand sending little droplets of the musky fluid flying as she tugged his cock. As she flicked her thumb across the glossy knob of his glans, she felt a gush of hot, sticky liquid against her hand.

"Ah, hahh, huhh, gaddammit!" he shouted, knees buckling as he slumped against the old oak tree and shot his load in long, arcing spurts that splattered in the grass. Face flushed and amazed, Honey kept milking Joss's cock until the horse was finished. None of the other boys she'd fooled around with had cum anywhere near this much!

Letting go of his softening dick, Honey wiped her hand clean in the grass. "So, didja like that?" As the horse nodded mutely, she smiled. "I've still got a lot of work to do here, so if you want help me some more..."

He nodded eagerly. "I, huh... I'll be here right in the mornin'," he promised. "Wouldn't wanna miss it for anything!"

* * *

Over the next couple of days, Honey and Joss finished the tobacco patch... or, more accurately, Joss finished it, with the bear girl helping a little and coaxing him on with promises of sexual favors. She was getting better at handling the horse's dick, but he at the same time, he was getting used to her touch, and it was taking longer and longer to get Joss off. He was becoming more confident and demanding, too: on the last day she had to jack him off before he even picked up the hoe!

At around the noon, though, they were finally finished, and Honey sent Joss off with one last handjob and a kiss on the cheek. She ignored the yearning, lusty looks the horse sent after her as she hurried back home, her head full of ideas how to use her free time before Daddy would return tomorrow. She could just laze about, or see what Sugar was doing...

Honey stopped in front of the shed where she stored her dirt bike, and grinned as a new, exciting idea presented itself. She'd been having a bit of trouble with the engine that she hadn't figured out how to fix. Perhaps it was time to see a professional... someone like Joss's half-brother Seth!

She arrived at Cooley's garage, where Seth worked, just in time to catch the mechanics leaving for the lunch break. Seth was easy to recognize among the raccoons and cats: a tall young mule with a pompadour, oil-stained blue jeans and a wife-beater shirt that showed off the corded muscles of his arms.

Honey ignored the usual whistles and appreciative leers from the older men - she'd gotten used to the reaction long ago, and would have been almost disappointed if she didn't get it - as she walked her idling bike towards the mule who had stopped to watch her approach. "Hello, Seth," she said with a sweet smile. "You got a minute?"

He gave her a crooked smile. "Sure, but just a minute, Honey. What's up?" he asked, his gaze flicking from her bike to her long, lean legs and curvaceous thighs, until it was inevitably drawn to her breasts, artfully framed by her tied work shirt.

"Got a little trouble with the bike," she said, revving it up. There was a couple of sharp bangs, and a puff of dark, oily smoke. "Can't figure what's the problem, so I reckon you're just the guy to see... Always thought you're mighty helpful fella, just like Joss, if you catch my drift," she said with a wink, caressing the handlebars of her bike.

This got Seth's full attention. "Well... Maybe I could be persuaded to give it a look," he said, giving her a big-toothed grin. "Let's get inside, an' see what you've got there." His eyes lingered quite openly on the bear girl's body as she dismounted and pushed her bike into the garage.

"Joss told me about how he's been helpin' you with the tobacco patch, Honey," the mule said, facing her over her bike. "You want me to spend my lunch hour tinkerin' with your bike, I want some kind of a reward, too." He patted the crotch of his jeans meaningfully; the bulge there was almost as big as the one in Joss's pants.

"I reckon that's just fair," Honey said, crossing her hands behind her back so that her chest thrust out towards him. "If you can fix what's wrong with my bike, I promise I'll get you off just like Joss. Does that sound good to you, baby?"

"You got a deal, Honey," Seth said with a grin. "Now, let's see what's ailin' this thing..." he said, tearing his gaze off her gazongas as he crouched next to the bike. "Did you clean the carburetors?"

"The first thing I did," Honey said, leaning over to watch as the mule began to remove parts from her bike. "An' I checked the jets and washed the tank with clean gas. Didn't help any..."

Somewhat to Honey's annoyance, Seth soon found the problem: a minor issue with the fuel pump, fixed with the replacement of one gasket and two screws. "Reckon that should do it," he said, cleaning his hands with an oily rag. "Give it a try now, Honey."

The bear girl hopped in the saddle and hit the kick-start. The engine started right away, running smoothly with no signs of backfiring as she revved it. "Thanks a lot, Seth," she said, giving him an innocent grin. "How can I thank you...?"

He frowned. "Hey, we had a deal! I fix your engine trouble, you work my crank. A promise is a promise, Honey..."

Honey sighed as she turned her bike off. She had hoped that she could get more out of the mule in exchange for the handjob. This was setting up a poor precedent! She put on a bright, sexy smile as she dismounted. "Oh, sure thing, Seth. I was just kidding you! Here, lemme get that belt off..."

The sight of Seth's cock made Honey's annoyance fade. The mule turned out to be just as well-hung as his brother, with a heavy pair of balls and a dick that would have made most men envious. His shaft wasn't quite as thick as Joss's horse-cock, but if anything it was even longer, closer to eleven inches.

Honey gave her palm a slobbery lick to wet it, then grasped the mule's shaft. "You read for your reward, Seth?" she asked with a grin as she started to jack him off. Just like Joss, he was soon leaking precum at an amazing rate, and the bear girl's hand slid smoothly along his wet rod.

Minutes passed as Honey tugged at Seth's cock. The mule was clearly enjoying himself, grinning and leering as he stared down into Honey's cleavage, but he was showing no signs of cumming. Feeling frustrated, Honey began to work him double-handed, circling the base of his dick with one hand while the other flew along his length.

"Haahh... The lunch break's over soon," he panted. "C'mon, stop foolin' like that and just use your mouth, Honey!"

She gave him a dirty look. "Nuh-uh, Seth! I said I'm gonna get you off just like Joss. There was no talk 'bout suckin' you off, buddy!"

Seth returned her look with a glare of his own. "And you said you were goin' to get me off! Promise is a promise, remember?"

"All right, all right," she said. "Just keep your hands to yourself, okay? I mean that!" When the mule reluctantly nodded, Honey crouched down in front of him, guiding his long, hard manhood into her muzzle. His precum had a strong, musky taste that she found unappealing and exciting at the same time.

Closing her lips around Seth's cock, Honey bobbed her head back and forth, flicking her tongue around the plum-sized knob filling her muzzle. She was using her hands, too, rubbing the part of the mule's manhood that remained outside her mouth.

Seth's breathing was quickening, and his knuckles whitened as he gripped the edge of the workbench. "Ahh, fffuck, that's good... Hnnnhhh... gonna... cum.... yeahhhhhh!" Honey's eyes widened as she felt the thick rod in her mouth twitch, giving her barely enough time to react before the mule's hot spunk was spurting into her muzzle.

His load was huge, like his brother's, and for a few seconds Honey thought she was going to choke on Seth's cum. She managed it, however, catching every drop, her flushed cheeks bulging obscenely with the volume of his ejaculate.

"Aaaaahhhh... that was fuckin' sweet," Seth laughed as she finally pulled away from his dick. "Hey, what..." His eyes widened as the bear leaned over to one side, letting the frothy mix of her saliva and his semen pour out of her mouth. "Oh shit, not on the floor! Jeez, why didn't you just fuckin' swallow, Honey?" he groaned, watching her spit the last drops of his cum into the spreading puddle on the floor.

"I promised to get you off, an' that's it," she said, grinning at him as she got onto her feet. "Nobody said anything 'bout swallowin'! Thanks for helping me with the bike, Seth. See you around!" Laughing, Honey climbed back into the saddle and drove off, leaving the grumbling mule clean up the mess they'd made.

* * *

What annoyance Honey had felt from having to blow Seth faded quickly as she felt her bike running smoothly between her thighs. She had gotten what she wanted, and shown him that she couldn't be bossed around!

In truth, sucking the mule off had excited Honey more than she had expected. The bear girl was a hot-blooded young woman, and enjoyed sex a lot, even when she was doing all the work. And between the two messy handjobs she'd given Joss in the morning, and the blowjob in the garage, she was feeling pretty hot and bothered. She squirmed against the bike seat, thinking of things she could do with the McCuddy brothers at a better time...

Eager to get home, she turned onto an old logging road and gunned her bike up the hill, the underbrush whipping against her bare legs as she bounced along the overgrown, deeply rutted road. It had been a while since Honey had taken this particular short cut, and so she was unprepared when she saw that the old plank bridge across the Henn Gorge had finally given way.

Never one for caution, Honey simply revved her bike up and aimed for the narrowest spot of the gorge, trying to jump it. She made it across well enough, but the bone-jarring impact of the landing on the opposing slope stunned the bear for the critical half a second, making her lose traction. "Unhh! Sonofa- aaaaaahh!" she screamed, hanging on to her bike for dear life as she skidded and bounced down into the steep-sided gully, ending with a loud splash in the muddy stream at the bottom.

It took Honey a few minutes to stop shaking enough that her legs could carry her. Bruised, scraped and muddy, with a big tear in her shirt that threatened to spill her tits out, she had escaped without any serious injuries. Her bike seemed intact as well, which was a small consolation. Looking up, Honey swore again as she realized her situation. She was pretty sure she could climb out of the ravine, but there was no way she could get her bike out without help!