Part 15 - Visiting the Farm

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#16 of Youth and Vigor which Ray and the cubs learn a thing or two about life in the country.

** Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor and contains themes of incest and bestiality. If this sort of thing offends you, don't read this story. If this sort of thing interests you, please enjoy.**

Part 15 - Visiting the Farm

Ray drove his truck up the tall hill that led to Andy's house. Greg was sitting happily at his side, watching out the window. When he pulled into the Driveway, Andy, his brother Jack, and their father were already loading up their SUV. The three of them looked adorable as hell, and were all wearing matching black shorts with no shirts. Their father, Ted, waved as Ray approached.

"Hi Ray, hi Greg! Good timing we're just finishing up. Why don't you add your bags in the bag and we can get going?" the older bunny smiled at them. Ray killed his engine and stepped out, watching as Greg scampered out the other side. Seeing his friends already almost totally undressed, the pup didn't want to be left out, so Greg pulled his shirt off too and then scampered up to give Andy a big warm hug. The two squeezed tightly and then Andy planted a sloppy kiss right on the pup's muzzle, causing him to squirm and paw back at the bunny playfully. What the hell, might as well join the others, thought Ray. He pulled his shirt off too, stuffing it in one of his bags as he loaded their things into the back of Ted's SUV.

"Alright boys, all ready to go?" he clapped his paws and then pat the hood of his car.

"Ride in the back with us, Mister Ray!" Andy tugged on the wolf's paw and started leading him toward the car. Ray climbed in, sitting in the middle of the back seat, and the cubs Andy and Greg climbed in around him. It was a bit cramped and he didn't have much leg room, but he reached up and wrapped his arms around both cubs, giving them both hugs. Yeah, this more than made up for the lack of leg room. Jack climbed into the front seat and Ted climbed up behind the steering wheel, starting the engine and whistling to himself as he started to drive off.

They were going to spend the night on a farm, a farm owned by Ray's cousin Tommy to be specific. Tommy lived out in the country and he didn't see Ray too often, but the two kept in touch. When he had to go out of town for a conference, he gave Ray a call to see if he'd be willing to watch the farm for a night. Ray thought it would be a good opportunity to teach the cubs a little about country life, so he made the suggestion to Ted and they were totally on board. He hadn't anticipated being sandwiched between two cute shirtless cubs on the drive over, but that was certainly a nice perk. Tommy lived about 3 hours away too, so it wasn't going to be a short drive. After just an hour or so, Andy started getting restless and kicking the back of his brother's seat.

"Andy, stop it!" Jack yelled back, turning away from his comic book.

"Awww, but I'm soooooo booooored." the bunny tugged on his long lopped ears and made a face at his brother.

"Well find something to do in the back seat, leave my seat alone!" he grunted back and returned to the book. Andy huffed and put his head in his paws, then looked over at Greg. The pup had his head out the window and was letting his tongue and ears flap in the wind. Then the bunny cub had an idea, and he reached over to tug on the puppy's arm.

"Hey Greg, I know a really fun game we can play with Mister Ray." he snickered, tugging the pup closer and putting his paws on Ray's thigh. He whispered something into Greg's ear, who giggled and nodded in response.

"Hey Mister Ray, remember the licking game I told you about?" he nuzzled against the wolf's arm and twitched his whiskers. Ray did remember, Andy had told him about that the first time they met. It was a game he and his brother Jack used to play with their father, where they'd take turns licking him until they got their father to cum. God damn, was that really what they were going to do now? To him?? Before Ray had time to object, the cubs were both pulling off his blue jeans, dropping them to the floor of the car and rubbing at his sheath. Greg reached his paw down and cupped the wolf's balls, rolling them gently, a technique that the wolf absolutely loved. Ray caught a glimpse of Ted's smile through the rear-view mirror, but he just whistled to himself again and kept driving.

"I'm gonna win Greg, I'm really good at this game!" Andy stuck his tongue out at the pup, and then wrapped his muzzle down around the tip of Ray's bulging sheath. The wolf moaned and leaned back a bit, his wolfhood quickly growing in the cub's muzzle.

"Nuh uh, Mister Ray said I'm the best at licking!" Greg stuck his tongue back out at the bunny boy, leaning his muzzle down too and licking at the sensitive underside of the wolf's member.

"Boys, boys," Ted called from the front seat, "No need to argue about it, I think you should just play and see who wins." he grinned and chuckled, encouraging the cubs' debauchery. Ray just gave another soft moan as Greg began flicking his agile tongue across the head of Ray's cock. Andy got down and gave his balls a squeeze, trying to encourage the growth of his big wolf knot. The two cubs took turns licking all over Ray's wolfhood. They lapped over every inch of his crotch until his member was hard and throbbing. Ray started to moan louder, being driven to the edge by the two hungry cubs. The wolf's lustful sounds only made them more zealous, not even taking turns anymore, and they were both licking and muzzling his cock and balls constantly. The wolf gasped and bucked, trying to make it last as long as possible, but finally he lost his load as Andy wrapped his tongue and lips around the wolf's knot, squeezing the sensitive flesh in his muzzle, and Greg had his lips wrapped around the wolf's cock head, sucking on the tip. Because of where he was, Greg took most of the load in his muzzle immediately, but as soon as Andy noticed what had happened he sat up and tried to lick up the cum himself, sucking what he could out of the wolf's cock. Greg giggled at him and stuck his tongue out, a little of Ray's cum still on his lips. Andy growled playfully and then pulled Greg into a kiss, though what he was really trying to do was lick the cum out of the boy's muzzle.

"Awww, I guess you win Greg." he said, pulling out of the kiss and crossing his arms in a huff.

"Actually boys, I think that was a tie." Ray leaned back, panting heavily, his throbbing cock still hanging out.

"Oooh, I like tying." Andy smirked, then reached back to give Ray's knot a squeeze. The wolf squirmed and gasped at the attention to his now very sensitive member, which made the cubs giggle.

"That was a really fun game Andy, hehe." Greg nodded and wiped his muzzle, adjusting a bit so he could sit more comfortably with the hard-on in his shorts. They managed to talk and joke for the rest of the trip without molesting Ray again, not that he would have particularly minded, but these cubs had a way of tiring you out. Ray refastened his pants after his wolfhood retreated back into his sheath, and before long they had finally arrived. Tommy's farm was large and sprawling, dozens of acres. It was mostly wheat and soybeans, but there were cows, pigs, and horses too. When they stepped out of the car two big black and white sheepdogs came bounding up to them. The sheepdogs were both feral, meaning they hadn't learned how to walk or speak like the more advanced furs had long ago. Not too many people kept other animals as pets, but they served a definite purpose on the farm, keeping away intruders and stopping wild coyotes. Still, these two fluffy pups seemed way too friendly to scare away any intruders. Ray gave them both lots of attention, rubbing behind their ears and letting them lick his paws, then he started walking up toward the farm house.

"I'll be just a minute guys, going to try and find Tommy." Ray walked up the winding gravel toward the house, but found a note on the door when he arrived. 'Sorry Ray, had to leave early. Key is under the doormat, animal food is in the barn.' and that was it. Ray lifted up the doormat and picked up a small brass house key. He turned and fit it into the lock on the door, stepping inside. "Tommy? Tommy?" he called, just to be sure. But sure enough, Tommy was gone. Probably wasn't going to be back until late the next day. Well, Ray supposed this was as good a time as any to show the cubs around the farm. He padded back down the hill and waved at the others who were unloading the car. "Well guys, looks like we're on our own. Want me to show you boys how to feed horses?" The cubs nodded and ran up to him happily. The two sheepdogs followed them very closely, and seemed curiously intent on sniffing inside the boys' shorts.

Ray led them into the barn. On one side was a long row of stalls, each with a feral horse inside. The other side just had organized tools and bags of feed and other farm supplies. It was funny how much bigger the feral horses were than the two-legged kind. Ray opened up one of the stalls and led out a tall, strong, chestnut stallion. The horse whinnied at the wolf, but didn't object to being led around. Ted and Jack followed last, and Ted had his arms wrapped around his son's bare chest.

The horse was almost as tall as Ray was, but it wasn't the height of the horse the caught the cubs' attention right away. "Holy moley, Mister Ray!" Andy's jaw dropped as he pointed. "His thingy is huuuuuuge!!" Ray looked down and sure enough the horse's cock was hanging down, long and thick, but not fully hard. Even so, it was a little bit bigger than the size of Andy's whole arm.

"Um, heh, yes, yes they can be quite large." Ray blushed and nodded, trying to usher the horse back into his stall. But the stallion was being temperamental now and didn't want to go back in.

"I think he wants something, Mister Ray." Greg giggled, covering his muzzle with his paws.

"I don't know if that's a good..." Ray started to reply.

"Come on Ray, you said you were going to show us what it's like to work on a farm!" Ted called out from the back, grinning as he watched the show.

"I haven't jacked off a horse before!" Ray called back, putting his paws on his hips. "Well... I guess it can't be that hard." he said to himself, and carefully reached a paw underneath the horse. The his paw found the horse's shaft he wrapped around it and gave a squeeze. The horse gave another whinny, and it seemed to be a noise of approval. He started stroking the shaft while the other cubs watched, the horse bucked into his paw and made another approving noise. Then Ray got down on his knees, stroking the animal with both paws. Now he really wished he had done this before, the horse's cock was huge and thick and it was really turning him on. He leaned his muzzle up and licked at the flare at the end of the horse's dick, just as a little pre-cum leaked from the animal's tip. Ray lapped it up and the horse thrust against his muzzle, forcefully pushing inside. He nearly gagged but kept it together, trying to give as much attention to the horse as he could, rubbing quickly up the sides of his shaft with both paws, moaning slightly around the horse's length.

It had probably been a while since the stallion had gotten this kind of treatment, and soon Ray was caught full in the face with a blast of warm, thick horse cum. It was way too much for him to swallow and mostly it splashed over his chest fur and leaked down his belly. Andy, Greg, and Jack clapped in approval as Ted gave a laugh. The horse spurted a couple more times, as if Ray wasn't already soaked, and then started to back into his stall. Ray stood up, cum dripping from his fur and went in search of a towel.

"Looks like there's a first time for everything." Ted said, running his paws across Jack's body and hugging the boy close. Jack nestled back warmly against his father, a definite bulge in his shorts. "I used to play with my uncle's racing horses back when I was a cub. It's a lot of fun, isn't it?" he grinned.

Ray blushed and tried to dodge the question, "Come on, let's feed them boys." Ray said, trying to clean himself up with a towel, but still smelling strongly of horse cum. The boys followed and watched as he filled the feed bags and water trough. The two sheepdogs were still following closely at their heels. Just as they were leaving the barn, one of the dogs jumped up onto Andy's back and started to mount him.

"Woah, Mister Ray, the doggie is being really, really playful!" he called out, trying to protest a bit, but not pushing the dog off. The feral canine

humped against the boy, his bright red dog cock hanging below his body, but the boy's shorts were keeping him from actually burying it anywhere. Andy giggled and wagged his rump back at the dog, who was starting to hump a little harder in frustration.

"Common boy, shoo, shoo!" Ray said, trying to push the dog off. But the sheepdog was being incredibly persistent, and soon the second dog had leapt on Greg's back and was starting to do the same thing.

"Oooh, it's okay Mister Ray, I think it'd be fun to have a doggy cum inside of me!" Andy giggled and started unbuttoning his shorts. Greg did the same, spreading his legs to give the dog a little better access. Well damn, these cubs really would try just about anything. Ray decided to sit back on some hay bales and watch as the cubs got rammed by his cousin's sheepdogs. He pulled his wolfhood out and started pawing himself, listening to the cub's gasps and whimpers of pleasure. "Oooh, you like it rough don't you doggy?" Andy giggled and gasped a bit, the dog on his back was plowing hard, wrapping his paws around the cub and humping fast and quick.

Greg started pawing himself off as the canine thrust into him, whimpering the way he does when Ray plows deep into his ass. What an incredible show, Ray was going to get off again pretty quick if this kept up. The two dogs fucked the cubs hard and fast, Greg barked and panted, and then gasped as the dog knotted him. The animal groaned and then panted hard, slowing his thrusts and drooling a bit down on Greg's back. "Oooh, I think the doggy came in me!" he moaned, still pawing his own cock, then his moans escalated high and fast as he sprayed his load all over the hay below. The dog buried in his ass gave a sensitive whimper as the cub clenched on his knot. Andy's dog followed in turn very quickly, popping his knot in which made the bunny boy yelp, arcing his back a little and immediately cumming all into his paw. The dog thrust a few more times and came as well, burying his bone deep inside Andy's warm rear.

"Ooooh boys, you're the best." Ray said to them, still stroking his cock in his paw as he watched the knotted cubs recover. He kicked his pants off and looked around, then realized that Ted and Jack hadn't followed them out of the barn.