One Part Milk

Story by Kowa the Ferret on SoFurry

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AUTHORS NOTES Welcome to my first adult story. I would appreciate any and all kinds of comments, good or bad. I can't get better at writing without critiques! ADDED NOTE : This was inspired by some play with a very close friend of mine. =)

  • * * One Part Milk... by Kowa the Ferret Naomi tapped her foot impatiently as she leaned against the side of the barn. Pulling a wristwatch from a pocket, she sighed at the time. "Dang him, keeping a girl waiting like this," she muttered to herself, "Wonder what excuse Marcus has for being this late?" A smooth voice interrupted her complaining, "Oh, I don't know...I figure I'd be super early for our 'next' date?" Without looking up, Naomi threw the watch at him as he approached, "I have half a mind to call 'this' date off you're so late, dang wolf." The wolf grinned as he caught the wristwatch. He twirled the band around a finger a few times as he stepped up to her. "Hmph, I doubt it. Whats with the farmer getup anyways, Naomi? Kind of odd dress for a date." Naomi was a silver dragoness, her shapely curves somewhat hidden by the loose fitting farmer clothing she wore. She wore a simple dark green shirt that matched her eyes, and a pair of jean overalls. Long hair tied into a ponytail hid some of her darker silver spines that went from the top of her head and trailed down her spine, to where they tapered off and vanished just before the end of her tail. Her wings were folded behind her, and her tail tip lashed back and forth quickly as she looked down at her companion. At over six and a half feet tall, she towered over the black wolf that stood before her. She crossed her arms, "Well, I was thinking of moving out of the city, growing some crops, becoming a nice quiet farm gal and..." The wolf stopped twirling the wristwatch, "Wait, seriously?" Naomi laughed, stepping away from the barn and wrapping her arms around Marcus, "Of course not, silly wolf. All part of the fun today..." she whispered, nipping at one of his ears. The ear flicked in response as the wolf blushed a bit. He grinned up at her, slipping the watch into a pocket on the front of her overalls. "Mm, lets not waste time then." Naomi nodded and lead the wolf to the front of the barn. She opened the door enough for them to slip in, before closing it behind them. Inside, the barn was well lit and clean looking. A row of horse stalls ran along one wall, and bales of hay were stacked along the opposite wall. Looking up, the wolf could see the hayloft hidden by a low wall made of more bales. Marcus sniffed, smiling at the scent of fresh hay. He sniffed again, slowly this time as he traced a few more scents, tail wagging slowly as he looked around. The dragoness smiled as she watched the wolf track the scents in the air, "This place is clean. No nonsentient animals have used this barn since I had it cleaned out for...personal use." Marcus looked over at her and grinned, "Personal use, eh?" "Yes, and you're about to find out what...but under one condition," she said in a soft purr as she placed her hands on the wolf's shoulders, gazing down at him, "I will be in complete control, understood?" The wolf licked his muzzle tip a bit and let out a soft murr, placing his paws on Naomi's sides. "Mm, perfectly. I'm all yours. Naomi slid her hands down the wolf's arms, letting them rest on the top of his wrists, "Yes, all..." she closed a pair of padded handcuffs around his wrists, "..mine. Good so far?" Looking from the cuffs back up to Naomi, Marcus nodded, "Yes ma'am." " into a stall with you..." the dragoness purred, leading the wolf backwards into the nearest stall. As she positioned Marcus in the center of the floor, he glanced around. A few stools rested near the stall door, while a white sheet covered a cart in the back corner. He stared at it for a few moments before a hand gently cupped his chin, pulling his gaze forward again, "Now my little wolf, today we're going to milk you. Do you know what that means?" Marcus shook his head, "No ma'am..." Naomi grinned, "Not a'll find out soon enough..." Lifting up the wolf's arms, she tied a rope around the middle of the handcuffs. She checked the knots carefully, then made sure the handcuffs fit snuggly. Backing up, Naomi threw the other end of the rope over a heavy beam of wood above them. She pulled the end of the rope slowly, lifting Marcus' arms over his head. Tying off the end of the rope to the side of the stall, she walked back in front of the wolf, gently running a claw down the front of his shirt, over his belly, before hooking it in the front of his pants, "Lets get these things off first," she purred, flicking her hand back, the button popping off and falling at their feet. Marcus wanted to protest, but held back. He had given Naomi complete control over their fun multiple times before, and he had never been hurt. He laid his ears back and watched her work his pants and boxers off, tossing them over the side of the stall. She gently ran her claw tips through the fur of his thigh, then up over his sheath. She tugged his shirt up his body a bit, then stopped, looking up at his handcuffed paws. "Hmph, figures I forgot matter, there's more than one way to unwrap something..." Naomi muttered, rubbing the wolf's sides gently. Marcus murred softly, then jumped a bit when he heard a tearing sound. Looking down, he saw one of the dragoness' clawed fingers running along the seam of his t-shirt, splitting it open. She pulled it off of him in one piece, throwing it over the side of the stall as well. "Much better..." Naomi stepped back to admire the wolf. He was short by wolf standards, just under five feet. His fur was black, with his belly and chest a lighter gray. On each shoulder was a solid white patch of fur in the shape of a star, with a line of smaller stars trailing down to his elbows. She ran her claws through his belly fur again, before trailing them over his sheath to cup his heavy balls, "Mm, looks like my little wolfcow here needs a good milking." "W...wolfcow?!" Naomi grinned at him, squeezing him gently, causing him to moan, "Mm, yes. Though you don't look much like a wolfcow..." She lapped at his sheath gently with her long tongue before moving away from him. She stepped out of the stall, leaving him alone for a few moments before returning with two items which she placed on one of the stools. She picked up the first item, a black and white leather muzzle shaped like a cows. She slipped it over Marcus' own, securing it tightly. The muzzle only covered the bottom half of his his head, leaving his eyes and ears free. He was able to breath, but talking was difficult. The second item was a long tube of cloth, with a tassel at the end resembling a cow's tail. She smoothed out his tail fur before carefully sliding it on, tightening it around the root of his tail to secure it. He wagged his tail a bit, blushing softly as Naomi stepped back to admire her handiwork. "Mmm, that's more like it my little wolfcow," she purred softly, reaching forward to cup his balls gently, rolling them in her palm a bit, "Oh my, it looks like you haven't been milked in quite a while!" Naomi giggled, grinning wider as she squeezed them, eliciting another moan from Marcus. The pointed tip of his member was already poking from his sheath. The dragoness leaned forward and ran her tongue over it, down his sheath, and over the sac. Her warm breath tickled his sensitive flesh as he squirmed, moaning out softly. When the wolf was nearly fully erect, Naomi gave his member a firm kiss before moving behind him. He shifted around, watched her walk over to the covered cart in the corner. She rolled it forward until it was in front of him and pulled off the sheet. A machine rested on it, clean and polished. Coils of clear tubing sat in the lower half of the cart, and cups of various sizes rested in a tray at the front. Naomi picked up the first coil of tubing, attaching one end into the side of the machine. She picked up the largest cup from the tray and connected it to the tube. She held it up for Marcus to see; the cup was tall, with a bulge near the bottom, and the inner walls of it were covered in bumps. Each cup also had a set of straps attached to the sides. Reaching over, she grasped the wolf's erect member, pushing the sheath down until his unswollen knot was free. She then slid the cup down his shaft, twisting it a bit until the knot slipped into the cup as well. She secured the straps under his ballsac, holding it firmly in place. She reached over, and with a soft giggle, flicked the switch. Marcus bucked as the cup suddenly squeezed tight around his member, groaning out as the suction took hold. After a few moments the suction cut off, only to squeeze tightly again. The wolf moaned out as the machine continued this rhythm, squirming and shuddering in pleasure. Humming softly, Naomi connected two thinner tubes to the machine, attaching small cups to the end of each. These she placed over Marcus' nipples, each one eliciting a gasp from the wolf as they took hold. She pulled a stool over and sat down, leaning back as she purred and watch the wolf wriggle and moan. The dragoness licked her lips gently, inhaling slowly as she enjoyed the view. "Mmm, much better. I love a good milking," she smiled, leaning further back, her gaze locked intently on the wolf. Marcus' eyes, which were half closed from pleasure, snapped open as he groaned deeper, his knot swelling from the relentless suction of the machine. Moments later he orgasmed, gasping and grunting as his wolfseed was pulled from him. He watched as the white fluid traveled through the tubing and was deposited into a clear cup at the back of the machine. Marcus panted as he came down from his orgasm, shuddering as he realized the machine wasn't going to stop. Sparks of pleasure shot through him as the cup continued to squeeze around his sensitive shaft. His groans got louder as the milking continued, eventually cumming a second time. More of his seed dripped into the cup as they both watched it. As the wolf came down from his second orgasm, he noticed Naomi was breathing heavier. The faint smell of fresh rain tickled his sensitive nose. Marcus recognized instantly as the scent of Naomi's arousal. The smell became stronger, and Marcus knew this was really turning her on. As he watched, she quickly stripped out of the farmer's clothes. Sitting naked on the stool, she leaned back against the wall and spread her legs wide. She reached up and squeezed one of her breasts, lifting it up and flicking her long tongue over the nipple. Her other hand trailed down between her legs, fingers spreading her slit wide, showing the glistening folds to Marcus. The wolf whimpered and moaned louder, squirming against his bonds. Even after two exhausting orgasms and a third quickly building, Naomi's deepening scents were driving him wild. He watched intently as she slowly pushed a finger into her slit, then a second one, pumping them in and out slowly. She moaned softly, eyes never straying from the wolf. She grinned as their eyes locked, licking her lips again as she pumped her fingers a bit faster, "Mmm, wolfcow want something?" Marcus nodded, shuddering as his third orgasm got closer. The dragoness' grin widened as she pulled her fingers from her slit, spreading it wide again, "Is this what you want, my wolfcow?" Again the wolf nodded. Sitting up for a moment, she reached over and tapped the side of the glass, "Mmm, okay then...if you fill it up to here...then I'll let you have me..." The dragoness leaned back and began to slowly rub and finger herself again, moaning softly. Marcus groaned in exasperation. He was so close to the goal, and as another orgasm wracked his body, he got closer, but was just short of the line. He inhaled her scent deeply, panting heavily as the machine continued to work at him. Marcus' body ached for a reprieve, but he yearned more to give into the heady pheromones of the lovely Naomi. Naomi grinned, spreading her folds wide for the wolf to see, then bringing her other hand down to slowly press two of her fingers into herself. She moaned softly, licking her lips a bit as she slid in a third finger. Marcus watched with rapt attention as the dragoness slowly worked her fingers in and out of herself. He groaned and panted into the muzzle, shuddering and almost howling out as another orgasm wracked his body, giving up a bit more of his seed. Both of them watched as it traveled through the tubing and dripped into the glass. As the sticky seed rose to the line, Naomi suddenly jumped from the stool and flicked off the machine. She quickly unfastened all the straps and tossed the cups aside before wrapping one arm tight around the wolf. Holding him against her body, she reached up and ran her claws through the rope, severing it. The dragoness crouched down and unfurled her wings, leaping up with the wolf into the hayloft where they tumbled onto the floor. Rolling Marcus onto his back, she pressed a hand against his chest and pinned him down as she straddled his hips. She reached down and grasped his sensitive member, guiding it to her slit with a needy growl. Marcus grunted as her tight folds enveloped his shaft, the dragoness pressing herself down until she his swollen knot pressed against her folds. A moment later, she lifted herself up and then dropped again, squeezing herself tightly around the wolf's shaft as she set a quick rhythm. Paws still handcuffed, Marcus reached up and grasped Naomi's breasts, squeezing them gently as he bucked up into her. They panted and growled in need as they moved against each other, their pleasure building quickly. Without warning, Naomi dropped her body hard against Marcus', grinding her hips against his as she worked his swollen knot into her. With a gasp, the thick bulb sank completely into the dragoness, tying them together. With a howl, Marcus shot the last of his seed into Naomi before collapsing back onto the floor. Naomi shuddered and roared out her orgasm as well, her voice joining with Marcus'. Naomi collapsed onto Marcus, both of them panting and moaning. Lifting his arms up, Marcus wrapped his handcuffed arms around the dragoness, holding her tightly against him. They stayed in the loft for a bit, enjoying the warmth of the afterglow. * * * Hours later, Naomi was carefully sweeping the hay displaced from their romp in the hayloft. Marcus had headed home, sore and tired but very pleased. The dragoness hummed happily to herself, wearing a simple pair of jeans as she worked. "Well that was quite lovely, if I do say so myself," a female voice said from the edge of the hayloft. Naomi grinned as she pushed the last of the loose hay down to the ground floor. Looking up, she eyed the ferret girl sitting on one of the hay bales. "I knew you would, sexy," she purred, leaning on the broom. The ferret girl lifted up a small sphere etched with various symbols. A dark lens was inset into its form, which she pointed at Naomi, "So, what'ya want me to do with this juicy footage? Toss it onto the web?" Naomi's grin widened, "Work your magic and edit it a bit first, so we aren't recognizable. Other than that, have fun with it, sexy. Your fans should love it..." Flicking a purple bang out of her eyes, the ferret returned the grin, "Oh don't worry, Kowa the Ferret hasn't let her audience down yet..."