The Prince, the Champion, and the Curse

Story by SyronEcoris on SoFurry

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#1 of Hebi to Shokubutsu

Here's an RP I did with a friend not on YS or FA.

Jekai (Jachai) © his RPer, Tara

Q'ohbre (Pai-than) © his RPer, me.

Amuka © both of us, though he's not really important to us.

LOL! I'm RP dubbing! XD

"..." is a quote

=...= is a thought


The Temple of Shamus... The temple where the believers of Shamus prayed for good fortune and health. Today, that was where one particular Ivi, Jekai, was heading off to pray. His home was plagued with sickness and ruin, and no one knew why. Those that were not ill had sent their strongest male, Jekai, to go and pray to Shamus to help relieve them of this plague. The Ivi were normally a peaceful people, described only as a mixture of plants and humanoids. Their hair was usually vibrant hues, and Jekai's long, bright orange hair, decorated with various plant life, was no different. Their skin was a greenish hue, for they, in times of crisis, did not need food to survive, only sunlight. The chlorophyll in their skin would make sustenance for them. Most never wore actual clothing, but were covered by vines, leaves, and flowers, and only in places that needed coverage the most, leaving very little to the imagination. The Ivi ranged in height, between five and seven feet, but most were about six feet, like Jekai. Their eyes were nearly solid in color, getting darker toward the pupil, and varied in hue; Jekai had two different colored eyes--the right fuchsia, the left turquoise. But the most astounding features were the six hard, brown patches on the Ivi's back--inside these strange mounds were slender, green tentacles, what they called "Damia." These Damia could act as extensions of the body when needed, and were very prehensile. But since they were not needed, they were safely tucked away. As Jekai headed out of his forest home, and into unfamiliar territory, he only could pray that nothing would hinder his quest, or worse--that his prayer to Shamus would be too late, and his clan would fall.

Although the Ivi were a peaceful people, it was feared for its excellent warriors. Even the demon tribe of sinewy snake-men called Yaoian-ti averted the plant-like people. The Yaoian-ti consisted of only males, but they were able to reproduce sexually, for every tribesman was a hermaphrodite. This way, they could still feel the pleasures of intercourse. In their years of adolescence (45-120), they have very irresistible, boyish faces; as they mature, they become more beautiful of men. Their lower bodies, the snake halves, were as vividly colored as hair of the Ivi, but they steadily dimmed after adolescence. Only a handful of Yaoian-ti were born lucky enough to maintain the eye-catching colors of their lower body skin.

The ears of the Yaoian-ti were like those of elves. Usually, their hair was either black, white, or brown, but every tribesman's hair extended to where his human upper half met his snake-like lower half. Rarely was a Yaoian-ti born with a mutation leading to crimson, emerald, azure, or amethyst hair, and VERY rarely were they born with lilac or gold. Only one Yaoian-ti was born with radiant, hot pink hair in a lifetime. At the time, that one was the prince of the Hebi Kingdom, Q'ohbre. He was the one who his father, King Vipre, sent to the Temple of Shamus to wait for the champion of the Ivi warriors to step foot in for prayer. Then, he was to slay him and offer him as a sacrifice to their legendary messiah, Hellion Boa, the Vampiric Constrictor, whose statue they would then have take over the temple.

So, at the altar inside of the temple stood Prince Q'ohbre.

It was true, despite their peaceful nature, the Ivi were fierce warriors when needed, and Jekai was the strongest, thus, he was sent off. There were rumors that this was all of the Yaoian-ti doing, the plague that had been cursed upon them, and as such, he was sent off with a weapon, a double helix sword, the Kinza Blade. Considering the stress that Jekai was under, to piss him off was a huge mistake. He wasn't the champion for nothing, after all. If the rumors were true... then Jekai was bound to snap. It wasn't long until Jekai arrived at the temple, but what he saw... was horrific. Worshippers, priests, clerics... All slain, splatters of green blood everywhere. Quickly drawing his sword, he glanced to the alter, only to find the figure of a Yaoian-ti, waiting. If he was here, the rumors were true... and Jekai was fuming. "I should have expected such vile acts were brought about by your kind," he snarled, gripping the sword as he slowly approached the unknown Yaoian-ti. "Only the Hebi Kingdom would stoop that low."

"Excuse me?" came a deep voice from inside?

Jekai could soon see the Yaoian-ti, and simply smirked. So, it was the prince. He was easily recognized; he was the only one with hot pink hair, after all. "So, they sent you... I'm not surprised." He had to admit, the tales of the prince's beauty were true, but that was the last thing he should be thinking of. But, it wasn't like the Ivi were beautiful, they were absolutely stunning creatures, and Jekai was no exception to this. But at his question, the Ivi snarled, his sword pointed at the prince. "Don't act stupid! Your kind brought about the plagues of sickness and death among the Ivi!"

"We knew that you'd suspect us!" the Yaoian-ti prince yelled, readying his bow, "You just HAVE to pick on us! You barbaric, floral bastards all think that WE'RE the ones to blame for your little problems!"

"Then tell me, filthy snake, who is the one that killed the Ivi here? They were nothing but priests, monks, and clerics. They certainly wouldn't try to kill you," the Ivitian Champion replied, approaching the prince. "But I certainly would, after seeing what damage you have brought to this holy place. You have tarnished the ground of Shamus, for that you will pay!" At that, he lunged at the Yaoian-ti prince, bringing his sword down at him.

Q'ohbre blocked the attack with his bow, then slithered backward. "I came here only to find these people dead! How DARE you blame me for this catastrophe with no proof!?" He drew an arrow from his quiver and took aim on Jekai. He was disappointed that the good-looking Ivitian was his enemy, but he had no choice except for releasing the arrow.

Jekai stepped back, swinging his weapon in the path of the arrow to block it. "Then explain why you are here!" he shouted, the Venlo, where the Damia came out of, started to open. "I may show you some mercy if you tell me the truth."

"I... I came here to challenge you! That is all! I'm not responsible for this massacre! I was told that the champion of your people was going to come!" Suddenly, Q'ohbre started to feel an "attack" coming on. =No... Not with an Ivitian here!=

Jekai shook his head, not really believing all of the Yaoian-ti's words. Unlike the Ivi, they weren't as peaceful. "So, you're here to challenge me?" he asked, pointing his sword at the prince. But, he had no idea that the other was having an "attack"... they usually could sense these things, but Jekai was too clouded by anger to sense it.

"Fuck!" Q'ohbre growled as he was forced to push down his erection down. "I can't let you see me like this!" He immediately slithered up the stairs and around to the second floor sanctuary.

Jekai wasn't blind, though, and he could see the prince's erection. So, he was having an "attack." A dark smirk appeared on his face, as he quickly followed the other up to the sanctuary. Like this, the Yaoian-ti was submissive, a perfect toy to release his pent up stress.

"What...? What happened to your honor in fighting fairly like you Ivitians claim to have!? Go!" Q'ohbre yelled, firing an arrow at the door.

Jekai shook his head. He wasn't going to fight the Yaoian-ti. "Oh, I don't intend on fighting you, not in your current state," he said, dodging the arrow. "I do believe in fighting fair..." Slowly, the Damia started to slither out of the Venlo, just barely poking out of his back. "But, I shouldn't have to, not after what you've done." Suddenly, one of the Damia snaked forth, whipping up the cloth that hid the prince's erection. "Instead, I feel like doing something else to you."

"N-NO! I'm not responsible--ah..." The dark tan Yaoian-ti's skin started to redden, and his breathing quickened a bit. "S-stop! Don't--ah!" He could barely get a word out when he felt his cock begin to throb.

Jekai approached the prince, smirking. All six of the tentacle like extremities were out of his back now, while his hands untwisted the vines that barely covered anything. "I should kill you..." he said, the first Damia wrapping around the Yaoian-ti's throbbing cock, "...but I plan on releasing my stresses on you."

"Stop! Please! I... I need the sex from another Yaoian-ti!" he pleaded, trying to worm his way away from the Ivitian, "I'm REALLY horny right now, and I DON'T wanna get fucked by the likes of YOU!"

Well, that last little comment didn't help the prince's situation any. In fact, it just made Jekai angry. "Oh, so I'm not good enough for you, eh? Spoiled brat." At that, the Ivi tackled the Yaoian-ti, pinning his wrists down with his hands, straddling the lower half of him, the Damia around his cock uncoiling and moving away. "You have no choice..." Three of the long tentacles shot forth, pushing into the hole just below the prince's balls, while one wrapped around his own cock, stroking it to arousal, and the other two gripped onto the Yaoian-ti's erection.

"Fuck! GET OFF!" Q'ohbre barked just before his hard-on was forced to stiffen even more. He wasn't liking his situation one bit. He was getting vaginally raped by the Ivitian champion, and he was excited by it. The stroking of his and his rapist's cocks turned him on so. "I... Fuck! I never... knew that you Ivitians could be... unh... so sexual..." he whimpered, giving up on struggling free.

Once he was fully erect, Jekai retracted before plunging his cock into the Yaoian-ti's vagina. The three Damia that were already inside shifted and pumped in and out of the prince at various intervals, moving hard and deep. One of the tentacles that was wrapped around the prince's hard-on uncoiled, before joining the other free extremity to move up to the other's mouth. "There is a lot... about us that you don't know..." he replied between hard grunts, the sensitive tips of the Damia along with his erection pulsing at the sensation of being inside of the Yaoian-ti. "Now..." Rubbing the two free tentacles against the other's lips, he moaned. "Suck them."

After seeing the dominating sexual style of the Ivitians, Q'ohbre was thrilled. It was exactly what his life needed. His heart raced to the order given to him. "A lot that I don't know about you?" he asked, licking the penis-like tentacles' heads, "Then... please... will you show me? Show me everything?" He wanted to know more, but only about Jekai. He was so turned on that his tail caressed the side of his rapist's leg before coiling around his waist oh so lovingly. It was EXACTLY the sexual excitement that he needed--no, Jekai... was his true need... and becoming desire.

Jekai was quite surprised by the Yaoian-ti's words. He wanted to know more about him? It had to be a trick... but then he felt the prince's tail coil around his leg and slither up and around his waist. He seemed... sincere. He continued to thrust into the other, moving the tentacles deep into the Yaoian-ti, rocking his cock back and forth in him, letting out deep groans. "Mm... If you wish." The tentacles that the other licked twitched softly, dipping into his mouth, while the Damia around his length flexed and throbbed, working up and down. "I am Jekai. What of your name?" Even though the other was the prince of the Hebi Kingdom, he didn't know his name.

Q'ohbre flicked his tongue along the heads of the Damia that dipped into his mouth. "My name is Q'ohbre..." he answered, blushing. He'd never been friendly with an Ivitian before, but he started to feel closer to Jekai. "You... have such fair skin, Jekai..." he hesitantly said, "It looks so smooth..."

Jekai couldn't resist the urge to smile at the sight of Q'ohbre's blush, the compliments causing the green hue in his skin to brighten--the Ivi's form of blushing. "If you wish to touch my skin..." he started, releasing his grip on the prince's wrists, " may." The Ivitian took pride in their appearance, and Jekai was no exception. Despite the fact that he was a Champion, his skin was silky smooth and flawless. "You..." he moaned, the Damia starting to secrete a thick, milky fluid, "The tales of your beauty... they do not do you justice, for you are more gorgeous in person than any living soul can describe."

Q'ohbre reached up--slowly--and caressed Jekai's face. He was so fascinated. He then ran his hand down the Ivitian's chest. He loved Jekai's build. Taking Jekai's hand, the prince besought, "I don't want to fight you, Jekai... Please... I want you to make me come, and I want you to come inside of me."

Jekai shuddered as Q'ohbre touched him, his touch soft and gentle. Honestly, he really didn't want to fight Q'ohbre either. "I will..." he replied, his arms grasping onto Q'ohbre's sides. His thrusts became faster, the tentacles inside the Yaoian-ti moving rhythmically with his cock. The Damia near the prince's head slid into his mouth, the slick tips moving against his tongue. The last tentacle wrapped around his cock slid against the hard flesh. "Q'ohbre..."

"Oh Jekai..." Q'ohbre moaned. He never wanted the day to end. He... never wanted Jekai to leave. He was addicted. Wait a minute! Addicted... or in love? After all, he'd never been pleased so well in his life, and for it, he wanted to please back. He inserted his tail to the firm, Ivitian ass' hole and fucked his mate anally while his vagina's soft internal walls were vigorously rubbed against with Jekai's tentacles. He lapped lovingly at the Damia, trying to make it squirt its sweet juice. "I..." Dared he say what was becoming clear in his heart?

Jekai let out a loud groan as Q'ohbre slid his tail into his ass. He had never felt anything like it before, and it simply felt wonderful. He had been with others before, but it certainly wasn't as pleasurable as this. "Q'ohbre, ahh..." he groaned loudly, his hole reacting with multiple spasms for each movement of the Yaoian-ti's tail. The wet Damia continued rub inside of his vagina as he fucked the prince, while the other tentacles inside his mouth twitched, the sticky sweet juice dripping out from the penis-like extremities in warm, thick globs. After this, the idea of having someone else... it simply wouldn't be the same as it would be with Q'ohbre. Was he starting to have feelings for Q'ohbre?

Q'ohbre was reaching his climax, at last. "Please, Jekai... Stick it in... Come inside of me... I wanna feel the force of your orgasm..." He just needed to feel the soft, pink walls of his vagina get forcefully splashed by Jekai's now massive cock.

Jekai was close to climax, his cock twitching and throbbing. With a final thrust, he came hard inside of Q'ohbre, his hot seed splashing against the inside of his vagina. "Ah, Q'ohbre..!" he cried, his hard release causing all six of the Damia to spurt out more of the sugary sweet substance.

The moment of his orgasm was shared with the Yaoian-ti prince as he was covered in the semen of the unsheathed erection. Q'ohbre was breathless after his release, and swallowing the juice of the Damia nearly made him suffocate, but oh was it all worth the strain!

Jekai panted hard, using every ounce of his strength to keep himself from collapsing on top of Q'ohbre. Slowly, the Damia retracted back into their sheaths, the Venlo closing up tight. He had never come so hard, but it felt so good. Slowly, he regained enough strength to pull out of the Yaoian-ti prince, and reach behind him to pull that muscular tail out of his ass. But that was all the strength he had left, and he finally fell on top of the prince, and rolled off to the side of him, pink and blue eyes glazed over in absolute bliss. Never had the Ivitian been so exhausted from sex, but he couldn't deny that it was the best he ever had.

"That was... incredible..." Q'ohbre panted, smiling at Jekai. It was all over. He enjoyed the sex, for it led to the most powerful orgasm that he'd ever had. He took up some of the semen that splashed around his vagina with his fingers and licked his hand clean. "You're absolutely delicious..." he whispered, "So... I assume that you'll be leaving for home?" He wished that Jekai didn't have to, but he knew that his wish could never come true; Jekai had a quest to complete.

Jekai glanced over at Q'ohbre, before giving a soft nod. Once he was done praying to Shamus, he had to head home to see how his clan was doing. "After my prayers, I shall have to leave." Slowly, he had regained enough strength to sit up. Reaching over, he wiped some of the Yaoian-ti's seed off of his torso, lapping it up softly. "Mmm..." he murmured, staring at the other with hazy, two toned eyes. "I have to see if the prayer was answered. Then... despite the prayer's answer or not, we will find the source of the curse." His eyes suddenly gained a sad look, as he looked at Q'ohbre. "They'll blame your people, even though I know the Yaoian-ti are not the source now... either way, war will start. Unless, the true source of the plague is found..."

"Please, Jekai... Don't leave... I... I want you... to stay with me..."

At those words, the Ivitian's skin became a brilliant green color. He wanted him to stay? Jekai... he didn't want to leave either. But he had to help his people. Unless... there was a way to do both. Jekai easily came up with an idea on how to make it possible. "...Alright. I will not leave you. But, you must help me find the true source of the curse."

"I will help you, Jekai... I..." Q'ohbre blushed as he looked away. He turned to Jekai and kissed his lips sweetly. "I... have fallen..." he finished, looking up at the ceiling, "I want you... to stay by my side..."

Jekai softly kissed back, the brilliant, almost neon green hue across his skin not wavering once. At Q'ohbre's words, however, he was simply stunned. He wasn't expecting the other to fall in love with him... and yet, hearing him say that made his heart pound--something that no other being had ever been able to do. Did he love Q'ohbre as well? He didn't want to say, for fear of hurting the other if it wasn't true. He had never cared about another so strongly as much as he did Q'ohbre. That... clinched it. He knew he was in love with the Yaoian-ti Prince. "I will stay by your side," was all that the Ivi said in response, however, as he slowly stood. Picking up the vines, he wrapped them around his waist and between his legs, wrapping them around each other to hold them in place. As the green glow on his skin started to fade, he looked at Q'ohbre with clear fuchsia and turquoise eyes. "I... love you as well." With that, he headed out of the sanctuary, heading down to the altar to pray. He would wait for Q'ohbre before leaving the Temple of Shamus.

After scanning the area over carefully, Q'ohbre slithered out of the sanctuary and reunited with his now lover. He cast a soothing, even heart-melting smile at Jekai and said, "I must apologize... I always thought poorly of your people, but I was most certainly wrong."

Jekai kneeled before the altar, praying silently to Shamus for the health and wellbeing of his people. Once he was done, he looked to Q'ohbre, smiling softly to him, that lovely smile on the Yaoian-ti's face causing his skin to glow slightly. "I should apologize to you as well. I never have thought too highly of your kind, and I even blamed you for the plague and deaths of the Ivi..." Grabbing onto Q'ohbre's hand, he held his palm close to his soft lips. "Please..." he said, dipping his tongue out to lick his palm, the Ivitian way of asking for forgiveness. "Forgive me."

"I do, Jekai," Q'ohbre replied, placing his licked hand on Jekai's chest, the Yaoian-ti way of forgiving, "I want our people to make peace with each other, like we have, but if it proves to be impossible... then I want to take you away from here, to where we can live alone, peacefully."

"I pray for peace among our people as well. If it cannot be... then we shall find a place to live together in happiness," Jekai replied, leaning in and kissing Q'ohbre's cheek. "We must be going now, though... we must find those that are responsible for the curse, as well as the deaths of my people."

"Yes, you're right," the prince agreed, "We should start by examining the bodies for any clues as to how they were killed. From the looks of the situation, they were slaughtered, but we might be able to identify the weapon or weapons used."

Jekai nodded, and headed over to one of the bodies. From the looks of it, it looked as if the weapon was some sort of whip, a strong whip, or one infused with magic. All the marks were slash marks, cut deep, but they weren't clean, like a blade would be. There were very few that used whips as weapons, even fewer that used magic whips. "It seems to be a whip. The cuts are thin and deep, but not clean..."

Q'ohbre approached the examined body and studied the fizzing blood. "Poison," he diagnosed, "The attacker used Bane magic. We should investigate the area together. Shall we start with the outside or look around the grand hall and sanctuary?"

Jekai thought for a moment. "It would be best to check if they are still in the temple," he concluded, as he glanced around. "If they did this, they probably are looking for someone... you knew I was coming, so they might be waiting for me." He then sighed. "But who would do such a horrid thing?"

"I don't know, but we'll find them," Q'ohbre vowed, "We'll even reverse whatever curse that was placed on the Ivitians."

Jekai nodded, and latched onto Q'ohbre's hand. "We shall. Now, let's check the sanctuary." At that, the Ivi headed upstairs, up to the sanctuary, hoping to find some trace of the culprit.

Just then, a dart whizzed between their heads--from behind--and stuck to the altar. It had a note stuck to the point.

Jekai instantly ripped the note from the dart, reading it to himself. 'By the time you read this, the plague will have wiped out your clan. Soon enough, it will wipe out all of the Ivi. They will pay for what they have done... soon, so shall you, Jekai. -Amuka' Jekai suddenly blinked, his hands shaking. He knew Amuka... he was an Ivi. But he was banished once it was found out that he had been learning Bane magic--a forbidden magic for the Ivi to learn.

At one point, Jekai had really liked Amuka...

"Jekai, love, what's wrong?" Q'ohbre asked in a hush tone as he slithered behind the Ivitian. He reached forward and took his lover's hands in very calming finger-locks. "Tell me, love... What does it mean?" He then kissed Jekai's cheek and nuzzled into his neck.

Jekai looked down, almost frozen in place. The idea that it was one of his own doing this... it sickened him. For it to be Amuka... it hurt. "He is getting revenge on the Ivi for banishing him..." He leaned into Q'ohbre's shoulder, closing his eyes. "They are all dying... my entire clan... and he is targeting all of the Ivi... and me..."

"So... only you remain of the Ivi?"

"Soon, I will be the only one left, other than Amuka, if we do not stop him soon." Jekai replied, a tear rolling down his face. "The plague is spreading... to the other Ivitian clans.."

Q'ohbre embraced Jekai securely and told him, "I won't let him take you, love, even if he threatens all of your people. Regardless, we won't allow the Ivi to be erased. Let's search where the dart was thrown from."

Jekai nodded, and looked at the dart. Taking note of the angle, he pointed up to a small window, near the ceiling. It was open. Pointing at it, he growled. "There!"

"Let's go!" Q'ohbre took the rear guard with a set arrow at his ready bow as the two headed for a door near the window from which the dart came.

Jekai took up the front, his blade drawn as he headed toward the door. He swiftly kicked it open, before stabbing forward into nothing but thin air. Stepping outside, he glanced around, before finding footprints. "There..."

Q'ohbre closely followed his lover.

Jekai soon found a trail, and quickly followed it. But, it led to a river, and stopped at the river's edge. He growled, shaking his head. "Damn it..."

"Shall we cross?" Q'ohbre asked, dipping his tail in the water to test the temperature.

Jekai nodded, wrapping his arm around Q'ohbre's. He then started to cross the river, moving slowly.

Suddenly, the current picked up. Q'ohbre looked up the river and noticed an Ivitian with his hands in the water, near a waterfall. "Don't tell me he's learned Amazon magic too!" he growled, "Now, he can control anything in the rain forest!"

Jekai looked up the river, to see Amuka with his hands in the water, manipulating the water with, indeed, Amazon magic. Since they were in the water, he planned on washing them away, as far away as he possibly could. Jekai could feel his footing slip, as he clung to Q'ohbre. "I'm slipping!"

Q'ohbre stuck his tail into the sand of the river as an anchor and told Jekai to hold on. Once the Ivitian did, the prince aimed his bow and arrow at the enemy Ivitian and fired, pwning him skyward. "You think we should go and find him, or did that shot kill him?" the archer asked his lover.

Jekai clung for dear life to Q'ohbre. Once Amuka was gone, however, the current slowed, and the Ivitian champion let out a deep sigh of relief. That whole ordeal... it was a nightmare for him; he had shown one of his fears--drowning. Quickly getting out of the water, Jekai sighed. "We should find him, even if he's dead..."

"Are you alright now, baby?" Q'ohbre asked, embracing Jekai and kissing his lips lovingly as he pulled his tail out of the sand.

Jekai quickly kissed Q'ohbre back, before giving him a quick nod. "I'm fine." He then grabbed Q'ohbre by the arm, sighing. "He has no moral code left..."

"I see that, but you and I have come too far for me to let him harm you. When this is all over, there's something that I want to ask you." Q'ohbre slithered on with his lover connected to him by the arm.

"Don't worry. Now that I know he's pretty much been swallowed by hate, I won't let fear overcome me again," Jekai vowed, placing a hand on his chest, "If he realizes that we are lovers, then you are in danger as well, and I refuse to let him hurt you just to hurt me." The Ivi continued on, heading in the direction that the rouge Ivitian landed. "I will strike him down if he tries." He then looked at Q'ohbre with curiosity, wondering what the Yaoian-ti wanted to say to him once this was all over. "If you wish to ask me, you may ask me now."

After lovingly embracing Jekai and passionately kissing him, Q'ohbre proposed, "Jekai of the Ivi, will you marry me and join me in the unity of our people?"

Jekai wrapped his arms around Q'ohbre, eagerly kissing him back. But once Q'ohbre proposed to him, he nearly fell over in shock. Did he just hear him right? No, he had to have misheard him... "Did you just ask me to marry you, Q'ohbre?"

"I did, Jekai..." Q'ohbre replied, "I want you as my husband."

Jekai did hear him right. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around Q'ohbre's waist, leaning in to kiss his cheek softly. "I accept your proposal, my dear Q'ohbre."

"Excellent." Once the now fiancés reached the spot from where the river was controlled, Q'ohbre discovered a corked vial with a thick, light blue gas inside. Amuka was nowhere in sight. "Do you supposed that this is the antidote?" he asked, knowing not to open it until he was certain.

Jekai stared at the bottle, taking note of the contents. He honestly didn't know if this was the antidote or not. If it was, Amuka was foolish to leave such a valuable item behind. But it certainly wasn't the plague--when it came, it was a black gas. "I do not know, Q'ohbre..."

"Let's try using it; at this rate, if it's actually a death gas, then it's better than having your people suffer."

"Yeah..." Jekai said with a sigh, looking down. He was right; a quick death was better than one full of suffering. "I pray that it is the cure. If it is... then maybe they will see that your kind is not the cause of the sickness."

"I do hope so; my mind is set on our wedding. I don't want this to go wrong." He then followed his lover to the Ivitian colony.

Jekai nodded, and headed to the Ivitian colony.