Cecilia’s long search

Story by Lunarmon on SoFurry

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#1 of The Reviving Hotel

Hey Lunarmon her again with a new story I hope that people likes it, it just kept running in my head (Together with another that I'll try to write down soon) enjoy you reading.

The Reviving Hotel

Cecilia's long search

The sun was sinking down in the horizon behind the forest, as it was sinking, a light blue car was driving on the road through the forest, inside driving it was a young vixen of 22 years with a red colored fur and brown eyes, wearing a green shirt, that showed the curves of her breasts and blue pants that clung to her hips, showing her figure when she stood up, and it drive many male furs crazy, but there was not one among them that she like enough to get into a relationship with, all they wanted was her body and her pussy.

"I have to stop soon, I can't keep this up much longer," she yawned "I've driven for far too long without any rest, I better see if I can find a place to sleep for the night" she yawned again "I sure hope there's a hotel close by I don't want to sleep in my car again."

Just then the sun disappeared behind the forest and the surroundings become darker as the night fall over the forest and she was beginning to think about turn into the side of the road and sleep in her car.

Just then a way sign appeared in front of her 'Reviving Hotel' 5 km. "An hotel just what I need." She said with a smile while she continued her driving until she reached another sign saying that there was 2,5 km more and pointed down another road.

She turned down the road and after a few minutes a large castle appeared. "Wow is that the hotel... I just hope I have money enough for it." She said to herself as she drives into the castles yard and parked her car in the parking lot, she then crawled out of the car and walked towards the entrance of the castle to go inside.

"Hel...hello is there anyone her" she asked as she walk through the door and into the entrance hall "Hello." She asked again as she looked around the entrance hall.

Beside the door that she had just walked through stood an armour, there was five doors on either side of the hall and two stairs that lead to the second floor, on either sides of the stairs stood another suit of armour and between the stairs was an desk and behind it a shelf with many keys in.

She walked closer to the desk and saw a ball on it when she reached it she looked around again before she ringed the ball.

"Yes?" A voice said from her left a few minutes later as a young wolfess walked out from a backdoor "How can I help you." She asked as she looked at the vixen.

"Hey my name is Cecilia, I would like to know how much a room for the night is going to cost, if you have any left" she said to the wolfess, which she believed to be around 18 years old, while looking at her name tag "Farina."

The wolfess smiled to her. "Well, we have a lot of free rooms but first I have some papers with some questions on, that I need you to fill out, if you don't mind" Farina said to her as she took out some papers from under the desk "and don't worry if some of them seems to be a bit personal." She said as she handed Cecilia the papers

"You can go over to the tables over there and fill out the papers." She said to her while pointing to some tables under the stairs. Cecilia said thank you to the wolfess and walk over to one of the tables.

"Well let me see what the questions are hmmm...

1) Age: that one is easy 22.

2) Constellation: it's Virgo.

3) Blood type: hmm that's A+.

4) Husband/Wife yes/no: That's defiantly a no.

5) Children yes/no, if yes how many: no but I really want to have some if only I could find the right Mate.

6) Your sexual preference: ohh I'm strait, at least I've never been turned on by a girl before.

And that was the last" She looked at the papers "she is right some of these questions sure are a bit personal... but it's okay." Cecilia then stood up and walked back to the deck and the wolfess.

"Here are the papers, now how much is it going to cost?" she said as she handed the papers over to Farina. She looked at them for a few minutes. "Well we have a nice little room for only 50 dollars and if you decide to stay longer I'm sure we can figure something out." She said while putting the papers under the deck.

"50 dollars well I can pay that much but I don't think that I'll be stay long." She said and gave the wolfess the money.

Ferina smiled at her. "Here is your key" she handed Cecilia an key from the shelf behind her "if you wait a moment then I'll show you to your room." She said as she walked out behind the deck and to the vixen.

"Come with me." She said as she walked up the stairs with Cecilia in tow.

She led her through the castle for about 5-10 minutes before she stopped in front of a door with the number 111. "Well here is your room hope you'll enjoy your stay" she said before bowing for her "good night and sleep well." She said with a smile and walked back through the castle.

Cecilia just looked at her. 'Why was she smiling like that... oh well' she yawns 'I'm too tired to think about it right now' she thought to herself before she took her key out of her pocket.

"Well I better take a look at my room." She then unlocked the door and walked inside.

The room was more luxurious than she thought it'll be, there was a small living room with a couch, a couch table, a reading lamp and a TV, there was a little kitchen where she could heat up some food, if she had any, and a bathroom with a nice bathtub, and the bedroom was pretty large with a double king sized bed, a nightstand and a wardrobe.

"Wow I must say I didn't expect some much for that price hmm... wonder if she gave me the wrong room" she yawns and feels her eyes closing "ahhh I don't care right now I just want to sleep." She said to herself and walked into the bedroom took of her cloths and got under the covers for a good night's sleep.

"Mmmm." Cecilia moans lightly in her sleep dreaming of a male fox stroking her body tenderly as time went on her dream became more and more pleasant as the male fox begun to lick her breasts and her stomach making her moan out.

Then her eyes flung open wide awake as she felt paws caressing her body and felt a tongue on the area between her stomach and her pussy, but she couldn't see anyone, she screamed and jumped out of the bed, looking around for the person who was touching her but couldn't see anyone, then she felt a paw gentle caressing her cheek.

She screamed again and run to the door unlocking it and run out into the dark and empty corridor, running as fast as she could to get away from what was touching her before.

For many minutes she ran through the corridors until she had to stop to get her breath back. "What in the heavens name, was it that touched me." She said to herself between pants.

As her breath was returning to normal and she calmed down, she begun to think it over in her mind.

She was in an old castle, far out in a large forest in the middle of the night and something touched her but she couldn't see anything, as her mind looked at these facts, she could only come up with one answer. "Ghosts." She said out loud.

You are right. Came a whispering voice from the thin air.

"Aaaa" she cried out in fear and fall to her knee throwing her arms around her body "please don't hurt me." She cried as tears run down her cheeks as she sobbed in fear of her live, as she had heard stories of how ghosts hunted and killed those that trespassed on their realm.

Shhh, no need to cry, I'm not going to hurt you, now stop crying and stand up and face me. The whispering voice said to her with a gentle tone to it.

She stroked her eyes and stood up looking around. "Where are you?" she asked the ghost not seeing anyone in the moonlit corridor.

Right behind you. The whispering voice answer her she turn around still not seeing anything she was about to say that she could not see him, but then she saw a shadow manifesting in the moonlight, flowing in through the windows.

It was a handsome male fox with shining azure blue fur and lovely light green eyes his ears stood up from his head, his fluffy tail swinging behind him and a lovely smile on his muzzle, he walked over to her on silent footsteps and placed his left paw on her shoulder.

It's no use running around the corridors at night, you can't get away before dawn, so please return to your room with me, I'm sure you have some questions you'll like some answers to. He said to her while looking her in the eyes, she nodded as she felt herself falling into his green eyes.

He turned her around and led her back to her room and laid her under the blanket and got under it beside her, carefully stroking her skin while she relaxed, which made her moan out at the pleasure the feeling of his ghostly touch sent through her as well as the feelings his presence gave her.

'What is this feeling in my heart, it's unlike anything I ever felt before' she thought to herself as she lay there enjoying the touch of the ghost beside her, she looked into his eyes again and felt herself fall into them 'I'm falling in love with a ghost.' That thought hit her as she looked into his lovely green eyes, she sat up in the bed and burst into tears, crying from the deeps of her heart.

The ghost sat up as well in shock as he saw tears running down from her eyes and felt the deep sorrow in her heart. What is wrong, did I do something to make that made you cry, I'm sorry that I scared you earlier... She placed her right paw over his ghostly mouth.

"It's not that, it's just that I have looked for so long for a mate, that I could love and who would love me for who I am and not just for my body" the ghost just looked at her with his green eyes, waiting for her to say what was on her heart "I've met many male both foxes and others but I couldn't love any of them... and now I'm falling in love with a ghost." She buried her face in her paw and cried from her heart.

She had found her soul mate, and he was dead while she was alive, she had searched for so long in the world for him and when she found him, he was out of her reach.

She felt his gentle paws around her as he pulled her closer to him Shhh don't cry, I know what is in your heart... as it is in mine as well he said to her as he smoothed her holding her to his ghostly should where she sobbed as he held her I love you my lovely vixen, I loved you from the moment my eyes fall on you down in the lobby, when you entered the hall and looked around you. He held her in his ghostly arms as he spoke to her.

I watched you as you answer the questions on the papers and I follow you and Ferina through the castle to your room. She raised her head to look him into his green eyes.

"Ferina... what do you know about her, do she know about you?" Cecilia asked the ghost that held her in his arms.

Yeah, I know a lot about Ferina and yes she knows about me and the others. He told her as he looked into her eyes.

"The others? There more ghosts her?" she asked him with wide eyes looking wildly around the room.

The ghost laughed at her and kissed her forehead lovely. Yes, there's many of us her and about Ferina, it's not my place to tell her story but I can tell you that she came her about 4 years ago, lost and scared, she wander into the castle, much like you did, she was tired and scared, she had no family left and she had nowhere to stay, but after spending one night here she decided to stay. He said to her and smiled at her before kissing her forehead again.

She looked at him. "So she came her about 4 years ago, how old was she when she came here?" she asked the ghost holding her while looking into his eyes.

She was 17 years old at that time, which means that she is 21 now. He said to her while rocking her back and forth softly.

"21... I didn't think she was more than around 18 years" she said as she laid her head on his shoulder, "what is your name?" she asked after a few minutes in silences.

The ghost laughed a little. Sorry I had completely forgotten to tell you my name He raised her head so he could look her in the eyes my name is Daron, Cecilia. He then lowered his head and kissed her on the mouth.

She melted into his kiss enjoying the pleasure of his ghostly lips against her warm lips, after a few moments he pulled his head back so she could catch her breath after the passionate kiss. "I love you, my lovely fox, I just wish there was a way for us to be together and have children all of our own." She said as she buried her head in his shoulder crying again for the live she'll never get.

He carefully caressed her back with his paws while comforting her in her sadness. Shhh, my love, there may be a way for it, if you want it enough. She raised her head from his shoulder looking him in the eyes.

"Is there a way for us to live together and have a family?" she asked his with hope in her eyes.

Seeing the glow of hope in her eyes he knew that she'll do anything if it could bring them together in live. Yes, there is a way, do you know why this hotel is called Reviving hotel? He asked her while holding her closer to his chest.

She looked at him confused. "No, I don't know why this hotel is called Reviving hotel, who knows where hotels get their names from." She told him looking into his eyes waiting for him to explain.

Here in this area, the border of the spirit world and the living world is so close to each other that that they are almost one and in this castle they are particularly close to each other, which mean that a spirit and a living person can become one. He looked her deeply into her eyes before he continued.

I can give you my essence and through you I can be reborn, but he lifted his left paw normally I would forget my former live, and after live, and be reborn as a new person. He saw that she was almost in tears again from hearing that he wouldn't know who he was that he'll be someone new.

He carefully stroke her eyes and cheek But there is another way that will rebirth me as who I am, but as I'm born I'll begin to grow fast for awhile and then will be able to be together as mother and son as while as mates, can you do it, can and will you conceive me and carry me and give birth to me? He asked her as he hold her in his arms while she thought about it.

"If I do it, we'll be able to be mate? She asked him as she clung to him.

Yes, but if we take the second way, then I'll have to take some of your life force and It'll leave you weak and vulnerable for a couple of days. She looked at him.

"If that means that you and I can become mates then I'll get through it one way or another," she placed her paw on his cheek "and I'm sure as soon as you have grown enough, then I'll be all over you from dawn to dust and further into the night to be sure that you impregnates me with our first child." She then kissed him passionate showing him the love she had for him and that she was ready to do what was needed for them to be together.

She then lay down on the bed. "So how are we going to do this?" She asked him, he just gave a chuckle and lay down beside her.

I'm going to do what all males who want to impregnate a female do and then I'm going to take some of your life force and well you'll see my love, I'm sure you going to love it.

He then kissed her again and begun to caress her body with his paws feeling every inch of her body, making her moan in pleasure at the feel of his paws. "Mmmm that feels good" she moan to him as his left paw caressed the outer lips of her pussy slowly pushing into her, making her moan even more "Ohhh your paw feels good." She said to him as he gently pushed in and out of her cunt.

She then felt something poke at her right side, she looked down and saw his hardening cock she carefully moved her right paw down to it and begun to stroke it softly making him groan in pleasure, at the feel of her soft paw on his hard cock.

He then leaned over her and kissed her. Are you ready my love? He asked her looking into her brown eyes, while his paw continued to push in and out of her pussy.

She looked at him and smiled. "Yes my love, I'm ready let's begin." She turned around, got on her paws and knees and lifted her ass and cunt into the air, her pink and swollen cunt lips, showing just how aroused she was by him.

He got behind her and let his paws run along the curves of her slender body, down to her thighs and over her ass cheeks and down her legs. You are so beautiful my lovely vixen she then felt the tip of his cock at her vaginal opening are you ready. He asked her one last time.

"Yes" she cried to him "Fill me with that big cock, put it into my needy vixen pussy and make me yours and fill me with your essence." She said as she tried to push back to get his cock into her cunt.

Daron just smiled at her, while she tried to push his cock into her. Then I'll give you what you want and make you mine for now and when I've grown enough, then I'm going to make you mine again. He then thrust his cock into her breaking her hymen as he pushed his 9 inch cock into her in one thrust.

She screamed as her hymen was broken but the feeling of his thick cock in her made her feel so full and after a few minutes the pain has dulled to an ache that was almost pleasant. "Begin my love, breed me as the bitch I am." She said to him, he nodded to her and begun to pull out of her before thrusting into her again when he was almost out, she moan at the pleasure of his cock going in and out of her pussy loving the feel it gave her.

After a few minutes he began to increase the speed and the strength of his thrusts as he pounded into her over and over, making her moan even more. "Ohhh, you're making me cum, that's it baby give it to me ohhh, I'm cumming." She moaned out as her pussy constricted around the cock in it, as her pussy juice flowed out of her and onto his thigh and his swelling knot.

As her orgasm washed over her she felt his growing knot at the entrance to her pussy pushing at the opening, trying to get inside her with each thrust of his hips making her moan even more.

"That's it Daron give me your knot, and tie us together while you're filling me with your essence." She said back to him as she looked over her shoulder, watching him pound her pussy harder and harder, tying to get his growing knot in.

"Ohhh, yes" she moan as another orgasm coursed through her body, just then she felt him force his knot into her and she felt his teeth bite into her neck to keep her in place, and to drain her of some of her life force "Mmmm, yes that's it Ohhh, you're so big, Mmmm it feels so good." She moaned to him as she felt him release inside her, as well as feeling her life force being drained from her through her neck.

After 10 minutes she felt the stream of his spirit essence stop and she also felt him raise his head from her neck and heard him lick his lips for her blood, before he gently licked her neck where he had bitten her, licking the rest of the blood away, as well as licking it clean for her and stopping the small stream of blood flowing from the bite wound.

The first phase is over, how are you feeling? He asked her with a deep concern in his voice that already sounded more like a speaking than a whispering.

She turned her head to look at her lover, smiling at him. "A bit tired but that I have been for a long time," she looked him in the eyes smiling to him, and said with love in her voice "let's get phase two done so I can get some sleep" and then she yawned, then he pulled out of her and she turned around so she could lay on her back and lifted her left paw to his face caressing it softly "get it done so we can be together my love." Then her paw fall down beside her, powerless.

Daron looked at her concerned, but she was right he should get phase two done, he leaned over her again kissing her, and if she have had the power to open her eyes, she would have seen that he was not as transparent as before and that his body seemed more alive than before.

He slowly got between her legs. "Well I'm ready, I just hope that if she is still conscious, that she don't get scared by what I'm about to do." He then carefully placed his paws at her cunt lip and parting them, slowly pushing his paws into her, slowly his arms went into her vaginal tunnel and the he pushed his muzzle towards her pussy lips.

Just then Cecilia awoke from her unconsciousness and looked down at her lover, that seemed far more living than before, trying to get into her vagina. "What are you doing?" She asked him curious as the pleasure washed over her.

He raised his muzzle from her cunt lips. "This is that last phase I have to get into your womb while you life force ties me to the living world and you, ounce I'm inside and your life force disappear, my mind will merge with my essence inside you creating a child so I can be reborn as I am now, so we can live our live together." He told her looking her in the eyes.

She smiled at him. "Then continue my love, it's not like it's unpleasant." She then opened her leg more giving him better access to her pussy.

He then pushed his muzzle against her cunt lips again, getting his head into her tunnel, then pushing more of himself into her, slowly more and more of him slide into her, until he reached her womb with his head and push it inside, followed by the rest of his body, and after about an hour and a half he was curled up in her womb, in the process of getting him in Cecilia had countless orgasms that left her quite weak.

She then looked at her bloating stomach gently caressing her dome, feeling her lover inside, as the life force he took from her slowly dispelled from him. "Mmmm, it feels good having you in there." She moaned to him through the skin on her stomach.

He softly pushed at the fleshly walls of her womb. "And it's quit comfy in here as well" he said to her before licking at her walls, making her giggle.

"Stop that, it tickles." She laughs as she runs her paws over her very pregnant belly.

"How about we both try to get some sleep and just let's thing happen as they should, I for one can't keep my eyes open much longer." She said to him before she yawns again.

"Then go to sleep my love, I'll be still, dream sweet dreams, my love." Then Cecilia closed her eyes and fall asleep as the first rays of the sun shined through the windows and over big stomach.

Ferina walks through the corridors of the castle, a little worried that the late guest hadn't shown up yet and it was 3:35 in the afternoon, as she carefully opens the door to her room and walks in, she sees Cecilia laying on her back with her legs spread out and a still lager belly.

Ferina smiled to herself knowing full well, the two ways of rebirth here, she carefully walked over to the vixen, knowing that she wouldn't wake for a few days at least, she caressed her big belly softly and leaned down so she could kiss the vixen on her forehead.

"Sleep well my friend, once you wake up, I'll have food ready for you, and I don't think you'll be leaving anytime soon." She then pulled out another blanket and draped it over the sleeping woman before she walkout locking the door behind her.

As she walked away she said to the thin air. "Will you two keep watch here for me, and tell me when she wakes up." Behind her, in front of the door, two transparent ghosts stood reviling themselves and bowed for her before disappearing from sight again waiting as only the dead can.

Hey, her is another story that I hope people liked, I'll try to get another story that's running around in my head into a file soon so I can post it but I'll probably be a week before I can really get to work on it, hope you enjoyed ^-^ see ya.
