Vincent: The Legendary Werewolf Shepherd

Story by spring87 on SoFurry

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"Come on sheppie, you can do this last mile" The red and silver husky said to Vincent, a German Shepherd. "Alright, I can do this Spring" Vincent panted loudly. Ever since the two furs met in the gym, the two of them have been running around Seattle. "Fuck that damn husky, how the hell does he have that much energy?" Vincent thought as he followed him. After a few miles, Spring led Vincent to a coffee shop to replenish their energy. the husky ordered a black coffee, Vincent asked for a cinnamon tea. The two furs sat at a window seat and watched the traffic going by on the alway busy Captiol Hill. Spring was an gay husky, Vincent was a closeted gay shepherd. He had seen other furs naked in the locker room and tried not to look, but the temptation was too great, he stole furtive glances whenever he could.

After their drinks, the two furs stretched outside the coffee shop, ready to continue their grueling "jog" as the bouncy husky put it. "Try to keep up this time Vince" Spring shouted over his shoulder looking at the clearly exhaused canine. "Don't worry, I will" came Vincents strained reply. "That little fucker is doing this on purpose" Vincent grumbled to himself. the husky's ears pivoted backwards to try to hear what Vince was saying. "I hope I'm not pushing him too hard" he thought to himself. Eventually they made it back to Vincents house on Mercer Island. "Rest up Vincent, because the next run is to Renton and back" Spring said. "Don't worry, I will be ready" Vincent replied, paws on his knees clearly out of breath and shattered. "Ok, see you soon!"the husky shouted as he ran off. "That. Damn. Little. Fur. Ball" Vincent panted. "Hey come here a minute, I need some help with something" Vincent shOuted at the husky.

Spring returned, "Yeah sure Vincent whats up?"

Vincent fished the keys out of his pocket and opened the door, "You can shower here if you want to" The shepherd said to the husky. "Oh cool! Thank you Vincent" Spring said as he made his way into Vincents house. "Anytime husky, anytime" Vincent said slyly, a plan for revenge was forming in his mind. As soon as the door was closed he grabbed the husky's curly tail making him bark in surprise and murr as Vincent pulled him into a tight embrace and kissed the smaller fur passionatly. Paws roamed around each others tight muscular bodies as they slowly got naked and went into the shower together. Feeling each others fully erect members rub against each other, Spring went down onto all fours and lifter his tail higher "Come and get it sexy" he murred at Vincent. Grabbing the husky by the hips Vincent plunged his foot long shaft into the tight husky's tailhole both murring at the sensation of a nice tight fill. Bucking his hips Vincent started pounding the husky hard and fast spraying precum up Jason's tailhole. Matching his thrusts the subby husky was in pure feral bliss barking adn wuffing gently "Yes Vincent!! Pound me like the little bitch I am" Spring moaned as he felt Vincents knot popping into him. After a few hard thrusts, Vincent slammed his knot into the huskys tailhole with a lewd slurp "OHFUCKYEAH" was all the knotted husky could shout, as Vincent bucked his hips both their furry ball sacks we slapping off eath others loudly.

Spring reached down and started pawing himself off, but felt a paw slap his away "Don't. Even. Think. About. It" Vincent said with every thrust, he felt his sack contract and howled as he flooded the husky with an enormous amount of fertile seed. Some of it dripping past his huge knot onto the bathroom floor. "See? I told you I would get you back husky" Vincent panted as he led them to the waiting shower. Washing each other off gently Vincent's knot delfated enough so he could pull out. Vincent jerked his thick shaft out of the husky's tailhole with a loud pop and murred as his seed was flowing out of Spring's tail. They dried each other off and Vincent walked Spring to the door. "Same time tomorrow?" the husky asked. "Yes, I will call you tomorrow early enough. Take care buddy" Vincent replied as he watched the bouncy husky jog home. "Time for bed" the shepherd said to himself and made his way upstairs to his master bedroom, stripping off he crawled into bed completely naked.

When Vincent woke up it surprised him to see that it was night time, the silvery light from the moon illuminated everything softly, stretching and feeling his six pack abs tighten he dressed lightly pulling on a tight white t-shirt and a pair of good fitting cargo pants. Tonight was the perfect night to have a jog in to forest. Making his way to the front door he grabbed his key and set off into the night, walking gently down the road, sniffing the scent of a recent rain shower and the natural smell of damp earth. Checking that nobody else was about. Vincent jogged on the gently sloping path. Listening to the sounds of his breathing and the rythem of his footfalls he made good time going down the moonlit path. Vincent was not alone in the forest, hiding in the shadows lurked a mythical beast. one who has roamed this planet for 10 million years. Tonight he knew his end was near, the werewolf lifted his powerful head and howled loudly. Jogging gently down the path Vincent heard the violent howl and immediatly stopped, looking around he could see nobody else about, but Valmont could see him perfectly clearly.

Vincent cautiously walked and started to jog again looking around him, another howl stopped him in his track. This time it sounded like it was coming from behind him. Spinning around quickly he felt a massive crushing blow to his chest, recovering quickly he sprinted in the opposite direction. "Very good, I havnt had to chase somone in at least a century" Valmont thought to himself with glee. Vincent held his chest and slowed down, gently stopping for a rest and to see the result of the hit from the unseen fur. Stepping into the moonlit clearing he saw the ripped fabric of the t-shirt across his left pectorial muscle, looking at his paw he noticed it was now covered in blood. Taking the ruined t-shirt off he held it to his chest stemming the bloodflow and matting his fur at the same time. Valmont made his move and sucker punched Vincent on the side of the head, knocking him out instantly.

Vincent lay on the forest floor on a bed of pine needles and oak leaves, slowly gaining consiousness he opened his eyes and felt his head spinning. Groaning he got to his knees and slowly stood up, using a tree for balance. Gingerly touching the side of his head, Vincent could feel a lump starting to form, his pectoral muscle was hurting badly, pain lancing through his body. Brushing the leaves out of his fur he heard a very loud and very close rumbling growl. Vincent spun around and found himself looking at a very muscled, 9 foot tall werewolf, its charcoal fur gently rustling in a slight breeze. Vincent looked into the glowing golden eyes of Valmont. "FUCK!" Vincent roared and tried to run, he only got a few steps before a violent tug of his tail stopped him, yelping in pain. "You're not going anywhere" Valmont rumbled as he grabbed Vincent by his neckfur and threw him down to the ground clawing at his exposed fur and at his cargo pants.

Vincent tried to fend off the attack but didnt succeed. Valmont had ripped the shepherds pants off of him and he stopped, Vincent sensed something bad was going to happen and looked at his attacker with a bloodied eye. The moonlight shone on Valmont's body. Every muscle on his ripped body glowing, his chest and abs heaved as the massive creature breathed in and out. Cords of muscles rippled in his arms and legs, the moonlight also shone on his massive and razor sharp fangs. But what Vincent was most horrified at looking at was Valmont's 20 inch long 5 inch thick fully erect shaft as it glistened in the moonlight. Advancing towards Vincent, Valmont grabbed his head and forced his long thick cock deep into Vincents muzzle making him gag and try to escape.

Valmont looked down at Vincent as his eyes blazed and issued a threat "Listen to me boy, If you bite me, I will kill you very painfully and very slowly. Have you got that!" Vincent wept as he felt Valmont's massive paw close tightly around his throat, "I could snap your neck as easily as a twig" he said loosening his grip. Before Vincent had anytime to recover Valmont bred his muzzle at a furious pace, driving his shaft as deep as he could into the shepherds muzzle. Just as Vincent felt that his jaw was about to break. Valmont withdrew and threw the air starved shepherd to the ground, Vincent rolled over on his paws and knees trying to catch his breath. But Valmont had other ideas, picking Vincent up by his head he punched his thick meat right into Vincents tailhole. "ARRRGHH!!" Vincent yelled in agony as the werewolf slammed into him repeatedly, pounding his thick long shaft deep into Vincent. Howling in sheer terror and hoping that someone will hear his cries for help he could only shout and scream, As Valmont violently raped him. Vincents agony increased when he felt the long daggar like claws of Valmont tear into his fur and drawing blood and felt his tailstar being hammered with a force he never felt before.

Driving himself deeper into the shepherd Valmont, flooded his insided with a giant burst of precum further lubricating the Vincent's abused insides. Feeling the thick jet of pre Vincent passed out causing Valmont to deliver a slap to his muzzle wakening him up, the werewolf grabbed his shoulders and forced himself deeper into Vincents body pounding him hard, his giant bowlingball sized knot was bumping at the entrance of the shepherd ass. Seeing the scared pained look in his eyes, Valmont gently licked Vincents muzzle and tenderly hugged him bringing him closer towards him. Shocked at the sudden tender display, Vincent wrapped his arms around the werewolf and buried his muzzle into his shoulder weeping softly. "Don not worry little one, soon it will all be over" Valmont said tenderly into Vincent's ears. Misunderstanding what the werewolf meant, the abused shepherd whined, thinking that he was about to be killed afterwards. Before anything could happen Valmont bucked his hips hard and slammed Vincent hard onto his giant knot. Screaming in absolute agony he was on the verge of blacking out again when he felt the extremly large werewolf cock buried in him twitch, Valmont came like a waterfall inside the shepherd, his large volume of cum was spilling onto the forest floor and glowed brightly both from the moonlight and from within. Valmont the werewolf was nearing his end. The last of his kind. After 10 million years of walking the earth he was finally ready to join his kind.

As Valmonts flood of fertile cum finished he looked at Vincent again and stared into his eyes, Vincent could see that the unearthly glow in the werewolfs eyes was getting brighter. He panicked and tried to get away, but with a massive knot inside him he had nowhere to run to. "It is time" Valmont said as he licked Vincents shoulder. The shepherd whimpered and folded his ears flat against his head and could only watch in horror and scream in pain as the werewolf bit hard into his shoulder. Valmonts large fangs easy pierced Vincents fur as they plunged deeper into his flesh striking bone. Blood was flooding out of the massive wound. Releasing his powerful jaws, Valmont grabbed Vincent and forced him off his shaft, throwing him to the ground. Vincent lay on the blood soaked leaves and felt his life ebbing away, slowly and with great effort he turned and looked at the panting werewolf. "Do not be afraid, I have given you my powers. You will heal rapidly and you will grow stronger." As Valmont was talking to Vincent, he did indeed feel his wounds heal as his body was regenerating at an amazing speed. All the bites and scratches were gone. Standing up he felt more stronger than ever before in his life. Valmont coughed and turned away. "Where are you going?" Vincent asked, surprising himself for being concerned for the werewolf who had raped him. "My life is almost over" Valmont lifted his paw and gestured at the stars "Soon I will be with my brethern. I am the last one of my kind, I have walked this earth for 10 million years and have been waiting for this night for a very long time." Vincent could not help but feel sad as he followed Valmont to a moonlit field. Valmont knew Vincent was behind him but he could not care anymore. Raising his head to the stars he howled mournfully. Vincent watched as the howling werewolf got brighter, illuminated from within. While the werewolf howled he jumped into the sky and he joined his brethern in the stars as his body changed into stardust that illuminated the sky.

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