Until Death do we Part

Story by Tigero on SoFurry

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All charters in this story are my own, they are © by me and me alone.... so don't think of using them with out my permission. Now to make everyone (cops) happy I have to say this: This story is for those over the age of 18 due to its sexual intercourse, violence, and language. So read if you dare, or leave.

Until Death do we Part

In a world that we know, there will be a war. This war will be happening on Earth in the year 2525. This war is a war for the plant and the right to live on it. The war is between the Human race and the anthropomorphic race.

Cerberus LaCount, a male Dalmatian that is determined to end this war, by winning it. He isn't like the others he uses a sword while everyone else uses guns and he is also a skateboarder. So far in this war he has not had a purpose to fight till all his friends family have been either killed or captured by those filthy damned humans. He is now out looking for his love, she has been captured by them and he is really pissed. He jumps the wall at the Practical Obedience Undercharged Notification Domain (POUND).

"Hum...well breaking into this place was easy.... now to find her...Trenity, I'm coming for you" He starts running down to the courtyard as he pulls out his sword. He runs down to the court year and sees two humans then and he laughs, "Only two of you, for me, oh and I see you have guns, HAHAHA." He jumps over them just as they fire and miss then he comes down and slices off both of their heads. Then he turns and starts running and see an entrance and grabs his board and gets ready, he breaks down the door and jumps and gets on his board and starts boarding down the hallway then sees some stairs and jumps and rail grinds the rail down. He jumps when he gets to the end and gets off his board and starts running. He turns a corner and sees a guard so he sneaks up behind him and brings his sword between the guards legs up to his balls and says, if you ever want to have kids you better tell me what I want to know"

"O-oh god...p...please d...d....d...don't hurt me, I will tell you anything" the guard says.

"Good," he barks, "Now I am looking for a for a female black lab morph, she goes by the name Trenity, now where is she?"

"She...well...she's j...just d...down there b...but she's a...about to b...b...be..."

"BE, WHAT?!?!" He yells making the sword go closer to his balls.

"SHE'S ABOUT TO BE PUT TO SLEEP" he yells out.

"WHAT!!!" He pulls the sword up through the guard slicing him in half and starts running as fast as he can. He runs down hallway after hallway until he sees ten guards surrounding her. He runs at them his sword in front oh him and he jumps at them as he yells, "LET HER GO!!!" and he slices off 5 of the guards heads. She grins and breaks the bonds that are holding her paws together as he tosses her a gun and she kicks the closest guard to her in the balls.

"Its about time" Trenity says.

"Sorry," he says as he slices off a guards arm, "I had to find the place and you know how I like to make an entrance."

"Dork" she says and counts the dead guards, "there's nine...were missin...there he is..." She smirks, "He's mine." She raises her gun up and aims as the guard runs then she fires. The guard fly's forward and hits the ground hard a big hole in the center of his head from the bullet. "Stupid, just stupid...that was what you get for raping me," goes to him and shoots him in the balls, "dumb ass."

"Say what?!...What do you mean by he raped you?" Cerberus asks Trenity, "I mean...how...how could he, you're like 3 times stronger then the humans...how"

"Yeah" she answers, "I know I am...but lets see you fight them off if your drugged, come on lets go" He nods and follows her. They start running through each corridor but they seem to be lost now that each corridor is looking the same as the last. "Do you have any clue where we are going?" she asks. "What do you think I am, stupid?" He looks around rather confused then closes his eyes and darts down a corridor and grins when he sees the exit. As they start to get closer to it starts closing then they look at each other and nod and rip off their cloths and start running like normal animals through the door and out into the dessert.

They continue to run across the dessert for what seems like hours till they get to there base, a military base that is in a mountain and deep underground. They get inside both of them panting a little. Trenity looks at Cerberus and smiles and he sees her looking at him and he smiles back, "what is it?" He asks. She smirks and looks down, "well I don't know, I think your friend does." She laughs as he looks down and his dick is out of his sheath a little then he blushes and try's to hide it. "What...it was cold out there." He stammers.

"Yeah...right...and don't be going human on me.... we have no shame therefore stop hiding yourself."

He nods and smiles, "Well, I am tired and I am going to go to bed, night..." He runs as fast as he can to his room and shuts the door then walks in a little, "Oh fur...why cant I just tell her the truth that I love her...Damn..." The door opens and before he can turn around Trenity is on him applying all her strength to make sure he can't move.

"Hey...what are you doing?" He asks. She smirks and lifts a paw to his maw and clamps it shut. The she says, "Don't say a word and no one gets hurt." He hears these words and whimpers a little but nods.

She goes down and licks his chest and moans then she gets up off him just to get right back on only with her knees on his shoulders and her front paws on his legs and she start licking his sheath.

He moans a little and smiles as he moves his head up and licks her pussy. He knows that he can easily over power her but deiced not to and enjoys being dominated by her. She jumps a little as she is lick and moans and starts sucking on his sheath while moving a paw to his balls and rubbing them each gently.

"Oh...damn Trenity... that feels good" he says as his dick slid out of his sheath and goes hard. He start to groan and moves his head up some more and starts pushing his nose and tongue into her clit going deep with his tongue loving the taste of her insides. She continues sucking on him as she feels her orgasm approaching fast so she starts going faster and harder on him wanting him to cum into her maw.

He smells that her orgasm is approaching and also feels his own so he start pumping into her maw and pushes hard into her and cums deep into her throat as she also hits her climax and her juices spill into his maw and over his face.

She moans and gets off him and sits on the bed and smiles at him. "So," She says, "how was that.... and don't say you didn't want it."

He gets up and turns around with an almost possessed look like he is not in his body, like a puppet. He gives her a little devilish grin and jumps at her knocking her onto the bed with a lot of force knocking the wind out of her for a second. She tries to get up and push him off but he pushes a little harder and keeps her down then he gets up and grabs some rope. As he gets up she tries to run to the door but he jumps infront of her and grins again and pushes her back on the bed then ties her arms to the top of the bed then ties up her hind paws making her legs spread eagle then goes down and licks her pussy. She shudders a little and says, "N...no...stop....ohhhh yeah... why.." she tries to brake the bonds but fails as he licks her out. He feels satisfied and moves up and smiles as he drives his dick into her and starts fucking her hard and fast and also starts licking her nipples. She cries out loudly in pain but then starts moaning in pleasure as he start going faster.

He moans and starts sucking on her hard nipples and also squeezing them gently as he humps into her clit not wanting this to end. She cries out in pleasure feeling her orgasm approaching fast she tightens her sex muscles around Cerberus's dick making him lose control and start fucking her as hard and as fast as he can. She yells out and hits her climax at the same time he does filling her insides with warm doggy cum. They, both panting, smile at each other then kiss locking it with each others tongue and just stay like that for a few seconds. He then brakes the kiss and pulls off her and unties her and he sits next to her panting a little.

"That was great Cerberus...I didn't know that you were like that...oh that was great." She says lovingly. He smiles, "I didn't think I could do that either...but you brought that out...oh speaking of which I have something for you." He gets up and goes under his bed and grabs something and pulls it out then he gets to one knee and looks at her. She looks back eyes locked on the little box he's holding and looks rather shocked as he says, "Trenity, I have loved you for the longest time, and well I was wondering *gulp* I...I...Was...wo..wondering...that..well..if...you ..wanted...to um...marry me?"

She gasps and faints falling backwards onto the bed. He jumps up and grabs her and tries to wake her up. She wakes up after a few minuets then looks at him and nods, "Yes, I will." "R...really...YES." He grabs her and hugs her tight, "I'll be back I am going to go get some champaign then I will come right back"

She smiles and nods, "ok hurry" He nods and gets up and out the door then he walks down to the bar in the mess hall and sits down on a chair looking very happy. The bartender comes up to him and says, "Oh hello cutie, how are you?" Cerberus rolls his eyes then says, "come on Tigero, how many times have do I have to tell you I am not gay...and anyway I am getting married so I wish that you wouldn't do that."

"What?...no, thats not fair, I have loved you for ever and this is what I get...oyi...why do the cute ones have to be straight?" Tigero says. He looks down but wants to be happy for Cerberus so he says, "Well, at least you have someone now, and I am happy if you are."

"Thanks, and just to let you know, I like you...just not in that way."

"I know cutie...its just, come closer I need to tell you something." Cerberus leans in closer and Tigero grabs him and pulls him into a deep kiss. Cerberus moans into the kiss and kiss back not really thinking but then realizes what is happening and pulls away quickly, "HEY...I told you that I'm not..."

Tigero laughs, "Sure you did...but your lips didn't agree with you."

"Why you...I...gods, come on, I am getting married, so I am here to get a bottle of the best champaign ok?"

Tigero nods and goes and gets it then returns but doesn't look happy but is crying and trying to hide it. "Here..here ya go *sniff*" He puts the bottle down and walks away and goes into the back room where he sits down and starts crying.

Cerberus now feels terrible but convince himself that its for the best then he grabs the bottle and starts walking back to his room. Oh his way back he stops and goes into the bathroom not being able to hold it in anymore. He gets done and then yawns then leaves and gets back to his room.

He gets there and walks in, "Trenity, I'm bac...bac...bac" he drops the bottle and it shatters but he doesn't notice it as he is looking at the one he loves, dead. Trenity is on the bed, bruised, and bloody, her throat slit and his sword through her chest. He stammers over and falls to his knees and starts crying as he pulls the sword out and picks her up and starts to cuddle her dead body in his arms blood still seeping out of her. As he is holding her the anthro guards barge into the room and hold there guns up, "Stay...don't move, your under arrest for the murder of Trenity." Cerberus Gets up and puts her down on the bed then turns to the guards, "Why would I do this to the one I love..." "WE SAID STAY...NOW GET ON THE GROUND PAWS OVER YOUR HEAD"

He jumps and doesn't think but just runs, runs right through them and down the corridor. They start chasseing him as one of the guards says on the speakers, "EVERYONE we have a murder in the base, Cerberus LaCount has murdered Trenity Dark, if you see him beware he is pawed and dangerous." He continues running as the guards start shooting at him and yelling for him to stop. He is only thinking of Trenity laying there dead too mad to stop yet too scared to keep going as he turns a corner he sees more guards running at him for the end of the corridor and looks back at the other and looks infront of him and sees a garbage shaft and dives into it and slides down and out of the mountain then as the shaft ends he flies out into the air then starts falling down to the ocean serval stories down. "SSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIITTTTTTT" Splash, he hits the water. The guards went out and saw him go down, "no one could have survived that...damn..well..now..how could he have murdered her...its so cruel...our best soldier went over to the human side...makes me sick..come on...were done here."

I hope you enjoyed this story, but this is only the first chapter, so there are more to come. If you enjoyed this story or have any suggestions please E-mail me at [email protected] And yes I am Tigero . . . and yes the same as in the story . . . Peace everyone.